28 Şubat 2007, 19:18
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; /grouplist tool ; by ch1zra ; ch1zra@gmail.com ; http://uptheirons.co.sr/ ; #Scripters @ irc.krstarica.com ; Copyright © Up The Irons ! inc. Scripting Team ; ; <----------------------- $Comments -----------------------> ; made for scripters, aka developers ;] ; just a handy tool for checking #group status ; and a option to enable/disable selected group. ; enjoy ;] alias grouplist { if ($dialog(grouplist)) { dialog -ve grouplist grouplist } else dialog -mdro grouplist grouplist } dialog grouplist { title "/grouplist manager v1.1 by ch1zra " size -1 -1 150 85 option dbu list 1, 5 5 70 75, size text "Kapa yada aç ", 2, 80 25 65 8 radio "Aç", 3, 80 35 20 10 radio "Kapa", 4, 102 35 20 10 text "Dosya adı :", 5, 80 45 65 8 edit "", 6, 80 55 65 10, disable text "Kontrol paneli :]", 7, 80 5 65 15 button "Tamam", 8, 80 70 30 10, flat button "Kapat", 9, 115 70 30 10, flat ok } on *:dialog:grouplist:init:*: { var %i 1 while (%i <= $group(0)) { did -a $dname 1 $group(%i).name inc %i } } on *:dialog:grouplist:sclick:*: { if ($did == 1) { if ($did(1).seltext == $null) { did -u $dname 3,4 } else { if ($group($did(1).seltext).status == on) { did -c $dname 3 | did -u $dname 4 } else { did -c $dname 4 | did -u $dname 3 } did -ra $dname 6 $nopath($group($did(1).seltext).fname) did -ra $dname 2 Status for $group($did(1).seltext).name } } if ($did == 3) { .enable $did(1).seltext } if ($did == 4) { .disable $did(1).seltext } if ($did == 8) { dialog -i grouplist if ($input(/grouplist tool $crlf $crlf by ch1zra $crlf $crlf ch1zra@gmail.com $& $crlf http://uptheirons.co.sr/ $crlf #Scripters @ irc.krstarica.com $& ,oi,About /grouplist)) { dialog -e grouplist } } } menu menubar,channel,status,query { Grouplist:grouplist }
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