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Alt 22 Eylül 2009, 20:09   #1
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Mp3 Addonu Bir Bakar Mısınız

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;MAMP 1.0 for mIRC 6.1* (tested on 6.15 and 6.16) ;By: Mpdreamz / Mpdz ;type /mamp to get started the rest should speak for itself :) ;read the .html included with this zip for more detailed explanation. ;any questions,comments,idea's can be send to
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
;or leave a comment on the website you found this on (mIRC.net,mircscripts.org) ;Ill read them with great anticipation. alias mampsearch { dialog -m mampsearch mampsearch } alias mdx { dll $+(",$scriptdirdlls\mdx.dll,") $1- } alias mpop { dll $+(",$scriptdirdlls\MPopup.dll,") $1- } alias mamp { /dialog -m mamp mamp } alias mampticker { set %m.len $width($gettok($gettok($did(mamp,1,$did(mamp,1).sel),1,9),6-,32),tahoma 12,0,1) if (%m.len > 200) { if (%mamp.x.pos == $+(-,$calc(%m.len - 200))) { set %mamp.direct inc } if (%mamp.x.pos == 1 ) { set %mamp.direct dec } %mamp.direct %mamp.x.pos } return %mamp.x.pos } alias writeplaylist { if (!$1) { set %playlistfile $+($sfile(%lastdir,Save as..),.mpd) set %playlistfile $shortfn($+(",%playlistfile,")) } if ($1) { set %playlistfile $shortfn($+(",C:\,$1-,")) } if (*.mpd iswm %playlistfile) { var %wpl 2 write -c %playlistfile while (%wpl <= $did(mamp,1).lines) { write %playlistfile $did(mamp,1,%wpl) inc %wpl } write %playlistfile %totaltime } } alias vis { clear -n @mamp .drawtext -norc @mamp $rgb(0,0,0) tahoma 12 $mampticker 1 10000 20 $gettok($gettok($did(mamp,1,%mamp.fip.id),1,9),6-,32) .drawline -nr @mamp $rgb(110,110,110) 1 203 53 93 53 76 70 .drawline -nr @mamp $rgb(110,110,110) 1 153 53 136 70 .drawline -nr @mamp $rgb(110,110,110) 1 197 53 197 70 75 70 .drawfill -nr @mamp $rgb(239,241,241) $rgb(110,110,110) 105 60 .drawfill -nr @mamp $rgb(149,151,151) $rgb(110,110,110) 193 60 .drawtext -nor @mamp $rgb(255,255,255) tahoma 9 149 57 $gettok($gettok($did(mamp,1,%mamp.fip.id),2,9),5,32) .drawtext -nor @mamp $rgb(0,0,0) tahoma 9 91 57 $iif($duration(%timeS,3),$duration(%timeS,3),0) .drawdot @mamp } alias fmod { if ($isid) { return $dll($+(",$scriptdirdlls\fmod_mIRC.dll,"),$1,$2-) } else { .echo -q fmod: $dll($+(",$scriptdirdlls\fmod_mIRC.dll,"),$1,$2-) } } alias timeMp3 { set %tracker.length2 $round($calc(%tracker.length / 1000),0) inc %timeS 1 did -i mamp 7 1 params %timeS * %tracker.length2 * * * * * if (%timeS == %tracker.length2) { .timerMP3 off unset %timeS .timernextfile 1 1 nextfile } } alias nextfile2 { nextfile } set %mamp.fip $gettok($did(mamp,1,%mamp.fip.id),2,4) alias nextfile { set %mamp.fip.id $iif($calc(%mamp.fip.id + 1) > $did(mamp,1).lines,2,$calc(%mamp.fip.id + 1)) did -c mamp 1 %mamp.fip.id set %mamp.fip $gettok($did(mamp,1,$did(mamp,1).sel),2,4) if ( 0* !iswm $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip).size 0)) { .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip)).size 0) .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Play,1 1) set %tracker.length $fmod(SOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs,1) set %mamp.x.pos 1 } else { did -i mamp 1 %mamp.fip.id $replace($did(mamp,1,%mamp.fip.id),+,+c) set %mamp.fip.id $calc(%mamp.fip.id + 1) did -d mamp 1 %mamp.fip.id did -c mamp 1 %mamp.fip.id set %tracker.length $fmod(SOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs,1) set %mamp.x.pos 1 nextfile2 } .timerMP3 0 1 timeMp3 .timervisdelay 1 1 .timervis -h 0 20 vis } alias stopfile { .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Stop,1) .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Close,1) .timerMP3 off unset %timeS unset %tracker.length2 } alias addtolist { set %totaltime $calc(%totaltime + $sound($1-).length) if (!$sound($1-).artist) && (!$sound($1-).title) { set %mamp.title $nopath($longfn($1-)) } else { set %mamp.title $sound($1-).artist - $sound($1-).title } did -a mamp 1 0 1 %mamp.title $chr(9) $+ $duration($calc($sound($1-).length / 1000),3) $chr(4) $+ $1- did -o mamp 3 2 0 2 $+(Playlist:",$calc($did(mamp,1).lines - 1),") $chr(9) $+ $duration($calc(%totaltime / 1000),3) } alias mampboxes { did -f mamp 6 did -f mamp 10 did -f mamp 4 did -f mamp 1 } alias mpdll { if ($isid) { return $dll($+(",$scriptdirdlls\MPopup.dll,"),$1,$2-) } else { dll $+(",$scriptdirdlls\MPopup.dll,") $1 $2- } } alias mpcolors { var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_TEXT > $rgb(0,0,0))) var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_BACK > $rgb(249,248,247)) var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_GRAY > $rgb(166,166,166)) var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_HIGH > $rgb(182,189,210)) var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_HBOX > $rgb(10,36,106)) var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_BAND > $rgb(219,216,209)) var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_CBOX > $rgb(10,36,106)) var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_BBOX > $rgb(212,213,216)) var %m = $mpdll(MPMenuColor, $1- > RGB_CSEP > $rgb(166,166,166)) } alias popup1 { var %m = $mpdll(MPCreateMenu,popup1) var %h = $gettok(%m,2,32) mpcolors popup1 var %m = $mpdll(MPAddItem, %h > 1 0 0 $chr(32) Dcc Send to .. > mampdcc ) var %m = $mpdll(MPAddItem, %h > 2 0 0 $chr(32) Clear Playlist > clearplaylist ) var %m = $mpdll(MPAddSubMenu, %h > 3 0 0 $chr(32) Sort ) var %h2 = $gettok(%m,2,32) var %m = $mpdll(MPAddItem, %h2 > 4 0 0 $chr(32) Alphabeticly > sorta ) var %m = $mpdll(MPAddItem, %h2 > 5 0 0 $chr(32) Duration > sortd ) var %h2 = $gettok(%m,2,32) var %m = $mpdll(MPopup, popup1 > $mouse.dx $mouse.dy left top right) } alias mampdcc { /dcc send $$input(To whom would you like to send this file ?,eok,Dcc send to..,Nickname here) $gettok($did(mamp,1,$did(mamp,1).sel),2,4) } alias clearplaylist { stopfile .timervis off unset %totaltime did -r mamp 1 } ;Sxsort, a fantastic snippet by sprion! alias sxsort { ; $1 column header no. saved to $hget(sxsort,n) var %v $1 $2,%s sxsort,%a hadd %s,%d hdel %s if (!$hget(%s)) hmake %s 1 %d r if ($hget(%s,d) = $1-) %a r 1 %a d $1- %a n $3 filter -acior 2- $+ $did($1,$2).lines %v %v sortAlpha if ($hget(%s,r)) %d d } ; sort logic used by filter command above alias -l sortAlpha { ;if column to sort is 1, contents starts from 6th token onwards,else 5th, which %z reflects ;%1 & %2 are text in each cell of column $hget(sxsort,n) var %s sxsort,%a >,%b <,%h $hget(%s,n),%z $iif(%h = 1,6-,5-),%1 = $gettok($gettok($1,%h,9),%z,32),%2 = $gettok($gettok($2,%h,9),%z,32) if ($hget(%s,r)) { %a = < | %b = > } return $iif(%1 %a %2,1,$iif(%1 %b %2,-1,0)) } ;END sxsort alias sorta { sxsort mamp 1 1 } alias sortd { sxsort mamp 1 2 | sxsort mamp 1 2 } ;MAMP PLAYER dialog mamp { size -1 -1 221 342 title "...:::Mp3 Player:::..." playlist list 1,2 172 217 136,extsel size playlisttoolbar list 2,2 313 217 30, size nowplaying list 3,2 144 216 28,extsel size button "",11,0 0 0 0 box "", 4, 1 136 219 175 list 5,2 114 217 30, size box "", 6, 1 106 219 36 list 7,2 80 217 30,size button "",8,2 2 200 73 box "", 10, 1 305 219 36 icon 13,202 57 16 16,$scriptdirgfx\volume.jpg,0 icon 14,202 48 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\14.jpg,0 noborder icon 15,202 43 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\15.jpg,0 noborder icon 16,202 38 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\16.jpg,0 noborder icon 17,202 33 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\17.jpg,0 noborder icon 18,202 28 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\18.jpg,0 noborder icon 19,202 23 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\19.jpg,0 noborder icon 20,202 18 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\20.jpg,0 noborder icon 21,202 13 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\21.jpg,0 noborder icon 22,202 8 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\22.jpg,0 noborder icon 23,202 3 16 5,$scriptdirgfx\23.jpg,0 noborder box "", 12, 201 -4 19 59 } on *:dialog:mamp:init:*:{ mdx SetMircVersion $version mdx MarkDialog $dname mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report noheader nosortheader single showsel > $scriptdir\dlls\views.mdx mdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 Toolbar flat list wrap nodivider arrows > $scriptdir\dlls\bars.mdx mdx SetControlMDX $dname 3 ListView report noheader nosortheader single noscroll > $scriptdir\dlls\views.mdx mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1000 MouseInput mdx SetControlMDX $dname 5 Toolbar flat list nodivider arrows > $scriptdir\dlls\bars.mdx mdx SetControlMDX $dname 7 TrackBar autoticks > $scriptdir\dlls\bars.mdx mdx SetControlMDX $dname 8 Window > $scriptdir\dlls\dialog.mdx mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 2 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 7 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 5 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 3 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 1 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 9 did -i $dname 1 1 page event did -i $dname 1 1 getdrop 1 mdx SetFont 3 12 700 tahoma mdx SetFont 1 12 400 tahoma mdx SetColor mamp 2 background $rgb(239,241,241) mdx SetColor mamp 5 background $rgb(239,241,241) did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $scriptdirgfx\mp3.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $scriptdirgfx\volume.ico did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 145 55 did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Column $chr(9) $+ +r Column 2 did -i $dname 2 1 bmpsize 16 16 did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\wave_file.ico did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\folder_music.ico did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\folder_favorites.ico did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\text_file.ico did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\search.ico did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\recyclebin.ico did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\up.ico did -i $dname 2 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\down.ico did -a $dname 2 +a 1 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ Open file did -a $dname 2 +a 2 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ Open folder did -a $dname 2 +a 3 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ Open playlist did -a $dname 2 +a 4 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ Save playlist did -a $dname 2 +a 5 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ Search playlist did -a $dname 2 +a 6 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ delete selected file from playlist did -a $dname 2 +a 7 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ up did -a $dname 2 +a 8 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ down did -i $dname 3 1 headerdims 105 90 did -i $dname 3 1 headertext Column $chr(9) $+ +r Column 2 did -i $dname 3 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 3 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $scriptdirgfx\mp3.ico did -i $dname 3 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $scriptdirgfx\music.ico did -i $dname 3 2 0 $calc($did(mamp,1).lines - 1) did -i $dname 5 1 bmpsize 16 16 did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\prev.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\play.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\pause.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\stop.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\next.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\volume.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\mute.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\unexpand.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\expand.ico did -i $dname 5 1 setbkg color $rgb(255,255,255) did -a $dname 5 +a 1 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ did -a $dname 5 +a 2 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ did -a $dname 5 +a 3 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ did -a $dname 5 +a 4 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ did -a $dname 5 +a 5 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ did -a $dname 5 - did -a $dname 5 +a 8 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ Hide playlist mdx SetDialog $dname icon 0 $scriptdirgfx\speaker.ico window -apdoC @mamp 0 0 115 53 did -a $dname 8 grab $window(@mamp).hwnd @mamp .echo -q $fmod(FMOD_Connect,$scriptdirdlls\fmod.dll) .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Init,44100 64 0) .echo -q (plugin)load: $fmod(Plugin_Load,2 " $+ $scriptdirdlls\fmm_vis_oscilloscope.dll $+ ") .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope Set_Dim: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_Dim 0 20 200 30) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope Set_Bgcolor: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_Bgcolor 255/255/255) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope on: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Oscilloscope 1 1 @mamp 25) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope Set_NumFades: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_NumFades 10) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope Set_NumColors: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_NumColors 2) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope Set_YSpace_Every: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_YSpace_Every 0) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope Set_YSpace_Height: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_YSpace_Height 0) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope Set_BounceRate: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_BounceRate 1.0) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope color shifting on: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_CShift 1 2 1) if ($exists(C:\temp.mpd)) { set %playlistfile C:\temp.mpd if (*.mpd iswm %playlistfile) { var %wpl = 1 did -r $dname 1 while (%wpl <= $lines(%playlistfile)) { did -a $dname 1 0 $+ $read(%playlistfile,%wpl) if (%wpl == $lines(%playlistfile)) { set %totaltime $read(%playlistfile,%wpl) | did -i $dname 3 2 0 2 $+(Playlist:",$calc($did(mamp,1).lines - 1),") $chr(9) $+ $duration($calc(%totaltime / 1000),3) } inc %wpl } } } var %dids = 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 did -g $dname $gettok(%dids,5-,44) $+(",$scriptdirgfx\blank.jpg,") vol -v 30000 set %mamp.hide 8 } on *:dialog:mamp:close:*:{ writeplaylist temp.mpd .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope off: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Oscilloscope 0) .echo -q (plugin)send: Oscilloscope color shifting off: $fmod(Plugin_Send,2 Set_CShift 0) .echo -q (plugin)unload: Oscilloscope: $fmod(Plugin_UnLoad,2) stopfile .timervis off unset %totaltime } on *:dialog:mamp:sclick:7:{ .timerMP3 -p if ( track isin $did(7,1)) { set %timeS $gettok($did(7,1),1,32) } if ( $gettok($did(7,1),9,32) == end ) { set %cool $gettok($did(7,1),1,32) set %timeS $gettok($did(7,1),1,32) set %timeS2 $round($calc($calc(%timetotal2 / 100) * %cool),0) .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_SetTime,1,$calc(%timeS * 1000)) did -i mamp 7 1 params %timeS * %tracker.lenght2 * * * * * .timerMP3 -r } } on *:dialog:mamp:sclick:5: { if ($did(5).sel == 2 ) { if (%mamp.fip.id <= 2 ) { return } else { stopfile set %mamp.fip.id $calc(%mamp.fip.id - 1) set %mamp.fip $gettok($did(mamp,1,%mamp.fip.id),2,4) did -c mamp 1 %mamp.fip.id if ( 0* !iswm $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip).size 0)) { .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip).size 0) .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Play,1 1) set %mamp.x.pos 1 set %tracker.length $fmod(SOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs,1) .timerMP3 0 1 timeMp3 .timervisdelay 1 1 .timervis -h 0 20 vis } else { did -i $dname 1 %mamp.fip.id $replace($did(1,%mamp.fip.id - 1)),+,+c) did -d $dname 1 %mamp.fip.id did -c mamp 1 %mamp.fip.id } } } if ($did(5).sel == 3 ) { if ($did(1).sel > 1 ) { stopfile if ( 0* !iswm $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip).size 0)) { .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip)).size 0) .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Play,1 1) set %tracker.length $fmod(SOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs,1) set %mamp.x.pos 1 .timerMP3 0 1 timeMp3 .timervisdelay 1 1 .timervis -h 0 20 vis } } else { did -i $dname 1 $did(1).sel $replace($did(1,%mamp.fip.id),+,+c) did -d $dname 1 $calc($did(1).sel + 1) did -c mamp 1 $calc($did(mamp,1).sel + 1 ) } } if ($did(5).sel == 4 ) { if (!%mnamp.paused) { set %mnamp.paused 1 .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_SetPaused,-3,1) did -o $dname 5 4 +pa 3 Paused $chr(32) $chr(9) $+ Paused .timerMP3 -p mampboxes halt } if (%mnamp.paused) { unset %mnamp.paused 1 .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_SetPaused,-3,0) did -o $dname 5 4 +a 3 $chr(32) $chr(9) $+ Paused .timerMP3 -r mampboxes } } if ($did(5).sel == 5 ) { stopfile } if ($did(5).sel == 6 ) { stopfile nextfile } if (%mnamp.paused) && ($did != 4) { unset %mnamp.paused 1 did -o $dname 5 4 +a 3 $chr(32) $chr(9) $+ Pause .timerMP3 -r } if ($did(5).sel == 8 ) { set %mamp.hide $iif(%mamp.hide == 8,9,8) did -o $dname 5 8 %mamp.hide $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $iif(%mamp.hide == 8,Hide playlist,Show playlist) did $iif(%mamp.hide == 9,-h,-v) mamp 1,2,3,4,10 mdx SetDialog mamp coords * * 221 $iif(%mamp.hide == 9,144,342) ;dialog -ps mamp mamp -1 -1 221 $iif(%mamp.hide == 9,120,34) mampboxes } } on *:dialog:mamp:sclick:1: { if (rclick* iswm $did(1,1)) { popup1 } } on *:dialog:mamp:dclick:1: { if ($did(1).sel > 1 ) { stopfile if ( 0* !iswm $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",$gettok($did(1,$did(1).sel),2,4),") 1 $file($gettok($did(mamp,1,$did(1,$did(1).sel)),2,4)).size 0)) { set %mamp.fip $gettok($did(mamp,1,$did(mamp,1).sel),2,4) set %mamp.fip.id $did(1).sel .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip)).size 0) .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Play,1 1) set %tracker.length $fmod(SOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs,1) set %mamp.x.pos 1 .timerMP3 0 1 timeMp3 .timervisdelay 1 1 .timervis -h 0 20 vis } else { did -i $dname 1 $did(1).sel $replace($did(1,$did(1).sel),+,+c) did -d $dname 1 $calc($did(1).sel + 1) did -c mamp 1 $calc($did(mamp,1).sel + 1 ) } } } alias readdvol { did -g mamp $1 $+(",$scriptdirgfx\,$1,.jpg,") } on *:dialog:mamp:sclick:14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23: { var %dids 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23 did -g $dname $gettok(%dids,$+($findtok(%dids,$did,1,44),-),44) $+(",$scriptdirgfx\blank.jpg,") tokenize 44 $gettok(%dids,$+(1-,$findtok(%dids,$did,1,44)),44) readdvol $* vol -v $calc(5955 * $findtok(%dids,$did,1,44)) mampboxes } on *:dialog:mamp:sclick:13: { set %mamp.mute $iif(%mamp.mute,0,1) did -g $dname 13 $iif(%mamp.mute,$+(",$scriptdirgfx\mute.jpg,"),$+(",$scriptdirgfx\volume.jpg,")) if (%mamp.mute == 1) { set %mamp.vol $vol(master) | vol -v 0 } if (%mamp.mute == 0) { vol -v %mamp.vol | unset %mamp.vol } mampboxes } on *:dialog:mamp:sclick:2: { if ($did(2).sel == 2 ) { set %filepath $shortfn($sfile(%lastdir,select an mp3,OK!)) set %lastdir $nofile(%filepath) if (!%filepath) { set %filepath C:\ } if (!%lastdir) { set %lastdir C:\ } if ($gettok(%filepath,$numtok(%filepath,46),46) == mp3) { addtolist %filepath } } if ($did(2).sel == 3 ) { if (!%folder) { set %folder C:\ } set %folder $sdir(%folder,Select a folder NOTE: folders with over 1000 Mp3s is going to take a while before getting added mnIRC might be busy for a while just leave it be ) if ($findfile(%folder,*.mp3,0) == 0 ) && (!%folder) { return } else { .echo -q $findfile(%folder,*.mp3,0,addtolist $1-).shortfn } } if ($did(2).sel == 5 ) { writeplaylist } if ($did(2).sel == 4 ) { set %playlistfile $sfile(%lastdir,open playlist <.mpd>) if (*.mpd iswm %playlistfile) { var %wpl 2 did -r $dname 1 while (%wpl <= $lines(%playlistfile)) { did -a $dname 1 0 $+ $read(%playlistfile,%wpl) inc %wpl } if (%wpl == $did(1).lines) { did -o $dname 3 2 $+ $read(%playlistfile,%wpl) } } } if ($did(2).sel == 6 ) { mampsearch } if ($did(2).sel == 7 ) { set %id $did(1).sel set %deletedfile $gettok($did(mamp,1,$did(mamp,1).sel),2,4)) set %totaltime $calc(%totaltime - $sound(%deletedfile).length) did -d $dname 1 $did(1).sel did -o $dname 3 2 0 2 $+(Playlist:",$calc($did(mamp,1).lines - 1),") $chr(9) $+ $duration($calc(%totaltime / 1000),3) did -c $dname 1 $did(1).sel stopfile nextfile } if ($did(2).sel == 8 ) { if ($did(1).sel != 1) { if ( $calc($did(1).sel - 1) <= 1 ) { return } else { set %id $did(1).sel if (%id != %mamp.fip.id) { did -i $dname 1 $calc(%id - 1) $did(1,%id) did -d $dname 1 $calc(%id + 1) } else { set %mamp.fip.id $calc(%mamp.fip.id - 1 ) did -i $dname 1 $calc(%id - 1) $did(1,%id ) did -d $dname 1 $calc(%id + 1) } } } } if ($did(2).sel == 9 ) { if ($did(1).sel != 1) { if ( $calc($did(1).sel + 1) > $did(1).lines ) { return } else { set %id $did(1).sel set %id $did(1).sel if (%id != %mamp.fip.id) { did -i $dname 1 $calc(%id + 2) $did(1,%id) did -d $dname 1 %id } else { set %mamp.fip.id $calc(%mamp.fip.id + 1 ) did -i $dname 1 $calc(%id + 2) $did(1,%id) did -d $dname 1 %id } } } } mampboxes } ;MAMPSEARCH dialog mampsearch { title "Search for Mp3's in list" size 1 1 217 225 option pixels edit "", 6, 2 7 126 23 list 1, 130 7 85 23, size list 2, 4 34 209 187, size box "", 7, 3 27 212 193 } on *:dialog:mampsearch:sclick:1: { if ($did(1).sel == 2 ) && ($did(6).text) { if ($didwm(mamp,1,$+(*,$did(6),*),2) == 0 ) { did -r $dname 2 did -a $dname 2 0 1 No Files found matching did -a $dname 2 0 1 $did(6) } else { set %msearch = 2 did -r $dname 2 while ($didwm(mamp,1,$+(*,$did(6),*),%msearch) != 0 ) { did -a $dname 2 0 1 $remove($did(mamp,1,$didwm(mamp,1,$+(*,$did(6),*),%msearch)),+ 1 0 0, +fs 1 0 0) set %msearch $didwm(mamp,1,$+(*,$did(6),*),%msearch) set %msearch $calc(%msearch + 1) } } } } on *:dialog:mampsearch:dclick:2: { set %mamp.fip.id $didwm(mamp,1,$+(*,$gettok($did(2,$did(2).sel),2,4),*),1) set %mamp.fip $gettok($did(2,$did(2).sel),2,4) stopfile if ( 0* !iswm $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip).size 0)) { .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Open,1 $+(",%mamp.fip,") 1 $file(%mamp.fip)).size 0) .echo -q $fmod(SOUND_Stream_Play,1 1) set %tracker.length $fmod(SOUND_Stream_GetLengthMs,1) set %mamp.x.pos 1 .timerMP3 0 1 timeMp3 .timervisdelay 1 1 .timervis -h 0 20 vis did -c mamp 1 %mamp.fip.id } else { did -i $dname 1 %mamp.fip.id $replace($did(1,%mamp.fip.id),+,+c) did -d $dname 1 $calc(%mamp.fip.id + 1) did -c mamp 1 $calc(%mamp.fip.id + 1 ) nextfile } } on *:dialog:mampsearch:init:*:{ mdx SetMircVersion $version mdx MarkDialog $dname mdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 ListView report noheader nosortheader single > $scriptdir\dlls\views.mdx mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 Toolbar flat list wrap nodivider arrows > $scriptdir\dlls\bars.mdx mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 1 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 4 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 2 mdx SetColor $dname 4 background $rgb(239,241,241) mdx SetFont 1 12 400 tahoma mdx SetFont 4 12 400 tahoma mdx SetFont 2 12 400 tahoma mdx SetFont 6 12 400 tahoma did -i $dname 2 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $scriptdirgfx\mp3.ico did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $scriptdirgfx\volume.ico did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 190 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext Column did -i $dname 1 1 bmpsize 16 16 did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon small $scriptdirgfx\search.ico did -a $dname 1 +a 1 Search $+ $chr(9) $+ mdx SetDialog $dname icon 0 $scriptdirgfx\search.ico } menu channel,status,menubar { - MP3 Player: /mamp } on 1:UNLOAD: /unset %mamp.hide %filepath %lastdir %mamp.title %mamp.fip %mamp.fip.id %tracker.length %mamp.x.pos %m.len %cool %timeS2 %mamp.mute %playlistfile

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