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Alt 07 Aralık 2008, 15:25   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
root ekleme sorunu

arkadaşlar biraz basit ve komik olacak ama ircservices'e root ekleyemedim bir türlü modules.conf'ta

# ServicesRoot <nick> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the Services "super-user". The super-user, or "root" as
# Services X

diye denedim Services'in önündeki # kaldırdım

# Services "X"
Services "X"
denedim fakat olmuyor unreal'i restartladım kac kere tekrar servicesleri soktum nedeni nedir acaba?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet reklamver
Alt 07 Aralık 2008, 16:13   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

Cyptm Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
arkadaşlar biraz basit ve komik olacak ama ircservices'e root ekleyemedim bir türlü modules.conf'ta

# ServicesRoot <nick> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the Services "super-user". The super-user, or "root" as
# Services X

diye denedim Services'in önündeki # kaldırdım

# Services "X"
Services "X"
denedim fakat olmuyor unreal'i restartladım kac kere tekrar servicesleri soktum nedeni nedir acaba?

# ServicesRoot <nick> [REQUIRED]
# Specifies the Services "super-user". The super-user, or "root" as
ServicesRoot "X"

böyle yaparsanız sorununuz çözümlenecektir.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 09 Aralık 2008, 11:17   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

öyle denedim yine olmuyor şu hatayı veriyor. oper girip identify ettigimde nick'i
(11:02:21) *** Global -- from OperServ: Warning: Services super-user nickname Erre is not registered

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 09 Aralık 2008, 13:57   #4
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

Cyptm Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
öyle denedim yine olmuyor şu hatayı veriyor. oper girip identify ettigimde nick'i
(11:02:21) *** Global -- from OperServ: Warning: Services super-user nickname Erre is not registered

Root nick i DAİMA kayıtlı bir kullanıcı olmalıdır ve servislere tanıtılmalıdır.

Root nickiniz örnek : erre

1 - bu nick i kaydedin
2 - /ns identify şifreniz ( şeklinde tanıtın )
3 - su şifrenizi ayarlayıp girin..

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 09 Aralık 2008, 17:08   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

nick'im kayıtlı yine böyle diyor. Orda nick kayıtsız diyor tuaf bişey flaglarla ilgili olabilirmi?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 03 Ocak 2009, 16:59   #6
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

Asagıdaki Verdigim modules.conf dur size Yapmanız Gerekenleri Belirticem

Bu kodu Not Defterine Kopyalayın Ve Satırın Basına Cıkın

ctrL+h Yaparak Ust Bosluqa NitX
Alt Bosluqa Ise Root Nickinizi Yazın
Tümünü Değiştir Diyin
Daha Sonra Tekrar ctrL+h Yapın
Ust Bosluga mIRCDostum.Com
Alt Bosluga
Seklinde Yapıp Tümünü Değiştir Diyin.
Daha Sonra ISe dosyayı modules.conf Olarak kaydederseniz sorunsuz Kabul Edicektir. Root'u

Unutmayinki Servicesi Getirdikten Sonra Sunucuda Nicki Kaydedip Deneyin
Olmaz Ise Servisleri Cıkartıp tekrar Getirin Olacaktır.

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# TekbirShell.Com # mail & msn :
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# tel : +90 543 779 21 40 # Günün 24 saati telefon ile destek alabilirsiniz. # web :
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Services confda Yazdiginiz Kismin Aynisini Yaziniz Module protocol/unreal # NetworkDomain domain [RECOMMENDED] # Protocols: bahamut, dalnet, dreamforge, monkey, ptlink, rfc1459, # trircd, ts8, undernet-p9 # # Network Domaini #NetworkDomain "mIRCDostum.Com" # CSSetChannelTime [OPTIONAL] # Protocols: bahamut, monkey, trircd, unreal # # CSSetChannelTime # ServerNumeric <numeric> [RECOMMENDED] # Protocols: unreal # # Sadece Unreal için Açiniz ServerNumeric 2 # SetServerTimes [<time>] [RECOMMENDED] # Protocols: unreal # # Sadece Unreal için Açiniz SetServerTimes #SetServerTimes 12h EndModule ########################################################################### # # Eger Auth Kodu Aktif Ettiyseniz Burayi Ayarlayiniz # ########################################################################### Module mail/main # FromAddress <email> [REQUIRED] # Giden Mail Adres FromAddress
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# FromName <name> [OPTIONAL] # mIRCDostum FromName "mIRCDostum.Com" EndModule ################################ Sendmail-based low-level module Module mail/sendmail # SendmailPath <path> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the full path to the "sendmail" program to be used to # send mail. This program must accept a command-line option "-t" # to extract recipient addresses from a mail message given on # standard input (the standard "sendmail" program does this). # The program will be executed with the same environment as # Services itself is run with. SendmailPath /usr/lib/sendmail EndModule ################################ SMTP-based low-level module Module mail/smtp # RelayHost <hostname> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the host to which all mail will be sent, e.g. your # local mail server. RelayHost mail.mIRCDostum.Com # SMTPName <hostname> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the hostname Services will use in the HELO command to # the remote server. Normally, this should be set to the same as # the hostname of the machine Services runs on. SMTPName services.mIRCDostum.Com # MaxSockets <count> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the maximum number of sockets to the mail server which # can be open at once. MaxSockets 100 EndModule ########################################################################### # # OperServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module operserv/main OperServName "OperServ" "Operator Server" GlobalName "DUYURU" "Global Noticer" OperServDB "oper.db" # ServicesRoot NitX [REQUIRED] # Specifies the Services "super-user". The super-user, or "root" as # Services Root Nickini Yaziniz ServicesRoot NitX KillClonesAutokill 20d AllowRaw #WallOper #WallBadOS #WallOSChannel WallSU EndModule Module operserv/akill AutokillDB "akill.db" AutokillReason "mIRCDostum.Com'a girisiniz engellenmistir." #AutokillReason "Autokilled: %s" AutokillExpiry 30d AkillChanExpiry 7d #OperMaxExpiry 7d #EnableExclude ExcludeReason "IRC operator host" #ExcludeReason "Excluded from autokills: %s" ExcludeExpiry 30d #ImmediatelySendAutokill #WallOSAkill #WallAutokillExpire EndModule Module operserv/news NewsDB "news.db" EndModule Module operserv/sessions ExceptionDB "exception.db" # Kaç Giris Olacak 8 Normal DefSessionLimit 25 MaxSessionLimit 100 ExceptionExpiry 1d SessionLimitExceeded "The session limit for your host% has been exceeded." #SessionLimitDetailsLoc "Please visit for more information about session limits." #SessionLimitAutokill 10s 5 30m "Exceeding session limit" #WallO***ception #WallExceptionExpire EndModule ################################ S-line module settings Module operserv/sline SlineDB "sline.db" SGlineReason "Invalid real name" #SGlineReason "Invalid real name: %s" SQlineReason "Reserved nickname" SQlineReason "Kullandığınız rumuz kullanıma kapalı yada bir yöneticiye ait: %s" SZlineReason "You are banned from this network" #SZlineReason "Z-lined: %s" #ImmediatelySendSline SGlineExpiry 30d #SQlineExpiry 30d SZlineExpiry 30d #WallOSSline #WallSlineExpire SQlineIgnoreOpers SQlineKill EndModule ########################################################################### # # NickServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module nickserv/main NickServName "NickServ" "Nickname Server" NickServDB "nick.db" NSEnableRegister NSRegEmailMax 5 NSRequireEmail NSRegDelay 5m NSInitialRegDelay 1m NSDefKill #NSDefKillQuick NSDefSecure #NSDefPrivate #NSDefHideEmail #NSDefHideUsermask #NSDefHideQuit NSDefMemoSignon NSDefMemoReceive N***pire 30d N***pireWarning 3d NSSuspendExpire 25d 5d NSShowPassword NSEnforcerUser enforcer #NSEnforcerUser
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NSForceNickChange NSReleaseTimeout 30s #NSAllowKillImmed NSListOpersOnly NSListMax 50 NSSecureAdmins NSEnableDropEmail NSDropEmailExpire 10m NSHelpWarning EndModule ################################ Access list module Module nickserv/access NSAccessMax 32 NSFirstAccessEnable NSFirstAccessWild EndModule ################################ Autojoin module Module nickserv/autojoin NSAutojoinMax 10 EndModule ################################ Link module Module nickserv/link NSLinkMax 2 EndModule ################################ Authentication module Module nickserv/mail-auth NSNoAuthExpire 3m NSSendauthDelay 1h EndModule ################################ SENDPASS module Module nickserv/sendpass NSSendpassDelay 1h EndModule ########################################################################### # # ChanServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module chanserv/main ChanServName "ChanServ" "Channel Server" ChanServDB "chan.db" CSEnableRegister #CSRegisteredOnly CSMaxReg 10 CSDefKeepTopic CSDefSecureOps #CSDefPrivate CSDefTopicLock CSDefLeaveOps #CSDefSecure CSDefOpNotice #CSDefEnforce #CSDefHideEmail #CSDefHideTopic #CSDefHideMlock C***pire 14d CSSuspendExpire 12d 2d CSShowPassword CSAccessMax 1024 CSAutokickMax 80 CSAutokickReason "User has been banned from the channel" CSInhabit 15s CSRestrictDelay 15s CSListOpersOnly CSListMax 50 CSForbidShortChannel EndModule ################################ SENDPASS module Module chanserv/sendpass CSSendpassDelay 1h EndModule ########################################################################### # # MemoServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module memoserv/main MemoServName "MemoServ" "Memo Server" MSMaxMemos 20 #M***pire 1500d #M***pireUnread MSSendDelay 3s MSNotifyAll EndModule ################################ FORWARD module Module memoserv/forward MSAllowForward MSForwardDelay 10s EndModule ################################ IGNORE module Module memoserv/ignore MSIgnoreMax 32 EndModule ########################################################################### # # StatServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module statserv/main StatServName "StatServ" "Statistics Server" StatServDB "stats.db" SSOpersOnly EndModule # Burdan Asagidaki Ayarlar Biraz Karisik # O Yüzden Lütfen Dokunmayiniz. Basinda Açiklama Olmayan Satirlara # Dokunmaniz Tavsiye Edilmez. ########################################################################### # # HTTP server modules # ########################################################################### Module httpd/main # ListenTo <address>:<port> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the address and port number on which the HTTP server # will listen for incoming requests. <address> may be specified as # an IP address (first example below), a hostname (second example), # or the special string "*", which means "any IP address" (third # example). # # When a hostname is given, as in the second example below, # Services will look up the address(es) associated with the # hostname at startup time, and bind to every IP address found. # This can be useful, for example, with dynamic DNS, in which # the server's IP address changes periodically; however, the # hostname lookup can take time--especially if there is no DNS # server on the local network--and is susceptible to network or # DNS server outages, so IP addresses or "*" should be used # whenever possible. # # Note that many systems restrict low port numbers to the system # administrator; in particular, Unix-like systems allow only the # root user (UID 0) to use ports less than 1024. #ListenTo #ListenTo #ListenTo *:80 # ListenBacklog [REQUIRED] # Specifies the maximum number of connections that can be received # by the operating system without being accepted by Services (the # second parameter, `backlog', to the listen() system call). If # you start seeing refused or delayed connections on a busy server, # try increasing this value. # # If you don't understand the above, leave this setting alone. ListenBacklog 5 # RequestBufferSize <bytes> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the size of the buffer allocated for each HTTP request. # Note that this buffer is allocated for every connection, and an # additional amount of memory will be allocated for header pointers # (in the pathological case this extra amount could reach 4/3 of # the value given for this directive). If a client sends a request # (including POST data) exceeding this value, an error will be # returned and the connection terminated. # # If you don't understand the above, leave this setting alone. RequestBufferSize 4096 # MaxConnections <count> [RECOMMENDED] # Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed. # If not given, no limit is placed on the number of connections; # however, the operating system may impose its own limits, which # are not under the control of Services. MaxConnections 10 # MaxRequests <count> [RECOMMENDED] # Specifies the maximum number of requests that can be made over a # single connection before the server disconnects it. If not # given, no limit is placed on the number of requests per # connection; note that this may allow malicious users to interfere # with Services' normal operations by sending large numbers of # requests over a single connection. MaxRequests 20 # IdleTimeout <time> [RECOMMENDED] # Specifies the length of time a connection can be idle (not # sending data) before it will be automatically closed. If not # given, connections will never be closed automatically. IdleTimeout 30s # LogConnections [OPTIONAL] # If given, a log message will be written for each connection to # the server. LogConnections EndModule ################################ IP address authorization module Module httpd/auth-ip # AllowHost <path> <address> [OPTIONAL] # DenyHost <path> <address> [OPTIONAL] # Specifies which hosts will be allowed (or not allowed) to access # resources provided by the HTTP server. The <path> parameter is a # URL path (not including the ""), and matches any # URL which begins with the same string; for example, "/dir" # matches both "/dir/file" and "/dirty". The <address> can be an # IP address, a hostname (as with ListenTo in the main server # module, all addresses associated with the hostname will be # allowed or denied), the string "*" (which means all addresses), # or the special format "<IP-address>/<mask>", where <mask> is an # integer from 1 to 31 giving the number of bits in the subnet # address, which indicates that the entire subnet of addressess # specified should be allowed or denied; for example, # "" represents the range of addresses from # to # # Examples: # AllowHost /debug # Allow all requests from localhost # # to the debug page # AllowHost / # Allow any host in the 192.168.0.* # # network access to the entire server # DenyHost / # Deny connections from any address # # associated with # # Multiple AllowHost or DenyHost directives for the same path may # be used to specify multiple addresses to allow or deny. Each # condition will be checked in the order they are listed here, and # the first matching one will be used. For example, these lines: # AllowHost / # DenyHost / # deny access to all hosts in the 192.168.0.* network _except_ # However, the reverse: # DenyHost / # AllowHost / # simply blocks all hosts in the 192.168.0.* network, since the # first rule matches and the second is never checked. # # Access to the entire server can be allowed or denied by using the # path "/", which matches every URL (since all URLs begin with a # slash). It is good practice to include such a rule after all # others to explicitly indicate what should be done with requests # that do not match any other rule. (If a request does not match # any rules at all, it is implicitly allowed, but this behavior may # change in the future and should not be relied on.) For example: # AllowHost / * # or: # DenyHost / * # # WARNING: Hostnames are resolved only once at startup; any changes # in a host's IP address will not be seen by Services. # # Note: These directives are listed as "optional" only because the # module will still load even if no directives are listed; # however, unless AllowHost/DenyHost directives are given, # the module will not have any effect. AllowHost / * EndModule ################################ Password authorization module Module httpd/auth-password # AuthName <name> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the name to be used by the user's browser when asking # for a password (as in "Enter username and password for <name>:"). AuthName "IRC Services" # Protect <path> <user>:<pass> [OPTIONAL] # Sets the URLs (paths) which will be protected by password # authorization, and the username and password for each path. The # username and password can be different for each path. The path # given will match any URL beginning with that string, as with the # auth-ip module. # # Examples: # Protect /debug "debug:debug" # Protect /~ "nickuser:nickpass" # # Note: This directive is listed as "optional" only because the # module will still load even if no directives are listed; # however, unless Protect directives are given, the module # will not have any effect. Use a path of "/" to apply # password protection to the entire server. EndModule ################################ Database access module Module httpd/dbaccess # NOTICE: This module allows complete access to all Services data; # be certain to protect it from unauthorized access using # authorization modules or other means. # Prefix <path> [REQUIRED] # Sets the URL (path) at which database access will be accessible. # If this does not end with a slash, one will be appended # automatically. Access is provided using the following directory # tree: # # <path>/ Main menu # <path>/operserv/ OperServ data and menu # <path>/operserv/akill/ Autokill list # <path>/operserv/news/ News item list # <path>/operserv/sessions/ Session and exception lists # <path>/operserv/sline/ S-line lists # <path>/nickserv/ Nickname list and information # <path>/chanserv/ Channel list and information # <path>/statserv/ Network statistics # <path>/xml-export/ XML-format database download # # Categories for which the relevant module is not loaded will not # be accessible. # # WARNING: These functions, particularly the XML export function, # can cause Services to stop for a significant period of # time while they are processed! # # This is commented out by default; make sure you implement proper # access protection (see above) before uncommenting it. #Prefix "/dbaccess" EndModule ################################ Debug page module Module httpd/debug # DebugURL <path> [REQUIRED] # Sets the URL (path) at which the debug page will be accessible. # This must begin with a slash. DebugURL "/debug" EndModule ################################ Nick/channel redirect module Module httpd/redirect # NicknamePrefix <path> [OPTIONAL] # Sets the URL (path) at which nickname redirects will be # accessible; all characters after this prefix, up to the next # slash, will be taken as the nickname. This must begin with a # slash. The default value, "/~", emulates the traditional home # page URL of "
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If you use a # directory name instead, it must end with a slash, for example: # "/nickname/". See also ChannelPrefix, below. # # If not set, nickname redirects will not be done. NicknamePrefix "/~" # ChannelPrefix <path> [OPTIONAL] # Sets the URL (path) at which channel redirects will be # accessible; all characters after this prefix, up to the next # slash, will be taken as the channel name (without the leading # "#", which cannot be used in URLs). The path must begin with # a slash. The default value, "/channel/", gives URLs like # "" for channel # "#channelname". # # If not set, channel redirects will not be done. # # Note: If a URL could be interpreted as both a nickname URL and a # channel URL, the nickname will take precedence, even if it # is not registered or does not have a URL associated with it. ChannelPrefix "/channel/" EndModule ################################ Top page module Module httpd/top-page # Filename <path> [<content-type>] [OPTIONAL] # Sets the name of a file to be delivered as the server's top page. # If this does not begin with a slash, then it is taken as relative # to the Services data directory. The second parameter specifies # the MIME content type of the file; if not given, it defaults to # text/html. #Filename "Top Page.txt" text/plain #Filename /var/
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Redirect <URL> [OPTIONAL] # Sets a URL to be provided as a redirect to a client accessing the # top page. This must be a full URL, beginning with "http://" (or # some other protocol specifier). If both Filename and Redirect # are given, Redirect takes precedence. #Redirect
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EndModule ########################################################################### # # Miscellaneous modules # ########################################################################### ################################ DevNull settings Module misc/devnull # DevNullName <nick> <string> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the nickname (first parameter) and "real" name (second # parameter) used by the DevNull pseudoclient. DevNullName "DevNull" "/dev/null -- message sink" EndModule ################################ HelpServ settings Module misc/helpserv # HelpServName <nick> <string> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the nickname (first parameter) and "real" name (second # parameter) used by the HelpServ pseudoclient. HelpServName "HelpServ" "Help Server" # HelpDir <dirname> [REQUIRED] # Specifies the name of the subdirectory containing help files for # HelpServ. HelpDir helpfiles EndModule ################################ XML export settings Module misc/xml-export # This module has no configurable settings. EndModule ################################ XML import settings Module misc/xml-import # OnNicknameCollision <action> [OPTIONAL] # Specifies the action to be taken when a nickname in the data to # import is already registered. The string must be one of either # "skipgroup" (skip over the nickname group containing the nickname # in the imported data), "skipnick" (skip only the colliding # nickname), "overwrite" (drop the existing nickname), or "abort" # (do not import any data). Note that when "abort" is selected, # the entire XML input is still checked for errors, but Services # will abort before actually merging any data. # # When using "overwrite", if a nickname group has only one nickname # and that nickname is overwritten, the nickname group will be # dropped as well. As a consequence, any channels owned by such a # nickname will be dropped (or shifted to their successors) as # well. All nicknames and channels overwritten or droppde in this # manner will be displayed on standard error. # # If not specified, defaults to "skipgroup". #OnNicknameCollision skipgroup # OnChannelCollision <action> [OPTIONAL] # Specifies the action to be taken when a channel in the data to # import is already registered. The string must be one of either # "skip" (skip over the channel in the imported data), "overwrite" # (drop the existing channel), or "abort" (do not import any data). # Note that when "abort" is selected, the entire XML input is still # checked for errors, but Services will abort before actually # merging any data. If not specified, defaults to "skip". #OnChannelCollision skip # VerboseImport [OPTIONAL] # Causes a detailed list of imported nicknames, channels, and other # data to be printed to standard output. VerboseImport EndModule

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 23 Ocak 2009, 16:28   #7
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

2 tane root ekleyebilirmiyiz peki?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 23 Ocak 2009, 16:41   #8
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

ozentisiz Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
2 tane root ekleyebilirmiyiz peki?

ircservices de 2 root eklenmes tek root eklenir ve root un belirlediği supass ile root erişimi kazanılır /os set supass şifre şekklinde şifre belirlenir root tarafından /os su şifre seklinde girilir root erişimi kazanılr

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 19 Kasım 2010, 04:57   #9
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

GemLik (Successor)

Bunu bilmemen tuhaf. Dilediğin kadar services root ekleyebilirsin ircservices servislerine. Bu mümkün.

ircservices ise ; cd ircservices , cd lib , pico modules.conf dosyasına girdikten sonraw ctrl +w tusuna basıp root kelimesini aratın. oraya nickini yaz. İstediğin kadar Nick belirtebilirsin. Arada tek bir boşluk koyman gerekir nickleri ayırırken. servicesleri restartla okadar.

Test edildi, onaylandı. Kendi sunucumda
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

Konu Conq29 tarafından (11 Aralık 2010 Saat 05:04 ) değiştirilmiştir. Sebep: Quit
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 19 Kasım 2010, 13:54   #10
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: root ekleme sorunu

Ircserviceste coklu root eklemek icin Sky-Dancer'in yapmis oldugu kodu kullanabilirsiniz.

[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

Alıntı ile Cevapla


ekleme, root, sorunu

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Benzer Konular
Konu Konuyu Başlatan Forum Cevaplar Son Mesaj
CR de Oper, iRCOPS, Services, Admin, Root Ekleme Kodu Goemon Conference Room (CR) 1 01 Şubat 2016 02:04
Root admin ekleme Support Unreal IRCd 4 22 Nisan 2010 13:44
services root admin ekleme ??? darl Unreal IRCd 25 13 Mart 2010 17:45
root ekleme KnOuCK Unreal IRCd 5 09 Ekim 2007 13:36
Auspice Services (Root Ekleme) MassTerr Servisler 7 27 Mayıs 2007 00:01