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Alt 26 Haziran 2005, 11:54   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
"Mesaj Kabul" Addonu Hakkında

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
;-----Alias----- alias queryblocker { if ($1 == on) { set %acquery on | /echo -a *** QueryBlocker ON } if ($1 == off) { set %acquery off | /echo -a *** QueryBlocker OFF } } alias { /dialog -m queryinfo queryinfo } alias scriptdirtest { //echo -a $scriptdirQueryBlocker.mrc } ;-----Menu----- menu MenuBar { - QueryBlocker:/dialog -m queryopt queryopt } menu Nicklist { - QueryNicks .exceptions ..add:if ($1 !isin %qblock.nicks) && ($1 !isin %qblock.ignore) { set %qblock.nicks %qblock.nicks $1 | /echo -a *** $1 has been adden to the nick exceptions } | elseif ($1 isin %qblock.nicks) { /echo -a *** $1 has already been adden to the nick exceptions } | elseif ($1 isin %qblock.ignore) { /echo -a *** $1 is in the ignore list, nobody can be coincidentally on both lists } ..remove:if ($1 isin %qblock.nicks) { set %qblock.nicks $remtok(%qblock.nicks,$1,1,32) | /echo -a *** $1 has been removed from the nick exceptions } | else { /echo -a *** $1 wasn't found in the nick exceptions. } .ignore ..add:if ($1 !isin %qblock.ignore) && ($1 !isin %qblock.nicks) { set %qblock.ignore %qblock.ignore $1 | /echo -a *** $1 has been adden to the ignore list } | elseif ($1 isin %qblock.ignore) { /echo -a *** $1 has already been adden to the ignore list } | elseif ($1 isin %qblock.nicks) { /echo -a *** $1 is in the nick exceptions, nobody can be coincidentally on both lists } ..remove:if ($1 isin %qblock.ignore) { set %qblock.ignore $remtok(%qblock.ignore,$1,1,32) | /echo -a *** $1 has been removed from the ignore list } | else { /echo -a *** $1 wasn't found in the ignore list } } ;-----Load----- on *:load: { if (%qblockversion) { /dialog -m queryinstv queryinstv } else { if (!%acquery) { set %acquery on } if (!%qblock.flood) { set %qblock.flood on } if (!%qblock.atext) { set %qblock.atext Query accepted. } if (!%qblock.btext) { set %qblock.btext Query blocked. } if (!%qblock.abtext) { set %qblock.abtext Query automatically blocked, don't query me too fast. } if (!%qblock.butext) { set %qblock.butext I'm too busy at the moment, please try again in a few minutes. } if (!%qblock.otext) { set %qblock.otext QueryBlocker v1.0 by digitalmy activated, please wait for query acceptance/refusal. Get this QueryBlocker @ [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] } if (!%qblock.itext) { set %qblock.itext The query with you has been automatically ignored, don't query me again. } set %qblockversion 1.0 /echo -a *** QueryBlocker v1.0 by digitalmy successfully loaded. /echo -a *** To open the QueryBlocker Options goto the MenuBar (File, Tools, DCC, >>MenuBar<<, Window, Help) then click on QueryBlocker. /dialog -m queryopt queryopt } } ;-----Events----- on *:OPEN:?: { if (%acquery == on) && ($nick !isin %qblock.nicks) && ($nick !isin %qblock.ignore) { if (%qblock.andor == and) { if (%qblock.opchan != $null) && ($nick !isop %qblock.opchan) { goto qblock } elseif (%qblock.vchan != $null) && ($nick !isvoice %qblock.vchan) { goto qblock } elseif (%qblock.rchan != $null) && ($nick !ison %qblock.rchan) { goto qblock } elseif (%qblock.op2chan != $null) && ($nick !isop %qblock.op2chan) { goto qblock } elseif (%qblock.v2chan != $null) && ($nick !isvoice %qblock.v2chan) { goto qblock } elseif (%qblock.r2chan != $null) && ($nick !ison %qblock.r2chan) { goto qblock } elseif (%qblock.opchan == $null) && (%qblock.vchan == $null) && (%qblock.rchan == $null) && (%qblock.op2chan == $null) && (%qblock.v2chan == $null) && (%qblock.r2chan == $null) { goto qblock } else { halt } } elseif (%qblock.andor == or) { if ($nick !isop %qblock.opchan) && ($nick !isvoice %qblock.vchan) && ($nick !ison %qblock.rchan) && ($nick !isop %qblock.op2chan) && ($nick !isvoice %qblock.v2chan) && ($nick !ison %qblock.r2chan) { goto qblock } elseif (%qblock.opchan == $null) && (%qblock.vchan == $null) && (%qblock.rchan == $null) && (%qblock.op2chan == $null) && (%qblock.v2chan == $null) && (%qblock.r2chan == $null) { goto qblock } else { halt } } :qblock { if (%qblock.flood == off) { if (!%acqnick) && (!%nspqbl. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %acqnick $nick .msg $nick %qblock.otext /dialog -m queryacc queryacc } elseif (%nspqbl. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .closemsg $nick | .msg $nick %qblock.abtext } elseif (%acqnick != $null) { .closemsg $nick | .msg $nick %qblock.butext } } else { if (!%quspam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { if (!%acqnick) && (!%nspqbl. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %acqnick $nick .msg $nick %qblock.otext /dialog -m queryacc queryacc } elseif (%nspqbl. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .closemsg $nick | .msg $nick %qblock.abtext } elseif (%acqnick != $null) { .closemsg $nick | .msg $nick %qblock.butext } elseif (%quspam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .closemsg $nick | halt } set -u10 %quspam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] nospam } elseif (%quspam. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .closemsg $nick } } } } elseif ($nick isin %qblock.ignore) && (%qblock.flood == on) && (!%nspm.ig. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .msg $nick %qblock.itext | set -u10 %nspm.ig. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] nospam | .closemsg $nick | halt } elseif ($nick isin %qblock.ignore) && (%qblock.flood == off) { .msg $nick %qblock.itext | .closemsg $nick | halt } elseif (%nspm.ig. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { .closemsg $nick | halt } else { halt } } on *:NICK: { if ($nick isin %qblock.nicks) { set %qblock.nicks $replace(%qblock.nicks,$nick,$newnick) } if ($nick isin %qblock.ignore) { set %qblock.ignore $replace(%qblock.ignore,$nick,$newnick) } } ;-----DialogEvents----- on 1:dialog:queryopt:init:0: { if (%acquery == on) { /did -c queryopt 1 } if (%qblock.andor != and) && (%qblock.andor != or) { set %qblock.andor and } if (%qblock.flood == on) { /did -c queryopt 3 } if (%qblock.andor == and) { /did -c queryopt 28 } if (%qblock.andor == or) { /did -c queryopt 30 } if (%qblock.atext != $null) { /did -a queryopt 6 %qblock.atext } if (%qblock.btext != $null) { /did -a queryopt 7 %qblock.btext } if (%qblock.abtext != $null) { /did -a queryopt 13 %qblock.abtext } if (%qblock.butext != $null) { /did -a queryopt 14 %qblock.butext } if (%qblock.otext != $null) { /did -a queryopt 9 %qblock.otext } if (%qblock.itext != $null) { /did -a queryopt 33 %qblock.itext } if (%qblock.nicks != $null) { /did -a queryopt 24 %qblock.nicks } if (%qblock.ignore != $null) { /did -a queryopt 32 %qblock.ignore } if (%qblock.opchan != $null) { /did -a queryopt 20 %qblock.opchan } if (%qblock.vchan != $null) { /did -a queryopt 17 %qblock.vchan } if (%qblock.rchan != $null) { /did -a queryopt 22 %qblock.rchan } if (%qblock.op2chan != $null) { /did -a queryopt 26 %qblock.op2chan } if (%qblock.v2chan != $null) { /did -a queryopt 25 %qblock.v2chan } if (%qblock.r2chan != $null) { /did -a queryopt 27 %qblock.r2chan } if (%acquery == off) { /did -b queryopt 3 /did -b queryopt 6 /did -b queryopt 7 /did -b queryopt 13 /did -b queryopt 14 /did -b queryopt 9 /did -b queryopt 17 /did -b queryopt 20 /did -b queryopt 22 /did -b queryopt 24 /did -b queryopt 25 /did -b queryopt 26 /did -b queryopt 27 /did -b queryopt 28 /did -b queryopt 30 /did -b queryopt 32 /did -b queryopt 33 } } on 1:dialog:queryopt:sclick:1: { if ($did(queryopt,1).state == 0) { /did -b queryopt 3 /did -b queryopt 6 /did -b queryopt 7 /did -b queryopt 13 /did -b queryopt 14 /did -b queryopt 9 /did -b queryopt 17 /did -b queryopt 20 /did -b queryopt 22 /did -b queryopt 24 /did -b queryopt 25 /did -b queryopt 26 /did -b queryopt 27 /did -b queryopt 28 /did -b queryopt 30 /did -b queryopt 32 /did -b queryopt 33 } if ($did(queryopt,1).state == 1) { /did -e queryopt 3 /did -e queryopt 6 /did -e queryopt 7 /did -e queryopt 13 /did -e queryopt 14 /did -e queryopt 9 /did -e queryopt 17 /did -e queryopt 20 /did -e queryopt 22 /did -e queryopt 24 /did -e queryopt 25 /did -e queryopt 26 /did -e queryopt 27 /did -e queryopt 28 /did -e queryopt 30 /did -e queryopt 32 /did -e queryopt 33 } } on 1:dialog:queryopt:sclick:2: { if ($did(queryopt,1).state == 1) { set %acquery on } if ($did(queryopt,1).state == 0) { set %acquery off } if ($did(queryopt,3).state == 0) { set %qblock.flood off } if ($did(queryopt,3).state == 1) { set %qblock.flood on } if ($did(queryopt,28).state == 1) { set %qblock.andor and } if ($did(queryopt,30).state == 1) { set %qblock.andor or } set %qblock.atext $did(queryopt,6).text set %qblock.btext $did(queryopt,7).text set %qblock.abtext $did(queryopt,13).text set %qblock.butext $did(queryopt,14).text set %qblock.otext $did(queryopt,9).text set %qblock.itext $did(queryopt,33).text set %qblock.nicks $did(queryopt,24).text set %qblock.ignore $did(queryopt,32).text set %qblock.opchan $did(queryopt,20).text set %qblock.vchan $did(queryopt,17).text set %qblock.rchan $did(queryopt,22).text set %qblock.op2chan $did(queryopt,26).text set %qblock.v2chan $did(queryopt,25).text set %qblock.r2chan $did(queryopt,27).text if (%qblock.opchan != $null) && ($me !ison %qblock.opchan) { /join %qblock.opchan } if (%qblock.vchan != $null) && ($me !ison %qblock.vchan) { /join %qblock.vchan } if (%qblock.rchan != $null) && ($me !ison %qblock.rchan) { /join %qblock.rchan } if (%qblock.op2chan != $null) && ($me !ison %qblock.op2chan) { /join %qblock.op2chan } if (%qblock.v2chan != $null) && ($me !ison %qblock.v2chan) { /join %qblock.v2chan } if (%qblock.r2chan != $null) && ($me !ison %qblock.r2chan) { /join %qblock.r2chan } } on 1:dialog:queryopt:sclick:11: { / } on 1:dialog:queryacc:close:0: { if ($did(queryacc,6).state == 1) { set %qblock.nicks %qblock.nicks %acqnick } if ($did(queryacc,7).state == 1) { set %qblock.ignore %qblock.ignore %acqnick } unset %acqnick } on 1:dialog:queryacc:sclick:6: { if ($did(queryacc,6).state == 1) { /did -u queryacc 7 } } on 1:dialog:queryacc:sclick:7: { if ($did(queryacc,7).state == 1) { /did -u queryacc 6 } } on 1:dialog:queryacc:sclick:4: { .msg %acqnick %qblock.btext | set -u300 %nspqbl. [ $+ [ %acqnick ] ] nspm | .closemsg %acqnick } on 1:dialog:queryacc:sclick:2: { /window -a %acqnick | .msg %acqnick %qblock.atext } on 1:dialog:queryacc:init:0: { /did -ra queryacc 1 Accept query from %acqnick $+ ? } on 1:dialog:queryacc:sclick:5: { / } on 1:dialog:queryopt:sclick:29: { /dialog -x queryopt queryopt | /dialog -m queryuninst queryuninst } on 1:dialog:queryinstv:sclick:2: { /dialog -x queryinstv queryinstv if (!%acquery) { set %acquery on } if (!%qblock.flood) { set %qblock.flood on } if (!%qblock.atext) { set %qblock.atext Query accepted. } if (!%qblock.btext) { set %qblock.btext Query blocked. } if (!%qblock.abtext) { set %qblock.abtext Query automatically blocked, don't query me too fast. } if (!%qblock.butext) { set %qblock.butext I'm too busy at the moment, please try again in a few minutes. } if (!%qblock.otext) { set %qblock.otext QueryBlocker v1.0 by digitalmy activated, please wait for query acceptance/refusal. Get this QueryBlocker @ [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] } if (!%qblock.itext) { set %qblock.itext The query with you has been automatically ignored, don't query me again. } set %qblockversion 1.0 /echo -a *** QueryBlocker v1.0 by digitalmy successfully loaded. /echo -a *** To open the QueryBlocker Options goto the MenuBar (File, Tools, DCC, >>MenuBar<<, Window, Help) then click on QueryBlocker. /echo -a *** There is an other QueryBlocker installed, please uninstall it to make sure that there won't be any problems. /dialog -m queryopt queryopt } on 1:dialog:queryinstv:sclick:3: { /unload -rs $scriptdirQueryBlocker.mrc } on 1:dialog:queryuninst:sclick:2: { unset %qblockversion /dialog -x queryuninst queryuninst /echo -a *** QueryBlocker successfully uninstalled. Settings kept. /unload -rs $scriptdirQueryBlocker.mrc } on 1:dialog:queryuninst:sclick:3: { unset %acquery unset %qblock.flood unset %qblock.atext unset %qblock.btext unset %qblock.abtext unset %qblock.butext unset %qblock.otext unset %qblock.itext unset %qblock.nicks unset %qblock.opchan unset %qblock.vchan unset %qblock.rchan unset %qblock.op2chan unset %qblock.v2chan unset %qblock.r2chan unset %qblock.ignore unset %qblockversion /dialog -x queryuninst queryuninst /echo -a *** QueryBlocker successfully uninstalled, included all settings. /unload -rs $scriptdirQueryBlocker.mrc } ;-----Dialogs----- dialog queryacc { title "Query acceptance" size -1 -1 87 55 option dbu text "Accept Query?", 1, 3 3 82 15 button "Yes", 2, 3 20 37 12, cancel button "No", 4, 45 20 37 12, ok cancel link "Infos", 5, 72 47 13 8 check "add nick to exceptions", 6, 2 37 67 10 check "add nick to irgnore list", 7, 2 45 65 10 } dialog queryinfo { title "Infos" size -1 -1 120 38 option dbu text "The QueryBlocker v1.0 was coded by digitalmy. For any support join #aTum @ QuakeNet. Copyright © 2003 by digitalmy.", 1, 3 3 115 21 button "Return", 2, 3 24 37 12, ok cancel } dialog queryinstv { title "QueryBlocker" size -1 -1 121 41 option dbu text "A QueryBlocker is already installed. If you will continue installation, this may cause problems, do you want to continue anyway?", 1, 2 2 113 21 button "Yes", 2, 1 28 30 12 button "No", 3, 32 28 30 12, cancel } dialog queryuninst { title "uninstalling..." size -1 -1 104 36 option dbu text "Uninstalling QueryBlocker v1.0. Do you want to keep the settings?", 1, 2 2 84 15 button "Yes", 2, 1 23 30 12 button "No", 3, 32 23 30 12 button "Cancel", 4, 73 23 30 12, cancel } dialog queryopt { title "QueryBlocker Options" size -1 -1 185 184 option dbu check "enable QueryBlocker", 1, 4 2 66 10 button "OK", 2, 2 170 37 12, ok cancel check "enable AntiFlood", 3, 11 11 52 10 text "accept text", 4, 11 24 30 8 text "block text", 5, 11 34 30 8 edit "", 6, 52 23 130 10, multi autohs edit "", 7, 52 33 130 10, multi autohs text "query open text", 8, 11 64 42 8 edit "", 9, 52 63 130 10, multi autohs button "Cancel", 10, 42 170 37 12, cancel link "Infos", 11, 170 175 14 8 text "autoblock text", 12, 11 44 36 8 edit "", 13, 52 43 130 10, multi autohs edit "", 14, 52 53 130 10, multi autohs text "busy text", 15, 11 54 25 8 text "channel exceptions", 16, 11 89 51 8 edit "", 17, 81 95 50 10, multi autohs text "voice", 18, 63 96 16 8 text "op", 19, 63 106 11 8 edit "", 20, 81 105 50 10, multi autohs text "reg", 21, 63 116 13 8 edit "", 22, 81 115 50 10, multi autohs text "nick exceptions", 23, 11 138 39 8 edit "", 24, 52 137 130 10, multi autohs edit "", 25, 131 95 50 10, multi autohs edit "", 26, 131 105 50 10, multi autohs edit "", 27, 131 115 50 10, multi autohs button "Uninstall", 29, 98 170 37 12 radio "and", 28, 20 111 22 10 radio "or", 30, 20 100 22 10 text "ignore list", 31, 11 149 27 8 edit "", 32, 52 148 130 10, multi autohs edit "", 33, 52 73 130 10, multi autohs text "ignore text", 34, 11 74 37 8 }

Yukarıdaki kodlarda konuşmalarını kabul etmediklerim acaba nerde listeleniyor? Ben deneme yaptım konusmasını kabul etmedigim insanlar sanki bir ignore stili ile bloklanıyor.Ama ignore deil tam olarak.
Sonuç olarak; Yukarıdaki kodda konuşmalarını kabul etmedigim insanları listeleyen bir yer war mı? Warsa neresi ?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet reklamver
Alt 26 Haziran 2005, 12:05   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)

%qblock.nicks %qblock.ignore

Bunlara bir bak.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 26 Haziran 2005, 12:14   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)

MephisTo Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
%qblock.nicks %qblock.ignore

Bunlara bir bak.

Variablese atar genelde

Alıntı ile Cevapla


addonu, hakkinda, hakkında, kabulquot, mesaj kabul, mirc, mirc download, mirc indir, quotmesaj

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"Mesajınız Kabul Edildi" Addonu Hakkında... ilhan mIRC Scripting Sorunları 7 28 Temmuz 2006 23:06