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Alt 26 Kasım 2007, 17:07   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Bash'da kendi kodunuzu yapin?

Bash nedir?

Açılımı bourne again shell 'dir. Biz shell scripting(shell programlama) yani kabuk programlama hakkinda bilgi verecegim.
Ama linux de en çok işimize yarayan komutlari tek komut olarak caliştira bilmemize saglayan cok güzel bir yazilimdir.

Dökümanda yazacagim konulardan sonra kendi kodunuzu yapicaksiniz
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Bash neler kullanabiliriz?

if, else, alias, while gibi komutlari bash scriptinde kullanabilirsiniz. Aslinda bash da herşeyi kullanmak mümkün
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Şimdi geçelim dersimize;

Shell scripting kodlamasinin ilk satirindaki satir her zaman sabittir. Nedir ilk satirimiz;

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!

Bu aralar oto kurulumlar moda oldugu için bizde bir shell programi yazalim. Unreal kurulumu yapalim beraber.


Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#/usr/bin/! # # örnek bash kodu vs=Unreal3.2.6 clear if [ "$(ls -A Unreal3.2)" ]; then echo; echo; echo "$color $USER size ait hesapda, $vs versionu kurulu! Islem iptal edildi." exit 0 else wget -q -O echo -n "Dosya indirilsinmi?" read cc tar zxvf Unreal3.2.3.tar.gz cd /home/$USER/Unreal3.2 wget -q -O wget -q -O ./Config -nointro -quick make cd rm -rf Unreal3.2.3.tar.gz clear echo -n "$USER size hesabiniza $vs IRC(d) başari ile kuruldu." fi

Şimdi açıklayalim ne yaptik..

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!

kurulum sonunda, biraz görsellik olmasi için $vs kuruldu yazicamiz için bir deger verdik
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ekranimizi temizler, temiz bir ekranda kurulum yapalim ama degilmi?

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
if [ "$(ls -A Unreal3.2)" ]; then

Eger Unreal3.2 adi altinda bir klasör varsa;

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
echo; echo; echo "$USER size ait hesapda, $vs versionu kurulu! Islem iptal edildi."

yazisini gönder

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
exit 0

işlemden çık

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!

egerki o klasör yoksa

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
wget -q -O

dosyasi indir. Ama neden wget -q -O derseniz, indirme işlemlerini ekranda görünmesini istemem
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Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
echo -n "Dosya indirilsinmi?"

kullaniciya onay sor

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
read cc

kullanici onayi(enter)

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
tar zxvf Unreal3.2.3.tar.gz

indirilen dosyayi aç

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
cd /home/$USER/Unreal3.2

/home/kullanici/Unreal3.2 dizinine gir

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
wget -q -O wget -q -O

dosyalarini indir

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
./Config -nointro -quick

kurulum sirasinda bize sordugu islemleri direk geçmesi için bunu yaziyoruz

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!

kurulum isleminin son aşamasi, ayarlari kayit et.

cd yazdigimiz zaten ana menüye geri döner.

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
rm -rf Unreal3.2.3.tar.gz

dosyamizi sil.

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!

ekranimizi temizle

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
echo -n "$USER size hesabiniza $vs IRC(d) başari ile kuruldu."

kullaniciyi ircd'in kuruldugunu söyle.

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!

kullandigimiz her if için bir fi yaziyoruz/zorundayiz.

Flora bash scripting - oto kurulum sihirbazi ciktikdan sonra, daha degisik konulari ele alip, egitim dökümanlari hazirliyacagiz.

Simdi sizin kodunuzu görelim?
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Alıntı ile Cevapla

IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet bizimmekan
Alt 26 Kasım 2007, 17:10   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Bash'da kendi kodunuzu yapin?

ii ii
gözüme girion
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Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 26 Kasım 2007, 20:30   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Bash'da kendi kodunuzu yapin?

Güzel Paylaşım... Emeğine Sağlık.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 27 Kasım 2007, 08:24   #4
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Bash'da kendi kodunuzu yapin?

Kimsemi yazmiyor bash kodunu? O halde bir örnek daha verelim. Ne yapalim? ircservices için ircservices.conf hazirliyalim
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Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#!/bin/sh #ircservices.conf FILE="ircservices.conf" mename="" nick="BehroozWolf" ip="" echo "" echo "Services isminiz?(sadece gibi. yazmayin)" echo $n "[$mename] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then mename="$cc" fi echo "" echo "Services sifreniz?" echo $n "[$pass] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then pass="$cc" fi echo "" echo "Sunucu ip adresiniz?" echo $n "[$ip] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then ip="$cc" fi echo "" echo "Guest nickler ne olsun?" echo $n "[$guest] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then guest="$cc" fi cat > $FILE << __EOF__ # örnek conf dosyasi # RemoteServer $ip 6667 "$pass" ServerName "services.$mename" ServerDesc "- IRC Servisleri" ServiceUser "services@$mename" Umask 077 LogFilename ircservices.log PIDFilename MOTDFilename ircservices.motd LockFilename .lock StrictPasswords BadPassLimit 5 BadPassTimeout 1h BadPassWarning 3 UpdateTimeout 5m WarningTimeout 4h ReadTimeout 3 TimeoutCheck 1.0 #PingFrequency 30s #MergeChannelModes 0.5 NetBufferSize 4194304 1048576 # 4MB and 1MB NetBufferLimit 80 95 GuestNickPrefix "$guest" #DefTimeZone PST8PDT LogMaxUsers EnableGetpass WallGetpass WallSetpass LoadModule protocol/unreal #LoadModule encryption/md5 LoadModule database/version4 LoadModule mail/main LoadModule mail/smtp LoadModule mail/sendmail LoadModule operserv/main LoadModule operserv/akill LoadModule operserv/news LoadModule operserv/sessions LoadModule operserv/sline LoadModule nickserv/main LoadModule nickserv/access LoadModule nickserv/autojoin LoadModule nickserv/link #LoadModule nickserv/mail-auth #LoadModule nickserv/oldlink #LoadModule nickserv/sendpass LoadModule chanserv/main #LoadModule chanserv/access-levels LoadModule chanserv/access-xop #LoadModule chanserv/sendpass LoadModule memoserv/main #LoadModule memoserv/forward LoadModule memoserv/ignore LoadModule statserv/main LoadModule misc/helpserv #LoadModule misc/devnull #LoadModule httpd/main #LoadModule httpd/auth-ip #LoadModule httpd/auth-password #LoadModule httpd/dbaccess #LoadModule httpd/debug #LoadModule httpd/redirect #LoadModule httpd/top-page LoadModule misc/xml-export LoadModule misc/xml-import

Konu BehroozWolf tarafından (27 Kasım 2007 Saat 10:45 ) değiştirilmiştir.
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 01 Aralık 2007, 06:55   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Bash'da kendi kodunuzu yapin?

Canım sıkılıyordu, bir tane shell script yazdim. Amaci, radyomuzu kurar. Conf dosyamiz için, şifre ve port sorar, sonra startlar
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Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#/usr/bin/! #Bourne again shell(bash) #BehroozWolf <
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> time=`date +%H:%M:%S` vs=shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6 YELLOW='\e[1;33m' LIGHTCYAN='\e[1;36m' no='\e[0m' clear if [ "$(ls -A shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6)" ]; then echo -e $YELLOW "$USER size ait hesapda, $vs versionu kurulu! Islem iptal edildi." tput sgr0 echo -e $no exit 0 else wget tar zxvf shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6.tar.gz rm -rf shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6.tar.gz rm -rf shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6/sc_serv.conf clear FILE="sc_serv.conf" EXISTS="y" pass="123456" SUBMIT="y" c='' n='' 2>/dev/null if [ "`eval echo -n 'a'`" = "-n a" ]; then c='\c' else n='-n' fi echo "" echo "Radyo Portunuz?" echo $n "[$port] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then pass="$cc" fi echo "" echo "Radyo Şifreniz?" echo $n "[$port] -> $c" read cc if [ ! -z $cc ]; then port="$cc" fi cp sc_serv.conf /home/$USER/shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6 cd /home/$USER/shoutcast-1-9-5-linux-glibc6 ./sc_serv cd echo -e $LIGHTCYAN "****************************************************" tput sgr0 echo -e "" tput sgr0 echo -e "# Sayin $USER Kurulan $vs hakkinda bilgiler;" tput sgr0 echo -e "" tput sgr0 echo -e "# Shoutcast(radyo) Versionu : $vs" tput sgr0 echo -e "" tput sgr0 echo -e "# Kurulum süresi : $time" tput sgr0 echo -e $LIGHTCYAN "****************************************************" tput sgr0 echo -e $no fi cat > $FILE << __EOF__ # Bu conf BehroozWolf tarafindan hazirlanmistir # ; Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Nullsoft, Inc. ; All Rights Reserved. ; Last modified Mar 17 2004 ; If you want to manage multiple configurations, just copy ; this file to another name, and run sc_serv with that name ; such as: ; sc_serv.exe sc_leet.conf ; *************************** ; Required stuff ; *************************** ; MaxUser. The maximum number of simultaneous listeners allowed. ; Compute a reasonable value for your available upstream bandwidth (i.e. if ; you have 256kbps upload DSL, and want to broadcast at 24kbps, you would ; choose 256kbps/24kbps=10 maximum listeners.) Setting this value higher ; only wastes RAM and screws up your broadcast when more people connect ; than you can support. MaxUser=32 ; Password. While SHOUTcast never asks a listener for a password, a ; password is required to broadcast through the server, and to perform ; administration via the web interface to this server. This server should ; consist of only letters and numbers, and is the same server your broadcaster ; will need to enter in the SHOUTcast Source Plug-in for Winamp. THIS VALUE ; CANNOT BE BLANK. Password=$pass ; PortBase. This is the IP port number your server will run on. The ; value, and the value + 1 must be available. If you get a fatal error when ; the DNAS is setting up a socket on startup, make sure nothing else on the ; machine is running on the same port (telnet localhost portnumber -- if you ; get connection refused then you're clear to use that port). Ports < 1024 ; may require root privledges on *nix machines. The default port is 8000. PortBase=$port ; *************************** ; Optional Parameters ; *************************** ; *************************** ; Logging configuration ; *************************** ; LogFile: file to use for logging. Can be '/dev/null' or 'none' ; or empty to turn off logging. The default is ./sc_serv.log ; on *nix systems or sc_serv_dir\sc_serv.log on win32. ; Note: on win32 systems if no path is specified the location is ; in the same dir as the executable, on *nix systems it is in the ; current directory. LogFile=sc_serv.log ; RealTime displays a status line that is updated every second ; with the latest information on the current stream (*nix and win32 ; console systems only) RealTime=1 ; ScreenLog controls whether logging is printed to the screen or not ; on *nix and win32 console systems. It is useful to disable this when ; running servers in background without their own terminals. Default is 1 ScreenLog=1 ; ShowLastSongs specifies how many songs to list in the /played.html ; page. The default is 10. Acceptable entries are 1 to 20. ShowLastSongs=10 ; TchLog decides whether or not the DNAS logfile should track yp ; directory touches. Adds and removes still appear regardless of ; this setting. ; Default is yes ; TchLog=yes ; WebLog decides whether or not hits to http:// on this DNAS will ; be logged. Most people leave this off because the DSP plug-in ; uses http:// calls to update titles and get the listener count, ; which takes up a lot of log space eventually. If you want to ; see people making hits on your admin.cgi or index pages, turn ; this back on. Note that this setting does NOT affect XML stats ; counters for hits to http:// pages. ; Default is no. ; WebLog=no ; W3CEnable turns on W3C Logging. W3C logs contain httpd-like accounts ; of every track played for every listener, including byte counts those listeners ; took. This data can be parsed with tools like Analog and WebTrends, or given ; to third parties like Arbitron and Measurecast for their reporting systems. ; Default is Yes (enabled). W3CEnable=Yes ; W3CLog describes the name of the logfile for W3C logging. Default logfile is ; sc_w3c.log, in the same directory wherever the DNAS gets started from. W3CLog=sc_w3c.log ; *************************** ; Network configuration ; *************************** ; SrcIP, the interface to listen for source connections on (or to make relay ; connections on if relaying). Can and usually will be ANY or ; (Making it will keep other machines from being able to ; broadcast using your shoutcast server ) SrcIP=ANY ; DestIP, IP to listen for clients on (and to contact ; can and usually will be be ANY. If your machine has multiple IP addresses, ; set this to the one you want it to be accessed by. DestIP=ANY ; Yport, port to connect to on. For people behind caching ; webproxies, change this to the alternate port (666 is what it might be, ; check
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if you have problems). Otherwise, leave this at 80. ; We're actively working on re-opening port 666, but as of release the only ; working port is port 80. Yport=80 ; NameLookups. Specify 1 to perform reverse DNS on connections. ; This option may increase the time it takes to connect to your ; server if your DNS server is slow. Default is 0 (off). NameLookups=0 ; RelayPort and RelayServer specify that you want to be a relay server. ; Relay servers act as clients to another server, and rebroadcast. ; Set RelayPort to 0, RelayServer to empty, or just leave these commented ; out to disable relay mode. ; RelayPort=8000 ; RelayServer= ; *************************** ; Server configuration ; *************************** ; AdminPassword. This password (if specified) changes the ; behavior of Password to be a broadcast-only password, and ; limits HTTP administration tasks to the password specified ; here. The broadcaster, with the password above, can still ; log in and view connected users, but only the AdminPassword ; will grant the right to kick, ban, and specify reserve hosts. ; The default is undefined (Password allows control for both ; source and admin) AdminPassword=bahoo ; AutoDumpUsers controls whether listeners are disconnected if the source ; stream disconnects. The default is 0. AutoDumpUsers=0 ; AutoDumpSourceTime specifies how long, in seconds, the source stream is ; allowed to be idle before the server disconnects it. 0 will let the source ; stream idle indefinately before disconnecting. The default is 30. AutoDumpSourceTime=30 ; ContentDir specifies the directory location on disk of where to stream ; on-demand content from. Subdirectories are supported as of DNAS 1.8.2. ; Default is ./content, meaning a directory named content in the same directory ; as where sc_serv was invoked from. ; ContentDir=./content ; IntroFile can specify a mp3 file that will be streamed to listeners right ; when they connect before they hear the live stream. ; Note that the intro file MUST be the same samplerate/channels as the ; live stream in order for this to work properly. Although bitrate CAN ; vary, you can use '%d' to specify the bitrate in the filename ; (i.e. C:\intro%d.mp3 would be C:\intro64.mp3 if you are casting at 64kbps). ; The default is no IntroFile ; IntroFile=c:\intro%d.mp3 ; BackupFile can specify a mp3 file that will be streamed to listeners over ; and over again when the source stream disconnects. AutoDumpUsers must be ; 0 to use this feature. When the source stream reconnects, the listeners ; are rejoined into the live broadcast. ; Note that the backup file MUST be the same samplerate/channels as the ; live stream in order for this to work properly. Although bitrate CAN ; vary, you can use '%d' to specify the bitrate in the filename ; (i.e. C:\backup%d.mp3 would be C:\backup32.mp3 if you are casting at 32kbps). ; The default is no BackupFile ; BackupFile=C:\intro%d.mp3 ; TitleFormat specifies a format string for what title is sent to the listener. ; For example, a string of 'Justin Radio' forces the title 'Justin Radio' even ; when the source changes the title. You can use up to one '%s' in the string ; which lets you contain the title from the source. For example, if your ; TitleFormat is 'Justin Radio: %s', and the source plug-in's title is ; 'Billy plays the blues', then the net title is ; 'Justin Radio: Billy plays the blues'. Note: only works on non-relay servers. ; The default is no format string. ; TitleFormat=Justin Radio: %s ; URLFormat specifies a format string for what url is sent to the listener. ; Behaves like TitleFormat (see above). ; The default is no format string. ; URLFormat=
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PublicServer can be always, never, or default (the default, heh) ; Any setting other than default will override the public status ; of the source plug-in or of a SHOUTcast server that is being relayed. PublicServer=default ; AllowRelay determines whether or not other SHOUTcast servers will be ; permitted to relay this server. The default is Yes. AllowRelay=Yes ; AllowPublicRelay, when set to No, will tell any relaying servers not ; to list the server in the SHOUTcast directory (non-public), provided ; the relaying server's Public flag is set to default. The default is ; Yes. AllowPublicRelay=Yes ; MetaInterval specifies how often, in bytes, metadata sent. ; You should really leave this at the default of 8192, but the option is ; provided anyway. MetaInterval=32768 ; ***************************** ; Access Control ; ***************************** ; ListenerTimer is a value in minutes of maximum permitted time for ; a connected listener. If someone is connected for longer than this ; amount of time, in minutes, they are disconnected. When undefined, ; there is no limit defined. Default is undefined. ; ListenerTimer=600 ; BanFile is the text file sc_serv reads and writes to/from ; for the list of clients prohibited to connect to this ; server. It's automatically generated via the web ; interface. ; BanFile=sc_serv.ban ; RipFile is the text file sc_serv reads and writes to/from ; for the list of client IPs which are *ALWAYS* permitted ; to connect to this server (useful for relay servers). ; This file is automatically generated via the web ; interface. Note that if your server is FULL, and someone ; from a Reserved IP connects, the DNAS will force the person ; listening for the longest time off to make room for the new ; connection. ; ; RIPOnly, when set to Yes, will only allow IP addresses listed in the Reserved ; IP list to connect and relay. All other connections for listening will be denied. ; This is really only useful for servers whose sole purpose is to provide the ; primary feed to all public relays. Setting this value to Yes also forces the ; server into Private mode, since listing this server in the directory would ; be pointless. Default is No. ; RIPOnly=No ; ***************************** ; Extended Logging ; ***************************** ; The old features previously at this location, HistoryLog and CurrentLog, are ; no longer used and succeded by W3C Logging and XML, respectively. ; *************************** ; Mass Configuration ; *************************** ; Unique: assigns a variable name for use in any config item which points to a ; file. Useful for servers running lots of SHOUTcast servers that have similar ; configuration parameters, excepting logfile names, banfile names, etc. Any ; parameter that takes a pathname can include the character $, which will ; substitute $ for the variable assigned here. Keep in mind that the unique ; variable can only be used after it is defined, so don't try to use a unique ; variable substitution in a path before you define it. For example, you ; could set: ; Unique=my_server ; and then define Log=/usr/local/shoutcast/$.log in an included configuration ; file. Default is Unique=$, so that by default any file with $ in the name ; won't substitute anything at all. ; Include: instructs the sc_serv to read from the named configuration file, ; *at the point of insertion of the Include statement*, and process as though ; the included file was part of itself. Note that all configuration parameters ; in the DNAS config file are processed first to last, so if an item is defined ; twice in a configuration, the last item to process will be the one that takes ; effect. For this reason, it's usually a good idea to use the Includes first ; in a config file. ; example: ; Include=/usr/local/shoutcast/common.conf ; Default is not applicable. ; ***************************** ; Tweaks ; ***************************** ; ; DON'T MESS WITH THIS STUFF UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. ; DON'T COMPLAIN TO US IF YOU MESS WITH IT AND THINGS BREAK. ; HAVE A NICE DAY. ; CpuCount is used to explicitly limit the DNAS to dominating a finite ; amount of processors in multiprocessor systems. By default, ; SHOUTcast creates one thread for every processor it detects in the ; host system, and assigns listeners equally across all the threads. ; In the event SHOUTcast doesn't correctly determine the number of ; CPUs in your host, or if you for whatever reason want to force ; the DNAS to not use other processors, you can say so here. ; Default behavior is to use as many processors as the DNAS detects on ; your system. ; CpuCount=1 ; Sleep defines the granularity of the client threads for sending data. ; DNAS 1.7.0, per client thread, will send up to 1,024 bytes of data ; per socket (or less depending on the window available), and then ; sleep for the provided duration before repeating the whole process. ; Note that making this value smaller will vastly increase CPU usage on ; your machine. Increasing reduces CPU, but increasing this value too far ; will cause skips. The value which seems most optimal for 128kbps ; streaming is 833 (833 microseconds per client poll) on our test labs. ; We wouldn't recommend setting it any lower than 100, or any higher than ; 1,024. If you have a slower machine, set this number lower to fix ; skips. ; Default value is 833. ; Sleep=833 ; CleanXML strips some whitespace and linefeeds from XML output which ; confuses some (poorly written) XML parsers. If you get XML rendering errors, ; try turning this on. Default is No (off). ; CleanXML=No ; ; TAG RULES

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 01 Aralık 2007, 14:22   #6
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Bash'da kendi kodunuzu yapin?

[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] Biri seni DURDURSUN.

Eline saglık çok güzel paylaşimlar

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 01 Aralık 2007, 14:25   #7
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Bash'da kendi kodunuzu yapin?

Benden baska yazan yok ama? Yazsaniz sorsaniz bildigimiz kadariyla ögretiriz

Alıntı ile Cevapla


yapin, kodunuzu, kendi, bashda

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Konu Konuyu Başlatan Forum Cevaplar Son Mesaj
Sonatype / kodunuzu ücretsiz koruyun OKK Web Uygulamaları 1 03 Ağustos 2020 18:26
Kar kavanozu yapin Zen Ev Dekorasyonu 1 07 Haziran 2014 16:02
Bash & ftp BehroozWolf GNU, Linux ve UNIX 3 14 Nisan 2008 13:54
Kendi temanizi yapin. SuNSeT Cep Telefonlar 0 04 Aralık 2007 14:09
Kendi çizgi filminizi yapin.. Majere Bilgisayar Donanımı 0 19 Temmuz 2006 15:22