#Karsilama yapilcak oda:
set kanal "#Radyo"
bind join - * girisvar
proc girisvar { nick uhost hand chan } {
global kanal
if {$chan==$kanal} {
putquick "mode $kanal +v $nick"
return 0
Buyrun kod, fakat bu kodu 1 dk'lık bir arama sonucunda kolaylıkla elde edebilirdiniz. Daha önce farklı başlık(lar) altında verdim kodu.
İyi çalışmalar...
__________________ Eskiden buralar hep dutluktu...
şu şekilde bir tcl kullanıyorum belki budur aradığınız kanalda sohbet eden kişilere yazdığı kelime sayısına göre voice veren tcl bir süre konuşmayandanda aktif olmadığı için voice yi almaktadır .
PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
### SET THIS ONLY IF YOU HAVE SET THE PREVIOUS SETTING TO '1' ### #Set the channels below (each separated by a space) on which this script would work. #USAGE: set clonescan(channels) "#channel1 #channel2 #mychannel" set autovoice(chans) "#yarisma"
#Set the 'number of lines' here after which a user will be voiced for being #an ACTIVE CHATTER. Only channel messages will be counted for activity. set autovoice(lines) "500"
#Set the time here in 'minutes' after which you would like to devoice idlers (UNACTIVE #CHATTERs). Users idling for more than this number of minute(s) will be devoiced. ###################################################################################### #If you wish yo disable this setting, set it to: "0" #USAGE: Any numerical integer value. set autovoice(dvtime) "30"
### SET THIS ONLY IF YOU HAVE ENABLED (UNACTIVE CHATTER) DEVOICING FOR IDLERS ### #Set the time here in 'minutes' after which you would continuously like to check #channel voices for idling. It is better to set this value low for good accuracy. #USAGE: Any numerical integer value. set autovoice(dvcheck) "2"
### ACTIVE-CHATTER (VOICE) EXEMPT NICKS ### #Set the list of nicks here which you would like to be exempted from being #autovoiced by the script. Place separate each entry by placing it in a new line. ################################################################################## #If you do not have any nick to exempt, then: set autovoice(avexempt) {} set autovoice(avexempt) { nick1 nick2 nick3 }
### UNACTIVE-CHATTER (DEVOICE) EXEMPT NICKS ### #Set the list of nicks here which you would like to be exempted from being #devoiced by the script. Place separate each entry by placing it in a new line. ################################################################################ #If you do not have any nick to exempt, then: set autovoice(dvexempt) {} set autovoice(dvexempt) { nick1 nick2 nick3 }
############################################################# ### Congratulations! Script configuration is now complete ### #############################################################
############################################################################## ### Don't edit anything else from this point onwards even if you know tcl! ### ############################################################################## set autovoice(auth) "\x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68" set autovoice(ver) "v3.75.b" bind pubm - "*" autovoice:users bind join - "*" autovoice:erase:record if {$autovoice(dvtime) > 0} {bind time - "*" autovoice:devoice:idlers} proc autovoice:users {nick uhost hand chan text} { global autovoice voice if {($autovoice(chantype) == 1) && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $autovoice(chans)]] [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} { return 0 } if {[isbotnick $nick] || [isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan]} { return 0 } set exemptlist [list] foreach user $autovoice(avexempt) { lappend exemptlist $user } if {[llength $exemptlist] > 0} { foreach person $exemptlist { if {[string equal -nocase $person $nick]} { return 0 } } } set user [split [string tolower $nick:$chan]] if {![info exists voice($user)] && ![isvoice $nick $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan]} { set voice($user) 0 } elseif {[info exists voice($user)] && ([expr $voice($user) + 1] >= $autovoice(lines)) && ![isop $nick $chan] && ![isvoice $nick $chan]} { utimer 3[list autovoice:delay $nick $chan] unset voice($user) } elseif {[info exists voice($user)]} { incr voice($user) } } proc autovoice:delay {nick chan} { set user [split [string tolower $nick:$chan]] if {[botisop $chan] && [onchan $nick $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan] && ![isvoice $nick $chan]} { pushmode $chan +v $nick putquick "privmsg $chan 0,4Tebrikler 0,2 $nick 0,4Yarisma kanalında 0,2Voice 0,4almaya Hak kazandınız."; set voiced($user) 1 } if {[info exists voiced($user)]} { pushmode $chan -k \0032Active.\00312chatter flushmode $chan } } proc autovoice:erase:record {nick uhost hand chan} { global autovoice voice if {($autovoice(chantype) == 1) && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $autovoice(chans)]] [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} { return 0 } if {[isbotnick $nick]} { return 0 } set user [split [string tolower $nick:$chan]] if {[info exists voice($user)]} { unset voiceuser($user) } } proc autovoice:devoice:idlers {m h d mo y} { global autovoice if {([scan $m %d]+([scan $h %d]*60)) % $autovoice(dvcheck) == 0} { switch -exact $autovoice(chantype) { 1 { set chans [split $autovoice(chans)] } 2 { set chans [channels] } default { return 0 } } foreach chan $chans { set chan [split [string tolower $chan]] foreach user [chanlist $chan] { set user [split [string tolower $user]] if {![isbotnick $user] && ![isop $user $chan] && [isvoice $user $chan]} { set exemptlist [list] foreach nick $autovoice(dvexempt) { lappend exemptlist $nick } if {[llength $exemptlist] > 0} { foreach person $exemptlist { if {[string equal -nocase $person $user]} { set exempt($user) 1; break } } } if {![info exists exempt($user)] && ([getchanidle $user $chan] >= $autovoice(dvtime))} { pushmode $chan -v $user putquick "privmsg $chan Aktif olamadığınız için voice'niz alındı."; if {![info exists devoice($chan)]} { set devoice($chan) 1 } } else { continue } } else { continue } } if {[info exists devoice($chan)]} { pushmode $chan -k \0032Unactive.\00312chatter flushmode $chan } } } } if {![string equal "\x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68" $autovoice(auth)]} { set autovoice(auth) \x61\x77\x79\x65\x61\x68 } putlog "Active Chatter $autovoice(ver) by $autovoice(auth) has been loaded successfully."
anladığım kadarı ile..
arkadaşın istediği..
radyo kanalına girenler veya..
radyo kanalında sohbet edenler değilde..
radyo kanalında bulunup radyoyu dinleyen kişilere..
voice (+v) veren bir tcl arıyor..
ve arkadaşın aradığı tcl yi..
Nebiliymben arkadaşımız.. [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] paylaşmış..