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Alt 18 Mart 2015, 14:17   #1
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MSNPopUp componenti

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
unit MSNPopUp; interface uses Windows, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Controls, Classes, Graphics, Forms, ShellApi, Dialogs; type TOrientation = (mbHorizontal, mbVertical); TScrollSpeed = 1..50; TMSNPopUp = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } FURL: String; FText: String; FTitle: String; FIcon: TIcon; FWidth: Integer; FHeight: Integer; FTimeOut: Integer; FScrollSpeed: TScrollSpeed; FAllowScroll: Boolean; FAllowHyperlink: Boolean; FColor1: TColor; FColor2: TColor; FGradientOrientation: TOrientation; FFont: TFont; FHoverFont: TFont; FTitleFont: TFont; FCursor: TCursor; FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; procedure SetIcon(Value: TIcon); protected procedure Click; dynamic; public procedure ShowPopUp; published property Text: String read FText write FText; property URL: String read FURL write FURL; property PopUpIcon: TIcon read FIcon write SetIcon stored True; property TimeOut: Integer read FTimeOut write FTimeOut default 10; property Width: Integer read FWidth write FWidth default 175; property Height: Integer read FHeight write FHeight default 175; property AllowScroll: Boolean read FAllowScroll write FAllowScroll default True; property AllowHyperlink: Boolean read FAllowHyperlink write FAllowHyperlink default True; property GradientColor1: TColor read FColor1 write FColor1; property GradientColor2: TColor read FColor2 write FColor2; property GradientOrientation: TOrientation read FGradientOrientation write FGradientOrientation default mbVertical; property ScrollSpeed: TScrollSpeed read FScrollSpeed write FScrollSpeed default 5; property Font: TFont read FFont write FFont; property HoverFont: TFont read FHoverFont write FHoverFont; property Title: String read FTitle write FTitle; property TitleFont: TFont read FTitleFont write FTitleFont; property Cursor: TCursor read FCursor write FCursor; property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; type TfrmMSNPopUp = class(TForm) pnlBorder: TPanel; imgIcon: TImage; lblText: TLabel; imgGradient: TImage; tmrExit: TTimer; tmrScroll: TTimer; lblTitle: TLabel; procedure lblTextMouseEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure lblTextMouseLeave(Sender: TObject); procedure lblTextClick(Sender: TObject); procedure tmrExitTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure lblTextMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure tmrScrollTimer(Sender: TObject); procedure imgIconMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure imgGradientMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private function CalcColorIndex(StartColor, EndColor: TColor; Steps, ColorIndex: Integer): TColor; function GetEdge: Integer; procedure PositionText; public URL, Text, Title: String; TimeOut: Integer; Icon: TIcon; sWidth: Integer; sHeight: Integer; bScroll, bHyperlink: Boolean; Color1, Color2: TColor; Orientation: TOrientation; ScrollSpeed: TScrollSpeed; Font, HoverFont, TitleFont: TFont; StoredBorder: Integer; Click: TNotifyEvent; Cursor: TCursor; procedure PopUp; protected procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; end; procedure Register; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Ramazan', [TMSNPopUp]); end; procedure TMSNPopUp.ShowPopUp; var MSNPopUp: TfrmMSNPopUp; begin MSNPopUp := TfrmMSNPopUp.Create( Self.Owner ); MSNPopUp.sWidth := FWidth; MSNPopUp.sHeight := FHeight; MSNPopUp.Text := FText; MSNPopUp.URL := FURL; MSNPopUp.Title := FTitle; MSNPopUp.TimeOut := FTimeOut; MSNPopUp.Icon := FIcon; MSNPopUp.bScroll := FAllowScroll; MSNPopUp.bHyperlink := FAllowHyperlink; MSNPopUp.ScrollSpeed := FScrollSpeed; MSNPopUp.Font := FFont; MSNPopUp.HoverFont := FHoverFont; MSNPopUp.TitleFont := FTitleFont; MSNPopUp.Click := Self.OnClick; MSNPopUp.Cursor := FCursor; MSNPopUp.Color1 := FColor1; MSNPopUp.Color2 := FColor2; MSNPopUp.Orientation := FGradientOrientation; MSNPopUp.PopUp; end; procedure TMSNPopUp.SetIcon(Value: TIcon); begin if Value <> Self.FIcon then begin Self.FIcon.Assign(Value); end; end; constructor TMSNPopUp.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FIcon := TIcon.Create; FFont := TFont.Create; FHoverFont := TFont.Create; FTitleFont := TFont.Create; FWidth := 175; FHeight := 175; FTimeOut := 10; FScrollSpeed := 5; FText := 'text'; FURL := 'http://<a href="
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
FTitle := 'title'; FCursor := crDefault; FColor1 := RGB(0,102,204); FColor2 := RGB(255,255,255); FGradientOrientation := mbVertical; FHoverFont.Style := [fsUnderline]; FHoverFont.Color := clBlue; FTitleFont.Style := [fsBold]; FAllowScroll := True; FAllowHyperlink := True; end; destructor TMSNPopUp.Destroy; begin FIcon.Free; FFont.Free; FHoverFont.Free; FTitleFont.Free; inherited; end; procedure TMSNPopUp.Click; begin if Assigned(FOnClick) then FOnClick(Self); end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited; with Params do begin Style := Style and not WS_CAPTION or WS_POPUP; ExStyle := ExStyle or WS_EX_TOPMOST or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; WndParent := GetDesktopwindow; end; end; function TfrmMSNPopUp.GetEdge: Integer; var AppBar: TAppbarData; begin Result := -1; FillChar( AppBar, sizeof(AppBar), 0); AppBar.cbSize := Sizeof(AppBar); if ShAppBarMessage( ABM_GETTASKBARPOS, AppBar ) <> 0 then begin if (( = AppBar.rc.left) and (AppBar.rc.bottom > AppBar.rc.right)) then Result := ABE_LEFT else if (( = AppBar.rc.left) and (AppBar.rc.bottom < AppBar.rc.right)) then Result := ABE_TOP else if ( > AppBar.rc.left ) then Result := ABE_BOTTOM else Result := ABE_RIGHT; end; end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.PopUp; var r: TRect; gradient: TBitmap; i: Integer; begin SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @r, 0); Self.Height := sHeight; Self.Width := sWidth; lblText.Cursor := Cursor; case GetEdge of ABE_LEFT: begin Self.Left := r.Left + 5; Self.Top := r.Bottom - Self.Height - 5; end; ABE_TOP: begin Self.Left := r.Right - Self.Width - 5; Self.Top := r.Top + 5; end; ABE_BOTTOM: begin Self.Left := r.Right - Self.Width - 5; Self.Top := r.Bottom - 5 - Self.Height; end; ABE_RIGHT: begin Self.Left := r.Right - Self.Width - 5; Self.Top := r.Bottom - Self.Height - 5; end; end; lblTitle.Font := TitleFont; lblTitle.Caption := Title; pnlBorder.Align := alNone; imgGradient.Align := alNone; imgGradient.Width := pnlBorder.Width; imgGradient.Height := pnlBorder.Height; if Icon.Empty = False then imgIcon.Picture.Icon := Icon else lblTitle.Left := 8; gradient := TBitmap.Create; gradient.Width := pnlBorder.Width; gradient.Height := pnlBorder.Height; if Orientation = mbVertical then begin for i := 0 to gradient.Height do begin gradient.Canvas.Pen.Color := CalcColorIndex( Color1, Color2, gradient.Height + 1, i + 1 ); gradient.Canvas.MoveTo(0,i); gradient.Canvas.LineTo(gradient.width,i); end; end; if Orientation = mbHorizontal then begin for i := 0 to gradient.Width do begin gradient.Canvas.Pen.Color := CalcColorIndex( Color1, Color2, gradient.Height + 1, i + 1 ); gradient.Canvas.MoveTo(i,0); gradient.Canvas.LineTo(i,gradient.Height); end; end; imgGradient.Canvas.Draw(0,0,gradient); gradient.Free; tmrExit.Interval := TimeOut * 1000; if bScroll then begin if (GetEdge = ABE_TOP) or (GetEdge = ABE_BOTTOM) then begin if GetEdge = ABE_BOTTOM then Self.Top := Self.Top + Self.Height; Self.Height := 1; end; if (GetEdge = ABE_LEFT) or (GetEdge = ABE_RIGHT) then begin if GetEdge = ABE_RIGHT then Self.Left := Self.Left + Self.Width; Self.Width := 1; end; tmrScroll.Enabled := True; end; if not bScroll then tmrExit.Enabled := True; ShowWindow( Self.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE ); Self.Visible := True; lblText.Font := HoverFont; PositionText; lblText.Font := Font; PositionText; end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.lblTextMouseEnter(Sender: TObject); begin if bHyperlink then begin lblText.Font := HoverFont; PositionText; end; end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.lblTextMouseLeave(Sender: TObject); begin if bHyperlink then begin lblText.Font := Font; PositionText; end; end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.PositionText; begin lblText.Caption := Text; lblText.Width := pnlBorder.Width - 15; lblText.Left := Round( ( pnlBorder.Width - lblText.Width ) /2 ); lblText.Top := Round( ( pnlBorder.Height - lblText.Height ) /2 ); end; function TfrmMSNPopUp.CalcColorIndex(StartColor, EndColor: TColor; Steps, ColorIndex: Integer): TColor; var BeginRGBValue: Array[0..2] of Byte; RGBDifference: Array[0..2] of Integer; Red, Green, Blue: Byte; NumColors: Integer; begin NumColors := Steps; Dec(ColorIndex); BeginRGBValue[0] := GetRValue(ColorToRGB(StartColor)); BeginRGBValue[1] := GetGValue(ColorToRGB(StartColor)); BeginRGBValue[2] := GetBValue(ColorToRGB(StartColor)); RGBDifference[0] := GetRValue(ColorToRGB(EndColor)) - BeginRGBValue[0]; RGBDifference[1] := GetGValue(ColorToRGB(EndColor)) - BeginRGBValue[1]; RGBDifference[2] := GetBValue(ColorToRGB(EndColor)) - BeginRGBValue[2]; Red := BeginRGBValue[0] + MulDiv(ColorIndex, RGBDifference[0], NumColors - 1); Green := BeginRGBValue[1] + MulDiv(ColorIndex, RGBDifference[1], NumColors - 1); Blue := BeginRGBValue[2] + MulDiv(ColorIndex, RGBDifference[2], NumColors - 1); Result := RGB(Red, Green, Blue); end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.lblTextClick(Sender: TObject); begin if bHyperlink then begin ShellExecute(0, nil, PChar(URL), nil, nil, SW_ShowDefault); end; Self.Close; if Assigned( Click ) then Click(Sender); end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.tmrExitTimer(Sender: TObject); begin Self.Close; end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.lblTextMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button = mbRight then begin Self.Close; if Assigned( Click ) then Click(Sender); end; end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.tmrScrollTimer(Sender: TObject); var r: TRect; begin SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @r, 0); if StoredBorder = 0 then StoredBorder := GetEdge; case StoredBorder of ABE_LEFT: begin if (Self.Width + Scrollspeed) < sWidth then begin Self.Width := Self.Width + ScrollSpeed; end else begin Self.Width := sWidth; tmrScroll.Enabled := False; tmrExit.Enabled := True; end; end; ABE_TOP: begin if (Self.Height + ScrollSpeed) < sHeight then begin Self.Height := Self.Height + ScrollSpeed; end else begin Self.Height := sHeight; tmrScroll.Enabled := False; tmrExit.Enabled := True; end; end; ABE_BOTTOM: begin if (Self.Height + ScrollSpeed) < sHeight then begin Self.Height := Self.Height + ScrollSpeed; Self.Top := Self.Top - ScrollSpeed; end else begin Self.Height := sHeight; Self.Top := r.Bottom - 5 - Self.Height; tmrScroll.Enabled := False; tmrExit.Enabled := True; end; end; ABE_RIGHT: begin if (Self.Width + ScrollSpeed) < sWidth then begin Self.Width := Self.Width + ScrollSpeed; Self.Left := Self.Left - ScrollSpeed; end else begin Self.Width := sWidth; Self.Left := r.Right - 5 - Self.Width; tmrScroll.Enabled := False; tmrExit.Enabled := True; end; end; end; end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.imgIconMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Self.Close; if Assigned( Click ) then Click(Sender); end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.imgGradientMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin Self.Close; if Assigned( Click ) then Click(Sender); end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin lblText.AutoSize := False; lblText.Width := 10; lblText.Height := 10; lblText.AutoSize := True; PositionText; end; procedure TfrmMSNPopUp.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin PositionText; end; end.

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YIL-AY componenti Kaf_Dağı Delphi 0 18 Mart 2015 14:15