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Alt 17 Aralık 2007, 23:23   #3
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Cevap: Antispam botun attırdığı her ip yi blackliste almak?

Bot kodları bu.

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;| Spam detection sBot menu channel,status,menubar { - Spam detection sBot .$iif($dialog(sbot),Close,Open) : sbot .$iif($sock(sbot),Shut down) : sbot_clear .Bug Penceresi : sbot_debug .sBot Komutları : sbot_commands - } alias sbot { if ($dialog(sbot)) { dialog -x $ifmatch } | else { dialog -mdo sbot sbot } } alias -l sbot_aid { if ($dialog(sbot_id)) { dialog -v $ifmatch } | else { dialog -mo sbot_id sbot_id } } on *:load: { echo -s * sBot yüklemesi başarılı. Açma komutu /sbot } on *:unload: { unset %sbot* | echo -s * Thank you for using sBot } on *:start: { if ($version < 6.0) { echo -s * sBotu mIRC 6.0+ ile kullanın. Unloading addon... | .unload -rs $+(",$script,") } } dialog -l sbot_id { title "sBot Login Bölümü" size -1 -1 215 198 text "Service:", 11, 10 15 65 15, right text "Password:", 1, 10 35 65 15, right text "Command:", 2, 10 55 65 15, right edit "", 3, 85 33 120 20, autohs edit "", 4, 85 53 120 20, autohs edit "", 12, 85 13 120 20, autohs text "Not: <nick> Botun nicki, <pass> şifreyi gösterir. / işareti kullanmayın", 10, 10 80 195 55 check "Allow auto-id", 5, 86 125 105 15 box "", 6, 10 145 195 8 button "Cancel", 7, 145 163 60 25, cancel button "Save", 8, 78 163 60 25, ok box "", 9, -1 -6 217 205 } on *:dialog:sbot_id:init:0: { var %e = did -a $dname %e 3 $sbot_pass %e 4 $sbot_command %e 12 $sbot_service if (%sbot_autoid == on) { did -c $dname 5 } } on *:dialog:sbot_id:sclick:8: { set %sbot_autoid $iif($did(5).state == 1,on,off) set %sbot_pass $did(3) set %sbot_command $did(4) set %sbot_service $did(12) } dialog -l sbot { title "Spam detection sBot" size -1 -1 215 328 text "Nickname:", 1, 10 15 65 15, right text "Alternative:", 2, 10 35 65 15, right text "Full name:", 3, 10 65 65 15, right text "User identd:", 4, 10 85 65 15, right text "Server:", 5, 10 115 65 15, right text "Port:", 6, 10 135 65 15, right text "Part mesajı:", 7, 10 185 65 15, right text "Rejoin süresi:", 8, 10 205 65 15, right text "Kanallar:", 9, 10 165 65 15, right edit "", 10, 85 13 120 20, autohs edit "", 11, 85 33 120 20, autohs edit "", 12, 85 63 120 20, autohs edit "", 13, 85 83 120 20, autohs edit "", 14, 85 113 120 20, autohs edit "", 15, 85 133 60 20, autohs edit "", 16, 85 183 120 20, autohs edit "", 17, 85 203 60 20, autohs edit "", 18, 85 163 120 20, autohs text "Not: Birden fazla kanala girmek için aralara virgül(,) koyunuz. Örnek: #istanbul,#35+,#zurna,#ankara", 19, 10 230 195 50 text "Dakika", 20, 150 205 50 15 box "", 21, 10 275 195 8 button "Bağla", 22, 10 293 60 25, ok button "Kapat", 23, 145 293 60 25, cancel button "Kopar", 24, 77 293 61 25 box "", 25, -1 -6 217 335 menu "Ayarlar", 26 menu "Bunları Cezalandırma", 49, 26 item "OP", 30, 49 item "Half-OP", 46, 49 item "Voice", 47, 49 item "Notify List", 48, 49 menu "Kanaldan At", 43, 26 item "Tüm Kanallardan", 44, 43 item "Sadece Botun Bulunduğu Kanallardan", 45, 43 item break, 36, 26 item "Botu banlardan koru", 33, 26 item "Kanaldan atılınca tekrar gir", 34, 26 item "Bot deopsa, OPları uyar", 37, 26 item "Bot kanala girince OPları bilgilendir", 38, 26 item "Kanala girince op değilsen,OPlardan OP iste", 40, 26 item "Script bağlanınca oto bağlan", 39, 26 item "Mesaj atanı 10 saniyeliğine ignore et", 41, 26 item "Log tut", 31, 26 item break, 29, 26 item "Bug Penceresi", 27, 26 item "Oto login ayarlar", 35, 26 item break, 42, 26 item "Bot komutları", 28, 26 item "Bot logları", 32, 26 } on *:dialog:sbot:init:0: { var %d = did -ra $dname %d 10 $sbot_nick %d 11 $sbot_anick %d 12 $sbot_name %d 13 $sbot_id %d 14 $sbot_server %d 15 $sbot_port %d 16 $sbot_part %d 17 $sbot_mins %d 18 $sbot_chans if ($sock(sbot)) { did -b $dname 22 } else { did -b $dname 24 } if (%sbot_ops == on) { did -c $dname 30 } if (%sbot_hops == on) { did -c $dname 46 } if (%sbot_voices == on) { did -c $dname 47 } if (%sbot_notifies == on) { did -c $dname 48 } if (%sbot_log == on) { did -c $dname 31 } if (%sbot_rejoin == on) { did -c $dname 34 } if (%sbot_spaminf == on) { did -c $dname 37 } if (%sbot_joininf == on) { did -c $dname 38 } if (%sbot_autocon == on) { did -c $dname 39 } if (%sbot_autoop == on) { did -c $dname 40 } if (%sbot_silence == on) { did -c $dname 41 } if ($group(#sbot_protect).status == on) { did -c $dname 33 } if (%sbot_common == on) { did -c $dname 44 } else { set %sbot_common off | did -c $dname 45 } did -f $dname 25 } on *:dialog:sbot:menu:*: { if ($did == 44) { set %sbot_common on | did -u $dname 45 | did -c $dname $did } if ($did == 45) { set %sbot_common off | did -u $dname 44 | did -c $dname $did } if ($did == 35) { sbot_aid } if ($did == 27) { sbot_debug } if ($did == 28) { sbot_commands } if ($did == 33) { if ($group(#sbot_protect).status == on) { .disable #sbot_protect | did -u $dname $did } | else { .enable #sbot_protect | did -c $dname $did } } if ($did == 37) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_spaminf off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_spaminf on } } if ($did == 39) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_autocon off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_autocon on } } if ($did == 38) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_joininf off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_joininf on } } if ($did == 30) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_ops off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_ops on } } if ($did == 46) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_hops off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_hops on } } if ($did == 47) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_voices off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_voices on } } if ($did == 48) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_notifies off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_notifies on } } if ($did == 31) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_log off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_log on } } if ($did == 34) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_rejoin off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_rejoin on } } if ($did == 40) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_autoop off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_autoop on } } if ($did == 41) { if ($did($did).state == 1) { did -u $dname $did | set %sbot_silence off } | else { did -c $dname $did | set %sbot_silence on } } if ($did == 32) { if (!$isfile($sbot_log)) { write -c $sbot_log } | run $sbot_log } } on *:dialog:sbot:sclick:*: { if ($did isnum 22-24) { set %sbot_nick $did(10) set %sbot_anick $did(11) set %sbot_name $did(12) set %sbot_id $did(13) set %sbot_server $did(14) set %sbot_port $did(15) set %sbot_part $did(16) set %sbot_mins $iif($did(17) isnum 1-,$ifmatch,30) set %sbot_chans $did(18) } if ($did == 22) { if ($server) { sbot_connect } else { echo $color(info) -a * Sen ilk olarak bağlamalısın, öyle ki sBot, uygun şekilde çalışır | halt } } if ($did == 24) { sbot_clear } } alias -l sbot_debug { var %w = @sbot_debug if ($1 == $null) { if (!$window(%w)) { window %w | echo %w sBot' s debug window } else { window -c %w } } else { if ($window(%w)) { echo $ifmatch $time $1- } } } alias -l sbot_log { return $+(",$scriptdirsbot_log.txt,") } alias -l sbot_w { if (!$sock(sbot)) { return } | sockwrite -n sbot $1- | sbot_debug <- $1- } alias -l sbot_nick { return $iif(%sbot_nick != $null,$ifmatch,spmmr) } alias -l sbot_pass { return $iif(%sbot_pass != $null,$ifmatch,1111111111) } alias -l sbot_command { return $iif(%sbot_command != $null,$ifmatch,identify <pass>) } alias -l sbot_anick { return $iif(%sbot_anick != $null,$ifmatch,spmmr\) } alias -l sbot_id { return $iif(%sbot_id != $null,$ifmatch,back) } alias -l sbot_name { return $iif(%sbot_name != $null,$ifmatch,Spam Detection Bot) } alias -l sbot_server { return $iif(%sbot_server != $null,$ifmatch,elsene.be.eu.undernet.org) } alias -l sbot_port { return $iif(%sbot_port != $null,$ifmatch,6667) } alias -l sbot_part { return $iif(%sbot_part != $null,$ifmatch,spam check) } alias -l sbot_mins { return $iif(%sbot_mins != $null,$ifmatch,30) } alias -l sbot_chans { return $iif(%sbot_chans != $null,$ifmatch,$chr(35)) } alias -l sbot_service { return $iif(%sbot_service != $null,$ifmatch,nickserv) } alias -l sbot_join_chans { if (%sbot_chans == $chr(35)) { var %chans = $chan(0) while (%chans > 0) { .timer.sbot_join $+ $chan(%chans) 1 $calc(%chans * 2) sbot_w JOIN $chan(%chans) dec %chans } } else { var %chans = $numtok(%sbot_chans,44) while (%chans > 0) { var %c = $gettok(%sbot_chans,%chans,44) .timer.sbot_join $+ %c 1 $calc(%chans * 2) sbot_w JOIN %c dec %chans } } } alias -l sbot_lw { if (!$isfile($sbot_log)) { write -c $sbot_log } write $sbot_log $+($date,-,$time) $1- } alias -l sbot_commands { var %e = echo $color(info) -a %e Bu komutları sadece botun özelinde kullanabilirsiniz : %e ------------------------------ %e * !nick <yeninick> : Bot belirtilen yeni nicki alır %e * !join <channel> : Belirtilen kanala botun girmesini sağlar %e * !rejoin : Bot bulunduğu bütün kanallardan çıkar ve yeniden girer %e * !part <channel> [message] : Belirtilen kanaldan belirtilen bir mesajla çıkmayı sağlar %e * !partall [message] : Tüm kanallardan belirtilen mesajla çıkmayı sağlar %e * !hop <channel> [message] : Rejoin komutu ile aynı işlevi görür.Çıkışın sonuna mesaj ekler. %e * !msg <channel|user> <message> : Bot belirtilen mesajı normal bir şekilde kanala yada usere gönderir %e * !action <channel|user> <message> : Bot belirtilen mesajı action olarak kanala yada usere gönderir( /me ) %e * !notice <channel|user> <message> : Bot belirtilen mesajı notice olarak kanala yada usere gönderir %e * !ctcp <channel|user> <message> : Bot belirtilen mesajı CTCP olarak kanala yada usere gönderir %e * !quit [message] : Botun ircden çıkmasını sağlar ( mesaj opsiyoneldir. yazmak zorunda değilsiniz. ) } alias -l sbot_mban { if (%sbot_common == on) { var %z = $comchan($1,0) while (%z > 0) { var %c = $comchan($1,%z) if (%sbot_ops == on) && ($1 isop %c) { dec %z | continue } elseif (%sbot_hops == on) && ($1 ishop %c) { dec %z | continue } elseif (%sbot_voices == on) && ($1 isvoice %c) { dec %z | continue } elseif (%sbot_notifies == on) && ($1 isnotify) { dec %z | continue } elseif (%sbot_spaminf == on) && ($me !isop %c) { .notice @ $+ %c Possible spam detected from $1 $2 (auto-message) | echo $color(info) -a * Warned ops in %c for possible spam from $1 $2 } elseif ($me isop %c) && ($1 ison %c) { ban %c $1 2 | kick %c $1 $3- } dec %z } } else { var %z = $numtok(%sbot.tmp_chans,44) while (%z > 0) { var %c = $gettok(%sbot.tmp_chans,%z,44) if (%sbot_ops == on) && ($1 isop %c) { dec %z | continue } elseif (%sbot_hops == on) && ($1 ishop %c) { dec %z | continue } elseif (%sbot_voices == on) && ($1 isvoice %c) { dec %z | continue } elseif (%sbot_notifies == on) && ($1 isnotify) { dec %z | continue } elseif (%sbot_spaminf == on) && ($me !isop %c) { .notice @ $+ %c Possible spam detected from $1 $2 (auto-message) | echo $color(info) -a * Warned ops in %c for possible spam from $1 $2 } elseif ($me isop %c) && ($1 ison %c) { ban %c $1 2 | kick %c $1 $3- } dec %z } } } on *:connect: { if (%sbot_autocon == on) { .timer.sbot_follow 1 4 sbot_connect } } alias -l sbot_hop { sbot_w PART $1 : $+ $sbot_part .timer.sbot_rejoin $+ $1 1 2 sbot_w JOIN $1 } alias -l sbot_connect { if ($sock(sbot)) { halt } if ($server) { sockopen sbot $sbot_server $sbot_port } else { echo $color(info) -a * Please connect to a server first | sbot_clear } } alias -l sbot_clear { sockclose sbot | unset %sbot.tmp* | .timer.sbot* off if ($dialog(sbot)) { did -b $ifmatch 24 did -e $ifmatch 22 } halt } on *:sockclose:sbot:{ unset %sbot.tmp* | .timer.sbot* off if ($dialog(sbot)) { did -b $ifmatch 24 did -e $ifmatch 22 } } on *:sockwrite:sbot: { if ($sockerr) { sbot_debug * $sock($sockerr).wsmsg sbot_clear } } on *:sockopen:sbot: { if ($dialog(sbot)) { did -e $ifmatch 24 did -b $ifmatch 22 } if ($sockerr) { sbot_clear } sbot_w NICK $sbot_nick sbot_w USER $sbot_id * * : $+ $sbot_name } on *:sockread:sbot: { if ($sockerr) { sbot_debug * $sock($sockerr).wsmsg sbot_clear } var %t = $null while ($sock(sbot).rq) { sockread %t tokenize 32 %t if ($sockbr == 0) { return } sbot_debug -> $1- if ($2 == 433) { sbot_w NICK $sbot_anick } if ($2 == 376) { echo $color(info) -a * Spam detection sBot bağlantısı başarı ile gerçekleşti if ($dialog(sbot)) { did -b $ifmatch 22 | did -e $ifmatch 24 } set %sbot.tmp.nick $3 unset %sbot.tmp_chans .timer.sbot_join_channels 1 2 sbot_join_chans } if (*!*@* iswm $1) { var %nick = $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) } if ($1 == PING) { sbot_w PONG $2- } if ($2 == INVITE) && ($3 == %sbot.tmp.nick) { var %channel = $remove($4,:) if (%nick == $me) { .timer.sbot_invited $+ %channel 1 2 sbot_w JOIN %channel } else { sbot_mban %nick (invite) Possible spam detected (invite) } } if ($2 == JOIN) { var %channel = $remove($3,:) if (%nick == $me) && (%sbot_autoop == on) && (%sbot.tmp.nick isop %channel) { sbot_w mode %channel +o-o $me %sbot.tmp.nick } if (%nick == %sbot.tmp.nick) { .timer.sbot_hop $+ %channel 0 $calc(%sbot_mins * 60) sbot_hop %channel set %sbot.tmp_chans $addtok(%sbot.tmp_chans,%channel,44) if (%sbot_joininf == on) && (%channel ischan) { .notice @ $+ %channel Spam detection sBot using nickname %sbot.tmp.nick just joined %channel $+ . Please don' t kick it (auto-message) } } } if ($2 == PART) && (%nick == %sbot.tmp.nick) { var %parted = $remove($3,:) .timer.sbot_hop $+ %parted off set %sbot.tmp_chans $deltok(%sbot.tmp_chans,$findtok(%sbot.tmp_chans,%parted,1,44),44) } if ($2 == NICK) && (%nick == %sbot.tmp.nick) { set %sbot.tmp.nick $remove($3,:) } if ($2 == KICK) && ($4 == %sbot.tmp.nick) { if (%sbot_rejoin == on) { var %chan = $3 | .timer.sbot_re-join $+ %chan 1 1 sbot_w JOIN %chan } } if ($2 == NOTICE) { if ($3 == %sbot.tmp.nick) { if (%sbot_log == on) { sbot_lw $1- } if (nickserv!*@* iswm $remove($1,:)) && (%sbot_autoid == on) && (*nickname*registered*protected* iswm $4-) { sbot_w PRIVMSG $sbot_service : $+ $replace($sbot_command,<nick>,%sbot.tmp.nick,<pass>,$sbot_pass) } } } if ($2 == PRIVMSG) { if ($4 == :VERSION) { sbot_w NOTICE %nick :VERSION IRC Java client v1.0 } if ($3 == %sbot.tmp.nick) { if (%sbot_log == on) { sbot_lw $1- } if (%nick == $me) { var %c = $remove($4,:) if (%c == !msg) { sbot_w PRIVMSG $5 : $+ $$6- } if (%c == !notice) { sbot_w NOTICE $5 : $+ $$6- } if (%c == !action) { sbot_w PRIVMSG $5 :ACTION $$6- $+  } if (%c == !ctcp) { sbot_w PRIVMSG $5 : $+ $upper($$6-) $+  } if (%c == !nick) { sbot_w NICK $$5 } if (%c == !part) { sbot_w PART $$5 : $+ $6- } if (%c == !join) { sbot_w JOIN $$5 } if (%c == !rejoin) { sbot_join_chans } if (%c == !hop) { sbot_w PART $$5 : $+ $6- | .timer.sbot_rejoin $+ $1 1 2 sbot_w JOIN $$5 } if (%c == !quit) { sbot_w QUIT : $+ $5- | .timer.sbot.quit 1 1 sbot_clear } if (%c == !partall) { var %i = $numtok(%sbot.tmp_chans,44) while (%i > 0) { sbot_w PART $gettok(%sbot.tmp_chans,%i,44) : $+ $6- | dec %i } } halt } if (*-* iswm $4-) || (*kl* iswm $4-) || (*h*t*t*p* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*ki* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*#* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*_* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*.* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*/* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*tc* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*g*n* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*rg* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*@* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*t?k?a* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*c*m* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*n*t* iswm $strip($4-)) || ( *0* iswm $strip($4-)) || ( *1* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*2* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*3* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*4* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*5* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*6* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*7* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*8* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*9* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*m*s*n* iswm $strip($4-)) || (*s*r*v* iswm $strip($4-)) { sbot_mban %nick ( $+ $ifmatch $+ ) WARNING! %nick is infected with a virus or trojan, please clean your system. ( Cleaner @ [Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...] ) %logo } if (%sbot_silence == on) { sbot_w SILENCE $+(+,%nick) .timer.sbot_silence $+ %nick 1 10 sbot_w SILENCE $+(-,%nick) } } } } } #sbot_protect on ON !@*:BAN:#: { if ($nick != chanserv) && (($banmask iswm $address(%sbot.tmp.nick,5)) || ($banmask iswm $+($left($address(%sbot.tmp.nick,5),$pos($address(%sbot.tmp.nick,5),@,1)),$ip))) { mode $chan -b $banmask | .timer.sbot_notice $+ $nick 1 2 .notice $nick Please don' t ban the spam detection sBot (auto-message) } } #sbot_protect end

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