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Alt 17 Ekim 2009, 16:06   #6
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
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Cevap: Yardım : Eggdrop ßotu baska Sunucuya sokmak

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set username "K9" set admin "AreS <email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
>" set network "" set timezone "EST" set max-logs 5 set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set my-ip "" set my-hostname "" checkmodule blowfish set switch-logfiles-at 300 set console "mkcobxs" set userfile "k9.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set botnet-nick "k9" listen 6667 all set protect-telnet 1 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 30 set require-p 1 set open-telnets 0 set connect-timeout 15 # number of messages from a user on dcc before they are considered to be # flooding (and therefore get booted) set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 # how long should I wait (seconds) before giving up on hostname/address # lookup? set resolve-timeout 15 set ignore-time 15 set debug-output 0 set hourly-updates 15 set notify-newusers "HQ" set owner "SessizLiK" set default-flags "hpx" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 # if you don't want people to unlink your share bots from remote bots # set this to 0 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 set mod-path "modules/" #### CHANNELS MODULE ##### loadmodule channels # the chanfile: where dynamic channel settings are stored set chanfile "aaaai.chan" set ban-time 1 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 channel add #Msc { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG ChanServ :unban #sohbet me" } flood-chan 4:4 flood-deop 5:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 4:10 flood-ctcp 3:60 } channel add #immortaL { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG ChanServ :unban #istanbul me" } flood-chan 4:4 flood-deop 5:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 4:10 flood-ctcp 3:60 } channel add #Muhabbet { chanmode "+nt" idle-kick 0 need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG ChanServ :unban #kelime me" } flood-chan 4:4 flood-deop 5:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 4:10 flood-ctcp 3:60 } channel add #superfm { chanmode "+e Radyo!*@*" idle-kick 0 need-unban { putserv "PRIVMSG ChanServ :unban #superfm me" } flood-chan 4:4 flood-deop 5:10 flood-kick 3:10 flood-join 4:10 flood-ctcp 3:60 } channel set #sohbet -clearbans channel set #sohbet +enforcebans channel set #sohbet +dynamicbans channel set #sohbet +userbans channel set #sohbet -autoop channel set #sohbet -bitch channel set #sohbet +greet channel set #sohbet -protectops channel set #sohbet -statuslog channel set #sohbet -stopnethack channel set #sohbet -revenge channel set #sohbet -autovoice channel set #sohbet -secret channel set #sohbet -shared channel set #sohbet +cycle channel set #sohbet +dontkickops loadmodule server set nick "Deneme" set altnick "deneme1" set realname "Zurna.com" set init-server { putserv "identify siberim" putserv "away 12Aşk?" } set servers { } # set keep-nick 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 5:60 set flood-ctcp 3:60 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6667 set server-cycle-wait 60 set server-timeout 15 set servlimit 0 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set use-silence 0 set handle-mode_r 1 ##### CTCP MODULE ##### # this provides the normal ctcp replies that you'd expect *RECOMMENDED* loadmodule ctcp ##### IRC MODULE ##### loadmodule irc # [0/1] define this if you want to bounce all server bans set bounce-bans 0 set allow_desync 0 set kick-method 1 set kick-bogus 1 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 300 set wait-info 180 set modes-per-line 3 set mode-buf-length 200 set use-354 0 #unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident set no-chanrec-info 0 ##### TRANSFER MODULE ##### loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 1 set dcc-block 0 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 300 ##### SHARE MODULE ##### loadmodule share set passive 1 set #sohbet +share set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 ##### NOTES MODULE ##### loadmodule notes set notefile "k9.note" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 ##### CONSOLE MODULE ##### # this module provides storage of console settings when you exit the bot # (or .store) loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 ##### SCRIPTS ##### # these are some commonly loaded (and needed) scripts. source scripts/radyo/radyo.tcl

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