Merhaba, Arkadaşlar sizden bir ricam olcak yardimic olursunuz sanırım. Bi sunucuda ScanX'e karsilama, ugurlama tcl yardimina ihtiyacim var. Kanala giren usere, Sohbet Odalarımıza Hoş geldiniz, Kanal genelinde demesi gerekir, Slm,Selam,Merhaba,Mrb,Bye,Hoşçakalın, bunlara kanal genelinde cevaplayacak tcl lazım. User Selam v.s üst üstte yazdıgında devamlı almaması gerekir kusura bakmayın özel istek gibi oldu tcl yazılımından anlamıyorum yardimlarınız için şimdiden teşekkür ederim.
# This TCL was made following the request of my friend Imran (ImRaN-- on DALnet) for his bot.
# This was a kewl idea, he ask how can his bots reply people who sent specific message-
# to the bot or to a channel, without getting lagged or stuffs. Thanks Imran Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. *hugs*
# Well as I said above, this TCL will make your bot reply people who send message-
# to it or to a channel (which listed in the variable). And that's the only purpose ;p
# but do not worry, the bot will auto-ignore people if it consider lines of messages-
# as excessive flood.
# Set this as reply channel. The bot will reply people ONLY in channels listed here. Eventhou-
# the words are same with what you sets below. You can set channelnames here as many as you-
# wish, but carefull you might make your bot getting lagged coz it has too many channels to-
# greet for ;p
set repchan {
"# Sohbet"
# Ok fill this one with your words. Let me explain a little bit about HOW to set this variable.
# The one on the left side of the ":" sign is the trigger words. And words on the right side-
# of the ":" sign is what your bot will reply following the left one.
# Example: you set "hi :hello hello". Your bot will reply "hello hello" to people who said "hi"-
# in channel or to it.
# As my auto-greet does, you might set "%nick" here as replacement of the real nick the bot-
# will reply to. Example: there's a nick called "TheLamer" in channel, and you set-
# "hello :hi %nick". Then your bot will reply with words "hi TheLamer" when TheLamer guy said "hello"-
# in channel or to it.
# set this carefully and you might set this as many as you wish. Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
set repwords {
"s.a:%nick, aleyküm selam ho ş geldin"
"selam:selam hoş geldin %nick.."
"nasılsınız:teşekurler sen nasılsın %nick"
"nasılsın:teşekurler bomba gibiyim sen nasılsın %nick"
"mrb:%nick: hoş geldin?"
"bye:hoşçakal %nick"
"bye:%nick: yine gelme seni özlemiycez =P"
# Set this as maximum trigger or lines before your bot consider the line of words as a flood.
# By setting this to "5:10", means if someone sent more than 5 lines within 10 seconds, the bot-
# will consider this as flood and will auto-ignore the person without giving any answers.
# So don't set this too low ;pp
set maxmsgrep 5:10
# Set this as messages which your bot will send to a user that just considered flooding.
# Set this as many as you wish, but remember, the key like %nick, etc. is NOT avalable in this-
# variable. I'm too lazy to convert those key in this variable, and will only get this script-
# work too hard ;pp hehe
set msgfloodm {
"you're performing MSG which considered as FLOOD..."
# Set this as your bot auto-ignore time. Set this one in Minute(s) format.
set msgrepignore 1
# This is for your benefit hehe Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. , you can either set your own LOGO here, your logo will appear-
# when the bot notice you, or when it makes msgs/notices/kicks or scripts loading. So keep smiling-
# and set this variable as you wish Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. , you can either set this to "" to leave it blank.
set utlarlg "\[J-C\]:"
######### Please do not edit anything below unless you know what you are doing Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. #########
proc replyuser {nick uhost hand rest} {
global botnick repwords msgcount maxmsgrep msgfloodm msgrepignore utlarlg
if {[string match "#*" [lindex $rest 0]]} {set repto [lindex $rest 0] ; set rest [lrange $rest 1 end]} else {set repto $nick}
set repperf 0
foreach repwrd $repwords {
set rquestion [lindex [split $repwrd :] 0]
set ranswer [string trim [lrange [split $repwrd :] 1 end] "{}"]
if {[string match [string tolower $rquestion]* [string tolower $rest]]} {
putlog "$utlarlg MSG flood ($msgcount($n)), received from $nick. Message replies will be stopped for $msgrepignore min(s)." ; unset msgcount($n) ; return 1