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Alt 03 Eylül 2012, 19:56   #1
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Eggdrop conf maker

Şimdi eggdrop.conf dosyasını .sh shell betiği oluşturmak çok kolay işte çözüm
Aşağıdaki kodu bir text dosyasına yazıp save edin.Daha sonra uzantısını .sh olarak değiştirin ftp den kullanıcı/home/eggdrop/ klasörünün içerisine atın.Daha sonra ./quickdrop 1 diyerek telnetten çalıştırın ve karşınıza çıkan sorulara cevap verin btirdikten sonra "./eggdrop eggdrop.conf ile çalıştırıp eggdropunuzun çalışmasını kontrol edin hepsi bu kadar sorunlarnız ve sorularınız için bana pm atınız

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
#!/bin/sh # EGGDROP CONFIGURATION TOOL # By Zapped # contact me at #help or #eggdrop # # # clear echo -e "\033[3;035m.....................................................................\033[0m" echo " " echo " QQQQ U U III CCC K K DDDD RRRR OOO PPPP " echo " Q Q U U I C C K K D D R R O O P P " echo " Q Q U U I C KKK D D RRRR O O PPPP " echo " Q Q Q U U I C C K K D D R R O O P " echo " QQQQ UUU III CCC K K DDDD R R OOO P " echo " Q " echo " v0.1.2 Beta 1 " echo " " echo -e "\033[3;035m.....................................................................\033[0m" echo "" # MAKE SURE WHERE YOU BELONG TO RUN SCRIPT echo "Make Sure you Run this script from the eggdrops dir or you'll be moving shit!" echo "" ### ASK WHERE TO PUT THIS SHIT echo "Welcome to the Eggdrop Configuration Setup Script. You will now be prompted for your eggdrop settings. ACCEPT THE DEFAULTS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING!!!" echo "" printf "Directory your eggdrop is located in which to make the file [/home/eggdrop]: " read CONFIG_DIR if [ "$CONFIG_DIR" = "" ] ; then CONFIG_DIR=/home/eggdrop cd $CONFIG_DIR fi echo "" printf "Botnick this is the nick by which your bot will join and will become the name of the conf file as well: " read botnick if [ "$botnick.conf" = "" ] ; then touch $botnick.conf elif [ "$botnick.conf" = "$botnick.conf" ] ; then rm -i $botnick.conf else touch $botnick.conf fi echo "#! $CONFIG_DIR" >> $botnick.conf RIGHT_NOW=$(date +"%x %r %Z") echo "#Created on $RIGHT_NOW by QUICKDROP #An Eggdrop configuration tool BY Zapped #for help come to #help or #eggdrop #e-mail zapped@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] " >> $botnick.conf echo"" echo"" echo "This setting defines which contact person should be shown in .status," echo "/msg help, and other places. You really should include this information." echo "" printf "What is the Admins Name/Nick?: " read adname printf "What is the Admins e-mail?: " read admail echo "set admin "\"$adname e-mail: $admail\" >> $botnick.conf printf "Who is the owner of the bot? [ $adname ]: " read owner if [ "$owner" = "" ] ; then echo "set owner "\"$adname\" >> $botnick.conf else echo "set owner "\"$owner\" >> $botnick.conf fi echo "" echo "" echo "This setting is used only for info to share with others on your botnet." echo "Set this to the IRC network your bot is connected to." echo "" printf "What is the network the bot will reside on? [ PlayersRealm ]?: " read network if [ "$network" = "" ] ; then echo "set network "\"\" >> $botnick.conf else echo "set network "\"$network\" >> $botnick.conf fi echo "" echo "" echo "This setting defines the timezone is your bot in. It's used for internal" echo "routines as well as for logfile timestamping and scripting purposes." echo "The timezone string specifies the name of the timezone and must be three" echo "or more alphabetic characters. For example, Central European Time(UTC+1)" echo "should be "CET"." echo "" printf "What is the timezone the bot lives in? i.e.. PST CST EST [ EST ]: " read timezone if [ "$timezone" = "" ] ; then echo "set timezone "\"EST\" >> $botnick.conf else echo "set timezone "\"$timezone\" >> $botnick.conf fi echo "" echo "" echo "The offset setting specifies the time value to be added to the local time to get Coordinated Universal Time (UTC aka GMT). The offset is positive if the local timezone is west of the Prime Meridian and negative if it is east. The value (in hours) must be between -23 and 23. For example, if the timezone is UTC+1, the offset is -1." echo "" printf "What is the timezone offset?: " read offset if [ "$offset" = "" ] ; then echo "set offset "\"5\" >> $botnick.conf else echo "set offset "\"$offset\" >> $botnick.conf echo "#set env(TZ) "\"$timezone $offset\" >> $botnick.conf fi echo "" echo "## FIREWALL SPECIFIC SETTINGS ##" echo "" echo "These next 4 questions are FIREWALL specific. You can usually leave them unset without any problems, only set them if your bot has problems connecting." echo "" echo "If you have a NAT FIREWALL (you box has an IP in one of the following ranges:,, and your firewall transparently changes your address to a unique address for your box) or you have IP masquerading between you and the rest of the world, and /dcc chat,/ctcp chat or userfile sharing aren't working, enter your outside IP here. Do not enter anything for my-ip or my-hostname if you use this setting. Choosing no will eliminate this line if you want the default to edit later hit (y) and then hit Enter." echo "" printf "Would you like to set your nat ip? [ y/N ]: " read nat_ipyorn if echo "$nat_ipyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "" echo "The IP must be entered in the ADDRESS format." echo "(ex. or" echo "" printf "Enter the IP or press ENTER to have the Default entered and commented out: " read nat_ip if [ "$nat_ip" != "" ] then echo "set nat-ip "\"$nat_ip\" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "NAT IP has been set to $nat_ip." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Default entered and commented out." echo "#set nat-ip "\"\" >> $botnick.conf fi fi echo "" echo "" echo "If you're using virtual hosting (your machine has more than 1 IP), you" echo "may want to specify the particular IP to bind to. You can specify either" echo "by hostname or by IP. You may also want to set the hostname here if" echo "eggdrop has trouble detecting it when it starts up." echo "" printf "Would you like to set your ip? [ y/N ]: " read my_ipyorn if echo "$my_ipyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "" echo "The IP must be entered in the ADDRESS format." echo "(ex." echo "" printf "Enter the IP or press ENTER to have the Default entered and commented out: " read my_ip if [ "$my_ip" != "" ] then echo "set my-ip "\"$my_ip\" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "MY IP has been set to $my_ip." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Default entered and commented out." echo "#set my-ip "\"\" >> $botnick.conf fi fi echo "" echo "If you set my_ip then don't set this." echo "" printf "Would you like to set your host? i.e.. [ y/N ]: " read my_hostyorn if echo "$my_hostyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "" echo "The HOST must be entered in the DOMAIN format." echo "(ex. or" echo "" printf "Enter the HOST or press ENTER to have the Default entered and commented out: " read my_host if [ "$my_host" != "" ] then echo "set my-hostname "\"$my_host\" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "MY HOST has been set to $my_host." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Default entered and commented out." echo "#set my-host "\"\" >> $botnick.conf fi fi echo "" echo "Set this to your socks host if your eggdrop sits behind a firewall." echo "If you use a Sun "telnet passthru" firewall, use this setting:" echo "" printf "Would you like to set the socks host? [ y/N ]: " read firewallyorn if echo "$firewallyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "" echo "The HOST must be entered in the DOMAIN/PORT format." echo "(ex. ! or !sun-bar.ebay:3666)." echo "" printf "Enter the HOST/PORT or press ENTER to have the Default entered and commented out: " read firewall if [ "$firewall" != "" ] then echo "set firewall "\"\!$firewall\" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "Your SOCKS HOST has been set to $firewall." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Default entered and commented out." echo "#set firewall "\"\!sun-barr.ebay:3666\" >> $botnick.conf fi fi echo " ## Bot Shit ## set nick "\"$botnick\" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "" echo "Set the alternative nick which the bot uses on IRC if $botnick is unavailable. All '?' characters will be replaced by random numbers. Not setting this will result in the default being used i.e. $botnick?. And no entry will be made in the conf file. If you want it there even as default for later use type (y)and then just hit Enter." echo "" printf "Would you like to set your bots altnick? [ y/N ]: " read altnickyorn if echo "$altnickyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "" echo "" printf "Enter the ALTNICK or press ENTER to use default [ $botnick? ]: " read altnick if [ "$altnick" != "" ] then echo "set altnick "\"$altnick\" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "ALTNICK has been set to $altnick." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Default entered [ $botnick? ]." echo "set altnick "\"$botnick?\" >> $botnick.conf fi fi echo "" echo "" echo "The password for the bot needs to be set before hand for it to work. To do that you need to register it with nickserv, otherwise this is useless." echo "" printf "What did you set the bots password to with nickserv?: " read nickpass if [ "$nickpass" != "" ] ; then echo "set nickpass "\"$nickpass\" >> $botnick.conf else echo "set nickpass "\"ImaLamer\" >> $botnick.conf fi echo "" echo "" echo "This setting defines the username the bot uses on IRC. This setting has no effect if an ident daemon is running on your bot's machine. This is the UID in the host on joins/parts and in whois i.e. lamer@[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]" echo "" printf "What is the username?: " read username if [ "$username" = "" ] ; then echo "set username "\"lamest\" >> $botnick.conf else echo "set username "\"$username\" >> $botnick.conf fi echo "" echo "" echo "Set what should be displayed in the real-name field for the bot on IRC." echo "" printf "What realname would you like? Recommended you change this [ /msg LamesBot hello ]: " read realname if [ "$realname" = "" ] ; then echo "set realname "\"/msg LamesBot hello\" >> $botnick.conf else echo "set realname "\"$realname\" >> $botnick.conf fi echo "set keep-nick 1" >> $botnick.conf echo " ## Paths To Everything ##" >> $botnick.conf echo "set userfile "\"$botnick.user\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set mod-path "\"$CONFIG_DIR/modules\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set chanfile "\"$botnick.chanfile\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set files-path "\"$CONFIG_DIR/filesys\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set incoming-path "\"$CONFIG_DIR/filesys/incoming\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set dcc-incoming "\"$CONFIG_DIR/filesys/incoming\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set notefile "\"$botnick.notes\" >> $botnick.conf echo " ## Text Files Banners Motd ##" >> $botnick.conf echo "set help-path "\"help/\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set text-path "\"text/\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set temp-path "\"/tmp\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set motd "\"text/motd\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set telnet-banner "\"text/banner\" >> $botnick.conf echo " ## Module Shit ## loadmodule dns loadmodule channels loadmodule server loadmodule ctcp loadmodule irc loadmodule transfer loadmodule share loadmodule compress loadmodule filesys loadmodule notes loadmodule console loadmodule seen checkmodule blowfish loadmodule assoc loadmodule wire ## Your Modules ##" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "" printf "Are there any modules which you would like to add? (y/N): " read moduleyorn while echo "$moduleyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 do echo "" echo "The modules is CaSe sensitive and must be entered as it is in source." echo "Or the bot will not run!!" echo "(ex. SeeN.tcl or LaMeRs.tcl)." echo "" printf "Enter the script name here or press ENTER to skip: " read modules if [ "$module" != "" ] then echo "loadmodule $module" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "The module $module has been added to $botnick.conf." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Module addition has been skipped." fi echo "" printf "Do you wish to add others? (y/N): " read moduleyorn echo " ## Telnet Dcc Port Shit ##" >> $botnick.conf echo "##### BOTNET/DCC/TELNET ##### # Settings in this section should be unimportant for you until you deal # with botnets (multiple eggdrops connected together to maximize efficiency). # You should read doc/BOTNET before modifying these settings." echo "" echo " If you wish this line in the conf for later use but not now you need to hit yes and then enter for default, or no entry will be made." echo "" printf "Would you like enter a botnet nick? [ y/N ]: " read netnickyorn if echo "$netnickyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "" echo "" printf "Enter the BOTNET-nick or press ENTER to use default: " read netnick if [ "$netnick" != "" ] then echo "set botnet-nick "\"$netnick\" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "BOTNET-nick has been set to $netnick." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Default entered and commented out." echo "#set botnet-nick "\"LlamaBot\" >> $botnick.conf fi fi echo "# This opens a telnet port by which you and other bots can # interact with the eggdrop by telneting in. # # There are more options for the listen command in doc/tcl-commands.doc. # Note, if you are running more than one bot on the same machine, you will # want to space the telnet ports at LEAST 5 apart. 10 is even better. # # Valid ports are typically anything between 1025 and 65535 assuming the # port is not already in use." echo "" printf "Would you like enter a telnet port? [ y/N ]: " read telnetyorn if echo "$telnetyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "" echo "If you would like the bot to listen for users and bots" echo "enter it in the format of (3333 all). If you want separate ports" echo "then enter the botport now and you will be asked for the user port next." printf "Enter the telnet port for bots or press ENTER to use default: " read telnet if [ "$telnet" != "" ] then echo "listen $telnet" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "telnet port set to $telnet." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. (3333 all) was entered." echo "listen 3333 all" >> $botnick.conf fi fi echo "If you used (port all) skip this setting" printf "Would you like enter a user telnet port? [ y/N ]: " read telnetuyorn if echo "$telnetuyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 then echo "" echo "If you entered your telnet port as (3333 all)" echo "then you don't need this step." printf "Enter the telnet port for users or press ENTER to skip: " read telnetu if [ "$telnetu" != "" ] then echo "listen $telnetu" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "telnet user port set to $telnetu." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. User telnet port skipped." fi fi echo "set protect-telnet 0 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 5 set require-p 0 set open-telnets 0 set stealth-telnets 1 set use-telnet-banner 0 set connect-timeout 60 set dcc-flood-thr 20 set telnet-flood 10:60 set paranoid-telnet-flood 1 set resolve-timeout 30 set reserved-portrange 2010:2020 set ignore-time 15 set hourly-updates 00" >> $botnick.conf echo "set notify-newusers '$owner'" >> $botnick.conf echo "set default-flags "\"hcxd\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set whois-fields "\"url birthday\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set remote-boots 2 set share-unlinks 0 set die-on-sighup 1 set die-on-sigterm 1 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set set must-be-owner 2 # unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 # set dcc-portrange 1024:65535 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 set dupwait-timeout 60" >> $botnick.conf echo " ## Channel Shit## set ban-time 2 set exempt-time 60 set invite-time 10 # set force-expire 0 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 set global-flood-chan 25:60 set global-flood-deop 5:10 set global-flood-kick 10:10 set global-flood-join 5:60 set global-flood-ctcp 3:60 set global-flood-nick 5:60 set global-aop-delay 0 set global-idle-kick 0 set global-chanmode "\"nt\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set global-stopnethack-mode 0 set global-revenge-mode 0 " >> $botnick.conf echo "set global-chanset { -autoop -autovoice -bitch +cycle -clearbans +dontkickops -dynamicbans -dynamicexempts -dynamicinvites +enforcebans -greet -inactive +nodesynch -protectfriends +protectops -revenge -revengebot +secret -seen -shared -statuslog +userbans +userexempts +userinvites }" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "" echo "This is the channel the bot will join" echo "" printf "What channel would you like the bot to join?: " read channel if [ "$channel" = "" ] ; then echo "channel add #LamersRus {" >> $botnick.conf else echo "channel add #$channel {" >> $botnick.conf fi echo " chanmode "\"+dnt\" >> $botnick.conf echo " stopnethack-mode 0 idle-kick 1 revenge-mode 0" >> $botnick.conf echo "need-op { puthelp 'PRIVMSG ChanServ op :#$channel $botnick' }" >> $botnick.conf echo " need-invite { putserv 'PRIVMSG chanserv invite $botnick #$channel' }" >> $botnick.conf echo " need-key { putserv 'PRIVMSG #$channel :' }" >> $botnick.conf echo " need-unban { puthelp 'PRIVMSG chanserv :unban #$channel' }" >> $botnick.conf echo " need-limit { putserv 'PRIVMSG #$channel :' }" >> $botnick.conf echo " flood-chan 15:20 flood-deop 3:10 flood-kick 50:10 flood-join 4:60 flood-ctcp 3:60 flood-nick 3:60 }" >> $botnick.conf echo " ## Log Shit ## logfile mco * "\"logs/$botnick.log\" >> $botnick.conf echo "logfile jkops #$channel "\"logs/$channel.log\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set max-logs 30 set max-logsize 2048 set quick-logs 0 set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0" >> $botnick.conf echo "set logfile-suffix "\".%d%b%Y\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set switch-logfiles-at 300 set quiet-save 1 set console "\"mkcobxs\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set userfile-perm 0600 set sort-users 0" >> $botnick.conf echo " ## Server Shit ##" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "" echo "# What is your network?" echo "If you don't know what it is I would leave the default (it seems to work with most)" echo "# 0 = EFnet (non +e/+I hybrid) # 1 = IRCnet # 2 = Undernet # 3 = DALnet # 4 = EFnet +e/+I hybrid # 5 = Others" printf "What type of network would you like to set? [ 5 ]: " read net_type if [ "$net_type" = "" ] ; then echo "set net-type 5" >> $botnick.conf else echo "set net-type $net_type" >> $botnick.conf fi echo "set servers {" >> $botnick.conf echo "set init-server { puthelp 'PRIVMSG Nickserv :identify $nickpass '}" >> $botnick.conf echo echo "set default-port 6667" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "" echo "This is the bot's server list. The bot will start at the first server listed," echo "and cycle through them whenever it gets disconnected. You need to change these" echo "servers to YOUR network's servers." echo "# # The format is: # server[:port[:password]] # i.e.. # or # # Both the port and password fields are optional; however, if you want to set a # password you must also set a port. If a port isn't specified it will default to # your default-port setting." echo "" echo "" printf "Would you like to Enter the server? (y/N): " read serveryorn while echo "$serveryorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 do echo "" echo "The Server must be entered in the DOMAIN format." echo "ex. or" echo "If this is incorrect the bot will sit in limbo." echo "" printf "Enter the Server name or press ENTER to skip: " read server if [ "$server" != "" ] then echo " $server" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "The Server $server has been added to $botnick.conf." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Server addition has been skipped." fi echo "" printf "Do you wish to add others? (y/N): " read serveryorn done echo "}" >> $botnick.conf echo " set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 10 set flood-msg 5:60 set flood-ctcp 20:60 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set server-cycle-wait 60 set server-timeout 60 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 0 set use-console-r 0 set debug-output 0 set serverror-quit 1" >> $botnick.conf echo "set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set double-mode 0 set double-server 0 set double-help 0 set optimize-kicks 0 #set check-mode-r 0 set nick-len 32 set ctcp-mode 0 set bounce-bans 0 set bounce-modes 0 set max-bans 20 set max-modes 30 set kick-fun 0 set ban-fun 0 set learn-users 1" >> $botnick.conf echo "set wait-split 600 set wait-info 180 set mode-buf-length 200 unbind msg - hello *msg:hello bind msg - wasssup *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident unbind msg - addhost *msg:addhost #bind msg - myidentword *msg:ident set no-chanrec-info 0 set bounce-exempts 0 set bounce-invites 0 set max-exempts 20 set max-invites 20 # set use-exempts 0 # set use-invites 0 set prevent-mixing 1" >> $botnick.conf echo "set kick-method 8 set modes-per-line 6 #set include-lk 1 #set use-354 0 set rfc-compliant 1" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "" echo " ## File Shit ## set max-dloads 10 set dcc-block 0 set copy-to-tmp 0 set xfer-timeout 120 set allow-resync 1 set resync-time 900 set private-global 0" >> $botnick.conf echo "set private-globals "\"mnogfvaotPCd\" >> $botnick.conf echo "set private-user 0 set override-bots 0 set share-compressed 1 set compress-level 9 set upload-to-pwd 1 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 0 set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 0 set notify-onjoin 1 set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 1" >> $botnick.conf echo " ## Help ## loadhelp" >> $botnick.conf echo " #scripts# source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/action.fix.tcl source scripts/compat.tcl source scripts/userinfo.tcl ## Your Scripts ##" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "" printf "Are there any scripts which you would like to add? (y/N): " read scriptyorn while echo "$scriptyorn" | grep -iE '(y)' > /dev/null 2>&1 do echo "" echo "The SCRIPT is CaSe sensitiveand must be entered as it is in source." echo "Or the bot will not run!!" echo "(ex. SeeN.tcl or LaMeRs.tcl)." echo "" printf "Enter the script name here or press ENTER to skip: " read script if [ "$script" != "" ] then echo "source scripts/$script" >> $botnick.conf echo "" echo "The script $script has been added to $botnick.conf." else echo "" echo "Nothing was entered. Script addition has been skipped." fi echo "" printf "Do you wish to add others? (y/N): " read scriptyorn done echo " Done!" echo "" sleep 2 echo -e "\a" echo -e "\033[3;035m.......................................................................\033[0m" echo "" echo " The QUICKDROP eggdrop conf successfully completed! " echo "" echo " $botnick.conf Directory: $CONFIG_DIR " echo "" echo " DAMN I'm glad that's done, Ain't You? ;-P" echo -e "\033[3;035m.......................................................................\033[0m" echo "" # EOF


[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]

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