yanliz make hata vermedi servisleride killedim sonra
PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
/os modload os_antiflood
[01:09] -OperServ- Unable to load module os_antiflood
yazdihimda bu cıkıyor karsima
services conf a da ekledim halde neden aktif olmamil olabilirki
PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
# Module configuration
# ModuleAutoload [OPTIONAL]
# When compiled with module support, this contains a space separated list
# of modules to automatically load as soon as possible, e.g. IRCD support modules.
#ModuleAutoload "hs_moo ircd_defizzer"
# ModuleDelayedAutoload [OPTIONAL]
# When compiled with module support, this contains a space separated list
# of modules to automaticaly load when services are ready for new clients.
# e.g. new pesudo clients such as CatServ :-) *meow*
# By default a number of modules that we found worth adding by default are
# loaded. Feel free to change this if you want to add more, or remove some
# from the list.
ModuleDelayedAutoload "cs_appendtopic cs_enforce ns_maxemail os_info hs_request os_antiflood"