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Alt 07 Ocak 2008, 00:16   #2
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Cevap: Oyun.Conf yardım

suruclu Nickli Üyeden Alıntı
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
Merhaba arkadaslar
Ben sunucumda ScanX kurdum fakat SoruCevap botumla anlasamadılar gitti
ScanX usere ban atıyor sorucevap acıyor
ScanX kanal limitini degistiriyo sorucevap yine degisiyor
ben ScanX ten memnunum ama sorucevap botumun tum korumlarını iptal etmek istiyorum yani sadece kanalda bulunsun ve sorularını sorsun Conf dosyasını asagıda veriyorum duzenlemek icin yardim ederseniz sevinirim

Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
set username "sohbet" set admin "suruclu<email:
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
>" set network "XmS" set timezone "EST" set max-logs 5 set log-time 1 set keep-all-logs 0 set my-ip "xx.16.253.xxx" set my-hostname "xx.16.253.xxx" checkmodule blowfish set switch-logfiles-at 300 set console "mkcobxs" set userfile "Sorucu.user" set sort-users 0 set help-path "help/" set temp-path "/tmp" set motd "motd" set botnet-nick "SoruCevapx" #listen 33759 all #set protect-telnet 1 set dcc-sanitycheck 0 set ident-timeout 30 set require-p 1 set open-telnets 0 set connect-timeout 15 # number of messages from a user on dcc before they are considered to be # flooding (and therefore get booted) set dcc-flood-thr 3 set telnet-flood 5:60 # how long should I wait (seconds) before giving up on hostname/address # lookup? set resolve-timeout 15 set ignore-time 15 set debug-output 0 set hourly-updates 15 set notify-newusers "HQ" set owner "Boran" set default-flags "hpx" set whois-fields "url birthday" set remote-boots 2 # if you don't want people to unlink your share bots from remote bots # set this to 0 set share-unlinks 1 set die-on-sighup 0 set die-on-sigterm 0 unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl unbind dcc n set *dcc:set unbind dcc n simul *dcc:simul set max-dcc 50 set enable-simul 1 set allow-dk-cmds 1 set mod-path "modules/" #### CHANNELS MODULE ##### loadmodule channels # the chanfile: where dynamic channel settings are stored set chanfile "radyo.chan" set ban-time 60 set share-greet 0 set use-info 1 channel add #SoruCevap loadmodule server set nick "SoruCevap" set altnick "sorucevap??" set realname "1,1 0,4 Oyun Botu 1,1 " set init-server { putserv "PRIVMSG nickserv :IDENTIFY xxxxxxx"; } set servers { xx.16.253.xxx:6667 } set keep-nick 1 set strict-host 0 set quiet-reject 1 set lowercase-ctcp 0 set answer-ctcp 3 set flood-msg 5:60 set flood-ctcp 3:60 set never-give-up 1 set strict-servernames 0 set default-port 6663 set server-cycle-wait 60 set server-timeout 15 set check-stoned 1 set use-console-r 0 set serverror-quit 1 set max-queue-msg 300 set trigger-on-ignore 0 set use-silence 0 set handle-mode_r 1 ##### CTCP MODULE ##### # this provides the normal ctcp replies that you'd expect *RECOMMENDED* loadmodule ctcp ##### IRC MODULE ##### loadmodule irc # [0/1] define this if you want to bounce all server bans set bounce-bans 0 set allow_desync 0 set kick-method 1 set kick-bogus 1 set learn-users 0 set wait-split 300 set wait-info 180 set modes-per-line 3 set mode-buf-length 200 set use-354 0 #unbind msg - hello *msg:hello #bind msg - myword *msg:hello unbind msg - ident *msg:ident set no-chanrec-info 0 ##### TRANSFER MODULE ##### loadmodule transfer set max-dloads 1 set dcc-block 0 set copy-to-tmp 1 set xfer-timeout 300 ##### SHARE MODULE ##### loadmodule share set passive 1 set #Radyo +share set files-path "/home/mydir/filesys" set incoming-path "/home/mydir/filesys/incoming" set upload-to-pwd 0 set filedb-path "" set max-file-users 20 set max-filesize 1024 ##### NOTES MODULE ##### loadmodule notes set notefile "sorucu.note" set max-notes 50 set note-life 60 set allow-fwd 0 set notify-users 1 ##### CONSOLE MODULE ##### # this module provides storage of console settings when you exit the bot # (or .store) loadmodule console set console-autosave 1 set force-channel 0 set info-party 0 ##### SCRIPTS ##### # these are some commonly loaded (and needed) scripts. source scripts/alltools.tcl source scripts/action.fix.tcl source scripts/compat.tcl source scripts/userinfo.tcl source scripts/trivia2.1.tcl source scripts/pinglag.tcl ####End###########

Iyi Çalismalar..

PHP Kod:   Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts
source scripts
source scripts

Bu Dört satırın başına # koyarak deaktif et ve dene ..

Kolay gelsin .

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