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Alt 04 Temmuz 2006, 11:05   #1
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Java (AWT) ile Adam Asmaca Oyunu

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/* * * TODO To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ /** * @author ZURGUN * * TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to * Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; // the class hangman extends JApplet and implements ActionListener public class Hangman extends JApplet implements ActionListener { final int WON = 0, LOST = 1, CONTINUE = 2; // the variables are used in defining the game status boolean no1Gate = false; // these variables are used to make sure that the if statement that boolean no2Gate = false; // checks the random number enters the if statemenet only once. boolean no3Gate = false; // In other words these variables are used to make sure that the boolean no4Gate = false; // won counter is incremented only once even if it enters the "if" more than once int gameStatus = CONTINUE; // game status declaration int limbCounter = 5; // limb counter that'll be decremented if the player makes a wrong guess int correctCounter = 0; // correct counter will be incremented if the player makes a correct guess int randomNumber = 0; // initialization of the random number int number1 ; // initialization of digits of the number to be guessed int number2 ; int number3 ; int number4 ; // GUI components that will be used JLabel limbCount, randomLabel; JTextField no1Field, no2Field, no3Field, no4Field, limbCountField, randomField; JButton guessButton; //set up GUI components and generate the random number that'll be guessed public void init() { // obtain content pane and change its layout to Flowlayout Container container = getContentPane(); container.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); // create label and text field for the GUI no1Field = new JTextField(5); no1Field.setEditable(false); container.add(no1Field); no1Field.setText("*"); no2Field = new JTextField(5); no2Field.setEditable(false); container.add(no2Field); no2Field.setText("*"); no3Field = new JTextField(5); no3Field.setEditable(false); container.add(no3Field); no3Field.setText("*"); no4Field = new JTextField(5); no4Field.setEditable(false); container.add(no4Field); no4Field.setText("*"); guessButton = new JButton("\t\t\tGuess Next Digit Randomly"); guessButton.addActionListener(this); container.add(guessButton); limbCount = new JLabel("\nLimb Counter"); container.add(limbCount); limbCountField = new JTextField(5); limbCountField.setEditable(false); limbCountField.setText(Integer.toString(5)); container.add(limbCountField); randomLabel = new JLabel("\nYour guess is:"); container.add(randomLabel); randomField = new JTextField(5); randomField.setEditable(false); container.add(randomField); randomField.setText(""); // generation of random numbers number1 = 1 + (int)(Math.random()*9); number2 = (int)(Math.random()*10); number3 = (int)(Math.random()*10); number4 = (int)(Math.random()*10); // System.out.println("" + number1 + number2 + number3 + number4); ==> this can be used to trace the corecctness of the code from the execution console } //end method init // process one guess public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent hangmanEvent){ randomNumber = randomGuess(); // call to the method randomGuess that generates a random number // System.out.println("" + randomNumber); ==> this can be used to trace the correctness of the code // check if the guess is correct and check if it is entered before. increment as needed if (randomNumber == number1 || randomNumber == number2 || randomNumber == number3 || randomNumber == number4){ if(randomNumber == number1 && no1Gate == false){ gameStatus = CONTINUE; no1Field.setText(Integer.toString(number1)); no1Gate = true; correctCounter ++; } if(randomNumber == number2 && no2Gate == false){ gameStatus = CONTINUE; no2Field.setText(Integer.toString(number2)); no2Gate = true; correctCounter ++; } if(randomNumber == number3 && no3Gate == false){ gameStatus = CONTINUE; no3Field.setText(Integer.toString(number3)); no3Gate = true; correctCounter ++; } if(randomNumber == number4 && no4Gate == false){ gameStatus = CONTINUE; no4Field.setText(Integer.toString(number4)); no4Gate = true; correctCounter ++; } } // if a wrong guess is made decrement the limb counter. else{ gameStatus = CONTINUE; limbCounter --; limbCountField.setText(Integer.toString(limbCounter)); } // if limbcounter is zero game status is LOST if(limbCounter == 0){ gameStatus = LOST; } // if correct counter is 4 game status is WON if (correctCounter >= 4){ gameStatus = WON; } displayMessage(); // call method displayMessage } //end of action performed // display the according message looking at the game status public void displayMessage(){ if(gameStatus == CONTINUE) showStatus("Click 'Guess Next Digit Randomly' again to make a guess"); else{ if (gameStatus == WON){ showStatus("You won the game. Click 'Guess Next Digit Randomly' to play again"); restart(); // call to the method restart } else{ showStatus("You lost the game. Click 'Guess Next Digit Randomly' to play again"); restart(); // call to the method restart } } } // end of display message // the method rendomGuess generates a random number for the guess of the user public int randomGuess(){ int x = (int) (Math.random()*10); randomField.setText(Integer.toString(x)); // user sees what he guessed by the randomGuess return x; }// end of method randomGuess // the method restart, restarts the game public void restart(){ randomField.setText(""); no1Field.setText("*"); no2Field.setText("*"); no3Field.setText("*"); no4Field.setText("*"); correctCounter = 0; limbCounter = 5; limbCountField.setText(Integer.toString(5)); number1 = 1 + (int)(Math.random()*9); number2 = (int)(Math.random()*10); number3 = (int)(Math.random()*10); number4 = (int)(Math.random()*10); no1Gate = false; no2Gate = false; no3Gate = false; no4Gate = false; } } // end of class Hangman

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Adam Asmaca Oyunu. KuLs Visual Basic 2 21 Şubat 2012 10:30
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