services.conf:109: Unknown directive `HostCoreModules'
services.conf:115: Unknown directive `MemoCoreModules'
services.conf:121: Unknown directive `HelpCoreModules'
services.conf:127: Unknown directive `BotCoreModules'
services.conf:133: Unknown directive `OperCoreModules'
services.conf:139: Unknown directive `NickCoreModules'
services.conf:145: Unknown directive `ChanCoreModules'
services.conf:330: Unknown directive `NickLen'
services.conf:720: Unknown directive `NSDefAutoop'
services.conf:745: Unknown directive `NSResendDelay'
services.conf:1314: Unknown directive `OSOpersOnly'
services.conf: ServicesRoot missing
services.conf: You must define the 'ServicesRoot' configuration directive
services.conf: in your services.conf file. This is a required setting that
services.conf: defines the main Administrative nick(s) Anope will obey.
services.conf: No ServicesRoot defined
services.conf: UserKey1 missing
services.conf: UserKey2 missing
services.conf: UserKey3 missing
services.conf: Every UserKey must be different. It's for YOUR safety! Remember that!
*** Support resources: Read through the services.conf self-contained
*** documentation. Read the documentation files found in the 'docs'
*** folder. Visit our portal located at
[Üye Olmadan Linkleri Göremezsiniz. Üye Olmak için TIKLAYIN...]. Join
*** our support channel on /server irc.anope.org channel #anope.
Anope services kurdum kurulumda herhangibir sorun olmadı tamami ile web forumda yazdıgı gibi kurulumu yaptım. Ama ./services komutunu girip servisleri başlatmak istediğimdeyukarıdaki hatayı alıyorum. Soruna yönelik yardımlarınızı rica ederim.