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Alt 21 Şubat 2014, 23:05   #1
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İngilizce Aşk Şiirleri ​

İngilizce Aşk Şiirleri ​
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]
Was There No Truth to Your Beauty?
Was there no truth to your beauty?
What of the lies your beauty told me?
Was your beauty all that there was to see?
Did I not make your beauty part of me?

Your beauty that shone like a beacon in a crowd!
Your beauty that veiled my senses in a shroud!
Your beauty, which deterred seeing your person?
Was your beauty not more… a gilded prison?

But time unyielding holds your beauty as hostage,
It acts on your beauty, displaying its ravage.
Your beauty so idly fears that it may lose its face.
Each passing year sends your beauty to its resting place.

Should you once beg of age to have mercy on your beauty,
Just recall what little mercy your beauty had on me.

Champion Ignored
To me you are a beauty queen
As pretty as the bird that sings
Upon the tall sequoia tree
Your voice to me all sweetness brings

My love for you is long and wide
As vast as any earthly sea
My patience must forever bide
Until you find the time for me

Your mind is like a horde of gold
That stretches long beyond my sight
The treasure that I long to hold
Yet could consume me with its might

What can I hope to find within
Besides the drive your love to win

The Spot Of Least Resistance
I will not tell you straight
But this I swear I'll do
Three clues to where it is
I'll give for now to you

For one it is above
A spot you tried before
For two it is the thing
I press against the door

If more than that you need
To you I say just this
Please say my words aloud
Their worth you cannot miss

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, aşk, İngilizce, Şiirleri

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