PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
//****************************************************************************// // // // Program Name : ConvDec.cpp // // // // Programmer : K.Angel // // : Novice C++ // // // // Description : The user is asked to input a number in either Hex, Octal or // // Decimal, which is then converted to Hex, Octal & Decimal. // // The user can exit the program from the MAIN MENU or by // // the Escape key after each convertion. // // // // Compiler : Borland Turbo C++ v4.5. // // Date : 16/03/2006 // // // //****************************************************************************//
#include <iostream.h> #include <conio.h> // for clrscr() & getche() functions... #include <stdlib.h> // for exit() function...
const int ESC = 27; // Used for escape sequince
int main() { int key = 0; int choise = 0; long number;
switch(choise) { case 1: clrscr(); cout << "Enter a Hex number: "; cin >> hex >> number; cout << "\n value in octal = " << oct << number << endl; cout << " value in decimal = " << dec << number << endl; break; case 2: clrscr(); cout << "Enter a Octal number: "; cin >> oct >> number; cout << "\n value in hex = " << hex << number << endl; cout << " value in decimal = " << dec << number << endl; break; case 3: clrscr(); cout << "Enter a dec number: "; cin >> dec >> number; cout << "\n value in octal = " << oct << number << endl; cout << " value in hex = " << hex << number << endl; break; case 4: clrscr(); cout << "Program terminated by user..."; exit(0); break; //Unreachable code.... default : clrscr(); cout << "ERROR ~ Invalid selection\n\n"; break; } cout << "Press any key to continue or 'Esc' to exit"; key = getche(); clrscr(); } cout << "Program terminated by user..."; return 0; }