sana Çalışır Halde Unrealircde.conf, Services.Conf ve sample.conf u vericem bitsin artık bu çile Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
walla cok iyi oLur ne zmaan geLiyor ??? Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
_DENVER__ Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
kardeş birserver hacklemek için hangi programı indircez..
Bunun konu iLe ne aLakası var ben bişey anLamadım???
Unrealircd.conf olarak kaydet Unreal3.2 klasorunun içine at
PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
/* Server Info */ me { name IRc.Benim.Com; /* # Buraya kullanmaz istediğiniz link adını yazınız # */ info "IRc.Benim.Com - ActioN (diEfoRyoU)"; /* # Buraya kendinize göre bir info bilgisini yazınız # */ numeric 1; };
/* Admin Info */ admin { "ActioN"; /* # /admin komutunda çıkacak bilgilerin ilk satırıdır. # */ " Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. "; /* # /admin komutunda çıkacak bilgilerin ikinci satırıdır. # */ };
/* Classes */ class clients { pingfreq 90; maxclients 245; sendq 100000; }; class servers { pingfreq 300; connfreq 600; maxclients 5; sendq 1000000; }; /* Allow info */
allow { ip "*@*"; hostname "*@*"; class clients; }; /* Die/Restart Password */
drpass { die "xxxcxxx"; restart "xxxcxxx"; };
oper diEfoRyoU { /* # OperNicki yazan yere nickinizi yazınız. Yetkili oper nicki olacaktır. # */ from { userhost *@*; }; password "opersifresi"; /* # Buraya oper şifrenizi yazınız. /oper OperNicki şifreniz şeklinde kullanacaksınız. # */ flags QWERTYUOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNMqwertyuopasdfghjklizxcvbnm^ /* # Oper flaglarıdır, bence ellemeyin. # */ ; class clients; }; /* Links */
link services.Benim.Com { /* # Services linki olarak gözükecek link adını yazınız # */ username *; hostname; bind-ip *; port 6667; password-connect "murat"; password-receive "murat"; class servers; hub *; };
/* Ulines */
ulines { stats.Benim.Com; /* # Services linki olarak gözükecek link adını yazınız # */ };
/* Banned nick names */ ban nick { mask "*C*h*a*n*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Services nicklerini kullanamazsınız."; }; ban nick { mask "*N*i*c*k*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Services nicklerini kullanamazsınız."; }; ban nick { mask "*M*e*m*o*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Services nicklerini kullanamazsınız."; }; ban nick { mask "*H*e*l*p*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Services nicklerini kullanamazsınız."; }; ban nick { mask "*O*p*e*r*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Services nicklerini kullanamazsınız."; }; ban nick { mask "*I*n*f*o*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Services nicklerini kullanamazsınız."; }; ban nick { mask "*ActioN*"; reason "Bu nick kullanılamaz."; }; ban nick { mask "*Admin*"; reason "Admin nickini kullanılamaz."; }; ban nick { mask "*IRC*op*"; reason "Oper nickleri kullanılamaz."; }; ban nick { mask "*Oper*"; reason "Oper Nickleri Kullanılamaz."; }; ban nick { mask "Status"; reason "Lütfen farklı bir nick seçin, bunu kullanamazsınız."; }; ban nick { mask "*ALLAH*"; reason "SAYGI !"; }; /* * Include files */ include "aliases/auspice.conf"; include ""; include "badwords.message.conf"; include "help.conf"; /* * Some modules; */ loadmodule "modules/commands.dll"; loadmodule "modules/cloak.dll"; /* Ports */ listen; listen; listen; listen; listen; listen; listen; listen; listen; listen; listen;
set { network-name "Benim.Com"; /* # Network adı olarak görünecek ismi yazın. örnek; //echo $network yazınca çıkar # */ default-server "IRc.Benim.Com"; /* # Serverinizin giriş linki olarak görünecek linki yazın. */ services-server "Services.IRc.Benim.Com"; /* # Services linki olarak gözükecek link adını yazınız # */ modes-on-connect "+ixT"; /* # Servera bağlanıldığında kullanıcılara verilecek modlar # */ auto-join "#Benim"; /* # Kanal girişinde kullanıcılar otomatik olarak bu kanala girecekler # */ kline-address " Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. "; /* # K-Line atılınca kullanıcıların göreceği email # */ maxchannelsperuser 10; /* # Kullanıcıların gireceği maximum kanal sayısı # */ help-channel "#help"; /* # DEĞİŞMEYİNİZ. Serverin yardım kanalıdır. # */ stats-server "stats.IRc.Benim.Com"; /* # StatServ linki olarak görünecek linki yazın. */ hiddenhost-prefix "Benim.Com"; static-quit " Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. style="color: #007700">; anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s; oper-only-stats "*";
throttle { period 25; connections 5; }; dns { nameserver; timeout 0s; retries 0s; };
PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# # *+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+* # *+.+* Auspice Services *+.+* # *+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+* # # This is Auspice Services sample config file # Carefully read all this config # Don't touch this NET:newnet.conf # ############################################################# # Connection Setting # # ############################################################# # Remote Server, the irc server where services would connect to # ex: S: S: # Port where Services will connect to P:6667 # Connect Password where it's place in C/N line in server # services connect to. X:murat # Services Server Name N:services.Benim.Com # Server Numeric for UnrealIRCd only R:254 # Services Describe D:diEfoRyoU.Benim.Com # Services User for NickServ/ChanServ... U:stats # Services Host for NickServ/ChanServ... H:services.Benim.Com # Network Name A:Benim.Com # ***** Service Master Nick Name ****** # This nickname must first register. M:diEfoRyoU # ###################################################################### # Services Bot Setting # # ###################################################################### # Define Services Name Follow MEMOSERV:MemoServ HELPSERV:HelpServ OPERSERV:OperServ ROOTSERV:RootServ BOTSERV:Botserv GLOBAL:Global # Spam Detector SPAMNICK:Guest18920 SPAMUSER:Sophoan # ######################################################## # NickServ # # ######################################################## # Services Nick Name NICKSERV:NickServ # Auto set mode on register # 1= Enable 0= Disable KILL:0 SECURE:0 PRIVATE:0 # Maximum permitted mask enteries per nick access list. # Default: 20; 0 Disables U_ACC_MAX:20 # Ammount of seconds to automatically release an enforced nick. # Default: 30 RELEASE:30 # ######################################################### # ChanServ # # ######################################################### # ChanServ Nick name CHANSERV:ChanServ # Maximum permitted enteries per channel access list. # Access list = AVOICE+HOP+AOP+SOP+CFOUNDER as a sum. # Default: 900; 0 Disables C_ACC_MAX:900 # Changes default #Snoop channel. SET_SNOOP:1 SNOOPCHAN:#s2r # Maximum channels permitted to be registered per user. # Default: 20, 0 = Disable CHANREG:20 # Maximum amount of auto-kick's for a channel. # Default: 100, 0 = Disable AKICK:100 # Maximum channel suspensions services will keep. # Default: 256 SUSPEND:256 # Defines how long, in seconds, ChanServ should retain in # a channel after a masskick or suspension. # Default: 15 CHANNEL_INHABIT:15 # TOPICFIX This option will prevent # services from adding duplicate nicks to the topic. # Enable: 1, Disable: 0; TOPICFIX:0 # Number of seconds which database update/expires # 900 = 15 minutes = 15 * 60 UPDATE:900 # Should not touch, if you running a slow server you may put it to 5 TIMEOUT:3 # Limite badpass identify to Chan/Nick Serv PW_LIMIT:4 # Number of seconds which services forget the badpass attempts PW_TIMEOUT:1800 # Number of Memo permit per user MEMOMAX:20 # Number of seconds that must elapse sending memo MEMO_WAIT:5 # Max akill add, 0 disable AKILLS:128 # Maximum permitted "jupitered" servers. Default: 12; 0 Disables JUPES:12 # Maximum permitted triggers. Default: 128; 0 Disables TRIGGERS:128 # Default AKILL expiry time in seconds. Default: 86400 (1 day) AKILLEXP:86400 # Max charaters permit in memo MEMO_LEN:225 # Enable or Disable sending log files via email LOGS:0 # Enable Services +a umode flag. With this setting # enabled, any services admin identifying to their # nick will have services set umode +a. # This option also allows services admins to use /samode. # Enable = 1; Disable = 0; Default = 1 UMODE_a:1 # Maximum permitted Services q:lines. These are # viewed via /stats q, not /stats Q. # Default = 64; 0 Disables QLINES:64 # Maximum permitted Services global z:lines. # Default: 128, 0 Disables ZLINES:128 # Allow users to have their memos sent via email. # Sendmail must be working on the computer services # are running from. Default = 1; 0 Disables EMAIL:0 # When enabled, users will be /kill'ed off the network with # the specified AKILL reason the operator gave. When disabled, # the generic AKILL message will be given. (Found in messages.h) # 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable. Default: 1 AKILL_REASON:1 # This option is not limited entirely to snoop, but also log files. # When enabled, extra information will be logged, and if snoop # is enabled, sent to the snoop channel. On larger networks, # it may be wise to disable this to save on disk space for logs # and avoid being flooded in the snoop channel. Only non-essential # information will be stripped, ie: valid identifies, etc. # 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable. Default: 1 EXTRA_SNOOP:0 # Number of registrations until services will # automatically update the databases, regardless # of next scheduled event. Valid for nicks & channels. # 0 = Disables, 1 = Enables; Default: 0 REG_SAVES:0 # This allows services to display the uptime in the MOTD. # Enable: 1, Disable: 0; Default: 1 UPTIME:1 # This allows services to display the time time until the next # database update in the MOTD. # Enable: 1, Disable: 0; Default: 1 MOTD_UPDATE:1 # Allow ignore code to be used. When enabled, services # admins will be able to make use of the OS IGNORE # command to have services ignore all commands from # a nick!user@host. # Default = 1; 0 Disables SET_IGNORE:1 # Have services set Read Only mode. Any commands # that may effect databases will not be permitted. # Default: 0; 1 Enables; 0 Disables; SET_RO:0 # This feature will allow services to create a duplicate # back-up database after <num> database updates. # The backup database will be stored in data/backup. # Default: 10, 0 Disables BACKUP:10 # There address of where your e-mail would go # Use "which sendmail" to find the path SENDMAIL_PATH:/usr/sbin/sendmail # ################################################################ # Clone Setting # # ################################################################ # Number of seconds between consecutive clone warming from # the same host. Default: 10 # Note: -It will not keep warming unless more clones ware loaded CLONE_WARN:10 # ######################################################## # HTML # # ######################################################## # Enable/Disable dump channel and netstats. HTML:0 # The address of where your channel html file would save # Ex: /home/user/html/channel.html HTML_PATH:channel.html # The address of where your network statistic file would save # /home/user/html/netstats.html NETSTATS_PATH:netstats.html
Sample.conf Bunuda Aynen Ausserv Klasöründeki Sample.conf la değiş
PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# # *+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+* # *+.+* Auspice Services *+.+* # *+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+**+.+* # # This is Auspice Services sample config file # Carefully read all this config # Don't touch this NET:newnet.conf # ############################################################# # Connection Setting # # ############################################################# # Remote Server, the irc server where services would connect to # ex: S: S: # Port where Services will connect to P:6667 # Connect Password where it's place in C/N line in server # services connect to. X:murat # Services Server Name N:services.Benim.Com # Server Numeric for UnrealIRCd only R:254 # Services Describe D:diEfoRyoU.Benim.Com # Services User for NickServ/ChanServ... U:stats # Services Host for NickServ/ChanServ... H:services.Benim.Com # Network Name A:Benim.Com # ***** Service Master Nick Name ****** # This nickname must first register. M:diEfoRyoU # ###################################################################### # Services Bot Setting # # ###################################################################### # Define Services Name Follow MEMOSERV:MemoServ HELPSERV:HelpServ OPERSERV:OperServ ROOTSERV:RootServ GLOBAL:Global # Spam Detector SPAMNICK:Guest18920 SPAMUSER:Sophoan # ######################################################## # NickServ # # ######################################################## # Services Nick Name NICKSERV:NickServ # Auto set mode on register # 1= Enable 0= Disable KILL:0 SECURE:0 PRIVATE:0 # Maximum permitted mask enteries per nick access list. # Default: 20; 0 Disables U_ACC_MAX:20 # Ammount of seconds to automatically release an enforced nick. # Default: 30 RELEASE:30 # ######################################################### # ChanServ # # ######################################################### # ChanServ Nick name CHANSERV:ChanServ # Maximum permitted enteries per channel access list. # Access list = AVOICE+HOP+AOP+SOP+CFOUNDER as a sum. # Default: 900; 0 Disables C_ACC_MAX:900 # Changes default #Snoop channel. SET_SNOOP:1 SNOOPCHAN:#s2r # Maximum channels permitted to be registered per user. # Default: 20, 0 = Disable CHANREG:20 # Maximum amount of auto-kick's for a channel. # Default: 100, 0 = Disable AKICK:100 # Maximum channel suspensions services will keep. # Default: 256 SUSPEND:256 # Defines how long, in seconds, ChanServ should retain in # a channel after a masskick or suspension. # Default: 15 CHANNEL_INHABIT:15 # TOPICFIX This option will prevent # services from adding duplicate nicks to the topic. # Enable: 1, Disable: 0; TOPICFIX:0 # Number of seconds which database update/expires # 900 = 15 minutes = 15 * 60 UPDATE:900 # Should not touch, if you running a slow server you may put it to 5 TIMEOUT:3 # Limite badpass identify to Chan/Nick Serv PW_LIMIT:4 # Number of seconds which services forget the badpass attempts PW_TIMEOUT:1800 # Number of Memo permit per user MEMOMAX:20 # Number of seconds that must elapse sending memo MEMO_WAIT:5 # Max akill add, 0 disable AKILLS:128 # Maximum permitted "jupitered" servers. Default: 12; 0 Disables JUPES:12 # Maximum permitted triggers. Default: 128; 0 Disables TRIGGERS:128 # Default AKILL expiry time in seconds. Default: 86400 (1 day) AKILLEXP:86400 # Max charaters permit in memo MEMO_LEN:225 # Enable or Disable sending log files via email LOGS:0 # Enable Services +a umode flag. With this setting # enabled, any services admin identifying to their # nick will have services set umode +a. # This option also allows services admins to use /samode. # Enable = 1; Disable = 0; Default = 1 UMODE_a:1 # Maximum permitted Services q:lines. These are # viewed via /stats q, not /stats Q. # Default = 64; 0 Disables QLINES:64 # Maximum permitted Services global z:lines. # Default: 128, 0 Disables ZLINES:128 # Allow users to have their memos sent via email. # Sendmail must be working on the computer services # are running from. Default = 1; 0 Disables EMAIL:0 # When enabled, users will be /kill'ed off the network with # the specified AKILL reason the operator gave. When disabled, # the generic AKILL message will be given. (Found in messages.h) # 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable. Default: 1 AKILL_REASON:1 # This option is not limited entirely to snoop, but also log files. # When enabled, extra information will be logged, and if snoop # is enabled, sent to the snoop channel. On larger networks, # it may be wise to disable this to save on disk space for logs # and avoid being flooded in the snoop channel. Only non-essential # information will be stripped, ie: valid identifies, etc. # 1 = Enable, 0 = Disable. Default: 1 EXTRA_SNOOP:0 # Number of registrations until services will # automatically update the databases, regardless # of next scheduled event. Valid for nicks & channels. # 0 = Disables, 1 = Enables; Default: 0 REG_SAVES:0 # This allows services to display the uptime in the MOTD. # Enable: 1, Disable: 0; Default: 1 UPTIME:1 # This allows services to display the time time until the next # database update in the MOTD. # Enable: 1, Disable: 0; Default: 1 MOTD_UPDATE:1 # Allow ignore code to be used. When enabled, services # admins will be able to make use of the OS IGNORE # command to have services ignore all commands from # a nick!user@host. # Default = 1; 0 Disables SET_IGNORE:1 # Have services set Read Only mode. Any commands # that may effect databases will not be permitted. # Default: 0; 1 Enables; 0 Disables; SET_RO:0 # This feature will allow services to create a duplicate # back-up database after <num> database updates. # The backup database will be stored in data/backup. # Default: 10, 0 Disables BACKUP:10 # There address of where your e-mail would go # Use "which sendmail" to find the path SENDMAIL_PATH:/usr/sbin/sendmail # ################################################################ # Clone Setting # # ################################################################ # Number of seconds between consecutive clone warming from # the same host. Default: 10 # Note: -It will not keep warming unless more clones ware loaded CLONE_WARN:10 # ######################################################## # HTML # # ######################################################## # Enable/Disable dump channel and netstats. HTML:0 # The address of where your channel html file would save # Ex: /home/user/html/channel.html HTML_PATH:channel.html # The address of where your network statistic file would save # /home/user/html/netstats.html NETSTATS_PATH:netstats.html
Sadece Benim.Com Yazan Yerleri ve diEfoRyoU Yazan Yerleri deiş sorun kalmayacaktır Kolay Gelsin
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
sistem hazırdır jeneratorude aldım 5 ytl ye tam paket irc server kosun Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Yahu su dns ayarlarını yapıp halkada aclılabilsem cok güzel olucak Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.