[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] Sanırım Bot Görevini Yapmıyor Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir. Version cekmıor..
Tekrar Paylasıma Koyarmısın Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
## Punish the people who have one of the following words in the ctcp-version reply.
set bv_versions {"atilcakv1" "atilcakv2"}
## Ask ctcp-version if user joins one of these channels.
# Note: Set this to "" to enable punishing on all channels.
#belirledigin bad versiyon belirledigin kanala girerse atilacaktir
set bv_chans "#Kanalbelirlev1"
## [0/1] If user has a lame IRC-client/script then punish him/her only on $bv_chans?
# Note: If this is set to 0 then the bot punish user on all channels where the bot and the user are.
set bv_onlynvchans 1
## What is the reason for the punishment?
set bv_reason "Dont`t use gay scripts or Gay irc clients"
## [0/1] GLine the user?
set bv_gline 1
## Ban for how long time (min)?
set bv_bantime 1440
## What users can use the nvcheck command?
set bv_chkflag "nm"
## Don't ask ctcp-version from Masters, Owners, Bots, or Ops ###istedigin nickleri koruma altina alabilirsin
set bv_globflags "m n o b"
## Don't ask ctcp-version from Masters, Owners, or Ops #
set bv_chanflags "m n o"
### Misc Things ###
set bv_ver "0.69"
### Bindings ###
bind join - * join:bv_askver
bind ctcr - VERSION ctcr:bv_ctcp
bind notc - * notc:bv_notice
bind dcc $bv_chkflag nvcheck dcc:nvcheck
### Main Procs ###
proc join:bv_askver {nick uhost hand chan} {
global botnick bv_chans bv_globflags bv_chanflags
if {[string tolower $nick] != [string tolower $botnick]} {
foreach globflag $bv_globflags { if {[matchattr $hand $globflag]} { return 1 } }
foreach chanflag $bv_chanflags { if {[matchattr $hand |$chanflag $chan]} { return 1 } }
if {($bv_chans == "") || ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $bv_chans]] [string tolower $chan]] != -1)} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001VERSION\001"
proc ctcr:bv_ctcp {nick uhost hand dest key arg} {
global botnick bv_versions bv_globflags bv_chanflags
if {[string tolower $nick] != [string tolower $botnick]} {
foreach version $bv_versions {
if {[string match "*[string tolower $version]*" [string tolower $arg]]} {
bv_punish $nick $uhost
proc notc:bv_notice {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} {
global botnick bv_versions bv_globflags bv_chanflags
if {$dest == ""} { set dest $botnick }
if {([string tolower $nick] != [string tolower $botnick]) && ([string match "*version*" [lindex [string tolower $text] 0]])} {
foreach version $bv_versions {
if {[string match "*[string tolower $version]*" [lrange [string tolower $text] 1 end]]} {
bv_punish $nick $uhost
proc dcc:nvcheck {hand idx arg} {
set target [lindex [split $arg] 0]
putcmdlog "#$hand# nvcheck $arg"
if {$target == ""} {
putidx $idx "Usage: .nvcheck <nick|channel>"
} else {
putidx $idx "Asking ctcp-version from $target..."
putserv "PRIVMSG $target :\001VERSION\001"
### Other Procs ###
proc bv_punish {nick uhost} {
global botnick bv_chans bv_onlynvchans bv_reason bv_gline bv_bantime
set hostmask "*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]"
set dowhat ""
if {[string tolower $nick] != [string tolower $botnick]} {
foreach chan [channels] {
if {($bv_onlynvchans) && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $bv_chans]] [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} { continue }
if {($bv_gline) && ([botisop $chan]) && ([onchan $nick $chan])} {
if {![string match "*GLINING*" $dowhat]} { lappend dowhat "glining" }
putserv "GLINE $hostmask $bv_bantime :$bv_reason"
putserv "KILL $nick :$bv_reason"
if {$dowhat != ""} {
set dowhat "-- [join $dowhat " & "]"
putlog "BADVERSION: $nick ($uhost) is using lame IRC-client/script $dowhat"
### End ###
putlog "TCL loaded: badvergline.tcl v$bv_ver "
Version Cektirmek icin ve istedigin cevapi cezalandirmak icin botuna Bu TCL yi botuna eklemen yeterlidir Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.