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  • 1 Post By Amelia

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Alt 15 Mart 2014, 00:28   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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Karışık Cümlelerin Aktarılması

Günlük konuşmalarımızda genellikle birden çok cümlelerle konuşuruz. Konuştuğumuz bu cümleler her türden olabilir. Yani düz bir cümlenin peşinden bir soru cümlesi veya bir emir cümlesi gelebilir veya bunun tersi de olabilir. Şimdi karışık tiple olan bu cümleleri nasıl aktaracağız bunu görelim.

Peşpeşe gelen düz cümleler
Aşağıda verilmiş olan örnekte birkaç düz cümle peşpeşe söylenmiştir. Bu cümleleri "Indirect" cümleye çevirirken aynen düz cümlelerde yaptığımız gibi bir yol izleyeceğiz. Sadece monotonluğu önlemek için cümleler arasında değişik bağlaçlar kullanacağız.

Reha told Süha, "You haven't got a tie. If you want I can lend you mine. If you don't want the director will send you back home."

Reha told Süha that he hadn't got a tie and if he wanted he could lend him his and added if he didn't want the director would send him back home.

She pointed out, "My husband hasn't paid me quite enough. The bill is for 3.000 liras and he has paid me only 1.000 liras."

She pointed out that her husband hadn't paid her quite enough and added that the bill was for 3000 liras and finished saying that he had paid her only 1000 liras.

Mrs. Brown told her son, "You must eat up your fruit. You will never grow big and strong if you don't eat properly."

Mrs Brown told her son that he had to eat up his fruit urging that he would never grow big and strong if he didn't eat properly.

Yukarıdaki örneklerde de gördüğünüz gibi cümleler arasındaki bağlaçlar farklıdır. Bu bağlaçların en çok kullanılanları şunlardır:

and told that : ve dedi
and added that : ve ilâve etti .
adding that : ilâve ederek
saying that : diyerek, söyliyerek
and pointed out : ve işaret etti belirtti
and pointing out : ve belirterek
and finished saying that : ve diyerek bitirdi.

DÜZ-SORU-EMİR şeklindeki karışık cümlelerin aktarılması:

Bu tür karışık tipteki cümlelerin aktarılması diğerleri gibidir. Sadece arada kullanılan bağlaçlar cümlenin gelişine göre farklıdır.


Direct (düz-soru)
Mr. Brown, "We want to go fishing. Do you like fishing?"

Mr. Brown told me that they wanted to go fishing and wanted to know if I liked fishing.

Direct (Düz-soru)
My friend said, "I have been ringing the bell for the last ten minutes. Have you been asleep?"

My friend said that he had been ringing the bell for the last ten minutes and wondered if I had been asleep.

Direct (Düz-soru)
He pointed out, "You must do it all again before next month. Why don't you get a secretary?"

He pointed out that I would have to do it all again before the next month and warned me why I didn't get a secretary.

Jack asked Rose, "When do you intend to finish your homework? Do you warn me to help you?"

Jack asked Rose when she intended to finish her homework and wanted to know if she wanted him to help her.

Direct (Soru-emir)
She wanted to know, "When will my skirt be finished? Send it to my hotel as soon as it is finished.

She wanted to know when her skirt would be finished and asked her to send it to her hotel as soon as it was finished.

Direct (Düz emir)
The teacher said, "I saw you at the cinema with her again. Don't take her there."

The teacher said that he had seen me at the cinema with her again and warned me not to take her there.

Direct (İki emir)
My father ordered me, "Go and finish your work. Don't watch T.V. until you finish it."

My father ordered me to go and finish my work and advised me not to watch T.V until I finished it.

Direct (Emir-soru)
The teacher, "Write your numbers at the top of your paper. Why don't you listen to me Semra?"

The teacher told the students to write their numbers at the top of their paper and suddenly shouted angrily to Semra why she didn't listen to him.


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