PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
;;; Groups
#ircop.netscan off
raw 352:*:{ haltdef | did -a $ircop.scanner 11 $6 }
raw 315:*:{ haltdef | .disable #ircop.netscan }
#ircop.netscan end
#ircop.chanscan off
raw 352:*:{ haltdef | if (* isin $7) did -a $ircop.scanner 12 $6 }
raw 315:*:{ haltdef | .disable #ircop.chanscan }
#ircop.netscan end
;;; Dialogs
Dialog IrcOp.scanner.dialog {
Title "IRcop Taraması"
Size -1 -1 200 103
Option DBU
Button "Tamam", 1, 3 89 30 12, Ok Default
Button "İptal", 2, 36 89 30 12, Cancel
Text "X", 4, 147 92 60 10,
Box "Serverde", 5, 3 2 73 84,
Box "Kanalda", 6, 79 2 73 84,
Box "Ayarlar", 7, 155 2 40 84,
Button "Tara", 8, 25 73 30 10,
Button "Tara", 9, 83 73 30 10,
Button "Yenile", 19, 118 73 30 10,
Combo 10, 83 60 66 100, Sort Drop
list 11, 7 10 65 67, sort autovs autohs
list 12, 83 10 65 54, sort autovs autohs
Button "Özele Al", 13, 160 11 30 10,
Button "Notice At", 14, 160 23 30 10,
Button "CTCP", 15, 160 35 30 10,
Button "Bilgileri", 16, 160 47 30 10,
Button "Ignore Et", 17, 160 59 30 10,
Button "Notife Al", 18, 160 71 30 10,
Dialog IrcOp.ctcp.dialog {
Title "IrcOp Scanner - CTCP"
Size -1 -1 102 74
Option DBU
Button "Gönder", 1, 3 60 30 12, Ok Default
Button "İptal", 2, 36 60 30 12, Cancel
Box "CTCPs", 4, 3 2 96 55,
Radio "Ping", 5, 7 11 30 10,
Radio "Time", 6, 7 22 30 10,
Radio "Version", 7, 7 33 30 10,
Radio "Other:", 8, 7 44 30 10,
Edit "", 9, 39 44 56 10,
;;; Aliases
alias ircop-scan { dialog -m $ircop.scanner $ircop.scanner }
alias -l ircop.scanner { return ircop.scanner.dialog }
alias -l ircop.ctcp { return ircop.ctcp.dialog }
alias -l ircop.rechan {
did -r $ircop.scanner 10 1 | ircop.addchan | did -c $ircop.scanner 10 1
if ($did($ircop.scanner,10) ischan) { did -e $ircop.scanner 9 }
else { did -b $ircop.scanner 9 }
alias -l ircop.scan {
if ($1 == net) { .enable #ircop.netscan | who 0 o }
elseif ($1 == chan) { .enable #ircop.chanscan | who $did($ircop.scanner,10,$did($ircop.scanner,10).sel).text }
alias -l ircop.addchan {
var %~ircop.channum = 0
while (%~ircop.channum >= 0) {
inc %~ircop.channum
var %~ircop.chan = $chan(%~ircop.channum)
if (%~ircop.chan == $null) { goto Break }
did -a $ircop.scanner 10 %~ircop.chan
;;; Remote Events
on *:DIALOG:ircop.scanner.dialog:init:0:{
did -b $ircop.scanner 4,13,14,15,16,17,18
if ($server) { ircop.addchan | did -c $ircop.scanner 10 1 }
else { did -b $ircop.scanner 8,9,10,19 }
if ($did(10,$did(10).sel) == $null) { did -b $ircop.scanner 9 }
on *:DIALOG:ircop.ctcp.dialog:Init:0:{ did -c $ircop.ctcp 5 | did -b $ircop.ctcp 9 }
on *:DIALOG:ircop.scanner.dialog:Sclick:*:{
if ($did == 1) { $iif($dialog($ircop.ctcp),dialog -x $ircop.ctcp) | unset %~ircop.* }
if ($did == 2) { $iif($dialog($ircop.ctcp),dialog -x $ircop.ctcp) | unset %~ircop.* }
if ($did == 8) { did -r $ircop.scanner 11 | $ircop.scan(net) }
if ($did == 9) { did -r $ircop.scanner 12 | $ircop.scan(chan) }
if ($did == 11) {
did -e $ircop.scanner 13,14,15,16,17,18
if ($address($did(11,$did(11).sel),0) isignore) { did -o $ircop.scanner 17 1 UnIgnore }
else { did -o $ircop.scanner 17 1 Ignore }
if ($address($did(11,$did(11).sel),0) isnotify) { did -o $ircop.scanner 18 1 UnNotify }
else { did -o $ircop.scanner 18 1 Notify }
if ($did == 13) { query $did(11,$did(11).sel) }
if ($did == 14) { notice $did(11,$did(11).sel) $$?="Notice to send to user:" }
if ($did == 15) {
if ($dialog($ircop.ctcp)) { dialog -v $ircop.ctcp $ircop.ctcp }
else { %~ircop.ctcpnick = $did(11,$did(11).sel) | dialog -m $ircop.ctcp $ircop.ctcp }
if ($did == 16) { whois $did(11,$did(11).sel) }
if ($did == 17) {
if ($address($did(11,$did(11).sel),0) isignore) { ignore -r $address($did(11,$did(11).sel),0) | did -o $ircop.scanner 17 1 Ignore }
else { ignore -cktinp $address($did(11,$did(11).sel),0) | did -o $ircop.scanner 17 1 UnIgnore }
if ($did == 18) {
if ($address($did(11,$did(11).sel),0) isnotify) { notify -r $address($did(11,$did(11).sel),0) | did -o $ircop.scanner 18 1 Notify }
else { notify $address($did(11,$did(11).sel),0) | did -o $ircop.scanner 18 1 UnNotify }
if ($did == 19) { ircop.rechan }
on *:DIALOG:ircop.scanner.dialog:DClick:*:{
if ($did == 11) { if ($server) whois $did(11,$did(11).sel) }
if ($did == 12) { if ($server) whois $did(12,$did(12).sel) }
on *:DIALOG:ircop.ctcp.dialog:Sclick:*:{
if ($did == 1) {
if ($did(5).state) { ctcp %~ircop.ctcpnick Ping }
if ($did(6).state) { ctcp %~ircop.ctcpnick Time }
if ($did(7).state) { ctcp %~ircop.ctcpnick Version }
if ($did(8).state) {
if ($did(9)) { ctcp %~ircop.ctcpnick $strip($did(9)) }
else { echo $colour(Info) -s * /ctcp: insufficient parameters }
unset %~ircop.ctcpnick
if (($did == 5) || ($did == 6) || ($did == 7)) { did -b $ircop.ctcp 9 }
if ($did == 8) { did -e $ircop.ctcp 9 }
on *:CONNECT:{
if ($dialog($ircop.scanner)) {
did -e $ircop.scanner 8,10,19
if ($did($ircop.scanner,10)) { did -e $ircop.scanner 9 }
if ($dialog($ircop.scanner)) { did -b $ircop.scanner 8,9,10,19 }
on me:JOIN:#:{ ircop.rechan }
on me:PART:#:{ ircop.rechan }
on *:LOAD:{
if ($bits < 32) { echo -s *** Error: This addon requires mIRC32 in order to run. You are using mirc $+ $bits $+ . | unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " }
if ($version < 5.72) { echo -s *** Error: This addon requires mIRC version 5.72 or later. You are using $version $+ . | unload -rs " $+ $script $+ " }
else { echo -s *** IrcOp v1.4 has been loaded successfully. Please refer to ReadMe.txt on how to use this addon. }
kanallarda veya serverde ircop taraması yapan addondur. gayet hoş ve işe yarıyor bazı yerlerini türkçeleştirdim umarım işinize yarar.
Yükleme: Boş Bir Txt Belgesi Oluşturun bu txt belgesinin adı örnek ircop.txt olsun bu belgeyi Mirc Klasörünüzün İçine Veya Mirc Klasörünüzün İçinde Başka Bir Klasöre Atın daha sonra mirci açıp
yazıp enterleyin bu sayede ircop taraması mircinize yüklenecektir. çalıştırmak için