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Alt 23 Şubat 2010, 10:54   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

ircu2.10.12.08 kurdum Oper yazamdım oper nasıl yazılıyor bu kurlumda

bunu deniyorum olmuyor

Operator {
host = "
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password = "$PLAIN$notencryptedpass";
name = "Niels";
class = "Opers";

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IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet bizimmekan
Alt 23 Şubat 2010, 23:24   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

host satırını *@* şeklinde denemelisin.


Kullanıcı imzalarındaki bağlantı ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 20 mesaja sahip olmanız gerekir ya da üye girişi yapmanız gerekir.
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 24 Şubat 2010, 14:08   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil



Denedim yanlız şifre yanlıs diyor bu kurulumda oper nasıl yazılıyor ./umkpasswd yapıyorum olmuyor bir yadımcı olurmusunuz.?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 24 Şubat 2010, 17:23   #4
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

Operator {
host = "*@*";
password = "$PLAIN$--------";
name = "Weaseal";
class = "Opers";

Bu şekilde denermisin.

Lucifer dediler bana, kötülüğü anlatmak için. Halbuki, ışık ve güzelliği anlatırdı Lucifer. Ben kötüyüm bu düzen için; ama değilim asla kötülük.
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 24 Şubat 2010, 17:36   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

o şekilde denedim yanlız bu s eferde şifre hatası veriyor..

Password Incorrect
Password Incorrect

bunun baska yolu yokmu nasıl oper olacaz burda biz yardımcı olurmusnuz?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 24 Şubat 2010, 19:26   #6
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

ircu versionun forum sayfası [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] burdan yardım alabilirsin.


Kullanıcı imzalarındaki bağlantı ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 20 mesaja sahip olmanız gerekir ya da üye girişi yapmanız gerekir.
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 25 Şubat 2010, 02:46   #7
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

Tam emin değilim ama oper şifresi unrealdeki gibi direk olarak yazılamıyor. Şifrelenmesi(decode) edilmesi gerekiyor. IRC üzerinden

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
/umkpasswd 123456

komutunu uyguladıktan sonra size encodeli şifreyi verecektir. Bu şifreyi conf dosyanıza

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
password = "VRKLKuGKn0jLt";

gibi eklemeniz gerekiyor. Daha sonra oper nickname 123456 olarak girmeyi deneyin. Bu şekilde olması lazım eğer ki olmaz ise kurup deneriz ve sonuç alırız son çare
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 25 Şubat 2010, 14:14   #8
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

ben o sekilde denedim yanlız olmadı bakın böle hata verdi..

[kimil@linux(~/bin)]$ ./umkpasswd 123456
No mechanism specified.

bunu formulu yokmu nasıl oper ekliyecez??

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 25 Şubat 2010, 15:04   #9
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

ÖRNEK Conf dosyası.. Buradan düzenleyebilirsiniz.. Oper ekleme vs. Bunları belirtilmiş.. Daha geniş bilgi almak için, İRCU klasöründeki, Doc dosyasını inceleyiniz..

[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# ircd.conf - configuration file for ircd version ircu2.10 # # Last Updated: 20, March 2002. # # Written by Niels <
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>, based on the original example.conf, # server code and some real-life (ahem) experience. # # Updated and heavily modified by Braden <
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>. # # Rewritten by A1kmm(Andrew Miller)<
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> to support # the new flex/bison configuration parser. # # Thanks and credits to: Run, Trillian, Cym, Morrissey, Chaos, Flynn, # Xorath, WildThang, Mmmm, SeKs, Ghostwolf and # all other Undernet IRC Admins and Operators, # and programmers working on the Undernet ircd. # # This is an example of the configuration file used by the Undernet ircd. # # This document is based on a (fictious) server in Europe with a # connection to the Undernet IRC network. It is primarily a leaf server, # but if all the other hubs in Europe aren't in service, it can connect # to one in the US by itself. # # The configuration format consists of a number of blocks in the format # BlockName { setting = number; setting2 = "string"; setting3 = yes; }; # Note that comments start from a #(hash) and go to the end of the line. # Whitespace(space, tab, or carriage return/linefeed) are ignored and may # be used to make the configuration file more readable. # # Please note that when ircd puts the configuration lines into practice, # it parses them exactly the other way round than they are listed here. # It uses the blocks in reverse order. # # This means that you should start your Client blocks with the # "fall through", most vanilla one, and end with the most detailed. # # There is a difference between the "hostname" and the "server name" # of the machine that the server is run on. For example, the host can # have "" as FQDN, and "" as # server name. # A "server mask" is something like "*", which is # matched by "" but not by # "". # # Please do NOT just rename the example.conf to ircd.conf and expect # it to work. # [General] # # First some information about the server. # General { # name = "servername"; # vhost = "ipv4vhost"; # vhost = "ipv6vhost"; # description = "description"; # numeric = numericnumber; # dns vhost = "ipv4vhost"; # dns vhost = "ipv6vhost"; # dns server = "ipaddress"; # dns server = "ipaddress2"; # }; # # If present, <virtual host> must contain a valid address in dotted # quad or IPv6 numeric notation ( or ::1). The address MUST # be the address of a physical interface on the host. This address is # used for outgoing connections if the Connect{} block does not # override it. See Port{} for listener virtual hosting. If in doubt, # leave it out -- or use "*", which has the same meaning as no vhost. # # You may specify both an IPv4 virtual host and an IPv6 virtual host, # to indicate which address should be used for outbound connections # of the respective type. # # Note that <server numeric> has to be unique on the network your server # is running on, must be between 0 and 4095, and is not updated on a rehash. # # The two DNS lines allow you to specify the local IP address to use # for DNS lookups ("dns vhost") and one or more DNS server addresses # to use. If the vhost is ambiguous for some reason, you may list # IPV4 and/or IPV6 between the equals sign and the address string. # The default DNS vhost is to let the operating system assign the # address, and the default DNS servers are read from /etc/resolv.conf. # In most cases, you do not need to specify either the dns vhost or # the dns server. General { name = ""; description = "University of London, England"; numeric = 1; }; # [Admin] # # This sets information that can be retrieved with the /ADMIN command. # It should contain at least an admin Email contact address. Admin { # At most two location lines are allowed... Location = "The University of London"; Location = "Undernet IRC server"; Contact = "IRC Admins <
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.uk>"; }; # [Classes] # # All connections to the server are associated with a certain "connection # class", be they incoming or outgoing (initiated by the server), be they # clients or servers. # # Class { # name = "<class>"; # pingfreq = time; # connectfreq = time; # maxlinks = number; # sendq = size; # usermode = "+i"; # }; # # For connection classes used on server links, maxlinks should be set # to either 0 (for hubs) or 1 (for leaf servers). Client connection # classes may use maxlinks between 0 and approximately 4,000,000,000. # maxlinks = 0 means there is no limit on the number of connections # using the class. # # <connect freq> applies only to servers, and specifies the frequency # that the server tries to autoconnect. setting this to 0 will cause # the server to attempt to connect repeatedly with no delay until the # <maximum links> condition is satisfied. This is a Bad Thing(tm). # Note that times can be specified as a number, or by giving something # like: 1 minutes 20 seconds, or 1*60+20. # # Recommended server classes: # All your server uplinks you are not a hub for. Class { name = "Server"; pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds; connectfreq = 5 minutes; maxlinks = 1; sendq = 9000000; }; # All the leaf servers you hub for. Class { name = "LeafServer"; pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds; connectfreq = 5 minutes; maxlinks = 0; sendq = 9000000; }; # Client { # username = "ident"; # host = "host"; # ip = ""; # password = "password"; # class = "classname"; # maxlinks = 3; # }; # # Everything in a Client block is optional. If a username mask is # given, it must match the client's username from the IDENT protocol. # If a host mask is given, the client's hostname must resolve and # match the host mask. If a CIDR-style IP mask is given, the client # must have an IP matching that range. If maxlinks is given, it is # limits the number of matching clients allowed from a particular IP # address. # # Take the following class blocks only as a guide. Class { name = "Local"; pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds; sendq = 160000; maxlinks = 100; usermode = "+iw"; }; Class { name = "America"; pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds; sendq = 80000; maxlinks = 5; }; Class { name = "Other"; pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds; sendq = 160000; maxlinks = 400; }; Class { name = "Opers"; pingfreq = 1 minutes 30 seconds; sendq = 160000; maxlinks = 10; # For connection classes intended for operator use, you can specify # privileges used when the Operator block (see below) names this # class. The local (aka globally_opered) privilege MUST be defined # by either the Class or Operator block. The following privileges # exist: # # local (or propagate, with the opposite sense) # whox (log oper's use of x flag with /WHO) # display (oper status visible to lusers) # chan_limit (can join local channels when in # MAXCHANNELSPERUSER channels) # mode_lchan (can /MODE &channel without chanops) # deop_lchan (cannot be deopped or kicked on local channels) # walk_lchan (can forcibly /JOIN &channel OVERRIDE) # show_invis (see +i users in /WHO x) # show_all_invis (see +i users in /WHO x) # unlimit_query (show more results from /WHO) # local_kill (can kill clients on this server) # rehash (can use /REHASH) # restart (can use /RESTART) # die (can use /DIE) # local_jupe (not used) # set (can use /SET) # local_gline (can set a G-line for this server only) # local_badchan (can set a Gchan for this server only) # see_chan (can see users in +s channels in /WHO) # list_chan (can see +s channels with /LIST S, or modes with /LIST M) # wide_gline (can use ! to force a wide G-line) # see_opers (can see opers without DISPLAY privilege) # local_opmode (can use OPMODE/CLEARMODE on local channels) # force_local_opmode (can use OPMODE/CLEARMODE on quarantined local channels) # kill (can kill clients on other servers) # gline (can issue G-lines to other servers) # jupe_server (not used) # opmode (can use /OPMODE) # badchan (can issue Gchans to other servers) # force_opmode (can use OPMODE/CLEARMODE on quarantined global channels) # apass_opmode (can use OPMODE/CLEARMODE on +A and +U keys) # # For global opers (with propagate = yes or local = no), the default # is to grant all of the above privileges EXCEPT walk_lchan, # unlimit_query, set, badchan, local_badchan and apass_opmode. # For local opers, the default is to grant ONLY the following # privileges: # chan_limit, mode_lchan, show_invis, show_all_invis, local_kill, # rehash, local_gline, local_jupe, local_opmode, whox, display, # force_local_opmode # Any privileges listed in a Class block override the defaults. local = no; }; # [Client] # # To allow clients to connect, they need authorization. This can be # done based on hostmask, address mask, and/or with a password. # With intelligent use of classes and the maxconnections field in the # Client blocks, you can let in a specific domain, but get rid of all other # domains in the same toplevel, thus setting up some sort of "reverse # Kill block". # Client { # host = "user@host"; # ip = "user@ip"; # password = "password"; # class = "classname"; # }; # # Technical description (for examples, see below): # For every connecting client, the IP address is known. A reverse lookup # on this IP-number is done to get the (/all) hostname(s). # Each hostname that belongs to this IP-number is matched to <hostmask>, # and the Client {} is used when any matches; the client will then show # with this particular hostname. If none of the hostnames match, then # the IP-number is matched against the <IP mask ...> field, if this matches # then the Client{} is used nevertheless and the client will show with the # first (main) hostname if any; if the IP-number did not resolve then the # client will show with the dot notation of the IP-number. # There is a special case for the UNIX domain sockets and localhost connections # though; in this case the <IP mask ...> field is compared with the # name of the server (thus not with any IP-number representation). The name # of the server is the one returned in the numeric 002 reply, for example: # 002 Your host is[jolan.ppro], running version ... # Then the "jolan.ppro" is the name used for matching. # Therefore, unix domain sockets, and connections to localhost would # match this block: # host = "*@jolan.ppro"; # # This is the "fallback" entry. All .uk, .nl, and all unresolved are # in these two lines. # By using two different lines, multiple connections from a single IP # are only allowed from hostnames which have both valid forward and # reverse DNS mappings. Client { class = "Other"; ip = "*@*"; maxlinks = 2; }; Client { class = "Other"; host = "*@*"; maxlinks = 2; }; # If you don't want unresolved dudes to be able to connect to your # server, do not specify any "ip = " settings. # # Here, take care of all American ISPs. Client { host = "*@*.com"; class = "America"; maxlinks = 2; }; Client { host = "*@*.net"; class = "America"; maxlinks = 2; }; # Now list all the .com / .net domains that you wish to have access... # actually it's less work to do it this way than to do it the other # way around - K-lining every single ISP in the US. # I wish people in Holland just got a .nl domain, and not try to be # cool and use .com... Client { host = "*@*"; class = "Other"; maxlinks=2; }; Client { host = "*@*"; class = "Other"; maxlinks=2; }; Client { host = "*@*"; class = "Other"; maxlinks=2; }; Client { host = "*@*"; class = "Other"; maxlinks=2; }; Client { host = "*@*"; class = "Other"; maxlinks=2; }; Client { host = "*@*"; class = "Other"; maxlinks=2; }; Client { host = "*@*"; class = "Local"; maxlinks=2; }; # You can request a more complete listing, including the "list of standard # Kill blocks" from the Routing Committee; it will also be sent to you if # you apply for a server and get accepted. # # Ourselves - this makes sure that we can get in, no matter how full # the server is (hopefully). Client { host = "*@*"; ip = "*@193.37.*"; class = "Local"; # A maxlinks of over 5 will automatically be glined by euworld on Undernet maxlinks = 5; }; # You can put an expression in the maxlinks value, which will make ircd # only accept a client when the total number of connections to the network # from the same IP number doesn't exceed this number. # The following example would accept at most one connection per IP number # from "*" and at most two connections from dial up accounts # that have "dial??.*" as host mask: # Client { # host = "*@*"; # maxlinks = 1; # class = "Other"; # }; # Client { # host = "*@dial??.*"; # maxlinks = 2; # class = "Other"; # }; # # If you are not worried about who connects, this line will allow everyone # to connect. Client { host = "*@*"; ip = "*@*"; class = "Other"; maxlinks = 2; }; # [motd] # # It is possible to show a different Message of the Day to a connecting # client depending on its origin. # motd { # # Note: host can also be a classname. # host = "Other"; # file = "path/to/motd/file"; # }; # # More than one host = "mask"; entry may be present in one block; this # has the same effect as one Motd block for each host entry, but makes # it easier to update the messages's filename. # # DPATH/net_com.motd contains a special MOTD where users are encouraged # to register their domains and get their own client{} lines if they're in # Europe, or move to if they're in the USA. motd { host = "*.net"; file = "net_com.motd"; }; motd { host = "*.com"; file = "net_com.motd"; }; motd { host = "America"; file = "net_com.motd"; }; # A different MOTD for ourselves, where we point out that the helpdesk # better not be bothered with questions regarding irc... motd { host = "*"; file = "london.motd"; }; # [UWorld] # # One of the many nice features of Undernet is "Uworld", a program # connected to the net as a server. This allows it to broadcast any mode # change, thus allowing opers to, for example, "unlock" a channel that # has been taken over. # There is only one slight problem: the TimeStamp protocol prevents this. # So there is a configuration option to allow them anyway from a certain # server. # UWorld { # # The servername or wildcard mask for it that this applies to. # name = "relservername"; # }; # # You may have have more than one name listed in each block. # # Note: (1) These lines are agreed on by every server admin on Undernet; # (2) These lines must be the same on every single server, or results # will be disasterous; (3) This is a useful feature, not something that # is a liability and abused regularly (well... :-) # If you're on Undernet, you MUST have these lines. I cannnot stress # this enough. If all of the servers don't have the same lines, the # servers will try to undo the mode hacks that Uworld does. Make SURE that # all of the servers have the EXACT same UWorld blocks. # # If your server starts on a bit larger network, you'll probably get # assigned one or two uplinks to which your server can connect. # If your uplink(s) also connect to other servers than yours (which is # probable), you need to define your uplink as being allowed to "hub". # See the Connect block documentation for details on how to do that. UWorld { name = ""; name = ""; name = ""; name = ""; name = ""; name = ""; name = ""; name = ""; name = ""; }; # As of ircu2.10.05 is it possible to Jupe nicks. As per CFV-0095 and # CFV-0255, the following nicks must be juped, it is not allowed to # jupe others as well. Jupe { nick = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z,{,|,},~,-,_,`"; nick = "EuWorld,UWorld,UWorld2"; nick = "login,undernet,protocol,pass,newpass,org"; nick = "StatServ,NoteServ"; nick = "ChanSvr,ChanSaver,ChanServ"; nick = "NickSvr,NickSaver,NickServ"; nick = "LPT1,LPT2,COM1,COM2,COM3,COM4,AUX"; }; # [Kill] # # While running your server, you will most probably encounter individuals # or groups of persons that you do not wish to have access to your server. # # For this purpose, the ircd understands "kill blocks". These are also # known as K-lines, by virtue of the former config file format. # Kill # { # host = "user@host"; # reason = "The reason the user will see"; # }; # It is possible to ban on the basis of the real name. # It is also possible to use a file as comment for the ban, using # file = "file": # Kill # { # realname = "realnametoban"; # file = "path/to/file/with/reason/to/show"; # }; # # # The default reason is: "You are banned from this server" # Note that Kill blocks are local to the server; if you ban a person or a # whole domain from your server, they can get on IRC via any other server # that doesn't have them Killed (yet). # # With a simple comment, using quotes: Kill { host = "*.au"; reason = "Please use a nearer server"; }; Kill { host = "*.edu"; reason = "Please use a nearer server"; }; # You can also kill based on username. Kill { username = "sub7"; realname = "s*7*"; reason = "You are infected with a Trojan"; }; # The file can contain for example, a reason, a link to the # server rules and a contact address. Note the combination # of username and host in the host field. Kill { host = "*
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.uk"; file = "kline/youflooded.txt"; }; # IP-based kill lines apply to all hosts, even if an IP address has a # properly resolving host name. Kill { host = "192.168.*"; file = "klines/martians"; }; # The realname field lets you ban by realname... Kill { realname = "*sub7*"; reason = "You are infected with a Trojan"; }; # [Connect] # # You probably want your server connected to other servers, so your users # have other users to chat with. # IRC servers connect to other servers forming a network with a star or # tree topology. Loops are not allowed. # In this network, two servers can be distinguished: "hub" and "leaf" # servers. Leaf servers connect to hubs; hubs connect to each other. # Of course, many servers can't be directly classified in one of these # categories. Both a fixed and a rule-based decision making system for # server links is provided for ircd to decide what links to allow, what # to let humans do themselves, and what links to (forcefully) disallow. # # The Connect blocks # define what servers the server connect to, and which servers are # allowed to connect. # Connect { # name = "servername"; # host = "hostnameORip"; # vhost = "localIP"; # password = "passwd"; # port = portno; # class = "classname"; # maxhops = 2; # hub = "*"; # autoconnect = no; # }; # # The "port" field defines the default port the server tries to connect # to if an operator uses /connect without specifying a port. This is also # the port used when the server attempts to auto-connect to the remote # server. (See Class blocks for more informationa about auto-connects). # You may tell ircu to not automatically connect to a server by adding # "autoconnect = no;"; the default is to autoconnect. # # If the vhost field is present, the server will use that IP as the # local end of connections that it initiates to this server. This # overrides the vhost value from the General block. # # The maxhops field causes an SQUIT if a hub tries to introduce # servers farther away than that; the element 'leaf;' is an alias for # 'maxhops = 0;'. The hub field limits the names of servers that may # be introduced by a hub; the element 'hub;' is an alias for # 'hub = "*";'. # # Our primary uplink. Connect { name = ""; host = ""; password = "passwd"; port = 4400; class = "Server"; hub; }; # [crule] # # For an advanced, real-time rule-based routing decision making system # you can use crule blocks. For more information, see doc/readme.crules. # If more than one server mask is present in a single crule, the rule # applies to all servers. # CRULE # { # server = "servermask"; # rule = "connectrule"; # # Setting all to yes makes the rule always apply. Otherwise it only # # applies to autoconnects. # all = yes; # }; CRULE { server = "*"; rule = "connected(*"; }; CRULE { server = "*"; rule = "connected(Amsterdam.NL.EU.*)"; }; # The following block is recommended for leaf servers: CRULE { server = "*"; rule = "directcon(*)"; }; # [Operator] # # Inevitably, you have reached the part about "IRC Operators". Oper status # grants some special privileges to a user, like the power to make the # server break or (try to) establish a connection with another server, # and to "kill" users off IRC. # I can write many pages about this; I will restrict myself to saying that # if you want to appoint somebody as IRC Operator on your server, that # person should be aware of his/her responsibilities, and that you, being # the admin, will be held accountable for their actions. # # There are two sorts of IRC Operators: "local" and "global". Local opers # can squit, connect and kill - but only locally: their +o user mode # is not not passed along to other servers. On Undernet, this prevents # them from using Uworld as well. # # More than one host = "mask"; entry may be present in one block; this # has the same effect as one Operator block for each host entry, but # makes it easier to update operator nicks, passwords, classes, and # privileges. # # Operator { # host = "host/IP mask"; # name = "opername"; # password = "encryptedpass"; # class = "classname"; # # You can also set any operator privilege; see the Class block # # documentation for details. A privilege defined for a single # # Operator will override the privilege settings for the Class # # and the default setting. # }; # # By default, the password is hashed using the system's native crypt() # function. Other password mechanisms are available; the umkpasswd # utility from the ircd directory can hash passwords using those # mechanisms. If you use a password format that is NOT generated by # umkpasswd, ircu will not recognize the oper's password. # # All privileges are shown with their default values; if you wish to # override defaults, you should set only those privileges for the # operator. Listing defaulted privileges just makes things harder to # find. Operator { local = no; host = "*@*"; password = "VRKLKuGKn0jLt"; name = "Niels"; class = "Local"; }; Operator { host = "*@*"; password = "$PLAIN$notencryptedpass"; name = "Niels"; class = "Opers"; }; # Note that the <connection class> is optional, but leaving it away # puts the opers in class "default", which usually only accepts one # connection at a time. If you want users to Oper up more then once per # block, then use a connection class that allows more then one connection, # for example (using class Local as in the example above): # # Once you OPER your connection class changes no matter where you are or # your previous connection classes. If the defined connection class is # Local for the operator block, then your new connection class is Local. # [Port] # When your server gets more full, you will notice delays when trying to # connect to your server's primary listening port. It is possible via the # Port lines to specify additional ports for the ircd to listen to. # De facto ports are: 6667 - standard; 6660-6669 - additional client # ports; # Undernet uses 4400 for server listener ports. # These are just hints, they are in no way official IANA or IETF policies. # IANA says we should use port 194, but that requires us to run as root, # so we don't do that. # # # Port { # port = [ipv4] [ipv6] number; # mask = "ipmask"; # # Use this to control the interface you bind to. # vhost = [ipv4] [ipv6] "virtualhostip"; # # You can specify both virtual host and port number in one entry. # vhost = [ipv4] [ipv6] "virtualhostip" number; # # Setting to yes makes this server only. # server = yes; # # Setting to yes makes the port "hidden" from stats. # hidden = yes; # }; # # The port and vhost lines allow you to specify one or both of "ipv4" # and "ipv6" as address families to use for the port. The default is # to listen on both IPv4 and IPv6. # # The mask setting allows you to specify a range of IP addresses that # you will allow connections from. This should only contain IP addresses # and '*' if used. This field only uses IP addresses. This does not use # DNS in any way so you can't use it to allow *.nl or *.uk. Attempting # to specify anything other than numbers, dots and stars [0-9.*] will result # in the port allowing connections from anyone. # # The interface setting allows multiply homed hosts to specify which # interface to use on a port by port basis, if an interface is not specified # the default interface will be used. The interface MUST be the complete # IP address for a real hardware interface on the machine running ircd. # If you want to use virtual hosting *YOU* *MUST* *USE* *THIS* otherwise it # WILL bind to all interfaces - not what most people seem to expect. # Port { server = yes; port = 4400; }; # This is an IPv4-only Server port that is Hidden Port { server = yes; hidden = yes; port = ipv4 4401; }; # The following are normal client ports Port { port = 6667; }; Port { port = 6668; }; Port { # This only accepts clients with IPs like 192.168.*. mask = "192.168.*"; port = 6666; }; # This is a hidden client port, listening on Port { vhost = ""; hidden = yes; port = 7000; }; # More than one vhost may be present in a single Port block; in this case, # we recommend listing the port number on the vhost line for clarity. Port { vhost = "" 6667; vhost = "" 6668; hidden = no; }; # Quarantine blocks disallow operators from using OPMODE and CLEARMODE # on certain channels. Opers with the force_opmode (for local # channels, force_local_opmode) privilege may override the quarantine # by prefixing the channel name with an exclamation point ('!'). # Wildcards are NOT supported; the channel name must match exactly. Quarantine { "#shells" = "Thou shalt not support the h4><0rz"; "&kiddies" = "They can take care of themselves"; }; # This is a server-implemented alias to send a message to a service. # The string after Pseudo is the command name; the name entry inside # is the service name, used for error messages. More than one nick # entry can be provided; the last one listed has highest priority. Pseudo "CHANSERV" { name = "X"; nick = "
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"; }; # You can also prepend text before the user's message. Pseudo "LOGIN" { name = "X"; prepend = "LOGIN "; nick = "
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"; }; # You can ask a separate server whether to allow users to connect. # Uncomment this ONLY if you have an iauth helper program. # IAuth { # program = "../path/to/iauth" "-n" "options go here"; # }; # [features] # IRC servers have a large number of options and features. Most of these # are set at compile time through the use of #define's--see "make config" # for more details--but we are working to move many of these into the # configuration file. Features let you configure these at runtime. # You only need one feature block in which you use # "featurename" = "value1" , "value2", ..., "valuen-1", "valuen"; # # The entire purpose of F:lines are so that you do not have to recompile # the IRCD everytime you want to change a feature. All of the features # are listed below, and at the bottom is how to set logging. # # A Special Thanks to Kev for writing the documentation of F:lines. It can # be found at doc/readme.features and the logging documentation can be # found at doc/readme.log. The defaults used by the Undernet network are # below. # features { # These log features are the only way to get certain error messages # (such as when the server dies from being out of memory). For more # explanation of how they work, see doc/readme.log. "LOG" = "SYSTEM" "FILE" "ircd.log"; "LOG" = "SYSTEM" "LEVEL" "CRIT"; # "DOMAINNAME"="<obtained from /etc/resolv.conf by ./configure>"; # "RELIABLE_CLOCK"="FALSE"; # "BUFFERPOOL"="27000000"; # "HAS_FERGUSON_FLUSHER"="FALSE"; # "CLIENT_FLOOD"="1024"; # "SERVER_PORT"="4400"; # "NODEFAULTMOTD"="TRUE"; # "MOTD_BANNER"="TRUE"; # "KILL_IPMISMATCH"="FALSE"; # "IDLE_FROM_MSG"="TRUE"; # "HUB"="FALSE"; # "WALLOPS_OPER_ONLY"="FALSE"; # "NODNS"="FALSE"; # "RANDOM_SEED"="<you should set one explicitly>"; # "DEFAULT_LIST_PARAM"="TRUE"; # "NICKNAMEHISTORYLENGTH"="800"; # "NETWORK"="UnderNet"; # "HOST_HIDING"="FALSE"; # "HIDDEN_HOST"=""; # "HIDDEN_IP"=""; # "KILLCHASETIMELIMIT"="30"; # "MAXCHANNELSPERUSER"="10"; # "NICKLEN" = "12"; # "AVBANLEN"="40"; # "MAXBANS"="30"; # "MAXSILES"="15"; # "HANGONGOODLINK"="300"; # "HANGONRETRYDELAY" = "10"; # "CONNECTTIMEOUT" = "90"; # "MAXIMUM_LINKS" = "1"; # "PINGFREQUENCY" = "120"; # "CONNECTFREQUENCY" = "600"; # "DEFAULTMAXSENDQLENGTH" = "40000"; # "GLINEMAXUSERCOUNT" = "20"; # "MPATH" = "ircd.motd"; # "RPATH" = "remote.motd"; # "PPATH" = ""; # "TOS_SERVER" = "0x08"; # "TOS_CLIENT" = "0x08"; # "POLLS_PER_LOOP" = "200"; # "IRCD_RES_TIMEOUT" = "4"; # "IRCD_RES_RETRIES" = "2"; # "AUTH_TIMEOUT" = "9"; # "IPCHECK_CLONE_LIMIT" = "4"; # "IPCHECK_CLONE_PERIOD" = "40"; # "IPCHECK_CLONE_DELAY" = "600"; # "CHANNELLEN" = "200"; # "CONFIG_OPERCMDS" = "FALSE"; # "OPLEVELS" = "TRUE"; # "ZANNELS" = "TRUE"; # "LOCAL_CHANNELS" = "TRUE"; # "ANNOUNCE_INVITES" = "FALSE"; # These were introduced by Undernet CFV-165 to add "Head-In-Sand" (HIS) # behavior to hide most network topology from users. # "HIS_SNOTICES" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_SNOTICES_OPER_ONLY" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_DEBUG_OPER_ONLY" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_WALLOPS" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_MAP" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_LINKS" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_TRACE" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_a" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_c" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_d" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_e" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_f" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_g" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_i" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_j" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_J" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_k" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_l" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_L" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_m" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_M" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_o" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_p" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_q" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_r" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_R" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_t" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_T" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_u" = "FALSE"; # "HIS_STATS_U" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_v" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_w" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_x" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_y" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_z" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_STATS_IAUTH" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_WHOIS_SERVERNAME" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_WHOIS_IDLETIME" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_WHOIS_LOCALCHAN" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_WHO_SERVERNAME" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_WHO_HOPCOUNT" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_MODEWHO" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_BANWHO" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_KILLWHO" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_REWRITE" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_REMOTE" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_NETSPLIT" = "TRUE"; # "HIS_SERVERNAME" = "*"; # "HIS_SERVERINFO" = "The Undernet Underworld"; # "HIS_URLSERVERS" = "
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Well, you have now reached the end of this sample configuration # file. If you have any questions, feel free to mail # <
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>. If you are interested in linking your # server to the Undernet IRC network visit #
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and if there are any # problems then contact <
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> asking for # information. Upgrades of the Undernet ircd can be found on # # # For the rest: Good Luck! # # -- Niels.

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Alt 25 Şubat 2010, 16:00   #10
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Cevap: ircu2.10.12.08 Oper yazılımı çok acil

Ya o conf bendede var ben onu demek istemiyorum bu oper nasıl yazılıyor kod ney bana onu söleye bilirmisiniz?

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cok, ircu08, ircu2101208, yazilimi, yazılımı

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