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Alt 15 Haziran 2011, 21:30   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Radyo botu sorunu

Arkadaşlar elinde yeniden radyo botunu ayarlamam için conf tcl olan varmı radyomuz var fakat hiçbir komutu almıyor istek url çalan vs. hangi komutu kullansam hiçbir tepki yok acil ne şekilde ayarlayacağım hakkında yardımlarınıza ihtiyacım var..

Alıntı ile Cevapla

IRCForumlari.NET Reklamlar
sohbet odaları eglen sohbet bizimmekan
Alt 15 Haziran 2011, 22:48   #2
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Radyo botu sorunu

Sunucunuzda Radyo kurulumu ?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 15 Haziran 2011, 23:36   #3
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Radyo botu sorunu

radyo klasörünün içinde sc_serv.conf var onu ayarladınızmı siz ? Eğer ayarladıysanız ve radyoyu kurduysanız ordaki bilgilerinizle TCL'nizdeki bilgilerinizin aynı olduğuna emin olun.

Doğruları biliyorsan, yalanları dinlemek eğlencelidir.
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 16 Haziran 2011, 01:23   #4
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Radyo botu sorunu

####Radyo Tcl########
set radiochans "#Radyo"
set streamip "radyo-ip"
set streamport "port"
set streampass "şifre"
set scstatstrigger "!durum"
set scstreamtrigger "!link"
set scplayingtrigger "!çalan"
set sclistenertrigger "!dinleyen"
set scdjtrigger ".dj"
set scsetdjtrigger ".setdj"
set scwishtrigger ".wish"
set scgreettrigger ".greet"
set sclastsongstrigger "!Magic"
set schelptrigger "!help"

set announce "1"

set urltopic "1"
set tellsongs "1"
set tellusers "1"
set tellbitrate "1"

set advertise "1"

set offlinetext "15,1Radyo yayinimiza DJ degisikligi sebebi ile ara verdik lutfen bir sure bekleyiniz.. "
set offlinetopic "15,1Radyo yayinimiza DJ degisikligi sebebi ile ara verdik lutfen bir sure bekleyiniz.. "

set onlinetext "0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"
set onlinetopic "0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"

set streamtext "0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"

set advertisetext "2 Radyo için Gerekli biLgiLer 7 !durum - !istek -!link - !çalan - !Dinleyen"

# end of config #####################

bind pub - $scstatstrigger pub_scstat
bind msg - $scstatstrigger msg_scstat

bind pub - $scplayingtrigger pub_playing
bind msg - $scplayingtrigger msg_playing

bind pub - $scdjtrigger pub_dj
bind msg - $scdjtrigger msg_dj

bind pub D $scsetdjtrigger pub_setdj
bind msg D $scsetdjtrigger msg_setdj

bind pub - $scwishtrigger pub_wish
bind msg - $scwishtrigger msg_wish

bind pub - $scgreettrigger pub_greet
bind msg - $scgreettrigger msg_greet

bind pub - $scstreamtrigger pub_stream
bind msg - $scstreamtrigger msg_stream

bind pub - $sclastsongstrigger pub_lastsongs
bind msg - $sclastsongstrigger msg_lastsongs

bind pub - $sclistenertrigger pub_listener
bind msg - $sclistenertrigger msg_listener

bind pub - $schelptrigger pub_help
bind msg - $schelptrigger msg_help

bind time - "* * * * *" isonline
bind time - "?0 * * * *" advertise
bind nick D * djnickchange

proc shrink { calc number string start bl} { return [expr [string first "$string" $bl $start] $calc $number] }

proc poststuff { mode text } {
global radiochans
foreach chan [channels] {
if {$radiochans == "" } { putserv "$mode $chan :$text" }
if {$radiochans != "" } {
if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} {putserv "$mode $chan :$text"}

proc schelp { target } {
global scstatstrigger scstreamtrigger scplayingtrigger scdjtrigger sclastsongstrigger scwishtrigger scgreettrigger sclistenertrigger
putserv "privmsg #radyo Radyo botu icin gerekli komutlar:"
putserv "privmsg #radyo $scstatstrigger - $scstreamtrigger - $scplayingtrigger - $scdjtrigger - $sclastsongstrigger - $scwishtrigger - $scgreettrigger - $sclistenertrigger"
putserv "privmsg #radyo Radio.tcl yapimcisi - Magic"

proc pub_help {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global radiochans
if {$radiochans == "" } { schelp $nick }
if {$radiochans != "" } {
if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { schelp $nick}

proc advertise { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
global advertisetext advertise
if {$advertise == "1" } { poststuff privmsg $advertisetext }

proc setdj {nickname djnickname } {
if {$djnickname == "" } { set djnickname $nickname }
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: new dj: $djnickname ($nickname)"
set temp [open "dj" w+]
puts $temp $djnickname
close $temp
set temp [open "djnick" w+]
puts $temp $nickname
close $temp
putserv "privmsg your are now dj of this radio"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
if { $streamstatus == "1" } { poststuff privmsg "$djnickname is now rocking the turntables, enjoy." } else {
putserv "privmsg this has not been announced because the radio is currentlfy offline." }

proc listener { target } {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target requested listener count"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set repl [string range $bl [shrink + 19 "<REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set curhigh [string range $bl [shrink + 15 "<PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set maxl [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<MAXLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</MAXLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set avgtime [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<AVERAGETIME>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</AVERAGETIME>" 0 $bl]]
close $sock
putserv "privmsg #radyo 15,1Suan yayinimizi dinleyen kisi sayisi 1,15 $repl "

proc msg_listener { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; listener $nick }
proc pub_listener { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { listener $nick }}

proc wish { nick arg } {
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "privmsg #radyo you forgot to add your wish"; return 0}
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $nick wants to hear: $arg"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
if { $streamstatus == "1" } {
set temp [open "djnick" r]
set djnick [gets $temp]
close $temp
putserv "privmsg $djnick
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
WISH) - $nick - $arg"
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo sorry radio is currently offline" }

proc msg_wish { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; wish $nick $arg }
proc pub_wish { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { wish $nick $arg }}

proc sclastsongs { target } {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target requested songhistory"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set songs [string range $bl [string first "<TITLE>" $bl] [expr [string last "</TITLE>" $bl] + 7]]
regsub -all "&#x3C;" $songs "<" songs
regsub -all "&#x3E;" $songs ">" songs
regsub -all "&#x26;" $songs "+" songs
regsub -all "&#x22;" $songs "\"" songs
regsub -all "&#x27;" $songs "'" songs
regsub -all "&#xFF;" $songs "" songs
regsub -all "<TITLE>" $songs "(" songs
regsub -all "</TITLE>" $songs ")" songs
regsub -all "<SONG>" $songs "" songs
regsub -all "</SONG>" $songs " - " songs
regsub -all "<PLAYEDAT>" $songs "" songs
regsub -all "</PLAYEDAT>" $songs "" songs
regsub -all {\d} $songs "" songs
putserv "privmsg #radyo $songs"

proc msg_lastsongs { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; sclastsongs $nick }
proc pub_lastsongs { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { sclastsongs $nick }}

proc scstream { target } {
global streamip streamport streamtext
putlog "shoutcast: streaminfo requested by $target"
putserv "privmsg #radyo $streamtext"

proc msg_stream { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; scstream $nick }
proc pub_stream { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { scstream $nick }}

proc scgreet { nick arg } {
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "privmsg #radyo you forgot to add your greetmessage"; return 0}
global dj streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $nick greets fly out to: $arg"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
if { $streamstatus == "1" } {
set temp [open "djnick" r]
set djnick [gets $temp]
close $temp
putserv "privmsg $djnick
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
GREET) - $nick - $arg"
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo sorry radio is currently offline" }

proc msg_greet { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; scgreet $nick $arg }
proc pub_greet { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { scgreet $nick $arg }}

proc msg_setdj { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; setdj $nick $arg }
proc pub_setdj { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { setdj $nick $arg }}

proc djnickchange { oldnick uhost hand chan newnick } {
set temp [open "djnick" r]
set djnick [gets $temp]
close $temp
if {$oldnick == $djnick} {
putlog "shoutcast: dj nickchange $oldnick -> $newnick"
set temp [open "djnick" w+]
puts $temp $newnick
close $temp

proc dj { target } {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target asked for dj info"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
if {$streamstatus == 1} {
if {[file exists dj]} {
set temp [open "dj" r]
set dj [gets $temp]
close $temp
putserv "privmsg #radyo $dj is at the turntables!"
} else { putserv "privmsg #radyo sorry, no dj name available" }
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo sorry radio is currently offline"
close $sock

proc msg_dj { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; dj $nick"}
proc pub_dj { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { dj $nick }}

proc scstat {target} {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target asked for serverstats"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
set repl [string range $bl [shrink + 19 "<REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set curhigh [string range $bl [shrink + 15 "<PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set currentl [string range $bl [shrink + 18 "<CURRENTLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</CURRENTLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set surl [string range $bl [shrink + 11 "<SERVERURL>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERURL>" 0 $bl]]
set maxl [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<MAXLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</MAXLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set bitrate [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<BITRATE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</BITRATE>" 0 $bl]]
set stitle [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<SERVERTITLE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERTITLE>" 0 $bl]]
set sgenre [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<SERVERGENRE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERGENRE>" 0 $bl]]
if {$sgenre != ""} {set sgenre " ($sgenre)"}
set avgtime [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<AVERAGETIME>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</AVERAGETIME>" 0 $bl]]
set irc [string range $bl [shrink + 5 "<IRC>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</IRC>" 0 $bl]]
set icq [string range $bl [shrink + 5 "<ICQ>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</ICQ>" 0 $bl]]
if {$icq == 0} { set icq "N/A" }
set aim [string range $bl [shrink + 5 "<AIM>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</AIM>" 0 $bl]]
set webhits [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<WEBHITS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</WEBHITS>" 0 $bl]]
set streamhits [string range $bl [shrink + 12 "<STREAMHITS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMHITS>" 0 $bl]]
set version [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<VERSION>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</VERSION>" 0 $bl]]
if {$streamstatus == 1} {
if {[file exists dj]} {
set temp [open "dj" r]
set dj [gets $temp]
close $temp
} else { set dj "none" }
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,1 $stitle 0,5 Turkiye'nin en kaliteli online radyosu ve DJ'leri 0,7 Radyo mIRCASYa Resmi Sitesi: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] "
putserv "privmsg #radyo - "
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,4 $stitle Suanda OnLine 0,6Suanda $repl Kisi Dinliyor."
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"
putserv "privmsg #radyo 12Radyo ile ilgili sorulariniz, sorunlariniz icin #RadyoHelp kanalini kullanabilir, DJ'lerimizden yardim alabilirsiniz."
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,1 Suan Yayında Dj buLunmamaktardır." }
close $sock

proc msg_scstat { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; scstat $nick}
proc pub_scstat { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { scstat $nick }}

proc playing {target} {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target asked for current song"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
set songtitle [string range $bl [shrink + 11 "<SONGTITLE" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SONGTITLE>" 0 $bl]]
set songurl [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<SONGURL>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SONGURL>" 0 $bl]]
if {$songurl != ""} { set songurl " ($songurl)"}
regsub -all "&#x3C;" $songtitle "<" songtitle
regsub -all "&#x3E;" $songtitle ">" songtitle
regsub -all "&#x26;" $songtitle "+" songtitle
regsub -all "&#x22;" $songtitle "\"" songtitle
regsub -all "&#x27;" $songtitle "'" songtitle
regsub -all "&#xFF;" $songtitle "" songtitle
if {$streamstatus == 1} {
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,4Calan parca 0,7 $songtitle$songurl "
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo Yayın Şuan Yoktur"
close $sock

proc msg_playing { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; playing $nick}
proc pub_playing { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { playing $nick }}

proc isonline { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
global radiochans announce tellusers tellsongs tellbitrate urltopic
global offlinetext offlinetopic onlinetext onlinetopic
global streamip streampass streamport

if {$announce == 1 || $tellsongs == 1 || $tellusers == 1 || $tellbitrate == 1} {
set isonlinefile "isonline"
set oldisonline "isonline: 0"
set oldcurlist "4,1 : 15,1 0"
set oldcurhigh "curhigh: 0"
set oldsong "cursong: 0"
set oldbitrate "bitrate: 0"
if {[file exists $isonlinefile]} {
putlog "shoutcast: checking if stream is online"
set temp [open "isonline" r]
while {[eof $temp] != 1} {
set zeile [gets $temp]
if {[string first "isonline:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldisonline $zeile }
if {[string first "curlist:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldcurlist $zeile }
if {[string first "curhigh:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldcurhigh $zeile }
if {[string first "cursong:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldsong $zeile }
if {[string first "bitrate:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldbitrate $zeile }
close $temp

if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0} else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus "isonline: [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]"
set repl "curlist: [string range $bl [shrink + 19 "<REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]"
set curhigh "curhigh: [string range $bl [shrink + 15 "<PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]"
set currentl [string range $bl [shrink + 18 "<CURRENTLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</CURRENTLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set surl "serverurl: [string range $bl [shrink + 11 "<SERVERURL>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERURL>" 0 $bl]]"
set cursong "cursong: [string range $bl [shrink + 11 "<SONGTITLE" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SONGTITLE>" 0 $bl]]"
set songurl [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<SONGURL>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SONGURL>" 0 $bl]]
set bitrate "bitrate: [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<BITRATE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</BITRATE>" 0 $bl]]"
set stitle [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<SERVERTITLE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERTITLE>" 0 $bl]]
set sgenre [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<SERVERGENRE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERGENRE>" 0 $bl]]
close $sock

set temp [open "isonline" w+]
puts $temp "$streamstatus\n$repl\n$curhigh\n$cursong\n$bitrat e"
close $temp
if {$announce == 1 } {
if {$streamstatus == "isonline: 0" && $oldisonline == "isonline: 1"} {
poststuff privmsg $offlinetext
if {$urltopic == 1} { poststuff topic $offlinetopic }
if {$streamstatus == "isonline: 1" && $oldisonline == "isonline: 0" } {
if {$sgenre != ""} {
set sgenre " ($sgenre)"
poststuff privmsg "15,1 suanda 4,1ACIK.. 0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"
if {$urltopic == 100} { poststuff topic "Yayında Suan <<<$stitle>>> bulunmakta.Yayin turu: $sgenre Calan parca: >>>>> [lrange $cursong 1 [llength $cursong]]$songurl <<<< " }
if {($tellusers == 1) && ($streamstatus == "isonline: 1") && ($oldcurhigh != "curhigh: 0") } {
if {$oldcurhigh != $curhigh} {
poststuff privmsg "15,1 Yayinimizi dinleyen kisi sayisi : [lindex $curhigh 1]"
if {$oldcurlist != $repl} {
poststuff privmsg "7,1Suan yayinimizi dinleyen kisi sayisi 15,1 $repl "
if {($tellsongs == 1) && ($oldsong != $cursong) && ($streamstatus == "isonline: 1") } {
if {$songurl != ""} { set songurl " ($songurl)"}
regsub -all "&#x3C;" $cursong "<" cursong
regsub -all "&#x3E;" $cursong ">" cursong
regsub -all "&#x26;" $cursong "+" cursong
regsub -all "&#x22;" $cursong "\"" cursong
regsub -all "&#x27;" $cursong "'" cursong
regsub -all "&#xFF;" $cursong "" cursong
poststuff privmsg "0,7Dj $stitle 0,4 Calan parca : 9,1 [lrange $cursong 1 [llength $cursong]]$songurl 0,4 Yayın türü <<<< 0,1 $sgenre 0,7 >>>> "

if {($tellbitrate == 1) && ($oldbitrate != $bitrate) && ($streamstatus == "isonline: 1") && ($oldbitrate != "bitrate: 0")} {
poststuff privmsg "bitrate switched to [lindex $bitrate 1]kbps"

bind pub - !istek istek

proc istek {n u h c a} {
global gnick
set gnick $n
set kanal [lindex $a ]
putserv "PRIVMSG #DJ 4İstek İsteyen 2$gnick4 İsteği:2 $kanal"
putserv "PRIVMSG #Radyo : 4Isteginiz DJ'lerimize iletilmistir 2$gnick 5( $kanal ) "

proc join_greet {nick uhost handle channel} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick : 0,12 Radyo'a hos geldiniz $nick! 9,1 Isteklerinizi Radyo kanalina 1,8 !istek <istediginiz sarki ve mesajiniz> 0,3 seklinde yazabilirsiniz. 0,5 Ornek: !istek İsmail Yk - TıkLa - Tum Love ailesine gelsin. "
putserv "NOTICE $nick : 10Radyomuzu dinlemek icin tiklayin: 12Radyo Link"

bind join - * join_greet
################################################## #########
###Radyo Conf###

loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule blowfish
# Botun Identi
set username "DjBot"
# Botun Nicki
set nick "Botnicki"
# Botun Alt Nicki1
set altnick "botnicki"
# Botun Ip Adresi
set my-ip "botaaitipadresi"
# Botun Vhost`u (eger destekliyorsa.. Buradaki Vhostun my-ip ile uyusmasi gereklidir)
set my-hostname "sunucuadı.com"
# Botun Whois`inde Cikacak Olan yazi
set realname "Radyo linkiniz yada yazmak istediğiniz herhangi birsey"
# Botun irc`ye baglandiginda yapicagi ilk sey
set init-server {
putserv "identify sifre"
putserv "botun oper nicki ve şifresi"
# Burdaki ornekte bot Undernet X`e login oluyor.
# Botun girmeye calisacagi server listesi..
set servers {
# Botun girecegi Ilk kanal(Bu Kanal Botun Hafizasinda Dewamli kalicaktir.)
# Bot bu kanaldan cikmaz..Ancak burdan silinirse cikar..
channel add #Radyo {
chanmode "+nt"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0

channel add #dj {
chanmode "+nt"
idle-kick 0
stopnethack-mode 0

# Burada Botun girecegi Server tipini belirlemelisiniz..
# 0= Efnet , 1= IRCnet , 2= undernet , 3= DALnet , 4=Efnet Hybrid , 5= Digerleri
set net-type 5

# Botun sahibinin nicki
set owner "botsahibinicki"

# Botun kullanici dosyasi
set userfile "radyo.user"
# Botun kanal listesi dosyasi
set chanfile "radyo.chan"
# logunu tutmak istediginiz kanal icin kullanabilirsiniz..
logfile jpk #SohbetcFm "logs/radyo.log"
# tmp dir. Botun gecici dosyalari sakliyacagi yer.
# set temp-path "/tmp"
# Kullandiginiz Bot turune gore birisinin onundaki #
# kaldiriniz..!
# botun calismasi icin asagidaki "die" ile basyalan satiri kaldirmalisiniz..
# Eger IRCturk Multi Kullaniyosaniza Bu Bolumu
# Basindaki # Isaretini Kaldirarak Aktif Ediniz.!
# Botunuza kisa yoldan komut vermek icin...
set shortnick "botuyöneteceknick"
# Botun olanlari yazacagi ana kanal.
set home "#Botunkanalı"
# Dosya ve Script Ayarlari
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
logfile msbxco * "logs/radyo.log"
set console "mkcobxs"
loadmodule uptime
# bu bolum eklediginiz tcllere gore duzenliyeceginiz bolum..
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/radyo.tcl
################################################## #########
yukardaki conf ve tcl'yi kendine göre düzenle ve bunları eggdrop ve eggdrop/scripts klasörüne at.
Daha sonra telnette login olarak
"cd eggdrop"
"./pico radyo.conf"
yazarak botu sunucuya sokabilirsin.Bir sorun yoksa botun çalışacaktır.Eğer sorun yasarsan başlıktan yardım iste gereken yardımı yapalım.
İyi Forumlar.

Kahpeliğin bahanesi, İhanetin telafisi olmaz.
Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 01 Temmuz 2011, 21:32   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Radyo botu sorunu

Hkn Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Sunucunuzda Radyo kurulumu ?

Sorun şu : Radyo botumuz var yayın yapılıyor fakat bot !link !url !çalan !dinleyen vb.komutlara karşı tamamen tepkisiz ve link atmıyor kanala..Bu konuda acilen yardımcı olabilecek bir arkadaşımız varmıydı?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 02 Temmuz 2011, 03:16   #6
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Radyo botu sorunu

set radiochans "#Radyo"
set streamip "radyo-ip"
set streamport "port"
set streampass "şifre"
set scstatstrigger "!durum"
set scstreamtrigger "!link"
set scplayingtrigger "!çalan"
set sclistenertrigger "!dinleyen"
set scdjtrigger ".dj"
set scsetdjtrigger ".setdj"
set scwishtrigger ".wish"
set scgreettrigger ".greet"
set sclastsongstrigger "!Magic"
set schelptrigger "!help"

set announce "1"

set urltopic "1"
set tellsongs "1"
set tellusers "1"
set tellbitrate "1"

set advertise "1"

set offlinetext "15,1Radyo yayinimiza DJ degisikligi sebebi ile ara verdik lutfen bir sure bekleyiniz.. "
set offlinetopic "15,1Radyo yayinimiza DJ degisikligi sebebi ile ara verdik lutfen bir sure bekleyiniz.. "

set onlinetext "0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"
set onlinetopic "0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"

set streamtext "0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"

set advertisetext "2 Radyo için Gerekli biLgiLer 7 !durum - !istek -!link - !çalan - !Dinleyen"

# end of config #####################

bind pub - $scstatstrigger pub_scstat
bind msg - $scstatstrigger msg_scstat

bind pub - $scplayingtrigger pub_playing
bind msg - $scplayingtrigger msg_playing

bind pub - $scdjtrigger pub_dj
bind msg - $scdjtrigger msg_dj

bind pub D $scsetdjtrigger pub_setdj
bind msg D $scsetdjtrigger msg_setdj

bind pub - $scwishtrigger pub_wish
bind msg - $scwishtrigger msg_wish

bind pub - $scgreettrigger pub_greet
bind msg - $scgreettrigger msg_greet

bind pub - $scstreamtrigger pub_stream
bind msg - $scstreamtrigger msg_stream

bind pub - $sclastsongstrigger pub_lastsongs
bind msg - $sclastsongstrigger msg_lastsongs

bind pub - $sclistenertrigger pub_listener
bind msg - $sclistenertrigger msg_listener

bind pub - $schelptrigger pub_help
bind msg - $schelptrigger msg_help

bind time - "* * * * *" isonline
bind time - "?0 * * * *" advertise
bind nick D * djnickchange

proc shrink { calc number string start bl} { return [expr [string first "$string" $bl $start] $calc $number] }

proc poststuff { mode text } {
global radiochans
foreach chan [channels] {
if {$radiochans == "" } { putserv "$mode $chan :$text" }
if {$radiochans != "" } {
if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} {putserv "$mode $chan :$text"}

proc schelp { target } {
global scstatstrigger scstreamtrigger scplayingtrigger scdjtrigger sclastsongstrigger scwishtrigger scgreettrigger sclistenertrigger
putserv "privmsg #radyo Radyo botu icin gerekli komutlar:"
putserv "privmsg #radyo $scstatstrigger - $scstreamtrigger - $scplayingtrigger - $scdjtrigger - $sclastsongstrigger - $scwishtrigger - $scgreettrigger - $sclistenertrigger"
putserv "privmsg #radyo Radio.tcl yapimcisi - Magic"

proc pub_help {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global radiochans
if {$radiochans == "" } { schelp $nick }
if {$radiochans != "" } {
if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { schelp $nick}

proc advertise { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
global advertisetext advertise
if {$advertise == "1" } { poststuff privmsg $advertisetext }

proc setdj {nickname djnickname } {
if {$djnickname == "" } { set djnickname $nickname }
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: new dj: $djnickname ($nickname)"
set temp [open "dj" w+]
puts $temp $djnickname
close $temp
set temp [open "djnick" w+]
puts $temp $nickname
close $temp
putserv "privmsg your are now dj of this radio"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
if { $streamstatus == "1" } { poststuff privmsg "$djnickname is now rocking the turntables, enjoy." } else {
putserv "privmsg this has not been announced because the radio is currentlfy offline." }

proc listener { target } {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target requested listener count"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set repl [string range $bl [shrink + 19 "<REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set curhigh [string range $bl [shrink + 15 "<PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set maxl [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<MAXLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</MAXLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set avgtime [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<AVERAGETIME>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</AVERAGETIME>" 0 $bl]]
close $sock
putserv "privmsg #radyo 15,1Suan yayinimizi dinleyen kisi sayisi 1,15 $repl "

proc msg_listener { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; listener $nick }
proc pub_listener { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { listener $nick }}

proc wish { nick arg } {
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "privmsg #radyo you forgot to add your wish"; return 0}
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $nick wants to hear: $arg"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
if { $streamstatus == "1" } {
set temp [open "djnick" r]
set djnick [gets $temp]
close $temp
putserv "privmsg $djnick
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
WISH) - $nick - $arg"
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo sorry radio is currently offline" }

proc msg_wish { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; wish $nick $arg }
proc pub_wish { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { wish $nick $arg }}

proc sclastsongs { target } {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target requested songhistory"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set songs [string range $bl [string first "<TITLE>" $bl] [expr [string last "</TITLE>" $bl] + 7]]
regsub -all "&#x3C;" $songs "<" songs
regsub -all "&#x3E;" $songs ">" songs
regsub -all "&#x26;" $songs "+" songs
regsub -all "&#x22;" $songs "\"" songs
regsub -all "&#x27;" $songs "'" songs
regsub -all "&#xFF;" $songs "" songs
regsub -all "<TITLE>" $songs "(" songs
regsub -all "</TITLE>" $songs ")" songs
regsub -all "<SONG>" $songs "" songs
regsub -all "</SONG>" $songs " - " songs
regsub -all "<PLAYEDAT>" $songs "" songs
regsub -all "</PLAYEDAT>" $songs "" songs
regsub -all {\d} $songs "" songs
putserv "privmsg #radyo $songs"

proc msg_lastsongs { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; sclastsongs $nick }
proc pub_lastsongs { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { sclastsongs $nick }}

proc scstream { target } {
global streamip streamport streamtext
putlog "shoutcast: streaminfo requested by $target"
putserv "privmsg #radyo $streamtext"

proc msg_stream { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; scstream $nick }
proc pub_stream { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { scstream $nick }}

proc scgreet { nick arg } {
if {$arg == ""} { putserv "privmsg #radyo you forgot to add your greetmessage"; return 0}
global dj streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $nick greets fly out to: $arg"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
if { $streamstatus == "1" } {
set temp [open "djnick" r]
set djnick [gets $temp]
close $temp
putserv "privmsg $djnick
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
GREET) - $nick - $arg"
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo sorry radio is currently offline" }

proc msg_greet { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; scgreet $nick $arg }
proc pub_greet { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { scgreet $nick $arg }}

proc msg_setdj { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; setdj $nick $arg }
proc pub_setdj { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { setdj $nick $arg }}

proc djnickchange { oldnick uhost hand chan newnick } {
set temp [open "djnick" r]
set djnick [gets $temp]
close $temp
if {$oldnick == $djnick} {
putlog "shoutcast: dj nickchange $oldnick -> $newnick"
set temp [open "djnick" w+]
puts $temp $newnick
close $temp

proc dj { target } {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target asked for dj info"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
if {$streamstatus == 1} {
if {[file exists dj]} {
set temp [open "dj" r]
set dj [gets $temp]
close $temp
putserv "privmsg #radyo $dj is at the turntables!"
} else { putserv "privmsg #radyo sorry, no dj name available" }
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo sorry radio is currently offline"
close $sock

proc msg_dj { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; dj $nick"}
proc pub_dj { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { dj $nick }}

proc scstat {target} {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target asked for serverstats"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
set repl [string range $bl [shrink + 19 "<REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set curhigh [string range $bl [shrink + 15 "<PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set currentl [string range $bl [shrink + 18 "<CURRENTLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</CURRENTLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set surl [string range $bl [shrink + 11 "<SERVERURL>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERURL>" 0 $bl]]
set maxl [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<MAXLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</MAXLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set bitrate [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<BITRATE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</BITRATE>" 0 $bl]]
set stitle [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<SERVERTITLE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERTITLE>" 0 $bl]]
set sgenre [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<SERVERGENRE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERGENRE>" 0 $bl]]
if {$sgenre != ""} {set sgenre " ($sgenre)"}
set avgtime [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<AVERAGETIME>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</AVERAGETIME>" 0 $bl]]
set irc [string range $bl [shrink + 5 "<IRC>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</IRC>" 0 $bl]]
set icq [string range $bl [shrink + 5 "<ICQ>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</ICQ>" 0 $bl]]
if {$icq == 0} { set icq "N/A" }
set aim [string range $bl [shrink + 5 "<AIM>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</AIM>" 0 $bl]]
set webhits [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<WEBHITS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</WEBHITS>" 0 $bl]]
set streamhits [string range $bl [shrink + 12 "<STREAMHITS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMHITS>" 0 $bl]]
set version [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<VERSION>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</VERSION>" 0 $bl]]
if {$streamstatus == 1} {
if {[file exists dj]} {
set temp [open "dj" r]
set dj [gets $temp]
close $temp
} else { set dj "none" }
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,1 $stitle 0,5 Turkiye'nin en kaliteli online radyosu ve DJ'leri 0,7 Radyo mIRCASYa Resmi Sitesi: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] "
putserv "privmsg #radyo - "
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,4 $stitle Suanda OnLine 0,6Suanda $repl Kisi Dinliyor."
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"
putserv "privmsg #radyo 12Radyo ile ilgili sorulariniz, sorunlariniz icin #RadyoHelp kanalini kullanabilir, DJ'lerimizden yardim alabilirsiniz."
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,1 Suan Yayında Dj buLunmamaktardır." }
close $sock

proc msg_scstat { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; scstat $nick}
proc pub_scstat { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { scstat $nick }}

proc playing {target} {
global streamip streamport streampass
putlog "shoutcast: $target asked for current song"
if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0 } else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]
set songtitle [string range $bl [shrink + 11 "<SONGTITLE" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SONGTITLE>" 0 $bl]]
set songurl [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<SONGURL>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SONGURL>" 0 $bl]]
if {$songurl != ""} { set songurl " ($songurl)"}
regsub -all "&#x3C;" $songtitle "<" songtitle
regsub -all "&#x3E;" $songtitle ">" songtitle
regsub -all "&#x26;" $songtitle "+" songtitle
regsub -all "&#x22;" $songtitle "\"" songtitle
regsub -all "&#x27;" $songtitle "'" songtitle
regsub -all "&#xFF;" $songtitle "" songtitle
if {$streamstatus == 1} {
putserv "privmsg #radyo 0,4Calan parca 0,7 $songtitle$songurl "
} else {
putserv "privmsg #radyo Yayın Şuan Yoktur"
close $sock

proc msg_playing { nick uhost hand arg } { global radiochans; playing $nick}
proc pub_playing { nick uhost hand chan arg } { global radiochans; if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $radiochans] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($radiochans == "")} { playing $nick }}

proc isonline { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
global radiochans announce tellusers tellsongs tellbitrate urltopic
global offlinetext offlinetopic onlinetext onlinetopic
global streamip streampass streamport

if {$announce == 1 || $tellsongs == 1 || $tellusers == 1 || $tellbitrate == 1} {
set isonlinefile "isonline"
set oldisonline "isonline: 0"
set oldcurlist "4,1 : 15,1 0"
set oldcurhigh "curhigh: 0"
set oldsong "cursong: 0"
set oldbitrate "bitrate: 0"
if {[file exists $isonlinefile]} {
putlog "shoutcast: checking if stream is online"
set temp [open "isonline" r]
while {[eof $temp] != 1} {
set zeile [gets $temp]
if {[string first "isonline:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldisonline $zeile }
if {[string first "curlist:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldcurlist $zeile }
if {[string first "curhigh:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldcurhigh $zeile }
if {[string first "cursong:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldsong $zeile }
if {[string first "bitrate:" $zeile] != -1 } { set oldbitrate $zeile }
close $temp

if {[catch {set sock [socket $streamip $streamport] } sockerror]} {
putlog "error: $sockerror"
return 0} else {
puts $sock "GET /admin.cgi?pass=$streampass&mode=viewxml&page=0 HTTP/1.0"
puts $sock "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.9)"
puts $sock "Host: $streamip"
puts $sock "Connection: close"
puts $sock ""
flush $sock
while {[eof $sock] != 1} {
set bl [gets $sock]
if { [string first "standalone" $bl] != -1 } {
set streamstatus "isonline: [string range $bl [shrink + 14 "<STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</STREAMSTATUS>" 0 $bl]]"
set repl "curlist: [string range $bl [shrink + 19 "<REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</REPORTEDLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]"
set curhigh "curhigh: [string range $bl [shrink + 15 "<PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</PEAKLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]"
set currentl [string range $bl [shrink + 18 "<CURRENTLISTENERS>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</CURRENTLISTENERS>" 0 $bl]]
set surl "serverurl: [string range $bl [shrink + 11 "<SERVERURL>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERURL>" 0 $bl]]"
set cursong "cursong: [string range $bl [shrink + 11 "<SONGTITLE" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SONGTITLE>" 0 $bl]]"
set songurl [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<SONGURL>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SONGURL>" 0 $bl]]
set bitrate "bitrate: [string range $bl [shrink + 9 "<BITRATE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</BITRATE>" 0 $bl]]"
set stitle [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<SERVERTITLE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERTITLE>" 0 $bl]]
set sgenre [string range $bl [shrink + 13 "<SERVERGENRE>" 0 $bl] [shrink - 1 "</SERVERGENRE>" 0 $bl]]
close $sock

set temp [open "isonline" w+]
puts $temp "$streamstatus\n$repl\n$curhigh\n$cursong\n$bitrat e"
close $temp
if {$announce == 1 } {
if {$streamstatus == "isonline: 0" && $oldisonline == "isonline: 1"} {
poststuff privmsg $offlinetext
if {$urltopic == 1} { poststuff topic $offlinetopic }
if {$streamstatus == "isonline: 1" && $oldisonline == "isonline: 0" } {
if {$sgenre != ""} {
set sgenre " ($sgenre)"
poststuff privmsg "15,1 suanda 4,1ACIK.. 0,4 ** 9,1 Radyomuzu Winamp'ten dinlemek icin tiklayin 0,4 >>>  12Radyo Link"
if {$urltopic == 100} { poststuff topic "Yayında Suan <<<$stitle>>> bulunmakta.Yayin turu: $sgenre Calan parca: >>>>> [lrange $cursong 1 [llength $cursong]]$songurl <<<< " }
if {($tellusers == 1) && ($streamstatus == "isonline: 1") && ($oldcurhigh != "curhigh: 0") } {
if {$oldcurhigh != $curhigh} {
poststuff privmsg "15,1 Yayinimizi dinleyen kisi sayisi : [lindex $curhigh 1]"
if {$oldcurlist != $repl} {
poststuff privmsg "7,1Suan yayinimizi dinleyen kisi sayisi 15,1 $repl "
if {($tellsongs == 1) && ($oldsong != $cursong) && ($streamstatus == "isonline: 1") } {
if {$songurl != ""} { set songurl " ($songurl)"}
regsub -all "&#x3C;" $cursong "<" cursong
regsub -all "&#x3E;" $cursong ">" cursong
regsub -all "&#x26;" $cursong "+" cursong
regsub -all "&#x22;" $cursong "\"" cursong
regsub -all "&#x27;" $cursong "'" cursong
regsub -all "&#xFF;" $cursong "" cursong
poststuff privmsg "0,7Dj $stitle 0,4 Calan parca : 9,1 [lrange $cursong 1 [llength $cursong]]$songurl 0,4 Yayın türü <<<< 0,1 $sgenre 0,7 >>>> "

if {($tellbitrate == 1) && ($oldbitrate != $bitrate) && ($streamstatus == "isonline: 1") && ($oldbitrate != "bitrate: 0")} {
poststuff privmsg "bitrate switched to [lindex $bitrate 1]kbps"

bind pub - !istek istek

proc istek {n u h c a} {
global gnick
set gnick $n
set kanal [lindex $a ]
putserv "PRIVMSG #DJ 4İstek İsteyen 2$gnick4 İsteği:2 $kanal"
putserv "PRIVMSG #Radyo : 4Isteginiz DJ'lerimize iletilmistir 2$gnick 5( $kanal ) "

proc join_greet {nick uhost handle channel} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick : 0,12 Radyo'a hos geldiniz $nick! 9,1 Isteklerinizi Radyo kanalina 1,8 !istek <istediginiz sarki ve mesajiniz> 0,3 seklinde yazabilirsiniz. 0,5 Ornek: !istek İsmail Yk - TıkLa - Tum Love ailesine gelsin. "
putserv "NOTICE $nick : 10Radyomuzu dinlemek icin tiklayin: 12Radyo Link"

bind join - * join_greet

Bunu dene, birde kanalda renkli yazı acıkmı kontrol et

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 02 Temmuz 2011, 10:56   #7
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Radyo botu sorunu

TCL'nin içindeki tüm bilgileri doğru girdiğinden emin ol. Sc_serv.conf'un içindekiyle tcl'ndeki bilgilerin aynı olmasına özen göstermelisin aksi takdirde şuanki aldığın hatayı almaya devam edersin.

Doğruları biliyorsan, yalanları dinlemek eğlencelidir.
Alıntı ile Cevapla


botu, radyo, sorunu

Konuyu Toplam 1 Üye okuyor. (0 Kayıtlı üye ve 1 Misafir)

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Cevap Yazma Yetkiniz Yok
Eklenti Yükleme Yetkiniz Yok
Mesajınızı Değiştirme Yetkiniz Yok

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