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Alt 27 Şubat 2011, 16:18   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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Hesap Makinesi

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
' Forma eklenmesi gerekenler örnek dosyada bulabilirsiniz ' ' Calculator.frm ' ' By Herman Liu ' ' A calculator. It is built on a sample of VB with the following additional features/ ' major enhancements: ' ' 1. Users can use both mouse and keyboard key to carry out entries for numerals, ' operating signs (Enter key is made the same as =), etc. ' ' 2. Provide memory functions. ' ' 3. Allow copying calculation result to the clipboard. ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Memo: frmCalculator.Operator(4).Setfocus after a numeric or operation key. ' (Because "Enter" key ASCII code cannot always be detected in a Windows ' environment, to get around, we let focus always stay on the button "=", so that ' whenever user presses Enter key, it will effectively be as if pressing "=" key). '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option Explicit Const Maxdigits = 16 ' After this, scientific notation Dim Op1 As Variant ' Prev input operand Dim Op2 As Variant ' Further prev input operand Dim DecimalFlag As Integer ' Decimal point present yet? Dim NumOps As Integer ' Numkey of operands, 0 to 2 Dim LastInput As String ' Indicate type of last keypress event. Dim OpFlag As String ' Indicate pending operation. Dim PrevReadout As String ' For restore if "CE" Dim MemoResult ' Store result for memo keys Dim XReadout As String Dim XOp1 As Variant Dim XOp2 As Variant Dim XDecimalFlag As Integer Dim XNumOps As Integer Dim XLastInput As String Dim XOpFlag As String Dim XCaption As String Dim XMemoResult Private Sub Form_Load() ResetStatus End Sub Sub ResetStatus() Readout = Format(0, "0.") PrevReadout = Format(0, "0.") Op1 = 0 Op2 = 0 DecimalFlag = False NumOps = 0 LastInput = "NONE" OpFlag = " " lblMemoFlag.Caption = " " MemoResult = 0 End Sub Sub RestoreStatus() Readout = XReadout Op1 = XOp1 Op2 = XOp2 DecimalFlag = XDecimalFlag NumOps = XNumOps LastInput = XLastInput OpFlag = XOpFlag lblMemoFlag.Caption = XCaption MemoResult = XMemoResult End Sub Sub MarkStatus() XReadout = Readout XOp1 = Op1 XOp2 = Op2 XDecimalFlag = DecimalFlag XNumOps = NumOps XLastInput = LastInput XOpFlag = OpFlag XCaption = lblMemoFlag.Caption XMemoResult = MemoResult End Sub Private Function MaxReached() MaxReached = False If Len(Readout) >= Maxdigits Then ' Not allow further Numkey MaxReached = True End If End Function Function HasDecimal(strToRead As String) HasDecimal = False Dim i As Integer For i = Len(strToRead) To 1 Step -1 If InStr(i, strToRead, ".") Then HasDecimal = True Exit For End If Next End Function ' Copy the "Label" Caption onto the Clipboard. Private Sub CopyButton_Click() Clipboard.SetText Readout End Sub Private Sub Cancel_Click() ResetStatus Operator(4).SetFocus End Sub Private Sub CancelEntry_Click() RestoreStatus LastInput = "CE" Operator(4).SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Decimal_Click() If HasDecimal(Readout) Then ' One is enough Exit Sub End If If LastInput = "NUMS" Or LastInput = "DIGI" Then If Len(Readout) = Maxdigits Then MsgBox "Maximum digits " & Str(Maxdigits - 1) + _ vbCrLf & "Cannot add another digit" Operator(4).SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If Me.Decimal.SetFocus MarkStatus If LastInput = "NEG" Then If Abs(Val(Readout)) <> 0 Then Readout = Format(0, "-0.") End If ElseIf LastInput <> "NUMS" And LastInput <> "DIGI" Then Readout = Format(0, "0.") End If DecimalFlag = True LastInput = "DIGI" If MaxReached Then MsgBox "Maximum digits " & Str(Maxdigits - 1) + _ vbCrLf & "Result overflowed" RestoreStatus Exit Sub End If Operator(4).SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Numkey_Click(Index As Integer) If LastInput = "NUMS" Or LastInput = "DIGI" Then If MaxReached Then MsgBox "Maximum digits " & Str(Maxdigits - 1) + _ vbCrLf & "Cannot add another digit" Operator(4).SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If Me.NumKey(Index).SetFocus MarkStatus If LastInput <> "NUMS" And LastInput <> "DIGI" Then Readout = Format(0, ".") DecimalFlag = False End If If DecimalFlag Then Readout = Readout + NumKey(Index).Caption Else Readout = Left(Readout, InStr(Readout, Format(0, ".")) - 1) + NumKey(Index).Caption + Format(0, ".") End If If LastInput = "NEG" Then Readout = "-" & Readout End If LastInput = "NUMS" Operator(4).SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Operator_Click(Index As Integer) Me.Operator(Index).SetFocus MarkStatus Dim strTempreadout As String strTempreadout = Readout If LastInput = "NUMS" Or LastInput = "DIGI" Then NumOps = NumOps + 1 End If Select Case NumOps Case 0 If Operator(Index).Caption = "-" And LastInput <> "NEG" Then If Abs(Val(Readout)) <> 0 Then Readout = "-" & Readout LastInput = "NEG" End If End If Case 1 Op1 = Readout If Operator(Index).Caption = "-" And (LastInput <> "NUMS" _ And LastInput <> "DIGI") And OpFlag <> "=" Then If Abs(Val(Readout)) <> 0 Then Readout = "-" LastInput = "NEG" End If End If Case 2 Op2 = strTempreadout Select Case OpFlag Case "+" Op1 = CDbl(Op1) + CDbl(Op2) Case "-" Op1 = CDbl(Op1) - CDbl(Op2) Case "*" Op1 = CDbl(Op1) * CDbl(Op2) Case "/" If Op2 = 0 Then MsgBox "Can't divide by zero", 48, "Calculator" RestoreStatus Exit Sub Else Op1 = CDbl(Op1) / CDbl(Op2) End If Case "=" Op1 = CDbl(Op2) End Select Readout = Op1 NumOps = 1 End Select If LastInput <> "NEG" Then LastInput = "OPS" OpFlag = Operator(Index).Caption End If ' Be consistent, since we always show a decimal point If Not HasDecimal(Readout) Then If Abs(Val(Readout)) = 0 Then Readout = "0." Else Readout = Readout + "." End If End If Operator(4).SetFocus End Sub Private Sub MemoKey_Click(Index As Integer) MarkStatus Select Case Index Case 0 ' Memory Plus MemoResult = MemoResult + Val(Readout) Case 1 ' Memory Minus MemoResult = MemoResult - Val(Readout) Case 2 ' Memory Recall Dim s As String s = Str(MemoResult) If Not HasDecimal(Str(s)) Then s = s + "." End If Readout = s Case 3 ' Memory Clear MemoResult = 0 End Select ' Our system is, if MemoResult is not cleared, show "M" If MemoResult <> 0 Then lblMemoFlag.Caption = "M" Else lblMemoFlag.Caption = " " End If LastInput = "OPS" NumOps = 1 Op1 = Readout Op2 = 0 Operator(4).SetFocus End Sub ' Detect keyboard key Private Sub Form_KeyPress(keyascii As Integer) MarkStatus If keyascii < Asc("0") Or keyascii > Asc("9") Then If keyascii <> 46 And keyascii <> 43 And _ keyascii <> 45 And keyascii <> 42 And _ keyascii <> 47 And keyascii <> 61 And _ keyascii <> 13 Then keyascii = 0 Else Select Case keyascii Case 46 ' "." Decimal_Click Case 43 Operator_Click (0) ' re Property "+" Case 45 ' "-" Operator_Click (1) Case 42 ' "*" Operator_Click (2) Case 47 ' "/" Operator_Click (3) Case 61 ' "=" Operator_Click (4) Case 13 ' As "=" (if Windows allows Enter) Operator_Click (4) End Select End If Else Numkey_Click (Val(Chr(keyascii))) End If End Sub

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Alt 27 Şubat 2011, 21:43   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Hesap Makinesi

Bunun Java ile olanı lazım
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Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 28 Şubat 2011, 10:27   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Hesap Makinesi

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Button; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Label; import java.awt.Panel; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; //Programimiz için gerekli bazi paketleri ‘import’ ettik. public class HesapMakinesi extends Frame implements ActionListener { Label display; Button onOff; Button[] tuslar; Frame parent; long oncekiSayi = 0; char operatie = '='; boolean yeniGirdi=true; Font bigFont = new Font("Arial",Font.PLAIN,24); //Tuslar ve ekranin görünümü için bir 'font' tanimliyoruz public static void main(String[] arg) { new HesapMakinesi().setVisible(true); } public HesapMakinesi() { super("Hesap makinesi"); //Window (pencere) basligi olusturGUI(); startFlashing(); } public void olusturGUI() { parent=this; display = new Label(" ",Label.RIGHT); display.setBackground(Color.yellow); display.setFont(bigFont); onOff = new Button("On"); onOff.addActionListener(this); onOff.setFont(bigFont); Panel tusPaneli = new Panel(); //Bu paneli tuslarimisi yerlestirmek için kullanacagiz. tusPaneli.setLayout(new GridLayout(4,4)); String[] isaretler = {"9","8","7", "/", "6","5","4", "*", "3","2","1", "-", "0","C","=", "+" }; tuslar = new Button[16]; //Önce 'isaretler' adinda bize lazim olan isaretleri iceren bir String dizi olusturduk. for (int b=0; b<16; b++) { tuslar[b]=new Button(isaretler[b]); tuslar[b].setFont(bigFont); tuslar[b].addActionListener(this); tusPaneli.add(tuslar[b]); } /*Tuslarimizi (on/of hariç) daha önce hazirladigimiz 'tusPaneli'ne for döngüsü yardimi ile tek tek yerlestiriyor ve hepsini ActionListener'e bildiriyoruz. ActionListener arayüzü sayesinde tuslarimizin ne yapmasi herektigini belirleyebilecegiz*/ this.add(display,BorderLayout.NORTH); this.add(tusPaneli,BorderLayout.CENTER); this.add(onOff,BorderLayout.SOUTH); /*Ekranimizi (display), küçük tuslarimizi yapistirdigimiz tusPanel'imizi ve on/off tusumuzu container'e (this) ekliyoruz */ this.setSize(250,250); this.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent we){ System.exit(0); } } ); // Bu kod parçasi ise penceremizi X butonu ile kapatabilmemizi saglar. } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { /* ActionListener arayüzünden 'implemente' ettigimiz ve tuslarimizin hareketlerini denetleyip * verdigimiz kpmotlara göre ne yapilmasi gerektiginin anlatildigi sinifimiz. */ if ( onOff==evt.getSource() ) { //örnegin burada anlatilmak istenen onOff tusuna basildiginda... doOnOff(); return; } if (onOff.getLabel().equals("On")) /*onOff butonunun Label'i "On" ise.. *Dikkat! Java'da String ifadenin karsilastirilmasi == ile degil * equals(); yordami ile yapilir. */ return; char input = evt.getActionCommand().charAt(0); System.out.println("input:"+input); if (input>='0' & input<='9' ) { if (display.equals("0") || yeniGirdi) display.setText(input+""); else display.setText(display.getText()+input); return; } if (input=='C') { oncekiSayi=0; operatie='='; yeniGirdi=true; display.setText("0"); return; } String tekst="0"+display.getText().trim(); long sayi = Long.parseLong(tekst); hesapla(input,sayi); display.setText(oncekiSayi+""); } public void hesapla(char input, long sayi) { System.out.println("hesapla:"+input+"|"+sayi); switch (operatie) { case '=' : oncekiSayi= sayi; break; case '+' : oncekiSayi+=sayi; break; case '-' : oncekiSayi-=sayi; break; case '*' : oncekiSayi*=sayi; break; case '/' : oncekiSayi/=sayi; break; } operatie=input; yeniGirdi=true; } public void doOnOff() { yeniGirdi=true; if ( onOff.getLabel().equals("On") ) { onOff.setLabel("Off"); display.setBackground(Color.yellow); display.setText("0"); return; } onOff.setLabel("On"); display.setText(" "); startFlashing(); } public void startFlashing() { Runnable flash = new Runnable() { public void run() { boolean yellow=true; while(onOff.getLabel().equals("On")) { if (yellow) display.setBackground(; else display.setBackground(Color.yellow); yellow=!yellow; try { Thread.sleep(600); } catch (Exception ex) { } } // end while } // end run }; // end Runnable new Thread(flash).start(); } }

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