İşte bizi ilgilendiren TCL'ler,
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# clonepro.tcl by Algol, v.1.1
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
(Jun 2001)
# ClonePro will attempt to stop join/part floods by individual users
# as well as clones mass-joining, on the specified channels. The bans
# will always be in the *!*@full.host.name format.
# Tested on a 1.6.4 eggdrop
# The channels you want this active on
set cp_chans "#diyalog #SorCevap #oyun"
# Number of *@host joins in how many seconds, joins:seconds
set cp_j_flood 3:60
# Number of *user@host join/part cycles in how many seconds, j/p_cycles:seconds
set cp_jp_flood 3:60
# Period in minutes to ban *!*@host for multiple joins or join/part floods
set cp_btime 3
# Handle of the bot user that shoud be sent a note
set cp_notify "/join /part tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 10 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler."
##### DON'T edit anything below this line unless you know what you're doing #####
bind join - * clone_pro_join
bind rejn - * clone_pro_join
bind part - * clone_pro_leave
bind sign - * clone_pro_leave
bind splt - * clone_pro_leave
proc clone_pro_join {nick uhost handl chan} {
global cp_chans cp_j_flood cp_jp_flood cp_btime cp_host_count cp_uh_count cp_notify
set uhost [string tolower $uhost]
set host [lindex [split $uhost @] 1]
set chan [string tolower $chan]
if {[lsearch -exact $cp_chans $chan] == -1} {return 0}
if {![info exists cp_host_count($host:$chan)]} {
set cp_host_count($host:$chan) 1
} else {
incr cp_host_count($host:$chan)
utimer [lindex $cp_j_flood 1] "cp_expire cp_host_count($host:$chan)"
if {$cp_host_count($host:$chan) > [lindex $cp_j_flood 0]} {
newchanban $chan *!*@$host ClonePro "Not so fast" $cp_btime
sendnote ClonePro $cp_notify "÷ banned *!*@$host (massjoin) on $chan, [ctime [unixtime]] ÷"
if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :Not so fast"
if {![info exists cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)]} {
set cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) 1
} else {
incr cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)
utimer [lindex $cp_jp_flood 1] "cp_expire cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)"
if {$cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) >= [expr [lindex $cp_jp_flood 0]*2]} {
newchanban $chan *!*@$host ClonePro "/join /part tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 1 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler. I" $cp_btime
sendnote ClonePro $cp_notify "÷ banned *!*@$host (join/part flood) on $chan, [ctime [unixtime]] ÷"
if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :/join /part tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 1 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler.
proc clone_pro_leave {nick uhost handl chan {reason "Left channel"}} {
global cp_chans cp_jp_flood cp_btime cp_uh_count cp_notify
set uhost [string tolower $uhost]
set host [lindex [split $uhost @] 1]
set chan [string tolower $chan]
if {[lsearch -exact $cp_chans $chan] == -1} {return 0}
if {![info exists cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)]} {
set cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) 1
} else {
incr cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)
utimer [lindex $cp_jp_flood 1] "cp_expire cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)"
if {$cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) >= [expr [lindex $cp_jp_flood 0]*2]} {
newchanban $chan *!*@$host ClonePro "CLONE tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 1 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler." $cp_btime
sendnote ClonePro $cp_notify "÷ banned *!*@$host (join/part flood) on $chan, [ctime [unixtime]] ÷"
if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :CLONE tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 1 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler."
proc cp_expire var_exp {
upvar $var_exp var_pointer
if {$var_pointer > 1} {
incr var_pointer -1
} else {
unset var_pointer
putlog "÷ clonepro.tcl -v1.1 by Algol- ÷ Loaded ÷"
set cp_chans [string tolower $cp_chans]
set cp_j_flood [split $cp_j_flood :]
set cp_jp_flood [split $cp_jp_flood :]
# clear variables and timers on rehash
if {[array exists cp_host_count]} {unset cp_host_count}
if {[array exists cp_uh_count]} {unset cp_uh_count}
foreach check_utimer [utimers] {
if {[string match cp_*_count* [lindex $check_utimer 1]]} {
killutimer [lindex $check_utimer 2]
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# cmd_resolve.tcl
# written by Jeff Fisher (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# This script adds the commands '.resolve' and '.dns' which can be used to
# lookup hostnames or ip addresses in the partyline without causing the bot
# to block while doing so thanks to the dns module.
# updates
# -------
# 15Apr2003: fixed a logging bug and stop using regexp incorrectly
# 05Nov2000: fixed a nasty security hole, .resolve [die] <grin>
# 04Nov2000: first version
# $Id: cmd_resolve.tcl,v 1.4 2003/04/16 01:03:04 guppy Exp $
bind dcc -|- resolve resolve_cmd
bind dcc -|- dns resolve_cmd
proc resolve_cmd {hand idx arg} {
global lastbind
if {[scan $arg "%s" hostip] != 1} {
putidx $idx "Usage: $lastbind <host or ip>"
} else {
putidx $idx "Looking up $hostip ..."
set hostip [split $hostip]
dnslookup $hostip resolve_callback $idx $hostip $lastbind
return 0
proc resolve_callback {ip host status idx hostip cmd} {
if {![valididx $idx]} {
return 0
} elseif {!$status} {
putidx $idx "Unable to resolve $hostip"
} elseif {[string tolower $ip] == [string tolower $hostip]} {
putidx $idx "Resolved $ip to $host"
} else {
putidx $idx "Resolved $host to $ip"
putcmdlog "#[idx2hand $idx]# $cmd $hostip"
return 0
loadhelp cmd_resolve.help
putlog "Loaded cmd_resolve.tcl successfully."
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
### ColorKick 1.1 - By Lucas Madar (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# This script will do one of three things:
# 1) Nothing
# 2) Kick on the use of any mIRC colors in the channel
# 3) Kick on abuse of mIRC colors (3 or more) in the channel
# This can be changed by any op.
# It also warns users if the kick is on when they join the channel.
# /msg botnick colorkick 0 = off
# /msg botnick colorkick 1 = kick on
# /msg botnick colorkick 2 = abuse kick on
# Modify all you like, just remember to give the original author credit.
# (Lucas Madar)
set colornum 0
set reklamknum 1
set reklamunum 0
set wecwho "\[PowerUseR\]"
bind pubm - * color_check
proc color_check {nick userhost hand chan things} {
global colornum
global reklamknum
global reklamunum
if {[matchattr $hand m] || [isop $nick $chan] || [matchattr $hand f]} {return 0}
set colorchar \003
if {$colornum == 1} {
if {[string match "*$colorchar*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen renkli yazilar yazmayin"
return 0
if {$reklamknum == 1} {
if {[string match "*#*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen kanal reklami yapmayin"
return 0
if {$reklamunum == 1} {
if {[string match "*
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin"
return 0
if {[string match "*http:*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin"
return 0
bind msg - colorkick colorkickset
proc colorkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global colornum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 0 - off"
set colornum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set colornum 1
return 0
if {$cchoice == 2} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 2 - Kick on abuse of colors (3 or more)"
set colornum 2
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid color kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick colorkick \[0,1,2\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors, 2 = kick on 3 or more colors"
bind msg - reklamkkick reklamkkickset
proc reklamkkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamknum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off"
set reklamknum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set reklamknum 1
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklamkkick \[0,1\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors"
bind msg - reklamukick reklamukickset
proc reklamukickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamunum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off"
set reklamunum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set reklamunum 1
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklaukkick \[0,1\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors"
bind msg - showall showallset
proc showallset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamunum botnick
global reklamknum botnick
global colornum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 }
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam URL : $reklamunum "
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam KANAL : $reklamknum "
putserv "NOTICE $nick :COLOR : $colornum "
bind msg - killit killitset
proc killitset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
if {![string match "*CLeoPaTRa*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
putserv "KILL $cchoice :4Server reklami - Warn by CLeoPaTRa"
bind join - * color_warning
proc color_warning {nick uhost hand chan} {
global colornum botnick
if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0}
if {[string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[PowerUseR\] Powah abish..."
if { ([string match "*siki*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sike*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sikt*" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "amına*" $nick]) || ([string match "amını*" $nick])} {
putserv "MODE $chan +b $nick"
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen Kufurlu Nick Kullanmayin"
return 0
if {$colornum == 0} {return 0}
if {$colornum == 1} {
if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} {
return 0
if {$colornum == 2} {
if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} {
return 0
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# Kanal Giriş Limiti Ayarlanması
# Copyright ©
# Binds
bind time - "* * * * *" time:ChanLimit
# time:ChanLimit start
proc time:ChanLimit {min hour day month year} {
foreach chan [channels] {
set newlimit [expr [llength [chanlist $chan]] + 4]
set currentlimit [currentlimit $chan]
if {$currentlimit < [expr $newlimit - 1] || $currentlimit > [expr $newlimit + 1]} {
putserv "mode $chan +l $newlimit"
# time:ChanLimit end
# currentlimit start
proc currentlimit {chan} {
set currentmodes [getchanmode $chan]
if {[string match "*l*" [lindex $currentmodes 0]]} {
return [lindex $currentmodes end]
return 0
# currentlimit end
# putlog
putlog "Loaded ChanLimit"
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# NoticeBan1.1 by Pulse
# This script bans anyone who notices the channel, unless it's a bot user with
# +o flag or above, or channel op or channel voice (no flag required).
# Greetings: Xnet #Xnet, #Aus
# Greetings: DALnet #Ankara ops, #Eggdrop Ops, #Botcentral Ops
# Greetings: IRCnet #Tuchola
# Personal greetings: my gf Karolina :), bro, mb@Xnet
# Contact
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# Contact on IRC: Xnet nick Jin, server mirage.xnet.org #Poland #Eggdrop
# DALnet nick Pulse` #b0tz #Eggdrop
# Successfully tested on eggdrop1.6.12, 1.6.6, 1.4.4
# If this script contains any bugs or you would like me to change something,
# don't hesitate to ask :)
# This script can be found on http://cord.nu/~pulse/stuff/tcl
#### History ###
# # # Who - what
# 1.0 Pulse - initial release
# 1.1 Pulse - added: option to turn on script locally, type of punishment, type of banmask
# # #
# Settings
# Chans where the script is supposed to work. "" means all chans where bot is oppeed.
# if you wanna enable script in certain chans set chanz "#diyarbakir #sevgili"
set chanz "#diyalog #sorucevap #izmir #istanbul #ankara #sohbet #radyo #oyun"
# Punishment method
# 1 - kick 2 - server ban 3 - local ban, 4 - global ban
set punishm "4"
# Kick Reason
set kickr "Notice izniniz yok!....Lütfen Notice atamayınız.."
# Ban type
# I guess it's enough ;)
# 1 - *!*@host.reshack.net
# 2 - *!
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# 3 - *!*
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# 4 - *!ident@*
# 5 - *!*ident@*
# 6 - nick!*@*
# 7 - nick!ident@*
# 8 - nick!
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# 9 - nick!*
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# 10 - nick!*@host
set bantype "1"
# Ban reason
set banr "\002Notice\002 Yasağını ihlal ettiniz.. Kanallardan banlısınız. 30 dakika."
# Ban time in mins, 0 = perm ban, will be used only if you set punishm to 3 or 4
set btime "30"
bind NOTC - * NoticeBan
proc NoticeBan {nick uhost handle text dest} {
global botnick punishm kickr banr btime chanz bantype
if {(![validchan $dest]) || (![botisop $dest])} { return 0 }
if {[matchattr $nick mo|mo $dest] || [isop $nick $dest] || [isvoice $nick $dest] || [matchattr $nick o|o $dest]} {return 0}
if {([isbotnick $nick]) || ([string tolower $nick] == "chanserv") || (![onchan $nick $dest])} {return 0}
if {($chanz != "") && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $chanz]] [string tolower $dest]] == -1)} {return 0}
if {$punishm != "1"} {
switch -- $bantype {
1 { set banmask "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" }
2 { set banmask "*!$uhost" }
3 { set banmask "*!*$uhost" }
4 { set banmask "*![lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" }
5 { set banmask "*!*[lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" }
6 { set banmask "$nick!*@*" }
7 { set banmask "$nick![lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" }
8 { set banmask "$nick!$uhost" }
9 { set banmask "$nick!*$uhost" }
10 { set banmask "$nick!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" }
default { set banmask "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" }
return $banmask
if {$punishm == "1"} {
putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr"
if {$punishm == "2"} {
putserv "MODE $dest +b $banmask"
putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr"
if {$punishm == "3"} {
newchanban "$dest" "$banmask" "NoticeBan" "$banr done by (\002$nick\002!$uhost)" "$btime"
putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr"
if {$punishm == "4"} {
newban "$banmask" "NoticeBan" "$banr done by (\002$nick\002!$uhost)" "$btime"
putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr"
return 1
putlog "\037N\037oticeBan1.1 has been loaded."
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
### ColorKick 1.1 - Lucas Madar (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# This script will do one of three things:
# 1) Nothing
# 2) Kick on the use of any mIRC colors in the channel
# 3) Kick on abuse of mIRC colors (3 or more) in the channel
# This can be changed any op.
# It also warns users if the kick is on when they join the channel.
# /msg botnick colorkick 0 = off
# /msg botnick colorkick 1 = kick on
# /msg botnick colorkick 2 = abuse kick on
# Modify all you like, just remember to give the original author credit.
# (Lucas Madar)
set colornum 0
set reklamknum 1
set reklamunum 0
set wecwho "\[PowerUseR\]"
bind pubm - * color_check
proc color_check {nick userhost hand chan things} {
global colornum
global reklamknum
global reklamunum
if {[matchattr $hand m] || [isop $nick $chan] || [matchattr $hand f]} {return 0}
set colorchar \003
if {$colornum == 1} {
if {[string match "*$colorchar*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen renkli yazilar yazmayin"
return 0
if {$reklamknum == 1} {
if {[string match "*#*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen kanal reklami yapmayin"
return 0
if {$reklamunum == 1} {
if {[string match "*
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin"
return 0
if {[string match "*http:*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin"
return 0
bind msg - colorkick colorkickset
proc colorkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global colornum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 0 - off"
set colornum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set colornum 1
return 0
if {$cchoice == 2} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 2 - Kick on abuse of colors (3 or more)"
set colornum 2
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid color kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick colorkick \[0,1,2\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors, 2 = kick on 3 or more colors"
bind msg - reklamkkick reklamkkickset
proc reklamkkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamknum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off"
set reklamknum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set reklamknum 1
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklamkkick \[0,1\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors"
bind msg - reklamukick reklamukickset
proc reklamukickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamunum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off"
set reklamunum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set reklamunum 1
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklaukkick \[0,1\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors"
bind msg - showall showallset
proc showallset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamunum botnick
global reklamknum botnick
global colornum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 }
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam URL : $reklamunum "
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam KANAL : $reklamknum "
putserv "NOTICE $nick :COLOR : $colornum "
bind msg - killit killitset
proc killitset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
if {![string match "**" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
putserv "KILL $cchoice :4Server reklami - Warn "
bind join - * color_warning
proc color_warning {nick uhost hand chan} {
global colornum botnick
if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0}
if {$chan == #SevgiDostu} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :8,2#Sevgidostu Kanalına HoşgeLdiniz !. "
if {[string match "*apranax*" $nick]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :aprammm... janimm.. "
if {[string match "*madmax*" $nick]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :hia. master..."
if {[string match "*SeRaP*" $nick]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :selam SeRaP.. "
if { ([string match "*siki*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sike*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sikt*" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "amına*" $nick]) || ([string match "amını*" $nick])} {
putserv "MODE $chan +b $nick"
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen Kufurlu Nick Kullanmayin"
return 0
if {$colornum == 0} {return 0}
if {$colornum == 1} {
if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} {
return 0
if {$colornum == 2} {
if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} {
return 0
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
## HeRe We Go eh!
bind pubm - "*fuck*" badword
bind pubm - "*siktir*" badword
bind pubm - "*ziktir*" badword
bind pubm - "*ikerim*" badword
bind pub - "******" badword
bind pub - "pezevenk" badword
bind pub - "siktimin" badword
bind pub - "fahise" badword
bind pub - "fahişe" badword
bind pub - "******" badword
bind pub - "yarak" badword
bind pub - "*****" badword
bind pub - "am" badword
bind pub - "amcik" badword
bind pub - "***" badword
bind pub - "pic" badword
bind pub - "sıç" badword
bind pub - "am" badword
bind pub - "*****" badword
bind pub - "amını" badword
bind pub - "ananın" badword
bind pub - "sik" badword
bind pubm - "*******" badword
bind pubm - "*göt*" badword
bind pubm - "*amkafa*" badword
bind pubm - "*ibne*" badword
bind pubm - "*pezevenk*" badword
bind pubm - "ananı*" badword
bind pubm - "amını*" badword
bind pubm - "*ananı*" badword
bind pubm - "********" badword
bind pubm - "****" badword
bind pubm - "o.c*" badword
bind pubm - "*o.ç*" badword
bind pubm - "********" badword
bind pubm - "*ikerim*" badword
bind pubm - "*a.q*" badword
bind pubm - "amk*" badword
bind pubm - "*fahişe*" badword
bind pubm - "ipne*" badword
bind pubm - "ibne*" badword
bind pubm - "ipna*" badword
bind pubm - "göt*" badword
bind pubm - "********" badword
bind pubm - "yavsak*" badword
bind pubm - "<censored>." reklam
bind pubm - ".<censored>" reklam
bind pubm - ".<censored>." reklam
bind pubm - "fahişe" reklam
bind pubm - "irc.*" reklam
bind pubm - "*/server*" reklam
bind pubm - "*http*" reklam
bind pubm - "*
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
bind pubm - "*/s*" reklam
bind pubm - "s e r v e r" reklam
set ZName "Kufur Korumasi]"
set ZZ "-=( ZimoZimo )=-"
set ZBan "4Kufurlu yazilar yazmayin"
set 1ST "\[1st COUNT\]"
set 2ED "\[2ed COUNT\]"
set 3ED "\[3ed COUNT\]"
set Ohh "\[Perm Ban\]"
proc badword {nick host hand chan rest} {
if {$nick == "Radyo"} { return 0 }
if {$nick == "Oyuncu"} { return 0 }
if {$nick == "Kelime"} { return 0 }
if {$nick == "Kaos"} { return 0 }
putlog "$nick $hand $chan $host $rest"
global repeat_last repeat_num repeat-badword channel botnick ZBan 1ST 2ED 3ED Ohh ZName ZZ text
if {$hand != "*"} {
if {([ matchattr $hand n ])} {
return 0
if {([ matchattr $hand m ])} {
putserv "MODE $chan -o $nick"
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan"
return 1
} elseif {([matchattr $hand 3])} {
chattr $hand +k
set ZZReason "$ZName Detected $Ohh For $hand"
# newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $ZZReason perm
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan"
return 1
} elseif {([matchattr $hand 2])} {
chattr $nick +3-2
set 3EDReason "$ZName Detected $3ED For $hand"
# newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $3EDReason perm
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan"
return 0
} elseif {([matchattr $hand 1])} {
chattr $hand +2-1o
set 2EDReason "$ZName Detected $2ED For $hand"
# newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $2EDReason 60
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan"
return 1
} elseif {[ matchattr $hand o ]} {
chattr $hand +1
putserv "MODE $chan -o $nick"
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan"
return 1
} {
adduser $nick [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]]
chattr $hand +1-op
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan"
return 0
proc reklam {nick host hand chan rest} {
if {$nick == "Radyo"} { return 0 }
if {$nick == "Oyuncu"} { return 0 }
if {$nick == "Kelime"} { return 0 }
if {$nick == "Kaos"} { return 0 }
putlog "$nick $hand $chan $host $rest"
global repeat_last repeat_num repeat-reklam channel botnick ZBan 1ST 2ED 3ED Ohh ZName ZZ text
if {$hand != "*"} {
if {([ matchattr $hand n ])} {
return 0
if {([ matchattr $hand m ])} {
putserv "KILL $nick : 4 12Sohbet Sunucusunda Server reklami yasaktir 4Şikayet iÇin E-maiL
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
return 1
} elseif {([matchattr $hand 3])} {
chattr $hand +k
set ZZReason "$ZName Detected $Ohh For $hand"
# newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $ZZReason perm
putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir"
return 1
} elseif {([matchattr $hand 2])} {
chattr $nick +3-2
set 3EDReason "$ZName Detected $3ED For $hand"
# newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $3EDReason perm
putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir"
return 0
} elseif {([matchattr $hand 1])} {
chattr $hand +2-1o
set 2EDReason "$ZName Detected $2ED For $hand"
# newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $2EDReason 60
putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir"
return 1
} elseif {[ matchattr $hand o ]} {
chattr $hand +1
putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir"
return 1
} {
# adduser $nick [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]]
# chattr $hand +1-op
putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir"
return 0
putlog "\[Word|KiCk\] v3.0 By -=( ZimoZimo )=- is Loaded"
Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
### ColorKick 1.1 - By Lucas Madar (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
# This script will do one of three things:
# 1) Nothing
# 2) Kick on the use of any mIRC colors in the channel
# 3) Kick on abuse of mIRC colors (3 or more) in the channel
# This can be changed by any op.
# It also warns users if the kick is on when they join the channel.
# /msg botnick colorkick 0 = off
# /msg botnick colorkick 1 = kick on
# /msg botnick colorkick 2 = abuse kick on
# Modify all you like, just remember to give the original author credit.
# (Lucas Madar)
set colornum 0
set reklamknum 1
set reklamunum 0
set wecwho "\[apranax\]"
bind pubm - * color_check
proc color_check {nick userhost hand chan things} {
global colornum
global reklamknum
global reklamunum
if {[matchattr $hand m] || [isop $nick $chan] || [matchattr $hand f]} {return 0}
set colorchar \003
if {$colornum == 1} {
if {[string match "*$colorchar*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen renkli yazilar yazmayin"
return 0
if {$reklamknum == 1} {
if {[string match "*#*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen kanal reklami yapmayin"
return 0
if {$reklamunum == 1} {
if {[string match "*
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin"
return 0
if {[string match "*http:*" $things]} {
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin"
return 0
bind msg - colorkick colorkickset
proc colorkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global colornum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 0 - off"
set colornum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set colornum 1
return 0
if {$cchoice == 2} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 2 - Kick on abuse of colors (3 or more)"
set colornum 2
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid color kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick colorkick \[0,1,2\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors, 2 = kick on 3 or more colors"
bind msg - reklamkkick reklamkkickset
proc reklamkkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamknum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off"
set reklamknum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set reklamknum 1
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklamkkick \[0,1\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors"
bind msg - reklamukick reklamukickset
proc reklamukickset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamunum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
if {$cchoice == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off"
set reklamunum 0
return 0
if {$cchoice == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors"
set reklamunum 1
return 0
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklaukkick \[0,1\]"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors"
bind msg - showall showallset
proc showallset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
global reklamunum botnick
global reklamknum botnick
global colornum botnick
if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0}
if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 }
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam URL : $reklamunum "
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam KANAL : $reklamknum "
putserv "NOTICE $nick :COLOR : $colornum "
bind msg - killit killitset
proc killitset {nick uhost hand stuff} {
if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 }
set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0]
putserv "KILL $cchoice :4Server reklami "
bind join - * color_warning
proc color_warning {nick uhost hand chan} {
global colornum botnick
if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0}
if {$chan == #zurna} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :8,2#ZurNa Kanalına HoşgeLdiniz !. "
if {[string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[apranax\] aprammm."
if { ([string match "*siki*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sike*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sikt*" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "amına*" $nick]) || ([string match "amını*" $nick])} {
putserv "MODE $chan +b $nick"
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen Kufurlu Nick Kullanmayin"
return 0
if {$colornum == 0} {return 0}
if {$colornum == 1} {
if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} {
return 0
if {$colornum == 2} {
if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} {
return 0