PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
set tgqdb "scripts/kelime.txt"
set tgscf "scripts/kelimepuan.txt"
set tgerrfil "scripts/kelimehata.txt"
set tgchan "#bulmaca"
set tgpointsperanswer 15
set tgmaxhint 1
set tgstreakmin 3
set tgmaxmissed 0
set tghintchar "*"
set tgtimehint 20
set tgtimenext 10
set tgcongrats[list "Harikasin" "Soruyu Bildin"]
set tgnobodygotit[list ".."]
set tgtrythenextone[list ".."]
set tgshowanswer 1
set tgpriv2msg 1
set tgcmdhelp "?"
set tgcmdstart "basla"
set tgflagsstart -|-
set tgcmdstop "!dur"
set tgflagsstop -|-
set tgcmdhint "ipucu"
set tgflagshint -|-
set tgcmdskip "atlkllka"
set tgflagsskip -|-
set tgcmdreset "resklklet"
set tgflagsreset -|-
set tgcmdlookup "skor"
set tgcmdtarget "hedef"
set tgcmderror "hata"
set tgcmdrules "kural"
set tgrules "Kanal Kuralımız : Size Yapılmasını İstemediğiniz Davranışı Başkasına Yapmamanız...!"
set tgerrremindtime 5
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# #
# Burdan Sonrasini Degismeniz Riske Sebeb Olur :):): #
# #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#Misc checks & var initialisations
if {![file exists $tgqdb]} {
putlog "\002[file tail [info script]]\002 failed to load: $tgqdb does not exist."
if {![info exists alltools_loaded]||$allt_version<204} {
putlog "\002[file tail [info script]]\002 failed to load: please load alltools.tcl v1.6 or higher before attempting to use this script."
if {[llength [split $tgchan]]!=1} {
putlog "\002[file tail [info script]]\002 failed to load: too many channels specified."
if {![info exists tgplaying]} {set tgplaying 0}
if {![info exists tghintnum]} {set tghintnum 0}
if {![info exists tgmissed]} {set tgmissed 0}
bind pub $tgflagsstart $tgcmdstart tgstart
bind pub $tgflagsstop $tgcmdstop tgstop
bind pub $tgflagshint $tgcmdhint tgforcehint
bind pub $tgflagsskip $tgcmdskip tgskip
bind join -|- "$tgchan *" tgjoinmsg
bind msg - $tgcmdhelp tggivehelp
bind msg - $tgcmdlookup tgscorelookup
bind msg - $tgcmdtarget tgtargetlookup
bind msg - $tgcmderror tgerror
bind msg - $tgcmdrules tgrulesmsg
bind msg $tgflagsreset "$tgcmdreset" tgresetscores
bind kick - "$tgchan $botnick" tgbotgotkicked
bind evnt - disconnect-server tgbotgotdisconnected
#starts the game if it isn't running.
proc tgstart {nick host hand chan text} {
global tgplaying tgstreak tgchan tgerrremindtime tgerrremindtimer tgmissed
if {[strlwr $tgchan]==[strlwr $chan]} {
if {$tgplaying==0} {
tggamemsg "4Kelime Oyun'u Baslatildi!.."
set tgplaying 1
set tgstreak 0
set tgmissed 0
set tgerrremindtimer [timer $tgerrremindtime tgerrremind]
return 1
#stops the game if it's running.
proc tgstop {nick host hand chan text} {
global tghinttimer tgnexttimer tgplaying tgchan tgcurrentanswer tgstreak tgstreakmin
global tgerrremindtimer
if {[strlwr $tgchan]==[strlwr $chan]} {
if {$tgplaying==1} {
tggamemsg "Oyunu Durduran $nick!"
if {$tgstreakmin>0&&[lindex [split $tgstreak ,] 1]>=$tgstreakmin} { tgstreakend }
set tgstreak 0
set tgplaying 0
catch {unbind pubm -|- "$tgchan $tgcurrentanswer" tgcorrectanswer}
if {[utimerexists tghint]!=""} {killutimer $tghinttimer}
if {[utimerexists tgnext]!=""} {killutimer $tgnexttimer}
if {[timerexists tgerrremind]!=""} {killtimer $tgerrremindtimer}
return 1
#gives a hint if there is currently a question to answer.
proc tgforcehint {nick host hand chan text} {
global tghinttimer tgnexttimer tgplaying tgchan tgcurrentanswer tgstreak tgstreakmin
global tgtempnohint tghintmax tghintnum
if {[strlwr $tgchan]==[strlwr $chan]} {
if {$tgplaying==1&&[utimerexists tghint]!=""} {
killutimer $tghinttimer
return 1
#skips the current question if one has been asked.
proc tgskip {nick host hand chan text} {
global tghinttimer tgnexttimer tgplaying tgchan tgcurrentanswer tgstreak tgstreakmin tgtimenext
if {[strlwr $tgchan]==[strlwr $chan]} {
if {$tgplaying==1&&[utimerexists tghint]!=""} {
tggamemsg "4Soru 2$nick Tarafından Direkt Olarak Geçildi!"
if {$tgstreakmin>0&&[lindex [split $tgstreak ,] 1]>=$tgstreakmin} { tgstreakend }
set tgstreak 0
unbind pubm -|- "$tgchan $tgcurrentanswer" tgcorrectanswer
killutimer $tghinttimer
set tgnexttimer [utimer $tgtimenext tgnext]
return 1
#reminds channel how to report errors in questions/answers
proc tgerrremind {} {
global tgerrremindtimer tgerrremindtime botnick tgcmderror
tggamemsg "Unutmayın!: Kelimelerdeki Hataları Bize Bildirmek İçin, Lütfen 4#Operhelp Kanalındaki Yetkililerle İrtibata Geçin"
set tgerrremindtimer [timer $tgerrremindtime tgerrremind]
#bot got kicked. stop the game.
proc tgbotgotkicked {nick host hand chan targ text} {
#bot got disconnected. stop the game.
proc tgbotgotdisconnected {disconnect-server} {
#stops the game without telling the channel.
proc tgquietstop {} {
global tgplaying tgstreak tgchan tgcurrentanswer tghinttimer tgnexttimer tgerrremindtimer
if {$tgplaying==1} {
set tgstreak 0
set tgplaying 0
catch {unbind pubm -|- "$tgchan $tgcurrentanswer" tgcorrectanswer}
if {[utimerexists tghint]!=""} {killutimer $tghinttimer}
if {[utimerexists tgnext]!=""} {killutimer $tgnexttimer}
if {[timerexists tgerrremind]!=""} {killtimer $tgerrremindtimer}
#reads the question database.
proc tgreadqdb {} {
global tgqdb tgquestionstotal tgquestionslist
set tgquestionstotal 0
set tgquestionslist ""
set qfile [open $tgqdb r]
while {![eof $qfile]} {
lappend tgquestionslist [gets $qfile]
incr tgquestionstotal
close $qfile
#selects the next question.
proc tgnext {} {
global tgqdb tgcurrentquestion tgcurrentanswer tgquestionnumber tgquestionstotal
global tghintnum tgchan tgquestionslist
set tgquestionnumber [rand [llength $tgquestionslist]]
set tgquestionselected [lindex $tgquestionslist $tgquestionnumber]
set tgcurrentquestion [lindex [split $tgquestionselected |] 1]
set tgcurrentanswer [strlwr [lindex [split $tgquestionselected |] 0]]
unset tghintnum
bind pubm -|- "$tgchan $tgcurrentanswer" tgcorrectanswer
#shows timed hints.
proc tghint {} {
global tgmaxhint tghintnum tgcurrentanswer tghinttimer tgchan
global tgtimehint tghintchar tgquestionnumber tgquestionstotal
global tgcurrentquestion tghintcharsused tgnexttimer tgtimenext tgstreak tgstreakmin
global tgnobodygotit tgtrythenextone tgmissed tgmaxmissed tgcmdstart tgshowanswer
global tgtimestart
if {[catch {incr tghintnum}]!=0} {set tghintnum 0}
if {$tghintnum >= [expr $tgmaxhint+1]} {
incr tgmissed
set _msg ""
append _msg "0,6Zaman Doldu!0,7 Bir Sonraki Kelime İçin Hazırlanın"
if {$tgmaxmissed>0&&$tgmissed>=$tgmaxmissed} {
append _msg " 0,6Kelime Çözmeye Niyetiniz Yoksa Dinleniyim Biraz :)!"
} else {
append _msg " [lindex $tgtrythenextone [rand [llength $tgtrythenextone]]]"
tggamemsg "$_msg"
if {$tgstreakmin>0&&[lindex [split $tgstreak ,] 1]>=$tgstreakmin} { tgstreakend }
set tgstreak 0
catch {unbind pubm -|- "$tgchan $tgcurrentanswer" tgcorrectanswer}
if {$tgmaxmissed==0||$tgmissed<$tgmaxmissed} {
set tgnexttimer [utimer $tgtimenext tgnext]
} elseif {$tghintnum == 0} {
set i 0
set _hint {}
set tghintcharsused {}
regsub -all -- "\[A-Za-z0-9\]" $tgcurrentanswer $tghintchar _hint
set tgtimestart [clock clicks -milliseconds]
} elseif {$tghintnum == 1} {
set i 0
set _hint {}
while {$i<[llength [split $tgcurrentanswer]]} {
set _word [lindex [split $tgcurrentanswer] $i]
set j 0
set _newword {}
while {$j<[strlen $_word]} {
if {$j==0} {
append _newword [stridx $_word $j]
lappend tghintcharsused $i,$j
} else {
if {[string is alnum [stridx $_word $j]]} {
append _newword $tghintchar
} else {
append _newword [stridx $_word $j]
lappend tghintcharsused $i,$j
incr j
lappend _hint $_newword
incr i
} else {
set i 0
set _hint {}
while {$i<[llength [split $tgcurrentanswer]]} {
set _word [lindex [split $tgcurrentanswer] $i]
set j 0
set _newword {}
set _selected [rand [strlen $_word]]
regsub -all -- "\[^A-Za-z0-9\]" $_word "" _wordalnum
if {[strlen $_wordalnum]>=$tghintnum} {
while {[lsearch $tghintcharsused $i,$_selected]!=-1||[string is alnum [stridx $_word $_selected]]==0} {
set _selected [rand [strlen $_word]]
lappend tghintcharsused $i,$_selected
while {$j<[strlen $_word]} {
if {[lsearch $tghintcharsused $i,$j]!=-1||[string is alnum [stridx $_word $j]]==0} {
append _newword [stridx $_word $j]
} else {
if {[string is alnum [stridx $_word $j]]} {
append _newword $tghintchar
incr j
lappend _hint $_newword
incr i
tggamemsg "xx-x-13x-x-x--x-x-4x-x-4-x--12x-x-x-x-7x-x-x-x-x-x->"
tggamemsg "2İşte Kelimeniz Düzenleyin: 3 [strupr $tgcurrentquestion] "
tggamemsg "5(5Bu Harflerin Hepsinin Oldugu Bir Kelime Bulun5)"
tggamemsg "xx-x-13x-x-x--x-x-4x-x-4-x--12x-x-x-x-7x-x-x-x-x-x->"
set tghinttimer [utimer $tgtimehint tghint]
#triggered when someone says the correct answer.
proc tgcorrectanswer {nick host hand chan text} {
global tgcurrentanswer tghinttimer tgtimenext tgchan tgnexttimer tgstreak tgstreakmin
global tgscoresbyname tgranksbyname tgranksbynum tgcongrats tgscorestotal tgmissed
global tgtimestart
if {![info exists tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick])]} {
set _oldrank 0
} else {
set _oldrank [lindex [split $tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick]) ,] 0]
tgincrscore $nick
set _newrank [lindex [split $tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick]) ,] 0]
set _timetoanswer [expr [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds]-$tgtimestart]/1000.00]
set _msg "5Tebrikler6 $nick 5Doğru Cevap 6 [strupr $tgcurrentanswer] 0415 Puan Kazandınız."
if {$_newrank<$_oldrank} {
if {$_newrank==1} {
append _msg " Tebrikler "
} else {
append _msg ""
tggamemsg "$_msg"
if {$tgstreak!=0} {
if {[lindex [split $tgstreak ,] 0]==[strlwr $nick]} {
set tgstreak [strlwr $nick],[expr [lindex [split $tgstreak ,] 1]+1]
if {$tgstreakmin>0&&[lindex [split $tgstreak ,] 1]>=$tgstreakmin} {
tggamemsg "4Bravo 2$nick 4Kelimeyi Ard Arda Siz Bildiniz! Diğerleriyle Aranızda Fark Oluşmaya Başladı!"
} else {
if {$tgstreakmin>0&&[lindex [split $tgstreak ,] 1]>=$tgstreakmin} { tgstreakend }
set tgstreak [strlwr $nick],1
} else {
set tgstreak [strlwr $nick],1
set tgmissed 0
unbind pubm -|- "$tgchan $tgcurrentanswer" tgcorrectanswer
killutimer $tghinttimer
set tgnexttimer [utimer $tgtimenext tgnext]
return 1
#read current scores from file, sort and store in variable.
proc tggetscores {} {
global tgscf tgscorestotal tgscores tgscoresbyname tgranksbyname tgranksbynum tgrealnames
if {[file exists $tgscf]&&[file size $tgscf]>2} {
set _sfile [open $tgscf r]
set tgscores [lsort -dict -decreasing [split [gets $_sfile]]]
close $_sfile
set tgscorestotal [llength $tgscores]
} else {
set tgscores ""
set tgscorestotal 0
if {[info exists tgscoresbyname]} {unset tgscoresbyname}
if {[info exists tgranksbyname]} {unset tgranksbyname}
if {[info exists tgrealnames]} {unset tgrealnames}
if {[info exists tgranksbynum]} {unset tgranksbynum}
set i 0
while {$i<[llength $tgscores]} {
set _item [lindex $tgscores $i]
set _nick [lindex [split $_item ,] 2]
set _lwrnick [lindex [split $_item ,] 3]
set _score [lindex [split $_item ,] 0]
set tgscoresbyname($_lwrnick) $_score
set tgrealnames($_lwrnick) $_nick
set tgranksbyname($_lwrnick) [expr $i+1],$_score
set tgranksbynum([expr $i+1]) $_lwrnick,$_score
incr i
#increment someone's score.
proc tgincrscore {who} {
global tgscores tgscf tgpointsperanswer tgscorestotal tgscoresbyname
if {$tgscorestotal>0} {
set i 0
if {![info exists tgscoresbyname([strlwr $who])]} {
append _newscores "1,[expr 1000000000000.0/[unixtime]],$who,[strlwr $who] "
while {$i<[llength $tgscores]} {
set _item [lindex $tgscores $i]
set _nick [lindex [split $_item ,] 2]
set _time [lindex [split $_item ,] 1]
set _score [lindex [split $_item ,] 0]
if {[strlwr $who]==[strlwr $_nick]} {
append _newscores "[expr $_score+$tgpointsperanswer],[expr 1000000000000.0/[unixtime]],$who,[strlwr $who][expr [expr [llength $tgscores]-$i]==1?"":"\ "]"
} else {
append _newscores "$_score,$_time,$_nick,[strlwr $_nick][expr [expr [llength $tgscores]-$i]==1?"":"\ "]"
incr i
} else {
append _newscores "1,[expr 1000000000000.0/[unixtime]],$who,[strlwr $who]"
set _sfile [open $tgscf w]
puts $_sfile "$_newscores"
close $_sfile
#shows the current scores on channel.
proc tgshowscores {} {
global tgscores tgchan tgscorestotal
set i 0
while {$i<[llength $tgscores]} {
set _item [lindex $tgscores $i]
set _nick [lindex [split $_item ,] 2]
set _score [lindex [split $_item ,] 0]
if {$i==0} {
append _scores "2$_nick $_score"
} elseif {$i==1} {
append _scores ", 12$_nick $_score"
} elseif {$i==2} {
append _scores ", 4$_nick $_score"
} elseif {[onchan $_nick $tgchan]} {
append _scores ",4$_nick $_score"
incr i
tggamemsg "5Sonuclar: $_scores"
#reset current scores.
proc tgresetscores {nick host hand text} {
global tgscf tgscorestotal tgscores
if {[file exists $tgscf]&&[file size $tgscf]>2} {
set _sfile [open $tgscf w]
puts $_sfile ""
close $_sfile
set tgscores ""
set tgscorestotal 0
tggamemsg "4===== Skor Tablosu $nick! Tarafından Resetlendi ====="
return 1
#triggered when a winning streak ends.
proc tgstreakend {} {
global tgstreak tgrealnames
tggamemsg "4Bravo $tgrealnames([lindex [split $tgstreak ,] 0]) Çok Fazla Strike ye Sahipsiniz... Tebrikler!"
#triggered when someone joins trivia chan.
proc tgjoinmsg {nick host hand chan} {
global botnick tgplaying tgcmdhelp tgcmdstart tgflagsstart tgcmdstop tgflagsstop tgchan
if {$nick != $botnick} {
set _msg ""
append _msg "Welcome to $botnick's Trivia Channel. Trivia Oyunu Şuanda"
if {$tgplaying==1} {
append _msg " \002on\002."
} else {
append _msg " \002off\002."
if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsstart $tgchan]&&$tgplaying==0} {
append _msg " Oyunu Başlatmak İçin, Lütfen \002$tgcmdstart\002 Yazınız"
append _msg " Yardıma İhtiyacınız Olursa \002/MSG $botnick [strupr
$tgcmdhelp]\002 Yazınız! :-) (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
[tgpriv] $nick "$_msg"
#triggered when someone /msgs the bot with the score lookup command.
proc tgscorelookup {nick host hand text} {
global tgscoresbyname tgranksbyname tgscorestotal tgrealnames
if {$text==""} { set text $nick } else { set text [lindex [split $text] 0] }
if {![info exists tgscoresbyname([strlwr $text])]} {
if {[strlwr $text]==[strlwr $nick]} {
set _who "4Siz"
} else {
set _who "4$text 4is"
[tgpriv] $nick "Skor Tablosunda Yoksunuz!"
} else {
if {[strlwr $text]==[strlwr $nick]} {
set _who "4Siz"
} else {
set _who "4$tgrealnames([strlwr $text]) 4is"
[tgpriv] $nick "$tgscoresbyname([strlwr $text]) Soru Bildiniz , Ranked 4[tgordnum [lindex [split $tgranksbyname([strlwr $text]) ,] 0]] of 4$tgscorestotal."
return 1
#triggered when someone /msgs the bot with the target lookup command.
proc tgtargetlookup {nick host hand text} {
global tgscoresbyname tgranksbyname tgscorestotal tgranksbynum tgrealnames
if {![info exists tgscoresbyname([strlwr $nick])]} {
[tgpriv] $nick "Siz Skor Tablosunda Yoksunuz!"
} else {
set _myrank [lindex [split $tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick]) ,] 0]
set _myscore [lindex [split $tgscoresbyname([strlwr $nick]) ,] 0]
set _tgtrank [expr [lindex [split $tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick]) ,] 0]-1]
set _tgtnick [lindex [split $tgranksbynum($_tgtrank) ,] 0]
set _tgtscore [lindex [split $tgranksbynum($_tgtrank) ,] 1]
[tgpriv] $nick "Şuandaki Bildiğiniz Soru Sayısı \00304$_myscore\00306. "
return 1
#triggered when someone /msgs the bot with the error reporting command.
proc tgerror {nick host hand text} {
global tgquestionstotal tgquestionslist tgerrfil
if {$text==""||![string is int [lindex $text 0]]} {
[tgpriv] $nick "Soru Numarasını belirtmelisiniz...!"
set _qnum [lindex $text 0]
if {$_qnum>$tgquestionstotal} {
[tgpriv] $nick "Böyle Bir Soru Bulunamadı."
set _qques [lindex [split [lindex $tgquestionslist [expr $_qnum-1]] |] 1]
set _qans [lindex [split [lindex $tgquestionslist [expr $_qnum-1]] |] 0]
set _desc [lrange $text 1 end]
if {$_desc==""} { set _desc "No further info given for this error." }
set _file [open $tgerrfil a]
puts $_file "Reported by:\t$nick"
puts $_file "Bezirgan #:\t$_qnum"
puts $_file "Bezirgan:\t$_qques"
puts $_file "Answer:\t\t$_qans"
puts $_file "Comments:\t$_desc"
puts $_file "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
close $_file
[tgpriv] $nick "Hatayı Bildirdiğiniz İçin Teşekkür Ederiz."
return 1
#triggered when someone /msgs the bot with the rules command.
proc tgrulesmsg {nick host hand text} {
global tgrules
[tgpriv] $nick "Kanal Kuralları: $tgrules"
return 1
#triggered when someone /msgs the bot with the help command.
proc tggivehelp {nick host hand {text ""}} {
global botnick tgcmdlookup tgcmdhelp tgcmdstart tgcmdstop tgchan tgflagsstop
global tgcmdstop tgflagshint tgcmdhint tgflagsskip tgcmdskip tgflagsreset tgcmdreset
global tgcmdtarget tgcmderror tgcmdrules
if {$text==""} {
[tgpriv] $nick "Yardım Almak İçin Kullanacağınız Komut /MSG commands:"
[tgpriv] $nick "Komutları command Yerine Yazınız, /MSG $botnick <command>"
[tgpriv] $nick " \002[strupr $tgcmdrules]\002"
[tgpriv] $nick " -- Kanal Kurallarını Listelemek İçin"
[tgpriv] $nick " \002[strupr $tgcmdlookup]\002 \[nick\]"
[tgpriv] $nick " -- Oyundaki Skorunuzu Öğrenmek İçin \[nick\], "
[tgpriv] $nick " Sadece Kendi Skorunuzu Görüntüler."
[tgpriv] $nick " \002[strupr $tgcmdtarget]\002"
[tgpriv] $nick " -- Oyun botundaki Hedefinizi Gösterir"
[tgpriv] $nick " Kimin Sizin Önünüzde Olduğunu Yada Arkanızdakinin Kim Olduğunu Görmek İçin"
[tgpriv] $nick " \002[strupr $tgcmderror]\002 <number> \[description\]"
[tgpriv] $nick " -- Sorulardaki Hataları bizlere Bildirmenize Yarar <number>"
[tgpriv] $nick "
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsreset $tgchan]} {
[tgpriv] $nick " \002[strupr $tgcmdreset]\002"
[tgpriv] $nick " -- Skor Tablosunu Resetlemek İçin."
[tgpriv] $nick "Kanal Komutlarını Listelemek İçin, /MSG $botnick [strupr $tgcmdhelp] PUBCMDS"
if {[strlwr $text]=="pubcmds"} {
[tgpriv] $nick "You have access to the following channel commands:"
if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsstart $tgchan]} {
[tgpriv] $nick " \002$tgcmdstart\002 -- Oyunu Baslatır."
if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsstop $tgchan]} {
[tgpriv] $nick " \002$tgcmdstop\002 -- Oyunu Durdurur."
if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagshint $tgchan]} {
[tgpriv] $nick " \002$tgcmdhint\002 -- İpucu Verir."
if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsskip $tgchan]} {
[tgpriv] $nick " \002$tgcmdskip\002 -- Soruyu Atlar."
[tgpriv] $nick "For a list of /MSG commands, /MSG $botnick [strupr $tgcmdhelp]"
return 1
#misc procs
proc tggamemsg {what} {
global tgchan
putquick "PRIVMSG $tgchan :$what"
#Returns ordinal version of number passed to it.
#i.e. [tgordnum 1] returns "1st", [tgordnum 33] returns "33rd"
#Surely there's an easier way to do this?
proc tgordnum {num} {
set _last1 [string range $num [expr [strlen $num]-1] end]
set _last2 [string range $num [expr [strlen $num]-2] end]
if {$_last1=="1"&&$_last2!="11"} {
return "[expr $num]st"
} elseif {$_last1=="2"&&$_last2!="09"} {
return "[expr $num]nd"
} elseif {$_last1=="3"&&$_last2!="13"} {
return "[expr $num]rd"
} else {
return "[expr $num]th"
proc tgpriv {} {
global tgpriv2msg
if {$tgpriv2msg==1} {
return "putmsg"
} else {
return "putnotc"
putlog "* [file tail [info script]] by LeonidaS <
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
> Yuklendi."
putlog "* $tgquestionstotal Kelime basariyla yuklendi"