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Alt 23 Mayıs 2008, 10:20   #7
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Cevap: InspIRCd kurulumu

Kendime kurdugum serverden ornek bir conf ssl kurdugum icin sen ssl bolumlerini kaldirabilirsin yada sende configure ederken ssl yi acarsan bu confla normal calisacaktir.

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
<server name="irc.test.net" description="It's better than bad, it's good!" network="NetworkNET"> <admin name="Domain Administrator" nick="name" email=
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
> <bind address="" port="6000" type="clients"> <bind address="" port="6660-6669" type="clients" ssl="openssl"> <bind address="" port="7000,7001" type="servers"> <bind address="" port="7005" type="servers" transport="openssl"> <power diepass="diepass" restartpass="respass" pause="2"> #<include file="file.conf"> <connect allow="*" timeout="60" flood="20" threshold="1" pingfreq="120" sendq="262144" recvq="8192" localmax="1024" globalmax="22000"> <connect deny="69.254.*"> <connect deny="3ffe::0/32"> <class name="TumKomutlar" commands="ZLINE KLINE GUNLOADMODULE RCONNECT CHGIDENT OPERMOTD WALLOPS CLEARCACHE UNLOCKSERV CLONES KILL SAMODE TBAN CLOSE TAXONOMY DEVOICE SAQUIT SUMMON SETIDENT GRELOADMODULE CBAN ALLTIME CHGHOST TLINE NICKUNLOCK GLOADMODULE UNLOADMODULE SETNAME ELINE FPART GLOBOPS SQUIT TITLE LOADMODULE NICKLOCK JUMPSERVER CHGNAME GLINE WEBIRC SANICK LOCKSERV SETIDLE FILTER CHECK REMOVE SPYLIST SAJOIN SWHOIS RELOADMODULE SSLINFO DIE SILENCE REHASH SAPART RSQUIT RESTART ISON CONNECT SETHOST "> <class name="Shutdown" commands="DIE RESTART REHASH LOADMODULE UNLOADMODULE RELOAD"> <class name="ServerLink" commands="CONNECT SQUIT RCONNECT MKPASSWD MKSHA256"> <class name="BanControl" commands="KILL GLINE KLINE ZLINE QLINE ELINE"> <class name="OperChat" commands="WALLOPS GLOBOPS SETIDLE SPYLIST SPYNAMES"> <class name="HostCloak" commands="SETHOST SETIDENT SETNAME CHGHOST CHGIDENT"> <type name="GlobalOp" classes="OperChat BanControl HostCloak ServerLink" host="ircop.omega.org.za"> <type name="Helper" classes="HostCloak" host="helper.test.net"> <type name="NetAdmin" classes="TumKomutlar" host="squit.test.net" modes="+WIswn +lodxtf"> <oper name="Detmach" password="test" host="*@*" type="NetAdmin"> <link name="hub.test.net" ipaddr="" port="7000" allowmask="" autoconnect="300" failover="hub.test.net" timeout="15" transport="gnutls" bind="" statshidden="no" hidden="no" sendpass="outgoing!password" recvpass="incoming!password"> <link name="service.test.net" ipaddr="" port="7000" allowmask="" sendpass="services" recvpass="services"> <uline server="service.test.net" silent="yes"> <files motd="motd" rules="rules"> <channels users="20" opers="60"> <dns server="" timeout="5"> # An example of using an IPV6 nameserver #<dns server="::1" timeout="5"> #<pid file="/path/to/inspircd.pid"> <banlist chan="#morons" limit="128"> <banlist chan="*" limit="69"> #<disabled commands="TOPIC MODE"> # <die value="You should probably edit your config *PROPERLY* and try again."> <options prefixquit="Quit:
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loglevel="default" netbuffersize="10240" maxwho="128" noservices="no" qaprefixes="no" deprotectself="no" deprotectothers="no" somaxconn="128" softlimit="12800" userstats="Pu" operspywhois="no" customversion="" maxtargets="20" hidesplits="no" hidebans="no" hidewhois="" flatlinks="no" hideulines="no" nouserdns="no" syntaxhints="no" cyclehosts="yes" ircumsgprefix="no" announcets="yes" disablehmac="no" hostintopic="yes" hidemodes="eI" quietbursts="yes" pingwarning="15" serverpingfreq="60" allowhalfop="yes" defaultmodes="nt" moronbanner="You're banned! Email
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
with the ERROR line below for help." exemptchanops=""> <timesync enable="no" master="no"> <whowas groupsize="10" maxgroups="100000" maxkeep="3d"> <module name="m_spanningtree.so"> <module name="m_md5.so"> #<module name="m_sha256.so"> <module name="m_alias.so"> <alias text="NICKSERV" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ :$2-" requires="NickServ" uline="yes"> <alias text="CHANSERV" replace="PRIVMSG ChanServ :$2-" requires="ChanServ" uline="yes"> <alias text="OPERSERV" replace="PRIVMSG OperServ :$2-" requires="OperServ" uline="yes" operonly="yes"> <alias text="NS" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ :$2-" requires="NickServ" uline="yes"> <alias text="CS" replace="PRIVMSG ChanServ :$2-" requires="ChanServ" uline="yes"> <alias text="OS" replace="PRIVMSG OperServ :$2-" requires="OperServ" uline="yes" operonly="yes"> <alias text="ID" format="#*" replace="PRIVMSG ChanServ :IDENTIFY $2 $3" requires="ChanServ" uline="yes"> <alias text="ID" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY $2" requires="NickServ" uline="yes"> <alias text="NICKSERV" format=":IDENTIFY *" replace="PRIVMSG NickServ :IDENTIFY $3-" requires="NickServ" uline="yes"> <module name="m_alltime.so"> <module name="m_antibear.so"> <module name="m_antibottler.so"> <module name="m_auditorium.so"> <auditorium showops="no"> <module name="m_banexception.so"> <module name="m_banredirect.so"> <module name="m_blockamsg.so"> <blockamsg delay="3" action="killopers"> <module name="m_blockcaps.so"> <blockcaps percent="50" minlen="5" capsmap="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ! "> <module name="m_blockcolor.so"> <module name="m_botmode.so"> <module name="m_cban.so"> <module name="m_censor.so"> <include file="censor.conf"> <module name="m_cgiirc.so"> # <cgihost type="pass" mask="
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Get IP from PASS # <cgihost type="webirc" mask="somebox.mysite.com"> # Get IP from WEBIRC # <cgihost type="ident" mask="otherbox.mysite.com"> # Get IP from ident # <cgihost type="passfirst" mask="
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
See the docs <module name="m_chancreate.so"> <module name="m_chanfilter.so"> <module name="m_chanprotect.so"> <module name="m_check.so"> <module name="m_chghost.so"> <hostname charmap="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.-_/0123456789"> <module name="m_chgident.so"> <module name="m_chgname.so"> <module name="m_cloaking.so"> <cloak key1="0x2AF39F40" # key2="0x78E10B32" # key3="0x4F2D2E82" # key4="0x043A4C81" # prefix="mynet" # ipalways="false" # lowercase="false"> # <module name="m_clones.so"> <module name="m_close.so"> #<module name="m_commonchans.so"> <module name="m_conn_join.so"> <autojoin channel="#kanal1,#kanal2,#kanal3"> <module name="m_conn_umodes.so"> #<waitpong sendsnotice="yes" killonbadreply="yes"> #<connflood seconds="30" maxconns="3" timeout="30" # quitmsg="Throttled" bootwait="10"> <module name="m_customtitle.so"> <title name="foo" password="bar" title="Official Chat Helper"> <title name="bar" password="foo" host="
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
" title="Official Chat Helper" vhost="helper.network.chat"> <module name="m_cycle.so"> <module name="m_dccallow.so"> <dccallow blockchat="yes" length="5m" action="block"> <banfile pattern="*.exe" action="block"> <banfile pattern="*.txt" action="allow"> <module name="m_deaf.so"> <module name="m_denychans.so"> <badchan name="#logs*" allowopers="yes" reason="Tortoises!"> # #<goodchan name="#godsleeps"> # # Glob masks are accepted here also. <module name="m_devoice.so"> <module name="m_dnsbl.so"> # <dnsbl name="DroneBL" domain="dnsbl.dronebl.org" action="GLINE" reason="%ip% Girisi Yasaklandi." duration="1h" bitmask="1"> <module name="m_filter.so"> #<module name="m_filter_pcre.so"> <include file="filter.conf"> <module name="m_foobar.so"> <module name="m_globalload.so"> <module name="m_globops.so"> <module name="m_helpop.so"> <include file="helpop.conf"> <module name="m_hidechans.so"> <module name="m_hideoper.so"> <module name="m_hostchange.so"> #<host suffix="polarbears.org" separator="." prefix=""> #<hostchange mask="*@fbi.gov" action="addnick"> #<hostchange mask="*r00t@*" action="suffix"> #<hostchange mask="
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
" action="set" value="blah.blah.blah"> #<hostchange mask="localhost" ports="7000,7001,7005-7007" action="set" value="blahblah.foo"> #<module name="m_httpd.so"> #<http ip="" host="brainwave" port="32006" # index="/home/brain/inspircd/http/index.html"> #<module name="m_httpd_stats.so"> #<httpstats stylesheet="http://remote.style/sheet.css"> <module name="m_ident.so"> <ident timeout="5" bind=""> # <module name="m_invisible.so"> #<module name="m_inviteexception.so"> <module name="m_joinflood.so"> <module name="m_jumpserver.so"> <module name="m_kicknorejoin.so"> <module name="m_knock.so"> #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# # LDAP authentication module: Adds the ability to authenticate users # # via LDAP. This is an extra module which must be enabled explicitly # # by symlinking it from modules/extra, and requires the OpenLDAP libs # # # #<module name="m_ldapauth.so"> # # # # Configuration: # # # # <ldapauth baserdn="ou=People,dc=brainbox,dc=cc" # # attribute="uid" # # server="ldap://brainwave.brainbox.cc" # # allowpattern="Guest*" # # killreason="Access denied" # # searchscope="subtree" # # binddn="cn=Manager,dc=brainbox,dc=cc" # # bindauth="mysecretpass" # # verbose="yes"> # # # # The baserdn indicates the base DN to search in for users. Usually # # this is 'ou=People,dc=yourdomain,dc=yourtld'. # # # # The attribute value indicates the attribute which is used to locate # # a user account by name. On POSIX systems this is usually 'uid'. # # # # The server parameter indicates the LDAP server to connect to. The # # ldap:// style scheme before the hostname proper is MANDITORY. # # # # The allowpattern value allows you to specify a wildcard mask which # # will always be allowed to connect regardless of if they have an # # account, for example guest users. # # # # Killreason indicates the QUIT reason to give to users if they fail # # to authenticate. # # # # The searchscope value indicates the subtree to search under. On our # # test system this is 'subtree'. Your mileage may vary. # # # # Setting the verbose value causes an oper notice to be sent out for # # every failed authentication to the server, with an error string. # # # # The binddn and bindauth indicate the DN to bind to for searching, # # and the password for the distinguished name. Some LDAP servers will # # allow anonymous searching in which case these two values do not # # need defining, otherwise they should be set similar to the examples # # above. # <module name="m_lockserv.so"> <module name="m_messageflood.so"> #<module name="m_mysql.so"> # more: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # #<database name="mydb" username="myuser" password="mypass" hostname="localhost" id="my_database2"> <module name="m_namesx.so"> <module name="m_nickflood.so"> <module name="m_nicklock.so"> <module name="m_noctcp.so"> <module name="m_noinvite.so"> <module name="m_nokicks.so"> <module name="m_nonicks.so"> <module name="m_nonotice.so"> <module name="m_operchans.so"> #<module name="m_oper_hash.so"> # <oper name="Brain" # host="
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.com" # hash="sha256" # password="a41d730937a53b79f788c0ab13e9e1d5" # type="NetAdmin"> # <module name="m_operjoin.so"> <operjoin channel="#Services,#Operhelp,#logs" override="yes"> <module name="m_operlevels.so"> <module name="m_opermodes.so"> <module name="m_opermotd.so"> <opermotd file="oper.motd"> <module name="m_override.so"> # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # #<module name="m_pgsql.so"> #<database name="mydb" username="myuser" password="mypass" hostname="localhost" id="my_database" ssl="no"> <module name="m_randquote.so"> <randquote file="randquotes.conf"> <module name="m_redirect.so"> #<module name="m_regonlycreate.so"> <module name="m_remove.so"> <module name="m_restrictbanned.so"> #<module name="m_restrictchans.so"> #<module name="m_restrictmsg.so"> <module name="m_safelist.so"> <safelist throttle="60" maxlisters="50"> <module name="m_sajoin.so"> <module name="m_samode.so"> <module name="m_sanick.so"> <module name="m_sapart.so"> <module name="m_saquit.so"> <module name="m_securelist.so"> <securehost exception="*@*.searchirc.org"> <securehost exception="*@*.netsplit.de"> <securehost exception="*@echo940.server4you.de"> <securelist waittime="60"> # <module name="m_seenicks.so"> <module name="m_services.so"> #<module name="m_services_account.so"> <module name="m_sethost.so"> <module name="m_setident.so"> <module name="m_setidle.so"> <module name="m_setname.so"> <module name="m_showwhois.so"> <module name="m_silence.so"> <silence maxentries="32"> #<module name="m_silence_ext.so"> <module name="m_spy.so"> #<module name="m_sqlauth.so"> # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # #<module name="m_sqlite3.so"> # more: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # #<database hostname="/full/path/to/database.db" id="anytext"> #<module name="m_sqllog.so"> # See also: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # #<sqllog dbid="1"> #<module name="m_sqloper.so"> # dbid - Database ID to use (see m_sql) # # See also: [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # #<sqloper dbid="1"> #<module name="m_sqlutils.so"> #<module name="m_sslinfo.so"> <module name="m_sslmodes.so"> #<module name="m_ssl_dummy.so"> #<module name="m_ssl_gnutls.so"> # m_ssl_gnutls.so is too complex it describe here, see the wiki: # # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # <module name="m_ssl_openssl.so"> # m_ssl_openssl.so is too complex it describe here, see the wiki: # # [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] # #<module name="m_ssl_oper_cert.so"> <module name="m_stripcolor.so"> <module name="m_svshold.so"> <module name="m_swhois.so"> <module name="m_taxonomy.so"> <module name="m_testcommand.so"> <module name="m_timedbans.so"> <module name="m_tline.so"> <module name="m_uhnames.so"> <module name="m_uninvite.so"> <module name="m_userip.so"> <module name="m_vhost.so"> # #-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#- VHOST CONFIGURATION -#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-# # # # user - Username for the vhost. # # # # pass - Password for the vhost. # # # # host - Vhost to set. # # <vhost user="some_username" pass="some_password" host="some.host"> <module name="m_watch.so"> <watch maxentries="32"> #<module name="m_xmlsocket.so"> #<module name="m_ziplink.so"> <badip ipmask="" reason="No porn here thanks."> <badnick nick="ChanServ" reason="Reserved For Services"> <badnick nick="NickServ" reason="Reserved For Services"> <badnick nick="OperServ" reason="Reserved For Services"> <badnick nick="MemoServ" reason="Reserved For Services"> <badhost host="*@hundredz.n.hundredz.o.1337.kiddies.com" reason="Too many 1337 kiddiots"> <badhost host="*@localhost" reason="No irc from localhost!"> <badhost host="*@" reason="This subnet is bad."> <exception host="*@ircop.host.com" reason="Opers hostname"> <insane hostmasks="no" ipmasks="no" nickmasks="no" trigger="95.5"> <openssl cafile="ca.pem" certfile="cert.pem" keyfile="key.pem" dhfile="dhparams.pem">


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