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Alt 30 Eylül 2014, 00:20   #1
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Gorillaz - Revolving Doors

Revolving doors what have I done
Someone on the TV attempting love
Revolving doors what will I become
A redneck song

Paid up for seven
But he only got an eight now, now
I feel that I'm paused by all the pills
I see no wronging

On a foggy day
Revolving doors in London to a foggy day in Boston
Revolving doors in London to a foggy day in Boston...
I sit in a diner
And the Beatles play

I'm paid up for a seven
But I only got s.o-eight oh now

Revolving doors in London to a foggy day in Boston...
I feel that I'm paused by all the pills
I seem to run out here

Revolving doors
It's stormy on the eastern sea board
He got silver up his night

He paid up for three
But got only two

Revolving doors in London to a foggy day in Boston
Revolving doors in London to a foggy day in Boston...

Then he said
Seems I was born for this
Seems I was born to this
Revolving doors
Revolving doors

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doors, gorillaz, revolving

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