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LinkBack Seçenekler Stil
Alt 01 Kasım 2009, 22:13   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
oto kline nedir bu ?

Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
added a 12 minute k:line for * 5 local kills

( added ) arattım ßu alttaki Dosya Çıktı Neden Durduk yere ßöyle kline atiyor arkadaşlar ?

ve nası Kapataßilirim ?

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
; ; IRC ; Snotice filters ; ;**********************************************************************/ alias _echo.snotice { var %show = $_getsetup(script, if ($1- == $null) { return } if (%show == 1) { if ($window(@Server Notices) == $null) { window -akn @Server Notices $_window.conf(@Server Notices) } echo $colour(notice) -it @Server Notices $1- window -g1 @Server Notices } elseif (%show == 2) { echo $colour(notice) -ait $1- } else { echo $colour(notice) -eist $1- } } ;; ;; ; $_snotice.ufilter(filter,$me,string) alias _snotice.ufilter { if ($3- != $null) && ($_getsetup(script,_snotice.dontfilteronme)) && ($_wordisinstring($2,$3-)) { return 0 } if ($istok($_getsetup(script,_snotice.filters),$1,32) == $false) { return 1 } return 0 } alias _clearpb { tokenize 32 $_clearfperiod($1-) if ([*] iswm $1-) || (<*> iswm $1-) || ({*} iswm $1-) || ("*" iswm $1-) || ('*' iswm $1-) || (($left($1-,1) == $chr(40)) && ($right($1-,1) == $chr(41))) { return $right($left($1-,-1),-1) } return $1- } alias _clearfperiod { if (*. iswm $1-) || ($right($1-,1) == $chr(44)) { return $left($1-,-1) } return $1- } ; * Returns: ; * "name[user@ip#.port]" if 'showip' is true; ; * "name[sockethost]", if name and sockhost are different and ; * showip is false; else ; * "name". ; $_shit2mask(shit).prop ; prop (optional): nick,ident, host, address, port? alias _shit2mask { var %nick,%ident,%host,%pm = *(*),%addy,%port tokenize 32 $_clearpb($_clearfperiod($1)) if ($_ismask2($1)) { var %nick = $gettok($1,1,33),%addy = $gettok($1,2,33)) } elseif (*[*] iswm $1) { var %nick = $gettok($1,1,91),%addy = $left($gettok($1,2,91),-1) } elseif (*<*> iswm $1) { var %nick = $gettok($1,1,30),%addy = $left($gettok($1,2,30),-1) } elseif (%pm iswm $1) { var %nick = $gettok($1,1,40),%addy = $left($gettok($1,2,40),-1) } elseif (*@* iswm $1) { %addy = $1 } elseif (*.* iswm $1) { %host = $1 } else { %nick = $1 } if (*@* iswm %addy) { var %ident = $gettok(%addy,1,64),%host = $gettok(%addy,2,64) } elseif (%addy != $null) { %host = %addy } if ($chr(35) isin %host) { var %host = $gettok(%host,1,35),%port = $gettok(%host,2,35) } if ($chr(58) isin %host) { var %host = $gettok(%host,1,58),%port = $gettok(%host,2,58) } %port = $remove(%port,.) if ($prop == nick) { return %nick } if ($prop == ident) { return %ident } if ($prop == host) { return %host } if ($prop == port) { return %port } if ($prop == address) { if (%ident != $null) && (%host != $null) { return %ident $+ @ $+ %host } return } if (%nick == $null) { %nick = ? } if (%ident == $null) { %ident = ? } if (%host == $null) { %host = ? } return %nick $+ ! $+ %ident $+ @ $+ %host } alias _snoticefilter { var %server = $1,%me = $2,%line = $3-,%filters,%nick tokenize 32 %line if ($strip($1-3) == *** Notice --) { tokenize 32 $4- } elseif ($strip($1) == ***) { tokenize 32 $2- } if ($_getsetup(script,_snotice.usefilters) != $null) { ; "Received KILL message for %s. From %s Path: %s!%s" if (Received KILL message for * iswm $1-) { var %killed = $_clearfperiod($5),%nick,%addy,%from = $7,%path = $9,%reason = $_clearpb($10-),%local = 1 if ($count(%path,!) > 1) { %local = 0 } var %nick = $_shit2mask(%killed).nick,%addy = $_shit2mask(%killed).address if (*collision*->* iswm %reason) || (*nick collision* iswm %reason) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(nickcollisions,%me,%killed,%nick,%reason)) { return } return $^snotice.nickcollision.collision(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%from,$^p(%reason)) } else { if ($_snotice.ufilter(kills,%me,%killed,%nick,%reason)) { return } if (%local) { return $^snotice.kill.local(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%from,%reason) } else { return $^snotice.kill.remote(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%from,%reason) } } } ; u2: "Nick change collision from %s to %s (%s " TIME_T_FMT " <- %s " TIME_T_FMT ")" ; hybrid: "Nick change collision from %s to %s(%s <- %s)(both killed)" ; df467: "Nick change collision from %s to %s (%s %d <- %s %d)" elseif (Nick change collision from * iswm $1-) { var %comment = $8-,%nick1 = $5,%nick2 = $gettok($7,1,40) if ($chr(40) isin $7) { %comment = ( $+ $gettok($7,2-,40) %comment } if ($_snotice.ufilter(nickcollisions,%me,%nick1,%nick2,%comment)) { return } return $^snotice.nickcollision.change(%server,$1-,%nick1,%nick2,%comment) } ; ircnet: "Nick collision on %s (%s@%s)%s <- (%s@%s)%s" ; all: "Nick collision on %s (%s <- %s)" ; "Nick collision on %s(%s <- %s)" elseif (Nick collision on * iswm $1-) { var %comment = $5-,%nick = $gettok($4,1,40) if ($chr(40) isin $4) { %comment = ( $+ $gettok($4,2-,40) %comment } if ($_snotice.ufilter(nickcollisions,%me,%nick,%comment)) { return } return $^snotice.nickcollision.collision(%server,$1-,%nick,$null,$null,%comment) } ; "IP# Mismatch: %s != %s[%08x]" elseif (IP# Mismatch:* iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(ip#mismatch,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.ipmismatch(%server,$1-,$3,$gettok($5,1,91)) } ; "connect failure: %s %s" elseif (connect failure* iswm $1-) { var %nick = $_shit2mask($3).nick,%addy = $_shit2mask($3).address,%reason = $_clearpb($4-) if ($_snotice.ufilter(connectionfailures,%me,%nick,%reason)) { return } return $^snotice.connectfailure(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%reason) } ; "Cannot accept connections %s:%s" elseif (Cannot accept connections * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(connectionfailures,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.cannotacceptconnections(%server,$1-,$gettok($4-,1,58),$gettok($4-,2-,58)) } ; "Fake: %s MODE %s %s %s" elseif (Fake: == $1) && (MODE * iswm $3-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(fakemodes,%me,$2,$4-)) { return } return $^snotice.fake(%server,$1-,$2,$4,$5,$6-) } ; "Unauthorized connection from %s." elseif (Unauthorized connection from * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(unauthconnection,%me,$null)) { return } var %tmp = $_clearfperiod($4),%nick = $_shit2mask(%tmp).nick,%host = $_shit2mask(%tmp).host,%addy = $_shit2mask(%tmp).address return $^snotice.unauthorizedconnection(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%host) } ; "Received unauthorized connection from %s." elseif (Received unauthorized connection from * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(unauthconnection,%me,$null)) { return } var %tmp = $_clearfperiod($5),%nick = $_shit2mask(%tmp).nick,%host = $_shit2mask(%tmp).host,%addy = $_shit2mask(%tmp).address return $^snotice.unauthorizedconnection(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%host) } ; "Too many connections from same IP for %s." elseif (Too many connections from same IP for * iswm $1-) { var %tmp = $_clearfperiod($8),%nick = $_shit2mask(%tmp).nick,%host = $_shit2mask(%tmp).host,%addy = $_shit2mask(%tmp).address if ($_snotice.ufilter(2manyconnections,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^snotice.toomanyconnections.ip(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%host) } ; "Too many connections in class for %s." elseif (Too many connections in class for * iswm $1-) { var %tmp = $_clearfperiod($7),%nick = $_shit2mask(%tmp).nick,%host = $_shit2mask(%tmp).host,%addy = $_shit2mask(%tmp).address if ($_snotice.ufilter(2manyconnections,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^snotice.toomanyconnections.class(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%host) } ; hybrid: "Entering high-traffic mode: Forced by %s!%s@%s" elseif (Entering high-traffic mode: Forced by * iswm $1-) { var %tmp = $_clearfperiod($6),%nick = $_shit2mask(%tmp).nick,%addy = $_shit2mask(%tmp).address if ($_snotice.ufilter(htm,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^snotice.htm.forcedinit(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy) } ; hybrid: "Resuming standard operation: Forced by %s!%s@%s" elseif (Resuming standard operation: Forced by * iswm $1-) { var %tmp = $_clearfperiod($6),%nick = $_shit2mask(%tmp).nick,%addy = $_shit2mask(%tmp).address if ($_snotice.ufilter(htm,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^snotice.htm.forcedend(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy) } ; hybrid: "Entering high-traffic mode - (%.1fk/s > %dk/s)" ; life sucks :) elseif (Entering high-traffic mode - * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(htm,%me,$null)) { return } var %currlife = $remove($5,k/s,$chr(40)),%LRV = $remove($7,k/s,$chr(41)) return $^snotice.htm.init(%server,$1-,%currlife,%LRV,$_clearpb($5-)) } ; hybrid: "Still high-traffic mode %d%s (%d delay): %.1fk/s" ; /* Ok, life really sucks! */ ;P elseif (Still high-traffic mode * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(htm,%me,$null)) { return } var %lifesux = $remove($4,$chr(40),$chr(41),turbo),%turbo = $iif(turbo isin $4,1,0),%lcf = $remove($5,$chr(40)),%currlife = $remove($7,k/s) return $^snotice.htm.still(%server,$1-,%lifesux,%turbo,%lcf,%currlife,$_clearpb($4-)) } ; hybrid: "Resuming standard operation . . . ." elseif (Resuming standard operation* iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(htm,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.htm.end(%server,$1-) } ; hybrid: "%s is rehashing Server config file while whistling innocently" ; all: "%s is rehashing Server config file" elseif (is rehashing Server config file* iswm $2-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(rehash,%me,$1)) { return } return $^snotice.rehashconfigfile(%server,$1-,$1) } ; hybrid: "%s added K-Line for [%s@%s] [%s]" elseif (added K-Line for * iswm $2-) { var %comment = $_clearpb($6-) if ($_snotice.ufilter(akills,%me,$1,%comment)) { return } return $^snotice.akill.added(%server,$1-,$1,$_clearpb($5),%comment) } ; df467: "%s added a temp k:line for %s@%s %s" elseif (added a temp k:line for * iswm $2-) { var %comment = $_clearpb($8-) if ($_snotice.ufilter(akills,%me,$1,%comment)) { return } return $^snotice.akill.tempadded(%server,$1-,$1,$_clearpb($7),%comment) } ; hybrid: "Rejecting possible Spambot: %s (Single char user-given userhost: %c)" elseif (Rejecting possible Spambot: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(Bots,%me,$4)) { return } return $^,$1-,$4,Possible Spambot,$_clearpb($5-)) } ; hybrid: "Rejecting eggdrop: %s" elseif (Rejecting eggdrop: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(Bots,%me,$3)) { return } return $^,$1-,$3,Eggdrop bot,$null) } ; hybrid: "Rejecting vlad/com/joh bot: %s" elseif (Rejecting vlad/com/joh bot: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(Bots,%me,$4)) { return } return $^,$1-,$4,vlad/com/joh bot,$null) } ; hybrid: "Rejecting Spambot: %s" elseif (Rejecting Spambot: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(Bots,%me,$3)) { return } return $^,$1-,$3,Spambot bot,$null) } ; hybrid: "Rejecting annoy/ojnkbot: %s" elseif (Rejecting annoy/ojnkbot: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(Bots,%me,$3)) { return } return $^,$1-,$3,annoy/ojnkbot bot,$null) } ; hybrid: "Rejecting bot: %s" elseif (Rejecting bot: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(Bots,%me,$3)) { return } return $^,$1-,$3,Bot,$null) } ; df467: "%s (%s!%s@%s) is now operator (%c)" ; all: "%s (%s@%s) is now operator (%c)" elseif (is now operator* iswm $3-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(opermodes,%me,$1)) { return } if (O isincs $6) { return $^,$1-,$1,$_clearpb($2)) } return $^snotice.oper.local(%server,$1-,$1,$_clearpb($2)) } ; ircu: "Received SQUIT %s from %s :" ; all: "Received SQUIT %s from %s (%s)" elseif (Received SQUIT* iswm $1-) { var %comment = $_clearpb($6-) if (:* iswm %comment) { %comment = $right(%comment,-1) } if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,%comment)) { return } return $^snotice.squit.received(%server,$1-,$3,$5,%comment) } ; ircu: "%s SQUIT by %s [%s]:" elseif (Local SQUIT by * iswm $1-) { var %nick = $4,%server = $_clearpb($remove($5,:)),%comment = $6- if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,%comment)) { return } return $^snotice.squit.local(%server,$1-,%nick,%server,$_clearpb(%comment)) } elseif (Remote SQUIT by * iswm $1-) { var %nick = $4,%server = $_clearpb($remove($5,:)),%comment = $6- if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,%comment)) { return } return $^snotice.squit.remote(%server,$1-,%nick,%server,$_clearpb(%comment)) } ; ircu: "Client connecting: %s (%s@%s) [%s] {%d}" ; ircu: "Client connecting: %s (%s@%s)" ; hybrid: "Client connecting: %s (%s@%s) [%s] {%d}" elseif (Client connecting* iswm $1-) { var %nick,%address,%ip,%class,%port,%comment = $3-,%tmp1 = [*] {*},%tmp2 = [*] {*} * if (: * iswm %comment) { %comment = $4- } var %nick = $gettok(%comment,1,32),%comment = $gettok(%comment,2-,32) if (*@* iswm $gettok(%comment,1,32)) { var %address = $_shit2mask($gettok(%comment,1,32)).address,%comment = $gettok(%comment,2-,32) } %comment = $_clearfperiod(%comment) if (%tmp1 iswm %comment) || (%tmp2 iswm %comment) { var %ip = $_clearpb($gettok(%comment,1,32)),%class = $_clearpb($gettok(%comment,2,32)),%comment = $gettok(%comment,3-,32) } if ($_snotice.ufilter(clientconnect,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^snotice.clientconnecting(%server,$1-,%nick,%address,%ip,%class,%port,$_clearpb(%comment)) } ; ircu: "Client exiting: %s (%s@%s) [%s] [%s]" ; ircu: "Client exiting: %s (%s@%s) [%s]" ; hybrid: "Client exiting: %s (%s@%s) [%s] [%s]" elseif (Client exiting* iswm $1-) { var %nick,%address,%ip,%class,%port,%comment = $3- if (: * iswm %comment) { %comment = $4- } var %nick = $gettok(%comment,1,32),%comment = $gettok(%comment,2-,32) if (*@* iswm $gettok(%comment,1,32)) { var %address = $_shit2mask($gettok(%comment,1,32)).address,%comment = $gettok(%comment,2-,32) } %comment = $_clearfperiod(%comment) if ([*] [*] iswm %comment) { var %ip = $_clearpb($gettok(%comment,-1,32)),%comment = $deltok(%comment,-1,32) } if ($_snotice.ufilter(clientconnect,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^snotice.clientexiting(%server,$1-,%nick,%address,%ip,%class,%port,$_clearpb(%comment)) } ; df467: "Invalid username: %s" ; hybrid: "Invalid username: %s (%s@%s)" elseif (Invalid username: * iswm $1-) { var %nick,%addy,%host,%tmp,%comment if (*[*] iswm $3) { var %tmp = $3,%comment = $4- } elseif (*@* iswm $4) { var %tmp = $3 $+ $4,%comment = $5- } else { var %tmp = $3,%comment = $4- } var %nick = $_shit2mask(%tmp).nick,%addy = $_shit2mask(%tmp).address,%host = $_shit2mask(%tmp).host,%comment = $_clearpb(%comment) if ($_snotice.ufilter(invalidusername,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^snotice.invalidusername(%server,$1-,%nick,%addy,%host,%comment) } ; hybrid: "STATS %c requested by %s (%s@%s) [%s]" elseif (STATS == $1) && (requested by * iswm $3-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(commandsused,%me,$5)) { return } return $^snotice.statsrequested(%server,$1-,$5,$2,$_clearpb($6),$_clearpb($7-)) } ; "Kill line active for %s" elseif (Kill line active for * iswm $1-) { var %nick = $_shit2mask($5).nick,%addy = $_shit2mask($5).address,%host = $_shit2mask($5).host if ($_snotice.ufilter(akills,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^,$1-,%nick,%addy,%host) } ; "K-line active for %s" elseif (K-line active for * iswm $1-) { var %nick = $_shit2mask($4).nick,%addy = $_shit2mask($4).address,%host = $_shit2mask($4).host if ($_snotice.ufilter(akills,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^,$1-,%nick,%addy,%host) } ; ircu: "Net break: %s (%s)" elseif (Net break: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.netbreak(%server,$1-,$3,$4,$_clearpb($5-)) } ; "Link with %s cancelled: %s" elseif ($1-2 == Link with) && (cancelled: * iswm $4-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,$null)) { return } return $^,$1-,$3,$_clearpb($5-)) } ; hybrid: "Link with %s established: %s" ; all: "Link with %s established." elseif ($1-2 == Link with) && (established* iswm $4-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,$null)) { return } return $^,$1-,$3,$_clearpb($5-)) } ; "Write error to %s, closing link" elseif (Write error to == $1-3) && (closing link* iswm $5-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,$null)) { return } return $^,$1-,$_clearfperiod($4)) } ; "Net junction: %s %s" elseif (Net junction: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.netjunction(%server,$1-,$3,$4) } ; "Completed net.burst from %s." elseif (Completed net.burst from * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.netburst.completed(%server,$1-,$4) } ; "%s acknowledged end of net.burst." elseif (acknowledged end of net.burst. iswm $2-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(splitmerges,%me,$1)) { return } return $^snotice.netburst.ack(%server,$1-,$1) } ; "%s adding %s%s for %s@%s, expiring at " TIME_T_FMT ": %s" elseif (adding GLINE for * iswm $2-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(glines,%me,$1,$9-)) { return } return $^snotice.gline.adding(%server,$1-,$1,$_clearfperiod($5),$remove($8,:),$9-) } elseif (adding local GLINE for * iswm $2-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(glines,%me,$1,$10-)) { return } return $^snotice.gline.addinglocal(%server,$1-,$1,$_clearfperiod($6),$remove($9,:),$10-) } ; "%s removing %s for %s@%s" elseif (removing GLINE for * iswm $2-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(glines,%me,$1)) { return } return $^snotice.gline.removing(%server,$1-,$1,$5) } ; "%s resetting expiration time on %s for %s@%s to " TIME_T_FMT elseif (resetting expiration time on GLINE for * iswm $2-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(glines,%me,$1)) { return } return $^snotice.gline.resettingexp(%server,$1-,$1,$8,$10) } ; "G-line active for %s" elseif (G-line active for * iswm $1-) { var %nick = $_shit2mask($4).nick,%addy = $_shit2mask($4).address,%host = $_shit2mask($4).host if ($_snotice.ufilter(glines,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^,$1-,%nick,%addy,%host) } ; hybrid: "New Max Local Clients: %d" elseif (New Max Local Clients: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(maxconnections,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.newmaxlocalclients(%server,$1-,$5) } ; "Maximum connections: %d (%d clients)" elseif (Maximum connections: * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(maxconnections,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.maximumconnections(%server,$1-,$3,$remove($4,$chr(40))) } ; hybrid: "%s has removed the K-Line for: [%s@%s] (%d matches)" elseif (has removed the K-Line for: * iswm $2-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(akills,%me,$1)) { return } return $^snotice.akill.removed(%server,$1-,$1,$_clearpb($7),$remove($8,$chr(40))) } ; hybrid: "Cannot accept connections %s:%s" elseif (Cannot accept connections * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(connectionfailures,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.cannotacceptonnections(%server,$1-,$gettok($4,1,58),$gettok($4-,2-,58)) } ; hybrid: "%s (%s@%s) is doing a /whois on you." elseif (is doing a == $3-5) && ($istok(whois /whois,$6,32)) && (on you. == $7-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(whoisonyou,%me,$1)) { return } return $^snotice.whoisonyou(%server,$1-,$1,$_shit2mask($2).address) } ; "Got signal SIGHUP, reloading ircd conf. file" elseif (Got signal SIGHUP, reloading ircd conf. file == $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(rehash,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.rehashSIGHUPconfigfile(%server,$1-) } ; "SETTIME from %s, clock is set %ld seconds %s" elseif (SETTIME from == $1-2) && (clock is set * iswm $4-) { var %nick = $_clearfperiod($3),%seconds = $7,%forward = $iif(f* iswm $9,1,0) if ($_snotice.ufilter(clockstuff,%me,%nick)) { return } return $^snotice.settime(%server,$1-,%nick,%seconds,%forward) } ; ircu: "Bogus server name (%s) from %s" elseif (Bogus server name * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(bogusservername,%me,$null)) { return } return $^snotice.bogusservername(%server,$1-,$_clearpb($6),$_clearpb($4)) } ; "HACK(4): %s BURST %s %s" ; "%sHACK(%d): %s MODE %s %s%s [" TIME_T_FMT "]" ; "HACK(2): %s CREATE %s %s" ; sprintf_irc(sendbuf, ":%s NOTICE * :*** Notice -- %sHACK(%d): %s MODE %s %s%s [" TIME_T_FMT "]",, (badop == 3) ? "BOUNCE or " : "", badop, parv[0], parv[1], parv[2], params, chptr->creationtime); elseif (BOUNCE or HACK(3)* iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(hack,%me,$1-)) { return } return $^snotice.hack(%server,$1-,$remove($3,HACK,:,$chr(40),$chr(41)),$4,MODE,$6-) } elseif (HACK(?)* iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(hack,%me,$1-)) { return } return $^snotice.hack(%server,$1-,$remove($1,HACK,:,$chr(40),$chr(41)),$2,$3,$4-) } ; "NET.RIDE on opless %s from %s" elseif (NET.RIDE on opless * iswm $1-) { if ($_snotice.ufilter(hack,%me,$6)) { return } return $^snotice.netride(%server,$1-,$4,$6) } else { if ($_snotice.ufilter(montonesdemierda,%me,$1-)) { return } return $^snotice.default(%server,$1-) } } else { return $^snotice.default(%server,$1-) } } alias _windowsize.Server Notices { return X Y 324 68 } alias _windowopts.Server Notices { return 1 1 1 }

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Benzer Konular
Konu Konuyu Başlatan Forum Cevaplar Son Mesaj
Franz Kline Biyografisi - Franz Kline Kimdir - Franz Kline Hayatı AftieL Ressamlar 1 09 Ocak 2024 13:05
saldırı kline fener1907 mIRC Scripting Sorunları 3 23 Aralık 2009 07:53
Kline Kod Yardim TUNAHAN mIRC Scripting Hazır Kodlar 6 31 Mayıs 2009 22:54
bot'a kline gline QkLa mIRC Scripting Sorunları 3 04 Mart 2009 17:20
Flood'da IP'ye kline arananadam1 mIRC Scripting Sorunları 3 08 Nisan 2006 03:34