Otomatik Voice Verme
PHP Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
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## autovoice on pubmsg script v1.2
## by aerosoul@IRCNet (
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
## this script will give voice to users who say something on the
## channel and devoice them after idle time.
## people will have a overlook of who idles and who is active on your
## channels (especially for chans with bot-only ops)
## - add voice on pubmsg for #channel :
## .chanset #channel +av.pubmsg
## remove with .chanset #channel -av.pubmsg
## - add devoice after idle time for #channel :
## .chanset #channel +av.devoice
## - optionally set devoice time in the bots partyline :
## .chanset #channel av.dtime 30 (in minutes)
## there is a little delay before voicing, so there won't be
## modefloods.
## tell me bugs and suggestions @ IRCNet #playaz or
Bu forumdaki linkleri ve resimleri görebilmek için en az 25 mesajınız olması gerekir.
## (no, I don't write a version for older eggys, sorry.)
## if you want to send me ganja, please leave a msg ;)
## v1.2 28. may 2001: - added option to set devoice time @ partyline
## - fixed some stuff / cleaned up
## - removed responding to stupid "thank you, bot"
## scripts
## - the script now also voices @'s. makes more
## sense =)
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# Bu script ile kanalda surekli konusan kullanicilara bot otomatik olarak
# +v verir. Eger Belli bir sure konusmazlarsa +v yi alir.
# Kullanabileceginiz komutlar:
# .chanset #kanal +av.pubmsg otomatik voice verme islemi belirtilen kanal icin aktif olur.
# .chanset #kanal -av.pubmsg otomatik voice verme kapatilir.
# .chanset #kanal +av.devoice belli sure konusmayanlar devoice yapilir.
# .chanset #kanal av.dtime <sure> +v olan kullanici en fazla ne kadar konusmadan durabilir.
# sure dakika cinsinden girilecek.
# Bu komutlari sadece partylineda kullanabilirsiniz.
# kac dakika konusmazsa devoice olacak
set av_dtime 10
# hangi bayraga sahip kullanicilar devoice yapilmayacak
set av_nodevoiceflag "2fgb"
# +1 bayragina sahip kullaniclar +v alamayacaktir.
set av_novoiceflag "1"
# devoiceleri partylineda goster ? (0/1)
set av_partylog 0
# voice vermeden once hak saniye beklenecek
set av_delay 20
# oplara voice ver? (0/1)
set av_opvoice 0
# !!!!!!!!!!! Ayarlamalar Bitti !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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# # # # # # # # # # don't edit below this line # # # # # # # # # # #
# # # # # # # # if you don't know what you're doing # # # # # # # #
if {$numversion < "1050000"} {
putlog "you need eggdrop version >1.5 for autovoice on pubmsg script to work"
return 0
setudef flag av.pubmsg
setudef flag av.devoice
setudef int av.dtime
proc av_main {nik uhost hand chan text} {
global av_delay av_novoiceflag
set delay [expr 1 + [rand $av_delay]]
if {![string match *av_devoice* [timers]]} {timer [expr 3 + [rand 5]] av_devoice}
set chan [string tolower $chan]
if {[av_fcheck $chan] == 0} {return 0}
if {[matchattr $hand $av_novoiceflag] || [matchattr $hand |$av_novoiceflag $chan]} {
return 0
if {![isvoice $nik $chan]} {
utimer $delay [split "av_doit $chan $nik"]
proc av_doit {vchan vnick} {
global av_opvoice
if {![isvoice $vnick $vchan]} {
if {($av_opvoice == 0) && [isop $vnick $vchan]} { return 0 }
pushmode $vchan +v $vnick
proc av_devoice {} {
global av_dtime av_nodevoiceflag av_partylog
if {![string match *av_devoice* [timers]]} {timer [expr 1 + [rand 3]] av_devoice}
foreach chan [channels] {
set dtime $av_dtime
if {[av_cdtime $chan] != 0} {
set dtime [av_cdtime $chan]
set av_deoplist ""
if {[av_dcheck $chan] == 1} {
foreach user [chanlist $chan] {
set hand [nick2hand $user]
if {[matchattr $hand $av_nodevoiceflag] || [matchattr $hand |$av_nodevoiceflag $chan]} {
if {([getchanidle $user $chan] > $dtime) && [isvoice $user $chan]} {
pushmode $chan -v $user
set av_deoplist "$av_deoplist $user"
if {$av_partylog == 1} {
set count 0
foreach u $av_deoplist {
set count [expr $count + 1]
if {($count != 0)} {
putlog "-\[ av.pubmsg \]- devoicing $count users in $chan: $av_deoplist"
proc av_cdtime {chan} {
foreach info [string tolower [channel info $chan]] {
if {[lindex $info 0] == "av.dtime"} {
return [lindex $info 1]
proc av_fcheck {chan} {
foreach info [channel info $chan] {
if {[string tolower [string range $info 1 e]] == "av.pubmsg"} {
if {[string index $info 0] == "-"} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
return 0
proc av_dcheck {chan} {
foreach info [channel info $chan] {
if {[string tolower [string range $info 1 e]] == "av.devoice"} {
if {[string index $info 0] == "-"} {
return 0
} else {
return 1
return 0
set autovoice_chans ""
foreach chan [channels] {
if {[av_fcheck $chan] == 1} {
set autovoice_chans "$autovoice_chans $chan"
if {![string match *av_devoice* [timers]]} {timer [expr 3 + [rand 5]] av_devoice}
bind pubm - * av_main
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putlog "-\[ voice on pubmsg script v1.2 by aerosoul active on: $autovoice_chans \]-"
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