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Alt 05 Temmuz 2008, 13:27   #2
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Cevap: Oper Komutları Lazım

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Arkadaşlar Scripte Eklenecek Şekilde Oper Komutlarının Hepsi Varsa Buradan Paylaşabilir Misiniz

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menu status { - ® IRCop .Bu menüyü kaldır:unload -rs $scriptdiradmin.mrc .Op YourSelf:/mode $$?="Enter a Channel:" +o $me .Server Lag:/lag $$?="Enter a Server:" .Csop Sifre vs ..Şifre ...Kanal Şifresi:/chanserv getpass $$?="ODA ismi" ...Nick ŞifresiPassword:/nickserv getpass $$?=" ismi" ...Şifre Gönder::/nickserv sendpass $$?=" ismi" ...- ...Kanal Sil:/chanserv drop $$?="ODA ismi" ...Nick sil:/nickserv drop $$?=" ismi" ...- ...Kanal Yasakla:/chanserv forbid $$?="ODA ismi" ...Nick Yasakla:/nickserv forbid $$?=" ismi" ...- ...ShutDown Services:/operserv shutdown ...Quit Services:/operserv quit ...Update Services:/operserv Update ...- ...Akill:/OperServ akill add $$?="Address To Akill" $$?="Sebep" ...Rakill:/OperServ akill del $$?="Address To Rakill" ...- ...Stats:/operserv stats ...- ...Server CTCP ...Version:/ctcp $ $+ $server VERSION ...ComBots:/ctcp $ $+ $server HAQD ADD * $me 99 1 4 ..Find Bots ...Eggdrops (1):/$ $+ $server This is a serverwide test for bots, please don't reply or you may be mistaken for one and k-lined | /msg $server hello bawts! | /msg $ $+ $server email
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
| /msg $ $+ $server ident blah | /speak Scanning for Bots. ...Eggdrops (2):/who */msg* | /speak Scanning for Bots. ...Johbots:/who *=*=* | /speak Scanning for Bots. .Local IRCops ..Kill ...Kill User:/kill $$?="Enter The Nick Of The User:" $$?="Reason:" ...Help on Kill:/echo 12K12ills the specified user off the server, but the user may reconnect. [-Local IRC Operators-] ..Connect ...Connect:/connect $$?="Bir Server Seçin:" $$?="Port`u Yazınız.:" ...Connect Help:/echo 12C12onnects the server you are on to another server. ..Kline ...Kline User ( Nick ):/kline $$?="Kill Atacağınız Nick`i Yazınız:" $$?="Sebep Ne Olsun?:" ...Kline Host ( Address ):/kline $$?="Ip`iyi Yazın Ör: ident@Ip`si:" $$?="Sebep Ne Olsun?:" ...Kline Help:/echo 12W12ill prohibit a user from logging on to your server. This is used normally to restrict access from those that have been disruptive. To unkline someone you must either do it through the control panel or use the /unkline command. You can use wildcards while creating a ban, though you want to be careful of making the kline more prohibitive than needed. The second example is a site ban and will prohibit anyone from that domain from your server. Care should always be used when placing klines. ..UnKline ...UnKline ( Nick ):/unkline $$?="Açmak istediğiniz Kill`in Nick`ini Yazınız:" ...UnKline ( Address ):un/kline $$?="Açmak istediğiniz Kill`in Ip`sini Yazınız: ident@Ip`si:" ...Unkline Help :/echo 12W12ill remove a kline from your server. Note: you must match the user@host information exactly or the unkline will not work, also you can use wildcards to erase multiple klines at one time. ..Locops ...Locops:/locops $$?="Mesajınızı Yazınız:" ...Locops Help:/echo 12S12ends a notice to all opers on the same server that are set +g. ..Rehash ...Rehash:/rehash ...Rehash Help:/echo 12IRC12d will automatically update any changes made to your configuration. The rehash command forces the server to look at the ircd.conf and update its information ..Squit ...Squit:/squit $$?="Server Ismi:" $$?="Sebep?:" ...Squit Help:/echo 12T12his command will allow you to disconnect your server from any server directly connected to it. ..WallOps ...WallOps:/wallops $$?="Mesajınızı Yazınız?:" ...WallOps Help:/echo 12T12his command will send a message to all Operators and users that are set mode +w. ..Trace ...Trace:/trace $$?="Bir Nick Yada server Yazınız:" ...Trace Help:/echo 12S12hows information about the server or user. ..Snotes ...Snotes:/snotes ...Snotes Help:/echo 12O12pers can view messages posted on the server. ..Snote ...Snote:/snotes $$?="Mesajınızı Yazınız:" ...Snote Help:/echo 12W12rites a message to the server and saves it to a file ..Sethost ...Sethost:/sethost $$?="Bir Host Yazınız:" ...Sethost help:/echo 12T12his command is so you can change your Virtual host (hiddenhost) to everything you want to Except special characters. ..Setident ...Setident:/setident $$?="Bir Ident Yazınız:" ...Setident help:/echo 12T12his command you can change your ident (username). .Global IRCops ..Die ...Die:/die ...Die help(READ):/echo 12T12his command technically will stop the ircd. ..Restart ...Restart:/restart ...Restart help(READ):/echo 12T12his command will restart the ircd. ..ChatOps ...ChatOps:/ChatOps $$?="Mesajınızı Yazınız:" ...ChatOps Help:/echo 12T12his command will send a message to all Operators and users that are set mode +b. ..Globops ...Globops:/globops $$?="Mesajınızı Yazınız:" ...Globops help:/echo $firc 14S2ends a message to all ircops that are user mode +g. This command is usually used for network wide communication between ircops for details that concern the entire network. ..Squit ...Squit:/squit $$?="Server Yazınız:" $$?="Sebep Giriniz?:" ...Squit Help:/echo 12T12his command will allow you to disconnect your server from any server directly connected to it. .All Admins ..SaMode ...SaMode:/samode $$?="Kanal Yazınız:" $$?="Bir Mode Seçiniz:" $$?="Bunların Haricinde:" ...SaMode help:/echo 12T12his gives the services administrator the ability to set modes in a channel without being a channel operator ..Akill ...Akill User ( Nick ):/akill $$?="Nick Yazınız:" $$?="Sebep Giriniz?:" ...Akill User ( Address ):/akill $$?="Akill`e Alacağınız ident@Ip`i:" $$?="Sebep Giriniz?:" ...Akill Help:/echo 12T12his will place a kline on all servers that are connected to your server, and will prohibit someone from logging into the entire network. 4Note2: If a server is split off when the akill is placed, it will not be present on that system. To get a list of akills on your system do a /stats k and look for the lines that are prefixed with A: instead of K: ..UnAkill ...UnAkill User ( Nick ):/Unakill $$?="Açmak İstediğiniz Akill Nick`i:" ...UnAkill User ( Address ):/Unakill $$?="Açmak İstediğiniz Akill`in: ident@Ip`si:" ...UnAkill help:/echo 12T12his command will remove an akill off the server you are connected on. Unlike the rakill command which will remove the akill from all the servers, the unakill command will remove it off your server only ..Qline ...Qline ( Nick ):/qline $$?="Qline Atacağınız Nick:" $$?="Sebep Giriniz?:" ...Qline help:/echo 12A12s an operator you can add temporary qlines on the server. Qlines are prohibited nicknames if you notice that a certain nickname is connected on your server and that nickname is inappropriate, you can use this command which will change the nickname of that user to Guestxxxx. Please Note: that nickname will not be available for use until it is removed from the qline list. To view your qline list simply type /stats q on your server. The qlines are prefixed by q:. ..UnQline ...UnQline ( Nick ):/unqline $$?="Açmak İstediğiniz Qkill Nick:" ...UnQline help:/echo 12T12his command will remove a temporary QLINE from your qline list. Qlines are prohibited nicknames. To place a qline please refer back to QLINE. ..Sajoin ...Sajoin:/sajoin $$?="Enter a Channel:" ...Sajoin help:/echo 12T12his command will allow you to join channels that are locked, keyed or that you're banned from. ..Set A Mode to ...Set A Mode to ( Nick ):/mode $$?="Enter a Nickname:" $$?="Enter a Mode:" ...Set A Mode to help:/echo 12A14 Services administrator. Services on the network will not allow you to access any of the extended commands without being in this mode. It also gives access to the SAMODE and SAJOIN commands. ..AdChat ...AdChat:/adchat : $$?="Mesajınızı Yazınız:" ...AdChat Help:/echo 12S12ends a message to all Server admins (+A). ..NaChat ...NaChat:/nachat : $$?="Mesajınızı Yazınız:" ...NaChat Help:/echo 12S12ends a message to all Network admins (+N). ..TeChat ...TeChat:/techat : $$?="Mesajınızı Yazınız:" ...TeChat Help:/echo 12S12ends a message to all Tech admins (+T). ..Zline ...Zline:/Zline $$?="Zline Atacağınız IP`i:" ...Zline help:/echo 12A12dds a ban to an IP ..Gline ...Gline:/Gline $$?="Enter a user@host:" $$?="Enter a seconds:" $$?="Enter a reason:" ...Gline help:/echo 12C12reates a network-ban on the user@host. Also the ban may be timed ..Addline ...Addline:/addline $$?="Enter a LINE:" ...Gline help:/echo 12W12rites the exact line inputted from irc into the ircd.conf ..Addmotd ...Addmotd:/addmotd $$?="Enter a LINE:" ...Addmotd help:/echo 12T12his will add the text you specify to the MOTD ..Addomotd ...Addomotd:/addomotd $$?="Enter a LINE:" ...Addomotd help:/echo 12T12his will add the text you specify to the Operator MOTD ..SDesc ...SDesc:/sdesc $$?="Enter a saying:" ...SDesc help:/echo 12W12ith this command you can change your Server Info Line Without having to squit and reconnect. ..Chghost ...Chghost:/Chghost $$?="Enter a nick:" $$?="Enter a newhost:" ...Chghost help:/echo 12T12his command makes you able to change other people's virtual hostname .Silence user ..Add:/silence $$1 ..Remove:/silence -$$1 .User Server Commands ..Channel Bans (SaMode) ...Ban *!*@*domain:/samode # +b $* 4 ...Ban *!*user@*.domain:/samode # +b $* 3 ...Ban *!*@host.domain:/samode # +b $* 2 ...Ban *!*user@host.domain:/samode # +b $* 1 ...Ban nick!*user@host.domain:/samode # +b $* ...Ban nick!*@*:/samode # +b $* $+ !*@* ..- ..Op:/samode # +o $$1 ..Deop:/samode # -o $$1 ..Voice:/samode # +v $$1 ..UnVoice:/samode # -v $$1 ..Custom Modes:/mode $$1 $$?="Enter Command" ..TakeOver:{ if ($me !isop #) err1 | set %i 0 | :start | inc %i | if ($snick(#,%i) == $null) { iecho Kicked selected nicks from $hc(#) $+ . | halt } | if ($snick(#,%i) == $me) goto start | .quote kill $snick(#,%i) : $+ %msk | goto start } .OperServ ..Mode:/privmsg operserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" $$1 ..Kick User:/privmsg operserv kick # $$1 $$?="Enter Reason" ..Global:/operserv global $$?="Enter Message" ..Qline:/operserv qline $$1 ..Unqline:/operserv unqline $$?"Enter Nick" ..Kill:/operserv kill $$1 $$?="Enter Reason" ..Jupe:/operserv Jupe $$?="Enter Server" ..Update:/operserv update .Raw ..Fake Server ...Run Server:/operserv raw server %fakeserver : $+ %fakeabout ...Server:/set %fakeserver $$?="Enter Fake Server" | becho Fake Server is now %fakeserver  ...about:/set %fakeabout $$?="Enter Fake About Server" | becho Fake About Server is now %fakeabout  ...Take Down:/squit %fakeserver ..Fake Person ...Commands ....Join Chan:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick join # : ....Part Chan:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick part # : ....Kick User:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....Kick/Ban:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # +b $$1 | /operserv raw : $+ %fakenick kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....Unban:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # -b $$?="Enter Banned Hostname" ....Op:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # +o $$1 : ....Deop:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # -o $$1 : ....Voice:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # +v $$1 : ....DeVoice:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # -v $$1 ....Talk:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick privmsg # : $+ $$?="What do you want to say?" ....Action:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick privmsg # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ....MsgUser:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick privmsg $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ....Nick:/set %fakenick $$?="Enter New Nick" | /operserv raw : $+ %fakenick nick %fakenick | becho Fake Person Nick now set to %fakenick ....Disconnect:/operserv raw : $+ %fakenick quit $$?="Enter Quit Message" ...Run Fake Person:/operserv raw nick %fakenick | /privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick user %fakeident %fakehost %fakeserv : %fakeinfo ...Nick:/set %fakenick $$?="Enter Nick" | becho Fake Person Nick now set to %fakenick ...Ident:/set %fakeident $$?="Enter Ident" | becho Fake Person Ident now set to %fakeident ...Hostname:/set %fakehost $$1 $$?="Enter Hostname" | becho Fake Person Hostname now set to %fakehost ...NickInfo:/set %fakeinfo $$?="Enter Fake Nick Info" | becho Fake Person Info Now set to %fakeinfo ...Server:/set %fakeserv $$?="Enter Fake Server" | becho Fake Person Server now set to %fakeserv ..Kick ...Kick (No Reason) ....ChanServ:/operserv raw :ChanServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....NickServ:/operserv raw :NickServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....MemoServ:/operserv raw :MemoServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....OperServ:/operserv raw :OperServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....HelpServ:/operserv raw :HelpServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....IrcIIhelp:/operserv raw :IrcIIhelp kick # : $+ $$1 ...Kick User (Reason) ....ChanServ:/operserv raw :ChanServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....NickServ:/operserv raw :NickServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....OperServ:/operserv raw :OperServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....HelpServ:/operserv raw :HelpServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....MemoServ:/operserv raw :MemoServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....IrcIIHelp:/operserv raw :IrcIIhelp kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ..Kick/Ban ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :ChanServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...OperServ:/operserv raw :operserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :operServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...NickServ:/operserv raw :Nickserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :nickServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :memoserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :memoServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...IrcIIhelp:/ operserv raw :irciihelp mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...HelpServ:/ operserv raw :helpserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :helpServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...DevNull:/operserv raw :devnull mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :devnull kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ..Op ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...OperServ:/operserv raw :operserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...NickServ:/operserv raw :Nickserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :memoserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...IrcIIhelp:/operserv raw :irciihelp mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...HelpServ:/operserv raw :helpserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ..Deop ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...OperServ:/operserv raw :operserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...NickServ:/operserv raw :Nickserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :memoserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...IrcIIhelp:/operserv raw :irciihelp mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...HelpServ:/operserv raw :helpserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ..UnBan ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...OperServ:/operserv raw :operserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...NickServ:/operserv raw :Nickserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :memoserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...IrcIIhelp:/operserv raw :irciihelp mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...HelpServ:/operserv raw :helpserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ..Change Topic ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...OperServ:/operserv raw :operserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...NickServ:/operserv raw :Nickserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :memoserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...IrcIIhelp:/operserv raw :irciihelp topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...HelpServ:/operserv raw :helpserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ..Custom Chan Modes ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...OperServ:/operserv raw :operserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...NickServ:/operserv raw :Nickserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :memoserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...IrcIIhelp:/operserv raw :irciihelp mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...HelpServ:/operserv raw :helpserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ..Talk/privmsg ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :ChanServ privMSG # : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...OperServ:/operserv raw :OperServ privMSG # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ...NickServ:/operserv raw :NickServ privMSG # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :Memoserv privMSG # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ...IrcIIHelp:/operserv raw :IRCIIhelp privmsg # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ...HelpServ:/operserv raw :helpserv privmsg # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ..Talk/Action ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :ChanServ privMSG # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...OperServ:/operserv raw :OperServ privMSG # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...NickServ:/operserv raw :NickServ privMSG # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :Memoserv privMSG # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...IrcIIHelp:/operserv raw :IRCIIhelp privmsg # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...HelpServ:/operserv raw :helpserv privmsg # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ..MsgUser ...ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv privmsg $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...OperServ:/operserv raw :OperServ privMSG $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...NickServ:/operserv raw :NickServ privMSG $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...MemoServ:/operserv raw :Memoserv privMSG $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...IrcIIHelp:/operserv raw :IRCIIhelp privmsg $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...HelpServ:/operserv raw :helpserv privmsg $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ..Service Join/Part Chan ...Join ....ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv join # : ....NickServ:/operserv raw :nickserv join # : ....MemoServ:/operserv raw :memoserv join # : ....HelpServ:/operserv raw :Helpserv join # : ....IrcIIhelp:/operserv raw :irciihelp join # : ....OperServ:/operserv raw :operserv join # : ....All Join:/operserv raw :chanserv join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :nickserv join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :DevNull join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :memoserv join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :Helpserv join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :operserv join # : ...Part ....ChanServ:/operserv raw :chanserv part # : ....NickServ:/operserv raw :nickserv part # : ....MemoServ:/operserv raw :memoserv part # : ....HelpServ:/operserv raw :Helpserv part # : ....IrcIIhelp:/operserv raw :irciihelp part # : ....OperServ:/operserv raw :operserv part # : ....All Part:/operserv raw :chanserv part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :nickserv part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :memoserv part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :Helpserv part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :operserv part # : ..Nick değiştir:/operserv raw :nickserv svsnick $$1 $$?="Yeni Nick" :0 ..Kill:/kill $$1 ..Kill (sebepli?):/kill $nick $$?="Kill sebebi?" .Kline user ..K-Line *!*user@host.domain:/kline $address($$1,1) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line *!*@host.domain: /kline $address($$1,2) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line *!*user@*.domain:/kline $address($$1,3) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line *!*@*.domain:/kline $address($$1,4) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!user@host.domain:/kline $address($$1,5) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!*user@host.domain:/kline $address($$1,6) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!*@host.domain:/kline $address($$1,7) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!*user@*.domain:/kline $address($$1,8) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!*@*.domain:/kline $address($$1,9) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" .- .AKill User ..AKill *!*user@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,1) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill *!*@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,2) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill *!*user@*.domain:/akill $address($$1,3) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill *!*@*.domain:/akill $address($$1,4) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!user@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,5) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!*user@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,6) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!*@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,7) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!*user@*.domain:/akill $address($$1,8) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!*@*.domain:/akill $address($$1,9) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" .Kills ..Clones:/kill $$1 Clonebots ..User Request:/kill $$1 User request ..General Nuisance:/kill $$1 General nuisance ..Takoevers:/kill $$1 Takeovers ..CDA Violation:/kill $$1 CDA violation ..Non Ops:/kill $$1 Non ops kill ..- ..Other:/kill $$1 $?="Mesaj" .Klines ..Clones:/kline $$1 too_man_clones_from_your_domain ..Bots:/kline $$1 bot_are_not_allowed_on_this_server ..Abusive Users:/kline $$1 too_many_abusive_users_from_this_site ..Give Reason:/kline $$1 $$?="Sebep giriniz (with _ between each word)" .Glines ..Add:/quote gline @ + $+ $?="User@Host" $time : $+ $?="Reason" ..Remove:/quote gline @ - $+ $?="User@Host" ..Bots:/gline $$1 bot_are_not_allowed_on_this_server ..Abusive Users:/gline $$1 too_many_abusive_users_from_this_site ..Give Reason:/gline $$1 $$?="Sebep giriniz (with _ between each word)" .Connect ..Regular:/connect $$1 ..Remote:/connect $$?="Enter <server1> <port>" $$?="Enter server 2:" .Server Mesajs ..Server Going Down:/msg $ $+ $server Server going down, sorry for any hassles ..Server Upgrade:/msg $ $+ $server Server going down for upgrade, sorry for any hassles, it will be up again as soon as possible ..Server Relocating:/msg $ $+ $server Relocating server, Please stand by for a split!! ..- ..Own Mesaj:/msg $ $+ $server $$?="Mesaj giriniz :" ..Own Notice:/notice $ $+ $server $$?="Mesaj giriniz :" ..Own Describe:/describe $ $+ $server $$?="Mesaj giriniz :" .Kills Bans ..MassKills ...Simple:/mk $$?="Adres/IP giriniz" 1 ...Moo:/mk $$?="Adres/IP giriniz" 2 ...Final Warning:/mk $$?="Adres/IP giriniz" 3 ..Kline Kills ...Klined:/mk $$?="Adres/IP giriniz" 4 ...Kill:/kill $$1 $$?="Sebep" ...Kline:/kline $$?="Address To Kline" $$?="Sebep" ...- ...Unkline:/unkline $$?="Address To UnKline" ...Kline listesi:/stats k ..Kills ...Clones:/kill $$1 Clonebots ...User Request:/kill $$1 User request ...General Nuisance:/kill $$1 General nuisance ...Takoevers:/kill $$1 Takeovers ...CDA Violation:/kill $$1 CDA violation ...Non Ops:/kill $$1 Non ops kill ...- ...Other:/kill $$1 $?="Mesaj" ..Glines ...Add:/quote gline @ + $+ $?="User@Host" $time : $+ $?="Sebep" ...Remove:/quote gline @ - $+ $?="User@Host" ...Bots:/gline $$1 bot_are_not_allowed_on_this_server ...Abusive Users:/gline $$1 too_many_abusive_users_from_this_site ...Give Sebep:/gline $$1 $$?="Sebep giriniz (with _ between each word)" ..Oper Notices ...Global:/notice $ $+ *.net [Global Notice] $$?="Enter Global Mesaj" $time ...Globops:/Globops $$?="Enter Globops Mesaj" ...Locops:/Locops $$?="Enter Locops Mesaj" ...Wallops:/Wallops $$?="Enter Wallops Mesaj" .Server Info ..Admin:/admin ..Info:/info ..Lusers:/lusers ..Motd:/motd ..Opermotd:/opermotd ..Time:/time .Server Stats ..K-lines:/stats k ..O-lines:/stats o ..A-lines:/stats a ..B-lines:/stats b ..C-lines:/stats c ..D-lines:/stats d ..E-lines:/stats e ..F-lines:/stats f ..G-lines:/stats g ..H-lines:/stats h ..I-lines:/stats i ..U-lines:/stats u .User Modes ..Local IRCop ...On:/mode $me +o ....Off:/mode $me -o ..Global IRCop ...On:/mode $me +O ....Off:/mode $me -O ..Invsible ...On:/mode $me +i ...Off:/mode $me -i ..Read Wallop Messages ...On:mode $me +w ...Off:mode $me -w ..Read Globops/locops Messages ...On:mode $me +g ...Off:mode $me -g ..Available for help ...On:/mode $me +h ...Off:/mode $me -h ..Listen to Server Notices ...On:/mode $me +s ...Off:/mode $me -s ..See All /kill's ...On:/mode $me +k ...Off:/mode $me -k ..Services Admin ...On:/mode $me +a ...Off:/mode $me -a ..Server Admin ...On:mode $me +A ...Off:mode $me -A ..Network Admin ...On:mode $me +N ...Off:mode $me -N ..Tech Admin ...On:/mode $me +T ...Off:/mode $me -T ..Co Admin ...On:/mode $me +C ...Off:/mode $me -C ..See's all connects/disconnects ...On:/mode $me +c ...Off:/mode $me -c ..Listen to flood alerts ...On:/mode $me +f ...Off:/mode $me -f ..Identifies the nick as being registered ...On:/mode $me +r ...Off:/mode $me -r ..Hidden hostname ...On:mode $me +x ...Off:mode $me -x ..Listen to server messages ...On:mode $me +e ...Off:mode $me -e ..Read Chatops ...On:/mode $me +b ...Off:/mode $me -b ..See Whois on you ...On:mode $me +W ...Off:mode $me -W ..Unable to be kicked ...On:mode $me +q ...Off:mode $me -q ..Marks you being a Bot ...On:/mode $me +B ...Off:/mode $me -B ..See connect/disconnects ...On:/mode $me +F ...Off:/mode $me -F ..Invisible Join/Part ...On:/mode $me +I ...Off:/mode $me -I ..Marks you a Coder ...On:/mode $me +1 ...Off:/mode $me -1 - } menu nicklist,query { - ® IRCop .Bu menüyü kaldır:unload -rs $scriptdiradmin.mrc .Oper On:/oper $?="OPER Nick" $?="Password" .Oper Off:/mode $me -o .Adminoper On:/adminoper $ ?="enter account" $?="Enter Admin Password" .Adminoper Off:/adminoper $me -o .ReHash:/rehash .Wallops:/wallops $$?="Your Wallops Mesaj?" .Msg to Local Ircops:/globop $$?="Your Mesaj?" .- .Admin ..Rehash:/raw rehash ..Die emri ...Eminmisin ....iyi düsün .....Çok tehlikeli ......Sen bilirsin OK:/raw die .WhoKill:/wk $?="Hostmask:" $?="Comment:" .OperServ ..OpMe:/msg services # +o $me ..DeopMe:/services # -o $me ..Op:/services # +o $$1 ..Deop:/services # -o $$1 ..VoiceMe:/services # +v $me ..UnVoiceMe:/services # -v $me ..Voice:/services # +v $$1 ..UnVoice:/services # -v $$1 ..Ban:/services # +b $$1 ..Kick:/services Kick # $$1 .Kills ..Clones:/kill $$1 Clonebots ..User Request:/kill $$1 User request ..General Nuisance:/kill $$1 General nuisance ..Takoevers:/kill $$1 Takeovers ..CDA Violation:/kill $$1 CDA violation ..Non Ops:/kill $$1 Non ops kill ..- ..Other:/kill $$1 $?="Mesaj" .Klines ..Clones:/kline $$1 too_man_clones_from_your_domain ..Bots:/kline $$1 bot_are_not_allowed_on_this_server ..Abusive Users:/kline $$1 too_many_abusive_users_from_this_site ..Give Reason:/kline $$1 $$?="Sebep giriniz (with _ between each word)" .Glines ..Add:/quote gline @ + $+ $?="User@Host" $time : $+ $?="Reason" ..Remove:/quote gline @ - $+ $?="User@Host" ..Bots:/gline $$1 bot_are_not_allowed_on_this_server ..Abusive Users:/gline $$1 too_many_abusive_users_from_this_site ..Give Reason:/gline $$1 $$?="Sebep giriniz (with _ between each word)" .Connect ..Regular:/connect $$1 ..Remote:/connect $$?="Enter <server1> <port>" $$?="Enter server 2:" .Server Mesajs ..Server Going Down:/msg $ $+ $server Server going down, sorry for any hassles ..Server Upgrade:/msg $ $+ $server Server going down for upgrade, sorry for any hassles, it will be up again as soon as possible ..Server Relocating:/msg $ $+ $server Relocating server, Please stand by for a split!! ..- ..Own Mesaj:/msg $ $+ $server $$?="Mesaj giriniz :" ..Own Notice:/notice $ $+ $server $$?="Mesaj giriniz :" ..Own Describe:/describe $ $+ $server $$?="Mesaj giriniz :" .Server CTCP ..Version:/ctcp $ $+ $server VERSION ..ComBots:/ctcp $ $+ $server HAQD ADD * $me 99 1 4 .Find Bots ..Eggdrops (1):/msg $ $+ $server This is a serverwide test for bots, please don't reply or you may be mistaken for one and k-lined | /msg $server hello bawts! | /msg $ $+ $server email
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
| /msg $ $+ $server ident blah | /speak Scanning for Bots. ..Eggdrops (2):/who */msg* | /speak Scanning for Bots. ..Johbots:/who *=*=* | /speak Scanning for Bots. .Kanala girdir:/fjoin $$1 $$?="Kanal:" .Kanala gir:/sajoin $$?="Kanal:" +o $$?="Nick:" .Csop Sifre vs ..Şifre ...Kanal Şifresi:/msg chanserv getpass $$?="ODA ismi" ...Nick ŞifresiPassword:/nickserv getpass $$1 ...Şifre Gönder::/msg nickserv sendpass $$1 ...- ...Kanal Sil:/msg chanserv drop $$?="ODA ismi" ...Nick sil:/nickserv drop $$1 ...- ...Forbid a Channel:/msg chanserv forbid $$?="ODA ismi" ...Forbid a NickName:/nickserv forbid $$1 ...- ...ShutDown Services:/operserv shutdown ...Quit Services:/operserv quit ...Update Services:/operserv Update ...- ...Akill:/OperServ akill add $$?="Address To Akill" $$?="Sebep" ...Rakill:/OperServ akill del $$?="Address To Rakill" ...- ...Stats:/operserv stats ...- ...Server CTCP ...Version:/ctcp $ $+ $server VERSION ...ComBots:/ctcp $ $+ $server HAQD ADD * $me 99 1 4 ..Find Bots ...Eggdrops (1):/$ $+ $server This is a serverwide test for bots, please don't reply or you may be mistaken for one and k-lined | /msg $server hello bawts! | /msg $ $+ $server email
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
| /msg $ $+ $server ident blah | /speak Scanning for Bots. ...Eggdrops (2):/who */msg* | /speak Scanning for Bots. ...Johbots:/who *=*=* | /speak Scanning for Bots. .Squit:/squit $$?="Enter server (Wild Cards ok:)" $$?="Enter reason:" .Kills Bans ..MassKills ...Simple:/mk $$?="Adres/IP giriniz" 1 ...Moo:/mk $$?="Adres/IP giriniz" 2 ...Final Warning:/mk $$?="Adres/IP giriniz" 3 ..Kline Kills ...Klined:/mk $$?="Adres/IP giriniz" 4 ...Kill:/kill $$1 $$?="Sebep" ...Kline:/kline $$?="Address To Kline" $$?="Sebep" ...- ...Unkline:/unkline $$?="Address To UnKline" ...Kline listesi:/stats k ..Kills ...Clones:/kill $$1 Clonebots ...User Request:/kill $$1 User request ...General Nuisance:/kill $$1 General nuisance ...Takoevers:/kill $$1 Takeovers ...CDA Violation:/kill $$1 CDA violation ...Non Ops:/kill $$1 Non ops kill ...- ...Other:/kill $$1 $?="Mesaj" ..Glines ...Add:/quote gline @ + $+ $?="User@Host" $time : $+ $?="Sebep" ...Remove:/quote gline @ - $+ $?="User@Host" ...Bots:/gline $$1 bot_are_not_allowed_on_this_server ...Abusive Users:/gline $$1 too_many_abusive_users_from_this_site ...Give Sebep:/gline $$1 $$?="Sebep giriniz (with _ between each word)" ..Oper Notices ...Global:/notice $ $+ *.net [Global Notice] $$?="Enter Global Mesaj" $time ...Globops:/Globops $$?="Enter Globops Mesaj" ...Locops:/Locops $$?="Enter Locops Mesaj" ...Wallops:/Wallops $$?="Enter Wallops Mesaj" ..Server ...Connect:/connect $$?="Server To connect From" 7325 $$?="Server To connect To" ...Squit:/squit $$?="Server To Squit" ...Rehash:/rehash ..- .Bilgiler/durumlar ..List IRCOPs:/stats o ..Trace Server:/echo 6 %p Tracing $server $+ .... | /trace $server ..List K-Lined:/stats k ..Current servers:/links ..Server info:/info ..Port Scan:{ %aecho 10,15 $server PORT SCAN  set %portcount 0 | set %portbytes 0 | set %portbest 0 | set %portline 3 set %banself c ports | unset %banself | goto end ports %banself unset %banself :end sscan } ..Admin:/admin ..Info:/info ..Lusers:/lusers ..Motd:/motd ..Opermotd:/opermotd ..Time:/time .Server Stats ..K-lines:/stats k ..O-lines:/stats o ..A-lines:/stats a ..B-lines:/stats b ..C-lines:/stats c ..D-lines:/stats d ..E-lines:/stats e ..F-lines:/stats f ..G-lines:/stats g ..H-lines:/stats h ..I-lines:/stats i ..U-lines:/stats u ..- .Silence user ..Add:/silence $$1 ..Remove:/silence -$$1 .User Server Commands ..Channel Bans (SaMode) ...Ban *!*@*domain:/samode # +b $* 4 ...Ban *!*user@*.domain:/samode # +b $* 3 ...Ban *!*@host.domain:/samode # +b $* 2 ...Ban *!*user@host.domain:/samode # +b $* 1 ...Ban nick!*user@host.domain:/samode # +b $* ...Ban nick!*@*:/samode # +b $* $+ !*@* ..- ..Op:/samode # +o $$1 ..Deop:/samode # -o $$1 ..Voice:/samode # +v $$1 ..UnVoice:/samode # -v $$1 ..Custom Modes:/mode $$1 $$?="Enter Command" ..TakeOver:{ if ($me !isop #) err1 | set %i 0 | :start | inc %i | if ($snick(#,%i) == $null) { iecho Kicked selected nicks from $hc(#) $+ . | halt } | if ($snick(#,%i) == $me) goto start | .quote kill $snick(#,%i) : $+ %msk | goto start } .OperServ ..Mode:/privmsg operserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" $$1 ..Kick User:/privmsg operserv kick # $$1 $$?="Enter Reason" ..Global:/privmsg operserv global $$?="Enter Message" ..Qline:/privmsg operserv qline $$1 ..Unqline:/privmsg operserv unqline $$?"Enter Nick" ..Kill:/privmsg operserv kill $$1 $$?="Enter Reason" ..Jupe:/privmsg operserv Jupe $$?="Enter Server" ..Update:/privmsg operserv update .Raw ..Fake Server ...Run Server:/privmsg operserv raw server %fakeserver : $+ %fakeabout ...Server:/set %fakeserver $$?="Enter Fake Server" | becho Fake Server is now %fakeserver  ...about:/set %fakeabout $$?="Enter Fake About Server" | becho Fake About Server is now %fakeabout  ...Take Down:/squit %fakeserver ..Fake Person ...Commands ....Join Chan:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick join # : ....Part Chan:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick part # : ....Kick User:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....Kick/Ban:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # +b $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....Unban:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # -b $$?="Enter Banned Hostname" ....Op:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # +o $$1 : ....Deop:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # -o $$1 : ....Voice:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # +v $$1 : ....DeVoice:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick mode # -v $$1 ....Talk:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick privmsg # : $+ $$?="What do you want to say?" ....Action:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick privmsg # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ....MsgUser:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick privmsg $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ....Nick:/set %fakenick $$?="Enter New Nick" | /privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick nick %fakenick | becho Fake Person Nick now set to %fakenick ....Disconnect:/privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick quit $$?="Enter Quit Message" ...Run Fake Person:/privmsg operserv raw nick %fakenick | /privmsg operserv raw : $+ %fakenick user %fakeident %fakehost %fakeserv : %fakeinfo ...Nick:/set %fakenick $$?="Enter Nick" | becho Fake Person Nick now set to %fakenick ...Ident:/set %fakeident $$?="Enter Ident" | becho Fake Person Ident now set to %fakeident ...Hostname:/set %fakehost $$?="Enter Hostname" | becho Fake Person Hostname now set to %fakehost ...NickInfo:/set %fakeinfo $$?="Enter Fake Nick Info" | becho Fake Person Info Now set to %fakeinfo ...Server:/set %fakeserv $$?="Enter Fake Server" | becho Fake Person Server now set to %fakeserv ..Kick ...Kick (No Reason) ....ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :ChanServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :NickServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :MemoServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :OperServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :HelpServ kick # : $+ $$1 ....IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :IrcIIhelp kick # : $+ $$1 ...Kick User (Reason) ....ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :ChanServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :NickServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :OperServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :HelpServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :MemoServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ....IrcIIHelp:/privmsg operserv raw :IrcIIhelp kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ..Kick/Ban ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :ChanServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :operserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :operServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Nickserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :nickServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :memoserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :memoServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv mode # +b : $+ $$1 | /privmsg operserv raw :helpServ kick # $$1 : $+ $$?="Enter Reason" ..Op ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :operserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Nickserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :memoserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp mode # +o : $+ $$1 ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv mode # +o : $+ $$1 ..Deop ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :operserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Nickserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :memoserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp mode # -o : $+ $$1 ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv mode # -o : $+ $$1 ..UnBan ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :operserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Nickserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :memoserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv mode # -b : $+ $$?="Enter Host" ..Change Topic ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :operserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Nickserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :memoserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv topic # : $+ $$?="Enter New Topic" ..Custom Chan Modes ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :operserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Nickserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :memoserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv mode # $$?="Enter Mode" : ..Talk/privmsg ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :ChanServ privMSG # : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :OperServ privMSG # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :NickServ privMSG # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Memoserv privMSG # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ...IrcIIHelp:/privmsg operserv raw :IRCIIhelp privmsg # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv privmsg # : $+ $$?="Enter Message" ..Talk/Action ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :ChanServ privMSG # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :OperServ privMSG # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :NickServ privMSG # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Memoserv privMSG # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...IrcIIHelp:/privmsg operserv raw :IRCIIhelp privmsg # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv privmsg # : $+ ACTION $$?="Mesajı giriniz" $+  ..MsgUser ...ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv privmsg $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :OperServ privMSG $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :NickServ privMSG $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Memoserv privMSG $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...IrcIIHelp:/privmsg operserv raw :IRCIIhelp privmsg $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ...HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :helpserv privmsg $$1 : $+ $$?="Mesajı giriniz" ..Service Join/Part Chan ...Join ....ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv join # : ....NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :nickserv join # : ....MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :memoserv join # : ....HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Helpserv join # : ....IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp join # : ....OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :operserv join # : ....All Join:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :nickserv join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :memoserv join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :Helpserv join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp join # : | /privmsg operserv raw :operserv join # : ...Part ....ChanServ:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv part # : ....NickServ:/privmsg operserv raw :nickserv part # : ....MemoServ:/privmsg operserv raw :memoserv part # : ....HelpServ:/privmsg operserv raw :Helpserv part # : ....IrcIIhelp:/privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp part # : ....OperServ:/privmsg operserv raw :operserv part # : ....All Part:/privmsg operserv raw :chanserv part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :nickserv part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :memoserv part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :Helpserv part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :irciihelp part # : | /privmsg operserv raw :operserv part # : ..Change Nick:/privmsg operserv raw :nickserv svsnick $$1 $$?="Enter New Nick" :0 ..Kill:/kill $$1 ..Kill (sebepli?):/kill $nick $$?="Kill sebebi?" .Kline user ..K-Line *!*user@host.domain:/kline $address($$1,1) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line *!*@host.domain: /kline $address($$1,2) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line *!*user@*.domain:/kline $address($$1,3) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line *!*@*.domain:/kline $address($$1,4) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!user@host.domain:/kline $address($$1,5) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!*user@host.domain:/kline $address($$1,6) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!*@host.domain:/kline $address($$1,7) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!*user@*.domain:/kline $address($$1,8) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" ..K-Line nick!*@*.domain:/kline $address($$1,9) $$?="Kline sebebi ne ??" .- .AKill User ..AKill *!*user@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,1) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill *!*@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,2) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill *!*user@*.domain:/akill $address($$1,3) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill *!*@*.domain:/akill $address($$1,4) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!user@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,5) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!*user@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,6) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!*@host.domain:/akill $address($$1,7) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!*user@*.domain:/akill $address($$1,8) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" ..AKill nick!*@*.domain:/akill $address($$1,9) $$?="Akill sebebi ne ?" }

istersen kopyala remote de bos bi bölüme yapıstır.
istersen nto defterine kayıt et. script klasörünün icerisine at.
/Load -rs dosyaadı.txt
sag tus menu

Konu LocaLSettings tarafından (05 Temmuz 2008 Saat 14:11 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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