Konu: Domain Tcl
Tekil Mesaj gösterimi
Alt 13 Haziran 2005, 10:23   #5
Kullanıcıların profil bilgileri misafirlere kapatılmıştır.
IF Ticaret Sayısı: (0)
IF Ticaret Yüzdesi:(%)

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########################################## ### DomainWhois.tcl ### ### Sürüm 1.2 ### ### By eScaPe ### ###
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
### ### [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] ### ### ### ########################################## ############################################################################ ### Copyright © 2000 - 2001 Turkçeye Çevirmeye Çalıştım İnş. YararLı OLur.## ############################################################################ ############################################################################# ## This script connects to the Network Solutions whois server and displays ## ## the registration information for a domain name. You can also set your ## ## own whois server to connect to. ## ############################################################################# ############### ##KullanıLışı## ################################################### ## ## .dwhois <domainADI> (Com|NET|ORG vs vs..) ## ######### ## ######### information for a domain. ## ################################################### ############################################ ######KodLama ßaşlıyor Elleme Yapma! ####### ############################################ bind pub - .dwhois dwhois proc dwhois {nick host handle chan text} { set server "isfree.schlundtec.com" set port 80 set l 14 set i 0 set path "/cgi-bin/isfree.cgi?nodesign=1&domain=[lindex $text 0]" set sockdw [socket $server $port] puts $sockdw "GET $path HTTP/1.0" puts $sockdw "User.Agent:Mozilla" puts $sockdw "Host: $server" puts $sockdw "" flush $sockdw while {$i <= $l} { gets $sockdw linedw putlog $linedw if {[string match "*Domain*frei*" $linedw]} { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :[lindex $text 0] domaini (alan adı) boştadır ve kaydedilebilir" close $sockdw return 0 } if {[string match "*Domain*registriert*" $linedw]} { gets $sockdw putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Domain Sahibi: [html [gets $sockdw]] Cadde: [html [gets $sockdw]] Kent: [html [gets $sockdw]] Ülke: [html [gets $sockdw]]" close $sockdw return 0 } incr i } close $sockdw } proc html { text } { regsub -all "</TD>" $text "" text regsub -all "</FONT>" $text "" text regsub -all " " $text "" text regsub -all "&uuml;" $text "ü" text regsub -all "&ouml;" $text "ö" text regsub -all "&auml;" $text "ä" text regsub -all "&Uuml;" $text "Ü" text regsub -all "&Ouml;" $text "Ö" text regsub -all "&Auml;" $text "Ä" text regsub -all "&szlig;" $text "ß" text regsub -all "&quot;" $text "\"" text regsub -all "<tb>" $text "" text regsub -all "<font" $text "" text regsub -all "size=\"2\"" $text "" text regsub -all "face=\"Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,Geneva\">" $text "" text regsub -all "<br>" $text "" text regsub -all "&nbsp;" $text "" text regsub -all "</font>" $text "" text regsub -all "<td>" $text "" text regsub -all "</td>" $text "" text regsub -all "" $text "" text regsub -all "" $text "" text regsub -all " " $text "" text return $text } putlog "\002DOMAINWHOIS:\002 DomainWhois.tcl Sürüm 1.2 by eScaPe TCL Yüklendi!."

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