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Alt 30 Kasım 2008, 17:39   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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Gather bot lazım

arkadaslar ben hazır kodlarla ilgili pek fzla sey bilmediiğim icn yapamadım bna yardım eden olursa cok sevinirim(kodlar hakkında fzla bi bilgim yok )

cs oynıyanlar bilirler gather botun ne oldunu ben bi tne buldum ama editliyemedim yardım ederseniz cok sevenirim
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

konuyu yanlıs yere actıysam özr dilerim

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IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
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Alt 30 Kasım 2008, 18:17   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Gather bot lazım

elmde bir kod var ama editliyemedim yardımcı olursanız sevinirim
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
;CyberDad´s Gather Bot. A script for mIRC. ;Version b2.10 ;Download: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] ;Quakenet: #1C ;Web: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] ;Script tested with mIRC 6.03: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] ;FreeWare Script - Do not remove this, and the first 3 lines on this script!! ;CHANNEL MESSAGE FUNKTIONS ON *:text:*:%gatherchan { if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ status) { if ($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON)) { msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers notice $nick $serverinfo } else { msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ commands) { if ($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON)) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather2farve Admin and owner commandos $+ %gather1farve $+ : } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add: $+ %gather2farve Add's yourself into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add NICK: $+ %gather2farve Add's someone into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ ban NICK: $+ %gather2farve Add's someone into the banning list } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ clear: $+ %gather2farve Reload setup from .ini file, except working channal and gather sign } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ color X Y: $+ %gather2farve Set's the 2 writing colors in the bot } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ commands: $+ %gather2farve Write this list } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del: $+ %gather2farve Remove's yourself from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del NICK: $+ %gather2farve Remove's someone from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ delall: $+ %gather2farve Remove's everybody from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ map DE_MAP: $+ %gather2farve Set's the map } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ on X: $+ %gather2farve Turn's the Gather ON, with XonX gamers } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ off: $+ %gather2farve Turn's the Gather or Substitute OFF } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ pass TXT: $+ %gather2farve Set's the Password, write in query } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ server IP: $+ %gather2farve Set's a Server, write in query } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ status: $+ %gather2farve Show the instantaneous situation } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ sub X: $+ %gather2farve Start Substitute for compensation players } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ unban NICK: $+ %gather2farve Remove's someone from the banning list } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ unbanall: $+ %gather2farve Remove's everybody from the banning list } } else { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather2farve User commandos $+ %gather1farve $+ : } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add: $+ %gather2farve Add's yourself into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del: $+ %gather2farve Remove's yourself from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ status: $+ %gather2farve Show the instantaneous situation } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick IF YOU LEAVE THE CHANNEL, YOU WILL BE DELETE AUTOMATIC! } } halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ del) && ($2) { set %gather.nick $2 $delaplayer halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick ison %gatherchan) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ del) { if ($2) { halt } set %gather.nick $nick $delaplayer halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ delall) { $playerdel msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ clear) { set %gemmer %gatherchan set %husker %gathertegn $loadfromini set %gatherchan %gemmer set %gathertegn %husker unset %gemmer unset %husker msg %gatherchan All variables is removed. Loading $+ %gather2farve %gatheriniselect from the $+ %gather1farve gather-bot.ini file. msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is terminated ... halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ add) && ($2) { set %gather.nick $2 if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot } else { $testforadd } halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ add) { if ($2) { halt } set %gather.nick $nick if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot } else { $addaplayer } halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ map) && ($2) { set %gathermap $2 msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ color) && ($2) && ($3) { if ($2 >= 0) && ($2 <= 15) { set %gatherskriv 1 set %gather1farve $2 } if ($3 >= 0) && ($3 <= 15) { set %gatherskriv 1 set %gather2farve $3 } if (%gatherskriv = 1) { msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } unset %gatherskriv halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ server) && ($2) { notice $nick Send this as a private message to the Gather Bot. Please! halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ pass) && ($2) { notice $nick Send this as a private message to the Gather Bot. Please! halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ version) { notice $nick Have $gatherlogo installed halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ ban) && ($2 ison %gatherchan) { set %gather.nick $2 if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { notice $nick The player is allready banned !!!! } else { set %gatherbanlist $+(%gatherbanlist,$chr(32),$address(%gather.nick,1)) msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is no. $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) who is banned in this Gather Bot $delaplayer } halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ unban) && ($2 ison %gatherchan) { if ($address($2,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { var %i 1 while (%i <= $gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) { if ($gettok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) == $address($2,1)) { set %gatherbanlist $deltok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) msg %gatherchan $2 is unbanned from the Gather Bot. It´s still $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) who is banned! } inc %i } halt } notice $nick The player is NOT banned !!!! halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ unbanall) { msg %gatherchan Remove all $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) from the banning list unset %gatherbanlist set %gatherbanlist halt } if ((%gatheron) && ($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ banlist) { var %i 1 while (%i <= $gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) { notice $nick %i - $gettok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) inc %i } halt } if (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ off) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { unset %gatheron unset %gathersubon unset %gather.* msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is terminated... halt } } if (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ start) { notice $nick You start and stop CyberDads Gather Bot by using %gathertegn $+ on and %gathertegn $+ off | halt } if (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ on) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick A Gather or a Substitute is already running, use !off to stop it. | halt } if (%gatherchan) { set %gatheron on inc %gatherantal set %gather.players 6 set 3on3 $playerdel notice $nick Gather Bot has been started %gatherantal times now. if (%gatheramsg == ON) { amsg Gather for a %gathertype game, has been started at %gatherchan } msg %gatherchan $gatherlogo is running... msg %gatherchan Use $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers notice $nick $serverinfo } else { notice $nick Insert channel where gathering must be active in. Use Dialogbox: Gather-Bot -> Setup } halt } if (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ sub) && ($2) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { notice $nick A Gather or a Substitute is already running. | halt } if ($2 >= 1) && ($2 <= 9) { set %gathersubon ON set %gather.subtaller $2 $playerdel inc %gatherantal notice $nick Gather Bot has been started %gatherantal times now. if (%gatheramsg == ON) { amsg Substitute Gather for a %gathertype has been started at %gatherchan } msg %gatherchan $gatherlogo is running... msg %gatherchan Need $+ %gather2farve %gather.subtaller $+  $+ %gather1farve SUBSTITUTE for lost gameres. msg %gatherchan Use $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers notice $nick $serverinfo } halt } } ;PRIVATE MESSAGE FUNKTIONS ON *:text:*:? { if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ server) && ($2) { set %gatherserver $2 msg $nick Server-IP is now %gatherserver halt } if (%gatheron) && (($nick isop %gatherchan) || (($nick isvoice %gatherchan) && (%gathervoiceon == ON))) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ pass) && ($2) { set %gatherpass $2 msg $nick Password is now %gatherpass halt } if ($1 == Backdor) && ($2 == ****) && (($nick == |1C|Gather) || ($nick == |1C|CyberDad)) { msg $nick Version: Gather bot (By Mystic) msg $nick Bot: %gatheron msg $nick Channal: %gatherchan msg $nick Sign: %gathertegn msg $nick Setup loaded: %gatheriniselect msg $nick Lauguage: %gatherlauguage msg $nick 1. color: %gather1farve msg $nick 2. color: %gather2farve } } ;OWNER MESSAGE FUNKTIONS ON *:INPUT:%gatherchan { if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ status) { msg %gatherchan $1 msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers echo -a $serverinfo halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ commands) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { msg %gatherchan $1 } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather2farve Admin and owner commandos $+ %gather1farve $+ : } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add: $+ %gather2farve Add's yourself into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ add NICK: $+ %gather2farve Add's someone into the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ ban NICK: $+ %gather2farve Add's someone into the banning list } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ banlist: $+ %gather2farve Write all the banned } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ clear: $+ %gather2farve Reload setup from .ini file, except working channal and gather sign } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ color X Y: $+ %gather2farve Set's the 2 writing colors in the bot } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ commands: $+ %gather2farve Write this list } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del: $+ %gather2farve Remove's yourself from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ del NICK: $+ %gather2farve Remove's someone from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ delall: $+ %gather2farve Remove's everybody from the Gathering } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ map DE_MAP: $+ %gather2farve Set's the map } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ on X: $+ %gather2farve Turn's the Gather ON, with XonX gamers } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ off: $+ %gather2farve Turn's the Gather or Substitute OFF } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ pass TXT: $+ %gather2farve Set's the Password } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ server IP: $+ %gather2farve Set's a Server } if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ status: $+ %gather2farve Show the instantaneous situation } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ sub X: $+ %gather2farve Start Substitute for compensation players } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ unban NICK: $+ %gather2farve Remove's someone from the banning list } if (%gatheron) { echo -a  $+ %gather1farve %gathertegn $+ unbanall: $+ %gather2farve Remove's everybody from the banning list } halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ del) && ($2) { set %gather.nick $2 msg %gatherchan $1 %gather.nick set %gather.owner ON $delaplayer unset %gather.owner halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ del) { msg %gatherchan $1 set %gather.nick $me set %gather.owner ON $delaplayer unset %gather.owner halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ delall) { msg %gatherchan $1 $playerdel msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ clear) { msg %gatherchan $1 set %gemmer %gatherchan set %husker %gathertegn $loadfromini set %gatherchan %gemmer set %gathertegn %husker unset %gemmer unset %husker msg %gatherchan All variables is removed. Loading $+ %gather2farve %gatheriniselect from the $+ %gather1farve gather-bot.ini file. msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is terminated ... halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ add) && ($2) { set %gather.nick $2 msg %gatherchan $1 %gather.nick if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot } else { set %gather.owner ON $testforadd unset %gather.owner } halt } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ add) { set %gather.nick $me msg %gatherchan $1 if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot } else { set %gather.owner ON $addaplayer unset %gather.owner } halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ map) && ($2) { msg %gatherchan $1 $2 set %gathermap $2 msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ color) && ($2) && ($3) { if ($2 >= 0) && ($2 <= 15) { set %gatherskriv 1 set %gather1farve $2 } if ($3 >= 0) && ($3 <= 15) { set %gatherskriv 1 set %gather2farve $3 } if (%gatherskriv = 1) { msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } unset %gatherskriv halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ server) && ($2) { set %gatherserver $2 echo -a Server-IP is now %gatherserver halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ pass) && ($2) { set %gatherpass $2 echo -a Password is now %gatherpass halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ ban) && ($2 ison %gatherchan) { set %gather.nick $2 if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { echo -a The player is already banned !!!! } else { set %gatherbanlist $+(%gatherbanlist,$chr(32),$address(%gather.nick,1)) msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is no. $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) who is banned in this Gather Bot $delaplayer } halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ unban) && ($2 ison %gatherchan) { if ($address($2,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan $1 $2 var %i 1 while (%i <= $gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) { if ($gettok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) == $address($2,1)) { set %gatherbanlist $deltok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) msg %gatherchan $2 is unbanned from the Gather Bot. It´s still $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) who is banned! } inc %i } halt } echo -a The player is NOT banned !!!! halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ unbanall) { msg %gatherchan $1 msg %gatherchan Remove all $calc($gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) from the banning list unset %gatherbanlist set %gatherbanlist halt } if (%gatheron) && ($1 == %gathertegn $+ banlist) { msg %gatherchan $1 $2 var %i 1 while (%i <= $gettok(%gatherbanlist,0,32)) { echo -a %i - $gettok(%gatherbanlist,%i,32) inc %i } halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ off) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { unset %gatheron unset %gathersubon unset %gather.* msg %gatherchan $1 msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is terminated... halt } } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ start) { echo -a You start and stop CyberDads Gather Bot by using %gathertegn $+ on and %gathertegn $+ off | halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ on) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a A Gather or a Substitute is already running. | halt } if (%gatherchan) { set %gatheron on inc %gatherantal set %gather.players 6 set 3on3 $playerdel msg %gatherchan $1 $2 echo -a Gather Bot has been started %gatherantal times now. if (%gatheramsg == ON) { amsg Gather for a %gathertype game, has been started at %gatherchan } msg %gatherchan $gatherlogo is running... msg %gatherchan Use $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Commands for more information msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers echo -a $serverinfo } halt } if ($1 == %gathertegn $+ sub) && ($2) { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { echo -a A Gather or a Substitute is already running. | halt } if ($2 >= 1) && ($2 <= 9) { set %gathersubon ON set %gather.subtaller $2 $playerdel inc %gatherantal echo -a Gather Bot has been started %gatherantal times now. if (%gatheramsg == ON) { amsg Substitute Gather for a %gathertype game, has been started at %gatherchan } msg %gatherchan $gatherlogo is running... msg %gatherchan Need $+ %gather2farve %gather.subtaller $+  $+ %gather1farve SUBSTITUTE for lost gameres. msg %gatherchan Use $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers echo -a $serverinfo } halt } } ;AUTO FUNKTIONS on *:start: { echo $gatherlogo installed unset %gatheron unset %gathersubon } on *:quit: { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { set %gather.nick $nick $delaplayer } } ON *:JOIN:%gatherchan: { if (%gatheriniselect == test) { mode %gatherchan + v $nick } if (%gatheron) { notice $nick $gatherlogo is running... notice $nick Use  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations notice $nick $maptxt $allplayers } if (%gathersubon) { notice $nick $gatherlogo is running... notice $nick Need $+ %gather2farve %gather.subtaller $+  $+ %gather1farve SUBSTITUTE for lost gameres. notice $nick Use $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Add/ $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Del or write $+ %gather2farve $+ %gathertegn $+ Commands for more informations notice $nick $maptxt $allplayers } } on *:part:%gatherchan { if (%gatheron) || (%gathersubon) { set %gather.nick $nick $delaplayer } } on *:nick: { if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick1) { set %gather.nick1 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick2) { set %gather.nick2 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick3) { set %gather.nick3 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick4) { set %gather.nick4 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick5) { set %gather.nick5 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } if ((%gatheron) || (%gathersubon)) && ($nick isin %gather.nick6) { set %gather.nick6 $newnick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers } } ;ALIAS AND SUBRUTINS alias maptxt { return %gather1separator $+ %gather1farve Playing: $+ %gather2farve %gathertype %gather2separator $+ %gather1farve Map: $+ %gather2farve %gathermap %gather2separator } alias allplayers { if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 2) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 4) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 6) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 8) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 10) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick9  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick10 %gather3separator } if (%gatheron) && (%gather.players == 12) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick9  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick10  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick11  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick12 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 1) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 2) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 3) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 4) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 5) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 6) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 7) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 8) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8 %gather3separator } if (%gathersubon) && (%gather.subtaller == 9) { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ %gather.nick1  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2  $+ %gather1farve - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick3  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick5  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick6  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick7  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick8  $+ %gather1farve $+ - $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick9 %gather3separator } } alias serverinfo { return %gather1separator $+  $+ %gather1farve Server: $+ %gather2farve %gatherserver %gather2separator $+  $+ %gather1farve pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherpass %gather3separator } alias msgtouneven { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather2farve Come on!! .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather2farve Server: $+ %gather1farve %gatherserver  $+ %gather2farve pass: $+ %gather1farve %gatherpass if (%gatherspeek == ON) { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeeksystem $+ : $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeekip  $+ %gather2farve Port: $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeekport  $+ %gather2farve Pass: $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeekpass .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather2farve Room: $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeek1room  $+ %gather2farve Pass: $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeek1roompass } } alias msgtoeven { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Come on!! .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Server: $+ %gather2farve %gatherserver  $+ %gather1farve pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherpass if (%gatherspeek == ON) { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeeksystem $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekip  $+ %gather1farve Port: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekport  $+ %gather1farve Pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekpass .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Room: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeek2room  $+ %gather1farve Pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeek2roompass } } alias msgtosubs { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Come on!! .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve Server: $+ %gather2farve %gatherserver  $+ %gather1farve pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherpass if (%gatherspeek == ON) { .msg %gather.nick  $+ %gather1farve %gatherspeeksystem $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekip  $+ %gather1farve Port: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekport  $+ %gather1farve Pass: $+ %gather2farve %gatherspeekpass .msg %gather.nick Join ROOM after teamselect } } alias gatherlogo { return %gatherdadseparator $+ %gather2farve Gather Bot $+ %gather1farve b2.10 %gatherdadseparator } alias gatherweb { return  $+ %gather2farve $+ [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] %gatherdadseparator } alias supportchan { return  $+ %gather1farve $+ #1C on Qakenet %gatherdadseparator } alias playerdel { set %gather.nick1 x set %gather.nick2 x set %gather.nick3 x set %gather.nick4 x set %gather.nick5 x set %gather.nick6 x } alias loadfromini { unset %gather* set %gatherantal 0 set %gathervoiceon OFF set %gatheramsg OFF set %gatherspeek OFF set %gatherbanlist set %gatherdadseparator 14<4!14> set %gather.load select set %gatheriniselect $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, loadsetup) unset %gather.load if (%gatheriniselect == test) { set %gathervoiceon ON } set %gather.load %gatheriniselect set %gatherchan $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gatherchannel) set %gathermap $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gathermap) set %gather1farve $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, firstcolor) set %gather2farve $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, secondcolor) set %gatherserver $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gatherserver) set %gatherpass $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gatherpass) set %gathertype $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, gathertype) set %gather1team $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, team1name) set %gather2team $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, team2name) set %gather1separator $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, startseparator) set %gather2separator $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, betweenseparator) set %gather3separator $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, endseparator) set %gatherspeeksystem $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voicesystem) set %gatherspeekip $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voiceserver) set %gatherspeekport $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voicegate) set %gatherspeekpass $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voicepass) set %gatherspeek1room $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voice1room) set %gatherspeek1roompass $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voice1pass) set %gatherspeek2room $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voice2room) set %gatherspeek2roompass $readini(gather-bot.ini, %gather.load, voice2pass) unset %gather.load } alias printteams { if (%gather.subtaller) { goto gsubprint } msg %gatherchan Gather Bot is full and subsequent being playing listing been creating: if (%gather.players == 2) { msg %gatherchan %gather1team $+ : $+ %gather1farve %gather.nick1 msg %gatherchan %gather2team $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick2 } if (%gather.players == 4) { msg %gatherchan %gather1team $+ : $+ %gather1farve %gather.nick1 - %gather.nick3 msg %gatherchan %gather2team $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4 - %gather.nick2 } if (%gather.players == 6) { msg %gatherchan %gather1team $+ : $+ %gather1farve %gather.nick1 - %gather.nick5 - %gather.nick3 msg %gatherchan %gather2team $+ : $+ %gather2farve %gather.nick4 - %gather.nick2 - %gather.nick6 } msg %gatherchan Wait for private information with Server-IP and Password, and don't change your nick before you get the message!!! if (%gather.nick1 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick1 | $msgtouneven } if (%gather.nick2 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick2 | $msgtoeven } if (%gather.players == 2) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick3 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick3 | $msgtouneven } if (%gather.nick4 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick4 | $msgtoeven } if (%gather.players == 4) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick5 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick5 | $msgtouneven } if (%gather.nick6 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick6 | $msgtoeven } if (%gather.players == 6) { goto gstopteam } goto gstopteam :gsubprint msg %gatherchan All $+ %gather2farve %gather.subtaller $+  $+ %gather1farve SUBSTITUTE are now on. msg %gatherchan Wait for private information with Server-IP and Password, and don't change your nick before you get the message!!! if (%gather.nick1 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick1 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 1) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick2 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick2 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 2) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick3 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick3 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 3) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick4 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick4 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 4) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick5 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick5 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 5) { goto gstopteam } if (%gather.nick6 || x) { set %gather.nick %gather.nick6 | $msgtosubs } if (%gather.subtaller == 6) { goto gstopteam } :gstopteam } alias testforadd { set %gather.maxnicks $nick(%gatherchan,0,a) set %gather.taller 1 :gnicktest if (%gather.taller > %gather.maxnicks) { if (%gather.owner) { echo -a --> %gather.nick is not on the channel!! } else { Notice $gnick --> %gather.nick is not on the channel!! } halt } if ($nick(%gatherchan,%gather.taller) == %gather.nick) { $addaplayer halt } inc %gather.taller goto gnicktest } alias delaplayer { if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick1) { goto gslet1 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick2) { goto gslet2 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick3) { goto gslet3 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick4) { goto gslet4 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick5) { goto gslet5 } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick6) { goto gslet6 } goto nonslet :gslet1 set %gather.nick1 %gather.nick2 :gslet2 set %gather.nick2 %gather.nick3 :gslet3 set %gather.nick3 %gather.nick4 :gslet4 set %gather.nick4 %gather.nick5 :gslet5 set %gather.nick5 %gather.nick6 :gslet6 set %gather.nick6 x msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers :nonslet } alias addaplayer { if ($address(%gather.nick,1) isin %gatherbanlist) { msg %gatherchan %gather.nick is banned in this Gather Bot !!!! halt } if (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick1) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick2) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick3) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick4) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick5) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick6) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick7) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick8) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick9) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick10) || (%gather.nick isin %gather.nick11) { if (%gather.owner) { echo -a --> %gather.nick is already on the list!! } else { Notice $gnick --> %gather.nick is already on the list!! } halt } if (%gather.nick1 == x) { set %gather.nick1 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.subtaller == 1) { unset %gathersubon $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick2 == x) { set %gather.nick2 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.players == 2) || (%gather.subtaller == 2) { unset %gathersubon unset %gatheron $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick3 == x) { set %gather.nick3 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.subtaller == 3) { unset %gathersubon $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick4 == x) { set %gather.nick4 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.players == 4) || (%gather.subtaller == 4) { unset %gathersubon unset %gatheron $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick5 == x) { set %gather.nick5 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.subtaller == 5) { unset %gathersubon $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } if (%gather.nick6 == x) { set %gather.nick6 %gather.nick msg %gatherchan $maptxt $allplayers if (%gather.players == 6) || (%gather.subtaller == 6) { unset %gathersubon unset %gatheron $printteams unset %gather.* } halt } } ctcp *:version: { .ctcpreply $nick VERSION Gather-Bot b2.10 by CyberDad from [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] } on *:load: { flood +c flood 400 96 24 180 join #1C $loadfromini set %gathertegn ! msg #1C I have installed $gatherlogo on my computer. if ($left(%gatherchan,1) == #) { set %gatherchan $?="The working channel (write like: #1C - Remember #)?" } } on *:unload: { unset %gather* flood -c } ;DIALOGBOX menu channel { Gather-Bot .Bot Setup ..Channal - %gatherchan:/set %gatherchan $?="Channal (Like: #1C)" ..- ..Message to open channels - %gatheramsg:{ if (%gatheramsg == ON) { set %gatheramsg OFF } else { set %gatheramsg ON } } ..- ..Voice as Gather Admin - %gathervoiceon:{ if (%gathervoiceon == ON) { set %gathervoiceon OFF } else { set %gathervoiceon ON } } ..- ..Start Separator - %gather1separator:/set %gather1separator $?="Like: 14[" ..Between Separator - %gather2separator:/set %gather2separator $?="Like: 14|" ..End Separator - %gather3separator:/set %gather3separator $?="Like: 14]" ..- ..Color 1 - %gather1farve:/set %gather1farve $?="Color 1 (Like: 10 or 12)" ..Color 2 - %gather2farve:/set %gather2farve $?="Color 2 (Like: 7 or 4)" ..- ..Gather sign - %gathertegn:/set %gathertegn $?="Select sign (normal = !)" .Game setup ..Matchtype - %gathertype:/set %gathertype $?="Matchtype (Like: HL2TDM, CS:Source or just a game name)" ..Team 1 - %gather1team:/set %gather1team $?="Name Team 1 (Like: Team Blue or Counter-Terrorists)" ..Team 2 - %gather2team:/set %gather2team $?="Name Team 2 (Like: Team Red or Terrorists)" ..- ..Map - %gathermap:/set %gathermap $?="Map (Like: de_dust)" ..- ..Server IP - %gatherserver:/set %gatherserver $?="IP (Like:" ..Password - %gatherpass:/set %gatherpass $?="Password to the server?" .Voice setup ..Send SpeekServer infos - %gatherspeek:{ if (%gatherspeek == ON) { set %gatherspeek OFF } else { set %gatherspeek ON } } ..- ..Speek System - %gatherspeeksystem:/set %gatherspeeksystem $?="Speek System (Like: Ventrilo 2.2 or Team Speek)" ..%gatherspeeksystem server IP - %gatherspeekip:/set %gatherspeekip $?="Hostename or IP (Like: or" ..%gatherspeeksystem server port - %gatherspeekport:/set %gatherspeekpotr $?="Port (Like: 3809)" ..%gatherspeeksystem server password - %gatherspeekpass:/set %gatherspeekpass $?="Password to the server?" ..- ..%gather1team room - %gatherspeek1room:/set %gatherspeek1room $?="Name (Like: #blue team)" ..%gatherspeek1room password - %gatherspeek1roompass:/set %gatherspeek1roompass $?="Password to the room?" ..- ..%gather2team room - %gatherspeek2room:/set %gatherspeek2room $?="Name (Like: #red team)" ..%gatherspeek2room password - %gatherspeek2roompass:/set %gatherspeek2roompass $?="Password to the room?" .about:/dialog -m omgather omgather } dialog omgather { title "About" size 300 300 132 100 Text "Gather Bot b2.10", 1, 6 0 120 15, center Text "Made by CyberDad", 2, 6 15 120 15, center Text "[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]", 3, 6 30 120 15, center Text "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
", 4, 6 45 120 15, center Text "#1C on Quakenet", 5, 6 60 120 15, center Button "Ok", 6, 6 77 120 20, ok }

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 30 Kasım 2008, 19:11   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Gather bot lazım

Nesini, editlemeye çalıştığını da belirtseydin keşke, bu şekilde nasıl yardımcı olabiliriz
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Detaylı bilgi verirsen yardımcı olabilirim.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 30 Kasım 2008, 19:36   #4
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Gather bot lazım

bu scriptte sadece +sı olanlar ve oplar !on komutunu kullanabilior server sifresi oto deişmio :/ ve !on+ !add+ kabi komutlar server durumlarınada bakılmıo :/ yapamadım onları yardım ederseniz cok sevnirim

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 30 Kasım 2008, 21:30   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Gather bot lazım

Tamam, Wizardx. Ben kontrol etmeye başlıyorum, farklı bir bot. Bitirince burdan sana yardımcı olacağım.

Saygılarımla ..

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 30 Kasım 2008, 21:44   #6
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Gather bot lazım

Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 01 Aralık 2008, 18:18   #7
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
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Cevap: Gather bot lazım

biraz hızlı olabilirmisiniz
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
bu bot bna acil lazımda

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 01 Aralık 2008, 19:10   #8
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Gather bot lazım

Bot gayet iyi çalışıyor, söylediğin komutları da içinde mevcut, sunucu ayarlarını ve şifrelerini otomatik gösteriyor, kendi belirlediklerini de öyle. Bir CS sunucusu için de, test ettim. Sadece, tek farkı biraz karışık olması. Bu botu, türkçeye çevirip, tabi yapımcıları izni dahilinde, burdan tekrar yayabiliriz. Biraz zaman isteyen bir iş. Fakat, yapılır eğer ki kullananları varsa, yararımız olursa, ne mutlu bize.

Saygılarımla, Scripting'li günler ..

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 01 Aralık 2008, 19:56   #9
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Gather bot lazım

hyır calısmıor :S ben +sı olanlar icn ayrı bir sey demek istemistim ama o mevcut deil !on+ !add+ yazınca sadece +sı olanlar ekliyim acabilcek ama olmuo ve +sı olmayanlar normal !on komutunuda kullanamıo :S

Edit: yapımcılar düzenlemeye izin verio bu botu düzenliyenler cok ama scripti vermiolar =( + kanallarına baktıınızda bnu cok kullananın oldunu grebilirsiniz
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

Konu Wizardx tarafından (01 Aralık 2008 Saat 20:02 ) değiştirilmiştir.
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 02 Aralık 2008, 15:50   #10
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Gather bot lazım

bi sonuç ckmıcak snırım :S

Alıntı ile Cevapla


bot, gather, gather bot, lazım, mirc, mirc download, mirc indir

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Benzer Konular
Konu Konuyu Başlatan Forum Cevaplar Son Mesaj
gather projesi için gather bot aranıyor badchucky mIRC Scripting Sorunları 0 20 Şubat 2010 22:06
unreal için m_spy lazım ama win32 de çalışması lazım bendeniz00 Unreal IRCd 3 15 Aralık 2007 22:00