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Alt 05 Aralık 2008, 21:18   #9
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Cevap: oper nickler renkli

buldum arkadaşlar statuscolor.mrc

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; §iLencer StatusColor on 1:LOAD: { set %stc.Version 1.6c stc.initCNick if (!$exists($scriptdirstcicons\0.jpg)) { echo 4 -s Error Loading StatusColor: jpg-icons or stcicons-dir missing unload -rs $scriptdir $+ statuscolor.mrc return } if (!$exists(statuscolor.ini)) { writeini statuscolor.ini colors oper 8 writeini statuscolor.ini colors away 12 writeini statuscolor.ini colors igno 14 writeini statuscolor.ini colors deaf 3 writeini statuscolor.ini colors blnk 5 writeini statuscolor.ini blink enable 1 } set %stc.AwayColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,away) set %stc.IgnoredColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,igno) set %stc.OperColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,oper) set %stc.DeafColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,deaf) set %stc.BlinkColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,blnk) set %stc.Blink $readini(statuscolor.ini,blink,enable) echo 4 -s StatusColor %stc.Version by ibt|bla loaded. echo 4 -s To change the Colors type "/statuscolor" or go to Menu "Commands" -> "StatusColor Config" echo 4 -s To uninstall type "/unload -rs statuscolor.mrc" and delete the statuscolor.mrc, statuscolor.ini and the stcicons dir. } on 1:CONNECT: { set %stc.AwayColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,away) set %stc.IgnoredColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,igno) set %stc.OperColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,oper) set %stc.DeafColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,deaf) set %stc.BlinkColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,blnk) set %stc.Blink $readini(statuscolor.ini,blink,enable) stc.initCNick } on 1:DISCONNECT: { stc.initCNick writeini statuscolor.ini colors oper %stc.OperColor writeini statuscolor.ini colors away %stc.AwayColor writeini statuscolor.ini colors igno %stc.IgnoredColor writeini statuscolor.ini colors deaf %stc.DeafColor writeini statuscolor.ini colors blnk %stc.BlinkColor writeini statuscolor.ini blink enable %stc.Blink } on 1:ACTIVE:*: { if ($active ischan ) { if ($server != $null) { stc.doWhoCNick $active } } if ($lactive ischan ) { .timer $+ $lactive off } } on 1:NICK: { if (($cnick($nick).color == %stc.AwayColor) || ($cnick($nick).color == %stc.DeafColor)) { .timer 1 2 stc.doWhoCNickSingle $nick } else { if ((off isin $nick) || (away isin $nick) || (bnc isin $nick)) { .timer 1 2 stc.doWhoCNickSingle $nick } } } on 1:PART:#: { if ($cnick($nick).color == %stc.AwayColor) { .cnick -r $nick } if ($me == $nick) { .timerrefreshCNick 1 30 stc.refreshCNick } } on 1:QUIT: { if ($cnick($nick).color == %stc.AwayColor || $cnick($nick).color == %stc.IgnoredColor) { .cnick -r $nick } } RAW 301:*: { unset %stc.doneWhois if ($cnick($2).color == $color(normal)) { stc.setaway $2 ;.cnick -m2 $2 %stc.AwayColor } } RAW 311:*: { set %stc.doneWhois 1 } RAW 315:*: { if (%stc.hideWho. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == 1) { unset %stc.hideWho. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] .halt } } RAW 318:*: { if (%stc.doneWhois) { if ($cnick($2).color == %stc.AwayColor) { stc.removeaway $2 ;.cnick -r $2 } unset %stc.doneWhois } } alias stc.removeaway { .cnick -r $1 if (%stc.Blink) { .timer -m 1 500 stc.blinkaway $1 16 } } alias -l stc.blinkaway { if (($timer(0) > 24) && ($int($calc($2 / 2)) == $calc($2 / 2))) { return } var %blinkcycle if ($cnick($1).color == %stc.BlinkColor) { if ($3) { .cnick -m2 $1 $3 } else { .cnick -r $1 } } else { .cnick -m2 $1 %stc.BlinkColor } set %blinkcycle $calc($2 - 1) if (%blinkcycle > 0) { .timer -m 1 500 stc.blinkaway $1 %blinkcycle $3 } } alias -l stc.setaway { .cnick -m2 $1 %stc.AwayColor if (%stc.Blink) { .timer -m 1 500 stc.blinkaway $1 16 %stc.AwayColor } } RAW 352:*: { if (* isin $7) { .cnick -m2 $6 %stc.OperColor } else { if (channel isin $ignore($+($6,!,$3,@,$4)).type) { .cnick -m2 $6 %stc.IgnoredColor } else { if (d isin $7) { .cnick -m2 $6 %stc.DeafColor } else { if ($left($7,1) == H) { if (($cnick($6).color == %stc.AwayColor) || ($cnick($6).color == %stc.IgnoredColor)) { stc.removeaway $6 } } else { if (($cnick($6).color == $color(normal)) || ($cnick($6).color == %stc.IgnoredColor)) { stc.setaway $6 } } } } } if ((%stc.hideWho. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == 1) || (%stc.hideWho. [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == 1)) { .halt } } alias -l stc.initCNick { unset %stc.doneWhoCNick hfree -w stc.chanlist* stc.unsetCNick set %stc.AwayColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,away) set %stc.IgnoredColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,igno) set %stc.OperColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,oper) set %stc.DeafColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,deaf) set %stc.BlinkColor $readini(statuscolor.ini,colors,blnk) set %stc.Blink $readini(statuscolor.ini,blink,enable) } alias -l stc.doWhoCNick { var %chanCNick $1 if (!%stc.doneWhoCNick) { if (!$hget(stc.chanlist, %chanCNick)) { set -u5 %stc.doneWhoCNick 1 hadd -mu900 stc.chanlist %chanCNick 1 set %stc.hideWho. [ $+ [ %chanCNick ] ] 1 who %chanCNick } } else { if (!$hget(stc.chanlist, %chanCNick)) { .timer $+ %chanCNick 1 5 /stc.doWhoCNick %chanCNick } } } alias -l stc.doWhoCNickSingle { set %stc.hideWho. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 .who $1 } alias -l stc.unsetCNick { var %counterCNick 1 var %emptyCNick 0 while (%emptyCNick < 16) { if (($cnick(%counterCNick).color == $color(normal)) && (!$cnick(%counterCNick))) { inc %emptyCNick 1 inc %counterCNick } elseif (($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.IgnoredColor) || ($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.AwayColor) || ($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.DeafColor) || ($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.OperColor)) { .cnick -r %counterCNick } else { inc %counterCNick } } } alias -l stc.refreshCNick { var %counterCNick 1 var %emptyCNick 0 while (%emptyCNick < 16) { if (!$cnick(%counterCNick)) { inc %emptyCNick 1 inc %counterCNick } if (($ial($cnick(%counterCNick)) == $null) && (($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.DeafColor) || ($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.AwayColor) || ($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.OperColor) || ($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.IgnoredColor))) { .cnick -r %counterCNick } else { inc %counterCNick 1 } } } alias statuscolor { /dialog -m stc.ConfigDialog stc.ConfigDialogTable did -g stc.ConfigDialog 2 " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %stc.OperColor $+ .jpg $+ " did -g stc.ConfigDialog 3 " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %stc.AwayColor $+ .jpg $+ " did -g stc.ConfigDialog 4 " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %stc.IgnoredColor $+ .jpg $+ " did -g stc.ConfigDialog 11 " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %stc.DeafColor $+ .jpg $+ " did -g stc.ConfigDialog 14 " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %stc.BlinkColor $+ .jpg $+ " if (%stc.Blink) { did -c stc.ConfigDialog 16 set %stc.dialog.blinkenable 1 } else { did -u stc.ConfigDialog 16 } } alias -l stc.ShowChooser { if ( !$dialog(stc.ChooseDialog) ) { dialog -m stc.ChooseDialog stc.ChooseDialogTable } else { dialog -o stc.ChooseDialog } dialog -t stc.ChooseDialog %stc.DialogChooseTitle Color } on *:dialog:stc.ChooseDialog:sclick:*:{ if (($did != $null) && ($did < 17)) { var %col set %col $calc($did - 1) if (%stc.dialogchange == oper) { if ((%stc.dialog.away != %col) && (%stc.dialog.igno != %col)) { set %stc.dialog. [ $+ [ %stc.dialogchange ] ] %col did -g stc.ConfigDialog %stc.DialogTemp " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %col $+ .jpg $+ " | dialog -x stc.ChooseDialog } } if (%stc.dialogchange == away) { if ((%stc.dialog.oper != %col) && (%stc.dialog.igno != %col)) { set %stc.dialog. [ $+ [ %stc.dialogchange ] ] %col did -g stc.ConfigDialog %stc.DialogTemp " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %col $+ .jpg $+ " | dialog -x stc.ChooseDialog } } if (%stc.dialogchange == igno) { if ((%stc.dialog.away != %col) && (%stc.dialog.oper != %col)) { set %stc.dialog. [ $+ [ %stc.dialogchange ] ] %col did -g stc.ConfigDialog %stc.DialogTemp " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %col $+ .jpg $+ " | dialog -x stc.ChooseDialog } } if (%stc.dialogchange == deaf) { set %stc.dialog. [ $+ [ %stc.dialogchange ] ] %col did -g stc.ConfigDialog %stc.DialogTemp " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %col $+ .jpg $+ " | dialog -x stc.ChooseDialog } if (%stc.dialogchange == blnk) { set %stc.dialog. [ $+ [ %stc.dialogchange ] ] %col did -g stc.ConfigDialog %stc.DialogTemp " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\ $+ %col $+ .jpg $+ " | dialog -x stc.ChooseDialog } } } on *:dialog:stc.ConfigDialog:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 2) { .set %stc.dialogchange oper | .set %stc.DialogChooseTitle Opers | .set %stc.DialogTemp $did | stc.ShowChooser } if ($did == 3) { .set %stc.dialogchange away | .set %stc.DialogChooseTitle Away Users | .set %stc.DialogTemp $did | stc.ShowChooser } if ($did == 4) { .set %stc.dialogchange igno | .set %stc.DialogChooseTitle Ignored Users | .set %stc.DialogTemp $did | stc.ShowChooser } if ($did == 11) { .set %stc.dialogchange deaf | .set %stc.DialogChooseTitle Deaf Users | .set %stc.DialogTemp $did | stc.ShowChooser } if ($did == 14) { .set %stc.dialogchange blnk | .set %stc.DialogChooseTitle Blink Color | .set %stc.DialogTemp $did | stc.ShowChooser } if ($did == 16) { if ($did(stc.ConfigDialog,16).state) { set %stc.dialog.blinkenable 1 } else { unset %stc.dialog.blinkenable } } if ($did == 18) { } if ($did == 1) { stc.ApplyChange if ($dialog(stc.ChooseDialog)) { dialog -x stc.ChooseDialog } } if ($did == 7) { stc.ApplyChange } if ($did == 8) { if ($dialog(stc.ChooseDialog)) { dialog -x stc.ChooseDialog } } } alias -l stc.ApplyChange { var %counterCNick 1 var %emptyCNick 0 var %nick if (((%stc.dialog.deaf) && (%stc.dialog.deaf != %stc.DeafColor)) || ((%stc.dialog.oper) && (%stc.dialog.oper != %stc.OperColor)) || ((%stc.dialog.away) && (%stc.dialog.away != %stc.AwayColor)) || ((%stc.dialog.igno) && (%stc.dialog.igno != %stc.IgnoredColor))) { while ((%emptyCNick < 16) && (%counterCNick < 5000)) { if (!$cnick(%counterCNick)) { inc %emptyCNick 1 inc %counterCNick 1 } else { set %nick $cnick(%counterCNick) if (($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.AwayColor) && ((%stc.dialog.away) && (%stc.dialog.away != %stc.AwayColor))) { .cnick -r %counterCNick .cnick -m2 %nick %stc.dialog.away } elseif (($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.OperColor) && ((%stc.dialog.oper) && (%stc.dialog.oper != %stc.OperColor))) { .cnick -r %counterCNick .cnick -m2 %nick %stc.dialog.oper } elseif (($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.IgnoredColor) && ((%stc.dialog.igno) && (%stc.dialog.igno != %stc.IgnoredColor))) { .cnick -r %counterCNick .cnick -m2 %nick %stc.dialog.igno } elseif (($cnick(%counterCNick).color == %stc.DeafColor) && ((%stc.dialog.deaf) && (%stc.dialog.deaf != %stc.DeafColor))) { .cnick -r %counterCNick .cnick -m2 %nick %stc.dialog.deaf } else { inc %counterCNick 1 } } } } if (%stc.dialog.oper != $null) { set %stc.OperColor %stc.dialog.oper } if (%stc.dialog.away != $null) { set %stc.AwayColor %stc.dialog.away } if (%stc.dialog.igno != $null) { set %stc.IgnoredColor %stc.dialog.igno } if (%stc.dialog.deaf != $null) { set %stc.DeafColor %stc.dialog.deaf } if (%stc.dialog.blnk != $null) { set %stc.BlinkColor %stc.dialog.blnk } set %stc.Blink %stc.dialog.blinkenable writeini statuscolor.ini colors oper %stc.OperColor writeini statuscolor.ini colors away %stc.AwayColor writeini statuscolor.ini colors igno %stc.IgnoredColor writeini statuscolor.ini colors deaf %stc.DeafColor writeini statuscolor.ini colors blnk %stc.BlinkColor if (%stc.Blink == $null) { set %stc.Blink 0 } writeini statuscolor.ini blink enable %stc.Blink unset %stc.dialog.* } dialog stc.ConfigDialogTable { title "StatusColor Config" size -1 -1 128 136 option dbu button "&Ok", 1, 11 114 30 12, default ok icon 2, 21 13 12 12, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\1.jpg $+ ", 0 icon 3, 93 13 12 12, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\2.jpg $+ ", 0 icon 4, 45 13 12 12, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\3.jpg $+ ", 0 button "&Apply", 7, 50 114 30 12, default button "&Cancel", 8, 88 114 30 12, default cancel box "Blink Nickname on Away Status Change", 9, 8 56 113 48 icon 11, 69 13 12 12, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\3.jpg $+ ", 0 text "Opers", 5, 18 29 20 8, center text "Away Users", 6, 88 29 22 15, center text "Ignored Users", 10, 39 29 23 15, center text "Deaf Users", 12, 65 29 20 15, center box "Colors", 13, 8 4 113 46 icon 14, 95 64 12 12, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\2.jpg $+ ", 0 text "Blink Color", 15, 90 80 22 15, center check "Enable Blinking", 16, 15 69 50 10 ; edit "", 17, 52 86 20 10 ; text "Blink duration", 18, 14 87 37 8 ; text "s", 19, 74 87 9 8 } dialog stc.ChooseDialogTable { size -1 -1 166 46 icon 1, 3 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\0.jpg $+ " icon 2, 23 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\1.jpg $+ " icon 3, 43 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\2.jpg $+ " icon 4, 63 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\3.jpg $+ " icon 5, 83 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\4.jpg $+ " icon 6, 103 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\5.jpg $+ " icon 7, 123 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\6.jpg $+ " icon 8, 143 3 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\7.jpg $+ " icon 9, 3 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\8.jpg $+ " icon 10, 23 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\9.jpg $+ " icon 11, 43 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\10.jpg $+ " icon 12, 63 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\11.jpg $+ " icon 13, 83 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\12.jpg $+ " icon 14, 103 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\13.jpg $+ " icon 15, 123 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\14.jpg $+ " icon 16, 143 23 20 20, " $+ $scriptdirstcicons\15.jpg $+ " button "ok", 200, 10 10 10 10, ok hide }

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