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Alt 18 Mart 2015, 14:02   #1
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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Sadece rakam kullanabileceğiniz şık bir edit component

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
unit PBNumEdit; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; const PB_SETTINGCHANGE = WM_USER + 147; type TNumberFormat = (Standard, Thousands, Scientific, Engineering); TPBNumEdit = class(TCustomEdit) private FAlignment: TAlignment; FDecimals: ShortInt; FEnter, FParentColor : Boolean; FInvalidEntry: TNotifyEvent; FMaxValue: Extended; FMinValue: Extended; FNumberFormat : TNumberFormat; FVersion: String; FDisabledColor, FEnabledColor : TColor; OldDecimalSep, OldThousandSep : Char; FOnClear : TNotifyEvent; function FormatText(Value: Extended): string; function GetAsCurrency: Currency; function GetAsFloat: Extended; function GetAsInteger: Integer; function GetValue: Extended; function HookMainProc(var Message: TMessage) : Boolean; function Remove1000(Num : string): string; function ReplaceSeparators(Num : string) : string; procedure DeleteKey(Key: Word); procedure DeleteSelection; procedure SetAlignment(Value: TAlignment); procedure SetAsCurrency(Value: Currency); procedure SetAsFloat(Value: Extended); procedure SetAsInteger(Value: Integer); procedure SetColor(Value : TColor); procedure SetDisabledColor(Value : TColor); procedure SetDecimals(Value: ShortInt); procedure SetMaxValue(Value: Extended); procedure SetMinValue(Value: Extended); procedure SetNumberFormat(Value: TNumberFormat); procedure SetParentColor(Value : Boolean); procedure SetValue(Value: Extended); procedure SetVersion(Value: String); procedure WMClear(var Msg : TMessage); message WM_CLEAR; procedure WMCut(var Message: TMessage); message WM_CUT; procedure WMCopy(var Message: TMessage); message WM_COPY; procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Msg : TWMGetDlgCode); message WM_GETDLGCODE; procedure WMPaste(var Message: TMessage); message WM_PASTE; procedure WMSettingchange(var Message: TMessage); message PB_SETTINGCHANGE; procedure CMPARENTCOLORCHANGED(var M:TMessage); message CM_PARENTCOLORCHANGED; protected procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure DoEnter; override; procedure DoExit; override; procedure InvalidEntry; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; procedure Keyup(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure SetEnabled(Value : Boolean); override; procedure Loaded; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; property AsCurrency: Currency read GetAsCurrency write SetAsCurrency; property AsFloat: Extended read GetAsFloat write SetAsFloat; property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger; published property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment; {$IFNDEF VER100} property Anchors; {$ENDIF} property AutoSelect; property AutoSize; property BorderStyle; property Color : TColor read FEnabledColor write SetColor default clWindow; property DisabledColor : TColor read FDisabledColor write SetDisabledColor default clBtnFace; property Enabled : Boolean read GetEnabled write SetEnabled default True; property Ctl3D; property Decimals: ShortInt read FDecimals write SetDecimals; property DragCursor; property DragMode; property Font; property HideSelection; property MaxLength; property MaxValue: Extended read FMaxValue write SetMaxValue; property MinValue: Extended read FMinValue write SetMinValue; property NumberFormat: TNumberFormat read FNumberFormat write SetNumberFormat; property OnChange; property OnClear : TNotifyEvent read FOnClear write FOnClear; property OnClick; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnInvalidEntry: TNotifyEvent read FInvalidEntry write FInvalidEntry; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnStartDrag; property ParentColor : Boolean read FParentColor write SetParentColor default False; property ParentCtl3D; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ReadOnly; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Value: Extended read GetValue write SetValue; property Version: String read FVersion write SetVersion stored False; property Visible; property Align; end; procedure Register; implementation uses Clipbrd; constructor TPBNumEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Width := 100; FAlignment := taRightJustify; FDecimals := -1; FEnter := False; FMaxValue := 0; FMinValue := 0; FNumberFormat := Standard; FVersion := ''; OldDecimalSep := DecimalSeparator; OldThousandSep := ThousandSeparator; Value := 0; Text := FormatText(Value); inherited Enabled := True; inherited Color := clWindow; FEnabledColor := clWindow; FDisabledColor := clBtnFace; Application.HookMainWindow(HookMainProc); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.Loaded; begin inherited; if Enabled then inherited Color := FEnabledColor else inherited Color := FDisabledColor; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); const Alignments: array[TAlignment] of Word = (ES_LEFT, ES_RIGHT, ES_CENTER); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); Params.Style := Params.Style or ES_MULTILINE or Alignments[FAlignment]; end; destructor TPBNumEdit.Destroy; begin Application.UnHookMainWindow(HookMainProc); inherited; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if (Button = mbLeft) or (ssLeft in Shift) then begin if FEnter = True then begin FEnter := False; if AutoSelect then SelectAll; end; end; inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.DoEnter; begin inherited DoEnter; if csLButtonDown in ControlState then FEnter := True; if AutoSelect then SelectAll; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.DoExit; begin Text := FormatText(Value); if ((FMinValue <> 0) or (FMaxValue <> 0)) and ((Value < FMinValue) or (Value > FMaxValue)) then InvalidEntry else inherited DoExit; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift); FEnter := False; if not ReadOnly then begin if Key in [VK_DELETE, VK_BACK] then begin if SelLength > 0 then DeleteSelection else DeleteKey(Key); Key := 0; end; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char); var P, D, E : Integer; N, NE : Boolean; begin inherited KeyPress(Key); if ReadOnly or (Key in [#3, #22, #24]) then exit; if not (Key in ['0'..'9', DecimalSeparator, '-', 'e', 'E']) or ((Key = DecimalSeparator) and (FDecimals = 0)) then begin MessageBeep(0); Key := #0; Exit; end; P := SelStart; D := pos(DecimalSeparator, Text); E := pos('E', Text); if Key = 'e' then Key := 'E'; if Key in [DecimalSeparator, 'E'] then SelLength := 0 else DeleteSelection; N := (Text[1] = '-'); NE := (pos('-', copy(Text, E + 1, length(Text) - E)) <> 0) and (E <> 0); if N and (SelStart = 0) then SelStart := 1; if NE and (Selstart = E + 1) then SelStart := SelStart + 1; if Key = '-' then begin if (P < E) or (E = 0) then begin if not N then begin Text := '-' + Text; SelStart := P + 1; end else begin Text := Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text) - 1); SelStart := P - 1; end; end else begin if not NE then begin Text := copy(Text, 1, E) + '-' + copy(Text, E + 1, Length(Text) - E); SelStart := P + 1; end else begin Text := copy(Text, 1, E) + copy(Text, E + 2, Length(Text) - E - 1); SelStart := P - 1; end; end; Key := #0; exit; end; if Key = DecimalSeparator then begin if D <> 0 then begin Selstart := D; Key := #0; end else if FDecimals < 0 then begin if E <> 0 then Selstart := E - 1 else Selstart := Length(Text); end; exit; end else if Key = 'E' then begin if E = 0 then SelStart := Length(Text) else begin SelStart := E; Key := #0; end; Exit; end; if (SelStart <= 2) and (Copy(Text, 2, 1) = '0') and N then begin SelStart := 1; SelLength := 1; end else if (SelStart <= 1) and (Copy(Text, 1, 1) = '0') then begin SelStart := 0; SelLength := 1; end else if (SelStart = E) and (E <> 0) and (copy(Text,E + 1, 1) = '0') then SelLength := 1 else if (SelStart >= E) and (E <> 0) then begin if Abs(StrToInt(Copy(Text, E + 1, SelStart - E) + Key + Copy(Text, SelStart + 1, 99))) > 4932 then begin MessageBeep(0); Key := #0; end; end else if FDecimals > 0 then begin if (SelStart = D + FDecimals) then begin MessageBeep(0); Key := #0; end else if SelStart >= D then SelLength := 1 else if SelStart < D - 1 then SelLength := 0; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.Keyup(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var Numsep, NumSep0, SelStart0, X, D, N, N0 : integer; Text0 : string; begin inherited KeyUp(Key, Shift); if (SelLength > 0) then exit; if NumberFormat <> Thousands then exit; D := pos(DecimalSeparator, Text); SelStart0 := SelStart; NumSep := 0; NumSep0 := 0; Text0 := FormatText(AsFloat); for X := 1 to length(Text0) do if Text0[X] = ThousandSeparator then inc(NumSep0); for X := 1 to length(Text) do if Text[X] = ThousandSeparator then inc(NumSep); N := pos(ThousandSeparator, Text); N0 := pos(ThousandSeparator, Text0); if (NumSep <> NumSep0) or (N <> N0) or (Key in [32, 13]) then begin Text := Text0; Selstart := SelStart0 + NumSep0 - NumSep; if (pos(DecimalSeparator, Text) <> 0) and (D = 0) then Selstart := Selstart + 1 else if (D <> 0) and (pos(DecimalSeparator, Text) = 0) then Selstart := Selstart - 1; if Copy(Text, Selstart + 1, 1) = ThousandSeparator then Selstart := Selstart + 1; end; end; function TPBNumEdit.GetAsCurrency: Currency; begin Result := StrToCurr(Remove1000(Text)); end; function TPBNumEdit.GetAsFloat: Extended; begin Result := StrToFloat(Remove1000(Text)); end; function TPBNumEdit.GetAsInteger: Integer; begin Result := Trunc(StrToFloat(Remove1000(Text))); end; function TPBNumEdit.GetValue: Extended; begin Result := StrToFloat(Remove1000(Text)); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetAsCurrency(Value: Currency); begin if Text <> FormatText(Value) then Text := FormatText(Value); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetAsFloat(Value: Extended); begin if Text <> FormatText(Value) then Text := FormatText(Value); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetAsInteger(Value: Integer); begin if Text <> FormatText(Value) then Text := FormatText(Value); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetAlignment(Value: TAlignment); var SelSt, SelLe : integer; begin if FAlignment <> Value then begin SelSt := SelStart; SelLe := SelLength; FAlignment := Value; RecreateWnd; SelStart := SelSt; SelLength := SelLe; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetColor(Value : TColor); begin if FEnabledColor <> Value then begin FEnabledColor := Value; if Enabled then inherited Color := Value; if (Parent <> nil) and (FEnabledColor <> Parent.Brush.Color) then FParentColor := False; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetDisabledColor(Value : TColor); begin if FDisabledColor <> Value then begin FDisabledColor := Value; if (not Enabled) then inherited Color := Value; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetEnabled(Value : Boolean); begin inherited; if Enabled then inherited Color := FEnabledColor else inherited Color := FDisabledColor; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetDecimals(Value: ShortInt); var Value0 : ShortInt; begin Value0 := Value; if FDecimals <> Value0 then begin if Value0 < 0 then Value0 := -1 else if Value0 > 14 then Value0 := 14; if (Value0 > MaxLength - 2) and (MaxLength > 0) then Value0 := maxlength - 2; FDecimals := Value0; Text := FormatText(AsFloat); end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetMaxValue(Value: Extended); begin if (FMaxValue <> Value) and (Value >= FminValue) then begin FMaxValue := Value; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetMinValue(Value: Extended); begin if (FMinValue <> Value) and (Value <= FmaxValue) then begin FMinValue := Value; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetParentColor(Value : Boolean); begin if FParentColor <> Value then begin FParentColor := Value; if FParentColor and (Parent <> nil) then FEnabledColor := Parent.Brush.Color; SetEnabled(Enabled); end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetValue(Value: Extended); begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then begin if (Value > FMaxValue) and ((FMaxValue <> 0) or (FMinValue <> 0)) then InvalidEntry; if (Value < FMinValue) and ((FMaxValue <> 0) or (FMinValue <> 0)) then InvalidEntry; end; if Text <> FormatText(Value) then Text := FormatText(Value); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.DeleteKey(Key: Word); var P, D, E: Integer; N: Boolean; str0 : string; begin D := pos(DecimalSeparator, Text); E := pos('E', Text); if E = 0 then E := length(Text) + 1; if Key = VK_DELETE then begin P := SelStart + 1; if P > Length(Text) then Exit; if Text[P] in [ThousandSeparator, DecimalSeparator, 'E'] then inc(P); end else begin P := SelStart; if P = 0 then Exit; if Text[P] in [ThousandSeparator, DecimalSeparator, 'E'] then dec(P); end; N := (Pos('-', Text) > 0); if (P = 0) or (P > Length(Text)) then exit; str0 := ''; if (P > D) and (D <> 0) and ((P < E) or (E = 0)) then begin if FDecimals > 0 then str0 := '0'; Text := Copy(Text, 1, P - 1) + Copy(Text, P + 1,E - P - 1) + str0 + Copy(Text, E, length(Text) - E + 1); SelStart := P - 1; end else if (P = 1) and N then begin Text := Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text) - 1); if Text = '' then Text := '0'; end else if (P = 1) and ((P = D - 1) or (P = E - 1) or (P = length(Text))) then begin Text := '0' + Copy(Text, 2, Length(Text) - 1); SelStart := 1; if N then Text := '-' + Text; end else if P > 0 then begin Text := Copy(Text, 1, P - 1) + Copy(Text, P + 1, Length(Text) - P); SelStart := P - 1; if ((FNumberFormat = Scientific) or (FNumberFormat = Engineering)) and (Text[length(Text)] = 'E') then Text := Text + '0'; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.DeleteSelection; var X, Y, Z: Integer; begin if SelLength = 0 then exit; if SelText = Text then begin Text := FormatText(0); exit; end; Y := Length(Remove1000(SelText)); if pos(DecimalSeparator, SelText) <> 0 then dec(Y); Z := Length(SelText); SelStart := SelStart + Z; for X:= 1 to Y do begin DeleteKey(VK_BACK); end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.InvalidEntry; begin if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin if Assigned(FInvalidEntry) then FInvalidEntry(Self) else begin if Value < FMinValue then Value := FMinValue else if Value > FMaxValue then Value := FMaxValue; MessageBeep(0); if CanFocus and (not (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then SetFocus; end; end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetVersion(Value: String); begin { Read only! } end; procedure TPBNumEdit.WMCopy(var Message: TMessage); begin ClipBoard.AsText := Remove1000(Seltext); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.WMCut(var Message: TMessage); begin ClipBoard.AsText := Remove1000(Seltext); DeleteSelection; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.WMPaste(var Message: TMessage); var X: integer; S: String; W: Word; begin DeleteSelection; S := Clipboard.AsText; for X := 1 to Length(S) do begin W := Ord(S[X]); Perform(WM_CHAR, W, 0); end; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.SetNumberFormat(Value: TNumberFormat); begin if FNumberFormat <> Value then FNumberFormat := Value; Text := FormatText(AsFloat); end; function TPBNumEdit.ReplaceSeparators(Num : string) : string; var t : integer; begin Result := Num; for t := 1 to Length(Result) do begin if Result[t] = OldDecimalSep then Result[t] := DecimalSeparator else if Result[t] = OldThousandSep then Result[t] := ThousandSeparator; end; OldDecimalSep := DecimalSeparator; OldThousandSep := ThousandSeparator; end; function TPBNumEdit.Remove1000(Num : string): string; var t : integer; begin if (OldDecimalSep <> DecimalSeparator) or (OldThousandSep <> ThousandSeparator) then Num := ReplaceSeparators(Num); Result := ''; for t :=1 to length(Num) do begin if Num[t] <> ThousandSeparator then Result := Result + Num[t]; end; if Result = '' then Result := '0'; if Result = '-' then Result := '-0'; end; function TPBNumEdit.FormatText(Value: Extended) : string; var e0, E, D, NN, t, FD : integer; a : extended; Formatmask : string; begin if (FNumberFormat = Engineering) and (Value <> 0) then begin e0 := trunc(ln(abs(Value)) / ln(10) / 3) * 3; Result := 'E' + inttostr(e0); a := Value / StrToFloat('1' + Result); FD := 14; if a > 9 then dec(FD); if a > 99 then dec(FD); if (FD > FDecimals) and (FDecimals <> -1) then FD := FDecimals; if FDecimals < 0 then Result := formatfloat('0.' + StringOfChar('#',FD), a) + Result else if FDecimals = 0 then Result := formatfloat('0', a) + Result else Result := formatfloat('0.' + StringOfChar('0',FD), a) + Result; end else begin FormatMask := '0'; if FNumberFormat = Thousands then FormatMask := ',' + FormatMask; if FDecimals > 0 then FormatMask := FormatMask + '.' + StringOfChar('0', FDecimals) else if FDecimals < 0 then FormatMask := FormatMask + '.' + StringOfChar('#', 14); if FNumberFormat > Thousands then FormatMask := FormatMask + 'E-'; Result := FormatFloat(FormatMask, Value); E := pos('E',Result); if E = 0 then begin D := pos(DecimalSeparator, Result); if (D <> 0) then begin NN := 0; for t := 1 to D do if (Result[t] in ['0'..'9'] = True) then inc(NN); if (FDecimals = -1) then begin if FNumberFormat = Thousands then Result := FormatFloat(',0.' + StringOfChar('#',15 - NN),Value) else if FDecimals <> -1 then Result := FormatFloat('0.' + StringOfChar('#',15 - NN),Value); end else if (FDecimals > 15 - NN) then begin if FNumberFormat = Thousands then Result := FormatFloat(',0.' + StringOfChar('0',15 - NN),Value) else if FDecimals <> -1 then Result := FormatFloat('0.' + StringOfChar('0',15 - NN),Value); Result := Result + StringOfChar('0', Fdecimals -15 + NN); end; end; end; end; end; // Trap when decimalseparator or thousandseparator has changed. function TPBNumEdit.HookMainProc(var Message: TMessage) : Boolean; begin Result := False; if Message.Msg = WM_SETTINGCHANGE then PostMessage(Self.Handle, PB_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, 0); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.WMSettingchange(var Message: TMessage); begin Text := ReplaceSeparators(Text); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.CMPARENTCOLORCHANGED(var M:TMessage); begin if FParentColor and (Parent <> nil) then FEnabledColor := Parent.Brush.Color; if Parent <> nil then Invalidate; SetEnabled(Enabled); end; procedure TPBNumEdit.WMClear(var Msg : TMessage); begin if Assigned(FOnClear) then FOnClear(Self) else DeleteSelection; end; procedure TPBNumEdit.WMGetDlgCode(var Msg: TWMGetDlgCode); begin Msg.Result := DLGC_WANTCHARS or DLGC_WANTARROWS; end; procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Ramazan', [TPBNumEdit]); end; end.

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