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Alt 11 Ağustos 2023, 13:07   #1
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Bazı tcl içerisinde
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#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 1999 Jochen Loewer (
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) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # $Id$ # # # The higher level functions of tDOM written in plain Tcl. # # # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License # Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in # compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at #
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Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" # basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing rights and limitations # under the License. # # The Original Code is tDOM. # # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Jochen Loewer # Portions created by Jochen Loewer are Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 # Jochen Loewer. All Rights Reserved. # # Contributor(s): # Rolf Ade (rolf@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] 'fake' nodelists/live childNodes # # written by Jochen Loewer # April, 1999 # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- package require tdom #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # setup namespaces for additional Tcl level methods, etc. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::dom { namespace eval domDoc { } namespace eval domNode { } namespace eval DOMImplementation { } namespace eval xpathFunc { } namespace eval xpathFuncHelper { } } namespace eval ::tDOM { variable extRefHandlerDebug 0 variable useForeignDTD "" namespace export xmlOpenFile xmlReadFile extRefHandler baseURL } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # hasFeature (DOMImplementation method) # # # @in url the URL, where to get the XML document # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] document object # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] XML parse errors, ... # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::DOMImplementation::hasFeature { dom feature {version ""} } { switch $feature { xml - XML { if {($version == "") || ($version == "1.0")} { return 1 } } } return 0 } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load (DOMImplementation method) # # requests a XML document via http using the given URL and # builds up a DOM tree in memory returning the document object # # # @in url the URL, where to get the XML document # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] document object # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] XML parse errors, ... # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::DOMImplementation::load { dom url } { error "Sorry, load method not implemented yet!" } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # isa (docDoc method, for [incr tcl] compatibility) # # # @in className # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] 1 iff inherits from the given class # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domDoc::isa { doc className } { if {$className == "domDoc"} { return 1 } return 0 } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # info (domDoc method, for [incr tcl] compatibility) # # # @in subcommand # @in args # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domDoc::info { doc subcommand args } { switch $subcommand { class { return "domDoc" } inherit { return "" } heritage { return "domDoc {}" } default { error "domDoc::info subcommand $subcommand not yet implemented!" } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # importNode (domDoc method) # # Document Object Model (Core) Level 2 method # # # @in subcommand # @in args # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domDoc::importNode { doc importedNode deep } { if {$deep || ($deep == "-deep")} { set node [$importedNode cloneNode -deep] } else { set node [$importedNode cloneNode] } return $node } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # isa (domNode method, for [incr tcl] compatibility) # # # @in className # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] 1 iff inherits from the given class # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::isa { doc className } { if {$className == "domNode"} { return 1 } return 0 } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # info (domNode method, for [incr tcl] compatibility) # # # @in subcommand # @in args # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::info { doc subcommand args } { switch $subcommand { class { return "domNode" } inherit { return "" } heritage { return "domNode {}" } default { error "domNode::info subcommand $subcommand not yet implemented!" } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # isWithin (domNode method) # # tests, whether a node object is nested below another tag # # # @in tagName the nodeName of an elment node # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] 1 iff node is nested below a element with nodeName tagName # 0 otherwise # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::isWithin { node tagName } { while {[$node parentNode] != ""} { set node [$node parentNode] if {[$node nodeName] == $tagName} { return 1 } } return 0 } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # tagName (domNode method) # # same a nodeName for element interface # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::tagName { node } { if {[$node nodeType] == "ELEMENT_NODE"} { return [$node nodeName] } return -code error "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR not an element!" } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # simpleTranslate (domNode method) # # applies simple translation rules similar to Cost's simple # translations to a node # # # @in output_var # @in trans_specs # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::simpleTranslate { node output_var trans_specs } { upvar $output_var output if {[$node nodeType] == "TEXT_NODE"} { append output [cgiQuote [$node nodeValue]] return } set found 0 foreach {match action} $trans_specs { if {[catch { if {!$found && ([$node selectNode self::$match] != "") } { set found 1 } } err]} { if {![string match "NodeSet expected for parent axis!" $err]} { error $err } } if {$found && ($action != "-")} { set stop 0 foreach {type value} $action { switch $type { prefix { append output [subst $value] } tag { append output <$value> } start { append output [eval $value] } stop { set stop 1 } } } if {!$stop} { foreach child [$node childNodes] { simpleTranslate $child output $trans_specs } } foreach {type value} $action { switch $type { suffix { append output [subst $value] } end { append output [eval $value] } tag { append output </$value> } } } return } } foreach child [$node childNodes] { simpleTranslate $child output $trans_specs } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # a DOM conformant 'live' childNodes # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] a 'nodelist' object (it is just the normal node) # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::childNodesLive { node } { return $node } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # item method on a 'nodelist' object # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] a 'nodelist' object (it is just a normal # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::item { nodeListNode index } { return [lindex [$nodeListNode childNodes] $index] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # length method on a 'nodelist' object # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] a 'nodelist' object (it is just a normal # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::length { nodeListNode } { return [llength [$nodeListNode childNodes]] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # appendData on a 'CharacterData' object # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::appendData { node arg } { set type [$node nodeType] if {($type != "TEXT_NODE") && ($type != "CDATA_SECTION_NODE") && ($type != "COMMENT_NODE") } { return -code error "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: node is not a cdata node" } set oldValue [$node nodeValue] $node nodeValue [append oldValue $arg] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # deleteData on a 'CharacterData' object # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::deleteData { node offset count } { set type [$node nodeType] if {($type != "TEXT_NODE") && ($type != "CDATA_SECTION_NODE") && ($type != "COMMENT_NODE") } { return -code error "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: node is not a cdata node" } incr offset -1 set before [string range [$node nodeValue] 0 $offset] incr offset incr offset $count set after [string range [$node nodeValue] $offset end] $node nodeValue [append before $after] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # insertData on a 'CharacterData' object # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::insertData { node offset arg } { set type [$node nodeType] if {($type != "TEXT_NODE") && ($type != "CDATA_SECTION_NODE") && ($type != "COMMENT_NODE") } { return -code error "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: node is not a cdata node" } incr offset -1 set before [string range [$node nodeValue] 0 $offset] incr offset set after [string range [$node nodeValue] $offset end] $node nodeValue [append before $arg $after] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # replaceData on a 'CharacterData' object # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::replaceData { node offset count arg } { set type [$node nodeType] if {($type != "TEXT_NODE") && ($type != "CDATA_SECTION_NODE") && ($type != "COMMENT_NODE") } { return -code error "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: node is not a cdata node" } incr offset -1 set before [string range [$node nodeValue] 0 $offset] incr offset incr offset $count set after [string range [$node nodeValue] $offset end] $node nodeValue [append before $arg $after] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # substringData on a 'CharacterData' object # # @[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] part of the node value (text) # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::domNode::substringData { node offset count } { set type [$node nodeType] if {($type != "TEXT_NODE") && ($type != "CDATA_SECTION_NODE") && ($type != "COMMENT_NODE") } { return -code error "NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: node is not a cdata node" } set endOffset [expr $offset + $count - 1] return [string range [$node nodeValue] $offset $endOffset] } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # coerce2number # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::xpathFuncHelper::coerce2number { type value } { switch $type { empty { return 0 } number - string { return $value } attrvalues { return [lindex $value 0] } nodes { return [[lindex $value 0] selectNodes number()] } attrnodes { return [lindex $value 1] } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # coerce2string # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::xpathFuncHelper::coerce2string { type value } { switch $type { empty { return "" } number - string { return $value } attrvalues { return [lindex $value 0] } nodes { return [[lindex $value 0] selectNodes string()] } attrnodes { return [lindex $value 1] } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function-available # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::xpathFunc::function-available { ctxNode pos nodeListType nodeList args} { if {[llength $args] != 2} { error "function-available(): wrong # of args!" } foreach { arg1Typ arg1Value } $args break set str [::dom::xpathFuncHelper::coerce2string $arg1Typ $arg1Value ] switch $str { boolean - ceiling - concat - contains - count - current - document - element-available - false - floor - format-number - generate-id - id - key - last - lang - local-name - name - namespace-uri - normalize-space - not - number - position - round - starts-with - string - string-length - substring - substring-after - substring-before - sum - translate - true - unparsed-entity-uri { return [list bool true] } default { set TclXpathFuncs [info procs ::dom::xpathFunc::*] if {[lsearch -exact $TclXpathFuncs $str] != -1} { return [list bool true] } else { return [list bool false] } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # element-available # # This is not strictly correct. The XSLT namespace may be bound # to another prefix (and the prefix 'xsl' may be bound to another # namespace). Since the expression context isn't available at the # moment at tcl coded XPath functions, this couldn't be done better # than this "works in the 'normal' cases" version. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::xpathFunc::element-available { ctxNode pos nodeListType nodeList args} { if {[llength $args] != 2} { error "element-available(): wrong # of args!" } foreach { arg1Typ arg1Value } $args break set str [::dom::xpathFuncHelper::coerce2string $arg1Typ $arg1Value ] # The XSLT recommendation says: "The element-available # function returns true if and only if the expanded-name # is the name of an instruction." The following xsl # elements are not in the category instruction. # xsl:attribute-set # xsl:decimal-format # xsl:include # xsl:key # xsl:namespace-alias # xsl:output # xsl:param # xsl:strip-space # xsl:preserve-space # xsl:template # xsl:import # xsl:otherwise # xsl:sort # xsl:stylesheet # xsl:transform # xsl:with-param # xsl:when switch $str { xsl:apply-templates - xsl:apply-imports - xsl:call-template - xsl:element - xsl:attribute - xsl:text - xsl:processing-instruction - xsl:comment - xsl:copy - xsl:value-of - xsl:number - xsl:for-each - xsl:if - xsl:choose - xsl:variable - xsl:copy-of - xsl:message - xsl:fallback { return [list bool true] } default { return [list bool false] } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # system-property # # This is not strictly correct. The XSLT namespace may be bound # to another prefix (and the prefix 'xsl' may be bound to another # namespace). Since the expression context isn't available at the # moment at tcl coded XPath functions, this couldn't be done better # than this "works in the 'normal' cases" version. #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dom::xpathFunc::system-property { ctxNode pos nodeListType nodeList args } { if {[llength $args] != 2} { error "system-property(): wrong # of args!" } foreach { arg1Typ arg1Value } $args break set str [::dom::xpathFuncHelper::coerce2string $arg1Typ $arg1Value ] switch $str { xsl:version { return [list number 1.0] } xsl:vendor { return [list string "Jochen Loewer (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
), Rolf Ade (rolf@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] et. al."] } xsl:vendor-url { return [list string "
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default { return [list string ""] } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # IANAEncoding2TclEncoding # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # As of version 8.3.4 tcl supports # cp860 cp861 cp862 cp863 tis-620 cp864 cp865 cp866 gb12345 cp949 # cp950 cp869 dingbats ksc5601 macCentEuro cp874 macUkraine jis0201 # gb2312 euc-cn euc-jp iso8859-10 macThai jis0208 iso2022-jp # macIceland iso2022 iso8859-13 iso8859-14 jis0212 iso8859-15 cp737 # iso8859-16 big5 euc-kr macRomania macTurkish gb1988 iso2022-kr # macGreek ascii cp437 macRoman iso8859-1 iso8859-2 iso8859-3 ebcdic # macCroatian koi8-r iso8859-4 iso8859-5 cp1250 macCyrillic iso8859-6 # cp1251 koi8-u macDingbats iso8859-7 cp1252 iso8859-8 cp1253 # iso8859-9 cp1254 cp1255 cp850 cp1256 cp932 identity cp1257 cp852 # macJapan cp1258 shiftjis utf-8 cp855 cp936 symbol cp775 unicode # cp857 # # Just add more mappings (and mail them to the tDOM mailing list, please). proc tDOM::IANAEncoding2TclEncoding {IANAName} { # First the most widespread encodings with there # preferred MIME name, to speed lookup in this # usual cases. Later the official names and the # aliases. # # For "official names for character sets that may be # used in the Internet" see # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # (that's the source for the encoding names below) # # Matching is case-insensitive switch [string tolower $IANAName] { "us-ascii" {return ascii} "utf-8" {return utf-8} "utf-16" {return unicode; # not sure about this} "iso-8859-1" {return iso8859-1} "iso-8859-2" {return iso8859-2} "iso-8859-3" {return iso8859-3} "iso-8859-4" {return iso8859-4} "iso-8859-5" {return iso8859-5} "iso-8859-6" {return iso8859-6} "iso-8859-7" {return iso8859-7} "iso-8859-8" {return iso8859-8} "iso-8859-9" {return iso8859-9} "iso-8859-10" {return iso8859-10} "iso-8859-13" {return iso8859-13} "iso-8859-14" {return iso8859-14} "iso-8859-15" {return iso8859-15} "iso-8859-16" {return iso8859-16} "iso-2022-kr" {return iso2022-kr} "euc-kr" {return euc-kr} "iso-2022-jp" {return iso2022-jp} "koi8-r" {return koi8-r} "shift_jis" {return shiftjis} "euc-jp" {return euc-jp} "gb2312" {return gb2312} "big5" {return big5} "cp866" {return cp866} "cp1250" {return cp1250} "cp1253" {return cp1253} "cp1254" {return cp1254} "cp1255" {return cp1255} "cp1256" {return cp1256} "cp1257" {return cp1257} "windows-1251" - "cp1251" {return cp1251} "windows-1252" - "cp1252" {return cp1252} "iso_8859-1:1987" - "iso-ir-100" - "iso_8859-1" - "latin1" - "l1" - "ibm819" - "cp819" - "csisolatin1" {return iso8859-1} "iso_8859-2:1987" - "iso-ir-101" - "iso_8859-2" - "iso-8859-2" - "latin2" - "l2" - "csisolatin2" {return iso8859-2} "iso_8859-5:1988" - "iso-ir-144" - "iso_8859-5" - "iso-8859-5" - "cyrillic" - "csisolatincyrillic" {return iso8859-5} "ms_kanji" - "csshiftjis" {return shiftjis} "csiso2022kr" {return iso2022-kr} "ibm866" - "csibm866" {return cp866} default { # There are much more encoding names out there # It's only laziness, that let me stop here. error "Unrecognized encoding name '$IANAName'" } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # xmlOpenFile # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tDOM::xmlOpenFile {filename {encodingString {}}} { set fd [open $filename] if {$encodingString != {}} { upvar $encodingString encString } # The autodetection of the encoding follows # XML Recomendation, Appendix F fconfigure $fd -encoding binary if {![binary scan [read $fd 4] "H8" firstBytes]} { # very short (< 4 Bytes) file seek $fd 0 start set encString UTF-8 return $fd } # First check for BOM switch [string range $firstBytes 0 3] { "feff" - "fffe" { # feff: UTF-16, big-endian BOM # ffef: UTF-16, little-endian BOM seek $fd 0 start set encString UTF-16 fconfigure $fd -encoding identity return $fd } } # If the entity has a XML Declaration, the first four characters # must be "<?xm". switch $firstBytes { "3c3f786d" { # UTF-8, ISO 646, ASCII, some part of ISO 8859, Shift-JIS, # EUC, or any other 7-bit, 8-bit, or mixed-width encoding which # ensures that the characters of ASCII have their normal positions, # width and values; the actual encoding declaration must be read to # detect which of these applies, but since all of these encodings # use the same bit patterns for the ASCII characters, the encoding # declaration itself be read reliably. # First 300 bytes should be enough for a XML Declaration # This is of course not 100 percent bullet-proof. set head [read $fd 296] # Try to find the end of the XML Declaration set closeIndex [string first ">" $head] if {$closeIndex == -1} { error "Weird XML data or not XML data at all" } seek $fd 0 start set xmlDeclaration [read $fd [expr {$closeIndex + 5}]] # extract the encoding information set pattern {^[^>]+encoding=[\x20\x9\xd\xa]*["']([^ "']+)['"]} # emacs: " if {![regexp $pattern $head - encStr]} { # Probably something like <?xml version="1.0"?>. # Without encoding declaration this must be UTF-8 set encoding utf-8 set encString UTF-8 } else { set encoding [IANAEncoding2TclEncoding $encStr] set encString $encStr } } "0000003c" - "0000003c" - "3c000000" - "00003c00" { # UCS-4 error "UCS-4 not supported" } "003c003f" - "3c003f00" { # UTF-16, big-endian, no BOM # UTF-16, little-endian, no BOM seek $fd 0 start set encoding identity set encString UTF-16 } "4c6fa794" { # EBCDIC in some flavor error "EBCDIC not supported" } default { # UTF-8 without an encoding declaration seek $fd 0 start set encoding identity set encString "UTF-8" } } fconfigure $fd -encoding $encoding return $fd } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # xmlReadFile # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tDOM::xmlReadFile {filename {encodingString {}}} { if {$encodingString != {}} { upvar $encodingString encString } set fd [xmlOpenFile $filename encString] set data [read $fd [file size $filename]] close $fd return $data } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # extRefHandler # # A very simple external entity resolver, included for convenience. # Depends on the tcllib package uri and resolves only file URLs. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- if {![catch {package require uri}]} { proc tDOM::extRefHandler {base systemId publicId} { variable extRefHandlerDebug variable useForeignDTD if {$extRefHandlerDebug} { puts stderr "tDOM::extRefHandler called with:" puts stderr "\tbase: '$base'" puts stderr "\tsystemId: '$systemId'" puts stderr "\tpublicId: '$publicId'" } if {$systemId == ""} { if {$useForeignDTD != ""} { set systemId $useForeignDTD } else { error "::tDOM::useForeignDTD does\ not point to the foreign DTD" } } set absolutURI [uri::resolve $base $systemId] array set uriData [uri::split $absolutURI] switch $uriData(scheme) { file { return [list string $absolutURI [xmlReadFile $uriData(path)]] } default { error "can only handle file URI's" } } } } #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # baseURL # # A simple convenience proc which returns an absolute URL for a given # filename. # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc tDOM::baseURL {path} { switch [file pathtype $path] { "relative" { return "file://[pwd]/$path" } default { return "file://$path" } } } # EOF putlog "tdom.tcl"

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Alt 13 Kasım 2024, 23:45   #2
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