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Alt 21 Temmuz 2008, 18:37   #1
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IE Geçmiş, Cookie ve Geçici Dosyaları

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'// ------ Form Kodları Private Sub getcachentry(sdate As Date) Dim xdate As Date nlabel.Caption = "" ListView1.ListItems.Clear Dim URL() As Internet_Cache_Entry Dim URLHistory() As Internet_Cache_Entry Dim Cookies() As Internet_Cache_Entry x = GetURLCache(URL(), URLHistory(), Cookies()) If Option1.Value = True Then For N = 1 To UBound(URLHistory) x = InStr(URLHistory(N).SourceUrlName, "@") xurl = Right(URLHistory(N).SourceUrlName, Len(URLHistory(N).SourceUrlName) - x) If x > 0 Then xcontent = Mid(xurl, x, 23) End If xdate = DateValue(URLHistory(N).LastAccessTime) If xdate = sdate And Left$(xurl, 4) = "http" And Right(xurl, 3) <> "gif" And Right(xurl, 3) <> "jpg" And Right(xurl, 3) <> "zip" Then i = i + 1 ListView1.ListItems.Add , "s" & i, URLHistory(N).SourceUrlName k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, URLHistory(N).LastAccessTime k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, URLHistory(N).ExpireTime k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, URLHistory(N).HitRate End If Next N ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then For N = 1 To UBound(URL) ''x = InStr(URLHistory(N).SourceUrlName, "@") xurl = URL(N).SourceUrlName xdate = DateValue(URL(N).LastAccessTime) If xdate = sdate Then i = i + 1 ListView1.ListItems.Add , "s" & i, URL(N).SourceUrlName k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, URL(N).LastAccessTime k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, URL(N).ExpireTime k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, URL(N).HitRate End If Next N ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then For N = 1 To UBound(Cookies) ''x = InStr(URLHistory(N).SourceUrlName, "@") xurl = Cookies(N).LocalFileName xdate = DateValue(Cookies(N).LastAccessTime) If xdate = sdate Then i = i + 1 ListView1.ListItems.Add , "s" & i, Cookies(N).SourceUrlName ListView1.ListItems.Item("s" & i).Tag = Cookies(N).LocalFileName k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, Cookies(N).LastAccessTime k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, Cookies(N).ExpireTime k = k + 1 ListView1.ListItems(i).ListSubItems.Add , "m" & k & i, Cookies(N).HitRate End If Next N End If nlabel.Caption = ListView1.ListItems.Count End Sub Public Sub fillday2() On Error GoTo rt Dim sdate As Date sdate = DateAdd("d", -1, Date) For i = 0 To 30 sdate = DateAdd("d", -i, Date) cmbday.AddItem sdate Next i cmbday.ListIndex = 0 sdate = DateValue(cmbday.Text) ''getcachentry sdate Exit Sub rt: MsgBox Error$ Resume rte: rte: End Sub Private Sub cmbday_Change() fdate = cmbday.Text xk = Weekday(fdate, vbSunday) Select Case xk Case 1 mtdate = "Monday" Case 2 mtdate = "Sunday" Case 3 mtdate = "Tuesday" Case 4 mtdate = "Wenesday" Case 5 mtdate = "Thursday" Case 6 mtdate = "Friday" Case 7 mtdate = "Saturday" End Select Label1.Caption = mtdate End Sub Private Sub cmbday_Click() Dim sdate As Date fdate = cmbday.Text xk = Weekday(fdate, vbSunday) Select Case xk Case 1 mtdate = "Monday" Case 2 mtdate = "Sunday" Case 3 mtdate = "Tuesday" Case 4 mtdate = "Wenesday" Case 5 mtdate = "Thursday" Case 6 mtdate = "Friday" Case 7 mtdate = "Saturday" End Select Label1.Caption = mtdate sdate = DateValue(cmbday.Text) getcachentry sdate End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim answer% Dim xdone As Boolean Dim sdate As Date Dim liste() As Internet_Cache_Entry answer = MsgBox("All internet history items will be deleted", vbYesNo, "Warning") If answer = 6 Then xdone = DeleteUrlCache(liste) If xdone = True Then MsgBox "all Item are deleted" sdate = DateValue(cmbday.Text) getcachentry sdate End If End If End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim answer% Dim selecteditem As String Dim sdate As Date Dim xdone As Boolean selecteditem = ListView1.selecteditem.Text If selecteditem = "" Then Exit Sub answer = MsgBox("Selected internet history item will be deleted", vbYesNo, "Warning") If answer = 6 Then xdone = deleteselecteditem(selecteditem) If xdone = True Then MsgBox "Item is delected" sdate = DateValue(cmbday.Text) getcachentry sdate ListView1.SetFocus End If End If End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() fillday2 Option1.Value = True fdate = cmbday.Text xk = Weekday(fdate, vbSunday) Select Case xk Case 1 mtdate = "Monday" Case 2 mtdate = "Sunday" Case 3 mtdate = "Tuesday" Case 4 mtdate = "Wenesday" Case 5 mtdate = "Thursday" Case 6 mtdate = "Friday" Case 7 mtdate = "Saturday" End Select Label1.Caption = mtdate w1.Offline = True End Sub Private Sub ListView1_Click() w1.Offline = True Dim xurl$ xurl = ListView1.selecteditem.Text If xurl = "" Then Exit Sub If Option1.Value = True Then x = InStr(xurl, "@") xurl = Right(xurl, Len(xurl) - x) w1.Navigate xurl ElseIf Option2.Value = True Then w1.Navigate xurl ElseIf Option3.Value = True Then xurl = ListView1.selecteditem.Tag w1.Navigate xurl End If End Sub Private Sub Option1_Click() Dim sdate As Date If Option1.Value = True Then sdate = DateValue(cmbday.Text) getcachentry sdate End If End Sub Private Sub Option2_Click() Dim sdate As Date If Option2.Value = True Then sdate = DateValue(cmbday.Text) getcachentry sdate End If End Sub Private Sub Option3_Click() Dim sdate As Date If Option3.Value = True Then sdate = DateValue(cmbday.Text) getcachentry sdate End If End Sub '// ------ Modül Kodları Public Const ERROR_CACHE_FIND_FAIL As Long = 0 Public Const ERROR_CACHE_FIND_SUCCESS As Long = 1 Public Const ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND As Long = 2 Public Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED As Long = 5 Public Const ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER As Long = 122 Public Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260 Public Const MAX_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_SIZE As Long = 4096 Public Const LMEM_FIXED As Long = &H0 Public Const LMEM_ZEROINIT As Long = &H40 Public Const LPTR As Long = (LMEM_FIXED Or LMEM_ZEROINIT) Public Const NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY As Long = &H1 Public Const EDITED_CACHE_ENTRY As Long = &H8 Public Const TRACK_OFFLINE_CACHE_ENTRY As Long = &H10 Public Const TRACK_ONLINE_CACHE_ENTRY As Long = &H20 Public Const STICKY_CACHE_ENTRY As Long = &H40 Public Const SPARSE_CACHE_ENTRY As Long = &H10000 Public Const COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY As Long = &H100000 Public Const URLHISTORY_CACHE_ENTRY As Long = &H200000 Public Const URLCACHE_FIND_DEFAULT_FILTER As Long = NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY Or _ COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY Or _ URLHISTORY_CACHE_ENTRY Or _ TRACK_OFFLINE_CACHE_ENTRY Or _ TRACK_ONLINE_CACHE_ENTRY Or _ STICKY_CACHE_ENTRY Private Type SYSTEMTIME wYear As Integer wMonth As Integer wDayOfWeek As Integer wDay As Integer wHour As Integer wMinute As Integer wSecond As Integer wMilliseconds As Integer End Type Private Type FILETIME dwLowDateTime As Long dwHighDateTime As Long End Type Private Type INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO dwStructSize As Long lpszSourceUrlName As Long lpszLocalFileName As Long CacheEntryType As Long dwUseCount As Long dwHitRate As Long dwSizeLow As Long dwSizeHigh As Long LastModifiedTime As FILETIME ExpireTime As FILETIME LastAccessTime As FILETIME LastSyncTime As FILETIME lpHeaderInfo As Long dwHeaderInfoSize As Long lpszFileExtension As Long dwExemptDelta As Long End Type Public Type Internet_Cache_Entry 'dwStructSize As Long SourceUrlName As String LocalFileName As String 'CacheEntryType As Long UseCount As Long HitRate As Long Size As Long 'dwSizeHigh As Long LastModifiedTime As Date ExpireTime As Date LastAccessTime As Date LastSyncTime As Date HeaderInfo As String 'dwHeaderInfoSize As Long FileExtension As String 'ExemptDelta As Long End Type '============================================================================== ' Déclarations API Private Declare Function FileTimeToLocalFileTime Lib "KERNEL32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME) As Long Private Declare Function FileTimeToSystemTime Lib "KERNEL32" (lpFileTime As FILETIME, lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME) As Long Private Declare Function LocalFileTimeToFileTime Lib "KERNEL32" (lpLocalFileTime As FILETIME, lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long Private Declare Function SystemTimeToFileTime Lib "KERNEL32" (lpSystemTime As SYSTEMTIME, lpFileTime As FILETIME) As Long Private Declare Function FindFirstUrlCacheEntry Lib "Wininet.dll" _ Alias "FindFirstUrlCacheEntryA" _ (ByVal lpszUrlSearchPattern As String, _ lpFirstCacheEntryInfo As Any, _ lpdwFirstCacheEntryInfoBufferSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindNextUrlCacheEntry Lib "Wininet.dll" _ Alias "FindNextUrlCacheEntryA" _ (ByVal hEnumHandle As Long, _ lpNextCacheEntryInfo As Any, _ lpdwNextCacheEntryInfoBufferSize As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindCloseUrlCache Lib "Wininet.dll" _ (ByVal hEnumHandle As Long) As Long Public Declare Function DeleteUrlCacheEntry Lib "Wininet.dll" _ Alias "DeleteUrlCacheEntryA" _ (ByVal lpszUrlName As String) As Long Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "KERNEL32" _ Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _ (pDest As Any, _ pSource As Any, _ ByVal dwLength As Long) Private Declare Function lstrcpyA Lib "KERNEL32" _ (ByVal RetVal As String, ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long Private Declare Function lstrlenA Lib "KERNEL32" _ (ByVal Ptr As Any) As Long Private Declare Function LocalAlloc Lib "KERNEL32" _ (ByVal uFlags As Long, _ ByVal uBytes As Long) As Long Private Declare Function LocalFree Lib "KERNEL32" _ (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Public Function GetURLCache(URL() As Internet_Cache_Entry, URLHistory() As Internet_Cache_Entry, Cookies() As Internet_Cache_Entry) Dim ICEI As INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO Dim hFile As Long Dim cachefile As String Dim posUrl As Long Dim posEnd As Long Dim dwBuffer As Long Dim pntrICE As Long dwBuffer = 0 ReDim URL(0) ReDim URLHistory(0) ReDim Cookies(0) hFile = FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(0&, ByVal 0, dwBuffer) If (hFile = ERROR_CACHE_FIND_FAIL) And _ (Err.LastDllError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) Then pntrICE = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwBuffer) If pntrICE Then CopyMemory ByVal pntrICE, dwBuffer, 4 hFile = FindFirstUrlCacheEntry(vbNullString, ByVal pntrICE, dwBuffer) If hFile <> ERROR_CACHE_FIND_FAIL Then Do CopyMemory ICEI, ByVal pntrICE, Len(ICEI) If (ICEI.CacheEntryType And _ NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY) = NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY Then Select Case ICEI.CacheEntryType Case URLHISTORY_CACHE_ENTRY + NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY ReDim Preserve URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) + 1) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).SourceUrlName = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszSourceUrlName) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).LocalFileName = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszLocalFileName) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).FileExtension = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszFileExtension) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).HeaderInfo = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpHeaderInfo) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).HitRate = ICEI.dwHitRate URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).ExpireTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.ExpireTime) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).LastAccessTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastAccessTime) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).LastModifiedTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastModifiedTime) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).LastSyncTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastSyncTime) URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).Size = ICEI.dwSizeHigh * 2 ^ 32 + ICEI.dwSizeLow URLHistory(UBound(URLHistory) - 1).UseCount = ICEI.dwUseCount Case COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY + NORMAL_CACHE_ENTRY ReDim Preserve Cookies(UBound(Cookies) + 1) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).SourceUrlName = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszSourceUrlName) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).LocalFileName = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszLocalFileName) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).FileExtension = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszFileExtension) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).HeaderInfo = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpHeaderInfo) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).HitRate = ICEI.dwHitRate Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).ExpireTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.ExpireTime) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).LastAccessTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastAccessTime) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).LastModifiedTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastModifiedTime) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).LastSyncTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastSyncTime) Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).Size = ICEI.dwSizeHigh * 2 ^ 32 + ICEI.dwSizeLow Cookies(UBound(Cookies) - 1).UseCount = ICEI.dwUseCount Case Else ReDim Preserve URL(UBound(URL) + 1) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).SourceUrlName = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszSourceUrlName) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).LocalFileName = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszLocalFileName) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).FileExtension = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpszFileExtension) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).HeaderInfo = GetStrFromPtrA(ICEI.lpHeaderInfo) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).HitRate = ICEI.dwHitRate URL(UBound(URL) - 1).ExpireTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.ExpireTime) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).LastAccessTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastAccessTime) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).LastModifiedTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastModifiedTime) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).LastSyncTime = FileTime2SystemTime(ICEI.LastSyncTime) URL(UBound(URL) - 1).Size = ICEI.dwSizeHigh * 2 ^ 32 + ICEI.dwSizeLow URL(UBound(URL) - 1).UseCount = ICEI.dwUseCount End Select End If Call LocalFree(pntrICE) dwBuffer = 0 Call FindNextUrlCacheEntry(hFile, ByVal 0, dwBuffer) pntrICE = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, dwBuffer) CopyMemory ByVal pntrICE, dwBuffer, 4 Loop While FindNextUrlCacheEntry(hFile, ByVal pntrICE, dwBuffer) End If 'hFile End If 'pntrICE End If 'hFile Call LocalFree(pntrICE) Call FindCloseUrlCache(hFile) End Function Private Function GetStrFromPtrA(ByVal lpszA As Long) As String GetStrFromPtrA = String$(lstrlenA(ByVal lpszA), 0) Call lstrcpyA(ByVal GetStrFromPtrA, ByVal lpszA) End Function Private Function FileTime2SystemTime(FileT As FILETIME) As Date Dim SysT As SYSTEMTIME FileTimeToLocalFileTime FileT, FileT FileTimeToSystemTime FileT, SysT FileTime2SystemTime = TimeSerial(SysT.wHour, SysT.wMinute, SysT.wSecond) + DateSerial(SysT.wYear, SysT.wMonth, SysT.wDay) End Function Public Function DeleteUrlCache(liste() As Internet_Cache_Entry) As Boolean Dim x As Long For x = LBound(liste) To UBound(liste) - 1 DeleteUrlCache = DeleteUrlCacheEntry(liste(x).SourceUrlName) Next x End Function Public Function deleteselecteditem(selecteditem$) As Boolean deleteselecteditem = DeleteUrlCacheEntry(selecteditem) End Function


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B5 - Cookie Blood Yabancı Şarkı Sözleri 0 26 Ekim 2014 17:04
Nasreddin Hoca’nın Mesajı,Geçmiş Hiç De Geçmiş Değildir Afrodit Serbest Kürsü 0 20 Ekim 2011 23:44