Kod: Kodu kopyalamak için üzerine çift tıklayın!
## Punish the people who have one of the following words in the ctcp-version reply.
set bv_versions {"atilcakv1" "atilcakv2"}
## Ask ctcp-version if user joins one of these channels.
# Note: Set this to "" to enable punishing on all channels.
#belirledigin bad versiyon belirledigin kanala girerse atilacaktir
set bv_chans "#Kanalbelirlev1"
## [0/1] If user has a lame IRC-client/script then punish him/her only on $bv_chans?
# Note: If this is set to 0 then the bot punish user on all channels where the bot and the user are.
set bv_onlynvchans 1
## What is the reason for the punishment?
set bv_reason "Dont`t use gay scripts or Gay irc clients"
## [0/1] GLine the user?
set bv_gline 1
## Ban for how long time (min)?
set bv_bantime 1440
## What users can use the nvcheck command?
set bv_chkflag "nm"
## Don't ask ctcp-version from Masters, Owners, Bots, or Ops ###istedigin nickleri koruma altina alabilirsin
set bv_globflags "m n o b"
## Don't ask ctcp-version from Masters, Owners, or Ops #
set bv_chanflags "m n o"
### Misc Things ###
set bv_ver "0.69"
### Bindings ###
bind join - * join:bv_askver
bind ctcr - VERSION ctcr:bv_ctcp
bind notc - * notc:bv_notice
bind dcc $bv_chkflag nvcheck dcc:nvcheck
### Main Procs ###
proc join:bv_askver {nick uhost hand chan} {
global botnick bv_chans bv_globflags bv_chanflags
if {[string tolower $nick] != [string tolower $botnick]} {
foreach globflag $bv_globflags { if {[matchattr $hand $globflag]} { return 1 } }
foreach chanflag $bv_chanflags { if {[matchattr $hand |$chanflag $chan]} { return 1 } }
if {($bv_chans == "") || ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $bv_chans]] [string tolower $chan]] != -1)} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $nick :\001VERSION\001"
proc ctcr:bv_ctcp {nick uhost hand dest key arg} {
global botnick bv_versions bv_globflags bv_chanflags
if {[string tolower $nick] != [string tolower $botnick]} {
foreach version $bv_versions {
if {[string match "*[string tolower $version]*" [string tolower $arg]]} {
bv_punish $nick $uhost
proc notc:bv_notice {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} {
global botnick bv_versions bv_globflags bv_chanflags
if {$dest == ""} { set dest $botnick }
if {([string tolower $nick] != [string tolower $botnick]) && ([string match "*version*" [lindex [string tolower $text] 0]])} {
foreach version $bv_versions {
if {[string match "*[string tolower $version]*" [lrange [string tolower $text] 1 end]]} {
bv_punish $nick $uhost
proc dcc:nvcheck {hand idx arg} {
set target [lindex [split $arg] 0]
putcmdlog "#$hand# nvcheck $arg"
if {$target == ""} {
putidx $idx "Usage: .nvcheck <nick|channel>"
} else {
putidx $idx "Asking ctcp-version from $target..."
putserv "PRIVMSG $target :\001VERSION\001"
### Other Procs ###
proc bv_punish {nick uhost} {
global botnick bv_chans bv_onlynvchans bv_reason bv_gline bv_bantime
set hostmask "*[string range $uhost [string first "@" $uhost] end]"
set dowhat ""
if {[string tolower $nick] != [string tolower $botnick]} {
foreach chan [channels] {
if {($bv_onlynvchans) && ([lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $bv_chans]] [string tolower $chan]] == -1)} { continue }
if {($bv_gline) && ([botisop $chan]) && ([onchan $nick $chan])} {
if {![string match "*GLINING*" $dowhat]} { lappend dowhat "glining" }
putserv "GLINE $hostmask $bv_bantime :$bv_reason"
putserv "KILL $nick :$bv_reason"
if {$dowhat != ""} {
set dowhat "-- [join $dowhat " & "]"
putlog "BADVERSION: $nick ($uhost) is using lame IRC-client/script $dowhat"
### End ###
putlog "TCL loaded: badvergline.tcl v$bv_ver "
Version Cektirmek icin ve istedigin cevapi cezalandirmak icin botuna Bu TCL yi botuna eklemen yeterlidir
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