IRCForumları - IRC ve mIRC Kullanıcılarının Buluşma Noktası
  sohbet odaları

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Alt 27 Nisan 2019, 11:39   #11
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

Toprak Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Halledildi, karakter sorunu imiş
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** (qwebirc) Looking up your hostname...
[11:36] == *** (qwebirc) Couldn't look up your hostname!
[11:36] == Giriş Yaplıyor, Lütfen Bekleyiniz...
[11:36] == deneme Yasaklanmış Rumuz: Bad nick

web den de mobıldende mirc irc gırısındende bad nıck uyarısı verıyor sıteye baglanamıyorum sorunu nasıl cozebılırım

butun nıcklerde aynı sorun var

Alıntı ile Cevapla

IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet bizimmekan
Alt 27 Nisan 2019, 17:50   #12
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

Unrealircd. Conf içinde badnick * yasaklanmış rumuz kelimesini tarat o bölgeyi silersen sorun düzelir

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 27 Nisan 2019, 23:35   #13
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

aquabluee Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Unrealircd. Conf içinde badnick * yasaklanmış rumuz kelimesini tarat o bölgeyi silersen sorun düzelir

tşk ederım saolun sorun cozulmuştur

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 05 Mayıs 2019, 12:54   #14
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] yardımcı olman çok güzel. daha aktif olmanı dilerim güzel kardeşim
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

Ne Gülüyorsun, Anlattığım Senin Hikâyen..
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 01 Kasım 2019, 14:24   #15
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

rica etsem birisi dosya olarak kodlari paylasabilirmi mobilden kopyalama sorun oluyor malesef.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 18 Kasım 2019, 21:08   #16
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

': not a valid identifier
./kur: line 4407: syntax error: unexpected end of file verdigi hata budur ne yapmam gerek utf-8 olarak notepad da kaydettim

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 09 Aralık 2019, 21:05   #17
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

Korkut Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
': not a valid identifier
./kur: line 4407: syntax error: unexpected end of file verdigi hata budur ne yapmam gerek utf-8 olarak notepad da kaydettim

Nano yöntemi ile kaydet öyle işe yarar
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 10 Aralık 2019, 13:13   #18
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

Toprak Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Eskiden kendi kullandığım işinize yarar..
Dosyaları web sitenize atın ve otokur'dan linkleri güncelleyin kafii!

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#-------------------------- # Oto Kurulum + Oto Conf - #-------------------------- clear echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "| IRC(d) Oto Kurulum Sistemine Hos Geldiniz |" echo "| IRC(d) Kurulumu Basliyor.. |" echo "| https://
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "" echo "Gerekli Bilgiler :" echo $n "[Serverinizin Adi (Orn:] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then server="$cc" fi echo $n "[Kisa Domain Adi (Orn: Siteniz)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then kisadomain="$cc" fi echo $n "[IP Adresiniz (Orn: 88.888.88.888)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then ip="$cc" fi echo $n "[Root Nicki (Orn: Toprak)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then rootnick="$cc" fi echo $n "[Root Oper Sifresi (Orn: 12345)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then rootpass="$cc" fi echo $n "[Eggdrop Oper Sifresi (Orn: 12345)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then egpass="$cc" fi echo $n "[Eggdrop Nick Sifresi (Orn: 12345)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then enickpass="$cc" fi echo $n "[QwebIRC Sifresi (Orn: asd312)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then qwebpass="$cc" fi echo $n "[QwebIRC Mobil Portu (Orn: 9090)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then qwebport="$cc" fi echo $n "[QwebIRC Web Portu (Orn: 9091)] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then qwebport1="$cc" fi echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "|- Bilgileriniz" echo "|- Server Adi : $server" echo "|- Kisa Domain : $kisadomain" echo "|- IP Adresi : $ip" echo "|- Root Nick : $rootnick" echo "|- R. Oper Pass : $rootpass" echo "|- E. Oper Pass : $egpass" echo "|- E. Nick Pass : $enickpass" echo "|- QwebIRC Pass : $qwebpass" echo "|" echo "|- Mobil giris : http://$ip:$qwebport/" echo "|- Web giris : http://$ip:$qwebport1/" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "| Onayliyorsaniz Entere Basiniz |" echo "| Onaylamiyorsaniz Ctrl+C Yapip Kapatin |" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo $n "[Onayliyormusunuz ?] -> $c" read cc echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "| IRC(d) Kuruluyor. |" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" cd wget -q
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tar zxvf Unreal3.2.10.4.tar.gz rm -rf Unreal3.2.10.4.tar.gz cd cd Unreal3.2.10.4/ ./Config -nointro -quick rm -rf config.settings cat > config.settings << __EOF__ # DPATH="/home/$USER/Unreal3.2.10.4" SPATH="/home/$USER/Unreal3.2.10.4/src/ircd" INET6="" PREFIXAQ="1" LISTEN_SIZE="5" MAXSENDQLENGTH="3000000" BUFFERPOOL="18" MAXCONNECTIONS="4096" NICKNAMEHISTORYLENGTH="2000" DEFPERM="0600" CRYPTOIRCD="" SSLDIR="" ZIPLINKS="" ZIPLINKSDIR="" REMOTEINC="" CURLDIR="" SHOWLISTMODES="1" TOPICNICKISNUH="" SHUNNOTICES="" NOOPEROVERRIDE="" DISABLEUSERMOD="" OPEROVERRIDEVERIFY="" DISABLEEXTBANSTACKING="" GENCERTIFICATE="1" EXTRAPARA="" ADVANCED="" __EOF__ rm -rf unrealircd.conf cat > unrealircd.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # # # Unreal3.2-(Siteniz)-10.4 # # https://
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Me # ###### me { name "irc.$server"; info "-
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numeric 1; }; ######### # Admin # ######### admin { "Sunucu Sahibi"; "$rootnick"; "E-mail: admin@$server"; "$server - #OperHelp"; }; ######### # Class # ######### class clients { pingfreq 300; maxclients 4096; sendq 100000000; }; class servers { pingfreq 300; maxclients 4096; sendq 100000000; connfreq 600; }; ######### # Allow # ######### allow { ip *@*; hostname *@*; class clients; maxperip 30; }; allow { ip *@$ip; hostname *@*; class clients; maxperip 50; }; allow { ip *@; hostname *@*; class clients; maxperip 50; }; ########## # Drpass # ########## drpass { die "rakipxXxSiteniztp4kr"; restart "rakipxXxSiteniztp4kr"; }; ######### # Links # ######### link services.$server { username *; hostname $ip; bind-ip *; port 6667; password-connect "services"; password-receive "services"; class servers; leaf *; }; ulines { services.$server; }; cgiirc { type webirc; hostname $ip; password "$qwebpass"; }; psifre { pass "7005:$qwebpass"; pass "1985:$qwebpass"; pass "2018:$qwebpass"; }; ############ # Bad Nick # ############ ban nick { mask "*C*h*a*n*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; }; ban nick { mask "*N*i*c*k*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; }; ban nick { mask "*M*e*m*o*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; }; ban nick { mask "*H*e*l*p*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; }; ban nick { mask "*O*p*e*r*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; }; ban nick { mask "*I*n*f*o*S*e*r*v*"; reason "Reserved for services"; }; ban nick { mask "*Admin*"; reason "Reserved for Administrator"; }; ban nick { mask "*IRC*op*"; reason "Reserved for ircops"; }; ban nick { mask "*Oper*"; reason "Reserved for ircops"; }; ban nick { mask "*Root*"; reason "Reserved for ircops"; }; ban nick { mask "Status"; reason "Bug in mIRC"; }; ban nick { mask "*org"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "irc_"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "irc-"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "*sikerim*"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "*sikicem*"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "*sikeyim*"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "********"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "*sikiyim*"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "c0ders"; reason "Bad nick"; }; ban nick { mask "Siteniz"; reason "Administrator"; }; ############ # Include # ############ include "aliases/ircservices.conf"; include ""; include "badwords.message.conf"; include "badwords.quit.conf"; include "doc/"; include "giriskod.conf"; include "giris.conf"; include "spamfilter.conf"; include "opers.conf"; ############ # Modules # ############ #make custommodule MODULEFILE=module loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; loadmodule "src/modules/"; ########## # Listen # ########## listen $ip:6660-6669; /* Sunucuya 6660 Ile 7000 Arasi Giris Portlari */ listen $ip:7000; listen $ip:7005; listen $ip:1985; listen $ip:2018; ############ # Ayarlar # ############ set { ayar-giris "0"; // 1 : açık , 0 : kapalı ayar-version "0"; // 1 : açık , 0 : kapalı network-name "$kisadomain"; default-server "irc.$server"; services-server "services.$server"; kline-address "admin@$server"; modes-on-connect "+iwxY"; restrict-usermodes "ixBwCsY"; restrict-channelmodes "GntDC"; modes-on-join "+nt"; modes-on-oper "+pxwqs-GhY"; help-channel "#Help"; stats-server "stats.$server"; auto-join "#Kelime,#Yarisma,#Oyun,#Radyo,#Sohbet"; oper-auto-join "#Adwords,#Log,#Services,#Xline,#OperHelp,#Opers"; hiddenhost-prefix "$kisadomain"; static-part "Ayrildi."; static-quit "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
oper-only-stats "*"; notify-commands "motd,admin,module,rules,map,links,info,ircops,whois,version,stats"; netadmins-are-gods yes; timesynch { enabled no; }; anti-spam-quit-message-time 10s; allowed-nickchars { turkish; }; maxchannelsperuser 10; throttle { connections 6; period 60s; }; anti-flood { away-flood 4:120; nick-flood 3:60; }; dns { nameserver $ip; timeout 2s; retries 2; }; hosts { owneradmin "Owner.$server"; tekadmin "TeknikAdmin.$server"; rootadmin "RootAdmin.$server"; netadmin "NetAdmin.$server"; servicesadmin "ServicesAdmin.$server"; admin "Admin.$server"; coadmin "CoAdmin.$server"; global "Oper.$server"; local "Oper.$server"; host-on-oper-up "yes"; }; cloak-keys { "a2JO6fh3Q6w4oNd3s7"; "a2JO6fh3Q6w4oN38s7"; "a2JO6fh3Q6w4oN3s79"; }; options { #show-connect-info; }; spamfilter { except "#Help,#Helpers,#DJ,#WebMaster,#OperHelp,#GlobalOps,#Founders,#CS-Staff,#NS-Staff,#Sales,NickServ,MemoServ,ChanServ,Anti,Join"; }; }; ################## # Loglama Bölümü # ################## log "ircd.log" { maxsize 2097152; flags { oper; server-connects; sadmin-commands; spamfilter; connects; errors; kills; oper; kline; tkl; chg-commands; oper-override; }; }; ####################### # Version Yasaklama # ####################### ban version { mask "5.91"; reason "Version Yenileyin."; }; ################################# # Services Kısa Yol Komutları # ################################# alias "identify" { format "^#" { target "chanserv"; type services; parameters "IDENTIFY %1-"; }; format "^[^#]" { target "nickserv"; type services; parameters "IDENTIFY %1-"; }; type command; }; alias "services" { format "^#" { target "chanserv"; type services; parameters "%1-"; }; format "^[^#]" { target "nickserv"; type services; parameters "%1-"; }; type command; }; alias "identify" { format "^#" { target "chanserv"; type services; parameters "IDENTIFY %1-"; }; format "^[^#]" { target "nickserv"; type services; parameters "Pass %1-"; }; type command; }; ############# # DCC Block # ############# deny dcc { filename "*"; reason "DCC dosya gönderimi yasak.."; }; ####################### # Modules Eklentileri # ####################### except throttle { mask $ip; }; except throttle { mask; }; except ban { mask *@$ip; }; except ban { mask *@; }; except tkl { mask *@; type all; }; except tkl { mask *@$ip; type all; }; spamfilter { regex "hello"; target { private; private-notice; }; reason "4S5pam/4a5dvertising/4c5lone/4t5rojan/4d5rone is forbidden!."; action block; }; hideserver { disable-map yes; disable-links yes; map-deny-message "Bu komut sunucudan kaldirilmistir."; links-deny-message "Bu komut sunucudan kaldirilmistir."; }; ############### # Kanal Block # ############### deny channel { channel "#Opers"; reason "Admin kanalı"; }; deny channel { channel "#Admin"; reason "Admin kanalı"; }; deny channel { channel "#Log"; reason "Admin kanalı"; }; deny channel { channel "#Adwords"; reason "Admin kanalı"; }; deny channel { channel "#Services"; reason "Admin kanalı"; }; deny channel { channel "#Xline"; reason "Admin kanalı"; }; deny channel { channel "#Bots"; reason "Admin kanalı"; }; deny channel { channel "#Master"; reason "Admin kanalı"; }; deny channel { channel "#Karantina"; reason "Güvenlik kontrolunden geçiş yaptınız, tekrar giriş yapamazsınız.."; }; ####################### Bitti ####################### __EOF__ rm -rf ircd.log cat > ircd.log << __EOF__ Ornek ircd.log by https://
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
__EOF__ rm -rf giris.conf cat > giris.conf << __EOF__ except giris { mask "$ip"; }; except giris { mask ""; }; except giris { mask "78.*"; }; except giris { mask "88.*"; }; except giris { mask "81.*"; }; except giris { mask "85.*"; }; except giris { mask "92.*"; }; except giris { mask "94.*"; }; except giris { mask "95.*"; }; except giris { mask "46.155.*"; }; except giris { mask "5.46.*"; }; except giris { mask "5.47.*"; }; except giris { mask "37.*"; }; except giris { port "7005"; }; except giris { port "1985"; }; except giris { port "2018"; }; __EOF__ rm -rf oper.motd cat > oper.motd << __EOF__ ##################################################################### - UnrealIRCd programında kullanabileceğiniz OPER komutları;  1-4) Whois Gizleme Modu - 4Kullanımı: /mode nick [+-]X - 2-4) Operler için Whois IDLE Kapatma - 4Kullanımı: /mode nick [+-]I - 3-4) Oper KILL Engelleme Modu - 4Kullanımı: /mode nick [+-]K - 4-4) Bir Nicke Ait Cloneleri Bulma Komutu - 4Kullanımı: /clones Nick - 5-4) Toplu X:Line(Ban) Kaldırma Komutu - 4Kullanımı: /rmtkl * * - 6-4) Global Mesaj Yollama - 4Kullanımı: /global MESAJ - 7-4) Belirtilen Nickle Özellere Mesaj Gönderme Komutu - 4Kullanımı: /allsend all private global Nick Mesaj - 8-4) Oper/Admin Ekleme Komutu (Owner & RootAdmin Kullanabilir.) - 4Kullanımı: /ekle Nick Şifre Flags clients - 9-4) Giriş Kodu Açmak İçin (RootAdmin & NetAdmin Kullanabilir.) - 4Kullanımı: /girisac - 10-4) Giriş Kodu Kapatmak İçin (RootAdmin & NetAdmin Kullanabilir.) - 4Kullanımı: /giriskapat - - UnrealIRCd programında kullanabileceğiniz KANAL'lar;  1-4) #Services - 4Kullanımı: Services Üzerindeki Logların Yansıtıldığı Kanal. - 2-4) #Adwords - 4Kullanımı: Spamların Yansıtıldığı Kanal. - 3-4) #Xline - 4Kullanımı: Atılan X:Line Yansıtıldığı Kanal. - Not: Bu Bildiri Yönetici Arkadaşlara Kolaylık Açısından Oluşturulmuştur. ##################################################################### __EOF__ rm -rf opers.conf cat > opers.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # YETKI FLAGS # ########################################################### # Owner : OoaAreDRwgcLkKbZtBnGUQNCzW^Hv # # Teknik Admin : OoaAreDRwgcLkKbZtBnGUJNCzW^Hv # # Root Admin : OoaAreDRwgcLkKbZtBnGUNCzW^Hv # # Net Admin : OoaAreDRwgcLkKbZtBnGNCzW^Hv # # Services Admin : OoawkKbBnCGAregcLZtGzvWHe # # Server Admin : OoArewgcLkKbZtBnGzWHv # # CO Admin : OorewgcLkKbZtBnGCzWHv # # IRCOP : OorewgcLkKbZtBnGzWHv # ########################################################### /* Bot'ların Operi Ellesmeyin */ oper Eggdrop { from { userhost *@$ip; }; password "$egpass"; flags OoaAreDRwgcLkKbZtBnGNCzW^Hv; snomask +AaBBCcDdEeFfGdddddgSsQqRrTtUuOoZzXxPPMmNnkscfFvGqo; swhois "4[is a Eggdrop Bots]"; class clients; maxlogins 20; }; oper Koruma { from { userhost *@; }; password "$egpass"; flags OoaAreDRwgcLkKbZtBnGNCzW^Hv; snomask +AaBBCcDdEeFfGdddddgSsQqRrTtUuOoZzXxPPMmNnkscfFvGqo; swhois "4[is a Socket Bots]"; class clients; maxlogins 20; }; /* The End (Son) */ /* Owner */ oper $rootnick { from { userhost *@*; }; password "$rootpass"; flags OoaAreDRwgcLkKbZtBnGUQNCzW^Hv; snomask +AaBBCcDdEeFfGdddddgSsQqRrTtUuOoZzXxPPMmNnkscfFvGqo; swhois "4[Sunucu Sahibi / Owner Administrator]"; class clients; }; __EOF__ rm -rf ircd.motd cat > ircd.motd << __EOF__ 4 Sunucu Bilgileri IRC Server Adresi : irc.$server Web Giris Adresi :
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IRCd System : Unreal3.2-(Siteniz)-10.4 IRCd Services : IRCServices-5.0.64 Yardım Kanalı : #OperHelp - #Help 4 Yönetici Listesi (4*) Root Administrator - - $rootnick (4*) Network Administrator - - Alınacak (4*) Services Administrator - - Alınacak (4*) Server Administrator - - Alınacak (4*) Co Administrator - - Alınacak (4*) IRC Operator - - Alınacak 4 Görev Dağılımı (4*) Sunucu Sahibi - - $rootnick (4*) Genel Sorumlu - - Alınacak (4*) Teknik Sorumlu - - Alınacak (4*) Güvenlik Sorumlu - - Alınacak (4*) Kanal Sorumlusu - - Alınacak (4*) Rumuz Sorumlusu - - Alınacak (4*) Radyo & DJ Sorumlusu - - Alınacak (4*) Yrd Oper/Adminler - - Alınacak 4 Bilgilendirme Sunucu uzerindeki tüm nick/kanal kayitlari yonetime aittir, Gerek goruldugu takdirde el koyulabilir veya baskasina verilebilir. Sunucu uzerinde T.C kurallari geçerli olup, İhlal durumunda yönetimin kullanıcılar üzerinde yaptırım yetkisi bulunur. Sunucu kuralları için /kurallar komutunu kullanınız. Online oper listesi için /ircops komutunu kullanınız. Online helper listesi için /helpers komutunu kullanınız. Sunucu/servisler hakkında bilgi ve destek almak için #HELP kanalını, Sunucu yetkilileri ile ilgili şikayet, istek, görüş ve önerileriniz için #OPERHELP kanalını kullanabilirsiniz. İyi Sohbetler Dileriz... __EOF__ rm -rf ircd.rules cat > ircd.rules << __EOF__ - $server Kullanici Sözlesmesi - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 1. Tum nick ve kanallarin sorumlulugu sahislara, haklari $server'a - aittir. $server gerekli gordugunde, ilgili nick ve odanin kullanimina - mudahale etme hakkini sakli tutar. - - 2. Sunucu genelinde ki soylemler, sahiplerini baglayici niteliktedir. - Politik, teolojik ve kulturel ayrimcilik icerikli metinlerin paylasimi,bu - baglamda sahislar uzerinde yaptirim nedenidir. - - 3. Diger kullanicilara yada $server organizasyonunun butunune - yapilan cikar yada zarar amacli eylemler, Yeni Turk Ceza Kanunun - 213. Maddesince suc teskil edip, $server tarafinca hukuki olarak - yaptirim nedenidir. - - 4. $server yalnizca resmi web sitesinde yayinlanan kanallarin - yonetiminden mesul olup, ozel odalarin isleyis bicimlerinden sorumlu - degildir.Özel odalar, giren kullanicilarin insiyatifi olarak kabul edilip, - T.C. yasalarinca suc teskil eden eylemler disinda genel kanal - yönetimlerinden bagimsizdir. - - 5. Ulu Onder M. K. Ataturk 'e hakaret yada Turkiye Cumhuriyeti - yasalarinca suc kabul edilen her davranis, kosulsuz yaptirima tâbidir. - İlgili tum davranislar Turk toplumunun ahlaki deger yargilarinca - sorgulanacagi suphesizdir. - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - - Sunucu uzerinde bulunan her kullanici, bu kurallarin varligini ve - icerigini kabul etmis sayilmaktadir ve ilgili kurallarin ihlali sözkonusu - oldugunda, lokal ve hukuki yaptirim uygulama hakkina sahiptir. - - Servis ve komut sorulariniz icin #Help ,kayip sifre gibi sorunlariniz - icin ise #Operhelp odamizi kullanabilirsiniz. Kanal yada Nick - istekleri haricindeki tum dusunce ve dileklerinizi admin@$server - mailine acik bir uslup ile yazabilirsiniz. __EOF__ cd src/modules rm -rf randomquit.c cat > randomquit.c << __EOF__ /* * RandomQuit Modülü -> Yapımcı : Sky-Dancer * Yapılması Gerekenler: * -> modül içinden CikisListesi değişkeni Çıkış listesini dilediğiniz gibi ayarlayınız. * -> Modülü Diğer Modüller Gibi Kurunuz. */ #include "config.h" #include "struct.h" #include "common.h" #include "sys.h" #include "numeric.h" #include "msg.h" #include "channel.h" #include <time.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include "h.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "version.h" #endif char *CikisListesi[] = { "2
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Toplulugu", "6
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hep daha iyiye!", "4
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CMD_QUIT "Quit" DLLFUNC int over_quit(Cmdoverride *ovr, aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]); static Cmdoverride *OvrQuit = NULL; static ModuleInfo *Module_RandomQuit; ModuleHeader MOD_HEADER(RandomQuit) = { "RandomQuit", "Random Quit Mesajı (By Sky-Dancer)", "Random Quit Mesajı (By Sky-Dancer)", "3.2-b8-1", NULL }; DLLFUNC int MOD_TEST(RandomQuit)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_INIT(RandomQuit)(ModuleInfo *modinfo) { Module_RandomQuit=modinfo; return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int MOD_LOAD(RandomQuit)(int module_load) { int ret=MOD_SUCCESS; OvrQuit = CmdoverrideAdd(Module_RandomQuit->handle, CMD_QUIT, over_quit); if (!OvrQuit) ret=MOD_FAILED; return ret; } DLLFUNC int MOD_UNLOAD(RandomQuit)(int module_unload) { return MOD_SUCCESS; } DLLFUNC int over_quit(Cmdoverride *ovr, aClient *cptr, aClient *sptr, int parc, char *parv[]) { int Secim; char Mesajimiz[64]; if (IsULine(sptr) || IsServer(sptr) || IsOper(sptr)) return CallCmdoverride(ovr, cptr, sptr, parc, parv); // if (MyClient(sptr)) { if (IsPerson(sptr)) { srand(time(NULL)); Secim = rand()%(sizeof(CikisListesi)/sizeof(*CikisListesi)); strcpy(Mesajimiz, CikisListesi[Secim]); return exit_client(cptr, sptr, sptr, Mesajimiz); } return CallCmdoverride(ovr, cptr, sptr, parc, parv); } __EOF__ cd cd Unreal3.2.10.4/ ./Config -nointro -quick make clean make custommodule MODULEFILE=allsend make custommodule MODULEFILE=commandsno make custommodule MODULEFILE=ekle make custommodule MODULEFILE=giris make custommodule MODULEFILE=getinfo make custommodule MODULEFILE=helpers make custommodule MODULEFILE=hideserver make custommodule MODULEFILE=ircops make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_clones make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_sendraw make custommodule MODULEFILE=portsifresi make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_global make custommodule MODULEFILE=randomquit make custommodule MODULEFILE=netadmins make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_rmtkl make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_smodule make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_sure make custommodule MODULEFILE=tkldb make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_istatistik make custommodule MODULEFILE=KomutLog make custommodule MODULEFILE=Kontrol make custommodule MODULEFILE=LineBul make custommodule MODULEFILE=loggit make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_temizle make custommodule MODULEFILE=proxyban make custommodule MODULEFILE=giriskod make custommodule MODULEFILE=m_igs make ./unreal start clear cd echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "| Unreal3.2.10.4 IRC(d) Kuruldu... |" echo "| |" echo "|- Server Adi : $server" echo "|- IP Adresi : $ip" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "| IRCServices-5.0.64 Kurulumuna Gecildi! |" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" wget -q
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tar zxvf ircservices-5.0.64.tar.gz rm -rf ircservices-5.0.64.tar.gz sed -i -e "s/getline/get_line/" ircservices*-*/lang/langcomp.c cd ircservices-5.0.64/ ./configure --bindest=/home/$USER/ircservices --datdest=/home/$USER/ircservices/lib make clean make make install rm -rf config.cache cat > config.cache << __EOF__ CONFIG_VERSION=8 BINDEST='/home/$USER/ircservices' DATDEST='/home/$USER/ircservices/lib' TEST_NT='test' INSTALL='install' MKDIR='install' CP_ALL='/bin/cp -dpr' CC='gcc' CC_FLAGS='-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing' CC_LFLAGS='' CC_LIBS='' CLEAN_COMPILE=y MEMCHECKS= SHOWALLOCS= DUMPCORE= STATIC_MODULES=0 CC_SHARED='gcc -shared' CC_DYN_LFLAGS=' -rdynamic' CC_DYN_LIBS=' -ldl' SYMS_NEED_UNDERSCORES=0 RANLIB='ranlib' TYPE_INT8=char TYPE_INT16=short TYPE_INT32=int SIZEOF_INT=4 SIZEOF_LONG=4 SIZEOF_TIME_T=4 MAX_TIME_T='(((time_t)1<<(sizeof(time_t)*8-2))+(((time_t)1<<(sizeof(time_t)*8-2))-1))' SIZEOF_GID_T=4 HAVE_SOCKLEN_T=1 HAVE_STRINGS_H=1 HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H=1 HAVE_SYS_SYSPROTO_H=0 HAVE_STRERROR=1 HAVE_SYS_ERRLIST=0 HAVE_SNPRINTF=0 BAD_SNPRINTF=2 HAVE_HSTRERROR=1 HAVE_STRTOK=1 HAVE_STRICMP=0 HAVE_STRCASECMP=1 HAVE_STRDUP=1 HAVE_STRSPN=1 HAVE_STRSIGNAL=1 HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY=1 HAVE_SETGRENT=1 HAVE_SETREGID=1 HAVE_UMASK=1 HAVE_FORK=1 HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME=1 HAVE_GETSETRLIMIT=1 MISSING='' __EOF__ make clean make make install cd mkdir /home/$USER/ircservices mkdir /home/$USER/ircservices/lib mkdir /home/$USER/ircservices/lib/Logs cd ircservices/lib cat > ircservices.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # # # https://
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RemoteServer $ip 7000 "services" ServerName "services.$server" ServerDesc "$kisadomain IRC(d) Network" ServiceUser "services@$server" Umask 077 LogFilename ircservices.log PIDFilename MOTDFilename ircservices.motd LockFilename .lock StrictPasswords BadPassLimit 5 BadPassTimeout 1h BadPassWarning 3 UpdateTimeout 5m WarningTimeout 4h ReadTimeout 3 TimeoutCheck 1.0 #PingFrequency 30s #MergeChannelModes 0.5 NetBufferSize 4194304 1048576 # 4MB and 1MB NetBufferLimit 80 95 GuestNickPrefix "$kisadomain" #DefTimeZone PST8PDT LogMaxUsers EnableGetpass WallGetpass WallSetpass LoadModule protocol/unreal #LoadModule encryption/md5 LoadModule database/version4 LoadModule mail/main LoadModule mail/smtp LoadModule mail/sendmail LoadModule operserv/main LoadModule operserv/akill LoadModule operserv/news LoadModule operserv/sessions LoadModule operserv/sline LoadModule nickserv/main LoadModule nickserv/access LoadModule nickserv/autojoin LoadModule nickserv/link #LoadModule nickserv/mail-auth #LoadModule nickserv/oldlink #LoadModule nickserv/sendpass LoadModule chanserv/main LoadModule chanserv/access-levels LoadModule chanserv/access-xop #LoadModule chanserv/sendpass LoadModule memoserv/main #LoadModule memoserv/forward LoadModule memoserv/ignore LoadModule statserv/main LoadModule misc/helpserv #LoadModule misc/devnull #LoadModule httpd/main #LoadModule httpd/auth-ip #LoadModule httpd/auth-password #LoadModule httpd/dbaccess #LoadModule httpd/debug #LoadModule httpd/redirect #LoadModule httpd/top-page LoadModule misc/xml-export LoadModule misc/xml-import __EOF__ cat > modules.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # # # https://
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Module protocol/unreal #NetworkDomain "$server" #CSSetChannelTime ServerNumeric 4 #SetServerTimes #SetServerTimes 12h EndModule ########################################################################### # # Mail module configuration # ########################################################################### Module mail/main FromAddress "services@$server" FromName "$server" EndModule ################################ Sendmail-based low-level module Module mail/sendmail SendmailPath /usr/sbin/sendmail EndModule ################################ SMTP-based low-level module Module mail/smtp RelayHost mail.$server SMTPName mail.$server MaxSockets 100 EndModule Module operserv/main OperServName "OperServ" "Operator Server" GlobalName "Global" "Global Noticer" OperServDB "oper.db" ServicesRoot "$rootnick" KillClonesAutokill 15m AllowRaw WallOper WallBadOS WallOSChannel WallSU EndModule ################################ Autokill module settings Module operserv/akill AutokillDB "akill.db" AutokillReason "Kurallara aykiri davranis gosterdiniz. Akill list! [ $server ]" AutokillExpiry 30d AkillChanExpiry 15d OperMaxExpiry 30d EnableExclude ExcludeReason "Autokills: %s" ExcludeExpiry 30d ImmediatelySendAutokill WallOSAkill WallAutokillExpire EndModule ################################ News module settings Module operserv/news NewsDB "news.db" EndModule ################################ Sessions module settings Module operserv/sessions ExceptionDB "exception.db" DefSessionLimit 15 MaxSessionLimit 250 ExceptionExpiry 12h SessionLimitExceeded "Kurallara aykiri davranis gosterdiniz. Akill list! [ $server ]" SessionLimitDetailsLoc "Ban problemleriniz için ;
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
SessionLimitAutokill 10s 5 30m "Kurallara aykiri davranis gosterdiniz. Akill list! [ $server ]" WallO***ception WallExceptionExpire EndModule ################################ S-line module settings Module operserv/sline SlineDB "sline.db" SGlineReason "Kurallara aykiri davranis gosterdiniz. Akill list! [ $server ]" SQlineReason "Kurallara aykiri davranis gosterdiniz. Akill list! [ $server ]" SZlineReason "Z-lined: %s" ImmediatelySendSline SGlineExpiry 30d SQlineExpiry 30d SZlineExpiry 30d WallOSSline #allSlineExpire SQlineIgnoreOpers SQlineKill EndModule ########################################################################### # # NickServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module nickserv/main NickServName "NickServ" "Nickname Server" NickServDB "nick.db" NSEnableRegister NSRegEmailMax 5 NSRequireEmail #NSRegDelay 1m NSInitialRegDelay 1m NSDefKill #NSDefKillQuick NSDefSecure #NSDefPrivate NSDefHideEmail NSDefHideUsermask #NSDefHideQuit NSDefMemoSignon NSDefMemoReceive N***pire 40d N***pireWarning 3d NSSuspendExpire 14d 7d NSShowPassword NSEnforcerUser enforcer NSEnforcerUser enforcer@$server NSForceNickChange NSReleaseTimeout 1m NSAllowKillImmed NSListOpersOnly NSListMax 100 NSSecureAdmins NSEnableDropEmail NSDropEmailExpire 10m NSHelpWarning EndModule ################################ Access list module Module nickserv/access NSAccessMax 16 NSFirstAccessEnable NSFirstAccessWild EndModule ################################ Autojoin module Module nickserv/autojoin NSAutojoinMax 10 EndModule ################################ Link module Module nickserv/link NSLinkMax 5 EndModule ################################ Authentication module Module nickserv/mail-auth NSNoAuthExpire 12h NSSendauthDelay 1h EndModule ################################ SENDPASS module Module nickserv/sendpass NSSendpassDelay 15m EndModule ########################################################################### # # ChanServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module chanserv/main ChanServName "ChanServ" "Channel Server" ChanServDB "chan.db" CSEnableRegister #CSRegisteredOnly CSMaxReg 5 CSDefKeepTopic CSDefSecureOps CSDefPrivate CSDefTopicLock CSDefLeaveOps #CSDefSecure #CSDefOpNotice #CSDefEnforce #CSDefHideEmail #CSDefHideTopic #CSDefHideMlock C***pire 21d CSSuspendExpire 14d 7d CSShowPassword CSAccessMax 512 CSAutokickMax 256 CSAutokickReason "Kurallara aykiri davranis gosteren bir kanala giris yapmaya calisiyorsunuz. [ $server ]" CSInhabit 10s CSRestrictDelay 10s CSListOpersOnly CSListMax 100 CSForbidShortChannel EndModule ################################ SENDPASS module Module chanserv/sendpass CSSendpassDelay 15m EndModule ########################################################################### # # MemoServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module memoserv/main MemoServName "MemoServ" "Memo Server" MSMaxMemos 20 M***pire 14d M***pireUnread MSSendDelay 4m MSNotifyAll EndModule ################################ FORWARD module Module memoserv/forward MSAllowForward MSForwardDelay 10s EndModule ################################ IGNORE module Module memoserv/ignore MSIgnoreMax 64 EndModule ########################################################################### # # StatServ configuration # ########################################################################### Module statserv/main StatServName "StatServ" "Statistics Server" StatServDB "stats.db" SSOpersOnly EndModule ########################################################################### # # HTTP server modules # ########################################################################### Module httpd/main ListenTo $ip:8081 ListenTo $ip:8081 ListenBacklog 5 RequestBufferSize 4096 MaxConnections 10 MaxRequests 20 IdleTimeout 30s LogConnections EndModule ################################ IP address authorization module Module httpd/auth-ip AllowHost / * EndModule ################################ Password authorization module Module httpd/auth-password AuthName "glueckseligkeit IRC Services" EndModule ################################ Database access module Module httpd/dbaccess Prefix "/dbaccess" EndModule ################################ Debug page module Module httpd/debug DebugURL "/debug" EndModule ################################ Nick/channel redirect module Module httpd/redirect NicknamePrefix "/~" ChannelPrefix "/channel/" EndModule ################################ Top page module Module httpd/top-page Filename "mturk.txt" text/plain Filename /var/
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Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
EndModule ########################################################################### # # Miscellaneous modules # ########################################################################### ################################ DevNull settings Module misc/devnull DevNullName "glueckseligkeit" "Services BOT" EndModule ################################ HelpServ settings Module misc/helpserv HelpServName "HelpServ" "Help Server" HelpDir helpfiles EndModule ################################ XML export settings Module misc/xml-export # This module has no configurable settings. EndModule ################################ XML import settings Module misc/xml-import OnNicknameCollision skipgroup OnChannelCollision skip VerboseImport EndModule ########################################################################### __EOF__ cd cd ircservices-5.0.64/modules/chanserv rm -rf check.c cat > check.c << __EOF__ /* Routines to check validity of JOINs and mode changes. * * IRC Services is copyright (c) 1996-2009 Andrew Church. * E-mail: <achurch@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]> * Parts written by Andrew Kempe and others. * This program is free but copyrighted software; see the file COPYING for * details. */ #include "services.h" #include "modules.h" #include "language.h" #include "timeout.h" #include "modules/nickserv/nickserv.h" #include "modules/operserv/operserv.h" #include "chanserv.h" #include "cs-local.h" /*************************************************************************/ static Module *module; static int cb_check_modes = -1; static int cb_check_chan_user_modes = -1; static int cb_check_kick = -1; static void local_set_cumodes(Channel *c, char plusminus, int32 modes, struct c_userlist *cu); /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* Check the current modes on a channel; if they conflict with a mode lock, * fix them. */ void check_modes(Channel *c) { static int in_check_modes = 0; ChannelInfo *ci; char newmode[3]; int flag; if (!c || c->bouncy_modes) return; if (!NoBouncyModes) { /* Check for mode bouncing */ if (c->server_modecount >= 3 && c->chanserv_modecount >= 3) { wallops(NULL, "Warning: unable to set modes on channel %s. " "Are your servers configured correctly?", c->name); module_log("Bouncy modes on channel %s", c->name); c->bouncy_modes = 1; return; } if (c->chanserv_modetime != time(NULL)) { c->chanserv_modecount = 0; c->chanserv_modetime = time(NULL); } c->chanserv_modecount++; } ci = c->ci; if (!ci) { /* Services _always_ knows who should be +r. If a channel tries to be * +r and is not registered, send mode -r. This will compensate for * servers that are split when mode -r is initially sent and then try * to set +r when they rejoin. -TheShadow */ if (c->mode & chanmode_reg) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "-%s", mode_flags_to_string(chanmode_reg, MODE_CHANNEL)); set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, buf); set_cmode(NULL, c); /* flush it out immediately */ } return; } /* Avoid infinite recursion (recursion occurs if set_cmode() flushes * out mode changes in the middle of setting them here) */ if (in_check_modes) return; in_check_modes++; newmode[2] = 0; for (flag = 1; flag != MODE_INVALID; flag <<= 1) { int add; if ((ci->mlock_on | chanmode_reg) & flag) add = 1; else if (ci->mlock_off & flag) add = 0; else continue; if (call_callback_4(module, cb_check_modes, c, ci, add, flag) > 0) { continue; } else if (flag == CMODE_k) { if (c->key && (!add || (add && c->key && strcmp(c->key, ci->mlock_key) != 0))) { set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, "-k", c->key); set_cmode(NULL, c); /* flush it out */ } if (add && !c->key) set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, "+k", ci->mlock_key); } else if (flag == CMODE_l) { if (add && ci->mlock_limit != c->limit) { char limitbuf[16]; snprintf(limitbuf, sizeof(limitbuf), "%d", ci->mlock_limit); set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, "+l", limitbuf); } else if (!add && c->limit != 0) { set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, "-l"); } } else if (add ^ !!(c->mode & flag)) { newmode[0] = add ? '+' : '-'; newmode[1] = mode_flag_to_char(flag, MODE_CHANNEL); set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, newmode); } } in_check_modes--; } /*************************************************************************/ void check_chan_user_modes(const char *source, struct c_userlist *u, Channel *c, int32 oldmodes) { User *user = u->user; ChannelInfo *ci = c->ci; int32 modes = u->mode; int is_servermode = (!source || strchr(source, '.') != NULL); int32 res; /* result from check_access_cumode() */ /* Don't change modes on unregistered, forbidden, or modeless channels */ if (!ci || (ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) || *c->name == '+') return; /* Don't reverse mode changes made by Services (because we already * prevent people from doing improper mode changes via Services, so * anything that gets here must be okay). */ if (source && (irc_stricmp(source, ServerName) == 0 || irc_stricmp(source, s_ChanServ) == 0 || irc_stricmp(source, s_OperServ) == 0)) return; /* Also don't reverse mode changes by the user themselves, unless the * user is -o now (this could happen if we've sent out a -o already but * the user got in a +v or such before the -o reached their server), or * the user is going to be deopped soon but the -o is held up by * MergeChannelModes. * * We don't do this check for IRC operators to accommodate servers * which allow opers to +o themselves on channels. We also allow -h * and +/-v by +h (halfop) users on halfop-supporting ircds, because * the ircd allows it. */ if (source && !is_oper(user) && irc_stricmp(source, user->nick) == 0) { if (!(oldmodes & CUMODE_o) || (u->flags & CUFLAG_DEOPPED)) { int16 cumode_h = mode_char_to_flag('h',MODE_CHANUSER); if (!((oldmodes & cumode_h) && !((oldmodes^modes) & ~(CUMODE_v|cumode_h))) ) { local_set_cumodes(c, '-', (modes & ~oldmodes), u); } } return; } if (call_callback_4(module, cb_check_chan_user_modes, source, user, c, modes) > 0) return; /* Check early for server auto-ops */ if ((modes & CUMODE_o) && !(ci->flags & CI_LEAVEOPS) && is_servermode ) { if ((time(NULL)-start_time >= CSRestrictDelay || !check_access_if_idented(user, ci, CA_AUTOOP)) && !check_access(user, ci, CA_AUTOOP) ) { notice_lang(s_ChanServ, user, CHAN_IS_REGISTERED, s_ChanServ); u->flags |= CUFLAG_DEOPPED; set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, "-o", user->nick); modes &= ~CUMODE_o; } else if (check_access(user, ci, CA_AUTOOP)) { /* The user's an autoop user; update the last-used time here, * because it won't get updated below (they're already opped) */ ci->last_used = time(NULL); put_channelinfo(ci); } } /* Adjust modes based on channel access */ if (oldmodes < 0) { res = check_access_cumode(user, ci, modes, ~0); } else { int32 changed = modes ^ oldmodes; res = check_access_cumode(user, ci, changed & modes, changed); } /* Check for mode additions. Only check if join or server mode change, * unless ENFORCE is set */ /* Note: modes to add = changed modes & off new-modes = res & ~modes */ if ((res & ~modes) && (oldmodes < 0 || is_servermode || (ci->flags & CI_ENFORCE)) ) { local_set_cumodes(c, '+', res & ~modes, u); if ((res & ~modes) & CUMODE_o) { ci->last_used = time(NULL); put_channelinfo(ci); } } /* Don't subtract modes from opers or Services admins */ if (is_oper(user) || is_services_admin(user)) return; /* Check for mode subtractions */ if (res & modes) local_set_cumodes(c, '-', res & modes, u); } /*************************************************************************/ /* List of channels currently inhabited */ typedef struct csinhabitdata_ CSInhabitData; struct csinhabitdata_ { CSInhabitData *next, *prev; char chan[CHANMAX]; Timeout *to; }; static CSInhabitData *inhabit_list = NULL; /* Tiny helper routine to get ChanServ out of a channel after it went in. */ static void timeout_leave(Timeout *to) { CSInhabitData *data = to->data; send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "PART %s", data->chan); LIST_REMOVE(data, inhabit_list); free(data); } int check_kick(User *user, const char *chan) { Channel *c = get_channel(chan); ChannelInfo *ci = get_channelinfo(chan); int i; NickGroupInfo *ngi; char *mask, *s; const char *reason; char reasonbuf[BUFSIZE]; int stay; if (CSForbidShortChannel && strcmp(chan, "#") == 0) { mask = sstrdup("*!*@*"); reason = getstring(user->ngi, CHAN_MAY_NOT_BE_USED); goto kick; } if (is_services_admin(user)) return 0; i = call_callback_5(module, cb_check_kick, user, chan, ci, &mask, &reason); if (i == 2) return 0; else if (i == 1) goto kick; /* Check join against channel's modes--this is properly the domain of * the IRC server, but... */ if (c) { if ((c->mode & chanmode_opersonly) && !is_oper(user)) { mask = create_mask(user, 1); reason = getstring(user->ngi, CHAN_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_JOIN); goto kick; } } if (!ci) { if (CSRegisteredOnly && !is_oper(user)) { mask = sstrdup("*!*@*"); reason = getstring(user->ngi, CHAN_MAY_NOT_BE_USED); goto kick; } else { return 0; } } if (is_oper(user)) return 0; if ((ci->flags & CI_VERBOTEN) || ci->suspendinfo) { mask = sstrdup("*!*@*"); reason = getstring(user->ngi, CHAN_MAY_NOT_BE_USED); goto kick; } if (ci->mlock_on & chanmode_opersonly) { /* We already know they're not an oper, so kick them off */ mask = create_mask(user, 1); reason = getstring(user->ngi, CHAN_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_JOIN); goto kick; } if ((ci->mlock_on & chanmode_regonly) && !user_identified(user)) { /* User must have usermode_reg flags, i.e. be using a registered * nick and have identified, in order to join a chanmode_regonly * channel */ mask = create_mask(user, 1); reason = getstring(user->ngi, CHAN_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_JOIN); goto kick; } if (user_recognized(user)) ngi = user->ngi; else ngi = NULL; ARRAY_FOREACH (i, ci->akick) { if (!ci->akick[i].mask) continue; if (match_usermask(ci->akick[i].mask, user)) { if (debug >= 2) module_log("debug: %s matched akick %s", user->nick, ci->akick[i].mask); mask = sstrdup(ci->akick[i].mask); reason = ci->akick[i].reason ? ci->akick[i].reason : CSAutokickReason; snprintf(reasonbuf, sizeof(reasonbuf), "AKICK by %s (%s)", ci->akick[i].who, reason); reason = reasonbuf; time(&ci->akick[i].lastused); goto kick; } } if ((time(NULL)-start_time >= CSRestrictDelay || check_access_if_idented(user, ci, CA_NOJOIN)) && check_access(user, ci, CA_NOJOIN) ) { mask = create_mask(user, 1); reason = getstring(user->ngi, CHAN_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_JOIN); goto kick; } return 0; kick: if (debug) { module_log("debug: AutoKicking %s!%s@%s", user->nick, user->username, user->host); } stay = (c == NULL) || (c->users->user == user && c->users->next == NULL); if (stay) { CSInhabitData *data; /* Only enter the channel if we're not already in it */ LIST_SEARCH(inhabit_list, chan, chan, irc_stricmp, data); if (!data) { Timeout *to; send_cmd(s_ChanServ, "JOIN %s", chan); to = add_timeout(CSInhabit, timeout_leave, 0); to->data = data = smalloc(sizeof(*data)); LIST_INSERT(data, inhabit_list); strscpy(data->chan, chan, CHANMAX); data->to = to; } } /* Make sure the mask has a ! in it */ if (!(s = strchr(mask, '!')) || s > strchr(mask, '@')) { int len = strlen(mask); mask = srealloc(mask, len+3); memmove(mask+2, mask, len+1); mask[0] = '*'; mask[1] = '!'; } /* Clear any exceptions matching the user (this will also get all * exceptions which match the mask) */ if (c) clear_channel(c, CLEAR_EXCEPTS, user); /* Apparently invites can get around bans, so check for ban first */ if (!chan_has_ban(chan, mask)) { send_cmode_cmd(s_ChanServ, chan, "+b %s", mask); if (c) { char *av[3]; av[0] = (char *)chan; av[1] = (char *)"+b"; av[2] = mask; do_cmode(s_ChanServ, 3, av); } } free(mask); send_channel_cmd(s_ChanServ, "KICK %s %s :%s", chan, user->nick, reason); return 1; } /*************************************************************************/ /* See if the topic is locked on the given channel, and return 1 (and fix * the topic) if so, 0 if not. */ int check_topiclock(Channel *c, time_t topic_time) { ChannelInfo *ci = c->ci; if (!ci || !(ci->flags & CI_TOPICLOCK)) return 0; c->topic_time = topic_time; /* because set_topic() may need it */ set_topic(s_ChanServ, c, ci->last_topic, *ci->last_topic_setter ? ci->last_topic_setter : s_ChanServ, ci->last_topic_time); return 1; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* Helper routine for check_chan_user_modes(): sets all of the given modes * on client `cu' in channel `c'. */ static void local_set_cumodes(Channel *c, char plusminus, int32 modes, struct c_userlist *cu) { char buf[3], modestr[BUFSIZE], *s; buf[0] = plusminus; buf[2] = 0; strscpy(modestr, mode_flags_to_string(modes, MODE_CHANUSER), sizeof(modestr)); s = modestr; while (*s) { buf[1] = *s++; set_cmode(s_ChanServ, c, buf, cu->user->nick); } /* Set user's modes now, so check_chan_user_modes() can properly * determine whether subsequent modes should be set or not */ if (plusminus == '+') cu->mode |= modes; else if (plusminus == '-') cu->mode &= ~modes; } /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ int init_check(Module *my_module) { module = my_module; cb_check_modes = register_callback(module, "check_modes"); cb_check_chan_user_modes=register_callback(module,"check_chan_user_modes"); cb_check_kick = register_callback(module, "check_kick"); if (cb_check_modes < 0 || cb_check_chan_user_modes < 0 || cb_check_kick < 0 ) { module_log("check: Unable to register callbacks"); exit_check(); return 0; } return 1; } /*************************************************************************/ void exit_check() { CSInhabitData *inhabit, *tmp; LIST_FOREACH_SAFE (inhabit, inhabit_list, tmp) { del_timeout(inhabit->to); LIST_REMOVE(inhabit, inhabit_list); free(inhabit); } unregister_callback(module, cb_check_kick); unregister_callback(module, cb_check_chan_user_modes); unregister_callback(module, cb_check_modes); } /*************************************************************************/ __EOF__ cd cd ircservices-5.0.64/ make clean make make install ./ircservices echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "| IRCServices-5.0.64 Kuruldu... |" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" cd wget -q [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] tar zxvf eggdrop1.6.19.tar.gz rm -rf eggdrop1.6.19.tar.gz cd eggdrop1.6.19/ ./configure make config make make install cd cd eggdrop/ rm -rf oyun.conf cat > oyun.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # ########################################################### set username "Siteniz" set admin "Toprak <email:
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>" set network "$ip" set timezone "EST" set offset "5" set my-hostname "$ip" #==================== GENERAL BOT LOGGING OPTIONS ==================# set max-logsize 0 set quick-logs 0 logfile mco * "scripts/log/Oyun.log" logfile bjk #Oyun "scripts/log/Oyun.log" set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 0 set console "mkcobxs" #================ GENERAL BOT FILE/LOCATION SETTINGS ===============# set userfile "scripts/log/oyun.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set telnet-banner "telnet-banner" #====================== GENERAL BOTNET OPTIONS =====================# #set botnet-nick "OyunCak" set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 0 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 15 set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 15 #===================== ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR BOT ===================# #set firewall "proxy:178" #set nat-ip "" #set reserved-port 9076 set ignore-time 0 set hourly-updates 00 set owner "Toprak" set notify-newusers "" set default-flags "hp" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 0 unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set dcc-portrange 1024:65535 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT MODULE SETTINGS ==================# set mod-path "modules/" #==================== GENERAL BOT CHANNEL MODULES ==================# loadmodule channels set chanfile "scripts/log/Oyun.chan" set ban-time 0 set exempt-time 60 set invite-time 60 # set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 0:0 set global-chanset { +clearbans -enforcebans -dynamicbans -userbans -autoop -bitch +greet +nodesynch +statuslog -stopnethack -revenge -secret -autovoice +cycle +dontkickops -wasoptest -inactive +protectfriends +shared -seen +userexempts +dynamicexempts +userinvites +dynamicinvites } channel add #Oyun { need-op { putserv "MODE #Oyun +h-o Oyun Oyun" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } channel add #Bots { need-op { putserv "MODE #Bots +v-o Oyun Oyun" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } set global-chanmode "" #==================== GENERAL BOT SERVER MODULES ===================# loadmodule server set net-type 0 set nick "Oyun" set realname "2
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internet hizmetleri" set init-server { putserv "ns register $enickpass oyun@$server" } bind evnt - init-server sas proc sas {type} { global botnick putquick "oper Eggdrop $egpass" -next putquick "ns identify $enickpass" -next putquick "MODE Oyun +BH-hY" } set servers { $ip:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set use-ison 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 0:0 # how many CTCPs in how many seconds? set flood-ctcp 0:0 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6667 set server-cycle-wait 30 set server-timeout 15 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set debug-output 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set double-mode 0 set double-server 0 set double-help 0 #set use-silence 1 #set check-mode-r 1 loadmodule ctcp set ctcp-mode 0 loadmodule irc set bounce-bans 0 set bounce-modes 0 set kick-bogus-bans 0 set bounce-bogus-bans 0 set max-bans 20 set max-modes 30 set allow-desync 0 set kick-bogus 0 set ban-bogus 0 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost #bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident unbind msg - pass *msg:pass set no-chanrec-info 0 set revenge-mode 1 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 set bounce-bogus-exempts 0 set kick-bogus-exempts 0 set bounce-bogus-invites 0 set kick-bogus-invites 0 # set use-exempts 0 # set use-invites 0 set prevent-mixing 1 #set kick-method 1 #set modes-per-line 3 #set use-354 0 #set rfc-compliant 1 #loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 3 set dcc-block 1024 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 30 #==================== GENERAL BOT SHARE MODULES ====================# #loadmodule share #set allow-resync 0 #set resync-time 900 #set private-owner 0 #set private-global 0 #set private-globals "mnot" #set private-user 0 #================== GENERAL BOT FILESYSTEM MODULES =================# #loadmodule filesys set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 #===================== GENERAL BOT NOTES MODULES ===================# loadmodule notes set notefile "scripts/log/oyun.notes" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 set notify-onjoin 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT CONSOLE MODULES ==================# loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 #==================== GENERAL BOT WOOBIE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule woobie #===================== GENERAL BOT SEEN MODULES ====================# #loadmodule seen #==================== GENERAL BOT BLOWFISH MODULES =================# checkmodule blowfish #===================== GENERAL BOT ASSOC MODULES ===================# #loadmodule assoc #===================== GENERAL BOT WRITE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule wire #======================== GENERAL BOT SCRIPTS ======================# source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/Oyun/oyun.tcl #===================== GENERAL BOT HELP MODULES ====================# loadhelp scripts/ __EOF__ rm -rf kelime.conf cat > kelime.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # ########################################################### set username "Siteniz" set admin "Toprak <email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
>" set network "$ip" set timezone "EST" set offset "5" set my-hostname "$ip" #==================== GENERAL BOT LOGGING OPTIONS ==================# set max-logsize 0 set quick-logs 0 logfile mco * "scripts/log/Kelime.log" logfile bjk #Kelime "scripts/log/Kelime.log" set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 0 set console "mkcobxs" #================ GENERAL BOT FILE/LOCATION SETTINGS ===============# set userfile "scripts/log/Kelime.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set telnet-banner "telnet-banner" #====================== GENERAL BOTNET OPTIONS =====================# #set botnet-nick "OyunCak" set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 0 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 15 set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 15 #===================== ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR BOT ===================# #set firewall "proxy:178" #set nat-ip "" #set reserved-port 9076 set ignore-time 0 set hourly-updates 00 set owner "Toprak" set notify-newusers "" set default-flags "hp" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 0 unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set dcc-portrange 1024:65535 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT MODULE SETTINGS ==================# set mod-path "modules/" #==================== GENERAL BOT CHANNEL MODULES ==================# loadmodule channels set chanfile "scripts/log/Kelime.chan" set ban-time 0 set exempt-time 60 set invite-time 60 # set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 0:0 set global-chanset { +clearbans -enforcebans -dynamicbans -userbans -autoop -bitch +greet +nodesynch +statuslog -stopnethack -revenge -secret -autovoice +cycle +dontkickops -wasoptest -inactive +protectfriends +shared -seen +userexempts +dynamicexempts +userinvites +dynamicinvites } channel add #Kelime { need-op { putserv "MODE #Kelime +h-o Kelime Kelime" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } channel add #Bots { need-op { putserv "MODE #Bots +v-o Kelime Kelime" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } set global-chanmode "" #==================== GENERAL BOT SERVER MODULES ===================# loadmodule server set net-type 0 set nick "Kelime" set realname "2
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
internet hizmetleri" set init-server { putserv "ns register $enickpass kelime@$server" } bind evnt - init-server sas proc sas {type} { global botnick putquick "oper Eggdrop $egpass" -next putquick "ns identify $enickpass" -next putquick "MODE Kelime +BH-hY" } set servers { $ip:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set use-ison 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 0:0 # how many CTCPs in how many seconds? set flood-ctcp 0:0 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6667 set server-cycle-wait 30 set server-timeout 15 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set debug-output 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set double-mode 0 set double-server 0 set double-help 0 #set use-silence 1 #set check-mode-r 1 loadmodule ctcp set ctcp-mode 0 loadmodule irc set bounce-bans 0 set bounce-modes 0 set kick-bogus-bans 0 set bounce-bogus-bans 0 set max-bans 20 set max-modes 30 set allow-desync 0 set kick-bogus 0 set ban-bogus 0 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost #bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident unbind msg - pass *msg:pass set no-chanrec-info 0 set revenge-mode 1 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 set bounce-bogus-exempts 0 set kick-bogus-exempts 0 set bounce-bogus-invites 0 set kick-bogus-invites 0 # set use-exempts 0 # set use-invites 0 set prevent-mixing 1 #set kick-method 1 #set modes-per-line 3 #set use-354 0 #set rfc-compliant 1 #loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 3 set dcc-block 1024 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 30 #==================== GENERAL BOT SHARE MODULES ====================# #loadmodule share #set allow-resync 0 #set resync-time 900 #set private-owner 0 #set private-global 0 #set private-globals "mnot" #set private-user 0 #================== GENERAL BOT FILESYSTEM MODULES =================# #loadmodule filesys set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 #===================== GENERAL BOT NOTES MODULES ===================# loadmodule notes set notefile "scripts/log/oyun.notes" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 set notify-onjoin 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT CONSOLE MODULES ==================# loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 #==================== GENERAL BOT WOOBIE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule woobie #===================== GENERAL BOT SEEN MODULES ====================# #loadmodule seen #==================== GENERAL BOT BLOWFISH MODULES =================# checkmodule blowfish #===================== GENERAL BOT ASSOC MODULES ===================# #loadmodule assoc #===================== GENERAL BOT WRITE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule wire #======================== GENERAL BOT SCRIPTS ======================# source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/Kelime/kelime.tcl #===================== GENERAL BOT HELP MODULES ====================# loadhelp scripts/ __EOF__ rm -rf kaos.conf cat > kaos.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # ########################################################### set username "Siteniz" set admin "Toprak <email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
>" set network "$ip" set timezone "EST" set offset "5" set my-hostname "$ip" #==================== GENERAL BOT LOGGING OPTIONS ==================# set max-logsize 0 set quick-logs 0 logfile mco * "scripts/log/Kaos.log" logfile bjk #Kelime "scripts/log/Kaos.log" set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 0 set console "mkcobxs" #================ GENERAL BOT FILE/LOCATION SETTINGS ===============# set userfile "scripts/log/Kaos.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set telnet-banner "telnet-banner" #====================== GENERAL BOTNET OPTIONS =====================# #set botnet-nick "OyunCak" set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 0 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 15 set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 15 #===================== ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR BOT ===================# #set firewall "proxy:178" #set nat-ip "" #set reserved-port 9076 set ignore-time 0 set hourly-updates 00 set owner "Toprak" set notify-newusers "" set default-flags "hp" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 0 unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set dcc-portrange 1024:65535 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT MODULE SETTINGS ==================# set mod-path "modules/" #==================== GENERAL BOT CHANNEL MODULES ==================# loadmodule channels set chanfile "scripts/log/Kaos.chan" set ban-time 0 set exempt-time 60 set invite-time 60 # set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 0:0 set global-chanset { +clearbans -enforcebans -dynamicbans -userbans -autoop -bitch +greet +nodesynch +statuslog -stopnethack -revenge -secret -autovoice +cycle +dontkickops -wasoptest -inactive +protectfriends +shared -seen +userexempts +dynamicexempts +userinvites +dynamicinvites } channel add #Yarisma { need-op { putserv "MODE #Yarisma +h-o Kaos Kaos" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } channel add #Bots { need-op { putserv "MODE #Bots +v-o Kaos Kaos" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } set global-chanmode "" #==================== GENERAL BOT SERVER MODULES ===================# loadmodule server set net-type 0 set nick "Kaos" set realname "2
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
hizmetleri" set init-server { putserv "ns register $enickpass kaos@$server" } bind evnt - init-server sas proc sas {type} { global botnick putquick "oper Eggdrop $egpass" -next putquick "ns identify $enickpass" -next putquick "MODE Kaos +BH-hY" } set servers { $ip:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set use-ison 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 0:0 # how many CTCPs in how many seconds? set flood-ctcp 0:0 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6667 set server-cycle-wait 30 set server-timeout 15 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set debug-output 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set double-mode 0 set double-server 0 set double-help 0 #set use-silence 1 #set check-mode-r 1 loadmodule ctcp set ctcp-mode 0 loadmodule irc set bounce-bans 0 set bounce-modes 0 set kick-bogus-bans 0 set bounce-bogus-bans 0 set max-bans 20 set max-modes 30 set allow-desync 0 set kick-bogus 0 set ban-bogus 0 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost #bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident unbind msg - pass *msg:pass set no-chanrec-info 0 set revenge-mode 1 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 set bounce-bogus-exempts 0 set kick-bogus-exempts 0 set bounce-bogus-invites 0 set kick-bogus-invites 0 # set use-exempts 0 # set use-invites 0 set prevent-mixing 1 #set kick-method 1 #set modes-per-line 3 #set use-354 0 #set rfc-compliant 1 #loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 3 set dcc-block 1024 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 30 #==================== GENERAL BOT SHARE MODULES ====================# #loadmodule share #set allow-resync 0 #set resync-time 900 #set private-owner 0 #set private-global 0 #set private-globals "mnot" #set private-user 0 #================== GENERAL BOT FILESYSTEM MODULES =================# #loadmodule filesys set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 #===================== GENERAL BOT NOTES MODULES ===================# loadmodule notes set notefile "scripts/log/oyun.notes" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 set notify-onjoin 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT CONSOLE MODULES ==================# loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 #==================== GENERAL BOT WOOBIE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule woobie #===================== GENERAL BOT SEEN MODULES ====================# #loadmodule seen #==================== GENERAL BOT BLOWFISH MODULES =================# checkmodule blowfish #===================== GENERAL BOT ASSOC MODULES ===================# #loadmodule assoc #===================== GENERAL BOT WRITE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule wire #======================== GENERAL BOT SCRIPTS ======================# source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/Kaos/kaos.tcl #===================== GENERAL BOT HELP MODULES ====================# loadhelp scripts/ __EOF__ rm -rf test.conf cat > test.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # ########################################################### set username "Siteniz" set admin "Toprak <email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
>" set network "$ip" set timezone "EST" set offset "5" set my-hostname "$ip" #==================== GENERAL BOT LOGGING OPTIONS ==================# set max-logsize 0 set quick-logs 0 logfile mco * "scripts/log/test.log" logfile bjk #Kelime "scripts/log/test.log" set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 0 set console "mkcobxs" #================ GENERAL BOT FILE/LOCATION SETTINGS ===============# set userfile "scripts/log/Test.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set telnet-banner "telnet-banner" #====================== GENERAL BOTNET OPTIONS =====================# #set botnet-nick "OyunCak" set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 0 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 15 set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 15 #===================== ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR BOT ===================# #set firewall "proxy:178" #set nat-ip "" #set reserved-port 9076 set ignore-time 0 set hourly-updates 00 set owner "Toprak" set notify-newusers "" set default-flags "hp" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 0 unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set dcc-portrange 1024:65535 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT MODULE SETTINGS ==================# set mod-path "modules/" #==================== GENERAL BOT CHANNEL MODULES ==================# loadmodule channels set chanfile "scripts/log/Kelime.chan" set ban-time 0 set exempt-time 60 set invite-time 60 # set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 0:0 set global-chanset { +clearbans -enforcebans -dynamicbans -userbans -autoop -bitch +greet +nodesynch +statuslog -stopnethack -revenge -secret -autovoice +cycle +dontkickops -wasoptest -inactive +protectfriends +shared -seen +userexempts +dynamicexempts +userinvites +dynamicinvites } channel add #Test { need-op { putserv "MODE #Test +h-o Test Test" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } channel add #Bots { need-op { putserv "MODE #Bots +v-o Test Test" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } set global-chanmode "" #==================== GENERAL BOT SERVER MODULES ===================# loadmodule server set net-type 0 set nick "Test" set realname "2
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
internet hizmetleri" set init-server { putserv "ns register $enickpass test@$server" } bind evnt - init-server sas proc sas {type} { global botnick putquick "oper Eggdrop $egpass" -next putquick "ns identify $enickpass" -next putquick "MODE test +BH-hY" } set servers { $ip:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set use-ison 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 0:0 # how many CTCPs in how many seconds? set flood-ctcp 0:0 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6667 set server-cycle-wait 30 set server-timeout 15 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set debug-output 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set double-mode 0 set double-server 0 set double-help 0 #set use-silence 1 #set check-mode-r 1 loadmodule ctcp set ctcp-mode 0 loadmodule irc set bounce-bans 0 set bounce-modes 0 set kick-bogus-bans 0 set bounce-bogus-bans 0 set max-bans 20 set max-modes 30 set allow-desync 0 set kick-bogus 0 set ban-bogus 0 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost #bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident unbind msg - pass *msg:pass set no-chanrec-info 0 set revenge-mode 1 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 set bounce-bogus-exempts 0 set kick-bogus-exempts 0 set bounce-bogus-invites 0 set kick-bogus-invites 0 # set use-exempts 0 # set use-invites 0 set prevent-mixing 1 #set kick-method 1 #set modes-per-line 3 #set use-354 0 #set rfc-compliant 1 #loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 3 set dcc-block 1024 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 30 #==================== GENERAL BOT SHARE MODULES ====================# #loadmodule share #set allow-resync 0 #set resync-time 900 #set private-owner 0 #set private-global 0 #set private-globals "mnot" #set private-user 0 #================== GENERAL BOT FILESYSTEM MODULES =================# #loadmodule filesys set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 #===================== GENERAL BOT NOTES MODULES ===================# loadmodule notes set notefile "scripts/log/oyun.notes" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 set notify-onjoin 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT CONSOLE MODULES ==================# loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 #==================== GENERAL BOT WOOBIE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule woobie #===================== GENERAL BOT SEEN MODULES ====================# #loadmodule seen #==================== GENERAL BOT BLOWFISH MODULES =================# checkmodule blowfish #===================== GENERAL BOT ASSOC MODULES ===================# #loadmodule assoc #===================== GENERAL BOT WRITE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule wire #======================== GENERAL BOT SCRIPTS ======================# source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/Test/test.tcl #===================== GENERAL BOT HELP MODULES ====================# loadhelp scripts/ __EOF__ rm -rf islam.conf cat > islam.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # ########################################################### set username "Siteniz" set admin "Toprak <email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
>" set network "$ip" set timezone "EST" set offset "5" set my-hostname "$ip" #==================== GENERAL BOT LOGGING OPTIONS ==================# set max-logsize 0 set quick-logs 0 logfile mco * "scripts/log/islam.log" logfile bjk #Kelime "scripts/log/islam.log" set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 0 set console "mkcobxs" #================ GENERAL BOT FILE/LOCATION SETTINGS ===============# set userfile "scripts/log/islam.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set telnet-banner "telnet-banner" #====================== GENERAL BOTNET OPTIONS =====================# #set botnet-nick "OyunCak" set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 0 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 15 set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 15 #===================== ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR BOT ===================# #set firewall "proxy:178" #set nat-ip "" #set reserved-port 9076 set ignore-time 0 set hourly-updates 00 set owner "Toprak" set notify-newusers "" set default-flags "hp" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 0 unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set dcc-portrange 1024:65535 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT MODULE SETTINGS ==================# set mod-path "modules/" #==================== GENERAL BOT CHANNEL MODULES ==================# loadmodule channels set chanfile "scripts/log/Kelime.chan" set ban-time 0 set exempt-time 60 set invite-time 60 # set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 0:0 set global-chanset { +clearbans -enforcebans -dynamicbans -userbans -autoop -bitch +greet +nodesynch +statuslog -stopnethack -revenge -secret -autovoice +cycle +dontkickops -wasoptest -inactive +protectfriends +shared -seen +userexempts +dynamicexempts +userinvites +dynamicinvites } channel add #islam { need-op { putserv "MODE #islam +h-o Hoca Hoca" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } channel add #Bots { need-op { putserv "MODE #Bots +v-o Hoca Hoca" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } set global-chanmode "" #==================== GENERAL BOT SERVER MODULES ===================# loadmodule server set net-type 0 set nick "Hoca" set realname "2
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
internet hizmetleri" set init-server { putserv "ns register $enickpass hoca@$server" } bind evnt - init-server sas proc sas {type} { global botnick putquick "oper Eggdrop $egpass" -next putquick "ns identify $enickpass" -next putquick "MODE Hoca +BH-hY" } set servers { $ip:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set use-ison 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 0:0 # how many CTCPs in how many seconds? set flood-ctcp 0:0 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6667 set server-cycle-wait 30 set server-timeout 15 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set debug-output 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set double-mode 0 set double-server 0 set double-help 0 #set use-silence 1 #set check-mode-r 1 loadmodule ctcp set ctcp-mode 0 loadmodule irc set bounce-bans 0 set bounce-modes 0 set kick-bogus-bans 0 set bounce-bogus-bans 0 set max-bans 20 set max-modes 30 set allow-desync 0 set kick-bogus 0 set ban-bogus 0 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost #bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident unbind msg - pass *msg:pass set no-chanrec-info 0 set revenge-mode 1 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 set bounce-bogus-exempts 0 set kick-bogus-exempts 0 set bounce-bogus-invites 0 set kick-bogus-invites 0 # set use-exempts 0 # set use-invites 0 set prevent-mixing 1 #set kick-method 1 #set modes-per-line 3 #set use-354 0 #set rfc-compliant 1 #loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 3 set dcc-block 1024 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 30 #==================== GENERAL BOT SHARE MODULES ====================# #loadmodule share #set allow-resync 0 #set resync-time 900 #set private-owner 0 #set private-global 0 #set private-globals "mnot" #set private-user 0 #================== GENERAL BOT FILESYSTEM MODULES =================# #loadmodule filesys set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 #===================== GENERAL BOT NOTES MODULES ===================# loadmodule notes set notefile "scripts/log/oyun.notes" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 set notify-onjoin 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT CONSOLE MODULES ==================# loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 #==================== GENERAL BOT WOOBIE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule woobie #===================== GENERAL BOT SEEN MODULES ====================# #loadmodule seen #==================== GENERAL BOT BLOWFISH MODULES =================# checkmodule blowfish #===================== GENERAL BOT ASSOC MODULES ===================# #loadmodule assoc #===================== GENERAL BOT WRITE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule wire #======================== GENERAL BOT SCRIPTS ======================# source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/Hoca/islam.tcl #===================== GENERAL BOT HELP MODULES ====================# loadhelp scripts/ __EOF__ rm -rf helps.conf cat > helps.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # ########################################################### set username "Siteniz" set admin "Toprak <email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
>" set network "$ip" set timezone "EST" set offset "5" set my-hostname "$ip" #==================== GENERAL BOT LOGGING OPTIONS ==================# set max-logsize 0 set quick-logs 0 logfile mco * "scripts/log/helps.log" logfile bjk #Kelime "scripts/log/helps.log" set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 0 set console "mkcobxs" #================ GENERAL BOT FILE/LOCATION SETTINGS ===============# set userfile "scripts/log/helps.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set telnet-banner "telnet-banner" #====================== GENERAL BOTNET OPTIONS =====================# #set botnet-nick "OyunCak" set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 0 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 15 set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 15 #===================== ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR BOT ===================# #set firewall "proxy:178" #set nat-ip "" #set reserved-port 9076 set ignore-time 0 set hourly-updates 00 set owner "Toprak" set notify-newusers "" set default-flags "hp" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 0 unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set dcc-portrange 1024:65535 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT MODULE SETTINGS ==================# set mod-path "modules/" #==================== GENERAL BOT CHANNEL MODULES ==================# loadmodule channels set chanfile "scripts/log/Kelime.chan" set ban-time 0 set exempt-time 60 set invite-time 60 # set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 0:0 set global-chanset { +clearbans -enforcebans -dynamicbans -userbans -autoop -bitch +greet +nodesynch +statuslog -stopnethack -revenge -secret -autovoice +cycle +dontkickops -wasoptest -inactive +protectfriends +shared -seen +userexempts +dynamicexempts +userinvites +dynamicinvites } channel add #Egitim { need-op { putserv "MODE #Egitim +h-o HelpOyun HelpOyun" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } channel add #Bots { need-op { putserv "MODE #Bots +v-o HelpOyun HelpOyun" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } set global-chanmode "" #==================== GENERAL BOT SERVER MODULES ===================# loadmodule server set net-type 0 set nick "HelpOyun" set realname "2
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
internet hizmetleri" set init-server { putserv "ns register $enickpass HelpOyun@$server" } bind evnt - init-server sas proc sas {type} { global botnick putquick "oper Eggdrop $egpass" -next putquick "ns identify $enickpass" -next putquick "MODE HelpOyun +BH-hY" } set servers { $ip:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set use-ison 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 0:0 # how many CTCPs in how many seconds? set flood-ctcp 0:0 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6667 set server-cycle-wait 30 set server-timeout 15 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set debug-output 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set double-mode 0 set double-server 0 set double-help 0 #set use-silence 1 #set check-mode-r 1 loadmodule ctcp set ctcp-mode 0 loadmodule irc set bounce-bans 0 set bounce-modes 0 set kick-bogus-bans 0 set bounce-bogus-bans 0 set max-bans 20 set max-modes 30 set allow-desync 0 set kick-bogus 0 set ban-bogus 0 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost #bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident unbind msg - pass *msg:pass set no-chanrec-info 0 set revenge-mode 1 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 set bounce-bogus-exempts 0 set kick-bogus-exempts 0 set bounce-bogus-invites 0 set kick-bogus-invites 0 # set use-exempts 0 # set use-invites 0 set prevent-mixing 1 #set kick-method 1 #set modes-per-line 3 #set use-354 0 #set rfc-compliant 1 #loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 3 set dcc-block 1024 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 30 #==================== GENERAL BOT SHARE MODULES ====================# #loadmodule share #set allow-resync 0 #set resync-time 900 #set private-owner 0 #set private-global 0 #set private-globals "mnot" #set private-user 0 #================== GENERAL BOT FILESYSTEM MODULES =================# #loadmodule filesys set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 #===================== GENERAL BOT NOTES MODULES ===================# loadmodule notes set notefile "scripts/log/oyun.notes" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 set notify-onjoin 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT CONSOLE MODULES ==================# loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 #==================== GENERAL BOT WOOBIE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule woobie #===================== GENERAL BOT SEEN MODULES ====================# #loadmodule seen #==================== GENERAL BOT BLOWFISH MODULES =================# checkmodule blowfish #===================== GENERAL BOT ASSOC MODULES ===================# #loadmodule assoc #===================== GENERAL BOT WRITE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule wire #======================== GENERAL BOT SCRIPTS ======================# source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/Helps/helps.tcl #===================== GENERAL BOT HELP MODULES ====================# loadhelp scripts/ __EOF__ rm -rf carkifelek.conf cat > carkifelek.conf << __EOF__ ########################################################### # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # ########################################################### set username "Siteniz" set admin "Toprak <email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
>" set network "$ip" set timezone "EST" set offset "5" set my-hostname "$ip" #==================== GENERAL BOT LOGGING OPTIONS ==================# set max-logsize 0 set quick-logs 0 logfile mco * "scripts/log/carkifelek.log" logfile bjk #Kelime "scripts/log/carkifelek.log" set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 0 set console "mkcobxs" #================ GENERAL BOT FILE/LOCATION SETTINGS ===============# set userfile "scripts/log/carkifelek.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set telnet-banner "telnet-banner" #====================== GENERAL BOTNET OPTIONS =====================# #set botnet-nick "OyunCak" set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 0 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 15 set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 15 #===================== ADVANCED SETTINGS FOR BOT ===================# #set firewall "proxy:178" #set nat-ip "" #set reserved-port 9076 set ignore-time 0 set hourly-updates 00 set owner "Toprak" set notify-newusers "" set default-flags "hp" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 0 unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set dcc-portrange 1024:65535 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT MODULE SETTINGS ==================# set mod-path "modules/" #==================== GENERAL BOT CHANNEL MODULES ==================# loadmodule channels set chanfile "scripts/log/Kelime.chan" set ban-time 0 set exempt-time 60 set invite-time 60 # set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 0:0 set global-chanset { +clearbans -enforcebans -dynamicbans -userbans -autoop -bitch +greet +nodesynch +statuslog -stopnethack -revenge -secret -autovoice +cycle +dontkickops -wasoptest -inactive +protectfriends +shared -seen +userexempts +dynamicexempts +userinvites +dynamicinvites } channel add #Carkifelek { need-op { putserv "MODE #Carkifelek +h-o Carkifelek Carkifelek" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } channel add #Bots { need-op { putserv "MODE #Bots +v-o Carkifelek Carkifelek" } chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 flood-chan 0:0 } set global-chanmode "" #==================== GENERAL BOT SERVER MODULES ===================# loadmodule server set net-type 0 set nick "Carkifelek" set realname "2
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
internet hizmetleri" set init-server { putserv "ns register $enickpass Carkifelek@$server" } bind evnt - init-server sas proc sas {type} { global botnick putquick "oper Eggdrop $egpass" -next putquick "ns identify $enickpass" -next putquick "MODE Carkifelek +BH-hY" } set servers { $ip:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set use-ison 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 0:0 # how many CTCPs in how many seconds? set flood-ctcp 0:0 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6667 set server-cycle-wait 30 set server-timeout 15 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set debug-output 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set double-mode 0 set double-server 0 set double-help 0 #set use-silence 1 #set check-mode-r 1 loadmodule ctcp set ctcp-mode 0 loadmodule irc set bounce-bans 0 set bounce-modes 0 set kick-bogus-bans 0 set bounce-bogus-bans 0 set max-bans 20 set max-modes 30 set allow-desync 0 set kick-bogus 0 set ban-bogus 0 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost #bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident unbind msg - pass *msg:pass set no-chanrec-info 0 set revenge-mode 1 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 set bounce-bogus-exempts 0 set kick-bogus-exempts 0 set bounce-bogus-invites 0 set kick-bogus-invites 0 # set use-exempts 0 # set use-invites 0 set prevent-mixing 1 #set kick-method 1 #set modes-per-line 3 #set use-354 0 #set rfc-compliant 1 #loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 3 set dcc-block 1024 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 30 #==================== GENERAL BOT SHARE MODULES ====================# #loadmodule share #set allow-resync 0 #set resync-time 900 #set private-owner 0 #set private-global 0 #set private-globals "mnot" #set private-user 0 #================== GENERAL BOT FILESYSTEM MODULES =================# #loadmodule filesys set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 #===================== GENERAL BOT NOTES MODULES ===================# loadmodule notes set notefile "scripts/log/oyun.notes" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 set notify-onjoin 1 #==================== GENERAL BOT CONSOLE MODULES ==================# loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 #==================== GENERAL BOT WOOBIE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule woobie #===================== GENERAL BOT SEEN MODULES ====================# #loadmodule seen #==================== GENERAL BOT BLOWFISH MODULES =================# checkmodule blowfish #===================== GENERAL BOT ASSOC MODULES ===================# #loadmodule assoc #===================== GENERAL BOT WRITE MODULES ===================# #loadmodule wire #======================== GENERAL BOT SCRIPTS ======================# source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/motus/motus.tcl #===================== GENERAL BOT HELP MODULES ====================# loadhelp scripts/ __EOF__ cd cd eggdrop/scripts wget -q [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] tar zxvf tcl.tar.gz rm -rf tcl.tar.gz cd cd eggdrop/ ./eggdrop -m kelime.conf ./eggdrop -m kaos.conf ./eggdrop -m test.conf ./eggdrop -m carkifelek.conf ./eggdrop -m oyun.conf ./eggdrop -m helps.conf ./eggdrop -m islam.conf cd wget -q [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] tar zxvf webchat.tar.gz rm -rf webchat.tar.gz cd webchat/ rm -rf cat > << __EOF__ #!/usr/bin/env python2.6 # this entire thing is a hack and badly needs reimplementing import bin.compile bin.compile.vcheck() DEFAULT_PORT = $qwebport1 from optparse import OptionParser import sys, os, config def run_twistd(args1=None, args2=None): from twisted.scripts.twistd import run args = [sys.argv[0]] if args1 is not None: args.extend(args1) args.append("qwebirc") if args2 is not None: args.extend(args2) sys.argv = args run() def help_reactors(*args): run_twistd(["--help-reactors"]) sys.exit(1) try: from select import epoll DEFAULT_REACTOR = "epoll" except ImportError: try: from select import kqueue DEFAULT_REACTOR = "kqueue" except ImportError: try: from select import poll DEFAULT_REACTOR = "poll" except ImportError: DEFAULT_REACTOR = "select" parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--no-daemon", help="Don't run in the background.", action="store_false", dest="daemonise", default=True) parser.add_option("--help-reactors", help="Display a list of reactor names.", action="callback", callback=help_reactors) parser.add_option("-b", "--debug", help="Run in the Python Debugger.", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False) parser.add_option("-t", "--tracebacks", help="Display tracebacks in error pages (this reveals a LOT of information, do NOT use in production!)", action="store_true", dest="tracebacks", default=False) parser.add_option("-r", "--reactor", help="Which reactor to use (see --help-reactors for a list).", dest="reactor", default=DEFAULT_REACTOR) parser.add_option("-p", "--port", help="Port to start the server on.", type="int", dest="port", default=DEFAULT_PORT) parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", help="IP address to listen on.", dest="ip", default="") parser.add_option("-l", "--logfile", help="Path to twisted log file.", dest="logfile") parser.add_option("-c", "--clf", help="Path to web CLF (Combined Log Format) log file.", dest="clogfile") parser.add_option("-C", "--certificate", help="Path to SSL certificate.", dest="sslcertificate") parser.add_option("-k", "--key", help="Path to SSL key.", dest="sslkey") parser.add_option("-H", "--certificate-chain", help="Path to SSL certificate chain file.", dest="sslchain") parser.add_option("-P", "--pidfile", help="Path to store PID file", dest="pidfile") parser.add_option("-s", "--syslog", help="Log to syslog", action="store_true", dest="syslog", default=False) parser.add_option("-f", "--flash-port", help="Port to listen for flash policy connections on.", type="int", dest="flashPort") parser.add_option("--profile", help="Run in profile mode, dumping results to this file", dest="profile") parser.add_option("--profiler", help="Name of profiler to use", dest="profiler") parser.add_option("--syslog-prefix", help="Syslog prefix", dest="syslog_prefix", default="qwebirc") sargs = sys.argv[1:] if "ARGS" in dir(config): import shlex sargs = shlex.split(config.ARGS) + sargs (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=sargs) args1, args2 = [], [] if not options.daemonise: args1.append("-n") if options.debug: args1.append("-b") if options.reactor != DEFAULT_REACTOR: rn = options.reactor + "reactor" getattr(__import__("twisted.internet", fromlist=[rn]), rn).install() if options.logfile: args1+=["--logfile", options.logfile] if options.pidfile: args1+=["--pidfile", options.pidfile] if options.syslog: args1+=["--syslog"] if options.profile: args1+=["--profile", options.profile] if options.profiler: args1+=["--profiler", options.profiler] if options.syslog and options.syslog_prefix: import syslog syslog.openlog(options.syslog_prefix) if not options.tracebacks: args2.append("-n") if options.clogfile: args2+=["--logfile", options.clogfile] if options.flashPort: args2+=["--flashPort", options.flashPort] if options.sslcertificate and options.sslkey: args2+=["--certificate", options.sslcertificate, "--privkey", options.sslkey, "--https", options.port] if options.sslchain: args2+=["--certificate-chain", options.sslchain] else: args2+=["--port", options.port] args2+=["--ip", options.ip] run_twistd(args1, args2) __EOF__ rm -rf cat > << __EOF__ from qwebirc.config_options import * IRCSERVER = "$ip" IRCPORT = 1985 REALNAME = "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
" AUTH_OK_REGEX = "^You are now logged in as [^ ]+\\.$" import dummyauthgate as AUTHGATEPROVIDER #NICK_SERVICE = "NickServ!services@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...].net" RECAPTCHA_KEY = None ANALYTICS = None __EOF__ rm -rf twistd.log rm -rf chmod 777 chmod 777 ./ -p $qwebport1 cd wget -q [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] tar zxvf qwebirc.tar.gz rm -rf qwebirc.tar.gz cd qwebirc/ rm -rf cat > << __EOF__ #!/usr/bin/env python2.6 # this entire thing is a hack and badly needs reimplementing import bin.compile bin.compile.vcheck() DEFAULT_PORT = $qwebport from optparse import OptionParser import sys, os, config def run_twistd(args1=None, args2=None): from twisted.scripts.twistd import run args = [sys.argv[0]] if args1 is not None: args.extend(args1) args.append("qwebirc") if args2 is not None: args.extend(args2) sys.argv = args run() def help_reactors(*args): run_twistd(["--help-reactors"]) sys.exit(1) try: from select import epoll DEFAULT_REACTOR = "epoll" except ImportError: try: from select import kqueue DEFAULT_REACTOR = "kqueue" except ImportError: try: from select import poll DEFAULT_REACTOR = "poll" except ImportError: DEFAULT_REACTOR = "select" parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--no-daemon", help="Don't run in the background.", action="store_false", dest="daemonise", default=True) parser.add_option("--help-reactors", help="Display a list of reactor names.", action="callback", callback=help_reactors) parser.add_option("-b", "--debug", help="Run in the Python Debugger.", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False) parser.add_option("-t", "--tracebacks", help="Display tracebacks in error pages (this reveals a LOT of information, do NOT use in production!)", action="store_true", dest="tracebacks", default=False) parser.add_option("-r", "--reactor", help="Which reactor to use (see --help-reactors for a list).", dest="reactor", default=DEFAULT_REACTOR) parser.add_option("-p", "--port", help="Port to start the server on.", type="int", dest="port", default=DEFAULT_PORT) parser.add_option("-i", "--ip", help="IP address to listen on.", dest="ip", default="") parser.add_option("-l", "--logfile", help="Path to twisted log file.", dest="logfile") parser.add_option("-c", "--clf", help="Path to web CLF (Combined Log Format) log file.", dest="clogfile") parser.add_option("-C", "--certificate", help="Path to SSL certificate.", dest="sslcertificate") parser.add_option("-k", "--key", help="Path to SSL key.", dest="sslkey") parser.add_option("-H", "--certificate-chain", help="Path to SSL certificate chain file.", dest="sslchain") parser.add_option("-P", "--pidfile", help="Path to store PID file", dest="pidfile") parser.add_option("-s", "--syslog", help="Log to syslog", action="store_true", dest="syslog", default=False) parser.add_option("-f", "--flash-port", help="Port to listen for flash policy connections on.", type="int", dest="flashPort") parser.add_option("--profile", help="Run in profile mode, dumping results to this file", dest="profile") parser.add_option("--profiler", help="Name of profiler to use", dest="profiler") parser.add_option("--syslog-prefix", help="Syslog prefix", dest="syslog_prefix", default="qwebirc") sargs = sys.argv[1:] if "ARGS" in dir(config): import shlex sargs = shlex.split(config.ARGS) + sargs (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=sargs) args1, args2 = [], [] if not options.daemonise: args1.append("-n") if options.debug: args1.append("-b") if options.reactor != DEFAULT_REACTOR: rn = options.reactor + "reactor" getattr(__import__("twisted.internet", fromlist=[rn]), rn).install() if options.logfile: args1+=["--logfile", options.logfile] if options.pidfile: args1+=["--pidfile", options.pidfile] if options.syslog: args1+=["--syslog"] if options.profile: args1+=["--profile", options.profile] if options.profiler: args1+=["--profiler", options.profiler] if options.syslog and options.syslog_prefix: import syslog syslog.openlog(options.syslog_prefix) if not options.tracebacks: args2.append("-n") if options.clogfile: args2+=["--logfile", options.clogfile] if options.flashPort: args2+=["--flashPort", options.flashPort] if options.sslcertificate and options.sslkey: args2+=["--certificate", options.sslcertificate, "--privkey", options.sslkey, "--https", options.port] if options.sslchain: args2+=["--certificate-chain", options.sslchain] else: args2+=["--port", options.port] args2+=["--ip", options.ip] run_twistd(args1, args2) __EOF__ rm -rf cat > << __EOF__ from qwebirc.config_options import * IRCSERVER = "$ip" IRCPORT = 7005 REALNAME = "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
" AUTH_OK_REGEX = "^You are now logged in as [^ ]+\\.$" import dummyauthgate as AUTHGATEPROVIDER #NICK_SERVICE = "NickServ!services@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...].net" RECAPTCHA_KEY = None ANALYTICS = None __EOF__ rm -rf twistd.log rm -rf chmod 777 chmod 777 ./ -p $qwebport cd clear history -c echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "| Kurulum Tamamlandi |" echo "| Kurulum Versiyonlari |" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "| Unreal Versiyonu : |" echo "| IRCServices Versiyon : 5.0.64 |" echo "| Eggdrop Versiyon : 1.6.19 |" echo "| Mobil Aplet (qwebIRC) : v2-Siteniz |" echo "| Web Aplet (qwebIRC) : v1-Siteniz |" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" echo "|- Bilgileriniz" echo "|- Server Adi : $server" echo "|- Kisa Domain : $kisadomain" echo "|- IP Adresi : $ip" echo "|- Root Nick : $rootnick" echo "|- R. Oper Pass : $rootpass" echo "|- E. Oper Pass : $egpass" echo "|- E. Nick Pass : $enickpass" echo "|- QwebIRC Pass : $qwebpass" echo "|" echo "|- Mobil giris : http://$ip:$qwebport/" echo "|- Web giris : http://$ip:$qwebport1/" echo "|-------------------------------------------|" #------------------------------ # Kodlama Bitti - #------------------------------

[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

(You Must Enter a Password.) hatası alıyorum qwebirc den giriş yaparken

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 26 Ocak 2020, 15:18   #19
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

ya Arkadaşlar ben hayla otokur da karakter sorununu çözemedim nerde ne hatası yaptım bana yardımcı olabilir misiniz?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 03 Ağustos 2020, 12:00   #20
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: OTO-KUR (Dosyaları ile)

': not a valid identifierc
otokur: line 6406: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Bu sorunu nasil cozeriz utf-8 vs kaydettim yine ayni ssh ekranina copy paste bile yaptik sorun devam ediyor

Alıntı ile Cevapla


otokur, services, unreal

Konuyu Toplam 1 Üye okuyor. (0 Kayıtlı üye ve 1 Misafir)

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Güncel Tps.Bin Dosyaları uyducanavari Uydu Dünyası 2 06 Ekim 2007 16:40
/* Yuzukchat.Net IRC(d) Dosyaları */ Freak Hazır_kodlar 17 13 Mayıs 2007 13:40
Anope Help Dosyaları vLkn Servisler 0 28 Mart 2007 00:09
Tcl Dosyaları Hakkında.. slash Eggdrop, NeoStats, BNC 3 03 Mart 2006 22:31