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Alt 10 Kasım 2009, 13:46   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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Kardelen Script v Mp3 Player (Çalışmıyor)

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
dialog player { title Kardelen Script v Mp3 Player - %mp3.title size -1 -1 328 177 option dbu icon aircamp.ico ;mp3 list box "Mp3 Listesi", 50, 2 5 156 155 text "Dosya:", 2, 5 15 14 8 edit "", 3, 18 13 137 10, result read text "Size", 5, 5 27 13 8 edit "", 6, 18 25 31 10, result read text "Süre", 7, 52 27 20 8 edit "", 8, 72 25 33 10, result read edit "", 9, 127 25 28 10, result read text "Ölçüsü", 10, 108 27 19 8 list 1, 5 38 150 100, size, hsbar box "", 89, 5 137 150 21 button "Ekle", 17, 8 143 23 12, flat button "Ekle D.", 18, 33 143 24 12, flat button "Sil D.", 19, 59 143 24 12, flat button "Temizle", 25, 85 143 26 12, flat button "Yenile", 28, 113 143 38 12, flat ;mp3 list box "Kardelen Script ", 53, 160 5 165 49 list 22, 165 13 155 15, result box "Mp3 Hakk1nda..", 51, 160 24 165 30 text "Sure:", 56, 163 34 20 8, right list 55, 183 32 28 15, result text "Zaman:", 54, 215 34 20 8, right list 12, 235 32 28 15, result text "Modu:", 63, 270 34 15 8, right list 62, 285 32 35 15, result text "Size:", 110, 163 43 20 8, right list 111, 183 42 28 15, result text "Ölçü:", 112, 215 43 20 8, right list 113, 235 42 28 15, result text "Örnek:", 114, 266 43 19 8, right list 115, 285 42 35 15, result box "Player Kontrol", 52, 160 55 165 35 edit "", 100, 163 62 25 16, read, disable button "9", 15, 165 64 21 12 edit "Geri", 60, 163 79 25 9, read, center edit "", 101, 188 62 25 16, read, disable check ";", 13, 190 64 21 12, push edit "Duraklat", 58, 188 79 25 9, read, center edit "", 102, 213 62 45 16, read, disable button "4", 11, 215 64 41 12 edit "Başlat", 57, 213 79 45 9, read, center edit "", 103, 258 62 40 16, read, disable button "<", 14, 260 64 36 12 edit "Durdur", 59, 258 79 40 9, read, center edit "", 104, 298 62 25 16, read, disable button ":", 16, 300 64 21 12 edit "ileri", 61, 298 79 25 9, read, center ;Ses Kontrol box "", 85, 160 90 165 24 box "", 86, 242 90 83 24 list 72, 172 94 60 15 scroll "", 70, 172 102 60 10, range 100 horizontal list 172, 252 94 60 15 scroll "", 170, 252 102 60 10, range 100 horizontal box "", 97, 160 143 165 17 combo 20, 167 148 73 30, drop combo 200, 245 148 73 30, drop box "Mp3 Player Mesajı Seç", 87, 160 114 165 32 combo 127, 167 121 151 50, drop combo 201, 167 133 151 30, drop text "", 29, 5 168 150 8, hide box "", 88, 2 158 323 18 box "", 202, 160 158 165 18 button "Kapat", 4, 163 163 159 11, ok combo 21, 35 163 120 30, drop text "Kardelen", 203, 5 165 28 10, disable } on 1:mp3end:{ unset | mp3.end } on 1:dialog:player:init:0:{ did -a $dname 201 Show Only Title Of The Playing Song did -a $dname 201 Show Title & File Info Of The Playing Song if ( == 1) { did -c player 201 1 } if ( == 2) { did -c player 201 2 } did -a $dname 200 If End Continuous Playing did -a $dname 200 If End Stop Playing if (%mp3.contin == 1) { did -c player 200 1 } if (%mp3.contin == 2) { did -c player 200 2 } did -a $dname 20 Random Playing 52431... did -a $dname 20 Normal Playing 12345... if (%mp3.random == 1) { did -c player 20 1 } if (%mp3.random == 2) { did -c player 20 2 } did -a $dname 21 When Closing Mp3Player Stop Playing... did -a $dname 21 When Closing Mp3Player Continue Playing... if (%mp3.close == 1) { did -c player 21 1 } if (%mp3.close == 2) { did -c player 21 2 } did -a $dname 127 Silent (None will be able to see it) did -a $dname 127 Private (Only you can see the message) did -a $dname 127 Amsg (Message to all channels you are in) did -a $dname 127 Ame msg (Action message to all channels you are in) did -c $dname 70 $int($calc(($vol(master) / 65000) * 100)) did -c $dname 170 $int($calc(($vol(wave) / 65000) * 100)) did -ra player 72 Denge Sesi: $int($calc(($vol(master) / 65000) * 100)) $+ % did -ra player 172 Dalga Sesi: $int($calc(($vol(wave) / 65000) * 100)) $+ % did -b $dname 13,58 if ($version == 6.01) && ($dll($scriptdir $+ mdx.dll,DLLInfo,_) == mIRC Dialog eXtension DLL v0.91a beta (c) 2000-2001 DragonZap,
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
) { set %mp3.ver 1 | did -a player 29 The progressbar doesn't work with mIRC $version (yet) } | else { unset %mp3.ver } mdx SetMircVersion $version mdx MarkDialog $dname mdx SetFont 11 +a default 21 400 webdings mdx SetFont 13 +a default 21 400 webdings mdx SetFont 14 +a default 21 400 webdings mdx SetFont 15 +a default 21 400 webdings mdx SetFont 16 +a default 21 400 webdings mdx SetControlMDX 29 ProgressBar smooth > [ $scriptdir $+ ctl_gen.mdx ] $iif($version < 6.01,set %mp3.insong $ $+ inmp3,set %mp3.insong $ $+ insong) mp3.listupdate mp3.dataupdate if (%mp3.say == 1) { did -c $dname 127 4 } if (%mp3.priv == 1) { did -c $dname 127 2 } if (%mp3.msg == 1) { did -c $dname 127 3 } if (%mp3.sil == 1) { did -c $dname 127 1 } if (! { did -ra player 12 $asctime($calc([ %mp3.insong $+ .pos ] / 1000),nn:ss) | did -ra player 55 $asctime($calc($mp3([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]).length / 1000),nn:ss) } if ([ %mp3.insong ]) { if (%mp3.paused) { did -c player 13 } did -c player 1 %mp3.num did -ra player 22 $nopath([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]) did -ra player 62 $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).mode did -ra player 111 $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ MB did -ra player 113 $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).bitrate $+ KBs did -ra player 115 $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).sample / 1000) $+ kHz mp3.dataupdate mp3.pos } } on 1:dialog:player:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 17) { set %mp3.dir $sdir="Adres Ekle" set $findfile(%mp3.dir,*.mp3,0) set %mp3.x 1 while (%mp3.x <= { write mp3_list.txt $findfile(%mp3.dir,*.mp3,%mp3.x) | inc %mp3.x } if (%mp3.dir) { mp3.listupdate | mp3.dataupdate | if (! { did -ra player 12 $asctime($calc([ %mp3.insong $+ .pos ] / 1000),nn:ss) | did -ra player 55 $asctime($calc($mp3([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]).length / 1000),nn:ss) } | if ([ %mp3.insong ]) { did -c player 1 %mp3.num | did -ra player 22 $remove($nopath([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]),.mp3) | mp3.dataupdate } } unset %mp3.dir unset unset %mp3.x } if ($did == 1) { mp3.dataupdate if (! { did -ra player 12 $asctime($calc([ %mp3.insong $+ .pos ] / 1000),nn:ss) | did -ra player 55 $asctime($calc($mp3([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]).length / 1000),nn:ss) } } if ($did == 18) { set %mp3.file $sfile(*.mp3,Select File To Add,Add) if (%mp3.file) { write mp3_list.txt %mp3.file | mp3.listupdate | mp3.dataupdate | if (! { did -ra player 12 $asctime($calc([ %mp3.insong $+ .pos ] / 1000),nn:ss) | did -ra player 55 $asctime($calc($mp3([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]).length / 1000),nn:ss) } | if ([ %mp3.insong ]) { did -c player 1 %mp3.num | did -ra player 22 $remove($nopath([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]),.mp3) | mp3.dataupdate } } unset %mp3.file } if ($did == 19) { set %mp3.file $did(player,1).sel if (%mp3.file) { write -dl $+ %mp3.file mp3_list.txt | mp3.listupdate | mp3.dataupdate | if ([ %mp3.insong ]) { did -c player 1 %mp3.num | did -ra player 22 $remove($nopath([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]),.mp3) | mp3.dataupdate } } unset %mp3.file } if ($did == 11) { did -e $dname 13,58 if (%mp3.paused) { mp3.resume | return } } if ($did == 13) { if (!%mp3.insong) { did -u player 13 | return } if (!%mp3.paused) { mp3.pause | return } mp3.resume } if ($did == 14) { did -b $dname 13,58 | did -b player 203 | mp3.stop } if ($did == 15) { did -e $dname 13,58 | mp3.prev } if ($did == 16) { did -e $dname 13,58 | } if ($did == 4) { if (%mp3.close == 1) { splay -p stop } } ;if ($did == 21) { $iif($did(player,21).state == 1,set %mp3.close 1,unset %mp3.close) } if ($did == 21) { if ($did(21).sel == 1) { set %mp3.close 1 } if ($did(21).sel == 2) { set %mp3.close 2 } } ;if ($did == 20) { $iif($did(player,20).state == 1,set %mp3.random 1,unset %mp3.random) } if ($did == 20) { if ($did(20).sel == 1) { set %mp3.random 1 } if ($did(20).sel == 2) { set %mp3.random 2 } } if ($did == 127) { if ($did(127).sel == 1) { set %mp3.sil 1 | unset %mp3.priv | unset %mp3.say | unset %mp3.msg } if ($did(127).sel == 2) { set %mp3.priv 1 | unset %mp3.say | unset %mp3.msg | unset %mp3.sil } if ($did(127).sel == 3) { set %mp3.msg 1 | unset %mp3.priv | unset %mp3.say | unset %mp3.sil } if ($did(127).sel == 4) { set %mp3.say 1 | unset %mp3.priv | unset %mp3.msg | unset %mp3.sil } } if ($did == 25) { if ($?!="Listeyi Silmek istediginden eminmisin?" == $true) { write -c mp3_list.txt mp3.listupdate mp3.dataupdate did -f player 25 } return } if ($did == 28) { mp3.check | mp3.listupdate | if ([ %mp3.insong ]) { did -c player 1 %mp3.num } | mp3.dataupdate } if ($did == 200) { if ($did(200).sel == 1) { set %mp3.contin 1 } if ($did(200).sel == 2) { set %mp3.contin 2 } } if ($did == 201) { if ($did(201).sel == 1) { set 1 } if ($did(201).sel == 2) { set 2 } } } on 1:dialog:player:dclick:*:{ if ($did == 1) { did -e $dname 13,58 | } } on 1:dialog:player:scroll:*:{ if $did == 70 { vol -v $int($calc(655.35 * $did(70).sel)) | did -ra player 72 Master Volume: $int($calc(($vol(master) / 65000) * 100)) $+ % } if $did == 170 { vol -p $int($calc(655.35 * $did(170).sel)) | did -ra player 172 Wave Volume: $int($calc(($vol(wave) / 65000) * 100)) $+ % } } alias mdx { set %mdx.dll $scriptdir $+ mdx.dll return $dll(%mdx.dll,$1,$2-) } alias mp3.check { set %mp3.x 1 while (%mp3.x <= $lines(mp3_list.txt)) { $iif(!$exists($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.x)),write -dl $+ %mp3.x mp3_list.txt,inc %mp3.x) } unset %mp3.x dialog -v player player } alias mp3.listupdate { did -r player 1 set %mp3.x 1 while (%mp3.x <= $lines(mp3_list.txt)) { did -a player 1 $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.x)) | inc %mp3.x } unset %mp3.x did -c player 1 1 } alias mp3.dataupdate { if (!$did(player,1).sel) { did -r player 3 | did -r player 6 | did -r player 8 | did -r player 9 | return } did -ra player 3 $did(player,1).seltext did -ra player 6 $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ MB did -ra player 8 $asctime($calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).length / 1000),nn:ss) did -ra player 9 $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).bitrate $+ KB/s } alias { if (!$dialog(player)) { if ($exists($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num))) { splay -p $read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num) | set true if ( == 1) { if (%mp3.say) && ($server) { ame %duzlogo [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+  Kardelen Script ] } if (%mp3.msg) && ($server) { amsg %duzlogo [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+  Kardelen Script ] } if (%mp3.priv) { echo $colour(info) -a *** Now playing: [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+  Kardelen Script ] } } if ( == 2) { if (%mp3.say) && ($server) { ame %duzlogo [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+ ] Adlı Parçasını Dinliyor... - ( $+ Mp3 Bilgileri: Boyutu: $+ $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ / $+ MB Süresi: $+ $duration($calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).length / 1000)) Hızı: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).bitrate $+ / $+ KBs Örnek: $+ $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).sample / 1000) $+ / $+ kHz Mod: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).mode $+  Kardelen Script ) } if (%mp3.msg) && ($server) { amsg %duzlogo [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+ ] Adlı Parçasını Dinliyor... - ( $+ Mp3 Bilgileri: Boyutu: $+ $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ / $+ MB Süresi: $+ $duration($calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).length / 1000)) Hızı: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).bitrate $+ / $+ KBs Örnek: $+ $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).sample / 1000) $+ / $+ kHz Mod: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).mode $+  Kardelen Script ) } if (%mp3.priv) { echo $colour(info) -a *** Çal1yor: [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+ ] - ( $+ Mp3 Bilgileri: Boyutu: $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ / $+ MB Süresi: $+ $duration($calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).length / 1000)) Hızı: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).bitrate $+ / $+ KBs Sample: $+ $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).sample / 1000) $+ / $+ kHz Mod: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).mode $+  Kardelen Script ) } } set %mp3.length $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)).length / 1000) .timermp3 -m 0 500 mp3.pos unset %mp3.length return } if (%mp3.contin == 1) { } if (%mp3.contin == 2) { mp3.stop } } if ($dialog(player)) { set %mp3.num $did(player,1).sel } mp3.resume if ($dialog(player)) { if ($exists($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel))) { dialog -t player $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) did -e player 203 did -ra player 12 $asctime($calc([ %mp3.insong $+ .pos ] / 1000),nn:ss) did -ra player 62 $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).mode did -ra player 55 $asctime($calc($mp3([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]).length / 1000),nn:ss) did -ra player 111 $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ MB did -ra player 113 $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).bitrate $+ KBs did -ra player 115 $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).sample / 1000) $+ kHz splay -p $read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel) | set true if ( == 1) { if (%mp3.say) && ($server) { ame %duzlogo [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+  Kardelen Script ] } if (%mp3.msg) && ($server) { amsg %duzlogo [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+  Kardelen Script ] } if (%mp3.priv) { echo $colour(info) -a *** Now playing: [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+  Kardelen Script ] } } if ( == 2) { if (%mp3.say) && ($server) { ame %duzlogo [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+ ] Adlı Parçasını Dinliyor... - ( $+ Mp3 Bilgileri: Boyutu: $+ $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ / $+ MB Süresi: $+ $duration($calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).length / 1000)) Hızı: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).bitrate $+ / $+ KBs Örnek: $+ $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).sample / 1000) $+ / $+ kHz Mod: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).mode $+  Kardelen Script ) } if (%mp3.msg) && ($server) { amsg %duzlogo [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+ ] Adlı Parçasını Dinliyor... - ( $+ Mp3 Bilgileri: Boyutu: $+ $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ / $+ MB Süresi: $+ $duration($calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).length / 1000)) Hızı: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).bitrate $+ / $+ KBs Örnek: $+ $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).sample / 1000) $+ / $+ kHz Mod: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).mode $+  Kardelen Script ) } if (%mp3.priv) { echo $colour(info) -a *** Çalıyor: [ $+ $nopath($read(mp3_list.txt,%mp3.num)) $+ ] - ( $+ Mp3 Bilgileri: Boyutu: $+ $round($calc($file($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)) / 1000000 ),2) $+ / $+ MB Süresi: $+ $duration($calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).length / 1000)) Hızı: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).bitrate $+ / $+ KBs Örnek: $+ $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).sample / 1000) $+ / $+ kHz Mod: $+ $mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).mode $+  Kardelen Script ) } } did -ra player 22 $nopath([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]) set %mp3.length $calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).length / 1000) .timermp3 -m 0 500 mp3.pos unset %mp3.length return } if (%mp3.contin == 1) { } if (%mp3.contin == 2) { mp3.stop } } } alias mp3.pos { if ($dialog(player)) { did -ra player 12 $asctime($calc( [ %mp3.insong $+ .pos ] / 1000),nn:ss) | did -ra player 55 $asctime($calc($mp3([ %mp3.insong $+ .fname ]).length / 1000),nn:ss) } if (!%mp3.ver) { if ($dialog(player)) { did -a player 29 [ %mp3.insong $+ .pos ] 0 [ %mp3.insong $+ .length ] } } } alias mp3.stop { splay -p stop | unset .timermp3 off if (%mp3.paused) { unset %mp3.paused } } alias mp3.pause { if (!%mp3.paused) && ([ %mp3.insong ]) { set %mp3.paused true splay -p pause } } alias mp3.prev { if (%mp3.random == 1) { did -c player 1 $rand(1,$lines(mp3_list.txt)) mp3.dataupdate return } if (%mp3.random == 2) { did -c player 1 $calc($did(player,1).sel - 1) mp3.dataupdate } } alias { if (%mp3.random == 1) { if (!$dialog(player)) { set %mp3.num $rand(1,$lines(mp3_list.txt)) return } did -c player 1 $rand(1,$lines(mp3_list.txt)) mp3.dataupdate } if (%mp3.random == 2) { if (!$dialog(player)) { set %mp3.num $calc(%mp3.num + 1) if (%mp3.num > $lines(mp3_list.txt)) { set %mp3.num 1 } return } set %mp3.num $calc($did(player,1).sel + 1) if (%mp3.num > $lines(mp3_list.txt)) { did -c player 1 1 } if (%mp3.num <= $lines(mp3_list.txt)) { did -c player 1 $calc($did(player,1).sel + 1) } mp3.dataupdate } } alias mp3.resume { if (%mp3.paused) && ([ %mp3.insong ]) { did -u player 13 splay -p resume unset %mp3.paused return } } alias mp3.end { if ($dialog(player)) { did -r player 22,12,29 did -a player 12 $asctime($calc([ %mp3.insong $+ .pos ] / 1000),nn:ss) / $asctime($calc($mp3($read(mp3_list.txt,$did(player,1).sel)).length / 1000),nn:ss) } if (%mp3.contin == 1) { } if (%mp3.contin == 2) { mp3.stop } }

Kardelen Script v Mp3 Player 'i ındırmıştım 2 gun once bu forumdan hoşumada gitti ozellıkle mp3 player'ı tam ıstedıgım gıbı mırc'ın ıcınde mp3 player kodunu buldum baska bı mırc'e yuklemeye calıstım ama ne dıyalog acılıyor nede calısıyor acaba dll'ler fala mı yuklemem gerek baska bı mırc'te bu mp3 player nasıl calıstırabılırım yardımlarınızı beklıyorum sımdıden ılgılenıcek herkeze teşekkurlerımı sunarım

Korkuyorsan yapma,
yapıyorsan korkma..

wake the fuck up samurai we have a city to burn..

Kullanıcı imzalarındaki bağlantı ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 20 mesaja sahip olmanız gerekir ya da üye girişi yapmanız gerekir.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet reklamver
Alt 10 Kasım 2009, 14:38   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Kardelen Script v Mp3 Player (Çalışmıyor)

Verdiğin kodları denedim gayet güzel çalışıyor.Ana dizine mdx.dll atman gerekiyor sadece.
/dialog -m player player komutu ile dialogu açabilirsin.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 10 Kasım 2009, 15:13   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Kardelen Script v Mp3 Player (Çalışmıyor)

eyw sagolasın calıstırdım dll' ıle ılgılı bı sorun oldugunu anladımda ne yapmam gerektıgını bılmıyordum yardımın ıcın sago

Korkuyorsan yapma,
yapıyorsan korkma..

wake the fuck up samurai we have a city to burn..

Kullanıcı imzalarındaki bağlantı ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 20 mesaja sahip olmanız gerekir ya da üye girişi yapmanız gerekir.

Alıntı ile Cevapla


calismiyor, Çalışmıyor, kardelen, mirc download, mirc indir, mp3, player

Konuyu Toplam 1 Üye okuyor. (0 Kayıtlı üye ve 1 Misafir)

Konu Acma Yetkiniz Yok
Cevap Yazma Yetkiniz Yok
Eklenti Yükleme Yetkiniz Yok
Mesajınızı Değiştirme Yetkiniz Yok

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