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Alt 08 Şubat 2009, 23:45   #1
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#!/usr/bin/tclsh ################################################################################ # # TCL scripts by Ofloo all rights reserved. # # HomePage: http://ofloo.net/ # CVS: http://cvs.ofloo.net/ # Email: support[at]ofloo.net # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # ################################################################################ # # Easy install # # 1st you down load it from the webserver.. to your shell # 2nd you type "tar -jxvf filename" in your shell # 3th you copy it to your script dir # 4th you edit your eggdrop.conf file and add "source scripts/ip-to-country.tcl" # 5th edit the settings below to your preference, now rehash your bot and you're done. # namespace eval ip2c { variable trigger "!ip2c" ;# channel trigger variable channel "#channel1,#channel2,#channel3" ;# define your list of channels seperated by a ',' variable flag "-" ;# this flag decides who gets to use your trigger variable ismode "0" ;# 0 public, 1: user needs to be voiced, 2:user needs halfops, 3: user needs ops # # cookies to use in msg templates. # # %n% nick # %c% channel # %h% handle # %k% short value ex: BE # %l% long value ex: BEL # %f% Full value ex: Belguim # %i% input (nick,host,ip, .. !ip2c <input>) # # # templates # variable ip2cip "PRIVMSG %c% :Ip2c lookup for \(\002%i%\002\) is \(\002%f%\002\)." ;# lookup ipaddr variable ip2cnick "PRIVMSG %c% :Ip2c lookup for \(\002%i%\002\) is \(\002%f%\002\)." ;# lookup nickname variable ip2chost "PRIVMSG %c% :Ip2c lookup for \(\002%i%\002\) is \(\002%f%\002\)." ;# lookup hostname variable invalid "NOTICE %n% :Error usage: $trigger <nick|host|ip>." variable unknown "PRIVMSG %c% :There are no results for \(\002%i%\002\)." variable dnserror "PRIVMSG %c% :Error couldn't associate an valid ip with \(\002%i%\002\)." variable notonchan "PRIVMSG %c% :Error \(\002%i%\002\) is not on \(\002%c%\002\)." ;# user is not on channel # # Do not edit below if you do not know what it is you are doing. # variable version "0.7" variable longversion "1121868771" proc ip2c_pub {nick host hand chan arg} { variable invalid; variable ip2cip; variable unknown; variable notonchan if {[ischan $chan] && [ismode $nick $chan]} { if {[llength $arg] && ([llength $arg] < 2)} { if {[isip $arg]} { if {[catch {socket -async ip2c.ofloo.net 80} s]} { putlog "Error couldn't connect to webserver plz inform the webmaster at
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putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $unknown] -next } else { fileevent $s writable [list [namespace current]::async_callback_ip $s $arg $nick $hand $chan $arg] } } elseif {[ishost $arg]} { dnslookup $arg [namespace current]::dns_callback_host $nick $hand $chan $arg } elseif {[onchan $arg $chan]} { dnslookup [lindex [split [getchanhost $arg] \x40] end] [namespace current]::dns_callback_nick $nick $hand $chan $arg } elseif {![onchan $arg $chan]} { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $notonchan] -next } else { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $invalid] -next } } else { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $invalid] -next } } } proc dns_callback_nick {ip host status nick hand chan arg} { variable dnserror; variable unknown if {$status} { if {[catch {socket -async ip2c.ofloo.net 80} s]} { putlog "Error couldn't connect to webserver plz inform the webmaster at
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putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $unknown] -next } else { fileevent $s writable [list [namespace current]::async_callback_nick $s $ip $nick $hand $chan $arg] } } else { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $dnserror] -next } } proc dns_callback_host {ip host status nick hand chan arg} { variable dnserror; variable unknown if {$status} { if {[catch {socket -async ip2c.ofloo.net 80} s]} { putlog "Error couldn't connect to webserver plz inform the webmaster at
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putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $unknown] -next } else { fileevent $s writable [list [namespace current]::async_callback_host $s $ip $nick $hand $chan $arg] } } else { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $dnserror] -next } } proc async_callback_host {s ip nick hand chan arg} { variable ip2chost; variable unknown; variable version if {[string equal {} [fconfigure $s -error]]} { flush $s puts $s "GET /[ip2longip $ip] HTTP/1.1" puts $s "Host: ip2c.ofloo.net" puts $s "Connection: Close" puts $s "User-Agent: Ip-to-Country lookup script version $version\n" flush $s while {![eof $s]} { gets $s x if {[regexp -nocase {<resolve[\x20]{0,100}c02="([a-z]{2})"[\x20]{0,100}c03="([a-z]{3})"[\x20]{0,100}full="(.*?)"[\x20]{0,100}/>} $x -> k l f]} { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% $k %l% $l %f% [wFormat $f]] $ip2chost] -next break } } close $s if {![info exists k]} { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $unknown] -next } } else { putlog "Error couldn't connect to webserver plz inform the webmaster at
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proc async_callback_nick {s ip nick hand chan arg} { variable ip2cnick; variable unknown; variable version if {[string equal {} [fconfigure $s -error]]} { flush $s puts $s "GET /[ip2longip $ip] HTTP/1.1" puts $s "Host: ip2c.ofloo.net" puts $s "Connection: Close" puts $s "User-Agent: Ip-to-Country lookup script version $version\n" flush $s while {![eof $s]} { gets $s x if {[regexp -nocase {<resolve[\x20]{0,100}c02="([a-z]{2})"[\x20]{0,100}c03="([a-z]{3})"[\x20]{0,100}full="(.*?)"[\x20]{0,100}/>} $x -> k l f]} { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% $k %l% $l %f% [wFormat $f]] $ip2cnick] -next break } } close $s if {![info exists k]} { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $unknown] -next } } else { putlog "Error couldn't connect to webserver plz inform the webmaster at
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proc async_callback_ip {s ip nick hand chan arg} { variable ip2cip; variable unknown; variable version if {[string equal {} [fconfigure $s -error]]} { flush $s puts $s "GET /[ip2longip $arg] HTTP/1.1" puts $s "Host: ip2c.ofloo.net" puts $s "Connection: Close" puts $s "User-Agent: Ip-to-Country lookup script version $version\n" flush $s while {![eof $s]} { gets $s x if {[regexp -nocase {<resolve[\x20]{0,100}c02="([a-z]{2})"[\x20]{0,100}c03="([a-z]{3})"[\x20]{0,100}full="(.*?)"[\x20]{0,100}/>} $x -> k l f]} { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% $k %l% $l %f% [wFormat $f]] $ip2cip] -next break } } close $s if {![info exists k]} { putserv [string map [list %n% $nick %h% $hand %i% $arg %c% $chan %k% {} %l% {} %f% {}] $unknown] -next } } else { putlog "Error couldn't connect to webserver plz inform the webmaster at
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proc wFormat {arg} { foreach {w} [string tolower $arg] { if {[info exists word]} {unset word} foreach x [split $w {}] { if {[info exists word]} { append word $x } else { append word [string toupper $x] } } lappend str $word } return $str } proc longip2ip {long} { return [join [scan [format %.8x $long] %2x%2x%2x%2x] \x2e] } proc ip2longip {ip} { return [format %u 0x[eval format %.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x [split $ip \x2e]]] } proc isip {ip} { if {[regexp {^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$} $ip -> a b c d]} { if {($a <= 255) && ($b <= 255) && ($c <= 255) && ($d <= 255)} { return 1 } } return 0 } proc ishost {host} { if {[regexp -nocase {[a-z\-]{1,100}\.[a-z]{2,4}$} $host]} { return 1 } return 0 } proc ischan {chan} { variable channel foreach {x} [split $channel \x2c] { if {[string equal -nocase $x $chan]} { return 1 } } return 0 } proc ismode {nick chan} { variable ismode switch -exact $ismode { "0" { return 1 } "1" { if {[isvoice $nick $chan] || [ishalfop $nick $chan] || [isop $nick $chan]} { return 1 } } "2" { if {[ishalfop $nick $chan] || [isop $nick $chan]} { return 1 } } "3" { if {[isop $nick $chan]} { return 1 } } } return 0 } bind pub $flag $trigger [namespace current]::ip2c_pub ################################################################################ putlog "Loaded \002Ip-to-Country.tcl\002 version \002$version\002 by \002Ofloo\002." }

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