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Alt 20 Aralık 2014, 20:39   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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KE$HA - Dancing With The Devil

I keep on dancing with the Devil
I keep on dancing with the Devil
I sold my soul, ain't no turning back
I keep on dancing with the Devil

You and I made a deal
I was young and shit got real
Weaving through Heaven and back

Your love is made of dirty gold
But I'm the one who sold my soul
So go ahead and take my hand

I keep on dancing with the Devil
I keep on dancing with the Devil
I sold my soul, it's a dead-end road
But there ain't no turning back
I keep on dancing with the Devil


I can't escape my filthy past
I made mistakes, I made 'em last
I know you love to watch me cry

So while I'm yours until the end
A holy war, I'll never win
So I'll keep dancing 'til I die

I keep on dancing with the Devil
I keep on dancing with the Devil
I sold my soul, it's a dead-end road
But there ain't no turning back
I keep on dancing with the Devil


He's got my mind (You got..)
He's got my soul (..Hell to pay)
My... he won't let me go!

I keep on dancing with the Devil
I keep on dancing with the Devil
I sold my soul, it's a dead-end road
But there ain't no turning back
I keep on dancing with the Devil


Yürürken başımın yerde olması sizi rahatsız etmesin.Benim tek derdim; yere düşen edebinize takılmamak..
Alıntı ile Cevapla

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sohbet odaları eglen sohbet bizimmekan

dancing, devil, ke$ha

Konuyu Toplam 1 Üye okuyor. (0 Kayıtlı üye ve 1 Misafir)

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