Cevap: 24 Saat online Radyo buyrun :)
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] PID: 6207
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] Loaded config from sc_trans.conf
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] Loading playlist (example.lst)
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] Found (2) entries in playlist
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] Playlist decoder thread starting
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] Streaming thread starting
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] Error opening /home/xxx/xxxx/AŞKIN NUR YENGİ - SUSMA.mp3, skipped
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] Error opening /home/xxxx/xxxx/AŞKIN NUR YENGİ - YAZIK.mp3, skipped
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [MAIN] Ran out of songs!!!
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [STREAM] Creating stream socket
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [STREAM] Error connecting to stream host [waiting 10s]
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [CONFIG] WARNING: No InputSamplerate defined, assuming 44100 !
<08/02/08@18:44:51> [CONFIG] WARNING: No InputChannels defined, assuming 2!
böle bişe dedi tam olarak ne diyor burda denilene göre yapıldı ama |