Dim r&, allDrives$, JustOneDrive$, pos%, DriveType& Dim CDfound As Integer
'pad the string with spaces allDrives$ = Space$(64)
'call the API to get the string containing all drives r& = GetLogicalDriveStrings(Len(allDrives$), allDrives$)
'trim off trailing chr$(0)'s. AllDrives$ 'now contains all the drive letters. allDrives$ = Left$(allDrives$, r&)
'begin a loop Do
'find the first separating chr$(0) pos% = InStr(allDrives$, Chr$(0))
'if there's one, then... If pos% Then
'extract the drive up to the chr$(0) JustOneDrive$ = Left$(allDrives$, pos%)
'and remove that from the Alldrives string, 'so it won't be checked again allDrives$ = Mid$(allDrives$, pos% + 1, Len(allDrives$))
'with the one drive, call the API to 'determine the drive type DriveType& = GetDriveType(JustOneDrive$)
'check if it's what we want If DriveType& = DRIVE_CDROM Then
'got it (or at least the first one, 'anyway, if more than one), so set 'the found flag... CDfound% = True
'we're done, so get out Exit Do
End If End If
Loop Until allDrives$ = "" Or DriveType& = DRIVE_CDROM
'display the appropriate message If CDfound% Then Label1 = "The CD-ROM drive on your system is drive " & UCase$(JustOneDrive$) Else: Label1 = "No CD-ROM drives were detected on your system." End If