02 Aralık 2018, 19:28 | #1 | |
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0) | qwebirc türkçe nick alıp baglanmaya çalıştıgımızda nicki oto deişiyor _ bunun gibi işaret oluyor türkçe harflerde türkçe nick alması için ne yapmamız gerekli? Konu Eropa tarafından (02 Aralık 2018 Saat 19:30 ) değiştirilmiştir. Sebep: nick | |
03 Aralık 2018, 01:02 | #2 | ||||
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0) | Cevap: qwebirc
qwebirc/ircclient.py dosyasındaki kodları bununla degiş, tekrardan qwebirc başlat. Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
__________________ "Her Günahın Bir İntikam Meleği Olur.." | ||||
03 Aralık 2018, 23:16 | #4 | ||||
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0) | Cevap: qwebirc
BENDEKİ KOD BU import twisted, sys, codecs, traceback from twisted.words.protocols import irc from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol, abstract from twisted.web import resource, server from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.names.client import Resolver import hmac, time, config, random, qwebirc.config_options as config_options from config import HMACTEMPORAL if config.get("CONNECTION_RESOLVER"): CONNECTION_RESOLVER = Resolver(servers=config.get("CONNECTION_RESOLVER") ) else: CONNECTION_RESOLVER = None if hasattr(config, "WEBIRC_MODE") and config.WEBIRC_MODE == "hmac": HMACKEY = hmac.HMAC(key=config.HMACKEY) def hmacfn(*args): h = HMACKEY.copy() h.update("%d %s" % (int(time.time() / HMACTEMPORAL), " ".join(args))) return h.hexdigest() def utf8_iso8859_9(data, table=dict((x, x.decode("iso-8859-9")) for x in map(chr, range(0, 256)))): return (table.get(data.object[data.start]), data.start+1) codecs.register_error("mixed-iso-8859-9", utf8_iso8859_9) def irc_decode(x): try: return x.decode("utf-8", "mixed-iso-8859-9") except UnicodeDecodeError: return x.decode("iso-8859-9", "ignore") class QWebIRCClient(basic.LineReceiver): delimiter = "\n" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__nickname = "(unregistered)" def dataReceived(self, data): basic.LineReceiver.dataReceived(self, data.replace("\r", "")) def lineReceived(self, line): line = irc_decode(irc.lowDequote(line)) try: prefix, command, params = irc.parsemsg(line) self.handleCommand(command, prefix, params) except irc.IRCBadMessage: # emit and ignore traceback.print_exc() return if command == "001": self.__nickname = params[0] if self.__perform is not None: for x in self.__perform: self.write(x) self.__perform = None elif command == "NICK": nick = prefix.split("!", 1)[0] if nick == self.__nickname: self.__nickname = params[0] def handleCommand(self, command, prefix, params): self("c", command, prefix, params) def __call__(self, *args): self.factory.publisher.event(args) def write(self, data): self.transport.write("%s\r\n" % irc.lowQuote(data.encode("iso-8859-9"))) def connectionMade(self): basic.LineReceiver.connectionMade(self) self.lastError = None f = self.factory.ircinit nick, ident, ip, realname, hostname, pass_ = f["nick"], f["ident"], f["ip"], f["realname"], f["hostname"], f.get("password") self.__nickname = nick self.__perform = f.get("perform") if not hasattr(config, "WEBIRC_MODE"): self.write("USER %s bleh bleh %s :%s" % (ident, ip, realname)) elif config.WEBIRC_MODE == "hmac": hmac = hmacfn(ident, ip) self.write("USER %s bleh bleh %s %s :%s" % (ident, ip, hmac, realname)) elif config.WEBIRC_MODE == "webirc": self.write("WEBIRC %s qwebirc %s %s" % (config.WEBIRC_PASSWORD, hostname, ip)) self.write("USER %s bleh %s :%s" % (ident, ip, realname)) elif config.WEBIRC_MODE == "cgiirc": self.write("PASS %s_%s_%s" % (config.CGIIRC_STRING, ip, hostname)) self.write("USER %s bleh %s :%s" % (ident, ip, realname)) elif config.WEBIRC_MODE == config_options.WEBIRC_REALNAME or config.WEBIRC_MODE is None: # last bit is legacy if ip == hostname: dispip = ip else: dispip = "%s/%s" % (hostname, ip) self.write("USER %s bleh bleh :%s - %s" % (ident, dispip, realname)) if pass_ is not None: self.write("PASS :%s" % pass_) self.write("NICK %s" % nick) self.factory.client = self self("connect") def __str__(self): return "<QWebIRCClient: %s!%s@%s>" % (self.__nickname, self.factory.ircinit["ident"], self.factory.ircinit["ip"]) def connectionLost(self, reason): if self.lastError: self.disconnect("Connection to IRC server lost: %s" % self.lastError) else: self.disconnect("Connection to IRC server lost.") self.factory.client = None basic.LineReceiver.connectionLost(self, reason) def error(self, message): self.lastError = message self.write("QUIT :qwebirc exception: %s" % message) self.transport.loseConnection() def disconnect(self, reason): self("disconnect", reason) self.factory.publisher.disconnect() class QWebIRCFactory(protocol.ClientFactory): protocol = QWebIRCClient def __init__(self, publisher, **kwargs): self.client = None self.publisher = publisher self.ircinit = kwargs def write(self, data): self.client.write(data) def error(self, reason): self.client.error(reason) def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason): protocol.ClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed(self , connector, reason) self.publisher.event(["disconnect", "Connection to IRC server failed."]) self.publisher.disconnect() def createIRC(*args, **kwargs): f = QWebIRCFactory(*args, **kwargs) tcpkwargs = {} if hasattr(config, "OUTGOING_IP"): tcpkwargs["bindAddress"] = (config.OUTGOING_IP, 0) if CONNECTION_RESOLVER is None: reactor.connectTCP(config.IRCSERVER, config.IRCPORT, f, **tcpkwargs) return f def callback(result): name, port = random.choice(sorted((str(x.payload.target), x.payload.port) for x in result[0])) reactor.connectTCP(name, port, f, **tcpkwargs) def errback(err): f.clientConnectionFailed(None, err) # None?! d = CONNECTION_RESOLVER.lookupService(config.IRCSERVER , (1, 3, 11)) d.addCallbacks(callback, errback) return f if __name__ == "__main__": e = createIRC(lambda x: 2, nick="slug__moo", ident="mooslug", ip="", realname="mooooo", hostname="") reactor.run() | ||||
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qwebirc |
Konuyu Toplam 1 Üye okuyor. (0 Kayıtlı üye ve 1 Misafir) | |
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