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Alt 30 Eylül 2008, 16:32   #2
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Tools to fix slow working Windows PC

Lets discuss quick way to fix slow working or moderately bugged Windows here. First I would like to tell that there is crowd of windows fixing utilities available on the market today, free and shareware. But the truth is most of them are dangerous to your PC and can brake it even more. I've used many of it, mostly free ones. And then did complete re-install of Windows since it was locked completely. So my final solution is to use 2-4 programs that proved themselves in most cases. Here is my list of such Windows repair tools: #1 RegistryEasy #2 RegistryCure #3 RegistryMechanic #4 RegistrySmart First 2 programs available at [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] . And you can find other 2 at Download.com do not wish to post multiple links here. Regards, Carl

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