# Oto Kurulum + Oto Conf -
# Coded By Siznasılsa Değişeceksiniz -
# satis@
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]il.com -
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| IRCD Oto KuruLum Sistemine Hoş GeLdiniz |"
echo "| Unreal3.2 IRCD Kurulumu BaşLıyor. |"
echo "| Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemi |"
echo "|
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo ""
echo "Gerekli Bilgiler :"
echo $n "[Serverinizin Adi] -> $c"
read cc
if [ ! -z $cc ]; then
echo $n "[Ip Adresiniz] -> $c"
read cc
if [ ! -z $cc ]; then
echo $n "[Eggdrop Operiniz] -> $c"
read cc
if [ ! -z $cc ]; then
echo $n "[Root Nicki] -> $c"
read cc
if [ ! -z $cc ]; then
echo $n "[Root Oper Sifresi] -> $c"
read cc
if [ ! -z $cc ]; then
echo $n "[Radyo Bilgilerini Giriniz]"
echo $n "[Radyo Şifresiniz] -> $c"
read cc
if [ ! -z $cc ]; then
echo $n "[Radyo Portunuz (6000 ile 9000 Arası)] -> $c"
read cc
if [ ! -z $cc ]; then
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "|---- Bilgileriniz"
echo "|---- Server Adı : $server"
echo "|---- Ip Adresi : $ip"
echo "|---- Eggdrop Pass : $eggpass"
echo "|---- Root Nick : $rootnick"
echo "|---- Root Oper Pass : $rootpass"
echo "|---- Radyo Şifresi : $radyopass"
echo "|---- Radyo Port : $radyoport"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Onaylıyorsanız Enter'e Basınız |"
echo "| Onaylamıyorsanız Ctrl+C Yapıp Kapatın |"
echo $n "[Onaylıyormusunuz ?] -> $c"
read cc
echo "| Unreal3.2 IRCD Kuruluyor... |"
echo "| Lütfen Bekleyiniz |"
echo "| Bu Islem 2-4 Dakika Arasında Sürebilir |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Unreal IRCD Kurulumuna Geçildi! |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
tar zxvf Unreal3.2.3.tar.tar
rm Unreal3.2.3.tar.tar
cd Unreal3.2/
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
./Config -nointro -quick
cat > unrealircd.conf << __EOF__
# home/login/Unreal3.2 unrealircd.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
name "IRC.$server";
info "Sohbetin Dogru Adresindesiniz";
numeric 1;
admin {
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.Sunucu Sahibi: « $rootnick »";
"« Dostluk 7 - 12Sevgi - Arkadaslik Hepsi Bir Arada »";
"« Sikayet ve Önerilerinizi Bekliyoruz!.. »";
"« Email: Admin@$server »";
class clients
pingfreq 90;
maxclients 2048;
sendq 100000;
recvq 8000;
class servers
pingfreq 90;
maxclients 25;
sendq 1000000;
connfreq 100;
allow {
ip *@*;
hostname *@*;
class clients;
maxperip 25;
# Conf DosyaLarı #
# include "confdosyaniz.conf #
include "aliases/anope.conf";
include "badwords.channel.conf";
include "badwords.message.conf";
include "badwords.quit.conf";
include "spamfilter.conf";
include "opers.conf";
include "help.conf";
include "reklam.conf";
include "reklam1.conf";
include "antirandom.conf";
include "kufur.conf";
include "reklam2.conf";
include "realname.conf";
include "dccallow.conf";
include "yasak.conf";
include "proxykorumasi.conf";
include "proxyblock.conf";
include "proxy.conf";
include "trojen.conf";
include "trojen1.conf";
include "trojen2.conf";
include "trojen3.conf";
# ModuLLer #
# make custommodule MODULEFILE=modul #
loadmodule "src/modules/commands.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/cloak.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/adwords.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/antirandom.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/bilgi.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/cmdflood.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/clones.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/dcc.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/defizzer.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/ekle.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/helpers.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/hideserver.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/m_privdeaf.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/operpasswd.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/netadmins.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/ozelx.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/rmtkl.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/joinpartsno.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/levellimit.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/topicbadwords.so";
loadmodule "src/modules/m_ircops.so";
listen $ip:6600;
listen $ip:6661;
listen $ip:6662;
listen $ip:6663;
listen $ip:6664;
listen $ip:6665;
listen $ip:6666;
listen $ip:6667;
listen $ip:6668;
listen $ip:6669;
listen $ip:7000;
listen $ip:6667;
listen $ip:8000 /* Java Chat için */
link koruma.$server {
username *;
hostname $ip;
bind-ip *;
port 6667;
password-connect "koruma";
password-receive "koruma";
class servers;
leaf *;
link services.$server {
username *;
hostname $ip;
bind-ip *;
port 6667;
password-connect "servis";
password-receive "servis";
class servers;
leaf *;
ulines {
drpass {
restart "qw23e15asd1321qwd35a2s1d65q1d3a2s1d";
die "qw23e15asd1321qwd35a2s1d65q1d3a2s1d";
log "ircd.log" {
maxsize 4097152;
flags {
log "connect.log" {
maxsize 4097152;
flags {
except throttle { mask $ip; };
ban nick { mask "*C*h*a*n*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; };
ban nick { mask "*N*i*c*k*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; };
ban nick { mask "*M*e*m*o*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; };
ban nick { mask "*H*e*l*p*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; };
ban nick { mask "*O*p*e*r*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; };
ban nick { mask "*I*n*f*o*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; };
ban nick { mask "*A*d*m*i*n*"; reason "Reserved for Administrator"; };
ban nick { mask "*I*R*C*op*"; reason "Reserved for ircops"; };
ban nick { mask "*O*p*e*r*"; reason "Reserved for ircops"; };
ban nick { mask "S*t*a*t*u*s"; reason "Bug in mIRC"; };
ban nick { mask "*org"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "irc_"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "irc-"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "*w*w*w*"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "*b*e*n*s*u*m*s*h*e*l*l*"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "*s*i*k*"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "*sikicem*"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "*sikeyim*"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "********"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "*sikiyim*"; reason "Bad nick"; };
ban nick { mask "Status"; reason "Bug in mIRC"; };
ban nick { mask "aLLah"; reason "Reserved for Administrator"; };
ban nick { mask "Peygamber"; reason "Reserved for Administrator"; };
ban nick { mask "Tanri"; reason "Reserved for Administrator"; };
ban nick { mask "ilah"; reason "Bu Nicki Kullanamazsınız"; };
ban nick { mask "Tanrı"; reason "Reserved for Administrator"; };
ban nick { mask "*Nickiniz*"; reason "Reserved for Administrator"; };
badword channel { word "*sikeri*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*amına*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*AMINI*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*Sikiyi*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*orosp*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*0r0sp*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*or0sp*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*amına*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*ananız*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*ANANIZI*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*ANANI*"; replace *****; };
badword channel { word "*ananı*"; replace *****; };
set {
network-name "Irc.$server";
default-server "Irc.$server";
services-server "services.$server";
stats-server Stats.$server";
help-channel "#Help";
hiddenhost-prefix "$server";
anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s;
restrict-channelmodes "ntj";
restrict-usermodes "i";
modes-on-join "+ntGfj [5c#C5,5j#R1,5k#K5,15m#M1,5n#N1,10t#b]:10";
static-quit "« Dostluk - Sevgi - Arkadaslık Hepsi Bir Arada «
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.IRC.$server »";
cloak-keys {
hosts {
local "Staff.$server";
global "GlobalOper.$server";
coadmin "CoAdmin.$server";
admin "Admin.$server";
servicesadmin "ServicesAdmin.$server";
netadmin "NetworkAdmin.$server";
host-on-oper-up "yes";
set {
kline-address "Kline@$server";
modes-on-connect "+ixG";
modes-on-oper "+qzveoFkKnOs";
oper-auto-join "#Help,#Operhelp,#Opers,#Log";
auto-join "#Sohbet,#Radyo,#Oyun,#CarkiFeLek,#isLam,#BiLmece,#Kelime,#Yarisma,#English";
dns {
nameserver $ip;
timeout 2s;
retries 2;
options {
maxchannelsperuser 15;
oper-only-stats "*";
#throttle {
#connections 2;
#period 60s;
anti-flood {
nick-flood 3:60;
set { allowed-nickchars { turkish; }; };
operpasswd {
enable-snomask no;
enable-logging yes;
enable-global-notices yes;
max-failed-operups 2;
failop-kill-reason "OPER Login'inizi YanLış Girdiniz.";
set {
netadmins-are-gods yes;
hideserver {
disable-map yes;
disable-links yes;
map-deny-message "/map Komutu Bu Serverda YasakLanmıştır.";
links-deny-message "/links Komutu Bu Serverda YasakLanmıştır.";
// msgtype privmsg;
channel "#Log" {
joins; parts; kicks; mode-changes; topics;
channel "#Log" {
nickchanges; connects; disconnects; server-connects; squits;
# IRCD Giris Kodu Uzantısı #
# #
# listen sunucuipi:5555;
# except girisport {
# port 5555;
# };
# except giris {
# mask sunucuipi;
# };
cat > ircd.log << __EOF__
Ornek ircd.log by Siteadi.Com
cat > opers.conf << __EOF__
# Opers.Conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Güvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
# Gereken Tekşey Flags Ve ŞifreLeriyazmanız #
# #
# Net Admin : OoaAreDRhwgcLkKbZtBnGNCzW^Hv #
# CO Admin : OorehwgcLkKbZtBnGCzW^Hv #
# Server Admin : OAorehwgcLkKbZtBnGzW^Hv #
# Services Oper : OaorehwgcLkKbZtBnGzW^Hv #
# IRCOP : OorewgcLkKbZtBnGzW^Hv #
# #
# Örnek Oper YazıLımı #
# #
# oper Nick { #
# from { #
# userhost *@*; #
# }; #
# password "sifre"; #
# flags flaglariniz; #
# class clients; #
# swhois "istediginizi yazin"; #
# }; #
# #
oper Eggdrop {
class clients;
from {
userhost *@$ip;
password "$eggpass";
swhois "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri";
maxlogins "25";
flags "OoaAreDRhwgcLkKbZtBnGNCzW^Hv";
oper $rootnick {
class clients;
from {
userhost *@*;
password "$rootpass";
swhois "[ Sunucu Sahibi / Root Administrator ]";
flags "OoaAreDRhwgcLkKbZtBnGNCzW^Hv";
#Eggdrop operleri
echo "| Kurulum Tamamlanıyor... |"
cd ..
rm Unreal3.2.3.tar.tar
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Komut : unrealkur |"
echo "| Unreal3.2 IRCD Kuruldu... |"
echo "| Domain : $server -- Ip : $ip "
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Services Kurulumuna Gecildi! |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
tar zxvf anope-1.7.19.tar.gz
cd anope-1.7.19
cat > config.cache << __EOF__
IRCTYPE="no default"
mkdir /home/$USER/services
./Config -quick
make install
cd /home/$USER/services/
cat > services.conf << __EOF__
# Services.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
IRCDModule "unreal32"
EncModule "enc_none"
HostCoreModules "hs_help hs_on hs_off hs_group hs_list hs_set hs_setall hs_del hs_delall"
MemoCoreModules "ms_send ms_cancel ms_list ms_read ms_del ms_set ms_info ms_rsend ms_check ms_staff ms_sendall ms_help"
HelpCoreModules "he_help"
BotCoreModules "bs_help bs_botlist bs_assign bs_set bs_kick bs_badwords bs_act bs_info bs_say bs_unassign bs_bot bs_fantasy bs_fantasy_kick bs_fantasy_kickban bs_fantasy_owner bs_fantasy_seen bs_fantasy_unban"
OperCoreModules "os_help os_global os_stats os_oper os_admin os_staff os_mode os_kick os_clearmodes os_akill os_sgline os_sqline os_szline os_chanlist os_userlist os_logonnews os_randomnews os_opernews os_session os_noop os_jupe os_ignore os_set os_reload os_update os_restart os_quit os_shutdown os_defcon os_chankill os_svsnick os_oline os_umode os_modload os_modunload os_modlist os_modinfo os_raw"
NickCoreModules "ns_help ns_register ns_group ns_identify ns_access ns_set ns_saset ns_drop ns_recover ns_release ns_sendpass ns_ghost ns_alist ns_info ns_list ns_logout ns_status ns_update ns_getpass ns_getemail ns_forbid ns_suspend"
ChanCoreModules "cs_help cs_register cs_identify cs_set cs_xop cs_access cs_akick cs_drop cs_sendpass cs_ban cs_clear cs_modes cs_getkey cs_invite cs_kick cs_list cs_logout cs_topic cs_info cs_getpass cs_forbid cs_suspend cs_status"
RemoteServer $ip 6667 "servis"
ServerName "services.$server"
ServerDesc "IRC Services Server"
ServiceUser "services@$server"
NickServName "NickServ" "Nickname Server"
ChanServName "ChanServ" "Channel Server"
MemoServName "MemoServ" "Memo Server"
BotServName "BotServ" "Bot Server"
HelpServName "HelpServ" "Help Server"
OperServName "OperServ" "Operator Server"
GlobalName "Global" "Global Noticer"
#DevNullName "DevNull" "/dev/null -- message sink"
HostServName "HostServ" "vHost Server"
PIDFile services.pid
MOTDFile services.motd
NickServDB nick.db
#PreNickServDB prenick.db
ChanServDB chan.db
BotServDB bot.db
OperServDB oper.db
NewsDB news.db
ExceptionDB exception.db
HostServDB hosts.db
HelpChannel "#help"
#LogChannel "#services"
NetworkName "LocalNet"
NickLen 31
#UserKey1 9866235
#UserKey2 8362013
#UserKey3 2362899
BadPassLimit 5
BadPassTimeout 1h
UpdateTimeout 5m
ExpireTimeout 30m
ReadTimeout 5s
WarningTimeout 4h
TimeoutCheck 3s
KeepLogs 7
KeepBackups 3
GlobalOnCycleMessage "Services are restarting, they will be back shortly - please be good while we're gone"
GlobalOnCycleUP "Services are now back online - have a nice day"
UlineServers "stats.your.network proxy.your.network"
SendMailPath "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"
SendFrom services@$server
MailDelay 5m
NSDefLanguage 7
NSRegDelay 30s
NSResendDelay 90s
N***pire 21d
NSMaxAliases 16
NSAccessMax 32
NSEnforcerUser enforcer@$server
NSReleaseTimeout 1m
NSListMax 50
NSGuestNickPrefix "Misafir"
CSMaxReg 20
C***pire 14d
CSDefBantype 2
CSAccessMax 1024
CSAutokickMax 32
CSAutokickReason "User has been banned from the channel"
CSInhabit 15s
CSListMax 50
MSMaxMemos 20
MSSendDelay 3s
BSMinUsers 1
BSBadWordsMax 32
BSKeepData 10m
ServicesRoot "$rootnick"
AutoKillExpiry 30d
ChanKillExpiry 30d
SGLineExpiry 30d
SQLineExpiry 30d
SZLineExpiry 30d
DefSessionLimit 25
MaxSessionLimit 100
ExceptionExpiry 1d
SessionLimitExceeded "The session limit for your host %s has been exceeded."
MaxSessionKill 25
SessionAutoKillExpiry 30m
ModuleDelayedAutoload "cs_appendtopic cs_enforce ns_maxemail os_info hs_request"
#Conf By Siteadi.Com Oto KuruLum
rm -rf anope-1.7.19.tar.gz
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Anope Services Başarı ILe KuruLdu |"
echo "| Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Eggdrop KuruLumuna GeçiLdi! |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
tar zxvf eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz
cd eggdrop1.6.18
make config
make install
cd eggdrop
echo "Eggdrop KuruLdu!"
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
unzip elma.zip
rm elma.zip
cat > carkifelek.conf << __EOF__
# CarkiFeLek.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
checkmodule blowfish
set username "Nickiniz"
set nick "CarkiFeLek"
set altnick "CarkiFeLek??"
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
set init-server {
putserv "ns identify qazwsxedc"
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass" }
set servers { $ip:6667 }
set my-ip "$ip"
channel add #CarkiFeLek { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0 }
channel set #CarkiFeLek +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #CarkiFeLek +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
channel set #CarkiFeLek -autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends +dontkickops
channel set #CarkiFeLek +greet +statuslog
channel set #CarkiFeLek +revenge -autovoice
channel set #CarkiFeLek -secret -shared +cycle
channel set #CarkiFeLek -inactive -seen +nodesynch
set owner Nickiniz
set userfile "Arama.user"
set chanfile "Arama.chan"
set temp-path "/tmp"
logfile msbxco * "logs/Arama.log"
logfile jpk #CarkiFeLek "logs/#CarkiFeLek.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/motus.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help
cat > helper.conf << __EOF__
# HeLper.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
checkmodule blowfish
set username "Nickiniz"
set nick "HeLper"
set altnick "Helper??"
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
set init-server {
putserv "ns identify qazwsxedczxc"
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass" }
set servers { $ip:6667 }
set my-ip "$ip"
channel add #Help { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0 }
channel set #Help +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #Help +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
channel set #Help -autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends +dontkickops
channel set #Help +greet +statuslog
channel set #Help +revenge -autovoice
channel set #Help -secret -shared +cycle
channel set #Help -inactive -seen +nodesynch
set owner Nickiniz
set userfile "Helper.user"
set chanfile "Helper.chan"
set temp-path "/tmp"
logfile msbxco * "logs/Helper.log"
logfile jpk #Help "logs/#Help.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/helper.tcl
source scripts/helpbotgiris.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help
cat > english.conf << __EOF__
# EngLish.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
checkmodule blowfish
set username "Nickiniz"
set nick "EngLish"
set altnick "EngLish??"
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
set init-server {
putserv "ns identify 326598"
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass" }
set servers { $ip:6667 }
set my-ip "$ip"
channel add #EngLish { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0 }
channel set #EngLish +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #EngLish +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
channel set #EngLish -autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends +dontkickops
channel set #EngLish +greet +statuslog
channel set #EngLish +revenge -autovoice
channel set #EngLish -secret -shared +cycle
channel set #EngLish -inactive -seen +nodesynch
set owner Nickiniz
set userfile "Karsilama.user"
set chanfile "Karsilama.chan"
set temp-path "/tmp"
logfile msbxco * "logs/Karsilama.log"
logfile jpk #EngLish "logs/#EngLish.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/english.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help
cat > kelime.conf << __EOF__
# KeLime.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
checkmodule blowfish
set username "Nickiniz"
set nick "KeLime"
set altnick "Kelime??"
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
set init-server {
putserv "ns identify 12457896"
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass" }
set servers { $ip:6667 }
set my-ip "$ip"
channel add #Kelime { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0 }
channel set #Kelime +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #Kelime +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
channel set #Kelime -autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends +dontkickops
channel set #Kelime +greet +statuslog
channel set #Kelime +revenge -autovoice
channel set #Kelime -secret -shared +cycle
channel set #Kelime -inactive -seen +nodesynch
set owner Nickiniz
set userfile "Kelime.user"
set chanfile "Kelime.chan"
set temp-path "/tmp"
logfile msbxco * "logs/Arama.log"
logfile jpk #Kelime "logs/#Kelime.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/kelime.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help
cat > oyun.conf << __EOF__
# Oyun.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
checkmodule blowfish
set username "Nickiniz"
set nick "Oyuncu"
set altnick "Oyuncu??"
set realname "Siteadi.Com İnternet Hizmetleri"
set init-server {
putserv "ns identify 12457896"
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass" }
set servers { $ip:6667 }
set my-ip "$ip"
channel add #Oyun { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0 }
channel set #Oyun +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #Oyun +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
channel set #Oyun -autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends +dontkickops
channel set #Oyun +greet +statuslog
channel set #Oyun +revenge -autovoice
channel set #Oyun -secret -shared +cycle
channel set #Oyun -inactive -seen +nodesynch
set owner Nickiniz
set userfile "Oyuncu.user"
set chanfile "Oyuncu.chan"
set temp-path "/tmp"
logfile msbxco * "logs/Oyun.log"
logfile jpk #Oyun "logs/#Oyun.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/oyun.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help
cat > oxm.conf << __EOF__
# Oyun.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
#! ~/eggdrop
set username "B-Shell"
set admin "Nickiniz"
set timezone "EST"
set max-logs 5
set max-logsize 0
set quick-logs 0
logfile mco * "olanbiten.log"
logfile jk #log "kanal.log"
set log-time 1
set keep-all-logs 0
set switch-logfiles-at 300
set quiet-save 0
set console "mkcobxs"
set userfile "shell.user"
set sort-users 0
set help-path "help/"
set temp-path "/tmp"
set motd "motd"
set telnet-banner "telnet-banner"
listen 8000 all
set init-server { putserv "MODE $botnick +ix-ws"
putserv "PRIVMSG NICKSERV :identify 152634"
set protect-telnet 1
set dcc-sanitycheck 0
set ident-timeout 5
set require-p 0
set open-telnet 1
set stealth-telnets 0
set use-telnet-banner 0
set connect-timeout 15
set dcc-flood-thr 3
set telnet-flood 5:60
set paranoid-telnet-flood 1
set resolve-timeout 15
set ignore-time 15
set hourly-updates 00
set owner "Nickiniz"
set notify-newusers "$owner"
set default-flags "hp"
set whois-fields "url birthday"
set remote-boots 2
set share-unlinks 0
set die-on-sighup 0
set die-on-sigterm 0
bind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
bind dcc n tcl *dcc:set
set must-be-owner 1
set must-be-owner 0
unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul
set max-dcc 50
set dcc-portrange 1024:65535
set enable-simul 1
set allow-dk-cmds 1
set mod-path "modules/"
loadmodule channels
set chanfile "elma.chan"
set ban-time 120
set exempt-time 60
set invite-time 60
set use-info 0
set global-flood-chan 10:60
set global-flood-deop 3:10
set global-flood-kick 3:10
set global-flood-join 5:60
set global-flood-ctcp 3:60
set global-chanset {
+clearbans +enforcebans
+dynamicbans +userbans
-autoop -bitch
+greet +protectops
+statuslog -stopnethack
-revenge -secret
-autovoice +cycle
+dontkickops -wasoptest
-inactive +protectfriends
+shared +seen
+userexempts +dynamicexempts
+userinvites +dynamicinvites
channel add #OXM
loadmodule server
set net-type 0
set nick "OXM"
set altnick "TuretBakaLim"
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
# Botun irce login oluyor.
set init-server {
putserv "oper Eggdrop $eggpass"
channel add #OXM {
chanmode "+nt"
idle-kick 0
set servers {
set keep-nick 1
set use-ison 1
set strict-host 0
set quiet-reject 1
set lowercase-ctcp 0
set answer-ctcp 3
set flood-ctcp 3:60
set never-give-up 1
set strict-servernames 0
set default-port 6663
set server-cycle-wait 60
set server-timeout 15
set servlimit 0
set check-stoned 1
set use-console-r 0
set debug-output 0
set serverror-quit 1
set max-queue-msg 300
set trigger-on-ignore 0
set double-mode 0
set double-server 0
set double-help 0
loadmodule ctcp
set ctcp-mode 0
loadmodule irc
set bounce-bans 1
set bounce-modes 1
set kick-bogus-bans 1
set bounce-bogus-bans 1
set max-bans 20
set max-modes 30
set allow-desync 1
set kick-bogus 1
set ban-bogus 1
set kick-fun 1
set ban-fun 1
set learn-users 1
set wait-split 600
set wait-info 180
set mode-buf-length 200
#unbind msg - hello *msg:hello
bind msg - myword *msg:hello
unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost
#bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident
set no-chanrec-info 0
set revenge-mode 1
set bounce-exempts 0
set bounce-invites 0
set max-exempts 20
set max-invites 20
set bounce-bogus-exempts 0
set kick-bogus-exempts 0
set bounce-bogus-invites 0
set kick-bogus-invites 0
set prevent-mixing 1
set kick-method 1
set modes-per-line 3
loadmodule transfer
set max-dloads 3
set dcc-block 1024
set copy-to-tmp 1
set xfer-timeout 30
loadmodule share
set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys"
set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming"
set upload-to-pwd 0
set filedb-path ""
set max-file-users 20
set max-filesize 1024
loadmodule notes
set notefile "arcan.notes"
set max-notes 50
set note-life 60
set allow-fwd 0
set notify-users 1
set notify-onjoin 1
loadmodule console
set console-autosave 1
set force-channel 0
set info-party 0
loadmodule seen
checkmodule blowfish
loadmodule assoc
loadmodule wire
#Eger TCL Eklicekseniz source scripts/ismi.tcl
#eklemelisiniz. Unutmayin # i kaldirmazsaniz
#yaptiklariniz hic bir ise yaramaz. Assagidaki
#kareyi kaldirmaniz yetecektir.
source scripts/oxm/oxm_oyun.tcl
cat > radyo.conf << __EOF__
# Radyo.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
checkmodule blowfish
set username "Nickiniz"
set nick "Radyo"
set altnick "RadyoCu"
set realname "Siteadi.Com İnternet Hizmetleri"
set init-server {
putserv "ns identify 12457896"
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass" }
set servers { $ip:6667 }
set my-ip "$ip"
channel add #Radyo { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0
need-op { putserv "MODE #Radyo +v Radyo" }
channel add #Dj { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0
need-op { putserv "MODE #Dj +v Radyo" }
channel set #Radyo +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #Radyo +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
channel set #Radyo -autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends +dontkickops
channel set #Radyo +greet +statuslog
channel set #Radyo +revenge -autovoice
channel set #Radyo -secret -shared +cycle
channel set #Radyo -inactive -seen +nodesynch
set owner Nickiniz
set userfile "Radyo.user"
set chanfile "Radyo.chan"
set temp-path "/tmp"
logfile msbxco * "logs/Radyo.log"
logfile jpk #Radyo "logs/#Radyo.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/radyo.tcl
source scripts/istek.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help
cat > kaos.conf << __EOF__
# KaoS.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule blowfish
# Botun Identi
set username "Nickiniz"
# Botun Nicki
set nick "KaoS"
# Botun Alt Nicki
set altnick "SoruCevap"
# Botun Ip Adresi
set my-ip "$ip"
# Botun Vhost`u (eger destekliyorsa.. Buradaki Vhostun my-ip ile uyusmasi gereklidir)
set my-hostname "$ip"
# Botun Whois`inde Cikacak Olan yazi
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
# Botun irc`ye baglandiginda yapicagi ilk sey
# Burdaki ornekte bot Undernet X`e login oluyor.
set init-server {
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass"
# Botun girmeye calisacagi server listesi..
set servers {
# Botun girecegi Ilk kanal(Bu Kanal Botun Hafizasinda Dewamli kalicaktir.)
# Bot bu kanaldan cikmaz..Ancak burdan silinirse cikar..
channel add #Yarisma {
chanmode "+nt"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
# Burada Botun girecegi Server tipini belirlemelisiniz..
# 0= Efnet , 1= IRCnet , 2= undernet , 3= DALnet , 4=Efnet Hybrid , 5= Digerleri
set net-type 5
# Botun sahibinin nicki
set owner "Nickiniz"
# Botun kullanici dosyasi
set userfile "yarisma.user"
# Botun kanal listesi dosyasi
set chanfile "yarisma.chan"
# logunu tutmak istediginiz kanal icin kullanabilirsiniz..
logfile jpk #yarisma "logs/yarisma.log"
# tmp dir. Botun gecici dosyalari sakliyacagi yer.
# set temp-path "/tmp"
# Kullandiginiz Bot turune gore birisinin onundaki #
# kaldiriniz..!
# botun calismasi icin asagidaki "die" ile basyalan satiri kaldirmalisiniz..
# Eger IRCturk Multi Kullaniyosaniza Bu Bolumu
# Basindaki # Isaretini Kaldirarak Aktif Ediniz.!
# Botunuza kisa yoldan komut vermek icin...
set shortnick "fvf"
# Botun olanlari yazacagi ana kanal.
set home "#yarisma"
# Dosya ve Script Ayarlari
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
logfile msbxco * "logs/zc-fm.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
loadmodule uptime
# bu bolum eklediginiz tcllere gore duzenliyeceginiz bolum..
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/kaos.tcl
cat > ask.conf << __EOF__
# Ask.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
checkmodule blowfish
set username "Nickiniz"
set nick "CimCime"
set altnick "CimCime??"
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
set init-server {
putserv "ns identify 12457896"
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass" }
set servers { $ip:6667 }
set my-ip "$ip"
channel add #Sohbet { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 stopnethack-mode 0 }
channel set #Sohbet +enforcebans +dynamicbans +userbans
channel set #Sohbet +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
channel set #Sohbet -autoop -bitch +protectops +protectfriends +dontkickops
channel set #Sohbet +greet +statuslog
channel set #Sohbet +revenge -autovoice
channel set #Sohbet -secret -shared +cycle
channel set #Sohbet -inactive -seen +nodesynch
set owner Nickiniz
set userfile "Arama.user"
set chanfile "Arama.chan"
set temp-path "/tmp"
logfile msbxco * "logs/Arama.log"
logfile jpk #Sohbet "logs/#Sohbet.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/ai.tcl
source scripts/konusan.tcl
source scripts/seen.tcl
source scripts/sayac.tcl
loadhelp userinfo.help
cat > koruma.conf << __EOF__
# Koruma.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
#===================== LINE NEEDED FOR LOADCONF ====================#
#! /path/to/eggdrop
#======================= GENERAL BOT SETTINGS ======================#
set username "Nickiniz"
set admin "Nickiniz <email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.>"
set network "$ip"
set timezone "EST"
set offset "5"
set my-hostname "$ip"
set my-ip "$ip"
#==================== GENERAL BOT LOGGING OPTIONS ==================#
set max-logsize 0
set quick-logs 0
logfile mco * "scripts/log/koruma.log"
logfile bjk #zurna "scripts/log/koruma.log"
set log-time 1
set keep-all-logs 0
set switch-logfiles-at 300
set quiet-save 0
set console "mkcobxs"
#================ GENERAL BOT FILE/LOCATION SETTINGS ===============#
set userfile "scripts/log/koruma.user"
set sort-users 0
set help-path "help/"
set temp-path "/tmp"
set motd "motd"
set telnet-banner "telnet-banner"
#====================== GENERAL BOTNET OPTIONS =====================#
set protect-telnet 0
set dcc-sanitycheck 0
set ident-timeout 5
set require-p 0
set open-telnets 0
set stealth-telnets 0
set use-telnet-banner 0
set connect-timeout 15
set dcc-flood-thr 3
set telnet-flood 5:60
set paranoid-telnet-flood 1
set resolve-timeout 15
#===================== ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR BOT ===================#
#set firewall "proxy:178"
#set nat-ip ""
#set reserved-port 9076
set ignore-time 0
set hourly-updates 00
set owner "Nickiniz"
set notify-newusers "$owner"
set default-flags "hp"
set whois-fields "url birthday"
set remote-boots 2
set share-unlinks 1
set die-on-sighup 0
set die-on-sigterm 0
unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
unbind dcc n set *dcc:set
set must-be-owner 0
unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul
set max-dcc 50
set dcc-portrange 1024:65535
set enable-simul 1
set allow-dk-cmds 1
#==================== GENERAL BOT MODULE SETTINGS ==================#
set mod-path "modules/"
#==================== GENERAL BOT CHANNEL MODULES ==================#
loadmodule channels
set chanfile "scripts/log/koruma.chan"
set ban-time 0
set exempt-time 60
set invite-time 60
set share-greet 0
set use-info 1
set global-chanset {
+clearbans +enforcebans
+dynamicbans +userbans
+autoop -bitch
+greet +nodesynch
+statuslog -stopnethack
-revenge -secret
-autovoice +cycle
+dontkickops -wasoptest
-inactive +protectfriends
+shared -seen
+userexempts +dynamicexempts
+userinvites +dynamicinvites
channel add #Sohbet {
need-op { putserv "MODE #Sohbet +h $botnick" }
chanmode "+nt"
idle-kick 0
set global-chanmode ""
#==================== GENERAL BOT SERVER MODULES ===================#
loadmodule server
loadmodule server
set net-type 0
set nick "GuvenLik"
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
set init-server {
putserv "ns identify 12457896"
putserv "Oper Eggdrop $eggpass" }
set servers {
set keep-nick 1
set use-ison 1
set strict-host 0
set quiet-reject 1
set lowercase-ctcp 0
set answer-ctcp 3
set flood-msg 0:0
# how many CTCPs in how many seconds?
set never-give-up 1
set strict-servernames 0
set default-port 8019
set server-cycle-wait 30
set server-timeout 15
set servlimit 0
set check-stoned 1
set use-console-r 0
set debug-output 0
set serverror-quit 1
set max-queue-msg 300
set trigger-on-ignore 0
set double-mode 0
set double-server 0
set double-help 0
loadmodule ctcp
set ctcp-mode 0
loadmodule irc
set bounce-bans 1
set bounce-modes 0
set kick-bogus-bans 1
set bounce-bogus-bans 1
set max-bans 20
set max-modes 30
set allow-desync 0
set kick-bogus 0
set ban-bogus 0
set kick-fun 0
set ban-fun 0
set learn-users 0
set wait-split 600
set wait-info 180
set mode-buf-length 200
unbind msg - ident *msg:ident
unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost
set no-chanrec-info 0
set revenge-mode 1
set bounce-exempts 0
set bounce-invites 0
set max-exempts 20
set max-invites 20
set bounce-bogus-exempts 0
set kick-bogus-exempts 0
set bounce-bogus-invites 0
set kick-bogus-invites 0
set max-dloads 3
set dcc-block 1024
set copy-to-tmp 1
set xfer-timeout 30
#==================== GENERAL BOT SHARE MODULES ====================#
#loadmodule share
#set allow-resync 0
#set resync-time 900
#set private-owner 0
#set private-global 0
#set private-globals "mnot"
#set private-user 0
#================== GENERAL BOT FILESYSTEM MODULES =================#
#loadmodule filesys
set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys"
set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming"
set upload-to-pwd 0
set filedb-path ""
set max-file-users 20
set max-filesize 1024
#===================== GENERAL BOT NOTES MODULES ===================#
loadmodule notes
set notefile "scripts/log/koruma.notes"
set max-notes 50
set note-life 60
set allow-fwd 0
set notify-users 1
set notify-onjoin 1
#==================== GENERAL BOT CONSOLE MODULES ==================#
loadmodule console
set console-autosave 1
set force-channel 0
set info-party 0
#==================== GENERAL BOT WOOBIE MODULES ===================#
#loadmodule woobie
#===================== GENERAL BOT SEEN MODULES ====================#
#loadmodule seen
#==================== GENERAL BOT BLOWFISH MODULES =================#
checkmodule blowfish
#===================== GENERAL BOT ASSOC MODULES ===================#
#loadmodule assoc
#===================== GENERAL BOT WRITE MODULES ===================#
#loadmodule wire
#======================== GENERAL BOT SCRIPTS ======================#
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/koruma3.tcl
source scripts/colorkick.tcl
source scripts/koruma2.tcl
source scripts/clonepro.tcl
source scripts/NoticeBan.tcl
source scripts/sayac.tcl
source scripts/soz.tcl
source scripts/botserv.tcl
source scripts/botserv1.tcl
source scripts/temizle.tcl
#===================== GENERAL BOT HELP MODULES ====================#
loadhelp scripts/userinfo.help
cat > islam.conf << __EOF__
# isLam.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule blowfish
# Botun Identi
set username "Nickiniz"
# Botun Nicki
set nick "Hoca"
# Botun Alt Nicki
set altnick "Hocam"
# Botun Ip Adresi
#set my-ip ""
# Botun Vhost`u (eger destekliyorsa.. Buradaki Vhostun my-ip ile uyusmasi gereklidir)
#set my-hostname ""
# Botun Whois`inde Cikacak Olan yazi
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
# Botun irc`ye baglandiginda yapicagi ilk sey
# Burdaki ornekte bot Undernet X`e login oluyor.
set init-server {
putserv "oper Eggdrop $eggpass"
# Botun girmeye calisacagi server listesi..
set servers {
# Botun girecegi Ilk kanal(Bu Kanal Botun Hafizasinda Dewamli kalicaktir.)
# Bot bu kanaldan cikmaz..Ancak burdan silinirse cikar..
channel add #islam {
chanmode "+nt"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
# Burada Botun girecegi Server tipini belirlemelisiniz..
# 0= Efnet , 1= IRCnet , 2= undernet , 3= DALnet , 4=Efnet Hybrid , 5= Digerleri
set net-type 5
# Botun sahibinin nicki
set owner "Nickiniz"
# Botun kullanici dosyasi
set userfile "islam.user"
# Botun kanal listesi dosyasi
set chanfile "islam.chan"
# logunu tutmak istediginiz kanal icin kullanabilirsiniz..
logfile jpk #islam "logs/islam.log"
# tmp dir. Botun gecici dosyalari sakliyacagi yer.
# set temp-path "/tmp"
# Kullandiginiz Bot turune gore birisinin onundaki #
# kaldiriniz..!
# botun calismasi icin asagidaki "die" ile basyalan satiri kaldirmalisiniz..
# Eger IRCturk Multi Kullaniyosaniza Bu Bolumu
# Basindaki # Isaretini Kaldirarak Aktif Ediniz.!
# Botunuza kisa yoldan komut vermek icin...
set shortnick "fvf"
# Botun olanlari yazacagi ana kanal.
set home "#islam"
# Dosya ve Script Ayarlari
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
#listen 3339 all
logfile msbxco * "logs/zc-fm.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
loadmodule uptime
# bu bolum eklediginiz tcllere gore duzenliyeceginiz bolum..
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/islam.tcl
cat > bilmece.conf << __EOF__
# isLam.conf #
# Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum Sistemleri #
# Kalite Ve Guvende 1 Numara #
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] #
# Edit By Siteadi.Com #
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule blowfish
# Botun Identi
set username "Nickiniz"
# Botun Nicki
set nick "BiLmece"
# Botun Alt Nicki
set altnick "BiLmece??"
# Botun Ip Adresi
#set my-ip ""
# Botun Vhost`u (eger destekliyorsa.. Buradaki Vhostun my-ip ile uyusmasi gereklidir)
#set my-hostname ""
# Botun Whois`inde Cikacak Olan yazi
set realname "Siteadi.Com Internet Hizmetleri"
# Botun irc`ye baglandiginda yapicagi ilk sey
# Burdaki ornekte bot Undernet X`e login oluyor.
set init-server {
putserv "oper Eggdrop $eggpass"
# Botun girmeye calisacagi server listesi..
set servers {
# Botun girecegi Ilk kanal(Bu Kanal Botun Hafizasinda Dewamli kalicaktir.)
# Bot bu kanaldan cikmaz..Ancak burdan silinirse cikar..
channel add #BiLmece {
chanmode "+nt"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0
# Burada Botun girecegi Server tipini belirlemelisiniz..
# 0= Efnet , 1= IRCnet , 2= undernet , 3= DALnet , 4=Efnet Hybrid , 5= Digerleri
set net-type 5
# Botun sahibinin nicki
set owner "Nickiniz"
# Botun kullanici dosyasi
set userfile "bilmece.user"
# Botun kanal listesi dosyasi
set chanfile "bilmece.chan"
# logunu tutmak istediginiz kanal icin kullanabilirsiniz..
logfile jpk #BiLmece "logs/bilmece.log"
# tmp dir. Botun gecici dosyalari sakliyacagi yer.
# set temp-path "/tmp"
# Kullandiginiz Bot turune gore birisinin onundaki #
# kaldiriniz..!
# botun calismasi icin asagidaki "die" ile basyalan satiri kaldirmalisiniz..
# Eger IRCturk Multi Kullaniyosaniza Bu Bolumu
# Basindaki # Isaretini Kaldirarak Aktif Ediniz.!
# Botunuza kisa yoldan komut vermek icin...
set shortnick "fvf"
# Botun olanlari yazacagi ana kanal.
set home "#BiLmece"
# Dosya ve Script Ayarlari
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
#listen 3339 all
logfile msbxco * "logs/zc-fm.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
loadmodule uptime
# bu bolum eklediginiz tcllere gore duzenliyeceginiz bolum..
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/bilmece.tcl
cd scripts
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
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[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
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[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
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[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
unzip motus.zip
unzip oxm.zip
rm oxm.zip
rm motus.zip
cd ..
rm eggdrop1.6.18.tar.gz
cd Unreal3.2/
cd src/
cd modules/
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
cd Unreal3.2/
make custommodule MODULEFILE=adwords
make custommodule MODULEFILE=antirandom
make custommodule MODULEFILE=bilgi
make custommodule MODULEFILE=cmdflood
make custommodule MODULEFILE=clones
make custommodule MODULEFILE=dcc
make custommodule MODULEFILE=defizzer
make custommodule MODULEFILE=ekle
make custommodule MODULEFILE=helpers
make custommodule MODULEFILE=hideserver
make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_privdeaf
make custommodule MODULEFILE=operpasswd
make custommodule MODULEFILE=netadmins
make custommodule MODULEFILE=ozelx
make custommodule MODULEFILE=rmtkl
make custommodule MODULEFILE=tempshun
make custommodule MODULEFILE=joinpartsno
make custommodule MODULEFILE=levellimit
make custommodule MODULEFILE=topicbadwords
make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_ircops
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
tar zxvf radyo.tar.gz
rm radyo.tar.gz
cd radyo/
cat > sc_serv.conf << __EOF__
; SHOUTcast Distributed Network Audio Server configuration file
; Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Nullsoft, Inc.
; All Rights Reserved.
; Last modified Mar 17 2004
; If you want to manage multiple configurations, just copy
; this file to another name, and run sc_serv with that name
; such as:
; sc_serv.exe sc_leet.conf
; ***************************
; Required stuff
; ***************************
; MaxUser. The maximum number of simultaneous listeners allowed.
; Compute a reasonable value for your available upstream bandwidth (i.e. if
; you have 256kbps upload DSL, and want to broadcast at 24kbps, you would
; choose 256kbps/24kbps=10 maximum listeners.) Setting this value higher
; only wastes RAM and screws up your broadcast when more people connect
; than you can support.
; Password. While SHOUTcast never asks a listener for a password, a
; password is required to broadcast through the server, and to perform
; administration via the web interface to this server. This server should
; consist of only letters and numbers, and is the same server your broadcaster
; will need to enter in the SHOUTcast Source Plug-in for Winamp. THIS VALUE
; PortBase. This is the IP port number your server will run on. The
; value, and the value + 1 must be available. If you get a fatal error when
; the DNAS is setting up a socket on startup, make sure nothing else on the
; machine is running on the same port (telnet localhost portnumber -- if you
; get connection refused then you're clear to use that port). Ports < 1024
; may require root privledges on *nix machines. The default port is 8000.
; ***************************
; Optional Parameters
; ***************************
; ***************************
; Logging configuration
; ***************************
; LogFile: file to use for logging. Can be '/dev/null' or 'none'
; or empty to turn off logging. The default is ./sc_serv.log
; on *nix systems or sc_serv_dir\sc_serv.log on win32.
; Note: on win32 systems if no path is specified the location is
; in the same dir as the executable, on *nix systems it is in the
; current directory.
; RealTime displays a status line that is updated every second
; with the latest information on the current stream (*nix and win32
; console systems only)
; ScreenLog controls whether logging is printed to the screen or not
; on *nix and win32 console systems. It is useful to disable this when
; running servers in background without their own terminals. Default is 1
; ShowLastSongs specifies how many songs to list in the /played.html
; page. The default is 10. Acceptable entries are 1 to 20.
; TchLog decides whether or not the DNAS logfile should track yp
; directory touches. Adds and removes still appear regardless of
; this setting.
; Default is yes
; TchLog=yes
; WebLog decides whether or not hits to http:// on this DNAS will
; be logged. Most people leave this off because the DSP plug-in
; uses http:// calls to update titles and get the listener count,
; which takes up a lot of log space eventually. If you want to
; see people making hits on your admin.cgi or index pages, turn
; this back on. Note that this setting does NOT affect XML stats
; counters for hits to http:// pages.
; Default is no.
; WebLog=no
; W3CEnable turns on W3C Logging. W3C logs contain httpd-like accounts
; of every track played for every listener, including byte counts those listeners
; took. This data can be parsed with tools like Analog and WebTrends, or given
; to third parties like Arbitron and Measurecast for their reporting systems.
; Default is Yes (enabled).
; W3CLog describes the name of the logfile for W3C logging. Default logfile is
; sc_w3c.log, in the same directory wherever the DNAS gets started from.
; ***************************
; Network configuration
; ***************************
; SrcIP, the interface to listen for source connections on (or to make relay
; connections on if relaying). Can and usually will be ANY or
; (Making it will keep other machines from being able to
; broadcast using your shoutcast server )
; DestIP, IP to listen for clients on (and to contact yp.shoutcast.com)
; can and usually will be be ANY. If your machine has multiple IP addresses,
; set this to the one you want it to be accessed by.
; Yport, port to connect to yp.shoutcast.com on. For people behind caching
; webproxies, change this to the alternate port (666 is what it might be,
; check
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] if you have problems). Otherwise, leave this at 80.
; We're actively working on re-opening port 666, but as of release the only
; working port is port 80.
; NameLookups. Specify 1 to perform reverse DNS on connections.
; This option may increase the time it takes to connect to your
; server if your DNS server is slow. Default is 0 (off).
; RelayPort and RelayServer specify that you want to be a relay server.
; Relay servers act as clients to another server, and rebroadcast.
; Set RelayPort to 0, RelayServer to empty, or just leave these commented
; out to disable relay mode.
; RelayPort=8000
; RelayServer=
; ***************************
; Server configuration
; ***************************
; AdminPassword. This password (if specified) changes the
; behavior of Password to be a broadcast-only password, and
; limits HTTP administration tasks to the password specified
; here. The broadcaster, with the password above, can still
; log in and view connected users, but only the AdminPassword
; will grant the right to kick, ban, and specify reserve hosts.
; The default is undefined (Password allows control for both
; source and admin)
; AdminPassword=adminpass
; AutoDumpUsers controls whether listeners are disconnected if the source
; stream disconnects. The default is 0.
; AutoDumpSourceTime specifies how long, in seconds, the source stream is
; allowed to be idle before the server disconnects it. 0 will let the source
; stream idle indefinately before disconnecting. The default is 30.
; ContentDir specifies the directory location on disk of where to stream
; on-demand content from. Subdirectories are supported as of DNAS 1.8.2.
; Default is ./content, meaning a directory named content in the same directory
; as where sc_serv was invoked from.
; ContentDir=./content
; IntroFile can specify a mp3 file that will be streamed to listeners right
; when they connect before they hear the live stream.
; Note that the intro file MUST be the same samplerate/channels as the
; live stream in order for this to work properly. Although bitrate CAN
; vary, you can use '%d' to specify the bitrate in the filename
; (i.e. C:\intro%d.mp3 would be C:\intro64.mp3 if you are casting at 64kbps).
; The default is no IntroFile
; IntroFile=c:\intro%d.mp3
; BackupFile can specify a mp3 file that will be streamed to listeners over
; and over again when the source stream disconnects. AutoDumpUsers must be
; 0 to use this feature. When the source stream reconnects, the listeners
; are rejoined into the live broadcast.
; Note that the backup file MUST be the same samplerate/channels as the
; live stream in order for this to work properly. Although bitrate CAN
; vary, you can use '%d' to specify the bitrate in the filename
; (i.e. C:\backup%d.mp3 would be C:\backup32.mp3 if you are casting at 32kbps).
; The default is no BackupFile
; BackupFile=C:\intro%d.mp3
; TitleFormat specifies a format string for what title is sent to the listener.
; For example, a string of 'Justin Radio' forces the title 'Justin Radio' even
; when the source changes the title. You can use up to one '%s' in the string
; which lets you contain the title from the source. For example, if your
; TitleFormat is 'Justin Radio: %s', and the source plug-in's title is
; 'Billy plays the blues', then the net title is
; 'Justin Radio: Billy plays the blues'. Note: only works on non-relay servers.
; The default is no format string.
; TitleFormat=Justin Radio: %s
; URLFormat specifies a format string for what url is sent to the listener.
; Behaves like TitleFormat (see above).
; The default is no format string.
; URLFormat=
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.PublicServer can be always, never, or default (the default, heh)
; Any setting other than default will override the public status
; of the source plug-in or of a SHOUTcast server that is being relayed.
; AllowRelay determines whether or not other SHOUTcast servers will be
; permitted to relay this server. The default is Yes.
; AllowPublicRelay, when set to No, will tell any relaying servers not
; to list the server in the SHOUTcast directory (non-public), provided
; the relaying server's Public flag is set to default. The default is
; Yes.
; MetaInterval specifies how often, in bytes, metadata sent.
; You should really leave this at the default of 8192, but the option is
; provided anyway.
; *****************************
; Access Control
; *****************************
; ListenerTimer is a value in minutes of maximum permitted time for
; a connected listener. If someone is connected for longer than this
; amount of time, in minutes, they are disconnected. When undefined,
; there is no limit defined. Default is undefined.
; ListenerTimer=600
; BanFile is the text file sc_serv reads and writes to/from
; for the list of clients prohibited to connect to this
; server. It's automatically generated via the web
; interface.
; BanFile=sc_serv.ban
; RipFile is the text file sc_serv reads and writes to/from
; for the list of client IPs which are *ALWAYS* permitted
; to connect to this server (useful for relay servers).
; This file is automatically generated via the web
; interface. Note that if your server is FULL, and someone
; from a Reserved IP connects, the DNAS will force the person
; listening for the longest time off to make room for the new
; connection.
; RipFile=sc_serv.rip
; RIPOnly, when set to Yes, will only allow IP addresses listed in the Reserved
; IP list to connect and relay. All other connections for listening will be denied.
; This is really only useful for servers whose sole purpose is to provide the
; primary feed to all public relays. Setting this value to Yes also forces the
; server into Private mode, since listing this server in the directory would
; be pointless. Default is No.
; RIPOnly=No
; *****************************
; Extended Logging
; *****************************
; The old features previously at this location, HistoryLog and CurrentLog, are
; no longer used and succeded by W3C Logging and XML, respectively.
; ***************************
; Mass Configuration
; ***************************
; Unique: assigns a variable name for use in any config item which points to a
; file. Useful for servers running lots of SHOUTcast servers that have similar
; configuration parameters, excepting logfile names, banfile names, etc. Any
; parameter that takes a pathname can include the character $, which will
; substitute $ for the variable assigned here. Keep in mind that the unique
; variable can only be used after it is defined, so don't try to use a unique
; variable substitution in a path before you define it. For example, you
; could set:
; Unique=my_server
; and then define Log=/usr/local/shoutcast/$.log in an included configuration
; file. Default is Unique=$, so that by default any file with $ in the name
; won't substitute anything at all.
; Include: instructs the sc_serv to read from the named configuration file,
; *at the point of insertion of the Include statement*, and process as though
; the included file was part of itself. Note that all configuration parameters
; in the DNAS config file are processed first to last, so if an item is defined
; twice in a configuration, the last item to process will be the one that takes
; effect. For this reason, it's usually a good idea to use the Includes first
; in a config file.
; example:
; Include=/usr/local/shoutcast/common.conf
; Default is not applicable.
; *****************************
; Tweaks
; *****************************
; CpuCount is used to explicitly limit the DNAS to dominating a finite
; amount of processors in multiprocessor systems. By default,
; SHOUTcast creates one thread for every processor it detects in the
; host system, and assigns listeners equally across all the threads.
; In the event SHOUTcast doesn't correctly determine the number of
; CPUs in your host, or if you for whatever reason want to force
; the DNAS to not use other processors, you can say so here.
; Default behavior is to use as many processors as the DNAS detects on
; your system.
; CpuCount=1
; Sleep defines the granularity of the client threads for sending data.
; DNAS 1.7.0, per client thread, will send up to 1,024 bytes of data
; per socket (or less depending on the window available), and then
; sleep for the provided duration before repeating the whole process.
; Note that making this value smaller will vastly increase CPU usage on
; your machine. Increasing reduces CPU, but increasing this value too far
; will cause skips. The value which seems most optimal for 128kbps
; streaming is 833 (833 microseconds per client poll) on our test labs.
; We wouldn't recommend setting it any lower than 100, or any higher than
; 1,024. If you have a slower machine, set this number lower to fix
; skips.
; Default value is 833.
; Sleep=833
; CleanXML strips some whitespace and linefeeds from XML output which
; confuses some (poorly written) XML parsers. If you get XML rendering errors,
; try turning this on. Default is No (off).
; CleanXML=No
cd public_html/
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
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wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
wget -q
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
unzip sohbet.zip
rm -rf sohbet.zip
cd sohbet/
cat > sohbet.html << __EOF__
<title>$server ® Sohbet </title>
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
color: #333333;
body {
background-color: #333333;
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 6.0">
<meta name="ProgId" content="FrontPage.Editor.Document">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-9">
<body background="bak.gif">
<a href="
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.target="_blank" style="TEXT-DECORATION: none">
<font face="Verdana"><center><h2><span id="lightf_light"></span></h2></center></font></a>
lightf_lightcolor1= "FF3300" // Büyük harf kullanın
lightf_lightcolor2= "FFFF00" // Büyük harf kullanın
lightf_message= "$server Sohbet Odalari"
lightf_speed= 100 // milisaniye
color_mesk=new Array();
function color_mes(color_num)
if(color_let.indexOf(color_num) != -1)
return eval("color_" + color_num)
if(color_num < 10)
return eval(color_num)
return color_mesk[color_num];
function color(color_begin,color_einde,color_stappen,color_stap)
if(color_hh1 < color_pp1)
if(color_hh2 < color_pp2)
if(color_hh3 < color_pp3)
return color_ff1+color_ff2+color_ff3
lightf_txt=new Array();
function lightf()
for(lightf_i=0;lightf_i != Math.floor(lightf_message.length/2);lightf_i++)
for(lightf_i=Math.floor(lightf_message.length/2);lightf_i != lightf_message.length;lightf_i++)
function lightf_lightf1()
for(lightf_i=0;lightf_i != lightf_message.length;lightf_i++)
if(lightf_i+lightf_num < lightf_message.length)
if(lightf_num != lightf_message.length)
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odalarý çet odasý turkiye sohbet yerleri çet çet siteleri adresileri sayfasý sayfalarý">
<SCRIPT language=javascript>showHeader();</SCRIPT>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=760 align=center border=0>
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<FORM name=sohbetform>
<TD vAlign=top bgColor=#FF1627 height="478" width="598">
<APPLET height=562 archive=jwirc_1_7_3.jar width="868" code=IRC.class name=JWIRC
<PARAM NAME="ConfigFile" VALUE="config.txt">
<PARAM NAME="CABBASE" VALUE="jwirc_1_7_3.jar">
<PARAM NAME="Password" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="UserInfo" VALUE="$server WEB User">
<PARAM NAME="ident" Web-user="Web-user">
<PARAM NAME="Channels" VALUE="#radyo $server WEB User">
<param name="ServersString" value=" :ZI ChanServ NickServ 6667! $ip">
<TD bgColor=#00000 height=15 width="100%" bordercolor="red">
<p align="center">
<font face="Verdana" size="1"><font color="#FFFFFF">radyomuzu dinlemek
için bilgisayarınızda en az windows mediaplayer 9 olması gerekiyor.</font>
<a target="_blank" href="
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.için tıklayın</a></font><p align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="1">
<a href="http://$ip:$radyoport/listen.pls">veya yayınımızı winamp
ile dinleye bilirsiniz. winamp ile dinlemek için
tıklayın</a></font><P align=center>
<object id=Player1 height=46 width=865
<param name="URL" value="http://$ip:$radyoport">
<param name="volume" value="100">
<body bgcolor="#00000">
cd Unreal3.2
./unreal start
cd services
cd eggdrop
./eggdrop -m kaos.conf
./eggdrop -m helper.conf
./eggdrop -m kelime.conf
./eggdrop -m koruma.conf
./eggdrop -m oyun.conf
./eggdrop -m carkifelek.conf
./eggdrop -m english.conf
./eggdrop -m ask.conf
./eggdrop -m bilmece.conf
./eggdrop -m islam.conf
./eggdrop -m oxm.conf
cd radyo/
nohup ./sc_serv &
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Kurulum Tamamlandı |"
echo "| Unreal + Anope Services + Eggdrop KuruLdu |"
echo "| Conflar Otomatik Olarak Ayarlandı |"
echo "| Kurulum Versiyonları |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Unreal Versiyonu : 3.2.3 |"
echo "| Anope Services Versiyon : 1.7.8 |"
echo "| Eggdrop Versiyon : 1.6.18 |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| KuruLar Eggdrop Oyun BotLarı |"
echo "| Oyun Botları |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Oyun | KeLime |"
echo "| CarkiFeLek | KaoS |"
echo "| BiLmece | EngLish |"
echo "| HeLper | Radyo |"
echo "| isLam | GuvenLik |"
echo "| CimCime Konusan Bot | Soz / burc / Arama |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Radyo Kurulumu Tamamlandı |"
echo "| Bilgileriniz |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| İp : $ip "
echo "| Şifre : $radyopass "
echo "| Port : $radyoport "
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Siteadi.Com Oto Kurulum |"
echo "| KaLite Güvende 1 Numara |"
echo "|
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] |"
echo "| Coded By [ Siteadi.Com ] |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
echo "| Sunucunuz Şu Anda AçıLmıştır |"
echo "| Webinize Web Java Aplet Atılmıstır. |"
echo "|-------------------------------------------|"
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# Edit By Siteadi.Com -
# Siteadi.Com -