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Alt 16 Şubat 2008, 19:51   #1
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Anti spam

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
; AntiSpam Bot by Xanth on DALnet -- Version 2.8 (Copyright 2001 Scott Bell) on *:LOAD:{ if ($os == 3.1) { echo $colour(info) -se *** This script is known to cause problems using Windows 3.1. This script has been unloaded. unload -rs antispam.ini return } if ($version < 5.8) { echo $colour(info) -se *** This addon requires a newer version of mIRC (5.8 or above), download the latest version from [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]. unload -rs antispam.ini return } antispam.reset echo $colour(info) -a *** Successfully loaded AntiSpam Bot } on *:START:{ if ($asini(personalize,password) == $null) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize identify no } } alias -l asconnect { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general server $$1 sockclose antispam sockopen antispam $asini(general,server) 6667 } alias -l asini { return $readini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini $1 $2 } menu menubar { Antispam Bot .Connect to...:{ if ($asini(personalize,nickname) == $null) { antispam.reset } unset %antispam.part.* asconnect $$?="Enter server name:" if ($window(@antispambot) == $null) { window -a @antispambot 30 50 600 360 } aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Connecting... } .Disconnect:{ if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) { echo $colour(info) -se *** Antispam Bot is not connected return } sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :AntiSpam Bot by Xanth $+ $cr aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Disconnected sockclose antispam .timerascycle off } .- .Settings...:{ if ($dialog(antispam) == $null) { dialog -m antispam antispam } } .Uninstall...:{ if ($?!="Are you sure you want to uninstall AntiSpam Bot?" == $true) { sockclose antispam unset %antispam.* unload -rs $script } } } menu channel { Antispam Bot .Add/join this channel:{ asaddchan $chan } .Remove/part this channel:{ asdelchan $chan } .Cycle channel:{ if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) { echo $colour(info) -a *** Antispam Bot is not connected return } if ($asini(personalize,nickname) !ison $chan) { echo $colour(info) # *** $asini(personalize,nickname) is not on this channel. } sockwrite -n antispam PART $chan } .- .Message to channel:{ if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) { echo $colour(info) -se *** Antispam Bot is not connected return } sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $$?="Enter message:" } .Describe to channel:{ if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) { echo $colour(info) -se *** Antispam Bot is not connected return } sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $Chr(1) $+ ACTION $$?="Enter message:" $+ $Chr(1) } .- .Connect to...:{ if ($asini(personalize,nickname) == $null) { antispam.reset } unset %antispam.part.* asconnect $$?="Enter server name:" if ($window(@antispambot) == $null) { window -a @antispambot 30 50 600 360 } aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Connecting... } .Disconnect:{ if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) { echo $colour(info) -se *** Antispam Bot is not connected return } sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :AntiSpam Bot by Xanth $+ $cr aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Disconnected sockclose antispam .timerascycle off } .Settings...:{ if ($dialog(antispam) == $null) { dialog -m antispam antispam } } } menu @antispambot { Cycle all channels:{ ascycleall } - Whois:whois $asini(personalize,nickname) Send message:sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $$?="Enter nick to message:" : $+ $$?="Enter message:" Send notice:sockwrite -n antispam NOTICE $$?="Enter nick to notice:" : $+ $$?="Enter notice:" - Settings...:{ if ($dialog(antispam) == $null) { dialog -m antispam antispam } } Quit:{ if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) { echo $colour(info) -a *** Antispam Bot is not connected return } sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :AntiSpam Bot by Xanth $+ $cr aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Disconnected sockclose antispam } } ; Alias for joining buffered joins alias -l asrejoin { if (%antispam.rejoin != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam JOIN %antispam.rejoin unset %antispam.rejoin } if (%antispam.repart != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam PART %antispam.repart unset %antispam.repart } } ; Adds a join to buffer alias -l asaddjoin { set %antispam.rejoin %antispam.rejoin $+ $1 $+ , .timerasrejoin 1 5 asrejoin } alias -l asaddpart { set %antispam.repart %antispam.repart $+ $1 $+ , .timerasrejoin 1 5 asrejoin } ; Joins all the listed channels alias -l asjoinchans { set %cycle.aschans 0 while (%cycle.aschans < $aschannels(0)) { inc %cycle.aschans asaddjoin $aschannels(%cycle.aschans) } unset %cycle.aschans } alias -l asadvert { var %spamcycle 0 var %spamtext $strip($1-,burc) while (%spamcycle < $gettok($1-,0,32)) { inc %spamcycle 1 if (/server isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/net } if (http: isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/web } if (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/web } if ($chr(35) isin $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { ; don't kick if i am an op on the channel name if ($me !isop $gettok(%spamtext,%spamcycle,32)) { return ma/inv } } } unset %spamcycle return $false } alias -l aschans { return $gettok($asini(channels,channels),$1,32) } alias -l asgoodchan { if ($findtok($asini(channels,channels),$1,0,32) >= 1) { return $true } else { return $false } } on *:sockclose:antispam:{ aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Disconnected if ($asini(general,reconnect) == yes) { aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Reconnecting to $asini(general,server) $+ ... sockclose antispam .timer 1 5 asconnect $asini(general,server) } .timerascycle off } on *:CLOSE:@antispambot:{ if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam QUIT :AntiSpam Bot by Xanth $+ $cr sockclose antispam } } on *:sockopen:antispam:{ if ($sockerr != 0) { aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Error connection to server! (Error code was $sockerr $+ ) return } sockwrite antispam NICK $asini(personalize,nickname) $+ $cr $+ USER $asini(personalize,ident) "" "" : $+ $asini(personalize,fullname) $+ $cr aline -p $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Logging in... .timerascycle 0 $asini(general,cycletime) ascycleall } on *:sockread:antispam:{ if ($sockerr > 0) return :nextread sockread %temp if ($sockbr == 0) return if (%temp == $null) %temp = - ; aline 1 @antispambot %temp unset %kickcode ; End of MOTD if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 376) { aline $colour(info) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) AntiSpam Bot has logged into the server asjoinchans sockwrite -n antispam NOTICE $asini(general,forwardchan) :I'm using AntiSpam Bot 2.8 by Xanth if (($asini(personalize,identify) == yes) && ($asini(personalize,password) != $null)) { sockwrite -n antispam NICKSERV IDENTIFY $asini(personalize,password) } if ($asini(general,visible) == yes) { sockwrite -n antispam MODE $asini(personalize,nickname) -i } } ; Nickname is already in use if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 433) { aline $colour(normal) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) The nick $gettok(%temp,4,32) is already in use. } ; Closing link if ($gettok(%temp,1-3,32) == ERROR :Closing Link:) { aline $colour(info2) @antispambot Closing link: $gettok(%temp,4-,32) } ; Anti idle if ($gettok(%temp,1,32) == PING) { sockwrite -n antispam PONG $gettok(%temp,2-,32) aline $colour(info2) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) PING? PONG! } ; Raw stuff if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == 474) { aline -p $colour(normal) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) $gettok(%temp,4,32) Can't join channel (address is banned) window -g1 @antispambot return } ; KICK if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == KICK) && ($gettok(%temp,4,32) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) { if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,3,32)) == $true) { asaddjoin $gettok(%temp,3,32) } aline -p $colour(kick) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Kicked from $gettok(%temp,3,32) by $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),2,1000) $+ ) } ; PART if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == PART) { if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) { if (%antispam.part. [ $+ [ $gettok(%temp,3,32) ] ] == $true) { unset %antispam.part. [ $+ [ $gettok(%temp,3,32) ] ] return } aline -p $colour(part) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Parted $gettok(%temp,3,32) if ($asgoodchan($gettok(%temp,3,32)) == $true) { asaddjoin $gettok(%temp,3,32) } } } ; JOIN if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == JOIN) { if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) { if ($asgoodchan($mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200)) == $false) { asaddpart $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200) aline -p $colour(join) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Joined $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200) (This channel isn't in my list, parting) return } aline -p $colour(join) @antispambot $chr(91) $+ $time $+ $Chr(93) Joined $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,200) } } if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == NICK) { ; has -my nick been changed? if ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) == $asini(personalize,nickname)) { aline -p $colour(nick) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) Nick was changed to $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,100) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize nickname $mid($gettok(%temp,3,32),2,100) } } ; Advertisment detectors if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == INVITE) { if ($asautokick(invite) == $true) { set %kickcode [ma/inv] } ; Forwarding if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) { if (%kickcode != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ %kickcode $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $gettok($gettok(%temp,2,33),1,32) $+ ) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100) } else { sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) ( $+ $gettok($gettok(%temp,2,33),1,32) $+ ) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100) } } aline -p $colour(invite) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) %kickcode $Chr(91) $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ $Chr(93) invited me into $mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,100) if ($asautokick(invite) == $true) { userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Do not invite users from (channel) } window -g1 @antispambot } if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == NOTICE) { ; ignore server notices if $left($gettok(%temp,3,32),1) != $Chr(35) { if (. !isin $gettok(%temp,1,33)) { if $left($gettok(%temp,3,32),1) != $Chr(35) { ; Web advert checking is done first because some scripts include the URL of the script thus making the user be kicked for spam and not autogreets. I thought autogreets were more appropriate. if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/web) { if ($asautokick(website) == $true) { var %kickmsg Don't advertise your website on (channel) var %kickcode [ma/web] } } ; Auto Greet - Possible mishap, someone might try to chat with the bot in notice, this is -very- rare. However the autogreet check can be disabled. if (($asautokick(autogreet) == $true) && ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) != NickServ) && ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) != ChanServ)) { if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-5,32),2,600) != DCC SEND) { var %kickmsg Autogreets are not allowed on (channel) var %kickcode [autogreet] } } if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/inv) { if ($asautokick(website) == $true) { var %kickmsg Don't advertise your channel on (channel) var %kickcode [ma/inv] } } if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/net) { if ($asautokick(network) == $true) { var %kickmsg Don't advertise your network or server on (channel) var %kickcode [ma/net] } } if ($asautokick(virus) == $true) { if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-5,32),2,600) == DCC SEND) { var %kickcode [exp/vrs] ; Removed the name of the virus in the kick message because it occasionally contains profanity. var %kickmsg 4You are infected with and spreading a virus! 2Please visit [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] or join #nohack for help with cleaning up your computer! } if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) == System is currently busy, try again later.) { var %kickcode [exp/vrs] var %kickmsg 4You are infected with and spreading a virus! 2Please visit [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] or join #nohack for help with cleaning up your computer! } } if (%kickmsg != $null) { userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) %Kickmsg unset %kickmsg } if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) { if (($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) != NickServ) && ($mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) != ChanServ)) { if (%kickcode != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ %kickcode Notice from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) } else { sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ Notice from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) } } } } } if (. !isin $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100)) { aline -p $colour(notice) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) %kickcode Notice from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) } else { aline -p $colour(notice) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) Notice from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) } unset %kickcode window -g1 @antispambot } } if ($gettok(%temp,2,32) == PRIVMSG) { if $left($gettok(%temp,3,32),1) != $Chr(35) { if ($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),2,1) == $chr(1)) { ; CTCP backdoors? if ($asautokick(backdoor) == $true) { if ((LAGG isin $gettok(%temp,4,32)) || (DO isin $gettok(%temp,4,32)) || (SCRIPTVER isin $gettok(%temp,4,32))) { userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Backdoor exploits are not allowed var %kickcode [exp/bd] } } if (($remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == VERSION) && (%antispam.ctcpblock == $null)) { sockwrite -n antispam NOTICE $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) : $+ $Chr(1) $+ VERSION mIRC32 v $+ $version K.Mardam-Bey $+ $Chr(1) set -u30 %antispam.ctcpblock $true } if (($remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) == PING) && (%antispam.ctcpblock == $null)) { sockwrite -n antispam NOTICE $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) : $+ $Chr(1) $+ PING $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1)) $+ $Chr(1) set -u5 %antispam.ctcpblock $true } if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) { if (%kickcode != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ %kickcode $Chr(91) $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1)) } else { sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ $Chr(91) $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1)) } } aline -p $colour(ctcp) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) %kickcode $Chr(91) $+ $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $remove($mid($gettok(%temp,4,32),3,100),$chr(1)) $+ $Chr(93) $mid($gettok(%temp,5-,32),1,$calc($len($gettok(%temp,5-,32)) - 1)) window -g1 @antispambot return } ; Auto kicks ; [ma/web] if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/web) { if ($asautokick(website) == $true) { userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Don't advertise your website on (channel) var %kickcode [ma/web] } } ; [ma/inv] if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/inv) { if ($asautokick(website) == $true) { userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Don't advertise your channel on (channel) var %kickcode [ma/inv] } } if ($asadvert($mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600)) == ma/net) { if ($asautokick(website) == $true) { userkick $mid($gettok(%temp,1,33),2,100) Don't advertise your network or server on (channel) var %kickcode [ma/net] } } ; Forwarding if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) { if (%kickcode != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ %kickcode Message from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) } else { sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $asini(general,forwardchan) : $+ Message from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) } } aline -p $colour(normal) @antispambot $Chr(91) $+ $Time $+ $Chr(93) %kickcode Message from $mid($gettok(%temp,1,32),2,100) $+ : $mid($gettok(%temp,4-,32),2,600) window -g1 @antispambot } } goto nextread } alias -l aschannels { return $gettok($asini(channels,channels),$1,32) } alias -l ascycleall { if ($sock(antispam).name == $null) { .timerascycle off return } sockwrite -n antispam JOIN 0 .timerasjoinchans 1 5 asjoinchans unset %ascycle.nick if ($asini(personalize,randomize) == yes) { ; compose random 8 letter long nick sockwrite -n antispam NICK $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) } } alias -l userkick { if ($1 == $me) { return } set %cycle.privkick 0 while (%cycle.privkick < $comchan($1,0)) { inc %cycle.privkick if (($me isop $comchan($1,%cycle.privkick)) && ($asgoodchan($comchan($1,%cycle.privkick)) == $true) && ($1 !isop $comchan($1,%cycle.privkick))) { set %askickmsg $2- set %askickmsg $replace(%askickmsg,(channel),$comchan($1,%cycle.privkick)) ban -u $+ $asini(general,bantime) $comchan($1,%cycle.privkick) $1 $asini(general,banmask) ; but please don't this so it looks like your own work! kick $comchan($1,%cycle.privkick) $1 %askickmsg } } unset %cycle.privkick %askickmsg } alias -l antispam.reset { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize nickname $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general forwardchan #AntiSpamBot writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general bantime $calc(60 * 30) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general banmask 2 writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general cycletime $calc(60 * 15) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general forward yes writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize identify no writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize randomize no writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general reconnect no writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general visible no remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize fullname [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize ident antispam remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize password remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general server writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick invite yes writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick website yes writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick backdoor yes writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick virus yes writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick network yes writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick autogreet yes } on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:7:{ if ($did(antispam,7).state == 0) { did -m antispam 8 } if ($did(antispam,7).state == 1) { did -n antispam 8 } } on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:21:{ if ($did(antispam,21).state == 0) { did -m antispam 24 } if ($did(antispam,21).state == 1) { did -n antispam 24 } } on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:42:{ asaddchan $$?="Enter channel name" asrefreshlist } on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:43:{ asdelchan $did(antispam,40,$did(antispam,40).sel).text asrefreshlist } alias -l asaddchan { if (($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) || ($left($1,1) == $chr(38))) { if ($chr(44) !isin $1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels $addtok($asini(channels,channels),$gettok($1,1,32),32) if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) { asaddjoin $1 } } } } alias -l asdelchan { if ($findtok($asini(channels,channels),$1,1,32) != $null) { if ($deltok($asini(channels,channels),$findtok($asini(channels,channels) ,$1,1,32),32) != $null) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels $deltok($asini(channels,channels),$findtok($asini(channels,channels) ,$1,1,32),32) } else { remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels } if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) { asaddpart $1 $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini channels channels } } } on *:DIALOG:antispam:sclick:50:{ if ($did(antispam,16) != $asini(personalize,nickname)) { if ($sock(antispam).name != $null) { sockwrite -n antispam NICK $did(antispam,16) } } if ($did(antispam,8) == $null) { return } if ($did(antispam,10) == $null) { return } if ($did(antispam,12) == $null) { return } if ($did(antispam,14) == $null) { return } if ($did(antispam,16) == $null) { return } if ($did(antispam,18) == $null) { return } if ($did(antispam,20) == $null) { return } if ($did(antispam,7) == $null) { return } writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general banmask $did(antispam,10) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general bantime $calc($did(antispam,12) * 60) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general cycletime $calc($did(antispam,14) * 60) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize nickname $did(antispam,16) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general forwardchan $did(antispam,8) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize fullname $did(antispam,18) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize ident $did(antispam,20) if ($did(antispam,24) != $null) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize password $did(antispam,24) } else { remini $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize password } writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general forward $astc2($did(antispam,7).state) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize identify $astc2($did(antispam,21).state) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize randomize $astc2($did(antispam,25).state) writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general reconnect $astc2($did(antispam,44).state) if ($asini(personalize,password) == $null) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini personalize identify no } if ($did(antispam,2).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick invite yes } else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick invite no } if ($did(antispam,3).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick website yes } else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick website no } if ($did(antispam,4).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick backdoor yes } else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick backdoor no } if ($did(antispam,5).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick virus yes } else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick virus no } if ($did(antispam,6).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick autogreet yes } else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick autogreet no } if ($did(antispam,45).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick network yes } else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini autokick network no } if ($did(antispam,46).state == 1) { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general visible yes } else { writeini -s $scriptdir $+ antispam.ini general visible no } .timerascycle 0 $asini(general,cycletime) ascycleall } alias -l asautokick { if ($asini(autokick,$1) == yes) { return $true } else { return $false } } on *:DIALOG:antispam:init:0:{ if ($asautokick(invite) == $true) { did -c $dname 2 } if ($asautokick(website) == $true) { did -c $dname 3 } if ($asautokick(backdoor) == $true) { did -c $dname 4 } if ($asautokick(virus) == $true) { did -c $dname 5 } if ($asautokick(autogreet) == $true) { did -c $dname 6 } if ($asautokick(network) == $true) { did -c $dname 45 } if ($asini(general,forward) == yes) { did -c $dname 7 } if ($asini(personalize,identify) == yes) { did -c $dname 21 } if ($asini(personalize,randomize) == yes) { did -c $dname 25 } if ($asini(general,reconnect) == yes) { did -c $dname 44 } if ($asini(general,visible) == yes) { did -c $dname 46 } if ($did(antispam,7).state == 0) { did -m antispam 8 } if ($did(antispam,7).state == 1) { did -n antispam 8 } if ($did(antispam,21).state == 0) { did -m antispam 24 } if ($did(antispam,21).state == 1) { did -n antispam 24 } ; set edit boxes did -o antispam 8 1 $asini(general,forwardchan) did -o antispam 10 1 $asini(general,banmask) did -o antispam 12 1 $calc($asini(general,bantime) / 60) did -o antispam 14 1 $calc($asini(general,cycletime) / 60) did -o antispam 16 1 $asini(personalize,nickname) did -o antispam 18 1 $asini(personalize,fullname) did -o antispam 20 1 $asini(personalize,ident) did -o antispam 24 1 $asini(personalize,password) asrefreshlist } alias -l asrefreshlist { did -r antispam 40 set %cycle.aschans 0 while (%cycle.aschans < $aschannels(0)) { inc %cycle.aschans did -a antispam 40 $aschannels(%cycle.aschans) } unset %cycle.aschans } ; command aliases - idea from lady_vampyra alias asme { if ($1 == $null) { echo $colour(info) $chan * /asme: insufficient parameters return } if ($asini(personalize,nickname) !ison $chan) { echo $colour(info) $chan * /asme: $asini(personalize,nickname) is not on this channel return } sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $Chr(1) $+ ACTION $1- $+ $Chr(1) } alias assay { if ($1 == $null) { echo $colour(info) $chan * /assay: insufficient parameters return } if ($asini(personalize,nickname) !ison $chan) { echo $colour(info) $chan * /assay: $asini(personalize,nickname) is not on this channel return } sockwrite -n antispam PRIVMSG $chan : $+ $1- } alias -l astc { if ($1 == yes) { return 1 } else { return 1 } } alias -l astc2 { if ($1 == 1) { return yes } else { return no } } dialog antispam { title "AntiSpam Bot 2.8 by Xanth" icon 22, 5 -100 340 280, $scriptdir $+ logo.bmp, 0, noborder size -1 -1 352 325 tab "Autokicks",31,5 80 340 210 tab "General",32,5 80 340 210 tab "Personalize",33,5 80 340 210 tab "Channels",34,5 80 340 210 ; Autokicks (tab 1) check "Kick when I detect &network/server advertisments ",45, 15 220 250 25,tab 31 check "Kick when I detect &channel advertisments",2, 15 110 250 25,tab 31 check "Kick when I detect &website advertisments",3, 15 132 250 25,tab 31 check "Kick when I detect C&TCP backdoor attempts",4, 15 154 250 25,tab 31 check "Kick when I detect &viruses",5, 15 176 250 25,tab 31 check "Kick when I detect &autogreets",6, 15 198 250 25,tab 31 ; General (tab 2) check "R&econnect on disconnection",44, 15 228 160 25,tab 32 check "Forward to:",7, 15 118 100 25,tab 32 Edit $null, 8, 130 120 170 22,tab 32 text "Ban mask type:",9, 15 150 100 25,tab 32 Edit $null, 10, 130 147 170 22,tab 32 text "Ban time: (in minutes)",11, 15 177 110 25,tab 32 Edit $null, 12, 130 174 170 22,tab 32 text "Cycle time: (in minutes)",13, 15 204 110 25,tab 32 Edit $null, 14, 130 201 170 22,tab 32 check "Set mode -i on myself on connect (visible)",46, 15 250 240 25, tab 32 ; Personalize (tab 3) text "Nickname:",15, 15 123 100 22,tab 33 Edit $null,16, 130 120 170 22,tab 33 check "Randomize nick when cycling all channels",25, 15 143 250 25,tab 33 text "Full name:",17, 15 173 100 22,tab 33 Edit $null,18, 130 170 170 22,tab 33 autohs text "User name/ident:",19, 15 201 100 22,tab 33 Edit $null,20, 130 198 170 22,tab 33 check "Identify to NickServ",21, 15 220 150 25,tab 33 text "Password:",23, 15 252 100 22,tab 33 Edit $null,24, 130 245 170 22, pass tab 33 ; channels (tab 4) list 40, 14 135 230 140 , sort tab 34 text "Specify the channels to autojoin here.",41, 15 113 180 22,tab 34 button "Add...",42, 250 135 80 23, tab 34 button "Remove",43, 250 165 80 23, tab 34 button "OK",50, 5 295 80 23, ok button "Cancel",51, 95 295 80 23, Cancel }

Bunun menusunu türkceye cevirebilecek arkadas varmı :S

Alıntı ile Cevapla

IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet reklamver
Alt 16 Şubat 2008, 21:11   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Anti spam

Türkçeleştirdiğim güzel bi antispam var baya işlevli eğer istiyorum dersen dosyalarıyla beraber atayım ftpye

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 16 Şubat 2008, 21:15   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Anti spam

Shujinko Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
teşekkürler CipriX

Kodları sildim 5 dosyadan oluşturuyor diye arkadaş isterse vericeğim

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 16 Şubat 2008, 22:48   #4
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Anti spam

Hocam bi zahmet ya cok lazım güzel bi anti Spam bot.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 16 Şubat 2008, 23:34   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Anti spam

lacremel Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Hocam bi zahmet ya cok lazım güzel bi anti Spam bot.

sadece gerekli yerler editlendi [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 17 Şubat 2008, 11:27   #6
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Anti spam

Bide hocam ben list cekince listtedeki kanalları Channels klasöründe bi txt dosyasına kayit ediyor

raw 322:*:var %1 = 1 | while %1 <= $lines(t.txt) { if $+(*,$read(t.txt,%1),*) iswm $5- { $iif(!$window(@csKn),window @csKn,echo @csKn $1-) | return $true } | inc %1 } | return $false

bu kodda calısmıyor eski scriptimde calısıyordu. cakısmıs olabilirmi. kayıt etmemesi icin ne yapmam gerekir?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 17 Şubat 2008, 12:43   #7
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Anti spam

lacremel Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Bide hocam ben list cekince listtedeki kanalları Channels klasöründe bi txt dosyasına kayit ediyor

raw 322:*:var %1 = 1 | while %1 <= $lines(t.txt) { if $+(*,$read(t.txt,%1),*) iswm $5- { $iif(!$window(@csKn),window @csKn,echo @csKn $1-) | return $true } | inc %1 } | return $false

bu kodda calısmıyor eski scriptimde calısıyordu. cakısmıs olabilirmi. kayıt etmemesi icin ne yapmam gerekir?

Antispam bot ile alakası yok bahsettiğin şeylerin .mrc klasöründe channels.txt diye aratırsan olmadığını zaten görürsün raw ile alakalıda birşey yok zaten

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 17 Şubat 2008, 13:14   #8
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Anti spam

Alakasi OLmadıqını biliyorum. ben Script değişikLiği yaptım eski scriptimde list cektiqim zaman kanallari txt dosyasına kayit etmiyordu simdiki scriptimde kayıt ediyor bu kodda list cektiqim zaman kanal topicindeki küfürleri gösteriyord simdi göstermiyor acaba kayıt ile alakası varmidir onu diyorum ben

Alıntı ile Cevapla


anti, mirc, mirc download, mirc indir, spam

Konuyu Toplam 1 Üye okuyor. (0 Kayıtlı üye ve 1 Misafir)

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Benzer Konular
Konu Konuyu Başlatan Forum Cevaplar Son Mesaj
Anti spam bot Kimimben mIRC Scripting Sorunları 2 22 Mart 2011 21:37
Anti Spam PopSy mIRC Scripting Sorunları 2 19 Mayıs 2008 15:17
Anti Spam Bot тєαм mIRC Scripting Hazır Kodlar 15 02 Eylül 2007 23:16
Anti Spam Bot NeLix mIRC Scripting Sorunları 1 25 Ocak 2006 17:24
Anti Spam bot Blackk mIRC Scripting Sorunları 1 06 Nisan 2005 22:14