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Alt 17 Aralık 2011, 07:55   #1
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Flood Koruması

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Flood Protection raw *:*: { if ($numeric == 441) || ($numeric == 401) { halt } } #fp_chan on ON @*:TEXT:*:#: { fp_check_1 Text $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid $1- } ON @*:ACTION:*:#: { fp_check_1 Action $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid $1- } ON @!*:NOTICE:*:#: { if ($istok(Chanserv Operserv Memoserv Nickserv Helpserv $network,$nick,32)) || (*.*.* iswm $nick) || (@ isin $nick) { return } fp_check_1 Notice $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid $1- } CTCP @!*:*:#: { fp_check_1 CTCP $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid $1- } ON *:JOIN:#: { if ($nick == $me) && (%fp_ial == on) { cF9 } if ($istok(Chanserv Operserv Memoserv Nickserv Helpserv $network,$nick,32)) || (*.*.* iswm $nick) || (@ isin $nick) { return } var %net = $iif($network != $null,$v1,*), %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan proxy) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { .timer. $+ $+(proxy,$cid,$chan) 1 3 proxy $chan $gettok(%z,3,32) } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan clone) if ($me isop $chan) { if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { var %c = $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,0).nick, %max = $gettok(%z,3,32),%c2 = %c var %b = $gettok($dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan ban_time),2,32), %p = $gettok($dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan punish),2,32) if (%c >= $calc(%max + 1)) { if (w* iswm %p) { if (%p == w) { .timer_fp_notice_ $+ $cid $+ $chan $+ $wildsite 1 1 fp_warning $nick $chan Clone | var %e = $dll($airc,FloodExpire,-) | goto flood } if ($hget(fp_flood,$+($cid,.warning,$wildsite,$chan)) != 1) { hadd -m fp_flood $+($cid,.warning,$wildsite,$chan) 1 .timer_fp_notice_ $+ $cid $+ $chan $+ $wildsite 1 1 fp_warning $nick $chan Clone | var %e = $dll($airc,FloodExpire,-) goto flood } } hdel fp_flood $+($cid,.warning,$wildsite,$chan) .timer_fp_notice_ $+ $cid $+ $chan $+ $wildsite off if (%fp_away == on) && ($away) { goto flood } while (%c > 0) { var %nick = $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%c).nick if (%nick != $me) { var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan protect_users) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($hfind(fp_users,%nick,1)) { break } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan protect_notifies) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%nick isnotify) { break } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan protect_ops) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%nick isop $chan) { break } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan protect_halfops) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%nick ishop $chan) { break } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan protect_voices) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%nick isvoice $chan) { break } ban $iif(%b != p,$+(-u,%b)) $chan $nick kick $chan %nick $replace(%fp_kreason_chan_clone,<user.counter>,%c2,<max.counter>,%max,<punish>,$iif(%b == p,Permanent,$calc(%b / 60) $+ min.)) } dec %c } } } :flood fp_check_2 Join %net $chan $nick $wildsite $cid } } ON *:QUIT: { var %net = $iif($network != $null,$v1,*), %com = $comchan($nick,0) while (%com > 0) { var %common = $comchan($nick,%com) if ($me isop %common) { var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net %common proxy) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { .timer. $+ $+(proxy,$cid,%common) 1 1 proxy %common $gettok(%z,3,32) } } dec %com } } ON @!*:PART:#: { var %net = $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan proxy) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { .timer. $+ $+(proxy,$cid,$chan) 1 1 proxy $chan $gettok(%z,3,32) } } ON *:NICK: { if ($nick == $me) { return } if (%fp_away == on) && ($away) { return } var %com = $comchan($newnick,0), %nw = $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) while (%com > 0) { var %common = $comchan($newnick,%com) if ($me isop %common) { var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %nw %common protect_users) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (($hfind(fp_users,$newnick,1)) || ($hfind(fp_users,$nick,1))) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %nw %common protect_ops) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($newnick isop %common) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %nw %common protect_halfops) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($newnick ishop %common) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %nw %common protect_voices) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($newnick isvoice %common) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %nw %common protect_notifies) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (($newnick isnotify) || ($nick isnotify)) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+(nick,$chr(44),$wildsite) 1 nick +nc %nw %common) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { fp_punish_1 Nick $cid %nw %common $newnick $wildsite $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGets,nick +nc %nw %common),3,32) } } dec %com } } ON @!*:OP:#: { fp_check_2 Op $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid } ON @!*:DEOP:#: { fp_check_2 Deop $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid } ON @!*:KICK:#: { var %net = $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %net $chan proxy) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { .timer. $+ $+(proxy,$cid,$chan) 1 1 proxy $chan $gettok(%z,3,32) } fp_check_2 Kick $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid } ON @!*:BAN:#: { fp_check_2 Ban $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid } ON @!*:UNBAN:#: { fp_check_2 Unban $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid } ON @!*:MODE:#: { if (%fp_away == on) && ($away) { return } var %nw = $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) if ($istok(Chanserv Operserv Memoserv Nickserv Helpserv $network,$nick,32)) || (*.*.* iswm $nick) || (@ isin $nick) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %nw $chan protect_users) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($hfind(fp_users,$nick,1)) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc %nw $chan protect_notifies) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($nick isnotify) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+(mode,$chr(44),$wildsite) $len($remove($1,+,-)) mode +nc %nw $chan) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { fp_punish_1 Mode $cid %nw $chan $nick $wildsite $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGets,mode +nc %nw $chan),3,32) } } ON @!*:TOPIC:#: { fp_check_2 Topic $iif($network != $null,$v1,*) $chan $nick $wildsite $cid } #fp_chan end #fp_self on ON *:TEXT:*:?: { fp_check_3 sText $nick $wildsite $address $1- } ON *:ACTION:*:?: { fp_check_3 sAction $nick $wildsite $address $1- } ON !*:NOTICE:*:?: { if ($istok(Chanserv Operserv Memoserv Nickserv Helpserv $network,$nick,32)) || (*.*.* iswm $nick) || (@ isin $nick) { return } fp_check_3 sNotice $nick $wildsite $address $1- } CTCP !*:*:?: { fp_check_3 sCTCP $nick $wildsite $address $1- } ON !*:INVITE:#: { if ($istok(Chanserv Operserv Memoserv Nickserv Helpserv $network,$nick,32)) || (*.*.* iswm $nick) || (@ isin $nick) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood + notifies_excl) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($nick isnotify) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood + users_excl) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($hfind(fp_users,$nick,1)) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+(sinvite,$chr(44),$wildsite) 1 sinvite +) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { fp_punish_2 sInvite $nick $wildsite $address $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) } } #fp_self end alias -l fp_warning { if (%fp_warning != $null) { var %warn_msg = $replace(%fp_warning,<flood.type>,$3-) } else { var %warn_msg = Please stop flooding the channel! $+($chr(40),,$3-,) flood detected) } !.notice $1 $fp_logo %warn_msg if (%fp_show_warn == on) { echoa $fp_logo $+(,$1,) has been warned for flooding channel $+(,$2,.) $+($chr(40),,$3-,) flood detected at $+(,$fulldate,,$chr(41)) } } alias -l fp_punish_1 { var %p = $gettok($dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $3 $4 punish),2,32), %type = $replace($1,_,$chr(32)) if (w* iswm %p) { if (%p == w) { .timer_fp_notice_ $+ $2 $+ $4 $+ $6 1 1 fp_warning $5 $4 %type | var %e = $dll($airc,FloodExpire,-) | return } if ($hget(fp_flood,$+($2,.warning,$6,$4)) != 1) { hadd -m fp_flood $+($2,.warning,$6,$4) 1 .timer_fp_notice_ $+ $2 $+ $4 $+ $6 1 1 fp_warning $5 $4 %type | var %e = $dll($airc,FloodExpire,-) return } } .timer_fp_notice_ $+ $2 $+ $4 $+ $6 off if (*b iswm %p) { var %b = $gettok($dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $3 $4 ban_time),2,32) var %bm = $gettok($dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $3 $4 banmask),2,32), %pun = $iif(%b != p,$calc(%b / 60) $+ min.,Permanent) ban $iif(%b != p,$+(-u,%b)) $4 $5 %bm } else { var %pun = Off } kick $4 $5 $replace(%fp_kreason_chan_ [ $+ [ $1 ] ],<user.counter>,$7,<max.counter>,$8,<secs>,$9,<punish>,%pun,<max.secs>,$10) var %f = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $3 $4 filter_kick) if ($gettok(%f,2,32) == on) && ($6 !iswm $address($me,5)) { var %i = $ialchan($6,$4,0) while (%i > 0) { var %filter_nick = $ialchan($6,$4,%i).nick kick $4 %filter_nick $+(,%type,) flood detected! - Filter kick (Your host matched the flooder' s) dec %i } } var %e = $dll($airc,FloodExpire,-) hdel fp_flood $+($2,.warning,$6,$4) } alias -l fp_check_1 { if (%fp_away == on) && ($away) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 protect_users) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($hfind(fp_users,$4,1)) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 protect_ops) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($4 isop $3) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 protect_halfops) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($4 ishop $3) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 protect_voices) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($4 isvoice $3) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 protect_notifies) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($4 isnotify) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+($1,$chr(44),$5,$3) 1 $1 +nc $2 $3) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { fp_punish_1 $1 $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGets,$1 +nc $2 $3),3,32) } if ($hget(fp_flood,$+($6,.,$3,.,$5)) == $7-) { var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+(repeat,$chr(44),$5,$3) 1 repeat +nc $2 $3) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { hdel fp_flood $+($6,.,$3,.,$5) | fp_punish_1 Repeat $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGets,repeat +nc $2 $3),3,32) } } else { var %z = $dll($airc,FloodDel,$+(repeat,$chr(44),$5,$3)) hadd -m fp_flood $+($6,.,$3,.,$5) $7- var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+(repeat,$chr(44),$5,$3) 1 repeat +nc $2 $3) } var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+(byte,$chr(44),$5,$3) $len($7-) byte +nc $2 $3) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { fp_punish_1 Byte $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGets,byte +nc $2 $3),3,32) } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 long_text), %len = $len($strip($7-)), %max = $gettok(%z,3,32) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%len >= %max) { fp_punish_1 Long_text $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 %len %max } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 capital_letters), %c = $caps($7-), %max = $gettok(%z,3,32) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%c >= %max) { fp_punish_1 Capital_letters $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 $+(%c,$chr(37)) $+(%max,$chr(37)) } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 control_code), %max = $gettok(%z,3,32), %c = $calc($count($7-,$chr(3)) + $count($7-,$chr(2)) + $count($7-,$chr(22)) + $count($7-,$chr(31))) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%c >= %max) { fp_punish_1 Control_code $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 %c %max } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 color), %c = $count($7-,$chr(3)), %max = $gettok(%z,3,32) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%c >= %max) { fp_punish_1 Color $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 %c %max } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 bold), %c = $count($7-,$chr(2)), %max = $gettok(%z,3,32) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%c >= %max) { fp_punish_1 Bold $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 %c %max } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 underlined), %c = $count($7-,$chr(31)), %max = $gettok(%z,3,32) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%c >= %max) { fp_punish_1 Underlined $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 %c %max } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 reversed), %c = $count($7-,$chr(22)), %max = $gettok(%z,3,32) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && (%c >= %max) { fp_punish_1 Reversed $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 %c %max } } alias -l fp_check_2 { if (%fp_away == on) && ($away) { return } if ($istok(Chanserv Operserv Memoserv Nickserv Helpserv $2,$4,32)) || (*.*.* iswm $4) || (@ isin $4) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 protect_users) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($hfind(fp_users,$4,1)) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood +nc $2 $3 protect_notifies) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($4 isnotify) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+($1,$chr(44),$5,$3) 1 $1 +nc $2 $3) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { fp_punish_1 $1 $6 $2 $3 $4 $5 $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGets,$1 +nc $2 $3),3,32) } } alias -l fp_punish_2 { var %t = $gettok($dll($airc,OptGets,flood + ignore_time),2,32), %r = $gettok($dll($airc,OptGets,flood + react),2,32), %p = $gettok($dll($airc,OptGets,flood + ignore_host),2,32), %fld = $mid($1,2-), %pun = $iif(%t != p,$calc(%t / 60) min.,Permanent) if (%r == on) { var %mask = $mask($+($2,!,$4),%p) silence $+(+,%mask) if (%t != p) { .timer.fp_silence_off $+ $cid $+ %mask 1 %t silence $+(-,%mask) } } .ignore $iif(%t != p,$+(-pdnitu,%t),-pdnit) $2 %p .timer.close. $+ $cid $+ $2 3 0 close -m $2 .timer.close2. $+ $3 $+ $cid 1 1 echoa $fp_logo Ignored $+(,$2,) for private $+(,$iif(%fld != CTCP,$lower(%fld),%fld),) flood, at $+(,$fulldate,.) .timer.fp_notice. $+ $3 $+ $cid 1 1 !.notice $2 $fp_logo $replace(%fp_kreason_self_ [ $+ [ %fld ] ],<user.counter>,$5,<max.counter>,$6,<secs>,$7,<punish>,%pun,<max.secs>,$gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGets,$1),3,32)) if (%fp_away == on) && ($away) { return } var %p = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood + common_punish) if ($gettok(%p,2,32) == on) { var %com = $comchan($2,0) while (%com > 0) { var %common = $comchan($2,%com) if ($2 != $me) { if (*kb iswm $gettok(%p,3,32)) { ban %common $2 2 } kick %common $2 Stop flooding me privately! $+($chr(40),,%fld,) flood) } if (f* iswm $gettok(%p,3,32)) { var %i = $ialchan($3,%common,0) while (%i > 0) { var %n = $ialchan($3,%common,%i).nick if (!$istok($me $2,%n,32)) { kick %common %n Stop flooding me privately! - Filter kick (Your host matched the flooder' s) } dec %i } } dec %com } } var %e = $dll($airc,FloodExpire,-) } alias -l fp_check_3 { var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood + notifies_excl) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($2 isnotify) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGets,flood + users_excl) | if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) && ($hfind(fp_users,$2,1)) { return } var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+($1,$chr(44),$3) 1 $1 +) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { fp_punish_2 $1 $2 $3 $4 $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) } var %z = $dll($airc,Flood2,$+(sflood,$chr(44),$3) $len($5-) sbyte +) if (+FLOOD* iswm %z) { fp_punish_2 sByte $2 $3 $4 $gettok(%z,2,32) $gettok(%z,4,32) $gettok(%z,3,32) } } ON *:DISCONNECT: { if ($hget(fp_flood)) { hdel -w fp_flood $+($cid,.*) } } ON *:CONNECT: { if (%fp_network == on) { cF10 } } alias cF12 { if ($group(#fp_chan).status == on) { .disable #fp_chan | if ($dialog(flood)) { did -c $v1 184 } } | else { .enable #fp_chan | if ($dialog(flood)) { did -u $v1 184 } } | echoa $fp_logo Channel flood protection is now $iif($group(#fp_chan).status == on,enabled.,disabled.) } alias cF11 { if ($group(#fp_self).status == on) { .disable #fp_self | if ($dialog(flood)) { did -c $v1 185 } } | else { .enable #fp_self | if ($dialog(flood)) { did -u $v1 185 } } | echoa $fp_logo Self flood protection is now $iif($group(#fp_self).status == on,enabled.,disabled.) | } alias cF10 { var %e = echoa $fp_logo if ($server) { var %n = $iif($network,$v1,not available) %e Network name: $+(,%n,) } else { %e Please connect to a server and try again. } } alias cF8 { if (private isin $ignore(
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
) { .ignore -rp *!*@* | echoa $fp_logo Ignore on private messages is now disabled. } else { .ignore -p *!*@* | echoa $fp_logo Ignore on private messages is now enabled. } } alias cF9 { if ($server) { if ($active ischan) { if (!$chan($active).ial) { echoa $fp_logo Updating IAL for channel $+(,$active,.) | who $active } else { echoa $fp_logo IAL for channel $+(,$active,) is already updated. } } else { echoa $fp_logo This is not a channel window. } } else { echoa $fp_logo You are not connected to a server. } } menu status,menubar,channel,query { - Flood Protection .$iif($dialog(flood),Close,Open) $+ : fp .- .Modify kick/ignore reasons and warning message: fp_reasons .Edit users in protect list: fp_protect .- .Help: if ($exists($fp_hlp)) { run $fp_hlp } | else { echoa $fp_logo Help file was not found. Please restore it and try again. } .- .Unload: if ($input(Are you sure you want to unload Flood Protection addon?,yw,Warning)) { } - } alias -l proxy { if ($me isop $1) { var %i = $nick($1,0), %l = $chan($1).limit if ($calc(%l - %i) != $2) || (l !isin $chan($1).mode) { mode $1 +l $calc(%i + $2) } } } alias -l fp_logo { return [FP] } alias -l { if ($dialog(flood)) { dialog -x $v1 } | .unload -rs $+(",$script,") } alias -l airc { return $+(",$scriptdirairc.dll,") } alias -l fp_ver { return 3.5 } alias -l fp_hlp { return $+(",$scriptdirflood_protection.hlp,") } alias -l floodset { return $scriptdirfp_set.ini } alias -l floodset2 { return $scriptdirfp_set2.ini } alias -l fp_users { return $+(",$scriptdirfp_users.hsh,") } alias -l echos { echo -s $1- } alias -l echoa { echo $color(info) -a $1- } alias -l fp_groups { .enable #fp_chan | .enable #fp_self } alias -l caps { var %t = $remove($strip($1-),$chr(32),$chr(44),.,!,?,_,;,',",:,-,~,!) | if ($len(%t) < 10) { return } | return $round($calc($regex(%t,/[A-ZΑ-Ω]/g) / $len(%t) * 100),1) } alias -l fp_add_chans { var %x = $1, %y = $2 did -a %x %y All networks - All channels var %z = $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptNetchan,0),2,32) while (%z > 0) { var %a = $dll($airc,FloodOptNetchan,%z) tokenize 32 %a if (+OK* iswm $1-) && (+* iswm $2) { var %net = $iif(n isin $2,$3,All networks), %chan = $iif(c isin $2,$gettok($1-,$0,32),All channels) did -a %x %y %net - %chan } dec %z } did -c %x %y 1 } alias -l on_off { if ($dialog(flood)) { var %d = $v1, %cu = $iif($1 == on,-c,-u), %be = $iif($1 == on,-e,-b) did %cu %d 16 | did %be %d 17,18,19,20,21 did %cu %d 22 | did %be %d 23,24,25,26,27 did %cu %d 28 | did %be %d 29,30,31,32,33 did %cu %d 34 | did %be %d 35,36,37,38,39 did %cu %d 40 | did %be %d 41,42,43,44,45 did %cu %d 46 | did %be %d 47,48,49,50,51 did %cu %d 82 | did %be %d 83,84,85,86,87 did %cu %d 88 | did %be %d 89,90,91,92,93 did %cu %d 97 | did %be %d 98,99 did %cu %d 195 | did %be %d 196,197 did %cu %d 100 | did %be %d 101,102 did %cu %d 103 | did %be %d 104,105 did %cu %d 106 | did %be %d 107,108 did %cu %d 110 | did %be %d 111,112 did %cu %d 94 | did %be %d 95,96 did %cu %d 56 | did %be %d 57,58,59,60,61 did %cu %d 62 | did %be %d 63,64,65,66,67 did %cu %d 68 | did %be %d 69,70,71,72,73 did %cu %d 74 | did %be %d 75,76,77,78,79 did %cu %d 113 | did %be %d 114,115,116,117,118 did %cu %d 198 | did %be %d 204,205,201,202,203 did %cu %d 206 | did %be %d 207,208,209,210,211 did %cu %d 215 | did %be %d 216,217 did %cu %d 214 | did %be %d 304,305 var %z = $input(Checkboxes for channel flood protection are now $iif($1 == on,checked,unchecked) $+ ! In order to save your new settings $+ $chr(44) click on the "Apply" button.,oai,All checkboxes are $iif($1 == on,checked,unchecked) $+ !) } } alias -l fp_put { fp_create if ($dialog(flood)) { var %d = $v1 var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,text $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,text 4 2 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,text $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 16 | did -b %d 17,18,19,20,21 } else { did -c %d 16 | did -e %d 17,18,19,20,21 } did -ra %d 17 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 19 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,action $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,action 3 2 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,action $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 22 | did -b %d 23,24,25,26,27 } else { did -c %d 22 | did -e %d 23,24,25,26,27 } did -ra %d 23 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 25 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,notice $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,notice 3 3 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,notice $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 28 | did -b %d 29,30,31,32,33 } else { did -c %d 28 | did -e %d 29,30,31,32,33 } did -ra %d 29 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 31 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,ctcp $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ctcp 3 3 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,ctcp $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 34 | did -b %d 35,36,37,38,39 } else { did -c %d 34 | did -e %d 35,36,37,38,39 } did -ra %d 35 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 37 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,nick $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,nick 3 5 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,nick $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 40 | did -b %d 41,42,43,44,45 } else { did -c %d 40 | did -e %d 41,42,43,44,45 } did -ra %d 41 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 43 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,join $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,join 3 4 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,join $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 46 | did -b %d 47,48,49,50,51 } else { did -c %d 46 | did -e %d 47,48,49,50,51 } did -ra %d 47 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 49 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,repeat $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,repeat 3 2 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,repeat $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 82 | did -b %d 83,84,85,86,87 } else { did -c %d 82 | did -e %d 83,84,85,86,87 } did -ra %d 83 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 85 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,byte $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,byte 800 10 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,byte $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 88 | did -b %d 89,90,91,92,93 } else { did -c %d 88 | did -e %d 89,90,91,92,93 } did -ra %d 89 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 91 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,op $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,op 3 1 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,op $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 56 | did -b %d 57,58,59,60,61 } else { did -c %d 56 | did -e %d 57,58,59,60,61 } did -ra %d 57 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 59 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,deop $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,deop 3 1 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,deop $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 62 | did -b %d 63,64,65,66,67 } else { did -c %d 62 | did -e %d 63,64,65,66,67 } did -ra %d 63 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 65 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,kick $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,kick 4 2 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,kick $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 68 | did -b %d 69,70,71,72,73 } else { did -c %d 68 | did -e %d 69,70,71,72,73 } did -ra %d 69 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 71 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,ban $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ban 3 1 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,ban $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 74 | did -b %d 75,76,77,78,79 } else { did -c %d 74 | did -e %d 75,76,77,78,79 } did -ra %d 75 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 77 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,unban $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,unban 3 1 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,unban $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 113 | did -b %d 114,115,116,117,118 } else { did -c %d 113 | did -e %d 114,115,116,117,118 } did -ra %d 114 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 116 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,mode $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,mode 6 10 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,mode $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 198 | did -b %d 204,205,201,202,203 } else { did -c %d 198 | did -e %d 204,205,201,202,203 } did -ra %d 204 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 201 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,topic $1-) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,topic 5 10 $+($1,d) $2) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,topic $1-) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -u %d 206 | did -b %d 207,208,209,210,211 } else { did -c %d 206 | did -e %d 207,208,209,210,211 } did -ra %d 207 $gettok(%z,2,32) did -ra %d 209 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- proxy) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- proxy off 2) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- proxy) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 214 | did -b %d 304,305 } else { did -c %d 214 | did -e %d 304,305 } did -ra %d 304 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- color) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- color off 2) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- color) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 97 | did -b %d 98,99 } else { did -c %d 97 | did -e %d 98,99 } did -ra %d 98 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- bold) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- bold off 2) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- bold) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 100 | did -b %d 101,102 } else { did -c %d 100 | did -e %d 101,102 } did -ra %d 101 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- underlined) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- underlined off 2) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- underlined) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 103 | did -b %d 104,105 } else { did -c %d 103 | did -e %d 104,105 } did -ra %d 104 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- reversed) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- reversed off 2) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- reversed) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 106 | did -b %d 107,108 } else { did -c %d 106 | did -e %d 107,108 } did -ra %d 107 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- control_code) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- control_code off 5) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- control_code) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 195 | did -b %d 196,197 } else { did -c %d 195 | did -e %d 196,197 } did -ra %d 196 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- long_text) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- long_text off 250) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- long_text) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 110 | did -b %d 111,112 } else { did -c %d 110 | did -e %d 111,112 } did -ra %d 111 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- capital_letters) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- capital_letters off 80) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- capital_letters) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 94 | did -b %d 95,96 } else { did -c %d 94 | did -e %d 95,96 } did -ra %d 95 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- clone) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- clone off 3) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- clone) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == off) { did -u %d 215 | did -b %d 216,217 } else { did -c %d 215 | did -e %d 216,217 } did -ra %d 216 $gettok(%z,3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- punish) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- punish kb) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- punish) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == w) { did -c %d 161 1 | did -b %d 162,163,170,171,175,190 } elseif ($gettok(%z,2,32) == wk) { did -c %d 161 2 | did -b %d 162,163,170,171 | did -e %d 190,175 } elseif ($gettok(%z,2,32) == wb) { did -c %d 161 3 | did -e %d 162,163,170,171,175,190 } elseif ($gettok(%z,2,32) == k) { did -c %d 161 4 | did -b %d 162,163,170,171 | did -e %d 190,175 } else { did -c %d 161 5 | did -e %d 162,163,170,171,175,190 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- banmask) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- banmask 2) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- banmask) } did -c %d 171 $calc($gettok(%z,2,32) + 1) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- ban_time) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- ban_time p) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- ban_time) } did -c %d 163 $iif($gettok(%z,2,32) isnum,$didwm(%d,163,$calc($v1 / 60) minute*),17) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- filter_kick) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- filter_kick off) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- filter_kick) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c %d 175 1 } else { did -c %d 175 2 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_ops) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- protect_ops on) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_ops) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c %d 165 } else { did -u %d 165 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_halfops) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- protect_halfops on) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_halfops) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c %d 166 } else { did -u %d 166 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_voices) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- protect_voices on) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_voices) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c %d 167 } else { did -u %d 167 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_notifies) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- protect_notifies on) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_notifies) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c %d 168 } else { did -u %d 168 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_users) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood $1- protect_users on) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood $1- protect_users) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c %d 223 } else { did -u %d 223 } } } alias -l fp_default_k { var %r1 = Text flood detected! (<user.counter> lines in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> lines in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r2 = Action flood detected! (<user.counter> actions in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> actions in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r3 = Notice flood detected! (<user.counter> notices in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> notices in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r4 = CTCP flood detected! (<user.counter> CTCPs in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> CTCPs in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r5 = Nick change flood detected! (<user.counter> nicks in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> nicks in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r6 = Join flood detected! (<user.counter> joins in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> joins in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r7 = Repeat flood detected! (<user.counter> repetitions in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> repetitions in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r8 = Byte flood detected! (<user.counter> bytes in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> bytes in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r9 = Op flood detected! (<user.counter> modes in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> modes in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r10 = Deop flood detected! (<user.counter> modes in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> modes in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r11 = Kick flood detected! (<user.counter> kicks in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> kicks in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r12 = Ban flood detected! (<user.counter> bans in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> modes in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r13 = Unban flood detected! (<user.counter> unbans in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> modes in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r14 = Mode flood detected! (<user.counter> modes in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> modes in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r15 = Topic flood detected! (<user.counter> topics in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> topics in <max.secs> sec(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r16 = Color flood detected! (<user.counter> color(s). Limit is <max.counter> color(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r17 = Bold flood detected! (<user.counter> bold chr(s). Limit is <max.counter> chr(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r18 = Underlined flood detected! (<user.counter> underline chr(s). Limit is <max.counter> chr(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r19 = Reversed flood detected! (<user.counter> reverse chr(s). Limit is <max.counter> chr(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r20 = Control code flood detected! (<user.counter> control chr(s). Limit is <max.counter> chr(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r21 = Clone flood detected! (<user.counter> clone(s). Limit is <max.counter> clone(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r22 = Long text flood detected! (<user.counter> chr(s). Limit is <max.counter> chr(s). Ban: <punish>) var %r23 = Capital letter flood detected! (<user.counter> in sentence are capitals. Limit is <max.counter>. Ban: <punish>) var %r24 = Text flood detected, don' t flood me! (<user.counter> lines in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> lines in <max.secs> sec(s). You are now ignored! - <punish> ignore) var %r25 = Action flood detected, don' t flood me! (<user.counter> actions in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> actions in <max.secs> sec(s). You are now ignored! - <punish> ignore) var %r26 = Notice flood detected, don' t flood me! (<user.counter> notices in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> notices in <max.secs> sec(s). You are now ignored! - <punish> ignore) var %r27 = CTCP flood detected, don' t flood me! (<user.counter> CTCPs in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> CTCPs in <max.secs> sec(s). You are now ignored! - <punish> ignore) var %r28 = Invite flood detected, don' t flood me! (<user.counter> invites in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> invites in <max.secs> sec(s). You are now ignored! - <punish> ignore) var %r29 = Byte flood detected, don' t flood me! (<user.counter> bytes in <secs> sec(s). Limit is <max.counter> bytes in <max.secs> sec(s). You are now ignored! - <punish> ignore) var %r30 = Please stop flooding the channel! (<flood.type> flood detected) if ($1 == i) { if ($dialog(ki_reasons)) { did -ra $v1 20 %r1 did -ra $v1 21 %r2 did -ra $v1 22 %r3 did -ra $v1 23 %r4 did -ra $v1 24 %r5 did -ra $v1 25 %r6 did -ra $v1 26 %r7 did -ra $v1 27 %r8 did -ra $v1 33 %r9 did -ra $v1 34 %r10 did -ra $v1 35 %r11 did -ra $v1 36 %r12 did -ra $v1 37 %r13 did -ra $v1 75 %r14 did -ra $v1 78 %r15 did -ra $v1 44 %r16 did -ra $v1 45 %r17 did -ra $v1 46 %r18 did -ra $v1 47 %r19 did -ra $v1 73 %r20 did -ra $v1 86 %r21 did -ra $v1 48 %r22 did -ra $v1 49 %r23 did -ra $v1 56 %r24 did -ra $v1 57 %r25 did -ra $v1 58 %r26 did -ra $v1 59 %r27 did -ra $v1 60 %r28 did -ra $v1 61 %r29 did -ra $v1 81 %r30 } } else { set %fp_kreason_chan_text %r1 set %fp_kreason_chan_action %r2 set %fp_kreason_chan_notice %r3 set %fp_kreason_chan_CTCP %r4 set %fp_kreason_chan_nick %r5 set %fp_kreason_chan_join %r6 set %fp_kreason_chan_repeat %r7 set %fp_kreason_chan_byte %r8 set %fp_kreason_chan_op %r9 set %fp_kreason_chan_deop %r10 set %fp_kreason_chan_kick %r11 set %fp_kreason_chan_ban %r12 set %fp_kreason_chan_unban %r13 set %fp_kreason_chan_mode %r14 set %fp_kreason_chan_topic %r15 set %fp_kreason_chan_color %r16 set %fp_kreason_chan_bold %r17 set %fp_kreason_chan_underlined %r18 set %fp_kreason_chan_reversed %r19 set %fp_kreason_chan_long_text %r20 set %fp_kreason_chan_capital_letters %r23 set %fp_kreason_chan_control_code %r22 set %fp_kreason_chan_clone %r21 set %fp_kreason_self_text %r24 set %fp_kreason_self_action %r25 set %fp_kreason_self_notice %r26 set %fp_kreason_self_CTCP %r27 set %fp_kreason_self_invite %r28 set %fp_kreason_self_byte %r29 set %fp_warning %r30 } } alias -l fp_create { var %z = $dll($airc,OptTableAdd,flood), %e = echos $fp_logo var %k = $dll($airc,OptNetchan,flood 0), %l = $dll($airc,FloodOptNetchan,0) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptLoad,$floodset) if (-* iswm %z) { var %m = 1 | %e Warning: An error has occured while attempting to load your Flood Protection' s main settings. } var %z = $dll($airc,OptTableLoad,flood $floodset2) if (-* iswm %z) { var %m = 1 | %e Warning: An error has occured while attempting to load your Flood Protection' s miscellaneous settings. } if (%k != %l) { var %m = 1 | %e Warning: Loading flood settings procedure failed. Creating new option files... } if (!$isfile($fp_users)) { write -c $fp_users | if (!$hget(fp_users)) { hmake fp_users 100 } | hsave -o fp_users $fp_users | %e Warning: An error has occured while attempting to load your Flood Protection' s "protected users" file. Successfully created new file... } hload fp_users $fp_users if (%m == 1) { var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDelMatch,* +*n* * *) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDelMatch,* +*c* * *) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDelMatch,flood +*n* * * *) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDelMatch,flood +*c* * * *) write -c $+(",$floodset,") var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,text 4 2 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,action 3 2 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,notice 3 3 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ctcp 3 3 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,nick 3 5 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,join 3 4 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,repeat 3 2 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,byte 800 10 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,op 3 1 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,deop 3 1 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,kick 4 2 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ban 3 1 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,unban 3 1 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,mode 6 10 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,topic 5 10 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,stext 4 2 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,saction 3 4 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,snotice 3 3 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sctcp 3 4 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sinvite 3 4 +d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sbyte 500 4 +d) var %z = $dll($airc, FloodOptSave,$floodset) write -c $+(",$floodset2,") var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + ignore_host 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + ignore_time 120) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + common_punish off k) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + react off) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + users_excl on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + notifies_excl on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + punish wb) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + banmask 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + ban_time p) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + filter_kick off) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + protect_ops on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + protect_halfops on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + protect_voices on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + protect_notifies on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + protect_users on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + proxy off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + color off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + bold off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + underlined off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + reversed off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + control_code off 5) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + long_text off 250) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + capital_letters off 80) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + clone off 3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptTableSave,flood $floodset2) %e Flood Protection' s settings files have been successfully restored! if ($dialog(flood)) { var %i = $v1 did -r %i 7 | did -a %i 7 All networks - All channels | did -b %i 13,14 | did -c %i 7 1 | fp_put + } } } on *:load: { set %fp_tmp.load 1 | clear -s | echos $fp_logo Flood Protection | echos $fp_logo ----------------------------------------- | echos $fp_logo Please read the help file. (Type /fp to open the dialog) | set %fp_confirm on | set %fp_away on | set %fp_network on | set %fp_ignore on | fp_default_k | if ($exists($fp_hlp)) { run $fp_hlp } | .timer.fp_enable_groups 1 0 fp_groups } on *:unload: { if ($hget(fp_flood)) { hfree $v1 } | if ($hget(fp_users)) { hfree $v1 } | dll -u $airc | unset %fp_* | echos $fp_logo Successfully unloaded Flood Protection addon. Thank you for using it... } on *:start: { if ($version < 6.16) { echos $fp_logo Warning: You currently use mIRC $+(,$version,.) You need mIRC 6.01+ for this addon to work properly. Please download the newest version at [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]. Unloading addon... | | halt } if (!$isfile($airc)) { echos $fp_logo Warning: "airc.dll" which is essential for Flood Protection' s proper usage is missing or has been renamed. Please restore that file and reload this addon. Unloading addon... | | halt } .timer_fp_create 1 0 fp_create if (!$hget(fp_flood)) { hmake fp_flood 1000 } else { hdel -w fp_flood * } if (!$hget(fp_users)) { hmake fp_users 100 } if (%fp_tmp.load != 1) { echos $fp_logo Flood Protection addon is successfully loaded. | .timer_fp_ok 1 3 clear -s } if (%fp_show_warn == $null) { set %fp_show_warn on } unset %fp_tmp.load if (%fp_ignore == on) { .ignore -rp *!*@* } .reload -rs1 $+(",$script,") } alias -l fp_protect { if ($dialog(fp_protect)) { dialog -vr $v1 } | else { dialog -m fp_protect fp_protect } } dialog -l fp_protect { title "Protect list" size -1 -1 235 250 list 1, 10 45 160 150, size, sort, vsbar text "Nickname:", 2, 10 14 80 15 edit "", 3, 70 12 100 20, autohs button "Add", 4, 180 10 45 25, disable button "Rem", 5, 180 45 45 25, disable button "Clear", 6, 180 170 45 25, disable box "", 7, 10 198 215 8 button "Close", 8, 165 215 60 25, cancel box "", 9, -1 -6 237 257 } on *:dialog:fp_protect:init:0: { did -f $dname 3 fp_create var %z = $hget(fp_users,0).item, %c = 1 while (%c <= %z) { did -a $dname 1 $hget(fp_users,%c).item inc %c } dialog -t $dname Protect list - %z $iif(%z == 1,user,users) if (%z > 0) { did -e $dname 6 } } on *:dialog:fp_protect:edit:3: { if ($chr(32) isin $did($did)) || ($did($did) == $null) { did -b $dname 4 } | else { did -e $dname 4 } } on *:dialog:fp_protect:sclick:*: { if ($did == 1) { if ($did($did).seltext != $null) { did -e $dname 5 } else { did -b $dname 5 } } if ($did == 4) { fp_create if (!$hfind(fp_users,$did(3),1)) { hadd fp_users $did(3) - did -a $dname 1 $did(3) did -r $dname 3 hsave -o fp_users $fp_users } else { var %z = $input(This user already exists in your protect list.,oai,Information) } did -e $dname 6 did -f $dname 3 var %z = $hget(fp_users,0).item dialog -t $dname Protect list - %z $iif(%z == 1,user,users) } if ($did == 5) { fp_create if ($did(1).seltext != $null) { hdel fp_users $did(1).seltext did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel } did -b $dname $did var %z = $hget(fp_users,0).item dialog -t $dname Protect list - %z $iif(%z == 1,user,users) if (%z == 0) { did -b $dname 6 } hsave -o fp_users $fp_users } if ($did == 6) { if ($input(Are you sure you want to entirely clear your protect list?,yaw,Warning)) { fp_create if ($hget(fp_users)) { hfree $v1 | hmake $v1 100 } else { hmake fp_users 100 } hsave -o fp_users $fp_users did -r $dname 1 dialog -t $dname Protect list - 0 users did -b $dname 6 } } } alias fp { if ($dialog(flood)) { dialog -x $v1 } | else { dialog -m flood flood } } dialog -l flood { title "Flood Protection - /fp - [All networks][All channels]" size -1 -1 370 380 box "", 1, -1 -6 372 387 button "Close", 2, 300 345 60 25, cancel box "", 3, 10 328 350 8 tab "Chan 1", 4, 10 10 350 317 tab "... 2", 55 tab "... 3", 109 tab "... 4", 80 tab "Self", 81 box "Select an option to edit its settings:", 5, 20 36 330 84 text "Network - Channel:", 9, 30 56 110 15 combo 7, 130 54 210 150, size, drop button "New", 12, 130 85 45 25 button "Rem", 13, 185 85 45 25, disable button "Remove all", 14, 265 85 75 25, disable box "Channel flood protection against:", 15, 20 123 330 189 check "Text", 16, 30 143 80 15, tab 4 edit "", 17, 160 140 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "lines", 18, 195 143 50 15, tab 4 edit "", 19, 275 140 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "sec(s)", 20, 310 143 35 15, tab 4 text "/", 21, 235 143 15 15, tab 4 check "Action", 22, 30 163 80 15, tab 4 edit "", 23, 160 160 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "actions", 24, 195 163 50 15, tab 4 edit "", 25, 275 160 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "sec(s)", 26, 310 163 35 15, tab 4 text "/", 27, 235 163 15 15, tab 4 check "Notice", 28, 30 183 80 15, tab 4 edit "", 29, 160 180 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "notices", 30, 195 183 50 15, tab 4 edit "", 31, 275 180 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "sec(s)", 32, 310 183 35 15, tab 4 text "/", 33, 235 183 15 15, tab 4 check "CTCP", 34, 30 203 80 15, tab 4 edit "", 35, 160 200 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "CTCPs", 36, 195 203 50 15, tab 4 edit "", 37, 275 200 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "sec(s)", 38, 310 203 35 15, tab 4 text "/", 39, 235 203 15 15, tab 4 check "Nick change", 40, 30 223 90 15, tab 4 edit "", 41, 160 220 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "nicks", 42, 195 223 50 15, tab 4 edit "", 43, 275 220 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "sec(s)", 44, 310 223 35 15, tab 4 text "/", 45, 235 223 15 15, tab 4 check "Join", 46, 30 243 80 15, tab 4 edit "", 47, 160 240 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "joins", 48, 195 243 50 15, tab 4 edit "", 49, 275 240 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "sec(s)", 50, 310 243 35 15, tab 4 text "/", 51, 235 243 15 15, tab 4 check "Repeat", 82, 30 263 80 15, tab 4 edit "", 83, 160 260 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "repet.", 84, 195 263 50 15, tab 4 edit "", 85, 275 260 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "sec(s)", 86, 310 263 35 15, tab 4 text "/", 87, 235 263 15 15, tab 4 check "Byte excess", 88, 30 283 80 15, tab 4 edit "", 89, 160 280 30 20, limit 3, autohs, tab 4 text "bytes", 90, 195 283 50 15, tab 4 edit "", 91, 275 280 30 20, limit 2, tab 4 text "sec(s)", 92, 310 283 35 15, tab 4 text "/", 93, 235 283 15 15, tab 4 button "Apply", 52, 230 345 60 25 check "Mass op", 56, 30 143 90 15, tab 55 edit "", 57, 160 140 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "modes", 58, 195 143 50 15, tab 55 edit "", 59, 275 140 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "sec(s)", 60, 310 143 35 15, tab 55 text "/", 61, 235 143 15 15, tab 55 check "Mass deop", 62, 30 163 90 15, tab 55 edit "", 63, 160 160 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "modes", 64, 195 163 50 15, tab 55 edit "", 65, 275 160 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "sec(s)", 66, 310 163 35 15, tab 55 text "/", 67, 235 163 15 15, tab 55 check "Mass kick", 68, 30 183 90 15, tab 55 edit "", 69, 160 180 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "kicks", 70, 195 183 50 15, tab 55 edit "", 71, 275 180 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "sec(s)", 72, 310 183 35 15, tab 55 text "/", 73, 235 183 15 15, tab 55 check "Mass ban", 74, 30 203 90 15, tab 55 edit "", 75, 160 200 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "bans", 76, 195 203 50 15, tab 55 edit "", 77, 275 200 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "sec(s)", 78, 310 203 35 15, tab 55 text "/", 79, 235 203 15 15, tab 55 check "Mass unban", 113, 30 223 90 15, tab 55 edit "", 114, 160 220 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "unbans", 115, 195 223 50 15, tab 55 edit "", 116, 275 220 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "sec(s)", 117, 310 223 35 15, tab 55 text "/", 118, 235 223 15 15, tab 55 check "Mode set", 198, 30 243 90 15, tab 55 edit "", 204, 160 240 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "modes", 205, 195 243 50 15, tab 55 edit "", 201, 275 240 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "sec(s)", 202, 310 243 35 15, tab 55 text "/", 203, 235 243 15 15, tab 55 check "Topic change", 206, 30 263 90 15, tab 55 edit "", 207, 160 260 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "topics", 208, 195 263 50 15, tab 55 edit "", 209, 275 260 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "sec(s)", 210, 310 263 35 15, tab 55 text "/", 211, 235 263 15 15, tab 55 check "Proxy attack", 214, 30 283 110 15, tab 55 edit "", 304, 160 280 30 20, limit 2, tab 55 text "users to reach limit", 305, 195 283 100 15, tab 55 check "Color", 97, 30 143 110 15, tab 109 edit "", 98, 160 140 30 20, limit 2, tab 109 text "chr(s)", 99, 195 143 30 15, tab 109 check "Bold", 100, 30 163 110 15, tab 109 edit "", 101, 160 160 30 20, limit 2, tab 109 text "chr(s)", 102, 195 163 30 15, tab 109 check "Underline", 103, 30 183 110 15, tab 109 edit "", 104, 160 180 30 20, limit 2, tab 109 text "chr(s)", 105, 195 183 30 15, tab 109 check "Reverse", 106, 30 203 110 15, tab 109 edit "", 107, 160 200 30 20, limit 2, tab 109 text "chr(s)", 108, 195 203 30 15, tab 109 check "or", 195, 245 171 35 15, tab 109 edit "", 196, 280 168 30 20, limit 2, tab 109 text "total", 197, 315 171 30 15, tab 109 check "Long text", 110, 30 223 90 15, tab 109 edit "", 111, 160 220 30 20, limit 3, autohs, tab 109 text "chrs", 112, 195 223 50 15, tab 109 check "Capital letters", 94, 30 243 90 15, tab 109 edit "", 95, 160 240 30 20, limit 3, tab 109 text "%", 96, 195 243 80 15, tab 109 check "Clones", 215, 30 263 90 15, tab 109 edit "", 216, 160 260 30 20, limit 2, tab 109 text "clone(s)", 217, 195 263 130 15, tab 109 box "User punishment:", 119, 20 36 330 124, tab 81 text "Mask to ignore:", 231, 30 56 180 15, tab 81 text "(", 172, 155 56 5 15, tab 81 check "+ silence)", 230, 160 56 80 15, tab 81 combo 173, 240 53 100 163, size, drop, tab 81 text "Ignore duration:", 120, 30 82 180 15, tab 81 combo 121, 240 79 100 145, size, drop, tab 81 check "Punish user in common channels, with", 122, 30 108 210 15, tab 81 combo 123, 240 105 100 100, size, drop, tab 81 text "Protect users in", 224, 30 134 210 15, tab 81 check "notify list", 178, 160 134 80 15, tab 81 check "protect list", 174, 240 134 90 15, tab 81 check "Text", 124, 30 183 80 15, tab 81 edit "", 125, 160 180 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "lines", 126, 195 183 50 15, tab 81 edit "", 127, 275 180 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "sec(s)", 128, 310 183 35 15, tab 81 text "/", 129, 235 183 15 15, tab 81 check "Action", 130, 30 203 80 15, tab 81 edit "", 131, 160 200 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "actions", 132, 195 203 50 15, tab 81 edit "", 133, 275 200 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "sec(s)", 134, 310 203 35 15, tab 81 text "/", 135, 235 203 15 15, tab 81 check "Notice", 136, 30 223 80 15, tab 81 edit "", 137, 160 220 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "notices", 138, 195 223 50 15, tab 81 edit "", 139, 275 220 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "sec(s)", 140, 310 223 35 15, tab 81 text "/", 141, 235 223 15 15, tab 81 check "CTCP", 142, 30 243 80 15, tab 81 edit "", 143, 160 240 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "CTCPs", 144, 195 243 50 15, tab 81 edit "", 145, 275 240 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "sec(s)", 146, 310 243 35 15, tab 81 text "/", 147, 235 243 15 15, tab 81 check "Invite", 148, 30 263 80 15, tab 81 edit "", 149, 160 260 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "invites", 150, 195 263 50 15, tab 81 edit "", 151, 275 260 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "sec(s)", 152, 310 263 35 15, tab 81 text "/", 153, 235 263 15 15, tab 81 check "Byte excess", 154, 30 283 80 15, tab 81 edit "", 155, 160 280 30 20, limit 3, autohs, tab 81 text "bytes", 156, 195 283 50 15, tab 81 edit "", 157, 275 280 30 20, limit 2, tab 81 text "sec(s)", 158, 310 283 35 15, tab 81 text "/", 159, 235 283 15 15, tab 81 text "Punish user when flooding channel, with", 160, 30 145 200 15, tab 80 combo 161, 240 142 100 120, size, drop, tab 80 text "- Filter kick:", 190, 40 171 150 15, tab 80 combo 175, 240 168 100 65, size, drop, tab 80 text "- Banmask:", 170, 40 197 180 15, tab 80 combo 171, 240 194 100 163, size, drop, tab 80 text "- Ban duration:", 162, 40 224 180 15, tab 80 combo 163, 240 220 100 145, size, drop, tab 80 box "Protect user who is flooding if:", 164, 20 248 330 64, tab 80 check "op (@)", 165, 30 265 100 15, tab 80 check "half-op (%)", 166, 150 265 100 15, tab 80 check "voiced (+)", 167, 260 265 80 15, tab 80 check "in notify list", 168, 30 285 100 15, tab 80 check "in protect list", 223, 150 285 100 15, tab 80 box "Self protection against:", 176, 20 163 330 149, tab 81 menu "File", 179 item "Insert default values in editboxes", 180, 179 item break, 219, 179 item "Check all boxes of channel flood protection", 220, 179 item "Uncheck all boxes of channel flood protection", 221, 179 item break, 181, 179 item "Exit <Esc>", 182, 179 menu "Options", 183 item "Completely disable channel flood protection <Ctrl+F12>", 184, 183 item "Completely disable self flood protection <Ctrl+F11>", 185, 183 item break, 191, 183 item "Show network' s name when connecting <Ctrl+F10>", 300, 183 item "Auto-remove private message ignore on startup <Ctrl+F8>", 334, 183 item "Auto-update IAL when joining a channel", 303, 183 item break, 301, 183 item "Disable flood punishment while away", 199, 183 item "Inform me when flooders are warned", 333, 183 item break, 200, 183 item "Always ask for confirmation before saving settings", 192, 183 item break, 186, 183 item "Modify kick/ignore reasons and warning message", 187, 183 item "Edit users in protect list", 222, 183 menu "Help", 188 item "About...", 189, 188 item break, 212, 188 item "View help file", 213, 188 box "", 193, 230 172 10 8, tab 109 box "", 194, 230 134 2 83, tab 109 } on *:dialog:flood:menu:*: { if ($did == 222) { fp_protect } if ($did == 220) { on_off on } if ($did == 221) { on_off off } if ($did == 213) { if (!$exists($fp_hlp)) { var %w = $input(The help file cannot be found. $crlf $+ $+($chr(40),It is either renamed or deleted,$chr(41)) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf Please restore the file and try again.,owa,Warning) } else { run $fp_hlp } } if ($did == 182) { dialog -x $dname } if ($did == 184) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { .enable #fp_chan | did -u $dname $did } | else { .disable #fp_chan | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 185) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { .enable #fp_self | did -u $dname $did } | else { .disable #fp_self | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 187) { fp_reasons } if ($did == 192) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { set %fp_confirm off | did -u $dname $did } | else { set %fp_confirm on | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 303) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { set %fp_ial off | did -u $dname $did } | else { set %fp_ial on | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 334) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { set %fp_ignore off | did -u $dname $did } | else { set %fp_ignore on | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 199) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { set %fp_away off | did -u $dname $did } | else { set %fp_away on | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 300) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { set %fp_network off | did -u $dname $did } | else { set %fp_network on | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 333) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { set %fp_show_warn off | did -u $dname $did } | else { set %fp_show_warn on | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 189) { var %b = $input(Flood Protection addon for mIRC 6.01+. $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Version: $crlf $+ $fp_ver $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Main credits: $crlf $+ airc.dll by tabo $crlf $+ mIRC code by RagingDemon $crlf $+ $crlf $+ ©2004 $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Note: For more information please refer to the help file.,oai,About Flood Protection) } if ($did == 180) { if ($input(Are you sure you want to insert the default values in all editboxes?,yaq,Insert default values)) { var %d = did -ra $dname %d 17 4 | %d 19 2 %d 23 3 | %d 25 2 %d 29 3 | %d 31 3 %d 35 3 | %d 37 3 %d 41 3 | %d 43 5 %d 47 3 | %d 49 4 %d 83 3 | %d 85 2 %d 89 800 | %d 91 10 %d 98 2 %d 196 5 %d 101 2 %d 104 2 %d 107 2 %d 111 250 %d 95 80 %d 57 3 | %d 59 1 %d 63 3 | %d 65 1 %d 69 4 | %d 71 2 %d 75 3 | %d 77 1 %d 114 3 | %d 116 1 %d 204 6 | %d 201 10 %d 125 4 | %d 127 2 %d 131 3 | %d 133 4 %d 137 3 | %d 139 3 %d 143 3 | %d 145 4 %d 149 3 | %d 151 4 %d 155 500 | %d 157 4 %d 207 5 | %d 209 10 %d 216 3 var %z = $input(Flood Protection' s default settings have been successfully inserted into all editboxes! In order to save your new settings $+ $chr(44) click on the "Apply" button.,oai,Default settings inserted!) } } } on *:dialog:flood:sclick:*: { did -f $dname 1 if ($did == 12) { $iif($dialog(add_new),dialog -vr $v1,dialog -m add_new add_new) } if ($did == 81) { did -h $dname 5,7,9,12,13,14,15 | did -v $dname 176 dialog -t $dname Flood Protection - /fp - Self protection } elseif ($istok(4 55 80 109,$did,32)) && (!$did(5).visible) { did -v $dname 5,7,9,12,13,14,15 } if ($did == 4) { did -ra $dname 15 Channel flood protection against: var %net = $iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),All networks,$gettok($did(7),1,32)), %chan = $iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),All channels,$gettok($did(7),-1,32)) dialog -t $dname Flood Protection - /fp - $+($chr(91),%net,$chr(93),$chr(91),%chan,$chr(93)) } if ($did == 55) { did -ra $dname 15 Channel flood protection against: var %net = $iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),All networks,$gettok($did(7),1,32)), %chan = $iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),All channels,$gettok($did(7),-1,32)) dialog -t $dname Flood Protection - /fp - $+($chr(91),%net,$chr(93),$chr(91),%chan,$chr(93)) } if ($did == 80) { did -ra $dname 15 Punishment settings: var %net = $iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),All networks,$gettok($did(7),1,32)), %chan = $iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),All channels,$gettok($did(7),-1,32)) dialog -t $dname Flood Protection - /fp - $+($chr(91),%net,$chr(93),$chr(91),%chan,$chr(93)) } if ($did == 109) { did -ra $dname 15 Channel flood protection against: var %net = $iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),All networks,$gettok($did(7),1,32)), %chan = $iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),All channels,$gettok($did(7),-1,32)) dialog -t $dname Flood Protection - /fp - $+($chr(91),%net,$chr(93),$chr(91),%chan,$chr(93)) } if ($did == 16) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 17,18,19,20,21 } | else { did -b $dname 17,18,19,20,21 } } if ($did == 22) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 23,24,25,26,27 } | else { did -b $dname 23,24,25,26,27 } } if ($did == 28) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 29,30,31,32,33 } | else { did -b $dname 29,30,31,32,33 } } if ($did == 34) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 35,36,37,38,39 } | else { did -b $dname 35,36,37,38,39 } } if ($did == 40) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 41,42,43,44,45 } | else { did -b $dname 41,42,43,44,45 } } if ($did == 46) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 47,48,49,50,51 } | else { did -b $dname 47,48,49,50,51 } } if ($did == 82) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 83,84,85,86,87 } | else { did -b $dname 83,84,85,86,87 } } if ($did == 88) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 89,90,91,92,93 } | else { did -b $dname 89,90,91,92,93 } } if ($did == 56) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 57,58,59,60,61 } | else { did -b $dname 57,58,59,60,61 } } if ($did == 62) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 63,64,65,66,67 } | else { did -b $dname 63,64,65,66,67 } } if ($did == 68) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 69,70,71,72,73 } | else { did -b $dname 69,70,71,72,73 } } if ($did == 74) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 75,76,77,78,79 } | else { did -b $dname 75,76,77,78,79 } } if ($did == 198) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 204,205,201,202,203 } | else { did -b $dname 204,205,201,202,203 } } if ($did == 113) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 114,115,116,117,118 } | else { did -b $dname 114,115,116,117,118 } } if ($did == 97) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 98,99 } | else { did -b $dname 98,99 } } if ($did == 100) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 101,102 } | else { did -b $dname 101,102 } } if ($did == 103) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 104,105 } | else { did -b $dname 104,105 } } if ($did == 106) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 107,108 } | else { did -b $dname 107,108 } } if ($did == 94) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 95,96 } | else { did -b $dname 95,96 } } if ($did == 215) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 216,217 } | else { did -b $dname 216,217 } } if ($did == 110) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 111,112 } | else { did -b $dname 111,112 } } if ($did == 195) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 196,197 } | else { did -b $dname 196,197 } } if ($did == 214) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 304,305 } | else { did -b $dname 304,305 } } if ($did == 124) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 125,126,127,128,129 } | else { did -b $dname 125,126,127,128,129 } } if ($did == 130) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 131,132,133,134,135 } | else { did -b $dname 131,132,133,134,135 } } if ($did == 136) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 137,138,139,140,141 } | else { did -b $dname 137,138,139,140,141 } } if ($did == 142) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 143,144,145,146,147 } | else { did -b $dname 143,144,145,146,147 } } if ($did == 148) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 149,150,151,152,153 } | else { did -b $dname 149,150,151,152,153 } } if ($did == 154) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 155,156,157,158,159 } | else { did -b $dname 155,156,157,158,159 } } if ($did == 206) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 207,208,209,210,211 } | else { did -b $dname 207,208,209,210,211 } } if ($did == 161) { if ($did($did).sel == 1) { did -b $dname 162,163,170,171,175,190 } elseif ($istok(2 4,$did($did).sel,32)) { did -b $dname 162,163,170,171 | did -e $dname 175,190 } else { did -e $dname 162,163,170,171,175,190 } } if ($did == 122) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -e $dname 123 } | else { did -b $dname 123 } } if ($did == 52) { var %params = $+(+,$iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),,n),$iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),,c)), %netchan = $iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),,$gettok($did(7),1,32)) $iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),,$gettok($did(7),-1,32)) if (%fp_confirm == on) { if (!$input(Do you want to save your current settings? $crlf $+ $crlf $+ The settings $+(below,$chr(44)) will be saved if you press the "Yes" button: $crlf $+ 1. Flood protection settings for: $crlf $+ $iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),All networks,$gettok($did(7),1,32)) - $iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),All channels,$gettok($did(7),-1,32)) $+ . $crlf $+ 2. Self flood protection settings. $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Continue?,yaq,Save confirmation)) { halt } } var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,text $iif($did(17) isnum 2-99,$v1,4) $iif($did(19) isnum 1-99,$v1,2) $+(%params,$iif($did(16).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,action $iif($did(23) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(25) isnum 1-99,$v1,2) $+(%params,$iif($did(22).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,notice $iif($did(29) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(31) isnum 1-99,$v1,3) $+(%params,$iif($did(28).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ctcp $iif($did(35) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(37) isnum 1-99,$v1,3) $+(%params,$iif($did(34).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,nick $iif($did(41) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(43) isnum 1-99,$v1,5) $+(%params,$iif($did(40).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,join $iif($did(47) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(49) isnum 1-99,$v1,4) $+(%params,$iif($did(46).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,repeat $iif($did(83) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(85) isnum 1-99,$v1,2) $+(%params,$iif($did(82).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,byte $iif($did(89) isnum 2-999,$v1,800) $iif($did(91) isnum 1-99,$v1,10) $+(%params,$iif($did(88).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,op $iif($did(57) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(59) isnum 1-99,$v1,1) $+(%params,$iif($did(56).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,deop $iif($did(63) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(65) isnum 1-99,$v1,1) $+(%params,$iif($did(62).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,kick $iif($did(69) isnum 2-99,$v1,4) $iif($did(71) isnum 1-99,$v1,2) $+(%params,$iif($did(68).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ban $iif($did(75) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(77) isnum 1-99,$v1,1) $+(%params,$iif($did(74).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,unban $iif($did(114) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(116) isnum 1-99,$v1,1) $+(%params,$iif($did(113).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,mode $iif($did(204) isnum 2-99,$v1,6) $iif($did(201) isnum 1-99,$v1,10) $+(%params,$iif($did(198).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,topic $iif($did(207) isnum 2-99,$v1,5) $iif($did(209) isnum 1-99,$v1,10) $+(%params,$iif($did(206).state == 0,d)) %netchan) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan proxy $iif($did(214).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(304) isnum 0-99,$v1,2)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan color $iif($did(97).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(98) isnum 1-99,$v1,2)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan bold $iif($did(100).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(101) isnum 1-99,$v1,2)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan underlined $iif($did(103).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(104) isnum 1-99,$v1,2)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan reversed $iif($did(106).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(107) isnum 1-99,$v1,2)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan long_text $iif($did(110).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(111) isnum 2-999,$v1,250)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan capital_letters $iif($did(94).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(95) isnum 1-100,$v1,80)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan control_code $iif($did(195).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(196) isnum 1-99,$v1,5)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan clone $iif($did(215).state == 1,on,off) $iif($did(216) isnum 1-99,$v1,3)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,stext $iif($did(125) isnum 2-99,$v1,4) $iif($did(127) isnum 1-99,$v1,2) $iif($did(124).state == 0,+d)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,saction $iif($did(131) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(133) isnum 1-99,$v1,4) $iif($did(130).state == 0,+d)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,snotice $iif($did(137) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(139) isnum 1-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(136).state == 0,+d)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sctcp $iif($did(143) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(145) isnum 1-99,$v1,4) $iif($did(142).state == 0,+d)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sinvite $iif($did(149) isnum 2-99,$v1,3) $iif($did(151) isnum 1-99,$v1,4) $iif($did(148).state == 0,+d)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sbyte $iif($did(155) isnum 2-999,$v1,500) $iif($did(157) isnum 1-99,$v1,4) $iif($did(154).state == 0,+d)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + ignore_host $remove($gettok($did(173),1,32),:)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + ignore_time $iif(p* iswm $did(121),p,$calc($gettok($did(121),1,32) * 60))) if ($did(123).sel == 1) { var %cmb = k } elseif ($did(123).sel == 2) { var %cmb = kb } elseif ($did(123).sel == 3) { var %cmb = fk } else { var %cmb = fkb } var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + common_punish $iif($did(122).state == 1,on,off) %cmb) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + users_excl $iif($did(174).state == 1,on,off)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + notifies_excl $iif($did(178).state == 1,on,off)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + react $iif($did(230).state == 1,on,off)) if ($did(161).sel == 1) { var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan punish w) } elseif ($did(161).sel == 2) { var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan punish wk) } elseif ($did(161).sel == 3) { var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan punish wb) } elseif ($did(161).sel == 4) { var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan punish k) } else { var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan punish kb) } var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan banmask $remove($gettok($did(171),1,32),:)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan ban_time $iif(p* iswm $did(163),p,$calc($gettok($did(163),1,32) * 60)))) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan filter_kick $iif($did(175).sel == 1,on,off)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan protect_ops $iif($did(165).state == 1,on,off)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan protect_halfops $iif($did(166).state == 1,on,off)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan protect_voices $iif($did(167).state == 1,on,off)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan protect_notifies $iif($did(168).state == 1,on,off)) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %params %netchan protect_users $iif($did(223).state == 1,on,off)) var %z = $dll($airc, FloodOptSave,$floodset) var %z = $dll($airc,OptTableSave,flood $floodset2) var %z = $input(Your network-channel and self flood protection settings have been successfully saved!,oai,Save completed!) } if ($did == 7) { var %net = $iif(All networks - * iswm $did($did),All networks,$gettok($did($did),1,32)), %chan = $iif(* - All channels iswm $did($did),All channels,$gettok($did($did),-1,32)) if ($did($did) == All networks - All channels) { did -b $dname 13 } | else { did -e $dname 13 } dialog -t $dname Flood Protection - /fp - $+($chr(91),%net,$chr(93),$chr(91),%chan,$chr(93)) fp_put $+(+,$iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),,n),$iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),,c)) $iif(All networks - * iswm $did($did),,$gettok($did($did),1,32)) $iif(* - All channels iswm $did($did),,$gettok($did($did),-1,32)) } if ($did == 13) { if ($input(Are you sure you want to delete these settings?,yaw,Warning)) { if ($did(7) != All networks - All channels) { fp_create var %t = $+(+,$iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),,n),$iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),,c)) $iif(All networks - * iswm $did(7),,$gettok($did(7),1,32)) $iif(* - All channels iswm $did(7),,$gettok($did(7),-1,32)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,text %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,action %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,notice %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,ctcp %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,nick %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,join %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,repeat %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,byte %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,op %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,deop %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,kick %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,ban %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,unban %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,mode %t) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDel,topic %t) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t proxy) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t clone) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t color) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t bold) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t underlined) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t reversed) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t control_code) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t long_text) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t capital_letters) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t punish) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t banmask) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t ban_time) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t filter_kick) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t protect_ops) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t protect_halfops) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t protect_voices) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t protect_notifies) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDel,flood %t protect_users) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSave,$floodset) var %z = $dll($airc,OptTableSave,flood $floodset2) did -d $dname 7 $did(7).sel var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptNetchan,0) if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == 0) { did -b $dname 14 } did -b $dname $did did -c $dname 7 1 fp_put + dialog -t $dname Flood Protection - /fp - [All networks][All channels] } else { did -b $dname $did } } } if ($did == 14) { if ($input(Are you sure you want to entirely clear all your network-channel settings? $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Note: Your global settings $+($chr(40),All networks - All channels,$chr(41)) will be left unchanged.,yaw,Warning)) { write -c $floodset | write -c $floodset2 var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDelMatch,* +n* * *) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptDelMatch,* +*c * *) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDelMatch,flood +n* * * *) var %z = $dll($airc,OptDelMatch,flood +*c * * *) var %z = $dll($airc, FloodOptSave,$floodset) var %z = $dll($airc,OptTableSave,flood $floodset2) did -b $dname 13,14 | did -r $dname 7 | fp_add_chans $dname 7 fp_put + dialog -t $dname Flood Protection - /fp - [All networks][All channels] var %z = $input(Your network-channel settings list has been successfully cleared.,oai,Network-Channel list cleared!) } } } on *:dialog:flood:init:0: { fp_create if (%fp_confirm == on) { did -c $dname 192 } if (%fp_away == on) { did -c $dname 199 } if (%fp_ial == on) { did -c $dname 303 } if (%fp_ignore == on) { did -c $dname 334 } if (%fp_network == on) { did -c $dname 300 } if (%fp_show_warn == on) { did -c $dname 333 } didtok $dname 121,163 44 1 minute,2 minutes,3 minutes,4 minutes,5 minutes,10 minutes,15 minutes,20 minutes,25 minutes,30 minutes,35 minutes,40 minutes,45 minutes,50 minutes,55 minutes,60 minutes,Permanent didtok $dname 171,173 44 0: *!u@h,1: *!*u@h,2: *!*@h,3: *!*u@*.h,4: *!*@*.h,5: n!u@h,6: n!*u@h,7: n!*@h,8: n!*u@*.h,9: n!*@*.h didtok $dname 175 44 Enabled,Disabled didtok $dname 161 44 warning,warning - kick,warning - k/b didtok $dname 123,161 44 kick,kick/ban didtok $dname 123 44 filter kick,filter k/b fp_add_chans $dname 7 if ($did(7).lines > 1) { did -e $dname 14 } if ($group(#fp_chan) == off) { did -c $dname 184 } if ($group(#fp_self) == off) { did -c $dname 185 } fp_put + var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,stext) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,stext 4 2 +d) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,stext) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -b $dname 125,126,127,128,129 } else { did -c $dname 124 } did -a $dname 125 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,stext),2,32) did -a $dname 127 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,stext),3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,saction) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,saction 3 4 +d) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,saction) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -b $dname 131,132,133,134,135 } else { did -c $dname 130 } did -a $dname 131 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,saction),2,32) did -a $dname 133 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,saction),3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,snotice) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,snotice 3 3 +d) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,snotice) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -b $dname 137,138,139,140,141 } else { did -c $dname 136 } did -a $dname 137 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,snotice),2,32) did -a $dname 139 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,snotice),3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sctcp) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sctcp 3 4 +d) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sctcp) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -b $dname 143,144,145,146,147 } else { did -c $dname 142 } did -a $dname 143 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sctcp),2,32) did -a $dname 145 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sctcp),3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sinvite) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sinvite 3 4 +d) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sinvite) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -b $dname 149,150,151,152,153 } else { did -c $dname 148 } did -a $dname 149 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sinvite),2,32) did -a $dname 151 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sinvite),3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sbyte) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,sbyte 500 4 +d) | var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sbyte) } if ($gettok(%z,4,32) == 0) { did -b $dname 155,156,157,158,159 } else { did -c $dname 154 } did -a $dname 155 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sbyte),2,32) did -a $dname 157 $gettok($dll($airc,FloodOptGet,sbyte),3,32) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + ignore_host) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + ignore_host 2) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + ignore_host) } did -c $dname 173 $calc($gettok(%z,2,32) + 1) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + ignore_time) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + ignore_time 120) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + ignore_time) } did -c $dname 121 $iif($gettok(%z,2,32) isnum,$didwm(121,$calc($v1 / 60) minute*),17) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + common_punish) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + common_punish off k) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + common_punish) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c $dname 122 } else { did -b $dname 123 } if ($gettok(%z,3,32) == k) { did -c $dname 123 1 } elseif ($gettok(%z,3,32) == kb) { did -c $dname 123 2 } elseif ($gettok(%z,3,32) == fk) { did -c $dname 123 3 } else { did -c $dname 123 4 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + users_excl) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + users_excl on) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + users_excl) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c $dname 174 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + notifies_excl) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + notifies_excl on) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + notifies_excl) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c $dname 178 } var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + react) if (-* iswm %z) { var %q = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood + react off) | var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood + react) } if ($gettok(%z,2,32) == on) { did -c $dname 230 } var %z = $dll($airc, FloodOptSave,$floodset) var %z = $dll($airc,OptTableSave,flood $floodset2) did -f $dname 9 } dialog -l add_new { title "New flood settings" size -1 -1 270 265 box "", 1, -1 -6 272 272 box "Add new network:", 2, 10 5 250 75 text "Network:", 3, 20 26 80 15 edit "", 4, 80 25 170 20, autohs check "Global network settings", 5, 80 50 170 15 box "Add new channel:", 6, 10 82 250 75 text "Channel:", 7, 20 104 80 15 edit "", 8, 80 103 170 20, autohs check "Global channel settings", 9, 80 128 170 15 box "", 10, 10 213 250 8 box "Settings to start with:", 13, 10 160 250 50 combo 14, 20 177 230 150, size, drop button "Confirm", 11, 130 230 60 25, ok, disable button "Cancel", 12, 200 230 60 25, cancel } on *:dialog:add_new:init:0: { did -a $dname 14 Default fp_add_chans $dname 14 } on *:dialog:add_new:edit:*: { if ($did == 4) { if ($did($did) != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did($did)) { if ($did(9).state == 1) || ($did(8) != $null) { did -e $dname 11 } | else { did -b $dname 11 } } | else { did -b $dname 11 } } if ($did == 8) { if ($did($did) != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did($did)) { if ($did(5).state == 1) || ($did(4) != $null) { did -e $dname 11 } | else { did -b $dname 11 } } | else { did -b $dname 11 } } } on *:dialog:add_new:sclick:*: { if ($did == 5) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -b $dname 4,9 | if ($did(8) != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did(8)) { did -e $dname 11 } | else { did -b $dname 11 } } | else { did -e $dname 4,9 | if ($did(4) != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did(4)) && ($did(8) != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did(8)) { did -e $dname 11 } | else { did -b $dname 11 } } } if ($did == 9) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -b $dname 5,8 | if ($did(4) != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did(4)) { did -e $dname 11 } | else { did -b $dname 11 } } | else { did -e $dname 5,8 | if ($did(8) != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did(8)) && ($did(4) != $null) && ($chr(32) !isin $did(4)) { did -e $dname 11 } | else { did -b $dname 11 } } } if ($did == 11) { var %flags = + if ($did(5).state != 1) { var %flags = $+(%flags,n) } if ($did(9).state != 1) { var %flags = $+(%flags,c) } if (%flags == +) || (($did(4) == $null) && ($did(8) == $null)) || (($did(5).state == 1) && ($did(8) == $null)) || (($did(9).state == 1) && ($did(4) == $null)) || (!$did($did).enabled) { halt } else { if ($dialog(flood)) { fp_create var %params = $iif($did(4) != $null,$did(4)) $iif($did(8) != $null,$did(8)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,text %flags %params) if (+OK* iswm %z) { if (!$input(Settings for specified network(s)-channel(s) already exist. $+ $crlf $+ Do you wish to overwrite them?,yaw,Warning)) { halt } } if ($did(14).sel == 1) { var %dflags = $+(%flags,d) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,text 4 2 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,action 3 2 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,notice 3 3 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ctcp 3 3 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,nick 3 5 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,join 3 4 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,repeat 3 2 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,byte 800 10 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,op 3 1 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,deop 3 1 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,kick 4 2 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ban 3 1 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,unban 3 1 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,mode 6 10 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,topic 5 10 %dflags %params) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params punish wb) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params banmask 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params ban_time p) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params filter_kick off) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_ops on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_voices on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_halfops on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_notifies on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_users on) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params proxy off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params clone off 3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params color off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params bold off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params underlined off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params reversed off 2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params long_text off 250) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params capital_letters off 80) var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params control_code off 5) } else { var %t = $+(+,$iif(All networks - * iswm $did(14),,n),$iif(* - All channels iswm $did(14),,c)) $iif(All networks - * iswm $did(14),,$gettok($did(14),1,32)) $iif(* - All channels iswm $did(14),,$gettok($did(14),-1,32)) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,text %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,text $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,action %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,action $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,notice %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,notice $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,ctcp %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ctcp $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,nick %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,nick $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,join %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,join $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,repeat %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,repeat $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,byte %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,byte $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,op %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,op $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,deop %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,deop $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,kick %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,kick $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,ban %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,ban $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,unban %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,unban $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,mode %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,mode $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptGet,topic %t) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,FloodOptSet,topic $2 $3 $iif($4 == 0,$+(%flags,d),%flags) %params) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t color) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params color $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t bold) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params bold $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t underlined) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params underlined $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t reversed) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params reversed $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t control_code) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params control_code $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t long_text) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params long_text $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t capital_letters) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params capital_letters $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t clone) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params clone $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t proxy) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params proxy $2 $3) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t punish) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params punish $2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t banmask) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params banmask $2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t ban_time) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params ban_time $2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t filter_kick) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params filter_kick $2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t protect_ops) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_ops $2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t protect_halfops) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_halfops $2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t protect_voices) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_voices $2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t protect_notifies) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_notifies $2) var %z = $dll($airc,OptGet,flood %t protect_users) tokenize 32 %z var %z = $dll($airc,OptSet,flood %flags %params protect_users $2) } var %z = $dll($airc, FloodOptSave,$floodset) var %z = $dll($airc,OptTableSave,flood $floodset2) var %d = flood, %add1 = $iif($did(5).state == 1,All networks,$did(4)), %add2 = $iif($did(9).state == 1,All channels,$did(8)) if ($didwm(%d,7,%add1 - %add2) == 0) { did -a %d 7 %add1 - %add2 } dialog -t %d Flood Protection - /fp - $+($chr(91),%add1,$chr(93),$chr(91),%add2,$chr(93)) did -c %d 7 $didwm(%d,7,%add1 - %add2) | did -e %d 13,14 did -u %d 16,22,28,34,40,46,82,88,56,62,68,74,113,97,100,103,106,110,94,165,166,167,168,175,195,198,206,223,214,215 did -e %d 162,163,170,171,95,96,111,112,107,108,104,105,101,102,98,99,114,115,116,117,118,75,76,77,78,79,69,70,71,72,73,63,64,65,66,67,57,58,59,60,61,89,90,91,92,93,83,84,85,86,87,47,48,49,50,51,41,42,43,44,45,34,35,36,37,38,39,29,30,31,32,33,23,24,25,26,27,17,18,19,20,21,196,197,204,205,201,202,203,207,208,209,210,211,216,217,304,305 fp_put %flags %params } } } } alias -l fp_reasons { if ($dialog(ki_reasons)) { dialog -vr $v1 } | else { dialog -m ki_reasons ki_reasons } } dialog -l ki_reasons { title "Kick/Ignore reasons and warning message" size -1 -1 400 342 box "", 1, -1 -6 402 349 tab "Chan 1", 2, 10 10 380 279 tab "... 2", 3 tab "... 3", 4 tab "Self", 5 tab "Tag variables", 6 tab "Warning", 79 button "Save", 7, 260 307 60 25 button "Close", 8, 330 307 60 25, cancel box "", 9, 10 290 380 8 button "Defaults", 10, 10 307 60 25 box "Kick reasons for channel flood protection against:", 11, 20 36 360 238 text "Text:", 12, 30 62 70 15, tab 2, right text "Action:", 13, 30 87 70 15, tab 2, right text "Notice:", 14, 30 112 70 15, tab 2, right text "CTCP:", 15, 30 137 70 15, tab 2, right text "Nick change:", 16, 30 162 70 15, tab 2, right text "Join:", 17, 30 187 70 15, tab 2, right text "Repeat:", 18, 30 212 70 15, tab 2, right text "Byte excess:", 19, 30 237 70 15, tab 2, right edit "", 20, 105 60 265 20, autohs, tab 2 edit "", 21, 105 85 265 20, autohs, tab 2 edit "", 22, 105 110 265 20, autohs, tab 2 edit "", 23, 105 135 265 20, autohs, tab 2 edit "", 24, 105 160 265 20, autohs, tab 2 edit "", 25, 105 185 265 20, autohs, tab 2 edit "", 26, 105 210 265 20, autohs, tab 2 edit "", 27, 105 235 265 20, autohs, tab 2 text "Mass op:", 28, 30 62 70 15, tab 3, right text "Mass deop:", 29, 30 87 70 15, tab 3, right text "Mass kick:", 30, 30 112 70 15, tab 3, right text "Mass ban:", 31, 30 137 70 15, tab 3, right text "Mass unban:", 32, 30 162 70 15, tab 3, right text "Mode set:", 76, 30 187 70 15, tab 3, right text "Topic change:", 77, 30 212 70 15, tab 3, right edit "", 33, 105 60 265 20, autohs, tab 3 edit "", 34, 105 85 265 20, autohs, tab 3 edit "", 35, 105 110 265 20, autohs, tab 3 edit "", 36, 105 135 265 20, autohs, tab 3 edit "", 37, 105 160 265 20, autohs, tab 3 edit "", 75, 105 185 265 20, autohs, tab 3 edit "", 78, 105 210 265 20, autohs, tab 3 text "Color:", 38, 30 62 70 15, tab 4, right text "Bold:", 39, 30 87 70 15, tab 4, right text "Underline:", 40, 30 112 70 15, tab 4, right text "Reverse:", 41, 30 137 70 15, tab 4, right text "Long text:", 42, 30 162 70 15, tab 4, right text "Capital letters:", 43, 30 187 70 15, tab 4, right text "Control codes:", 72, 30 212 70 15, tab 4, right text "Clones:", 85, 30 237 70 15, tab 4, right edit "", 44, 105 60 265 20, autohs, tab 4 edit "", 45, 105 85 265 20, autohs, tab 4 edit "", 46, 105 110 265 20, autohs, tab 4 edit "", 47, 105 135 265 20, autohs, tab 4 edit "", 48, 105 160 265 20, autohs, tab 4 edit "", 49, 105 185 265 20, autohs, tab 4 edit "", 73, 105 210 265 20, autohs, tab 4 edit "", 86, 105 235 265 20, autohs, tab 4 text "Text:", 50, 30 62 70 15, tab 5, right text "Action:", 51, 30 87 70 15, tab 5, right text "Notice:", 52, 30 112 70 15, tab 5, right text "CTCP:", 53, 30 137 70 15, tab 5, right text "Invite:", 54, 30 162 70 15, tab 5, right text "Byte excess:", 55, 30 187 70 15, tab 5, right edit "", 56, 105 60 265 20, autohs, tab 5 edit "", 57, 105 85 265 20, autohs, tab 5 edit "", 58, 105 110 265 20, autohs, tab 5 edit "", 59, 105 135 265 20, autohs, tab 5 edit "", 60, 105 160 265 20, autohs, tab 5 edit "", 61, 105 185 265 20, autohs, tab 5 text "<user.counter>:", 62, 30 55 90 15, tab 6, right text "Number of repetitions the user has made. (For capital letters, returns the user' s capital letter percentage in sentence)", 63, 130 55 240 50, tab 6 text "<max.counter>:", 64, 30 100 90 15, tab 6, right text "Maximum number of repetitions allowed before triggering punishment. (For capital letters, returns the maximum percentage allowed)", 65, 130 100 240 50, tab 6 text "<secs>:", 66, 30 145 90 15, tab 6, right text "", 67, 130 145 240 50, tab 6 text "<max.secs>:", 70, 30 190 90 15, tab 6, right text "", 71, 130 190 240 50, tab 6 text " <punish>:", 68, 30 235 90 48, tab 6, right text "", 69, 130 235 240 48, tab 6 text "Message:", 80, 30 62 70 15, tab 79, right edit "", 81, 105 60 265 20, autohs, tab 79 text "Note: The above message will be sent as a warning when a user floods a channel, if a warning message is included in the punishment settings for that channel.", 82, 30 225 340 50, tab 79 text "<flood.type>:", 83, 30 90 70 15, tab 79, right text "Type of flood the user has made. (For example: text, action, notice, CTCP, nick change, topic flood etc)", 84, 105 90 265 50, tab 79 } on *:dialog:ki_reasons:sclick:*: { if ($did == 2) { did -ra $dname 11 Kick reasons for channel flood protection against: } if ($did == 3) { did -ra $dname 11 Kick reasons for channel flood protection against: } if ($did == 4) { did -ra $dname 11 Kick reasons for channel flood protection against: } if ($did == 5) { did -ra $dname 11 Ignore reasons for self flood protection against: } if ($did == 6) { did -ra $dname 11 Tag variables (can be used in kick/ignore reasons only): } if ($did == 79) { did -ra $dname 11 Warning message for channel flood protection: } if ($did == 7) { if ($did(86) == $null) || ($did(81) == $null) || ($did(75) == $null) || ($did(20) == $null) || ($did(21) == $null) || ($did(22) == $null) || ($did(23) == $null) || ($did(24) == $null) || ($did(25) == $null) || ($did(26) == $null) || ($did(27) == $null) || ($did(33) == $null) || ($did(34) == $null) || ($did(35) == $null) || ($did(36) == $null) || ($did(37) == $null) || ($did(44) == $null) || ($did(45) == $null) || ($did(46) == $null) || ($did(47) == $null) || ($did(48) == $null) || ($did(49) == $null) || ($did(56) == $null) || ($did(57) == $null) || ($did(58) == $null) || ($did(59) == $null) || ($did(60) == $null) || ($did(61) == $null) || ($did(73) == $null) { if (!$input(One or more fields are empty. Do you wish to save anyway?,yaw,Warning)) { halt } } set %fp_kreason_chan_text $did(20) set %fp_kreason_chan_action $did(21) set %fp_kreason_chan_notice $did(22) set %fp_kreason_chan_CTCP $did(23) set %fp_kreason_chan_nick $did(24) set %fp_kreason_chan_join $did(25) set %fp_kreason_chan_repeat $did(26) set %fp_kreason_chan_byte $did(27) set %fp_kreason_chan_op $did(33) set %fp_kreason_chan_deop $did(34) set %fp_kreason_chan_kick $did(35) set %fp_kreason_chan_ban $did(36) set %fp_kreason_chan_unban $did(37) set %fp_kreason_chan_mode $did(75) set %fp_kreason_chan_topic $did(78) set %fp_kreason_chan_color $did(44) set %fp_kreason_chan_bold $did(45) set %fp_kreason_chan_underlined $did(46) set %fp_kreason_chan_reversed $did(47) set %fp_kreason_chan_long_text $did(48) set %fp_kreason_chan_capital_letters $did(49) set %fp_kreason_chan_control_code $did(73) set %fp_kreason_chan_clone $did(86) set %fp_kreason_self_text $did(56) set %fp_kreason_self_action $did(57) set %fp_kreason_self_notice $did(58) set %fp_kreason_self_CTCP $did(59) set %fp_kreason_self_invite $did(60) set %fp_kreason_self_byte $did(61) set %fp_warning $did(81) var %z = $input(Your kick/ignore reasons and warning message have been successfully saved!,oai,Save completed!) } if ($did == 10) { if ($input(Are you sure you want to insert the default kick/ignore reasons and warning message into fields?,yaq,Insert default kick/ignore reasons and warning message?)) { fp_default_k i var %z = $input(Flood Protection' s default kick/ignore reasons and warning message have been successfully inserted into appropriate editboxes! To save them $+ $chr(44) click on the "Save" button.,oai,Default kick/ignore reasons and warning message inserted!) } } } on *:dialog:ki_reasons:init:0: { var %d = did -a $dname %d 69 Duration of ban ("Off" if ban is disabled) or ignore being placed, in minutes or "Permanent". %d 67 Time duration in which user exceeded maximum number of repetitions. (May not be used in tab' s "... 3" reasons) %d 71 Time duration after which, the user who exceeds maximum number of repetitions, gets punished. (May not be used in tab' s "... 3" reasons) %d 20 %fp_kreason_chan_text %d 21 %fp_kreason_chan_action %d 22 %fp_kreason_chan_notice %d 23 %fp_kreason_chan_CTCP %d 24 %fp_kreason_chan_nick %d 25 %fp_kreason_chan_join %d 26 %fp_kreason_chan_repeat %d 27 %fp_kreason_chan_byte %d 33 %fp_kreason_chan_op %d 34 %fp_kreason_chan_deop %d 35 %fp_kreason_chan_kick %d 36 %fp_kreason_chan_ban %d 37 %fp_kreason_chan_unban %d 75 %fp_kreason_chan_mode %d 78 %fp_kreason_chan_topic %d 44 %fp_kreason_chan_color %d 45 %fp_kreason_chan_bold %d 46 %fp_kreason_chan_underlined %d 47 %fp_kreason_chan_reversed %d 48 %fp_kreason_chan_long_text %d 49 %fp_kreason_chan_capital_letters %d 73 %fp_kreason_chan_control_code %d 86 %fp_kreason_chan_clone %d 56 %fp_kreason_self_text %d 57 %fp_kreason_self_action %d 58 %fp_kreason_self_notice %d 59 %fp_kreason_self_CTCP %d 60 %fp_kreason_self_invite %d 61 %fp_kreason_self_byte %d 81 %fp_warning }

Arkadaslar Bu Kodu nasıL aktif Hale Getirebiliriz Sorunsuz Şekilde Yardımcı olursanız Cok sevinirim..

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IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet bizimmekan
Alt 17 Aralık 2011, 11:18   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Flood Koruması

Kodun Çalışması İçin Öncelikle Airc.dll Gerekmekte. Onu [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] İndirebilirsin.
İndirdikten sonra dll yi kod'un oldugu yere at,Yani kod mirc ana dizinindeyse oraya veya herhangi bir klasordeyse oraya atacaksın. Ondan sonra Dialog Yazılarını ve Kick mesajlarını Türkçeye cevirerek Ayarlama yapabilirsin. İngilizce biliyorsan O ayrı Tabi. ben bilmiyorumda
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

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Alt 17 Aralık 2011, 12:01   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
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Cevap: Flood Koruması

Ben Bu Flood Korumasını Türkçeleştirmiştim Bakınız..

İndirme Linki :
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

Benim En Kötü Hikaye'mi En Güvendiğim İnsanlar Yazdı..
Erhan İle Hüzünlü Saatler Etka..
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Alt 19 Aralık 2011, 01:18   #4
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Flood Koruması

StanteaR Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Ben Bu Flood Korumasını Türkçeleştirmiştim Bakınız..

İndirme Linki : [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

Dosya gönderen, verilen URL'ye erişilemiyor. Gönderen başka dosya iletirken olmayabilir ya da güvenlik duvarları gönderen ve sizin aranızdaki doğrudan ağ bağlantısını engelliyor olabilir.

Bu Sorunu Veriyor Dostum

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Alt 19 Aralık 2011, 01:25   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Flood Koruması

Dll'yi Yükledim Fakat Bazı Hatalarla Karsılastım Bunun Gibi;

* $dll: Açılamıyor 'D:\IRC\Setuplar\mIRCxXx\mIRC\airc.dll' (Satır 631, airc.dll)
* $dll: Açılamıyor 'D:\IRC\Setuplar\mIRCxXx\mIRC\airc.dll' (Satır 22, airc.dll)

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 20 Aralık 2011, 20:06   #6
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Flood Koruması

Pardon Bu Linki Denermisin..

[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

Benim En Kötü Hikaye'mi En Güvendiğim İnsanlar Yazdı..
Erhan İle Hüzünlü Saatler Etka..
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 20 Aralık 2011, 20:22   #7
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Flood Koruması

StanteaR Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Pardon Bu Linki Denermisin..

[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

kurulumu nasıL olcak ?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 20 Aralık 2011, 22:00   #8
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Flood Koruması


Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 20 Aralık 2011, 23:14   #9
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Flood Koruması

/load -rs flood/flood.mrc yaz yazi yazilan yere cepten giriyorumda

Benim En Kötü Hikaye'mi En Güvendiğim İnsanlar Yazdı..
Erhan İle Hüzünlü Saatler Etka..
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 20 Aralık 2011, 23:39   #10
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Flood Koruması

StanteaR Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
/load -rs flood/flood.mrc yaz yazi yazilan yere cepten giriyorumda

mirc.exe 0x7e3787aa adresindeki yönerge, 0x00000001 bellek adresine başvurdu. Bellek, read olmadı. Bu sekilde hata verdi.

Alıntı ile Cevapla


flood, koruması

Konuyu Toplam 1 Üye okuyor. (0 Kayıtlı üye ve 1 Misafir)

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Benzer Konular
Konu Konuyu Başlatan Forum Cevaplar Son Mesaj
Flood Koruması moonman mIRC Scripting Sorunları 6 10 Aralık 2011 13:58
Flood Koruması Syst3m vBulletin 0 29 Ekim 2011 16:30
cs flood koruması adnan_34 Unreal IRCd 5 04 Mart 2007 17:57
Flood Koruması By_GuRbey mIRC Scripting Sorunları 5 16 Temmuz 2006 01:06