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Alt 14 Mart 2009, 14:54   #11
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Güvenlik hakkında...

GhostLy alemsin
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Postları okursan eğer zaten arkadaşın ne istediğini herkes anlamış durumda, yardımcı olabilmeleri için ise neye ihtiyaçları olduğunu söylüyorlar.. Ama sıklıkla karşılaştığımız gibi hastayı görmeden tanısının konmasını istiyor arkadaş..

Şimdi yardımcı ol lütfen arkadaşa da halletsin sorununu
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Alıntı ile Cevapla

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Alt 14 Mart 2009, 16:01   #12
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Güvenlik hakkında...

hastayı görmeden recete yazılırmı
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elindeki tcl leri paylaşmadan çözüm bulunulamaz.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 14 Mart 2009, 16:14   #13
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Güvenlik hakkında...

İşte bizi ilgilendiren TCL'ler,


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###################################################################### # clonepro.tcl by Algol, v.1.1 #
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(Jun 2001) ###################################################################### # ClonePro will attempt to stop join/part floods by individual users # as well as clones mass-joining, on the specified channels. The bans # will always be in the *!* format. # Tested on a 1.6.4 eggdrop ###################################################################### # The channels you want this active on set cp_chans "#diyalog #SorCevap #oyun" # Number of *@host joins in how many seconds, joins:seconds set cp_j_flood 3:60 # Number of *user@host join/part cycles in how many seconds, j/p_cycles:seconds set cp_jp_flood 3:60 # Period in minutes to ban *!*@host for multiple joins or join/part floods set cp_btime 3 # Handle of the bot user that shoud be sent a note set cp_notify "/join /part tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 10 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler." ##### DON'T edit anything below this line unless you know what you're doing ##### bind join - * clone_pro_join bind rejn - * clone_pro_join bind part - * clone_pro_leave bind sign - * clone_pro_leave bind splt - * clone_pro_leave proc clone_pro_join {nick uhost handl chan} { global cp_chans cp_j_flood cp_jp_flood cp_btime cp_host_count cp_uh_count cp_notify set uhost [string tolower $uhost] set host [lindex [split $uhost @] 1] set chan [string tolower $chan] if {[lsearch -exact $cp_chans $chan] == -1} {return 0} if {![info exists cp_host_count($host:$chan)]} { set cp_host_count($host:$chan) 1 } else { incr cp_host_count($host:$chan) } utimer [lindex $cp_j_flood 1] "cp_expire cp_host_count($host:$chan)" if {$cp_host_count($host:$chan) > [lindex $cp_j_flood 0]} { newchanban $chan *!*@$host ClonePro "Not so fast" $cp_btime sendnote ClonePro $cp_notify "÷ banned *!*@$host (massjoin) on $chan, [ctime [unixtime]] ÷" if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :Not so fast" } } if {![info exists cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)]} { set cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) 1 } else { incr cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) } utimer [lindex $cp_jp_flood 1] "cp_expire cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)" if {$cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) >= [expr [lindex $cp_jp_flood 0]*2]} { newchanban $chan *!*@$host ClonePro "/join /part tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 1 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler. I" $cp_btime sendnote ClonePro $cp_notify "÷ banned *!*@$host (join/part flood) on $chan, [ctime [unixtime]] ÷" if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :/join /part tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 1 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler. } } } proc clone_pro_leave {nick uhost handl chan {reason "Left channel"}} { global cp_chans cp_jp_flood cp_btime cp_uh_count cp_notify set uhost [string tolower $uhost] set host [lindex [split $uhost @] 1] set chan [string tolower $chan] if {[lsearch -exact $cp_chans $chan] == -1} {return 0} if {![info exists cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)]} { set cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) 1 } else { incr cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) } utimer [lindex $cp_jp_flood 1] "cp_expire cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan)" if {$cp_uh_count($uhost:$chan) >= [expr [lindex $cp_jp_flood 0]*2]} { newchanban $chan *!*@$host ClonePro "CLONE tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 1 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler." $cp_btime sendnote ClonePro $cp_notify "÷ banned *!*@$host (join/part flood) on $chan, [ctime [unixtime]] ÷" if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :CLONE tespit edildi.. muhtemelen flood saldırısı 1 dakika banlısınız. Iyı Chatler." } } } proc cp_expire var_exp { upvar $var_exp var_pointer if {$var_pointer > 1} { incr var_pointer -1 } else { unset var_pointer } } putlog "÷ clonepro.tcl -v1.1 by Algol- ÷ Loaded ÷" set cp_chans [string tolower $cp_chans] set cp_j_flood [split $cp_j_flood :] set cp_jp_flood [split $cp_jp_flood :] # clear variables and timers on rehash if {[array exists cp_host_count]} {unset cp_host_count} if {[array exists cp_uh_count]} {unset cp_uh_count} foreach check_utimer [utimers] { if {[string match cp_*_count* [lindex $check_utimer 1]]} { killutimer [lindex $check_utimer 2] } }


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# # cmd_resolve.tcl # written by Jeff Fisher (
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) # # This script adds the commands '.resolve' and '.dns' which can be used to # lookup hostnames or ip addresses in the partyline without causing the bot # to block while doing so thanks to the dns module. # # updates # ------- # 15Apr2003: fixed a logging bug and stop using regexp incorrectly # 05Nov2000: fixed a nasty security hole, .resolve [die] <grin> # 04Nov2000: first version # # $Id: cmd_resolve.tcl,v 1.4 2003/04/16 01:03:04 guppy Exp $ bind dcc -|- resolve resolve_cmd bind dcc -|- dns resolve_cmd proc resolve_cmd {hand idx arg} { global lastbind if {[scan $arg "%s" hostip] != 1} { putidx $idx "Usage: $lastbind <host or ip>" } else { putidx $idx "Looking up $hostip ..." set hostip [split $hostip] dnslookup $hostip resolve_callback $idx $hostip $lastbind } return 0 } proc resolve_callback {ip host status idx hostip cmd} { if {![valididx $idx]} { return 0 } elseif {!$status} { putidx $idx "Unable to resolve $hostip" } elseif {[string tolower $ip] == [string tolower $hostip]} { putidx $idx "Resolved $ip to $host" } else { putidx $idx "Resolved $host to $ip" } putcmdlog "#[idx2hand $idx]# $cmd $hostip" return 0 } loadhelp putlog "Loaded cmd_resolve.tcl successfully."


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### ### ColorKick 1.1 - By Lucas Madar (
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) ### # # This script will do one of three things: # 1) Nothing # 2) Kick on the use of any mIRC colors in the channel # 3) Kick on abuse of mIRC colors (3 or more) in the channel # # This can be changed by any op. # It also warns users if the kick is on when they join the channel. # /msg botnick colorkick 0 = off # /msg botnick colorkick 1 = kick on # /msg botnick colorkick 2 = abuse kick on # # Modify all you like, just remember to give the original author credit. # (Lucas Madar) set colornum 0 set reklamknum 1 set reklamunum 0 set wecwho "\[PowerUseR\]" bind pubm - * color_check proc color_check {nick userhost hand chan things} { global colornum global reklamknum global reklamunum if {[matchattr $hand m] || [isop $nick $chan] || [matchattr $hand f]} {return 0} set colorchar \003 if {$colornum == 1} { if {[string match "*$colorchar*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen renkli yazilar yazmayin" return 0 } } if {$reklamknum == 1} { if {[string match "*#*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen kanal reklami yapmayin" return 0 } } if {$reklamunum == 1} { if {[string match "*
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putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin" return 0 } if {[string match "*http:*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin" return 0 } } } bind msg - colorkick colorkickset proc colorkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global colornum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 0 - off" set colornum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set colornum 1 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 2} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 2 - Kick on abuse of colors (3 or more)" set colornum 2 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid color kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick colorkick \[0,1,2\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors, 2 = kick on 3 or more colors" } bind msg - reklamkkick reklamkkickset proc reklamkkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamknum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off" set reklamknum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set reklamknum 1 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklamkkick \[0,1\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors" } bind msg - reklamukick reklamukickset proc reklamukickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamunum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off" set reklamunum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set reklamunum 1 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklaukkick \[0,1\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors" } bind msg - showall showallset proc showallset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamunum botnick global reklamknum botnick global colornum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam URL : $reklamunum " putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam KANAL : $reklamknum " putserv "NOTICE $nick :COLOR : $colornum " } bind msg - killit killitset proc killitset {nick uhost hand stuff} { if {![string match "*CLeoPaTRa*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] putserv "KILL $cchoice :4Server reklami - Warn by CLeoPaTRa" } bind join - * color_warning proc color_warning {nick uhost hand chan} { global colornum botnick if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0} if {[string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[PowerUseR\] Powah abish..." } if { ([string match "*siki*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sike*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sikt*" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "amına*" $nick]) || ([string match "amını*" $nick])} { putserv "MODE $chan +b $nick" putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen Kufurlu Nick Kullanmayin" return 0 } if {$colornum == 0} {return 0} if {$colornum == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} { } return 0 } if {$colornum == 2} { if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} { } return 0 } }


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#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Kanal Giriş Limiti Ayarlanması # Copyright © #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Binds #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ bind time - "* * * * *" time:ChanLimit #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # time:ChanLimit start #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ proc time:ChanLimit {min hour day month year} { foreach chan [channels] { set newlimit [expr [llength [chanlist $chan]] + 4] set currentlimit [currentlimit $chan] if {$currentlimit < [expr $newlimit - 1] || $currentlimit > [expr $newlimit + 1]} { putserv "mode $chan +l $newlimit" } } } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # time:ChanLimit end #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # currentlimit start #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ proc currentlimit {chan} { set currentmodes [getchanmode $chan] if {[string match "*l*" [lindex $currentmodes 0]]} { return [lindex $currentmodes end] } return 0 } #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # currentlimit end #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # putlog #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ putlog "Loaded ChanLimit"


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# NoticeBan1.1 by Pulse # This script bans anyone who notices the channel, unless it's a bot user with # +o flag or above, or channel op or channel voice (no flag required). # Greetings: Xnet #Xnet, #Aus # Greetings: DALnet #Ankara ops, #Eggdrop Ops, #Botcentral Ops # Greetings: IRCnet #Tuchola # Personal greetings: my gf Karolina :), bro, mb@Xnet # Contact
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# Contact on IRC: Xnet nick Jin, server #Poland #Eggdrop # DALnet nick Pulse` #b0tz #Eggdrop # Successfully tested on eggdrop1.6.12, 1.6.6, 1.4.4 # If this script contains any bugs or you would like me to change something, # don't hesitate to ask :) # This script can be found on #### History ### # # # Who - what # 1.0 Pulse - initial release # 1.1 Pulse - added: option to turn on script locally, type of punishment, type of banmask # # # # ### # Settings # Chans where the script is supposed to work. "" means all chans where bot is oppeed. # if you wanna enable script in certain chans set chanz "#diyarbakir #sevgili" set chanz "#diyalog #sorucevap #izmir #istanbul #ankara #sohbet #radyo #oyun" # Punishment method # 1 - kick 2 - server ban 3 - local ban, 4 - global ban set punishm "4" # Kick Reason set kickr "Notice izniniz yok!....Lütfen Notice atamayınız.." # Ban type # I guess it's enough ;) # 1 - *!* # 2 - *!
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# 3 - *!*
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# 4 - *!ident@* # 5 - *!*ident@* # 6 - nick!*@* # 7 - nick!ident@* # 8 - nick!
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# 9 - nick!*
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# 10 - nick!*@host set bantype "1" # Ban reason set banr "\002Notice\002 Yasağını ihlal ettiniz.. Kanallardan banlısınız. 30 dakika." # Ban time in mins, 0 = perm ban, will be used only if you set punishm to 3 or 4 set btime "30" bind NOTC - * NoticeBan proc NoticeBan {nick uhost handle text dest} { global botnick punishm kickr banr btime chanz bantype if {(![validchan $dest]) || (![botisop $dest])} { return 0 } if {[matchattr $nick mo|mo $dest] || [isop $nick $dest] || [isvoice $nick $dest] || [matchattr $nick o|o $dest]} {return 0} if {([isbotnick $nick]) || ([string tolower $nick] == "chanserv") || (![onchan $nick $dest])} {return 0} if {($chanz != "") && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $chanz]] [string tolower $dest]] == -1)} {return 0} if {$punishm != "1"} { switch -- $bantype { 1 { set banmask "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" } 2 { set banmask "*!$uhost" } 3 { set banmask "*!*$uhost" } 4 { set banmask "*![lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" } 5 { set banmask "*!*[lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" } 6 { set banmask "$nick!*@*" } 7 { set banmask "$nick![lindex [split $uhost @] 0]@*" } 8 { set banmask "$nick!$uhost" } 9 { set banmask "$nick!*$uhost" } 10 { set banmask "$nick!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" } default { set banmask "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]" } return $banmask } } if {$punishm == "1"} { putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr" } if {$punishm == "2"} { putserv "MODE $dest +b $banmask" putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr" } if {$punishm == "3"} { newchanban "$dest" "$banmask" "NoticeBan" "$banr done by (\002$nick\002!$uhost)" "$btime" putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr" } if {$punishm == "4"} { newban "$banmask" "NoticeBan" "$banr done by (\002$nick\002!$uhost)" "$btime" putserv "KICK $dest $nick :$kickr" } return 1 } putlog "\037N\037oticeBan1.1 has been loaded."


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### ### ColorKick 1.1 - Lucas Madar (
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) ### # # This script will do one of three things: # 1) Nothing # 2) Kick on the use of any mIRC colors in the channel # 3) Kick on abuse of mIRC colors (3 or more) in the channel # # This can be changed any op. # It also warns users if the kick is on when they join the channel. # /msg botnick colorkick 0 = off # /msg botnick colorkick 1 = kick on # /msg botnick colorkick 2 = abuse kick on # # Modify all you like, just remember to give the original author credit. # (Lucas Madar) set colornum 0 set reklamknum 1 set reklamunum 0 set wecwho "\[PowerUseR\]" bind pubm - * color_check proc color_check {nick userhost hand chan things} { global colornum global reklamknum global reklamunum if {[matchattr $hand m] || [isop $nick $chan] || [matchattr $hand f]} {return 0} set colorchar \003 if {$colornum == 1} { if {[string match "*$colorchar*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen renkli yazilar yazmayin" return 0 } } if {$reklamknum == 1} { if {[string match "*#*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen kanal reklami yapmayin" return 0 } } if {$reklamunum == 1} { if {[string match "*
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putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin" return 0 } if {[string match "*http:*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin" return 0 } } } bind msg - colorkick colorkickset proc colorkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global colornum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 0 - off" set colornum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set colornum 1 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 2} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 2 - Kick on abuse of colors (3 or more)" set colornum 2 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid color kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick colorkick \[0,1,2\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors, 2 = kick on 3 or more colors" } bind msg - reklamkkick reklamkkickset proc reklamkkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamknum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off" set reklamknum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set reklamknum 1 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklamkkick \[0,1\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors" } bind msg - reklamukick reklamukickset proc reklamukickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamunum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off" set reklamunum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set reklamunum 1 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklaukkick \[0,1\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors" } bind msg - showall showallset proc showallset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamunum botnick global reklamknum botnick global colornum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam URL : $reklamunum " putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam KANAL : $reklamknum " putserv "NOTICE $nick :COLOR : $colornum " } bind msg - killit killitset proc killitset {nick uhost hand stuff} { if {![string match "**" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] putserv "KILL $cchoice :4Server reklami - Warn " } bind join - * color_warning proc color_warning {nick uhost hand chan} { global colornum botnick if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0} if {$chan == #SevgiDostu} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :8,2#Sevgidostu Kanalına HoşgeLdiniz !. " } if {[string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :aprammm... janimm.. " } if {[string match "*madmax*" $nick]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :hia. master..." } if {[string match "*SeRaP*" $nick]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :selam SeRaP.. " } if { ([string match "*siki*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sike*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sikt*" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "amına*" $nick]) || ([string match "amını*" $nick])} { putserv "MODE $chan +b $nick" putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen Kufurlu Nick Kullanmayin" return 0 } if {$colornum == 0} {return 0} if {$colornum == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} { } return 0 } if {$colornum == 2} { if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} { } return 0 } }


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## HeRe We Go eh! bind pubm - "*fuck*" badword bind pubm - "*siktir*" badword bind pubm - "*ziktir*" badword bind pubm - "*ikerim*" badword bind pub - "******" badword bind pub - "pezevenk" badword bind pub - "siktimin" badword bind pub - "fahise" badword bind pub - "fahişe" badword bind pub - "******" badword bind pub - "yarak" badword bind pub - "*****" badword bind pub - "am" badword bind pub - "amcik" badword bind pub - "***" badword bind pub - "pic" badword bind pub - "sıç" badword bind pub - "am" badword bind pub - "*****" badword bind pub - "amını" badword bind pub - "ananın" badword bind pub - "sik" badword bind pubm - "*******" badword bind pubm - "*göt*" badword bind pubm - "*amkafa*" badword bind pubm - "*ibne*" badword bind pubm - "*pezevenk*" badword bind pubm - "ananı*" badword bind pubm - "amını*" badword bind pubm - "*ananı*" badword bind pubm - "********" badword bind pubm - "****" badword bind pubm - "o.c*" badword bind pubm - "*o.ç*" badword bind pubm - "********" badword bind pubm - "*ikerim*" badword bind pubm - "*a.q*" badword bind pubm - "amk*" badword bind pubm - "*fahişe*" badword bind pubm - "ipne*" badword bind pubm - "ibne*" badword bind pubm - "ipna*" badword bind pubm - "göt*" badword bind pubm - "********" badword bind pubm - "yavsak*" badword bind pubm - "<censored>." reklam bind pubm - ".<censored>" reklam bind pubm - ".<censored>." reklam bind pubm - "fahişe" reklam bind pubm - "irc.*" reklam bind pubm - "*/server*" reklam bind pubm - "*http*" reklam bind pubm - "*
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
reklam bind pubm - "*/s*" reklam bind pubm - "s e r v e r" reklam set ZName "Kufur Korumasi]" set ZZ "-=( ZimoZimo )=-" set ZBan "4Kufurlu yazilar yazmayin" set 1ST "\[1st COUNT\]" set 2ED "\[2ed COUNT\]" set 3ED "\[3ed COUNT\]" set Ohh "\[Perm Ban\]" proc badword {nick host hand chan rest} { if {$nick == "Radyo"} { return 0 } if {$nick == "Oyuncu"} { return 0 } if {$nick == "Kelime"} { return 0 } if {$nick == "Kaos"} { return 0 } putlog "$nick $hand $chan $host $rest" global repeat_last repeat_num repeat-badword channel botnick ZBan 1ST 2ED 3ED Ohh ZName ZZ text if {$hand != "*"} { if {([ matchattr $hand n ])} { return 0 }} if {([ matchattr $hand m ])} { putserv "MODE $chan -o $nick" putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan" return 1 } elseif {([matchattr $hand 3])} { chattr $hand +k set ZZReason "$ZName Detected $Ohh For $hand" # newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $ZZReason perm putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan" return 1 } elseif {([matchattr $hand 2])} { chattr $nick +3-2 set 3EDReason "$ZName Detected $3ED For $hand" # newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $3EDReason perm putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan" return 0 } elseif {([matchattr $hand 1])} { chattr $hand +2-1o set 2EDReason "$ZName Detected $2ED For $hand" # newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $2EDReason 60 putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan" return 1 } elseif {[ matchattr $hand o ]} { chattr $hand +1 putserv "MODE $chan -o $nick" putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan" return 1 } { adduser $nick [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]] chattr $hand +1-op putserv "KICK $chan $nick :$ZBan" return 0 }} proc reklam {nick host hand chan rest} { if {$nick == "Radyo"} { return 0 } if {$nick == "Oyuncu"} { return 0 } if {$nick == "Kelime"} { return 0 } if {$nick == "Kaos"} { return 0 } putlog "$nick $hand $chan $host $rest" global repeat_last repeat_num repeat-reklam channel botnick ZBan 1ST 2ED 3ED Ohh ZName ZZ text if {$hand != "*"} { if {([ matchattr $hand n ])} { return 0 }} if {([ matchattr $hand m ])} { putserv "KILL $nick : 4 12Sohbet Sunucusunda Server reklami yasaktir 4Şikayet iÇin E-maiL
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
iLetiniz." return 1 } elseif {([matchattr $hand 3])} { chattr $hand +k set ZZReason "$ZName Detected $Ohh For $hand" # newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $ZZReason perm putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir" return 1 } elseif {([matchattr $hand 2])} { chattr $nick +3-2 set 3EDReason "$ZName Detected $3ED For $hand" # newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $3EDReason perm putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir" return 0 } elseif {([matchattr $hand 1])} { chattr $hand +2-1o set 2EDReason "$ZName Detected $2ED For $hand" # newchanban $chan [maskhost $host] $botnick $2EDReason 60 putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir" return 1 } elseif {[ matchattr $hand o ]} { chattr $hand +1 putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir" return 1 } { # adduser $nick [maskhost [getchanhost $nick $chan]] # chattr $hand +1-op putserv "KILL $nick :4Server reklami yasaktir" return 0 }} putlog "\[Word|KiCk\] v3.0 By -=( ZimoZimo )=- is Loaded"


Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
### ### ColorKick 1.1 - By Lucas Madar (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
) ### # # This script will do one of three things: # 1) Nothing # 2) Kick on the use of any mIRC colors in the channel # 3) Kick on abuse of mIRC colors (3 or more) in the channel # # This can be changed by any op. # It also warns users if the kick is on when they join the channel. # /msg botnick colorkick 0 = off # /msg botnick colorkick 1 = kick on # /msg botnick colorkick 2 = abuse kick on # # Modify all you like, just remember to give the original author credit. # (Lucas Madar) set colornum 0 set reklamknum 1 set reklamunum 0 set wecwho "\[apranax\]" bind pubm - * color_check proc color_check {nick userhost hand chan things} { global colornum global reklamknum global reklamunum if {[matchattr $hand m] || [isop $nick $chan] || [matchattr $hand f]} {return 0} set colorchar \003 if {$colornum == 1} { if {[string match "*$colorchar*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen renkli yazilar yazmayin" return 0 } } if {$reklamknum == 1} { if {[string match "*#*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen kanal reklami yapmayin" return 0 } } if {$reklamunum == 1} { if {[string match "*
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin" return 0 } if {[string match "*http:*" $things]} { putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen url reklami yapmayin" return 0 } } } bind msg - colorkick colorkickset proc colorkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global colornum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 0 - off" set colornum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set colornum 1 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 2} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Color Kick Set to 2 - Kick on abuse of colors (3 or more)" set colornum 2 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid color kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick colorkick \[0,1,2\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors, 2 = kick on 3 or more colors" } bind msg - reklamkkick reklamkkickset proc reklamkkickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamknum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off" set reklamknum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :Kanal Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set reklamknum 1 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklamkkick \[0,1\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors" } bind msg - reklamukick reklamukickset proc reklamukickset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamunum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] if {$cchoice == 0} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 0 - off" set reklamunum 0 return 0 } if {$cchoice == 1} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :URL Reklam Kick Set to 1 - Kick on any use of colors" set reklamunum 1 return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Invalid reklam kick option - $cchoice" putserv "NOTICE $nick :Valid options are: /msg $botnick reklaukkick \[0,1\]" putserv "NOTICE $nick :0 = Off, 1 = Kick on any colors" } bind msg - showall showallset proc showallset {nick uhost hand stuff} { global reklamunum botnick global reklamknum botnick global colornum botnick if {!([matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m])} {return 0} if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 } putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam URL : $reklamunum " putserv "NOTICE $nick :Reklam KANAL : $reklamknum " putserv "NOTICE $nick :COLOR : $colornum " } bind msg - killit killitset proc killitset {nick uhost hand stuff} { if {![string match "*apranax*" $nick]} { return 0 } set cchoice [lindex $stuff 0] putserv "KILL $cchoice :4Server reklami " } bind join - * color_warning proc color_warning {nick uhost hand chan} { global colornum botnick if {$nick == $botnick} {return 0} if {$chan == #zurna} { putserv "NOTICE $nick :8,2#ZurNa Kanalına HoşgeLdiniz !. " } if {[string match "*PowerUseR*" $nick]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :\[apranax\] aprammm." } if { ([string match "*siki*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sike*" $nick]) || ([string match "*sikt*" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "********" $nick]) || ([string match "amına*" $nick]) || ([string match "amını*" $nick])} { putserv "MODE $chan +b $nick" putserv "KICK $chan $nick :4Lutfen Kufurlu Nick Kullanmayin" return 0 } if {$colornum == 0} {return 0} if {$colornum == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} { } return 0 } if {$colornum == 2} { if {[matchattr $hand o] || [matchattr $hand m]} { } return 0 } }

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 16 Mart 2009, 13:50   #14
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Güvenlik hakkında...

Ekledim yokmu ?

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 16 Mart 2009, 14:09   #15
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Güvenlik hakkında...

Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Bulduğun tüm tcl'leri eklemişsin ne güzel de senin sorunu ilgilendiren bölümü eklesen sadece daha güzel olurdu.. böyle benim gibi üşengeç insanlar bakıp aramaz bunların içinde o ilgilendiren bölümü
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.

şöyle yardımcı olayım sana bu bahsettiğin reklam mesajlarında botun ban attığı proc'u bul o procun en başına anlatacağım şekilde ekleyerek istemediğin zamanlarda çalışmasını durdurmuş olacaksın;

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
if {[string match -nocase "" "$text"]} {return 0}

bu satırı şöyle açıklayayım "$text" kısmı procta belirtilmiş argümanlara göre ne yazılmışsa o şekilde değiştir.

sendeki ilgili proc ;
proc reklam {nick host hand chan rest} {
ile başlayan kısım

O halde bunları şu şekilde alt alta, bu kısmın hemen altına yazarakta çoğaltabilirsin;

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
if {[string match -nocase "" "$rest"]} {return 0} if {[string match -nocase "" "$rest"]} {return 0} if {[string match -nocase "" "$rest"]} {return 0}

yanlız bunu tcl'nin herhangibiyerine değil ilgili proc'un ilk satırına ekliceksin.

Alıntı ile Cevapla

Alt 19 Mart 2009, 13:43   #16
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)
Cevap: Güvenlik hakkında...

Tşk bucaLı deneyecem ...

Alıntı ile Cevapla


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