IRCForumları - IRC ve mIRC Kullanıcılarının Buluşma Noktası
  sohbet odaları

Etiketlenen Kullanıcılar

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Alt 20 Haziran 2011, 16:04   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Kanal Çıkışları ve Nick Değişimleri Görünmüyor

S.a Scriptime Tema Yükledim Temanın Remotlerindeki Kodlar Sunucu Çıkışlarını ve Nick Değişmelerini Göstermiyor Kodlara Baktım Nedenini Bulamadım Kodlar Şu Şekilde ;

alias bloodskin.start {
color inactive 1
%:echo 5• BloodSkin theme 4(suicide aka novus-natio4) (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
4) for mTS
alias bloodskin.whoisstart {
if ($1) %:echo $str($chr(160),2) 5• /Whois 4: %::nick 14 $+ $str(—,25)
else %:echo $str($chr(160),2) 5• /Whois: %::nick 14 $+ $str(—,25)
%:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Address: 14(15 $+ %::address $+ 14)
%:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Name: %::realname

alias bloodskin.whowasstart {
if ($1) %:echo $str($chr(160),2) 5• /Whowas 4: %::nick 14 $+ $str(—,25)
else %:echo $str($chr(160),2) 5• /Whowas: %::nick 14 $+ $str(—,25)
%:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Address: 14(15 $+ %::address $+ 14)
%:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Name: %::realname

alias return $remove($duration($$1),ks,k,ays,ay,rs,r,ins,in,ecs ,ec)
alias bloodskin.topic {
%:echo 14————————————————————————————————————————————
if ($1) %:echo 5• Topic 04: %::text
else %:echo 5• Topic: %::text
alias bloodskin.endtopic {
if ($1) %:echo 5• By 04: %::nick on04 %::text
else %:echo 5• By:04 %::nick on04 %::text
%:echo 14—————————————————————————————————

alias bloodskin.names {
if (%::chan != %::bloodskintheme.names.chan) {
if ($1) %:echo $str($chr(160),2) 5• /Names 4: %::chan 14 $+ $str(—,25)
else %:echo $str($chr(160),2) 5• /Names: %::chan 14 $+ $str(—,25)
%::bloodskintheme.names.chan = %::chan
var %x = 0
%::text = $gettok(%::text,2-,32)
while ($gettok(%::text,$+($calc(1 + %x),-,$calc(%x + 4)),32)) {
var %names = $ifmatch, %y = 1, %names2
while ($gettok(%names,%y,32)) {
%names2 = $addtok(%names2, $ifmatch,32)
inc %y
%:echo %names2
inc %x 4
alias bloodskin.endnames {
%:echo 5• End of /Names info 14————————————————
if (-s isin %:echo) %:echo -
unset %::bloodskintheme.names.*

alias bloodskin.lusersstart {
if ($1) %:echo $str($chr(160),2) 5• /Lusers 4: %::server
else %:echo $str($chr(160),2) 5• /Lusers: %::server
%:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Invisible: %::text
%:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Servers: %::value
alias bloodskin.lusersend {
%:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Global: %::users · 4max: %::value 14[15 $+ $round($calc($calc(%::users / %::value) * 100),1) $+ % $+ 14 $+ ]]

Not :Kodları Kaldırdığımda veya Remote off yaptımda Çıkışlar ve Nick Değişimleri Gözüküyor.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet reklamver
Alt 20 Haziran 2011, 21:22   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Kanal Çıkışları ve Nick Değişimleri Görünmüyor

Muhtemelen, kullanmış olduğun tema'nın o bölümlerin de eksik bir veri tabanı mevcut olmalı, göndermiş olduğun kodlar üzerinden bu konu hakkında yardımcı olabiliceğimizi sanmıyorum.

Fakat daha önce de böyle bir tema problemi ile karşılaştım, kullandığın tema'nın ne olduğunu buldum ve hatalarını düzelttim; Burdan, direkt değiştirmen gereken bölümü gönderiyorum, kendi mIRC'in üzerinden değiştirip, kullanmaya başlayabilirsin ..

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
alias theme.text { if (!$var(%:echo)) { return $false } set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if ($isalias(kte:: $+ $1)) { kte:: $+ $1 | return $true } elseif (* iswm $hget(Kte_Theme, $1)) { var %ln set -n %ln $hget(Kte_Theme, $1) if ($gettok(%ln, 1, 32) == !Script) { set -n %ln $deltok(%ln, 1, 32) } else { set -n %ln % $+ :echo $dll($scriptdir $+ kte.dll, MTSPrecompile, %ln) $!+  % $+ :comments } .timerkte_theme 1 0 %ln | .timerkte_theme -e | return $true } return $false } alias kte_void alias -l _entered { var %def = $readini($mircini, events, default), %set if (!%def) { %def = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } %set = $readini($mircini, events, $1) if (!%set) { %set = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 } while ($findtok(%set, 0, 1, 44)) { %set = $puttok(%set, $calc($gettok(%def, $ifmatch, 44) + 1), $ifmatch, 44) } hadd Kte_Events $1 %set } alias -l _left { set -u0 %kte_chan $1 var %i = $scon(0) while (%i) { if ($scon(%i) != $cid) && ($scon(%i).kte_haschan) { return } | dec %i } hdel Kte_Events $1 } alias -l kte_haschan return $chan(%kte_chan) alias -l _isactive if ($cid == $activecid) { return 1 } | return 0 alias -l _active if ($cid == $activecid) { return a } | return s alias -l _ischat { var %n = $mid($1, 2) if (=* !iswm $1) { return 1 } if (=* iswm $1) && (($chat(%n)) || ($fserv(%n))) { return 1 } return 0 } ; events on ^&*:JOIN:#:{ if ($chan !ischan) { return } if ($nick == $me) { _entered $chan } var %tgt = $gettok($hget(Kte_Events, $chan), 1, 44) if (%tgt = 3) && ($nick != $me) { haltdef | return } set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan if (%tgt = 2) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(join) -sti2 } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(join) -ti2 $chan } if ($nick == $me) { %:echo 05::04:: Now in  $+ %::chan $+  %:comments | haltdef } else { %:echo 5• Giriş:4 %::nick ( $+ %::address $+ 4) $+  %:comments | haltdef } unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick } on ^&*:PART:#:{ if ($chan !ischan) { return } var %tgt = $gettok($hget(Kte_Events, $chan), 2, 44) if ($nick != $me) || (%tgt = 2) { if (%tgt = 3) { goto skip } if (%tgt = 2) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(part) -sti2 } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(part) -ti2 $chan } set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 5• Çıkış:4 %::nick ( $+ %::address $+ 4) %::parentext $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::text } :skip if ($nick == $me) { _left $chan } } on ^&*:QUIT:{ var %i = $comchan($nick, 0), %tgt, %st = 0 set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } while (%i) { %::chan = $comchan($nick, %i) %tgt = $gettok($hget(Kte_Events, %::chan), 3, 44) if (%tgt = 4) { dec %i | continue } if (%tgt = 3) || (%tgt = 2) { %st = 1 } if (!%tgt) || (%tgt = 3) || (%tgt = 1) { %:echo = echo $color(quit) -ti2 %::chan | %:echo 5• Quit:4 %::nick 4( $+ %::address $+ 4) $iif(%::text,$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) == Quit: && $gettok(%::text,2-,32),: 04[ $gettok(%::text,2-,32) 04],$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) != Quit:,%::parentext))) %:comments } dec %i } unset %::chan if ($query($nick)) { %:echo = echo $color(quit) -ti2 $nick | %:echo 5• Quits:4 %::nick 4( $+ %::address $+ 4) $iif(%::text,$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) == Quit: && $gettok(%::text,2-,32),: 04[ $gettok(%::text,2-,32) 04],$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) != Quit:,%::parentext))) %:comments } if (%st) { %:echo = echo $color(quit) -sti2 | %:echo 5• Quits:4 %::nick 4( $+ %::address $+ 4) $iif(%::text,$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) == Quit: && $gettok(%::text,2-,32),: 04[ $gettok(%::text,2-,32) 04],$iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) != Quit:,%::parentext))) %:comments } haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on ^&*:NICK:{ var %i = $comchan($newnick, 0), %tgt set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -u1 %::newnick $newnick if ($nick == $me) { %:echo = echo $color(nick) -sti2 | %:echo 05::04:: Nick: 4 $+ %::nick $+  to: 4[ 0 $+ %::newnick 4] } while (%i) { set -u1 %::chan $comchan($newnick, %i) %tgt = $gettok($hget(Kte_Events, %::chan), 7, 44) if (%tgt != 2) || ($nick == $me) { %:echo = echo $color(nick) -ti2 %::chan | %:echo 05::04:: Nick: 4 $+ %::nick $+  to: 4[ 0 $+ %::newnick 4] } dec %i } if ($query($newnick)) { unset %::chan | %:echo = echo $color(nick) -ti2 $newnick | %:echo 05::04:: Nick: 4 $+ %::nick $+  to: 4[ 0 $+ %::newnick 4] } haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::chan %::newnick %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? } on ^&*:USERMODE:{ set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::modes $1- set -u1 %:echo echo $color(mode) -sti2 %:echo 14[4ø14] UserMode: 4[ $+ %::modes $+$1$3%:comments | haltdef unset %::modes unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? } on ^&*:RAWMODE:#:{ if ($chan !ischan) { return } var %tgt = $gettok($hget(Kte_Events, $chan), 4, 44) if (%tgt = 3) { haltdef | return } set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan if (%tgt = 2) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(mode) -sti2 } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(mode) -ti2 $chan } set -nu1 %::modes $1- %:echo 14[4ø14] ChanMode:4 %::nick sets mode 4[ $+ $gettok(%::modes,1,32) $+ 4] $iif($gettok(%::modes,2-,32),$ifmatch $+ ) %:comments | haltdef unset %::modes unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick } on ^&*:TOPIC:#:{ if ($chan !ischan) { return } var %tgt = $gettok($hget(Kte_Events, $chan), 5, 44) if (%tgt = 3) { haltdef | return } if (%tgt = 2) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(topic) -sti2 } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(topic) -ti2 $chan } set -nu1 %::text $1- set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 05::04:: Topic: 4 $+ %::nick $+  changed it to $+ %::parentext $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::text } on ^&*:KICK:#:{ if ($chan !ischan) { return } var %tgt = $gettok($hget(Kte_Events, $chan), 8, 44) if (%tgt = 3) && ($knick != $me) { haltdef | return } if (%tgt = 2) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(kick) -sti2 } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(kick) -ti2 $chan } set -u1 %::knick $knick set -u1 %::kaddress $gettok($address($knick, 5), 2, 33) set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } if ($knick == $me) { %:echo 05::04:: Kicks: you were kicked from4 %::chan by04 %::nick %::parentext $+  %:comments if (%tgt == 2) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(kick) -ti2 $chan } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(kick) -seti2 } %:echo 05::04:: Kicks: you were kicked from4 %::chan by04 %::nick %::parentext $+  %:comments _left $chan } else { %:echo 05::04:: Kicks: %::knick was kicked from4 %::chan by04 %::nick %::parentext $+  %:comments } haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::knick %::kaddress %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::text } on ^&*:INVITE:#:{ var %e = echo $color(invite) -ti2 set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::chan $chan set -nu1 %::target $target if ($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active) && ($hget(Kte_Events, Active.Invites)) { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ a } else { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ s } %:echo 05::04:: 4[Invite4 ( $+ %::chan $+ 4)] by15 %::nick $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::chan %::target %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? } on ^&*:ERROR:*:{ set -u1 %:echo echo $color(other) -sti2 | set -nu1 %::text $2- set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 5›4› Error:15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on ^&*:NOTIFY:{ set -u1 %:echo echo $color(notify) -ti2 $+ $iif(($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active), a, s) set -nu1 %::text $notify($nick).note set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 5›4› Notify:4 %::nick ( $+ %::address $+ 4) is online %::parentext $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on ^&*:UNOTIFY:{ set -u1 %:echo echo $color(notify) -ti2 $+ $iif(($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active), a, s) set -nu1 %::text $notify($nick).note set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 5‹4‹ Notify:4 %::nick ( $+ %::address $+ 4) is offline %::parentext $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on ^&*:WALLOPS:*:{ set -u1 %:echo echo $color(wallops) -ti2 $+ $iif(($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active), a, s) set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 4( $+ %::nick $+ 4)15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on &*:DNS:{ set -u1 %:echo echo $color(info) -ti2 $+ $iif(($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active), a, s) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if ($dns(0)) { var %i = 1, %t = $dns(0) while (%i <= %t) { set -nu1 %::nick $dns(%i).nick set -nu1 %::address $dns(%i) set -nu1 %::iaddress $dns(%i).ip set -nu1 %::naddress $dns(%i).addr set -nu1 %::raddress $remtok($dns(%i).ip $dns(%i).addr, $dns(%i), 1, 32) %:echo 5• Resolved4 $iif(!%::nick,$iif(%::iaddress == %::raddress,%::naddress,%::iaddress),%::nick ( $+ $iif(%::iaddress == %::raddress,%::naddress,%::iaddress) $+ 4)) to4 %::raddress $+  %:comments | haltdef inc %i } } else { set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address %:echo 5• Failed to resolve4 $iif(!%::address,%::nick : 4[ no such user4 ],$iif(!%::nick,%::address,%::nick) $+ ) %:comments | haltdef } unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::iaddress %::raddress %::naddress %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? } on ^&*:SNOTICE:*:{ set -u1 %:echo echo $color(notice) -sti2 set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 5›4› Server:15 $iif($gettok(%::text,1,32) == ***,$gettok(%::text,2-,32),%::text) %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on &*:INPUT:*:{ if ($0) && ((/* !iswm $1) || ($ctrlenter)) && (($active ischan) || ($query($active)) || (=* iswm $active)) && ($window($active, 0) = 1) { say $1- | halt } } alias say { if ($isid) { return } if ($status == disconnected) || (!$0) || (($active !ischan) && (!$query($active))) && (=* !iswm $active) { .timer.kte 1 0 !say $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } .!msg $active $1- set -u1 %:echo echo $color(own) -ati2 set -nu1 %::text $1- | set -u1 %::target $active | set -u1 %::nick $me set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } if ($active ischan) { set -u1 %::chan $active if ($nick($active, $me).pnick != $me) { set -u1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } set -u1 %::cnick $nick($active, $me).color %:echo 4( $+ %::cmode $+ %::me $+ 4) %::text $+  %:comments } else { set -u1 %::cnick $cnick($me).color %:echo 4( $+ %::me $+ 4) %::text $+  %:comments } unset %:echo %::parentext %::target %::nick %::address %::chan %::cnick %::cmode %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } alias query { if ($isid) { return } if (!$0) { .timer.kte 1 0 !query | .timer.kte -e | halt } !query $1 if ($0 > 1) { if (!$server) { .timer.kte 1 0 !query $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } msg $1- } } alias msg { if ($isid) { return } if ($0 < 2) || ((=* !iswm $1) && ($status == disconnected)) || (!$_ischat($1)) { .timer.kte 1 0 !msg $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } .!msg $1- if (!$show) { return } set -nu1 %::text $2- | set -u1 %::target $1 | set -u1 %::nick $me set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } ; %::nick = $me. This is a matter of logic. ; Use <target> in your script, not <nick>, to refer to the recipient of the message. if ($1 ischan) || ($query($1)) || (=* iswm $1) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(own) -ti2 $1 if ($1 ischan) { if ($nick($1, $me).pnick != $me) { set -u1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } set -u1 %::cnick $nick($1, $me).color %:echo 4( $+ %::cmode $+ %::me $+ 4) %::text $+  %:comments } else { %:echo 4( $+ %::me $+ 4) %::text $+  %:comments } } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(own) -ti2 $+ $_active %:echo 5›4› Msg: to 4[  $+ %::target $+ 4 ] :15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef } unset %:echo %::parentext %::target %::nick %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::text } alias amsg { if ($isid) { return } if ($status == disconnected) || (!$0) || (!$chan(0)) { .timer.kte 1 0 !amsg $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } !.amsg $1- if (!$show) { return } set -nu1 %::text $1- | set -u1 %::nick $me set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } var %i = $chan(0) while (%i) { set -u1 %::chan $chan(%i) set -u1 %::target %::chan set -u1 %:echo echo $color(own) -ti2 %::chan if ($nick($chan(%i), $me).pnick != $me) { set -u1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } set -u1 %::cnick $nick(%::chan, $me).color %:echo 4( $+ %::cmode $+ %::me $+ 4) %::text $+  %:comments dec %i } unset %:echo %::parentext %::nick %::cnick %::cmode %::chan %::target %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } alias me { if ($isid) { return } if (!$server) || (!$0) || (($active !ischan) && (!$query($active))) && (=* !iswm $active) { .timer.kte 1 0 !me $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } .!describe $active $1- if (!$show) { return } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(action) -ati2 set -nu1 %::text $1- | set -u1 %::target $active | set -u1 %::nick $me set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } if ($active ischan) { set -u1 %::chan $active if ($nick($active, $me).pnick != $me) { set -u1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } set -u1 %::cnick $nick($active, $me).color } %:echo 4! %::cmode $+ %::me  $+ %::text $+  %:comments unset %:echo %::parentext %::target %::nick %::chan %::cnick %::cmode %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } alias action { if ($isid) { return } if (!$server) || (!$0) || (($active !ischan) && (!$query($active))) && (=* !iswm $active) { .timer.kte 1 0 !action $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } me $1- } alias describe { if ($isid) { return } if (!$server) || ($0 < 2) || (!$_ischat($1)) { .timer.kte 1 0 !describe $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } .!describe $1- if (!$show) { return } set -nu1 %::text $2- | set -u1 %::target $1 | set -u1 %::nick $1 set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } if ($1 ischan) || ($query($1)) || (=* iswm $1) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(action) -ti2 $1 if ($1 ischan) { set -u1 %::chan $1 if ($nick($1, $me).pnick != $me) { set -u1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } set -u1 %::cnick $nick($1, $me).color %:echo 4! %::cmode $+ %::me  $+ %::text $+  %:comments } else { %:echo 4! %::me  $+ %::text $+  %:comments } } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(action) -ti2 $+ $_active | %:echo -> * $+ %::target $+ * %::text $+  %:comments } unset %:echo %::parentext %::target %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::nick %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } alias ame { if ($isid) { return } if (!$server) || (!$0) || (!$chan(0)) { .timer.kte 1 0 !ame $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } !.ame $1- if (!$show) { return } set -nu1 %::text $1- | set -u1 %::nick $me set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } var %i = $chan(0) while (%i) { set -u1 %::chan $chan(%i) set -u1 %::target %::chan set -u1 %:echo echo $color(action) -ti2 %::chan if ($nick(%::chan, $me).pnick != $me) { set -u1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } set -u1 %::cnick $nick(%::chan, $me).color %:echo 4! %::cmode $+ %::me  $+ %::text $+  %:comments dec %i } unset %:echo %::parentext %::target %::chan %::cnick %::cmode %::nick %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } alias notice { if ($isid) { return } if (!$server) || ($0 < 2) { .timer.kte 1 0 !notice $1- | .timer.kte -e | halt } .!notice $1- if (!$show) { return } set -nu1 %::text $2- | set -u1 %::target $1 | set -u1 %::nick $1 set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(notice) -ti2 $+ $_active if ($1 ischan) { set -u1 %::chan $1 | %:echo 5›4› Notice: to 4[  $+ %::target $+ 4 ] :15 %::text $+  %:comments } else { %:echo 5›4› Notice: to 4[  $+ %::target $+ 4 ] :15 %::text $+  %:comments } unset %:echo %::parentext %::target %::nick %::chan %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on &^*:TEXT:*:#:{ if ($chan !ischan) { return } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(normal) -mlbfti2 $chan set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 4( $+ %::cmode $+ %::nick $+ 4)15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::text } on &^*:ACTION:*:#:{ if ($chan !ischan) { return } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(action) -mlbfti2 $chan set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 4! %::cmode $+ %::nick  $+ %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::text } on &^*:NOTICE:*:#:{ if ($chan !ischan) { return } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(notice) -mti2 $chan set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 5›4› 4[ $+ %::cmode $+ %::nick 4( $+ %::target $+ 4)]15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::text } on &^*:CHAT:*:{ if ($window(=$nick, 0) > 1) { return } set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if (ACTION * iswm $1-) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(action) -mti2lbf =$nick set -nu1 %::text $strip($mid($1-, 8, -1), o) if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 4! %::nick  $+ %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(normal) -mti2lbf =$nick set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 4( $+ %::nick $+ 4)15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef } unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on &^*:TEXT:*:?:{ var %e = echo $color(normal) -mti2 set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } if ($query($nick)) { set -u1 %:echo %e $nick %:echo 4( $+ %::nick $+ 4)15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef } else { if ($window(Message Window)) { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ d } elseif ($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active) && ($hget(Kte_Events, Active.Queries)) { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ a } else { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ s } %:echo 4( $+ %::nick $+ 4)15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef } unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on &^*:ACTION:*:?:{ var %e = echo $color(action) -mti2 set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } if ($query($nick)) { set -u1 %:echo %e $nick | %:echo 4! %::nick  $+ %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef } else { if ($window(Message Window)) { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ d } elseif ($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active) && ($hget(Kte_Events, Active.Queries)) { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ a } else { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ s } %:echo * %::nick %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef } unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on &^*:NOTICE:*:?:{ var %e = echo $color(notice) -mti2 if ($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active) && ($hget(Kte_Events, Active.Notices)) { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ a } else { set -u1 %:echo %e $+ s } set -nu1 %::text $strip($1-, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 5›4› 4[ $+ %::nick 4( $+ %::address $+ 4)]15 %::text $+  %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } ctcp ^&*:*:?:kte_onctcp $1- ctcp ^&*:*:#:kte_onctcp $1- alias -l kte_onctcp { if ($1 == VERSION) || (($target == $me) && ($1 == DCC)) { return } var %ch = 0, %txt, %rpl if ($target != $me) { %ch = 1 } if ($target ischan) { var %tgt = $gettok($hget(Kte_Events, $chan), 6, 44) if (%tgt = 2) { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(ctcp) -sti2 } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(ctcp) -ti2 $target } } else { set -u1 %:echo echo $color(ctcp) -ti2 $+ $iif((@* !iswm $active) && ($_isactive) && ($hget(Kte_Events, Active.CTCPs)), a, s) } set -u1 %::ctcp $1 set -n %txt $2- if ($1 == PING) { %txt = | set -n %rpl $1- } elseif ($1- == TIME) { set -n %rpl $1 $fulldate } elseif ($1- == FINGER) { set -n %rpl $1 $($fullname, 2) (-) Idle $idle second $+ $iif(($idle != 1), s) } set -nu1 %::text $strip(%txt, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address if ($nick($chan, $nick).pnick != $nick) { set -nu1 %::cmode $left($ifmatch, 1) } | set -nu1 %::cnick $nick($chan, $nick).color set -nu1 %::chan $chan set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } if (%ch) { %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] requested at4 %::chan by4 %::nick $+  %::parentext %:comments } else { %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] requested by4 %::nick $+  %::parentext %:comments } if (%rpl) { !.ctcpreply $nick %rpl } unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::chan %::cmode %::cnick %::text haltdef } alias ctcp { if ($isid) { return } if ($0 < 2) || (!$server) || ($2 == DCC) { .timer.kte 1 0 !ctcp $1- | .timer.kte -e | return } .!ctcp $1- if (!$show) { return } set -u1 %::target $1 set -u1 %::ctcp $upper($2) set -nu1 %::text $3- set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(ctcp) -ti2 $+ $_active if ($1 ischan) { set -u1 %::chan $1 | %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] to4 %::chan $+  %::parentext %:comments } else { set -u1 %::nick $1 | %:echo 4(ø4) Ctcp: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] to4 %::nick $+  %::parentext %:comments } unset %:echo %::parentext %::nick %::chan %::ctcp %::target %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } on &*:CTCPREPLY:*:{ var %rpl | set -n %rpl $2- if ($1 == PING) && ($2- isnum 1- $+ $ctime) { %rpl = $duration($calc($ctime - $2)) } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(ctcp) -ti2 $+ $_active set -u1 %::ctcp $upper($1) set -nu1 %::text $strip(%rpl, o) set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::nick $nick set -nu1 %::address $address set -nu1 %::target $target if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 4(ø4) Reply: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] from4 %::nick $+  %::parentext %:comments | haltdef unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::target %::parentext %::ctcp %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } alias ctcpreply { if ($isid) { return } if ($0 < 2) || (!$server) { .timer.kte 1 0 !ctcpreply $1- | .timer.kte -e | return } .!ctcpreply $1- if (!$show) { return } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(ctcp) -ti2 $+ $_active set -u1 %::target $1 set -u1 %::ctcp $upper($2) set -nu1 %::text $3- set -u1 %::nick $1 set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 4(ø4) Reply: 4[ $+ $lower(%::ctcp) $+ 4] sent to4 %::nick $+  %::parentext %:comments unset %:echo %::parentext %::ctcp %::target %::nick %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } alias dns { if ($isid) { return } if (!$0) || (($1 == -h) && ($0 = 1)) || ((. !isin $1) && ($1 != -h) && (!$server)) { .timer.kte 1 0 !dns $1- | .timer.kte -e | return } .!dns $1- if (!$show) { return } var %h = $1, %f if ($istok(-h -c, $1, 32)) { %f = $1 | %h = $2 } if (%f != -h) && (. !isin %h) && ($address(%h, 5)) { %h = $gettok($ifmatch, 2, 64) } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(info) -ti2 $+ $iif((@* iswm $active) && ($_isactive), s, a) set -u1 %::address %h set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 %:echo 5• Looking up host of4 %::nick $+ %::address $+ $1$3%:comments unset %:echo %::address %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? } ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Numeric (raw) events ------------------------------------------------ ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- raw 002:*:set -u1 %::value $ [ $+ [ $0 ] ] | _doraw $1- raw 003:*:if ($2-5 == this server was created) { set -u1 %::value $6- } | _doraw $1- raw 221:*:set -u1 %::nick $me | set -u1 %::modes $2 | _doraw $1- raw 250:*:set -u1 %::value $5 | _doraw $1- raw 251:*:set -u1 %::users $4 | set -u1 %::text $7 | set -u1 %::value $10 | _doraw $1- raw 255:*:set -u1 %::users $4 | set -u1 %::value $7 | _doraw $1- raw 265:*:set -u1 %::users $5 | set -u1 %::value $7 | _doraw $1- raw 266:*:set -u1 %::users $5 | set -u1 %::value $7 | _doraw $1- raw 301:*:{ if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(Kte_Whois)) { hadd Kte_Whois Away $3- | haltdef } else { set -u1 %::nick $2 | set -nu1 %::away $3- | set -nu1 %::text $3- | _doraw $1- } } raw 302:*:{ if ($halted) || (!$isalias(kte::Raw.302)) { return } var %i = 2, %t = $0, %p, %addr, %pos while (%i <= %t) { %p = $ [ $+ [ %i ] ] %addr = $gettok(%p, 2, 61) %pos = $pos(%addr, $left($remove(%addr, +, -), 1), 1) set -u1 %::nick $gettok(%p, 1, 61) set -u1 %::address $mid(%addr, %pos) set -u1 %::value $left(%addr, $calc(%pos - 1)) if ($right(%::nick, 1) == *) { %::nick = $left(%::nick, -1) | %::value = %::value $+ * } ._doraw $1- inc %i } } ; /list raw 321:*:if (!$halted) && ($isalias(kte::Raw.321)) { _doraw $1- } raw 322:*:if (!$halted) && ($isalias(kte::Raw.322)) { _doraw $1- } raw 323:*:if (!$halted) && ($isalias(kte::Raw.323)) { _doraw $1- } ; /links raw 364:*:if (!$halted) && ($isalias(kte::Raw.364)) { _doraw $1- } raw 365:*:if (!$halted) && ($isalias(kte::Raw.365)) { _doraw $1- } raw 324:*:set -u1 %::chan $2 | set -u1 %::value $3- | set -u1 %::modes $3- | set -u1 %::text $3- | _doraw $1- raw 329:*:set -u1 %::chan $2 | set -u1 %::value $asctime($3) | set -u1 %::text $3- | _doraw $1- raw 333:*:set -u1 %::chan $2 | set -u1 %::nick $3 | set -u1 %::value $asctime($4) | set -u1 %::text %::value | _doraw $1- raw 341:*:set -u1 %::nick $2 | set -u1 %::chan $3 | _doraw $1- raw 352:*:{ if ($2 != *) { set -u1 %::chan $2 } set -u1 %::address $+($3, @, $4) set -u1 %::wserver $5 set -u1 %::nick $6 set -u1 %::away $iif((h isin $7), H, G) set -u1 %::isoper is $iif((* !isin $7), not) set -u1 %::cmode $remove($7, *, H, G) set -u1 %::value $8 set -u1 %::realname $9- _doraw $1- } raw 353:*:set -u1 %::chan $2 | set -u1 %::text $3- | _doraw $1- raw 372:*:set -nu1 %::text $3- | _doraw $1- raw 391:*:set -u1 %::text $3- | _doraw $1- ; whois raw 311:*:{ var %h = Kte_Whois if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(%h)) { showwhois Whois } if (* iswm $hget(Kte_Theme, Whois)) { if (!$hget(%h)) { hmake %h 4 } hadd %h Nick $2 | hadd %h Address $+($3, @, $4) hadd %h RealName $6- haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.311)) { set -u1 %::nick $2 set -u1 %::address $+($3, @, $4) set -nu1 %::realname $6- ._doraw $1- } } raw 314:*:{ var %h = Kte_Whois if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(%h)) { showwhois Whowas } elseif (* iswm $hget(Kte_Theme, Whowas)) { if (!$hget(%h)) { hmake %h 4 } | hadd %h Nick $2 | hadd %h Address $+($3, @, $4) hadd %h RealName $6- | haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.314)) { set -u1 %::nick $2 | set -u1 %::address $+($3, @, $4) | set -nu1 %::realname $6- | ._doraw $1- } } raw 319:*:{ if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(Kte_Whois)) { hadd Kte_Whois Chan $hget(Kte_Whois, Chan) $3- | haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.319)) { set -u1 %::nick $2 | set -nu1 %::chan $3- | ._doraw $1- } } raw 312:*:{ if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(Kte_Whois)) { hadd Kte_Whois WServer $3 | hadd Kte_Whois ServerInfo $4- | haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.312)) { set -u1 %::nick $2 | set -u1 %::wserver $3 | set -nu1 %::serverinfo $4- | ._doraw $1- } } raw 307:*:{ if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(Kte_Whois)) { hadd Kte_Whois IsRegd is | haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.307)) { set -u1 %::nick $2 | set -u1 %::isregd is | ._doraw $1- } } raw 313:*:{ if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(Kte_Whois)) { hadd Kte_Whois IsOper is | hadd Kte_Whois OperLine $3- | haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.313)) { set -u1 %::nick $2 | set -u1 %::isoper is | set -nu1 %::operline $3- | ._doraw $1- } } raw 317:*:{ if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(Kte_Whois)) { hadd Kte_Whois IdleTime $3 | hadd Kte_Whois SignonTime $4 | haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.317)) { set -u1 %::nick $2 set -u1 %::idletime $3 set -u1 %::signontime $asctime($4) ._doraw $1- } } raw 318:*:{ if ($halted) { return } if ($hget(Kte_Data, ..NoNick)) { hdel Kte_Data ..NoNick | halt } if ($hget(Kte_Whois)) { showwhois Whois | hfree Kte_Whois | haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.318)) { set -nu1 %::nick $2 | ._doraw $1- } } raw 369:*:{ if ($halted) { return } if (* iswm $hget(Kte_Data, ..NoNick)) { hdel Kte_Data ..NoNick | halt } if ($hget(Kte_Whois)) { showwhois Whowas | hfree Kte_Whois | haltdef } if ($isalias(kte::Raw.369)) { set -nu1 %::nick $2 | ._doraw $1- } } raw *:*:{ if (6* iswm $numeric) || ($halted) { return } if ($numeric = 303) && (!$2-) { Kte_error - $+ $_active The specified nicks are not online | haltdef } set -u1 %::nick $2 | set -u1 %::chan $2 | set -u1 %::value $2 _doraw $1- } ; /_doraw str <params> alias -l _doraw { var %cl = info2, %f, %n = $right(00 $+ $numeric, 3) if ($istok(401 404, $numeric, 32)) { hadd Kte_Data ..NoNick $2 } elseif (* iswm $hget(Kte_Data, ..NoNick)) { hdel Kte_Data ..NoNick } if ($halted) && ($show) { goto end } if ($istok(331 332 333, $numeric, 32)) { %cl = topic } elseif ($numeric = 372) { %cl = normal } set -u1 %::numeric $numeric set -u1 %::fromserver $nick set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -nu1 %::target $target if ($istok(324 328 329 331 332 333 352 353 366 367 368 404 482, $numeric, 32)) { var %ch = $2 | if ($numeric = 353) { %ch = $3 } set -u1 %::chan %ch if (%ch ischan) { %f = -ti2 %ch } set -u1 %::value $3 if (!$var(%::text)) { set -nu1 %::text $3- } } if (!$isalias(kte::Raw. $+ %n)) { if (!%f) { %f = -ti2 $+ $iif(($_isactive) && ($status != connecting) && (@* !iswm $active), a, s) } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(%cl) %f if (!$var(%::text)) { set -nu1 %::text $2- } if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } %:echo 14[4ø14] $iif(%::nick != $gettok(%::text,1,32) || %::chan != $gettok(%::text,1,32),4 $+ $ifmatch $+ :) %::text %:comments } else { if ($istok(403 405 437 442 467 468 471 473 474 475 477 478, $numeric, 32)) { set -u1 %::chan $2 if ($numeric = 478) { set -u1 %::value $3 | set -nu1 %::text $4- } elseif (!$var(%::text)) { set -nu1 %::text $3- } } elseif ($istok(432 433 436 438, $numeric, 32)) { set -nu1 %::text $3- } elseif ($numeric = 301) { if (!$hget(Kte_Events, Active.Away)) { %f = -ti2s } elseif ($query($2)) { %f = -ti2 $2 } } if (!%f) { %f = -ti2 $+ $iif(($_isactive) && ($status != connecting) && (@* !iswm $active), a, s) } if (!$var(%::text)) { if ($var(%::nick)) || ($var(%::chan)) || ($var(%::value)) { set -nu1 %::text $3- } else { set -nu1 %::text $2- } } set -u1 %:echo echo $color(%cl) %f if (* iswm %::text) { set -nu1 %::parentext : 04[ %::text 04] } $+(kte::Raw., %n) } haltdef :end unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::chan %::modes %::wserver %::target %::parentext %::fromserver %::value %::numeric %::away %::isoper %::cmode %::realname %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? %::text } alias -l showwhois { var %h = Kte_Whois if (!$hget(%h, IsOper)) { hadd %h IsOper is not } if (!$hget(%h, IsRegd)) { hadd %h IsRegd is not } set -nu1 %::me $me | set -nu1 %::server $server | set -nu1 %::port $port set -nu1 %::pre 05::04:: set -nu1 %::c1 00 | set -nu1 %::c2 15 | set -nu1 %::c3 15 | set -nu1 %::c4 04 set -u1 %::nick $hget(%h, Nick) | set -u1 %::address $hget(%h, Address) | set -nu1 %::realname $hget(%h, RealName) set -nu1 %::chan $hget(%h, Chan) | set -u1 %::wserver $hget(%h, WServer) | set -nu1 %::serverinfo $hget(%h, ServerInfo) set -nu1 %::text $hget(%h, Text) | set -u1 %::isregd $hget(%h, IsRegd) | set -u1 %::isoper $hget(%h, IsOper) set -nu1 %::operline $hget(%h, OperLine) | set -u1 %::idletime $hget(%h, IdleTime) set -u1 %::signontime $asctime($hget(%h, SignonTime)) | set -nu1 %::away $hget(%h, Away) set -u1 %:echo echo $color(whois) -ti2 $+ $iif(($_isactive) && (@* !iswm $active) && ($hget(Kte_Events, Active.Whois)), a, s) if ($1 == Whois) { } else { } hdel -w Kte_Whois * unset %:echo %::nick %::address %::realname %::chan %::wserver %::serverinfo %::text %::isregd %::isoper %::operline %::idletime %::signontime %::away %::me %::server %::port %::pre %::c? } alias -l kte::Echo %:echo 05::04:: 00 $+ %::text $+  %:comments alias -l kte::EchoTarget %:echo 05::04:: 00 $+ %::text $+  %:comments alias -l kte::Error %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: %::text $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.311 bloodskin.whoisstart alias -l kte::Raw.303 %:echo 05::04:: %::text are$1$3%:comments alias -l kte::raw.406 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: There was no such nick : 4[  $+ %::nick $+ 4 ]] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.375 %:echo 4(ø4) Message of the$1$3%:comments alias -l kte::raw.255 %:echo 14›15› 4Clients: %::users · 4servers: %::value $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.319 %:echo 14›15› 4Channels: %::chan $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.471 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 %::chan $+  : 4[ channel is full4 ] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.391 %:echo 05::04:: Time:15 %::text $+  %:comments alias -l kte::Raw.332 bloodskin.topic alias -l kte::raw.372 %:echo · %::text $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.252 %:echo 14›15› 4Opers: %::value $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.333 bloodskin.endtopic alias -l kte::raw.369 %:echo 5• End of /Whowas info$1$3%:comments alias -l kte::raw.317 %:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Idle: $ 14[15Sign on: $asctime($ctime(%::signontime),HH:nn:ss - dd/mmm/yyyy 14(15dddd14)) · 15Online time: $$calc($ctime - $ctime(%::signontime))) alias -l kte::raw.329 %:echo 05::04:: Created: $asctime(%::text,HH:nn:ss - dd/mmm/yyyy 14(15dddd14)) %:comments alias -l kte::raw.265 %:echo $str($chr(160),7) 14›15› 4Local: %::users · 4max: %::value 14[15 $+ $round($calc($calc(%::users / %::value) * 100),1) $+ % $+ 14 $+ ] alias -l kte::raw.253 %:echo 14›15› 4Unknown: %::value $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.001 alias -l kte::raw.441 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: 4 $+ %::nick $+  is not on 4 $+ %::chan $+  %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.314 bloodskin.whowasstart alias -l kte::raw.378 %:echo 14›15› 4Real Hostname:15 %::text $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.482 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: You are not channel operator on 4 $+ %::chan $+  %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.401 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: No such nick : 4[  $+ %::nick $+ 4 ]] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.266 bloodskin.lusersend alias -l kte::raw.002 %:echo 14[4ø14] Host: 15 $+ %::server $+  running 15 $+ %::value $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.474 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 %::chan $+  : 4[ you're banned4 ] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.442 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: 4you are not on 4 $+ %::chan $+  %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.315 %:echo 5›4› End of /Who for 4 $+ %::value $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.307 %:echo 14›15› 4Status: is $iif(%::isregd != is,not) a registered nick alias -l kte::raw.003 %:echo 14[4ø14] Created on: 15 $+ %::value $+  %:comments alias -l kte::Raw.251 bloodskin.lusersstart alias -l kte::raw.475 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 %::chan $+  : 4[ incorrect key4 ] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.467 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 %::chan $+  : 4[ key required4 ] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.443 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: 4 $+ %::nick $+  is already on 4 $+ %::chan $+  %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.324 %:echo 05::04:: Modes: at 4 $+ %::chan $+  : 4[ $+ %::modes $+ 4] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.312 %:echo 14›15› 4Server: %::wserver 14(15 $+ %::serverinfo $+ 14) $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.403 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: No such channel : 4[  $+ %::chan $+ 4 ]] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.376 %:echo 4(ø4) End of$1$3%:comments alias -l kte::raw.352 %:echo 5›4› %::cmode $+ %::nick · 14(15 $+ %::address $+ 14) · %::realname ·4 %::wserver $+  $iif(%::away == G,· 4[ Away) $iif(%::isoper == is,$iif(%::away == H,· 4[ IRCop 4],/ IRCop 4]),$iif(%::away == G,4])) · %::value hops %:comments alias -l kte::raw.004 %:echo 14[4ø14] Usermodes:15 $gettok(%::text,3,32) · Chanmodes:15 $gettok(%::text,4,32) alias -l kte::raw.313 %:echo 14›15› 4IRCop: $iif(%::isoper == is,yes,no) $iif($gettok(%::text,3-,32),14(15 $+ $ifmatch $+ 14) ) alias -l kte::Raw.301 %:echo 14›15› 4Away: %::text $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.353 bloodskin.names alias -l kte::raw.432 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: 4 $+ %::nick $+  is a erroeus nickname %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.404 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot send to 4 $+ %::chan $+  %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.341 %:echo 5• Invite: to 4 $+ %::nick $+  to join 4 $+ %::chan $+  %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.005 %:echo 14[4ø14] Protocols: 15 $+ %::text $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.473 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: Cannot join4 %::chan $+  : 4[ invite required4 ] %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::Raw.302 %:echo 5• Userhost:4 %::nick $+ ! $+ %::address $iif(* isin %::value || - isin %::value,4[ $iif(* isin %::value,IRCop ) $iif(- isin %::value,$iif(* isin %::value, / Away,Away)) 4]) $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.366 bloodskin.endnames alias -l kte::raw.433 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error: nick 4 $+ %::nick $+  is already in use %::comments $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.421 %:echo 14[4ø14] Error:4 $+(/,$lower(%::value)) is an unknown command %:comments alias -l kte::raw.254 %:echo 14›15› 4Chans: %::value $+  %:comments alias -l kte::raw.318 %:echo 5• End of /Whois info$1$3%:comments

Kolay gelsin, iyi if'ler ^^

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Muaf Kanal/Nick Giriş Çıkış Bilgisi Kanal ve Özelde Komut Yardımı Goemon Conference Room (CR) 4 01 Şubat 2016 02:03
Çözüldü Kanal giriş çıkışları görünmüyor Loveart mIRC Scripting Sorunları 2 08 Kasım 2015 14:22
!bilgi,nick,kanal Voodo mIRC Scripting Sorunları 3 28 Haziran 2011 20:16
Kanal Giriş Çıkışları Kayıtlı mIRC Scripting Sorunları 3 06 Haziran 2008 12:40
Kanal da Nick Değişenleri (Kötü Nick) Kanaldan Atma Besmelejack mIRC Scripting Sorunları 16 06 Temmuz 2007 12:50